What do you think the final solution for stopping gay marriage is going to be, since the first solution of banning it didn't work?
2016-06-21 16:46:27 UTC
What do you think the final solution for stopping gay marriage is going to be, since the first solution of banning it didn't work?
361 answers:
2016-06-21 17:26:38 UTC
Too late lol, the country is very pro gay marriage, I don;t see it going back at all, and thats perfectly fine. I'm kind of troubled by some of these answers. I guess alot of the people on yahoo are older. The younger generations are more accepting by far lol, which is another reason are country is headed toward more acceptance. Gay people aren't hurting you or anyone else. Why do you care so much about who people love? they can't help it anyways lol. As a gay person, I try really ******* hard to be cool and nice and friendly to other people to show them that me being gay doesn't make me a bad person. I just want to be looked at as normal.
2016-07-03 18:53:20 UTC
I honestly don't give a damn what the "final solution" will be since it isn't a problem and there are far bigger things in the world to worry about that the life choices of random human beings...

But if anything, the final solution would probably be genocide... which obviously will never happen because no sane person would agree to do that just because of peoples' sexual ******* orientation.

Too many ******* nutcases in this backwater world...
2016-07-05 16:29:03 UTC
The last thing we need to do is have a final solution of stopping anyone in the USA from being free. Also the gay marriage issue should be a states rights issue and they don't the majority in the state resides in, votes no then they can move somewhere it's ok.
2016-07-04 18:55:28 UTC
There is no solution. They can do whatever they want if it's legal and if you don't like that then it's your problem. Nobodys saying that your not allowed to be straight so stop trying to make people stop being gay.
2016-07-04 13:11:53 UTC
Final solutions were exterminated in 1945 by an allied coalition of armed forces.

Since then the same nations have been stomping on all such loose cockroaches.
2016-07-04 10:57:35 UTC
Donald Trump
2016-07-04 12:04:13 UTC
Gay Marriage doesn't need to be stopped, it's just like every other marriage.
2016-07-04 10:02:10 UTC
I think you should all crawl back under the rocks you came out of. Yes we wanted to be able to marry and thankfully we can now. We could always adopt or have children if we wanted that has been going on for over 20 years now. So it would be nice if all you hateful, disrespectful, inconsiderate, mean and spitefull people would just shut the **** up.
CassandraofTroy Philosopher
2016-07-05 10:39:25 UTC
The solution is obviously gay divorce. When gays find out how painful, and expensive it is they may stop getting married in the first place.
2016-07-05 17:26:58 UTC
The US is in trillions debts and some of you are so nosey you can't accept the fact that people can love whoever they want? It's because of people worry about random s**t like this that america is in debt!
2016-07-05 16:02:37 UTC
How about we focus on the extremely annoying Westboro Baptist Church that strikes about how "God hates f*gs" in the most inappropriate moments. You don't see gay people grinding when there's a funeral going on, do you? I wouldn't be surprised if you said yes, degenerate.
2016-07-04 19:09:44 UTC
Gays there is nothing wrong with gays if two girls do it it's sexy but if two guys do it it's nasty shut up be happy for the person you are
2016-07-05 06:48:57 UTC
I think a better question is what ends will the Jewish lead, gay movement do next to demand society to priortize their agenda above all else?
2016-07-03 17:38:54 UTC
Why would you want to deny the scumbag lawyers and judges the money they are stealing to divorce married gay couples? What is wrong with you!
2016-07-04 02:04:42 UTC
I'm sorry but I find it bothersome that you people care so much about other people's intimate relationships.
2016-07-04 07:20:07 UTC
For bigots to realize that it's none of their concern.
2016-07-05 11:12:28 UTC
Never Trump
2016-07-05 08:19:11 UTC
Is to start doing anus test and any detected one's should be jail in life imprisonment.
2016-06-29 13:30:39 UTC
I'm convinced that if police could tell BY SIGHT which of us were gay,

they would be killing us in the same ways that they are engaging in genocide

of black Americans.
2016-06-29 01:50:06 UTC
What about not caring about gay marriage, because it doesn't affect me and there's much bigger things to worry about?
2016-06-27 03:13:23 UTC
The 15 amendment.

Prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

does not say anything about discriminating based on sexual orientation.

19th amendment based on gender, again not sexual preference.

Long shot. But the GOP has experience defining the constitution according too what they want.

Odds are low if another liberal goes too supreme court.

You can't vote you have no power. Even if you can vote, not much there either.
Warren T
2016-06-25 20:37:25 UTC
2016-06-25 06:08:11 UTC
I don't know
2016-06-23 22:43:05 UTC
I believe it will help with world population? Right
2016-06-23 04:24:14 UTC
There is no solution. America is an extremely godless country, despite its pretense to being a "god country". In fact, it was under Bush that gay marriage was heavily promoted and began to be legalized even though the Republicans used the issue to con Iowa voters into voting for them even while their biggest supporters and financial backers (Disney, Time Warner etc..) were heavily funding the gay-marriage movement.
2016-06-22 15:09:14 UTC
The gay community will beg to have the whole issue repealed once the Divorce Suits start flying. Just kidding. It's the settled law of the land, and a non-issue anyway. We as a country have much more important fish to fry.
Linda R
2016-06-22 12:31:50 UTC
To get the US Supreme Court to reverse their decision, last year, of making same-sex marriages legal.

However, EACH state can accept the law or not.
2016-06-22 10:43:33 UTC
Seems like you're on a crusade of bigotry and/or hate... why not let others live their lives and you go about living your own life in peace? It's not your business what others choose to do with their lives, or what they do or don't do in the privacy of their homes and bedrooms. You're only making yourself miserable.
2016-06-22 06:57:52 UTC
What a slanted and bigoted question. Like " how do you stop Johnny from killing his mother"?

First of all, it is anyone's right to get married. Whom he marries is really no one's business as long as the

answer is---consensual. Not Like a child or animal or mentally ill person.

This also assumes everyone wants to stop gay marriage- which I don't. I was happily married to the person of my choosing. I wish that same happiness for anyone who can stand it.

Banning things has little effect on people not doing it. See "prohibition."See the "40 years of drug war' See teen pregnancy.

Once religion loses its brainwashing grip on living healthy humans, people will find a way to do what they want.

YOU do not have to participate. You can refuse to marry anyone but your parent's choice-like in the bible, or

you can remain a virgin - so your property value is increased-like in the bible. Or you can marry whom you want and leave others to do the same.

You can also have all the babies you body will make and afford them or not, sick or not, just die pregnant - if ou want to. I myself am thrilled that I had 2 sons that I wanted and a legal, safe abortion for a future child I conceived by trickery. I didn't even know the donor's last name but he knew about date-rape drugs. He didn't deserve to have his genes in the human gene pool. So they aren't. He may still be alive but I don't care. I never felt guilty for getting rid of that error - anymore than erasing on a computer-generated test.

Try repealing interracial marriage while you are at it- take us back to the "good old days" when white straight people ran everything.
2016-06-21 19:50:49 UTC
Nothing. They wanted the right to get married and now they got it. they wanted the right to adopt kids and now they got it. they say they wanted to be treated like everyone else and now they got it. I just need them gays to shut the **** up now and stop bitching and feeling like the world owes them something. They seem to always want special treatment... but thats just my opinion.
2016-06-21 18:01:18 UTC
Move to Uganda or Afghanistan.
2016-07-02 15:26:27 UTC
go back to your bible and seek forgiveness for your evil thoughts and trying to control others
2016-07-02 10:16:07 UTC
Thick ****
2016-07-01 04:40:48 UTC
Round up all the homophobes. sTERILISE THEM SO THEY CANNOT produce andy gay childeren, then stick em on a deserted island in the middle of no where. They can then have their warped twisted ideal of only allowing certain people to marry, and will gradually die out like the diinosaaurs, asdn the rest of the world can get on with ev\oling to being a more civilised, humane place. Win win solution for all involved :)
2016-06-29 07:07:43 UTC
A gay or heterosexual getting married have nothing to do with me. You select the person you want to get married to be that a person of the opposite sex or the same sex.

