Why do women support Donald Trump lol?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do women support Donald Trump lol?
320 answers:
2016-10-12 07:37:57 UTC
Because Donald Trump treats women the same as he treats men, hard-working decent women with good credentials don't want to be given a job or special treatment just because they are a woman, they want to get The treatment they deserve by how much hard work they put in, Hillary Clinton wants to tell women that they are a victim and deserve special treatment and should have a extra sensitivities laws and be permanently offended, she is doing exactly the same thing she did with black people only this time it's with women, Hillary Clinton got a child rapist off with a prison sentence , Hillary Clintons rapist husband raped and abused women while Hillary demonise them, Donald Trump is a mascot for women compared to Hillary Clinton
2016-10-12 15:30:12 UTC
You'd better believe that I have rights. I have the right to vote for the candidate who will fix the economy, bring back common sense, stop terrorism, solve the immigration issue(s), fix the public schools, make everyone in the US have at least a 120 IQ, and somehow STOP commercials from being louder than other programs. However, as we currently don't have a candidate who can do all that, I'm holding my nose and voting for Trump. I lived through the Clinton years; they were lackluster. Bill has a real problem that I think won't be fully revealed until everyone concerned has passed away (like JFK). Hillary may have more experience per se in government, but she's made some stupid, stupid mistakes that NO ONE at that level of power should ever make. I wouldn't mind voting for a women, but not her.
2016-10-12 06:09:53 UTC
Sometimes you have to compromise, trump may be an over spoken loud mouth who doesn't show respect for women, but the women out there that don't support the democratic view point don't have many opinions. Sometimes it's better to go with someone who will screw you to your face rather behind closed doors......
2016-10-12 05:34:50 UTC
I went to a Trump event and there were more women and young people than men my age. Most were just tired of the Hillary and Washington lies!
2016-10-11 13:33:19 UTC
I'm not a woman, but my girlfriend is the biggest Trump supporter I have ever seen. Since she doesn't post on yahoo answers, I will explain why I think she supports Donald Trump.

1) Trump is decidedly anti-censorship.

2) Tax deductions on childcare. If you work and have kids, you will greatly benefit. Since childcare is a female dominated field, this program will drastically increase both the wage and demand for childcare workers, and increase women's wages. Do what you love while making more money.

3) Trump is someone who takes homeland security seriously.

4) Trump puts American citizens first. He will make deals that benefits America.

5) Trump is a financial survivor veteran who takes debt seriously. He was in one of the worst financial situations as shown in his 1995 tax returns, but Trump proved that he could claw his way out. America is in deep financial trouble, and needs someone who has experience climbing out of it.

6) Trump hired many women and put them in important positions. Hillary still pays her women less than 80 cents to a man's dollar.

7) Trump is more likely to resist special interests. For example, he didn't accept donations for the first year. He used $60 million of his own money as startup.

8) Trump doesn't insult women because they are women. He insults them despite them being women. Big difference. Some women are tired of being treated like helpless princesses that can't take criticism just because they are a woman.

9) Trump proposes a smaller, more efficient government that is less regulating and less intrusive. The current government is too big, too expensive, too inefficient, and too corrupt. More taxes, bigger government, and more regulations isn't the right idea.

Bonus idea: Are you suggesting that tens of millions of women are mentally retarded just because of their opinion? If you disagree with them, go ahead. But don't ridicule them just because they are not the type of woman you expect.

Women are tired of society expecting them to behave a certain way just because of their gender. Society expecting women to vote for Hillary is just one example of such expectation. Women can do what they want, vote for who they want. Anybody who suggests anything else is kind of misled.
2016-10-12 06:56:24 UTC
Most of Hillarys supporters are women!! Here's how I put it. Would I rather make the same amount of money as men or have terrorists taken are of? I'd rather have the terrorists killed than make the same amount of money as men. Obama is such a piece of **** president and Hillary is worse than him. People only like Hillary because they see Kim K supporting her. She wrote what she would do to take care of terrorists on her website!! She had the chance to change stuff but she didn't. Please don't vote for her!!!!
White Lives Matter
2016-10-12 21:53:16 UTC
My wife was supporting Donald Trump before he was nominated and before I started paying any attention to all of it. I wasn't too fond of him for being from New York because I don't really like people from New York and that he was a rich *** businessman. After watching a video of young Donald Trump being interviewed talking about running for president I changed my mind about him. The more I listen to him the more I've came to like him. Now I even got a Make America Great Again ball cap that I wear daily.
2016-10-12 14:40:00 UTC
Should a woman support a pathological liar, just because she's a woman? This is not a game show. This is serious!

