Liberals, do you honestly believe there was no fraud or manipulation by the left in this election? Why?
2021-01-05 17:06:24 UTC
Liberals, do you honestly believe there was no fraud or manipulation by the left in this election? Why?
33 answers:
2021-01-06 07:12:05 UTC
I think Republicans cheated. That's the only way the got elected. I don't need proof because 45 and his cult have taught me this. If proof is required then just make it up. Another tactic taught by 45 and his cult.
2021-01-05 23:38:15 UTC
Conservative say no fraud, the excessive number of mail-in ballots from the unqualified, counting ballots long after election was over. Caused a big mess, confusion. Lets do the election over with people going to voting stations, pressing voting buttons.
2021-01-05 22:01:48 UTC
Ecumenism = 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell. Orthodoxy = the only true faith; Roman Catholics tried one cup - one spoon ritual and got sick with Bubonic plague; if heresy enters Orthodox monastery then monks/nuns will get sick with flu/tuberculosis (for instance); Orthodox churches who closed for COVID or had disposable cups/spoons or dipped spoon into alcohol are no longer brides of Christ (now they serve Satan and honor Satan's new COVID religion). Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good.
2021-01-05 20:31:20 UTC
I honestly believe there was far fewer cases of fraud in this election compared to what the conservatives tried to cheat.
2021-01-05 17:28:19 UTC
There is zero evidence of it.

On top of that none of the court claims even allege fraud because their lawyers know judges will hold them accountable that they have to provide evidence of fraud. His cases were all tossed based on the extremely minimal lack of evidence or failure to state a claim required to get into court in the first place. 

Trump has been admonished by many judges Including those he appointed (Although that shouldn’t matter).

Moreover trumps claims are outlandish and have no connection to reality on their face bit even so.

His own appointees doj fbi etc have inVestigated and said there was no fraud. 

The fact that trump has after two months failed to even establish not only widespread voter fraud but even any irregularities is telling.

The fact that his crazy followers seem to just be making up nonsense and cropping videos to lie about things (every single videoclaim has been exposed as an outright fraud or Intentionally misinterpreted by trump supporters to falsely claim voter fraud).

The fact that there is an hour long call by traitor trump seeking to extort an official to change the results of a legitimate election and said call was highly inappropriate in the first place even without that.

Note: when people talk voter fraud they mean mass voter fraud that would affect the outcome of an election.

I am aware of one instance of attempted voter fraud by a Trump supporter but he was caught. 
2021-01-05 17:18:04 UTC
The only real evidence so far of fraud was committed by Republicans.
2021-01-05 17:13:14 UTC
Yes, at least not any that affected the outcome.  So far the only insignificant amount of fraud exposed has been bogus votes for Trump.  Why would someone believe something that has no "verifiable, tangible" proof of occurrence as Lou Dobbs admitted?  What do you think my bank would say if I told them to find the  $12,000 missing from my account when there is no evidence it was ever there?
Jas B
2021-01-05 17:12:23 UTC
You really can't have it both ways...
2021-01-05 17:12:15 UTC
where is the evidence?
2021-01-05 17:08:21 UTC
30% + of Democrats admit to the election fraud and the other 70% know it happened and just won't admit it publicly .
2021-01-06 20:10:11 UTC
Because your own judges said so idiot 
2021-01-06 13:49:19 UTC
Yes I do as there is no evidence to prove it. If you have it produce it.
2021-01-06 10:36:50 UTC
There wasn't any fraud. For a variety of reasons.

1. Trump ticked off a lot of people with his actions regarding covid-19, what he said on Twitter, and what he said in press conferences.


2. Every teenager aged 14-17 in 2016 had 4 years of watching him before deciding who to vote for in 2020.

3. Republicans that were willing to cross party lines for the presidential vote.

4. As others have said, there are more registered Democrats and left-leaning Independents than there are registered Republicans and right-leaning Independents. 
2021-01-06 04:08:45 UTC
The only fraud came from a RepubliCON in Pennsylvania who voted Dump for his dead wife. We dems didn't cheat. We don't need to. We vastly outnumber you
What the...?!?
2021-01-05 23:13:58 UTC
No, I do believe there was some level of voting fraud in the 2020 presidential election.  But, I put my faith in Attorney General William Barr when he stated "“I have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,...”  Barr has access to vast amount of data (evidence) which neither I or you have.  In addition, he has an army of experienced investigators who looked into the matter. It would be naïve of you or anyone else on this forum to claim they would know better than him.  Finally, AG Barr was appointed by President Trump and has been a loyal supporter of his during his tenure. 
2021-01-05 21:45:36 UTC

because Howie Hawkins didn't get enough votes for it to be mentioned in the media.