The government should not be involved in any thing that is personal in nature, such as who you have sex with or if you are able to get an abortion or not. These are not government functions.

The final solution should be a decision made by the individuals that are getting married.

I have no stake in who a person marry. It does not affect me negatively or positively.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2016-06-29 02:10:08 UTC
By having a full LGBT cleansing. Only then will their cries for "equality" be silenced. Once again we will have tranquility in a Godly society. Stay faithful, Christian friend.
2016-06-28 06:04:55 UTC
Take the word marriage out of it completely. Marriage is a religious ceremony. The government should issue civil union certificates to anyone who is willing to pay for them. They can have a set duration or be indefinite. They can be between anyone, and even more than two people. It would establish inheritance rights and insurability. It would also prevent suing churches. If you find a church that will marry you then great; just don't force one to.
2016-06-27 20:52:27 UTC
Big Spider on Your Pillow
2016-06-25 22:31:58 UTC
Pestilence that would make AIDS and HIV seem like headcolds
2016-06-25 01:06:35 UTC

You really need to google the phrase

"final solution"

and see what you get.

...Unless that is the kind of imagery you are trying to evoke...
2016-06-24 23:17:39 UTC
Ut oh. Someone missed the 1980s.
2016-06-24 09:55:05 UTC
find something that is actually worth fighting against

love is not always easy to find and hold on to.

live and let live
2016-06-24 01:37:21 UTC
Should we stop straight people from getting married, too? Just wondering what your thoughts are on the idea of all marriage being banned.
2016-06-23 18:03:34 UTC
Wait until everyone who is afraid of it dies off.
2016-06-23 17:23:58 UTC
Does it matter, let it fly the goverment should not be in the bed room to begin with anyways.
2016-06-23 06:11:33 UTC
Final solutions don't pan out well...ask Hitler!
2016-06-23 00:45:02 UTC
there are 3 sets of "laws" here at play, there are Gdos laws, in which HE chooses to let us follow them, and being gay is aginst him, but that is Your choice (are you immoral?, then there are Mans laws , while (again) it is your choice now to CHOOSE to be "gay", it is still immoral, and then there are natures laws , where IF you Choose to be immoral you can get aids, or STD ... its your "Choice"... me I choose Gods laws
2016-06-22 20:33:22 UTC
Ban gay divorce.

Seriously the only way to stop gay marriage is to remove the word gay and just call it marriage.
2016-06-22 06:08:19 UTC
Why are conservatives so obsessed with stopping gay marriage?

I don't care what grown folks do in their bedroom, and neither should you.
2016-06-21 20:52:15 UTC
I think the supreme court needs to reverse 2015's gay marriage asap. That's what the final solution should be. It just goes to show you AGAIN how much democrats don't care about the constitution (that document that's there to prevent tyranny and to grant citizens their basic rights). There was nothing unconstitutional about states choosing whether or not to prohibit gay marriage. Gay marriage advocates just didn't like it. That doesn't mean they should be the only ones to decide whether to change marriage law. It was unconstitutional for the US supreme court to write into marriage law...that's what it essentially did with the gay marriage decision. The problem is the constitution doesn't grant the supreme court legislative power. The supreme court can only throw out a law or a part of a law that they deem unconstitutional. Instead they took marriage law and added gay marriage to it while still excluding polygamous marriages and other marriages...cherry-picking.
2016-06-21 17:03:36 UTC
It's law now, and this argument is over. Just like you couldn't stop interracial marriages, you can't stop this either.
2016-07-02 17:20:48 UTC
Invited more Scottish people over,they love to stab people in the back:-P
2016-07-02 12:04:05 UTC
Can't be stopped.
2016-06-30 20:17:50 UTC
Gays have always been around, just that they used to just get along and zip the lip. The answer to your question is "divorce". Marriages these days last up to 10 years, second marriages last maybe 5 years, and third marriages can last up to six weeks or less. Don't fret, this will get solved. They'll solve it on their own.
2016-06-29 07:27:01 UTC
How do we stop people like you from having offspring??
2016-06-27 21:58:47 UTC
I think we should be issuing sex stamps for individual acts of carnality. Then you slap the stamp (which is six-inch square) by the corner (gum cement) of his butt. You would buy your stamps as easily as condoms. If we cannot stop it, we can regulate it. Your partner must permit you to buy the stamps.

Once he has the stamps, no rape is possible. This would gently nudge them into matrimony, which works on a similar basis.
2016-06-26 22:38:12 UTC
Throw it out of your mind and then it is not a problem.
2016-06-26 12:46:29 UTC
We seriously have bigger problems than this.... like having to choose between Trump or Clinton as our president.
2016-06-24 22:21:44 UTC
You come on here and sound like some kind of Nazi with your 'final solution'.

why don't you take a running jump off the Empire State building in NYC and do us all a favor?

2016-06-24 17:39:30 UTC
Stopping gay marriage by banning it is like stopping adultery or gossiping by banning it. Laws have tried that, adultery laws alienation of affection and Liable laws. But people still do it. Someone said, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" and gossipers, adulterers and gay people are all neighbors. Also, it was said,"Let the Tares (bad sinful people) grow up right alongside the wheat (Godly humble servants forgiven and redeemed) and , in the end, judgement will be meted out AFTER DEATH. Oh, it s NOT your JOB to judge but to LOVE all God s humanity, in order to save SOME. Hope that creates a new paradigm and perspective for ya.
2016-06-24 14:57:20 UTC
Well, strangely enough i was watching this futurologist predicting that we should use genetic manipulation to help enhance mankind for the future? You know manipulation to prevent psychotic people, murderers the criminal minded etc. How he thought this could be achieved by some universal consensus or even that why people would think his ethics were good enough to be able to decide ( unless his genes are somehow superior?) are as good as anyone guess, but anyhow you could use genetic manipulation if that way inclined.
2016-06-23 14:07:55 UTC
Not saying I approve of it but: "More Orlando style shootings". No, I never agree with violence to remedy any situation. However law makers will never go along with banning gay marriage. The world is changing.
2016-06-23 06:09:52 UTC
2016-06-23 01:16:35 UTC
Why should it be stopped? Don't justify banning by invoking the God myth. Let your Muslim brothers do that.
2016-06-22 20:31:05 UTC
Telling yourself it doesn't really matter, that who ***** who is trivial.
The First Dragon
2016-06-22 00:53:28 UTC
We just have to recognize that, aside from a minority, marriage does not exist in the US anymore. From a legal point of view, what we call marriage is no more than a civil union, basically non-binding.
Donnie Doom
2016-06-21 20:48:56 UTC
Let more Muslims immigrate, that is the American's secret plan to kill all gays.
2016-06-21 18:34:03 UTC
Show pat robertsons butt sexx videos
2016-06-21 18:02:49 UTC
Why stop them? They have just as much right to be miserable as the married straights.
2016-06-21 16:48:47 UTC
Telling ppl who don't support gay marriage not to marry a gay person
2016-07-01 09:23:32 UTC
accepting it a sort of mental sickness and abeeration like we tolerate eccentrics and deviants and non conformists
2016-06-30 18:52:39 UTC
2016-06-29 11:28:06 UTC
Point out to people that it's inherently illogical.
2016-06-27 17:56:04 UTC
As long as the Earth endures, there will be gay marriage.
2016-06-24 22:10:03 UTC
2016-06-24 17:46:06 UTC
Homosexuality has been around for an extremely long time, remember Sodom? Just like many other sins such as adultery, lying, greed, lust mankind or being human is to be subject to sin and temptation and thus yielding to that temptation(s). So in short there is no final solution to homosexuality or any other sin until the End Days when God's Judgement falls upon the whole world and each person will answer for their sins whatever they may be.