People who like Hillary Clinton surely use "denial" on themselves!

I, personally, am tired of "business-as-usual" in Washington. That filth needs to be cleaned out.
2016-10-12 12:01:30 UTC
Because women are not stupid. They know many men say crude things while with other men. The women that are behind Trump are looking ahead, NOT back. Just because Hillary claims to be a woman and for women, facts show she is for herself. Most women have children and grandchildren, they see what America would be like under the Clinton regime.
2016-10-12 12:47:13 UTC
I am a woman and voting for Trump. What we listened to was locker room banter. I-m looking at the big picture here. I am not offended by it..we all trash talk with our friends.
2016-10-13 05:39:10 UTC
First of all there are both conscious and semiconscious promptings and selectivity in these American elections.

Hilary is 'only' a woman on the American political scene, therefore her past mistakes (whatever they may be) and those relating to her husband's are not forgiven, especially by women.

Her personality is not that required by many of her adversaries. Never mind her ability!

Trump is a man to whom weaknesses, including criminal ones, are those which the 'average or less than average' American person (women in particular) are traditionally indulgent to. 'Those women' include even some otherwise intellectual feminists (what's the intellect is for is not clear).

Trump promises 1)sweeping changes to the policy of immigration without saying which(never mind the unworkable wall or repatriation), 2) a return to the 'founders' great culture', 3)he is a makeshift populist, 4) he amuses where Hilary doesn't, 5) Hilary doesn't bother with immigration so much (so the feared business as before stays). And so on.

What more does one want?

Still surprised at the context?
2016-10-12 14:12:49 UTC
Why not? There is no reason not to, he isn't sexist. People try to use the fact that he said rude things on a video over a decade ago as an argument. He may have said these things but Hillary is the one taking negative action. She lied about emails and her husband raped and harassed woman. She treats other women as if they are ******* special, just because they are women. The truth is that they aren't and never will be. Hillary supporters are willfully ignorant assholes. She's pro-war and pro assassination, trump is the lesser of two evils. And you still may think that the trump video is a valid argument but keep in mind these same supporters of Hillary are funding movies that say much worse things about women than trump ever will everyday.
2016-10-15 09:02:47 UTC
Women support Donald Trump because he would be the better president. Some of us are able to look past all the personality issues that surround this campaign and see the impact that one candidate or the other will have on our country. Hillary would have a devastating impact. She does not have the respect for our Constitution and for our freedoms that I want in a president. I am a very educated, professional woman, and thirty years ago I would have voted for Hillary. But she has proven that she is not the person I once thought she was and I would be very disappointed to have her be the first woman president. I want that woman to be someone that will go down in history not just as the first woman president, but as one of the best and most admired. Hillary will never be that. She has too much baggage, and what she will do to the Supreme Court will be so bad that history will write about it past all our lifetimes. Trump is not perfect (is there someone out there who is?), but he is our best chance of doing something about the economy and about illegal immigration. I would go even further than he has suggested when it comes to vetting people coming into our country. We are all at risk of attack, and I would carefully check out anyone coming in from any country that is connected to terrorism as well as anyone with a connection to one of those countries, whether through birth, race, religion, or anything else. I do not believe I am at all racist, any more than I think Trump is racist. I value my life and the life of my children and the lives of other Americans - including American Muslims, and I do not believe those lives should be risked just because we want to be "politically correct." That's a term that has become synonymous with sticking your head in the sand.
2016-10-12 05:58:13 UTC
I only came back to post the truth, and many more to come. You could say The Lord enlightened me last night. Donald Trump, should be ahead, but our corrupt government from teachers to government agencies similar to Scorpion, etc. The media, collegiate, government corrupt ruling class that loves Hilary Clinton. Has pressed and trashed Trump under the media machine.

At this point, I think Russia got paid by the Clintons to hack the D.N.C.and lots of polling places.Because compared to past politicians, Trump is not that bad. It serves the ruling Republican ologarcy and The United Nations complacent hold on USA soverignity and dictations for borderless trade and continued economic, religious, cultural, and policy destruction.

