Try not to let it bother you.
If they really just wanted equal treatment, they would be a lot more mature than they have been (not so much every single gay, but the LGBT).
But they haven't been. There have been better ways around getting what they wanted without rubbing the right's nose in it. I'm not saying the right doesn't deserve to be punished, but I kind of feel that a lot of these gay activists are spoiled children and miserable people who really just want to get revenge against conservative white America. It's not until a muslim (cough cough CIA Cop working for a company that's been at every false flag mass shooting and has connections to Israel. Yeah, it was gonna support BDS until Israel helped pull this off) shoots up a gay bar that maybe, just maybe, you're redneck neighbor that hurt your feelings and those Christian bakers who refused to bake you cake don't seem so bad.
For gays who've been truly oppressed, I am sorry. That is not the Christian or American thing to do. But you have to acknowledge that some of this is on the left's fault, too. They like to use the gay movement to simply go to war with everything old fashioned under the sun, and basically make the right hate you more.
So, to answer your problem what the final solution is for dealing with gay marriage? You can't stop it, but you can take away their power by not letting them hurt you or see you cry. They basically want revenge against some undefined enemy, an amalgamation of people who have hurt them in the past, outrageous politicians who's bark is worse than their bite, their parents, and the Bible.
Most of them act like they survived the holocaust, but they haven't. Most of the act like they're the mature and Christian (yet anti christian) Martin Luther King, but they're not.
You should pray for them. The very corporate establishment the left wanted to oppose all this time has infiltrated the "grass roots" left, IMHO. The left was created to originally keep the right wing fascists in check. Now, they've been infiltrated by corporate Anita's and Zoe's of the world, and basically turn what the left could have been into a controlled opposition of trouble makers. Their stupidity and race baiting and PC gone mad is gonna harden the hearts of even some of their fellow liberals, and their crying wolf will make people sneer and look the other way when something legitimately racist or sexist actually happens.
Some of this is their fault, because they do the same to people who've been raped by Economic Migrants from the Middle East. Maybe it's because they know that people on the right wing will use it to justify racism, religious fanaticism, and even violence and genocide against Muslims who had nothing to do with it (many of whom are the victims of ISIS) and that strengthens the military industrial complex.
In truth, the establishment left and right are on the same team.
When you can feel sorry for and forgive your enemy, knowing they're getting screwed by a common enemy, they loose the means and motivations to hurt you. And that is true compassion and maturity.
So do what the Bible says. Love your enemy. Pray for them, not out of weakness but strength.