My own opinion is that God wants us not to act as judges of each other but rather to concern ourselves with our own self and our own shortcomings. But that's my own opinion.
2016-06-24 16:23:53 UTC
Why do you need to stop it? If people are happy leave them be, they're people too. How would you feel if people were trying to ban straight marriages? It's just the same to them as it is to you. Love has no limits.
Mr. Wizard
2016-06-23 22:39:01 UTC
If the LGBT(Q) community is still forcing their "new normal" socio-agenda on us, then it's evident they're afraid of federal and state level pro-gay lifestyle laws being rescinded,

Both sides of the hot-button issue currently are resting; look for them to politically clash again later this year....and this time, I'm hedging bets the anti-LGBT activists will land some crippling victories in the courtroom.

Fairly soon, the LBGT( Q ) community is going to find out they really don't have the huge support percentage numbers they're being led to believe exist.
2016-06-23 16:27:06 UTC
Gay divorce, which end them being gay at all, we will have to come up with a new nick name for homosexuals now
2016-06-23 14:58:34 UTC
Stop both, straight, and gay, marriages, all together. No more arguements.
answer boy
2016-06-22 11:16:16 UTC
There is no need for a solution, let it be. Don't understand why people want to interfere so much in someone else's life. Who exactly are Gays hurting...nobody!
Tad Dubious
2016-06-22 10:21:26 UTC
Oh, that horse is out of the barn, King. What is the harm in two people in love marrying? We need to love one another, as the good book says. There is no solution needed if there is no problem - we just have to accept it.
2016-06-22 04:55:21 UTC
Just don't issue marriage licenses.
2016-06-22 01:16:46 UTC
You Cannot Ban a Natural occurrence gays are conceived in the womb you will have more Luck in turning down the Temperature of the Sun
2016-06-22 00:48:05 UTC
We should live and let others live. I am straight but I've never felt like anyone's marriage to any other stranger could ever bother me. How does it affect my life? Why would it bother me that someone wants to be happy? If they don't give me drama and they don't get frustrated, they don't complain because they have the same rights then life is easier for everyone. It's a win-win situation.
2016-06-22 00:16:09 UTC
The final solution? The solution is stfu! If homosexuals want to get married who are you to stop them? I'm damn sure if someone tried to take away your rights to marriage there would be far more disruption and hateful words! These protests for human rights are often peaceful and about love and exceptance. So you can sit there with your freedom of choice and stop trying to strip it away from others. This country is so full of selfish pig headed morons. You can't take away the rights you yourself have. Hypocrites. I support all Gay Rights! LOVE IS LOVE! Stop this prejudice judging!
2016-06-21 23:58:03 UTC
Just ignore it and concentrate on sorting yourself out.
2016-06-21 19:45:54 UTC
There isn't one
2016-06-21 16:49:57 UTC
Sadly, the cause is lost. America continues to incur the wrath of God, as does the rest of the world. Soon probation will end, and those that are clean will be clean, and those that are not will be forever lost. I tremble for those that mock God and I tremble at the cost this nation will bear for our continued slide into immorality. Seek Jesus Christ while there is still time to be saved by the blood of The Lamb!
2016-06-21 16:47:49 UTC
Seems to me the solution is to embrace and celebrate two consenting adults who commit to loving and caring for each other for love.

You seem to think it's a problem, but it isn't. You don't want a gay marriage, don't have one. But you don't have the right to stop others.
2016-07-01 12:13:56 UTC
The "final solution" is what hitler called getting rid of Jews. I don't completely agree with gay marriage, but it's not my choice. Don't target them. They don't choose to be gay. And especially don't be racist just because of there sexuality.
2016-06-29 09:39:40 UTC
Blind blang
2016-06-27 23:33:33 UTC
How about homophobic people can stop involving their lives in gay people's lives, that would solve so much! It shouldn't even be an issue
2016-06-26 12:55:39 UTC
What's your issue with gays? You f***ing sicko!
2016-06-25 21:56:49 UTC
I personally don't care if gay's are marry as long as they don't mess with me cause in the end only GOD Can Judge
2016-06-24 05:17:56 UTC
How about stop trying to find a solution for gay marriage and maybe try and find one for obesity and racism, and homophobia? Just get over it please! So what? they can get married! How do you know God or anyone else doesn't like it? They are human beings and deserve rights and respect, and the rest of us are tying to have a normal life without you trying to bring even more hate into the world.
Lilly Fuller
2016-06-23 14:07:53 UTC
There is no reason to stop gay marriage ....... live and let live!
2016-06-23 11:07:04 UTC
Why does anyone really care in the end. For one -even though the technically it is misinterpreted as it was actually meant more literally- if one believes in the most well-known meaning of "separation of church and state" whose business is it to control what two people decide to do with their lives and what commitments they want to make? Why do you really care? People sin in many ways. For those that are against it religiously, is not illegal to have an affair. Why aren't you against that? I know one reason many aren't. Because they do it. And then they suddenly are against this. Why you do you really care. It's their life.
2016-06-23 09:25:44 UTC
Since this country is built on differences, I think we need to let others be happy and if they want to marry and have a legal union, then why not. . .Let others be and worry more about what you do.
2016-06-23 05:47:46 UTC
Guys... this asker is quite obviously joking please calm yourselves...
2016-06-22 19:19:52 UTC
I never heard of any gay people forming groups to interfere with the Rights of any Americans. Unlike you. I think the "Final Solution" to bigotry would be to eliminate, deport, or intern people like you.
2016-06-22 14:25:40 UTC
Who is the designated pink apron wearing/pot pie maker.
2016-06-22 10:15:08 UTC
When Jesus sets up his one-world government in about 8 or 9 years, there won't be any openly homosexual people.
2016-06-22 09:19:39 UTC
It's not fair on the children that gay married couples may adopt, they are perverting society and causing it's destruction
2016-06-22 02:47:18 UTC
How to fix this? Simple send all the christ stains over to the middle east to be closer to jeebus and allah so they can see what a country run by religion is like.

Gay marriage only affects those who are gay and want to marry. If gay marriage is destroying your heterosexual marriage $20 says one of you wasn't heterosexual to begin with.

This country has a serious religious problem more than anything. People died last week and for less than a week the "wholesome" "loving" christians said "WAIT WAIT WAIT WE DON'T SUPPORT THAT!" now they're back to their same pseudo muslim garbage.

Remove people's right to marriage? Ban their sexual orientation? What's next? Hurka durka jeebus jihad all will kneel before biblical gawd aloha snackbar!
2016-06-22 02:43:37 UTC
You cant. This is one of the signs of the Hour. When men would be allowed to openly lay

with men.
2016-06-21 22:46:01 UTC
Let people live!!!!!! Life is to short to be worrying about other peoples lives! Worry about u and how ur gunna eat, sleep, ****, shower, be clothed, LIVE!!!!
2016-06-21 20:35:13 UTC
It's the world and you can't deny the world worldly things, but it will deny God every chance it gets. In the final analysis the world will deny itself by it's own hand.
2016-06-21 16:48:54 UTC
Well, the final solution was supposed to be representation in the government, as per our national law, but the liberal Supreme Court trumped that somehow and just overturned every courtroom according to its own will.
2016-06-21 16:47:41 UTC
Why would we want to prohibit Americans from being happy?

It's a right in the constitution.
2016-07-03 06:13:50 UTC

if you are a man or women you should respect their option in life even God not agree
2016-06-29 16:13:39 UTC
Is this question a joke?
2016-06-28 23:30:14 UTC
A complete bloodbath.
2016-06-28 13:30:42 UTC
2016-06-28 11:19:49 UTC
2016-06-28 07:21:33 UTC
2016-06-27 17:58:31 UTC
This is like your third question about gay people...
2016-06-27 05:33:07 UTC
Banning it actually did work because gay people couldn't get married for a long time. It's just that they stopped being so close-minded and uptight about everything and unbanned it.
2016-06-24 12:36:50 UTC
All you people answering are ******* idiots. This is a troll
2016-06-24 10:49:50 UTC
First off, if you don't like that the constitution prevents you from discriminating against ANYONE then leave the country, simple as that. You would be doing the United States a favor.
2016-06-24 02:45:56 UTC
The best way would for you to leave planet earth but that's just me.
2016-06-23 22:01:20 UTC
I think the level of trolling - has slipped to the Mariana trench level, but, can you see hell from there? is what i want to know...