I feel like for the last year, Bill Clinton set it up so Trump will lose, he is right. Now he will, he should be winning. The United States downfall and sure eventual judgement to come are now a sure thing, just a matter of when.
2016-10-13 13:00:58 UTC
Okay, first, it's NOT the person Trump that is supported, but you know that. These candidates are figureheads. Also, nothing Trump has done can top the disgust I feel for the Clintons, ALL of them including the daughter.

Hillary should not have attacked the women Clinton sexually abused too. That was a big no-no. She is a hypocrite.

Trump doesn't try to rationalize anything. So having to pick between the two, I opt for Trump, then go vomit. Either way, we are screwed.
2016-10-12 08:43:45 UTC
Because the women who support Trump aren't white trash women who tihnk they should be treated like God almighty and that they are entitled to everything. No the women who support trump think logically understand the world is tough and dont need a safe place because words hurt.

I showed my girlfriend what Trump said 10 years ago on the news and she started laughing. She though tit was hilarious. Then she said, are they seriously trying to use this to get more votes for hillary? I said yes and she just wow thats sad.
2016-10-12 17:06:38 UTC
Only the ignorant women would support him. The argument that all men are pigs

is an argument designed to protect a sexual deviant, donald Trump.

These defenders ARE SO DESPERATE that they would SMEAR the entire male population.

BTW. 60% of America total *ELIGIBLE* voters,... ARE WOMEN and that statistic comes from

Foxnews. So with that percentage being that high, I'd say Trump is a dead duck, duck.

edit"I agree with Cy, you do sound ignorant. I don't maintain that all men are pigs. I think Trump's words were shameful. But nowhere near as shameful as HRC's scandalous, manipulative, and dishonest track record as a "public servant".

Dilemmachine "


TRUMP DID. "Character" "Family Values" Christian Values" of a candidate DO count.

I don't support Clinton but I couldn't touch Trump with a 50 foot poll, ESPECIALLY

with there NOW being TWELVE WOMEN who have alleged sexual assault by Trump.

Trump is being sued right now due to HIS alleged rape of a 12 year old girl and

his association with Jeffery Epstein who is trumps friend of 17 years and also

a level3 registered sex offender, pedophile. Epstein supplied the little girl that

Trump raped because he ran a sex slave operation.
2016-10-12 19:32:13 UTC
So? Just because of some video that was a decade old, that is not a huge reason (but still a good one) to stop supporting Trump, beside Trump has apologized and its not like he is the only one who done something like this (ahem, Bill). Now I am not a Turmp supporter due to the fact that is too conservative for left wing believes and morever it doesn't apply to me since I am not American.
2016-10-13 05:23:24 UTC
It's nother that I really think he'll be this GREAT president. But, everybody is so mad over a video of him that was recorded YEARS ago. Hillary Clinton'said husband has raped and abused women while she sat around and just laughed at them. Now she wants women to always be the victim. Girl, bye, you further victimized your husbands victims. And when it's brought up you just have this, and your point is.... look on your face. You don't care. This country is hell already. Let's not put this b*tch in charge so it'll be race issues, and then add sex issues to the mix too. She supports war. Bring everybody home. Where they should be. Stop making this crazy deals! We are so in debt and their not helping! Trump is a BUSINESSMAN who can help. With a little luck, he can help us out of that and get back on our feet as a country.
2016-10-12 15:28:55 UTC
Blah blah blah here we go again the question was about Donald Trump can his supporters stay on track and answer the question they can't because when they listen to Donald Trump he tells them FOLLOW ME THERE'S A POT OF GOLD AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW FOR EVERYONE WHO SUPPORT ME..and women who support him are waiting on the rainbow...and aren't strong independent women more followers and they need a leader a man telling them what they need to do...Trump says jump and they ask how high
2016-10-14 19:08:54 UTC
Trump's last name is Lol? Trump Lol?

Some women realize that the media only cares about dirt on a guy to distract you from dirt on the other guy.

Also, some reason might like him for the wrong reasons, too.