Biden is not a leftist
2021-01-05 18:28:10 UTC
Yes I do because Dumps AG said there was no fraud.
Max Hoopla
2021-01-05 17:33:37 UTC
The amount of fraud that exists in Trump's mind simply could not happen in reality.
2021-01-05 17:32:33 UTC
I would never say there was zero fraud, but there is no evidence of widespread fraud as it being alleged by republicans.  The only cases of fraud I've heard of were 3 people in PA, all of whom were trump supporters.  I've not yet read of any democrats getting charged.  So I think we know which party is guilty of it. 
Chewy Ivan 2
2021-01-05 17:30:27 UTC
Yes.  Conservatives have failed to prove it happened.  Ergo, by their logic when applied to the Mueller report, that proves it didn't happen.  Accusations of fraud and vote manipulation are a hoax to justify stealing the election for Trump.
2021-01-05 17:28:27 UTC
Yes we do believe that. We are not cheaters like Trump and the Republicans.
Steve M
2021-01-05 17:21:29 UTC
I don't believe the election was 100% fraud-free. Was there fraud on a massive scale as Donald Trump and his followers claim without evidence? No. Even votes recounted twice in Georgia, once by hand-counting the ballots, shows there was no fraud there. In multiple swing states even the Republican election officials and state office holders are saying there's no fraud and some recounts have backed that up. Machinery has been randomly tested by third-party contractors and found to be accurate.

I'm sure there are a few isolated cases of fraud by people on both sides but nothing large-scale. Already we've had charges filed against a Republican who admitted he registered his dead mother and mother in law who then placed their votes for Donald Trump. It would make logical sense to believe that fraud was more likely being done by Republicans because they have been consistently outperforming normally reliable polls but I don't think that happened either. The only conspiracy is that over 80 million American citizens conspired through the ballot box to remove Donald Trump from the White House.
2021-01-05 17:13:52 UTC
Trump's own Attorney General William Barr, who has been a loyal Trump supporter, couldn't find any of this "evidence" of election and voter fraud by the Democrats.

Trump's lawyers and those of his cohorts could not present any "evidence" that any court would take seriously -- in 60 election lawsuits before 88 trial and appellate judges, some of whom were appointed by Trump.

Surely, it must begin to dawn on you that such evidence does not exist.  The Democrats didn't need fraud to win because Trump was an absolutely terrible president.  I'm shocked that he got as many votes as he did. 

I am almost certain, however, that there was election and voter fraud -- committed by Republicans.  A thorough investigation should be undertaken by the Biden administration of exactly what went on in the 2020 election.  Biden probably won by even larger margins than are recorded. 
Jeff S
2021-01-05 17:12:33 UTC
Because even honest Republican election officials say so!

In Trump's call he claimed 5,000 dead people voted in Georgia. Republican SoS of Georgia said they found 2!
Charles Veidt
2021-01-05 17:11:43 UTC
No evidence of widespread fraud has been presented, only conspiracy theories and debunked lies.

It's been two months since the election.  No bombshells are coming.

It is over.  Trump lost.
2021-01-05 17:10:34 UTC
The fraud was committed by a Republican, who voted on behalf of his deceased mother in law. 
2021-01-05 17:10:34 UTC
I believe 100% that there was NO fraud or manipulation. If there had been, why was it dismissed? Are ALL the judges (even trump appointed), Bill Barr and the Supreme Court wrong?

Get a grip. If there was proof, it would have been shared. Or are trump's attorneys too stupid to know that basic fact?
2021-01-05 17:09:48 UTC
50 plus court cases and numerous recounts say that it's a pretty straight forward election.

The only fraud seems to be coming from Trump's camp as he baselessly tries to over turn it with no evidence
2021-01-05 17:09:24 UTC
I don't.

At this point, i just wonder what morally standing do cons think they have?

You can't put this election in a box to judge all future elections after you stole so many......a pattern of
Not You
2021-01-05 17:09:02 UTC
I have not seen any evidence to suggest voter fraud by the left. The only fraud I'm aware of were a couple cases of double voting, and they were not for Biden.
2021-01-05 21:14:34 UTC
1) Zero evidence (bullschitt youtube videos are not evidence)

2) Those isolated cases that have been proven were 100% in Trumps failure

3) No incumbent with an approval rating as low as Trump has ever won reelection 
2021-01-05 17:15:52 UTC
No where near by significant enough margins to make a difference in the election results especially not with each state acting in an synchronized effort to overthrow the election. That's insane and merely a cover for not being able to accept the results. Cons have it backwards, you do not first make the claim then look for evidence to support it, you first find evidence then make the claim. It's voter fraud unless Trump wins, that's utter bs.
2021-01-05 17:08:43 UTC
Yep. No evidence is the reason why. You need to do less talking and more proving.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.