To answer your question. No., Jesus never instituted that, so its not the final soluton.

Ok then?
2016-06-23 08:25:25 UTC
The death of course.
2016-06-22 21:43:29 UTC
Request the churchmen to come out for motivation.
2016-06-22 12:48:01 UTC
The final solution is acceptance of gay marriage by society.

Why should society restrict the happiness of any couple without good cause?
2016-06-22 11:30:47 UTC
Let me guess. Thrown at a wall as a child used as ball for shovel tennis than had 70% of your blood drained?
2016-06-22 07:58:27 UTC
The final solution is to get new justices appointed to the supreme court that believe in following the constitution.The liberals that ruled in favor of gay marriage need to be replaced so that last year's decision can be overturned. There is nothing in the constitution about marriage, so its a state issue.Last year's scotus decision on gay marriage violated the constitution.
2016-06-22 07:44:13 UTC
Marriage does not have a sexual orientation: there is no such thing as gay marriage. Marriage is a human right. It belongs to no particular religion nor to religion at all. It has and more or less always has been more of a civil contract than a religious ceremony. Do you want atheists to be forbidden to marry as well? Because marriage is a human right and gay people are human beings and gay rights are human rights gay people have the right to marry. I have been with my partner for 20 years. I wonder how many "religious marriages" have even lasted that long. Neither you nor the myth system in which you have been raised to believe in have any right to prevent anyone from marrying. You do not own marriage.
2016-06-22 04:40:10 UTC
Bible says aversion.
2016-06-21 19:26:43 UTC
shara lee
2016-07-02 01:07:36 UTC
Hopefully nothing!!

I myself am a lesbian and I'm proud to be one, I don't understand why I shouldn't be aloud to marry the person whom I love and whom loves me back, It's not like gay marriage is going to make a big difference a lot of us are together for a very long time and have the life of a married couple the only thing is that we aren't aloud to officially marry one another, Marriage is a way to profess your love for one another and it sickens me to think I may never get the chance to call the person whom I am so much inlove my wife..

Gay marriage isn't going to make a difference because WE ARE STILL GAY!! even tho we can officially marry someone and it's not like heterosexual marriage has made a difference either, Everyone deserves to be happy
2016-07-01 07:05:08 UTC
You stupid
2016-06-29 05:18:03 UTC
The final solution would be for redneck idiots like you to move to Alaska and be ripped apart by wolves.
luisa l hi
2016-06-29 00:48:30 UTC
2016-06-28 23:11:23 UTC
2016-06-28 19:50:38 UTC
you should have a gang bang with a few gay guys
2016-06-28 13:43:59 UTC
Having fun in general swimming hired meedddd
2016-06-26 15:08:07 UTC
Think of it this way... If more people marry other people of the same sex, adoption rates could very well increase.
2016-06-26 10:10:38 UTC
Try not to let it bother you.

If they really just wanted equal treatment, they would be a lot more mature than they have been (not so much every single gay, but the LGBT).

But they haven't been. There have been better ways around getting what they wanted without rubbing the right's nose in it. I'm not saying the right doesn't deserve to be punished, but I kind of feel that a lot of these gay activists are spoiled children and miserable people who really just want to get revenge against conservative white America. It's not until a muslim (cough cough CIA Cop working for a company that's been at every false flag mass shooting and has connections to Israel. Yeah, it was gonna support BDS until Israel helped pull this off) shoots up a gay bar that maybe, just maybe, you're redneck neighbor that hurt your feelings and those Christian bakers who refused to bake you cake don't seem so bad.

For gays who've been truly oppressed, I am sorry. That is not the Christian or American thing to do. But you have to acknowledge that some of this is on the left's fault, too. They like to use the gay movement to simply go to war with everything old fashioned under the sun, and basically make the right hate you more.

So, to answer your problem what the final solution is for dealing with gay marriage? You can't stop it, but you can take away their power by not letting them hurt you or see you cry. They basically want revenge against some undefined enemy, an amalgamation of people who have hurt them in the past, outrageous politicians who's bark is worse than their bite, their parents, and the Bible.

Most of them act like they survived the holocaust, but they haven't. Most of the act like they're the mature and Christian (yet anti christian) Martin Luther King, but they're not.

You should pray for them. The very corporate establishment the left wanted to oppose all this time has infiltrated the "grass roots" left, IMHO. The left was created to originally keep the right wing fascists in check. Now, they've been infiltrated by corporate Anita's and Zoe's of the world, and basically turn what the left could have been into a controlled opposition of trouble makers. Their stupidity and race baiting and PC gone mad is gonna harden the hearts of even some of their fellow liberals, and their crying wolf will make people sneer and look the other way when something legitimately racist or sexist actually happens.

Some of this is their fault, because they do the same to people who've been raped by Economic Migrants from the Middle East. Maybe it's because they know that people on the right wing will use it to justify racism, religious fanaticism, and even violence and genocide against Muslims who had nothing to do with it (many of whom are the victims of ISIS) and that strengthens the military industrial complex.

In truth, the establishment left and right are on the same team.

When you can feel sorry for and forgive your enemy, knowing they're getting screwed by a common enemy, they loose the means and motivations to hurt you. And that is true compassion and maturity.

So do what the Bible says. Love your enemy. Pray for them, not out of weakness but strength.
2016-06-25 12:49:04 UTC
''Move to Uganda or Afghanistan.''this is the best answer
2016-06-25 06:13:01 UTC
maybe everybody learning to accept gay society
2016-06-23 08:20:19 UTC
God dealt with it at Sodom and Gommorah, He will again
Toby Yawn
2016-06-22 16:40:02 UTC
There won't be one hopefully. Legally all marriage is, is paying a tax. Marriage is a symbol bond between a man and a woman in the eyes of God. As long as Christian remember that. It shouldn't matter if gays get legally married. Let them pay taxes. I mean why should we live in a world or country well people who are not religious can get marry only because they are a straight couple. Meanwhile gays can't. That throws any angerments of God or the Bible out the window. PS I am a Christian.
Bow Before Zardoz!
2016-06-22 12:33:10 UTC
Elect someone who cares, but there doesnt seem to be anyone foolish enough to fight such a losing battle
2016-06-22 10:24:52 UTC
You don't. You say America is a free country, yet we all discriminate for people being anything but what we are used to. it is the 21st century, why are we still sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, and against so many religions. If we are a free country why are we against women? Gays? Transgenders? Mexicans? African-Americans? Muslims? Immigrants? We say we are free, but apparently it is only if you are a straight, white, cis, male, Christian, who is middle or upper class. We say we are free, yet we ban anything that is different from what we see on a day-to-day basis. Gay marriage should not be illegal, because we are bragging to everyone that we are the land of the free, yet we are still banning US citizens from their basic human rights.
2016-06-22 07:31:43 UTC
2016-06-22 04:49:07 UTC
They should have a referendum on it but that would cost a lot of money.
2016-06-22 02:10:43 UTC
There is never a "final solution" to any matter of politics.
2016-06-21 20:28:55 UTC
the return of Jesus Christ
2016-06-21 19:06:43 UTC
You shouldn't try to stop it because you shouldn't even care. Is it affecting your life if a couple of dudes get it on in their bedroom? It shouldn't and if you really care that much move to the Middle East where they murder gays just because they're attracted to other men. Someone's sexual orientation isn't enough to hate them or murder them. Just let them be them Jesus f***ing Christ. Also gays shouldn't even be wanting to get married in the first place since marriage is religious and God himself (according to the Bible, doubt he even exists) is against it and hates gays.
2016-06-29 23:36:32 UTC
you should go shoot yourself in the head, or quit minding other peoples business. the truth is all you so called conservative christians are the real problem. What the **** is it to you if two people who love each other get married you ******* bigot?
2016-06-29 18:43:47 UTC
Do tell, what's it like living without a functioning brain??? What's it like on your planet??
They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage
2016-06-28 15:16:10 UTC
Claiming they were never against gay marriage in the first place and that it was actually the Democrats who were behind all that.
2016-06-27 10:40:19 UTC
Yes, there is a hint of humour in your question, which we can all appreciate.
2016-06-25 03:40:28 UTC
I am always wary of final solutions - germany had final solutions.
2016-06-24 10:02:27 UTC
That is the only way... Yet there's no way to make that happen as there's just not enough people.. They're all homos
2016-06-23 22:43:53 UTC
Same as Hitlers "final solution"
2016-06-23 19:00:09 UTC
I don't think there will be one anytime soon, since everyone is so involved in approving it and "Equal rights for everyone". Eventually, in probably about a half a century or longer, there will probably be another attempt at banning it.
2016-06-23 08:43:35 UTC
they are bastards.
2016-06-22 21:28:02 UTC
If gays want to commit the same mistakes that straights do ,let them go ahead ,who cares!!!
2016-06-22 20:17:08 UTC
You say that as though there's something is wrong with that.
2016-06-22 16:31:11 UTC
Gay marriage will never end. If you don't want to deal with it move to a taliban-ruled part of Afghanistan or into ISIS's territory, or else put up with it and get out of the 19th century.
2016-06-22 14:09:33 UTC
The first step is to admit you're gay.
2016-06-22 11:21:37 UTC
2016-06-22 10:16:15 UTC
How about live and let live?
2016-06-22 06:42:27 UTC
The Supreme court has to overrule all or part of their decision on same sex marriage.