Me? If I barely, begrudgingly chose Trump over Hillary, it wouldn't be because I liked him or even mostly agreed with him methods or character. It would just be in hopes that he wouldn't go the route of Hillary and send us to war with Russia. That would end the damn world.
2016-10-12 16:03:58 UTC
Did you see that collection of women on CNN who were defending Trump because, "He didn't say those things to ME. It was locker room talk." No. Normal married men don't talk about grabbing a woman's private parts in any locker room. You don't need to tolerate a pervert talking about grabbing you or some other women before he asks, no matter who the man is. Trump said, "I don't even wait" [before he grabs]. That is sexual assault.

This was Trump displaying the way he treats and thinks of WOMEN. And you are a woman. And don't pretend that it was only in the past that Trump objectified women... He owns the Miss Universe pageant now!

I'd like to remind the women defending Trump that they do have not to tolerate being objectified by anyone at any time. Have some self-respect! Don't go along with your neighbors just because they have a Trump sign in their yard. Trump was talking about something these women would normally be infuriated about... a married man going after any woman he is attracted to, and he's not even stopped by her being a married woman! Why are they defending infidelity and adultery? Answer: Only because they think that backing the GOP nominee is more important than self-respect. They would never put up with infidelity and adultery otherwise. It's hypocrisy at it's worst.

Here is the married woman he was "moving on like a b**ch" and what she has to say about him now.
2016-10-13 10:07:37 UTC
Why do people always bring up Bill Clinton in this election, Hillary is one person and Bill is another. And Trump is a liar, he's racist, sexist, and doesn't even know what he's doing. I don't understand Trump supporters. In the second debate, Hillary explained what she was going to do if she becomes president and actually answered the questions. Trump kept complaining about what Hillary wants to do, and kept going around the questions and changing topics: the first question was about education and Trump started talking about Isis ?!?!

alex · 14 hours ago

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Bill · 11 hours ago

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Just Me

#NeverTrump #NeverHillary, but here is a man and a woman running who I believe in Evan McMillan / Mindy Finn.

Evan McMillan and Mindy Finn have the momentum in many states, including Utah, where both Trump and Hillary came in last place in the primary elections.

Just Me · 11 hours ago

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Yes I'm woman and I support.

Kwon · 9 hours ago

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Samantha · 1 day ago

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Because if Hillary wins Russia and China will join forces and attack the Threat that Americans have put into our White house

Stephen · 15 hours ago

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The answer is "they don't". The guy had a 70% unfavorable rating among women-- and that was before all that "grab them in the pussy" talk was released.

If only women and minorities weren't allowed to vote, his chances would be GREAT!

Erik · 21 hours ago

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Why do women support Donald Trump lol?

Lordy, pretttty sad, no one has to tell me what's wrong in Life > it's the many stupid HUMANS !

Anonymous · 2 days ago

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2016-10-12 13:27:12 UTC
I personally assume many men talk exactly like Mr. Trump. They are not men I would date or marry but they are often more assertive. His campaign strategies have been enviable. He called a press conference because the government press wouldn't give him any air time. After his labia grabbing tape was released with Billy Bush, he showcased the rape victims of Bill Clinton and the victim of a rape that Hillary insinuated at 12 wanted the attention from older men. The girl looked like a child at the time and Hillary knew he was guilty .

Vote Trump and stand pretty far away from him if you are a good looking female.
2016-10-16 02:11:21 UTC
This presidential race has turned into a battle of personalities. Where I'm from we vote based on the candidates party's policies and whether or not we think they can better the country. Anyone who votes primarily focused on the personality of the candidate and nothing else is not intelligent enough to deserve a vote. Some women may be voting for him because they are long term supporters of the party itself. Others may support him for his economic policies. What everyone seems to forget is that the President is not a dictator, he/she can not implement laws, go to war etc without the support from congress. People are so quick to brand Trump supporters without thinking. They have their opinion and you have yours.
2016-10-12 20:54:57 UTC
As a woman I support Donald Trump because I have no other option. I recognize that he is a piece of **** human being that gets high off of his ego on a daily basis. But I refuse to vote for a left wing serial liar. I am conservative all the way and won't abandon my opinions on pro life, fiscal, and 2nd ammendment issues. Which is why I will not vote for Hillary. I don't care for Trump AT ALL. I blame all of the ******* idiots who voted for him in the primaries. Out of all the qualified candidates the GOP had, the majority voted for Trump. Now I have no other option to vote for him in order to vote against Hillary Clinton.
2016-10-14 12:37:36 UTC
I've been campaigning since I was 4 so I know that campaigns are serious things and not about morals (so Hillary is digging way low in her crap basket). We are voting for a person who is a capable leader, a negotiator, educated, experienced with money and been in business a long time, who can solve the dozen or so problems America is experiencing right now, and that describes only Trump.
2016-10-12 15:14:31 UTC
Just simple. He is smart and he has done business with many countries. Knows how to succeed in business and if he does this for America I am all in. He is a leader. We have been doing the same thing for 35 years now and the only people who have reaped benefits are those in our Administration and Government who are ripping the people off. A revolution is happening. I hope with all my heart Trump is the President. I am willing to give him 4 years to do something to put America back on the right path, otherwise this country is doomed.
2016-10-12 20:23:40 UTC
I am could answer this question but its all about politics, certain women might see Donald trump as a better fit....don't know why, don't want to know why, its all based on your own beliefs
2016-10-13 17:06:37 UTC
Why does anyone support Donald Trump? For that matter.. why does anyone support Hillary Clinton?
Atsa me Atsa you?
2016-10-12 16:37:47 UTC
Do a background search on BILL CLINTON, regarding rapes and an island he visited with his

friend to have sex with women, this is not including Flowers nor Monical Lewinsky. Hilary should

have addressed the 4 deaths on the men killed in Benghazi, she didn't.

Also do a back ground check on the handling of money by the Clintons.....this will not stop, it

is your and my money.....

Trump has his own money, he does not want ours...

If you have been paying attention, do a search on how many illegals have raped/killed/robbed

people in the USA.....Obama is letting them in, Hilary is going to keep letting them in.

Believe it or NOT, this is going to hit your pay check, Seniors nor little kids will end up supporting

them, they take more out of this system than they put in!!!!

The huge debt this country is in....again, your age group is going to end up paying that money back,

you will never own a thing...the Clintons are corrupt, and Trump said
2016-10-12 22:23:52 UTC
Women are capable of forming their own opinions, just like men. I don't appreciate you trying to put down a certain group of people because of their beliefs, just as you wouldn't appreciate it if I did it to you.

The real "LOL" moment is why do women have to support Hillary because she's a woman? I think someday we will have a very capable, intelligent, honest woman be president of the United States who respects the constitution and our freedoms. I just so happen to think that smart people who study the issues, who understand what is at stake by electing another career politician know that Hillary Clinton represents the worst of Washington DC. She is the reason why Congress approval rating is so low-- Politicians like her, running this country into the ground and selling themselves out to the highest bidder.
2016-10-12 12:33:40 UTC
At this point, I think Russia got paid by the Clintons to hack the D.N.C.and lots of polling places.Because compared to past politicians, Trump is not that bad. It serves the ruling Republican ologarcy and The United Nations complacent hold on USA soverignity and dictations for borderless trade and continued economic, religious, cultural, and policy destruction. Most were just tired of the Hillary and Washington lies!
2016-10-12 20:32:19 UTC
Donald Trump has kidnapped all women now?
2016-10-12 16:43:34 UTC
Because he is not the corrupt Hillary Clinton who takes money from countries that stone women to death for adultery or countries that treat women like property belonging to a man. Trump likes women in all the ways that there are to like women including giving them good paying jobs.
2016-10-12 06:39:23 UTC
Quite simple really - behind all the loud and noisy rhetoric is a simple message coming direct from Classical Athens and it concerns democracy itself.

The word 'democracy' from the Greek, begins with the Greek word 'demos' which means 'the people'.

For far too long self appointed establishment elites have been telling 'the people' how it's going to be, totally ignoring the democratic rights and wishes of the people.

Donald Trump for all that is said of and about him, represents a very wide constituency among the Common people of the USA - they feel they are being ignored. Here, for the first time in generations is a man who speaks their language and knows their pain and wants to do something about putting it right.

But then as in any democracy, someone has to win and someone has to lose.

Thus the final shots will be fired in November at the Presidential Election.

I hope the American people will restore their democracy and come out voting in their millions, for as one Athenian I know once said to me, "democracy does not die because the people love it, it dies because of voter apathy."

Good Luck - the stage is now yours.

Democracy explained.