Marriage is a contract under the statute of frauds and meets all the requires of a valid contract.
2016-06-22 04:48:33 UTC
Why do you care are you a child of a gay marriage gone bad,how is gay marriage affecting you
2016-06-21 21:34:56 UTC
You've lost. Gay marriage is legal and will remain legal. Gay adoption too. LGBTQIA rights will only expand as Hillary will win and select 3-4 liberal supreme court justices and pack the lower federal courts with more liberal judges. It will be quite easy for her when the senate is retaken by democrats. Get over it. The final solution will one day be the courts banning religious child abuse and indoctrination and enforcing real educations based on fact, logic, science for all kids so homophobia no longer exists.
2016-06-21 19:01:59 UTC
Convince the gay guys not to discriminate against the female lesbians and visa versa. They travel in the same circles , all they have to do is start dating and learn to respect each other and it will lead to deeper relationship and marriage and a family. True love is deeper than physical appearance.
poop suckers
2016-06-21 16:48:03 UTC
The way to stop gay marriage is to stop calling it "Gay Marriage". It's just MARRIAGE. Done. Gay marriage is OVER!

Edit: Lets call it "White marriage" "Black marriage" "Jewish marriage" "Interracial marriage". Everyone should be special too like the people who get to get Gay Married. Downvote away. It's special treatment and it's wrong.
2016-07-03 08:39:49 UTC
Islamization. After all, none of the Muslim countries have gay marriage. The conservative ones usually throw gay men in jail, stone them, or throw them off buildings; their lesbians are either unacknowledged or raped and then married off to the rapist in order to 'cure the disease'. Even the most liberal Muslim countries, while not blatantly trespassing on human rights, will usually ignore topic of homosexuality.
2016-07-03 08:24:43 UTC
It won't be stopped. We cannot deny one segment of the population the right that other segments enjoy because some people don't approve of it.
2016-06-29 21:39:22 UTC
It is a waste of energy to fight it.
2016-06-29 11:20:56 UTC
This is a state issue. One more place that the Federal government is overstepping its authority. The Feds ONLY get to do what is in the enumerated powers. Telling the states what they can do about marriage is unconstitutional.
2016-06-28 10:08:29 UTC
kill all the fairies!
2016-06-27 03:17:47 UTC
Privatising gay marriage and allowing the freedom for gays to marry and the freedom for conservatives/religious people to decline to participate and service in gay wedding ceremonies.
2016-06-25 08:57:47 UTC
You will see a dramatic change as the "fad" dies off. Many do it because it is cool and gets attention. Many will see that their first love was not true love. Biologically, anatomically, and logically males and females were designed to "fit"
2016-06-23 05:58:42 UTC
I don't see the point of the question.
2016-06-22 14:38:57 UTC
2016-06-22 14:20:49 UTC
If I may ask what do you think it would be?
2016-06-22 12:18:53 UTC
Kicking people in the nuts.
2016-06-22 11:40:31 UTC
It's 2016 why are we still battling such closed minded situations. I thought that by now everyone can accept everyone for who they love whether male or female.
2016-06-22 09:26:22 UTC
Only a self loathing homosexual would still be beating this dead horse. It is ok. You are allowed to be gay. No one will really care.
2016-06-22 08:25:45 UTC
2016-06-22 07:57:33 UTC
Dont know
2016-06-22 06:30:36 UTC
It might solve the population explosion problem.
2016-06-22 03:25:33 UTC
Hard to say since gay is the new black in America.
2016-06-21 23:21:28 UTC
You cannot stop it because a great deal support it. If you want it to stop, go to a country where it isn't legal, that would be the majority of Muslim countries and a great deal of Christian African countries. The only thing I give religion credit for is the sculptures and history it has produced from people dedicating their work to it. Mummies/afterlife=religion, tall statues and temples of Rome=religion, Leonardo's the Last Supper=Religion. But religion has also been used to justify killing many people.
Rodney James
2016-06-21 17:28:07 UTC
What's wrong with gay marriage? I don't see anything wrong with it myself.
2016-06-21 16:51:47 UTC
Look at all the countries that failed due to gay marriage, Rome, Greece, Spain, England, Nazis, the list goes on and on.
2016-06-28 02:07:49 UTC
I don't think gay marriage will be banned in the .U.S. ever. We have evolved, as a nation, to realize that people have choices, especially when it involves consenting adults and no one is harmed.
2016-06-27 03:51:03 UTC
2016-06-26 22:08:44 UTC
Nothing. People being gay is in no way effecting you so chill the **** out
2016-06-24 10:35:16 UTC
Off-topic, but ReneeGade made an interesting point. Wouldn't making abortions completely illegal be detrimental for those who have conceived through trickery? The question doesn't seem so black-and-white to me in situations like this.

Getting back to the topic at hand, religious zealots will always try to tell you you re not living the way the Bible says you should, even though most of them probably ignore the teachings of the Bible themselves. I have a hard time taking people seriously when they want to behave like hypocrites and/or shove their personal beliefs (emphasis on the word PERSONAL) down everybody's throat. Not everyone wants to live like that, and forgive me for differing, but wouldn't this world be rather dull if everyone was exactly alike? Thanks, but no thanks.

That said, a person's choice of life mate really doesn't affect me in the least. As long as they keep me out of their escapades, I always have been and will always be happy for them. :) To me, mainstream religion is just another excuse for people to make themselves feel superior to others.
2016-06-24 07:12:13 UTC
the solution to gay marriage is to accept it...if you are not gay don't get gay married... it in no way effects you.
2016-06-24 05:17:10 UTC
Troll. Final solution? See you at the Wannsee conference.
2016-06-24 03:47:52 UTC
Other people's f***ing is nobody else's f***ing business.

Hmm. "Final solution". Now where have I heard that before...?
2016-06-23 22:43:26 UTC
Well, we could use the FINAL SOLUTION.
2016-06-23 19:12:13 UTC
I guess that it will fall down to 1 of these 6 outlays:

A. Gay marriage will eventually become illegal, with risk of being fined, charged or imprisoned.

B. Everything that the gay couple apply for, will only be the value of a single guy all by himself.

C. Over time, the civil partnership standard, will simply just be taken in the exact same way as 2 twins work, apart from the differences in their genetics, looks, age gaps and date of birth records.

D. 1 of the 2 gay couple people will be forced to look plus act feminine or have a sex change.

E. Gay marriages will just end up being forced to become foster parents, as for their share and contribution of child caring in society.

F. For every gay couple, there lies a lesbian couple, with the intention to get both sets married together as a bunch of 4.
2016-06-23 12:51:58 UTC
2016-06-23 04:48:25 UTC
they'll probably die off....once they realize they can't reproduce...
2016-06-23 00:43:45 UTC
Because marriage always has been an institution of the church, it's impossible for gay people to be married, because the church does not support homosexuality.

And the supreme court overstepped it's bounds by making gay marriage legal. It should be kept at the state level like the constitution says.
Andy F
2016-06-22 16:54:01 UTC
Why are you asking about a "final solution" here?

AFAIK, what Hitler tried to do in the Holocaust was what he he called a "final solution" to the so-called Jewish problem. I think you should use a different phrase here, so we all know you're not calling for genocide. Genocide is a far worse violation of human and/or divine law than gay marriage.

To answer your question --

I hope that most Americans will embrace the libertarian / conservative value of INDIVIDUALISM and tolerance for other people exercising their free choice on questions like who to marry. So I hope this society won't stop gay marriage, because I don't think it really hurts anyone.

It does offend some people's religious beliefs - but there's nothing in the US Constitution that says Americans all have to have the same religious beliefs.

"Judge not, lest you be judged."

-- democratic socialist / former member, evangelical Bible study group
2016-06-22 16:14:41 UTC
Josh can this world ever have peace I think they should give it a chance make it legal I think it's the step in the right direction personally I don't agree with it
2016-06-22 13:40:21 UTC
You Know . . .
2016-06-22 13:27:18 UTC
The way these answers read here is that the original question is coming from a bigoted individual, or simply someone who asks a question. Thus why are most of you accusing him or her for having their own opinion, and so what if they disagree with gay marriage, it's no business of yours!
2016-06-22 06:19:29 UTC
it is a states rights issue, just like it is the right of a person to choose where they want to live... the citizens of the individual states need to decide what they want. The homosexuals want the benefits of a marriage contract but not the purpose of it: Sure they may "love" their partner but it is un natural... the pieces of the puzzle do not fit... that should be a clue why it isnt meant to be...Sodomy use to be a CRIME now it is a ...RIGHT????
2016-06-22 06:07:21 UTC
its going to be the same solution in the end.

putting an end to abuse of the very same laws and protections white western societies ALONE afford to others. where corrupt politicians and activist judges manipulate, abuse and re interpret laws to become something else entirely.

its not just gay marriage, but would address every single social special interest hatemongering group that gathers under the liberal umbrella to enact their racial/bigoted/sexist hatred towards society and culture at large under that veneer of "social justice". wherre their hate is legalized and enforced by the state and its guns.
2016-06-22 05:34:26 UTC
The real question is. Why are you such a homophobic prick?
2016-06-21 16:49:11 UTC
Once the novelty of marriage wears off and homosexuals start taking each other to the cleaner's as the divorces start, it will be interesting to see how many even bother.

Marriage ain't easy and they'll soon find this out. Homosexuals don't hold any special talent in maintaining a relationship.
2016-07-01 15:46:22 UTC
Gay marriage will not be stopped in America. Ever. This is 2016 and if you're not okay with it then you're just white trash, it's that simple. Last time I checked having sex with someone of the same gender is better than having sex with your cousins.
Alice S
2016-06-29 13:52:00 UTC
The last time somebody talked about a final solution for gays, it was at the same time that they were talking about the final solution to the Jewish problem. Same people. Same solution. Is that what you are advocating Christian? Just as well that your god is all about forgiveness and love then.

2016-06-27 13:33:04 UTC
You sure do think about gay stuff alot.
2016-06-27 11:56:01 UTC
You don't
Smokies Hiker
2016-06-26 13:14:26 UTC
Gay marriage is fine with me! Let'em suffer just like the rest of us have for y e a r s!
2016-06-23 19:48:08 UTC
It's too late the country's been compromised we need to set fire to the whole continent and move to the moon
Eric Ingham
2016-06-23 19:28:44 UTC
Have more Orlando events
2016-06-23 12:48:31 UTC
Just stop the denial of civil rights to those who are different. Just that simple , just allow Americans to really be the land of the free rather than the land of the religiously repressed.
2016-06-23 11:39:13 UTC
"Final solution" Seriously????
2016-06-23 03:24:09 UTC
And the final solution will also not work. Thankfully, the world is changing to a more tolerant and accepting one, apart from the die hard right wing homophobes who think they are a higher form of human being than everyone else, and entitled to beat up, scorn and even kill gay people as a right. Then have the audacity to call themselves 'Christians'.
2016-06-22 17:00:41 UTC
Let them have Civil Unions.
2016-06-22 12:50:50 UTC
Trump is gonna have concentration camps, Then god will give them a taste of straitness SO F UCK THE GAYS
2016-06-22 11:44:02 UTC
Oh look, a troll pretending to be a Nazi.
2016-06-22 10:19:28 UTC
Gay marriage is a done deal. Move on to the next distraction issue now.
2016-06-22 06:32:37 UTC
Getting rid of bigots would work.
2016-06-22 05:27:03 UTC
2016-06-21 20:00:14 UTC
not Sure


in the bible

the wrong are thinking it is right

and the correct are thinking ir will be wrong to be correct.

hell in the hand basket!


is where most of these fags




2016-06-21 18:59:35 UTC
The final solution is for homophobes to accept that 2 consenting adults marrying and loving each other and being recognized as such by the government does not affect them at all. Also, the homophobes will hopefully learn to shut their mouths.
David S
2016-06-21 17:16:53 UTC
The Supreme Court has already decided the issue. There is no longer a point in opposing it.
2016-06-21 16:47:58 UTC
Accepting it.

One way or another, its opponents will lose.
2016-07-01 18:35:24 UTC
The government should have NOTHING to do with recognizing any marriage. They only do it for Tax incentives. Eliminate taxes, and the government will keep their BIG NOSES out of it! Thats the solution!
2016-07-01 15:43:41 UTC
The "final solution" will come when Islam gains control of this country.
2016-06-28 18:25:54 UTC
2016-06-24 16:50:32 UTC
Yep, John, moving the querent to another country sounds like an appropriate solution.
2016-06-24 09:16:59 UTC
I am very good looking and have the charisma of a Donald Trump, so I have been able to convert many lesbians to heterosexuality. I converted at least three last month. With guys like me, most so-called "lesbians" begin to question their sexuality and realize how great we men are.
2016-06-23 15:01:43 UTC
Just ignore them. Marriage is defined by a union between a man and a woman and always have been.
2016-06-23 01:38:43 UTC
What an insulting way to ask a question. The Final Solution is a term that refers to the Nazi holocaust genocide of millions of people who were massacred for being Jewish by birth.

Same-sex marriage is equal protection for couples who prefer same sex preference to enjoy the same privileges under US tax code as other Americans.
2016-06-22 21:22:25 UTC
Gays shouldnt get married and thats final let them live their life with there partners but dont take away the sacred marriage between a man and a women
2016-06-22 19:05:01 UTC
nobody will stop gay marriage. instead, straight marriage will become obsolete and fade out of existence. then gays will no longer want to marry, since being married would then distinguish gay couples as different from straights. the only reasons gays wanted same-sex marriage at all was to imitate straight couples and place gay relationships on par with straight relationships, so they will no longer desire gay marriage once straights stop getting married.
2016-06-22 17:12:05 UTC
The final solution for homophobic bigots would be performing a homosexual massacre. Exterminating us would be the only way to destroy our determination. Silence is allowance. We will not be silent. We will be heard. Just try and stop us.
2016-06-22 17:04:32 UTC
There will be no solution. You and they will have to live with it and each other.
2016-06-22 16:42:12 UTC
Why don't they just have civil unions for gays so they get the same status as married people the whole gay marriage ting seems to be about making a point most gay people I know don't want 5o get married and also believe marriage is a hetero institution
2016-06-22 13:07:31 UTC
Marriage is between a man and a woman. The ruling that the Supreme Court legislated is an abomination.
2016-06-22 11:16:49 UTC
I don't think the law is going to change. Gay marriage is becoming legal in other countries at a speeding rate, and there is no turning back. If you hate gays move to Russia, they are ******* homophobes.
2016-06-22 09:50:49 UTC
There are way more inmportant things to deal with than gay people being gay. Like hobbies...maybe you need a hobby.
2016-06-22 09:35:44 UTC
2016-06-22 08:29:03 UTC
It will never be banned, sadly :(
2016-06-22 07:42:19 UTC
Disgusting excuses for a human being like you are what make this world a bad place.
2016-06-21 21:19:37 UTC
There shouldn't be a stopping of it. Why is it anyone's business what someone else wants to do with their life?
2016-06-21 17:12:14 UTC
I think you ought to pack up your Hitler fantasies and head back to the woods.
2016-06-28 15:06:36 UTC
Just BANNING it will do. People can't get whatever freedom they want because the elite lobbies decided to. I refuse to be forced into celebrating diversity when liberal bastards try to brainwash the children on how BAD is to be White due to what our ancestors did 200 years ago, further more I won't accept globalism. And all those rottens who are trying to impose their liberal-communist regime upon us have their days counted. You saw what happened in Britain, very soon will take place in the USA and the whole western world, reclaiming freedom from phoney biased liberal-democratic dictatorships.
2016-06-25 12:29:31 UTC
I think the best thing you can do is grow the f*ck up and stop asking dumb sh*t.
Luke Tony
2016-06-24 21:32:57 UTC
Love wins, *****. America has decided that if two consenting and loving adults want to get married, that they have every right to. You've lost the battle, but lucky for you, the war against homophobia may never end.
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-06-24 18:38:48 UTC
you do realize that you are now on ISIS's side.
2016-06-24 18:31:51 UTC
WE SHOULDNT BANE GAY MARRIAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-06-24 17:27:37 UTC
The only one who can stop the homosexual movement is God. The reason militant homosexuality is advancing unchallenged is because, not only are they trying to force us into giving them special treatment, but the government is giving into their demands. And they're using threats, intimidation, and false accusations of hate to prevent anyone from stopping them.

And I don't care what anybody thinks or believes. Homosexuality is wrong, and it's going to bring God's wrath on our nation. And refusing to believe it is not going to stop God's judgment.

Thousands of years ago, God rained hellfire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. And those people burned to death because of there homosexuality. And people like that are also arrogant and puffed up with pride, which is a bad thing. The family unit is being destroyed because of this. There's hatred and contempt against God. And there's hatred and contempt for those who follow God, not to mention the poor and the disabled.
2016-06-24 16:37:44 UTC
2016-06-23 16:51:32 UTC
"final solution" heard that one before
2016-06-23 15:29:31 UTC
All Conservatives immigrant.
2016-06-23 15:16:01 UTC
The solution is for everyone to love each other. Then, we don't even need marriage. I love everyone!
The Football God
2016-06-23 08:27:50 UTC
You want an end to gay marriage? It's the same as regular marriage death or divorce.
2016-06-23 08:26:43 UTC
Homosexuals* should have the same right like we do. They are not any different from us. They just like the other sex. Like me, I love both. I don't see a problem with that. They don't hurt you with their behavior now do they? What were to be if your son or daughter would tell that it's gay or lesbian? Would you smack it across the face and teach the kid "what's right?" Dude, homophobia is not okay. Did you know that there is a study that homophobic people are in reality gay or lesbian themselves, but it is yet to be discovered? What would you do if you lived in a world where Homosexuality would be normal and where you're the breeder? Yeah, you would feel alone in this world. So accept other people for who they are.
2016-06-22 22:30:22 UTC
i don't know
2016-06-22 12:35:28 UTC
After what happened in orlando you shouldn't be asking this question.
2016-06-22 12:14:51 UTC
Gay marriage isn't about marriage or being treated the same. Gay Marriage is about destroying the fabric of this country and replacing it with a perverted display of zealot-like political correctness.
2016-06-22 10:13:41 UTC
There isn't one. If two consenting adults of the same gender want to get married...let them. They aren't harming anything. Focus on yourself. Live your life safe and happy and let them do the same.
2016-06-22 09:34:49 UTC
2016-06-22 06:08:02 UTC
Marriage. They stay married for awhile and they will start to wonder why they fought to be able to marry.

I am for gay marriage. I say let them be a miserable as the rest of us.
2016-06-21 19:12:50 UTC
get the state out of the business of defining what a marriage is or isn't. The every church, temple, trailer park, or Walmart superstore can decides what kind of marriage they will accept and what they will not
Friar Timothy
2016-06-21 17:50:43 UTC
Marriage is a legal matter NOT a religious one......if it was just a religious matter then you could only get married by some preacher and there would be no legal paperwork to fill out and file with the government ! If it were me I'd design a legal contract between two people, stating what happens, who owns what and make it where items could be added or removed as the business changed. No divorces just cancel the contract agreed on by both parties involved !
2016-07-03 06:14:10 UTC
On my list of things that are wrong with how the United States is being governed, gay marriage is way down on the list of things to worry about.
2016-07-01 08:37:10 UTC
Gay marriage will not end but it will be renamed "Gay Unions" since mariaige is defined as between a man and a woman and always shall be ...

The gay unions will have similar legal protection that a marriage between a man and a woman does but will not shame the concept of marriage as a bond to live by and allow procreation and raising a family under NORMal CIRCUMSTANCES .......
2016-06-30 22:27:47 UTC
Put them in prison
2016-06-30 07:05:11 UTC
**** you homophobe
2016-06-28 14:33:20 UTC
Everyone says we should STOP OFFENDING MUSLIMS. Well, they are vehemently against gays, and marriage is so male dominated, women are considered property, so when we pass pro-gay laws, don't we offend them ??
2016-06-26 19:22:27 UTC
What do you really care what people you do not even know does with their life
D. Alan
2016-06-25 11:21:05 UTC
The final solution would be to accept it.
2016-06-25 04:30:03 UTC
don't like gay marriage? Fine, Don't marry your gender, but DO NOT try to make other people not marry the one they love because you simply do not like it. Grow up and realise it's not all about yourself. If two people love each other great, good on them! let them be together. They're not hurting anyone, they're doing exactly the opposite. Stop spreading hate into others lives. It's not your own life, you can't control others and who they choose to marry.
2016-06-24 18:16:30 UTC
Jesus christ
2016-06-23 19:32:25 UTC
Get rid of people who are concerned about who someone else chooses to sleep with. They have no place here.
2016-06-23 19:00:39 UTC
Increase the marriage license to 150k dollars for each partner.
2016-06-22 15:13:07 UTC
2016-06-22 12:12:59 UTC
Getting rid of assholes like you would be the first step.
2016-06-22 11:03:18 UTC
More STD's since common sense didn't do it...
2016-06-22 09:58:53 UTC
Keep allowing Muslims into the USA and you'll soon see gays hanging from trees. Muslims hate and kill gays, yes.
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-06-22 08:56:28 UTC
If you Bible-literalist anti-homosexual ("Methinks thou dost protest too much"?) too-far rightwing Republicans object to marriage equality rights for homosexuals because of the type of sex they would have, then you should be bending over backwards (no pun intended) to let gay marriage happen because marriage, by its very nature, tends to diminish passion over time. Besides, homosexual Americans have every right to be as miserable as everyone else (insert guffawing laffy face here).

Chief Justice John Roberts, hardly a liberal, was the fifth vote in the majority 5-4 ruling that allowed the Marriage Equality legislation to go forward for all 50 states. The Supreme Court determines the constitutionality of a law, and the right for consenting adults to legally marry is constitutional. If you continue to object, perhaps you should examine your own psyche to see why.
2016-06-22 07:02:04 UTC
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-06-22 01:21:40 UTC
I think it is rubbish, because I don't have a problem with it. I was going to ask, 'what does the final solution, entail?' but even if that was to change the minds / hearts of those who do have a problem with it. That's not so good either.
2016-06-21 20:35:40 UTC
Some well placed islamics
2016-06-21 17:09:13 UTC
2016-07-03 09:29:15 UTC
2016-07-03 03:52:12 UTC
Nothing to do for real
2016-07-02 14:28:02 UTC
I think gays should die in a hole.
2016-06-29 05:59:09 UTC
Deport them to a country that is against their marriages.
Wizard Fro profile is open
2016-06-28 03:11:55 UTC
Let me guess, liberal trying to strawman the conservatives. Classy.
2016-06-26 11:31:16 UTC
A death Sentence would be nice
2016-06-26 03:49:32 UTC
What you all are missing in regards to the aforementioned gay marriage laws is. This was the 1st New World Order Law implemented upon all 50 states .Its not law regarding the Gays ,its the first law that every state had to except .What will be the 2nd N.W.O. law ... I believe.This is a real think peace..
2016-06-25 21:08:34 UTC
Not everyone has to share s belief with you. Just cause you aren't on the same page doesn't mean they're rights should taken away.
2016-06-25 00:11:02 UTC
let them marry. Gee that was easy.
2016-06-24 11:42:11 UTC
people always hating, this is land of the free right. if u would spend time working on yourself and stop hating others didn't Jesus die for them too if we could all get along just think what great things we could do don't be consumed by hate
2016-06-24 08:07:10 UTC
Oversexed society & sextoys !
2016-06-24 04:45:54 UTC
Your Gay Blood running in the streets!!!!
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-06-23 12:50:48 UTC
2nd amendment.
2016-06-22 13:55:48 UTC
The worlds fucked up. Thats all I have to say. Why are gays and lesbians any different to straight people
2016-06-22 12:00:44 UTC
2016-06-22 07:36:09 UTC
Entice more terrorism, for its distracting effect.
2016-06-22 07:02:03 UTC
2016-06-22 06:35:09 UTC
This from an older person and non-believer. Anything in my mind that allows people to confirm and consolidate their love for each other is welcome. Those who propose any 'solution' need to desist in judging other people as they are not in any way affected by Gay marriage.
2016-06-22 06:24:55 UTC
Kill all christians and muslims, that's how.
2016-06-21 22:59:49 UTC
We ned more gays in the military, police, government...all the way to President, VP, Speaker and chief Justice. In fact I would support an inter-racial gay couple as President & First "lady". It would show America at its finest.
2016-07-01 13:57:17 UTC
i like gay marriage. that is the best solution for all. it alllows ewqual rights for every american.

just the very idea that the constitution belongs to a very small group of conservative peoples and not to all of the people in the USA makes me cringe.

how can the GOP arrogate our freedoms for themselves at our expense completely unopposed?

that is ridiculous.
2016-07-01 13:25:45 UTC
2016-06-29 18:49:53 UTC
Ban the gay people, and gay marriage (both), and send them all to an island in the Atlantic Ocean, where they can have their own country.
2016-06-26 22:14:49 UTC
The only possible way (mind you I am pro gay marriage) would be a constitutional amendment which would never pass in today's society.
2016-06-25 09:49:49 UTC
2016-06-23 21:56:47 UTC
Why ban gay marriage when you can ban kidz bop
2016-06-23 20:34:45 UTC
Some new disease will come along an wipe them out.
Moscow Mitch
2016-06-23 19:46:09 UTC
Gay library cards are coming, mark my words.
2016-06-23 14:12:59 UTC
Nothing. Honestly, why does it need to be banned? (This is out of the mouth of a straight Christian)
2016-06-23 13:49:12 UTC
Well, first of all, good job on quoting Hitler: "Final Solution" was the term he used when establishing the gas chambers. Props to you, kind Conservatives.

Okay, so since you're against same sex-marriage, I'm assuming you're a Conservative Republican, therefore against gun control because it's said plainly in the second amendment, which is in the Constitution. In the first amendment, it states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Church and state are two separate things, and gay marriage is 99% of the time opposed by religious groups. So the banning of gay marriage, a predominantly religious issue, in the first place was unconstitutional. I'm sorry the image of two men holding hands in your godly presence repulses you more than your own inability to recognise all love is love and deserves to be protected under the Constitution.
2016-06-23 12:35:34 UTC
Let's all hold hands and play ring around the rosey.
2016-06-23 04:40:39 UTC
Let ISIS take over all US legislation. They hate gays and they love guns, just like most Americans
2016-06-23 02:10:44 UTC
It a sin against god and everyone on this page knows this we must destroy it. We must destroy everything thing about. God will punish us if we do not. We need too start to pepper spraying them at night and the day and make sure we are not caught.
2016-06-22 21:27:52 UTC
2016-06-22 15:51:43 UTC
Let them experience first hand how horrid marriage is; they will come around.
2016-06-22 12:57:15 UTC
Need some strong low and

Not only gay Lesbian too

They are both disgusting!!!
2016-06-22 09:42:06 UTC
I actually think gay marriage is the final solution. If 2 gays marry and do stuff in their room, then they won't reproduce. If more gays stop reproducing, maybe in 50 or 100 years there will be no gays.
2016-06-22 07:33:14 UTC
"Final solution?" That's messed up, bro.
2016-06-22 02:13:52 UTC
I am of the younger generation and I completely disagree with gay marriage.
2016-06-21 21:23:51 UTC
Let them be. Its not like somebody is passing laws forcing you to get into gay marriages against your will. Then I expect most of the people against are the closet gays much like the Orlando Shooter was. Where they are curious about it while being afraid to admit they are that person.
2016-07-02 12:58:08 UTC
Please tell me you're joking and you aren't reallt that stupid. Please.
2016-07-02 00:09:25 UTC
Straight or gay you are born that way.
2016-06-28 17:59:24 UTC
2016-06-28 13:47:43 UTC
God will deal with it.
2016-06-28 09:19:13 UTC
Prayer. The final solution has already been tried
2016-06-25 19:43:44 UTC
Well since you brought it up we could always use use Hitler's final solution, and it was FINAL.
2016-06-24 14:00:22 UTC
Grow up, gays are going to marry and be happy, deal with it.
2016-06-24 01:42:58 UTC
I hope you have a gay kid and someone shows him your sh!t on here when he's older.
2016-06-23 21:50:24 UTC
With the gay community growing, it will be hard to stop gays from marring.
Bad Speller
2016-06-23 14:40:28 UTC
I totally disagreed with gay marriages I thing is stupid in Moro danger to the children's a pronoun sisal dizzies
2016-06-23 14:26:11 UTC
2016-06-23 11:52:23 UTC
Gays can already get library cards and drivers licenses, but they can't get a gun license unless they are on the no-fly list.
2016-06-23 11:27:31 UTC
2016-06-22 19:23:33 UTC
There won't be any. Some "straight" people do much stranger things in the privacy of their marriages.
2016-06-22 18:00:52 UTC
Let them have their own state/country somewhere.
2016-06-22 11:10:35 UTC
Let's stop finding ways to stop it and just accept it.
2016-06-22 06:30:30 UTC
how about **** you, I might not be a social justice primate but **** people that are so passionately against this, it has nothing to do with you
2016-06-22 05:20:35 UTC
What do you think the final solution for stopping gay marriage is going to be, since the first solution of banning it didn't work?

ROFL >> seriously
2016-06-22 02:59:48 UTC
The solution is for you to work on your homophobia.
2016-07-05 10:55:23 UTC
2016-07-03 17:28:30 UTC
Who is against happy marriages? Who is trying to ban them?
2016-07-04 11:03:41 UTC
Move on
2016-07-03 17:17:27 UTC
we can never ever let them get fishing lisences or library cards! they might contaminate the books or the WHOLE ocean!

grow up and let people love who they love:)
2016-07-03 23:04:34 UTC
.... Is... is this even a legit question. We won. Go away. Gay Is Great.
2016-07-05 16:54:07 UTC
Islam will stop it. Is that option acceptable?
2016-07-05 20:35:03 UTC
2016-07-04 19:48:10 UTC
Let them get married.
2016-07-05 07:30:16 UTC
2016-07-04 10:57:05 UTC
2016-07-04 03:00:07 UTC
Nothing >:(
2016-07-03 18:38:08 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.