Athena with you always- defender of Democracy
2016-10-12 18:42:12 UTC
It is because Trump supporter are not intelligent and are in a denial. You can show evidence, they can sit there and not care and then brush it off. Trump never said, "oh, well I do not support the KKK" or "I do not support the KKK." This jerk in it for the vote and aid his own business. This man is a manipulator just like he treated women that worked for him. He says, I can shoot someone on the street and still get a vote. Yea, that mean his supporters are dumb.
2016-10-14 07:56:06 UTC
Just because Donald Trump has said negative things about women in the past doesn't mean we shouldn't support him.. literally EVERYONE has said something negative about a woman. You're lying if you haven't. What he's done in the past doesn't matter.
sarita m
2016-10-13 21:32:22 UTC
To answer the snarky question with a snarky answer: because women don't like rapists like Bill Clinton being back in the White House again to do more rapes?

And on a more serious note, because we don't want our country led by a criminal female, because she has promised to fill our country with Muslims and turn it into the Shariah-loving nightmare that Europe is living right now, and because our country has suffered enough under Obama's secretive and economy-destroying administration, his weakening of our military, his ridiculing of our country abroad, and his transgender bathroom rules. We certainly don't need Hillary, who is someone a thousand times worse than Obama.
2016-10-13 13:36:58 UTC
Hillary Clinton though her intentions seem good, there is 7 bad directions she meantions, but media morons cannot see past.

1. Nothing is that simple, to make something happen, you have to take away one group of peoples freedoms in exchange for more freedom(MORE FREEDOM THAN THE OTHER GROUP) of another persons groups taking away their personal rights as citizens basically oppressing them for no reason.

2. The repercussions will lose people jobs decreasing economic taxes for people who get social security. Social security comes from people taxes.

3. Hiring lazy and inexperienced people with only a liberal arts degree will run the country into the ground leading to more debts.

4. Everyone already gets treated fairly. There is no biases against sex or race. They don't hire inexperienced people or people with criminal backrounds.

5. 3rd wave feminist oppress women, not empower them. Their mado is your a victim, your not empowered, so take advantage of it.

6. Black lives matter
2016-10-15 08:46:00 UTC
Pro First Amendment

Pro Second Amendment

Pro economic freedom

Pro immigration reform

Pro "vet people coming into this country and don't just let people in"

Pro police

Pro America

Pro Americans -- ALL Americans.

Pro Vets

Pro women

Pro children

Pro jobs

Yes, he says disgusting, stupid things. So what. If I had a dime for every vile remark I've heard from someone -- women as well as men -- I'd be rich. And we all know this.

And no, I do not think all men are pigs. I do not think that what Donald Trump said on that bus 11 years ago is the action or behavior of all men, or even most men. However, having been out to clubs and whatnot, I can tell you, it IS the action and behavior of a lot of men.

The women accusing Donald? What I find THE MOST interesting is all these stories mimic what they heard on the tape from 11 years ago. No. 2. All this comes out three weeks before the election, not six or nine months ago before he became the nominee, during the primary process? The best time to stop Donald was then, not now. Calculated and orchestrated. No. 3. All these allegations get dropped, wow, on the same day as all the Wikileaks documents dumps about Hillary At 12:00 o'clock we see document dump, at 12:00:23 we see another Donald Trump story. No. 4, and most importantly, if these stories are true, why are they all so gung ho for Hillary? Being so undone by Trump, people who support him, people have to know, people shouldn't support Trump, a guy "like that" doesn't belong in the WH. But all gung ho for Hillary, knowing what Bill has done? No less than four rape accusations, multiple sexual harassment charges, paid out $850,000 to settle a lawsuit against one of his accusers, dallying with a 21 year old kid as young as his daughter. And we're going to let that slide. I guess we're not so bothered by "sexually aggressive" men as we claim.

And speaking of the comments of Donald Trump and the 13 year old girl?

1. Donald Trump is not going to trial next week or even next month.

2. The case was dismissed in CA.

3. The case was refiled in NY. This is called forum shopping, trying to find a venue that is most friendly to you when the law isn't on your side.

4. Donald Trump is not "going to trial" in December, though there is a status conference, which is usually no longer than 10 minutes in a well-run courtroom. He won't even be there.

5. Probably most important of all, this is a civil case, not a criminal one. This is a case for MONEY, not for prison.

6. I know not the relationship between Trump and the Pedophile Epstein. But I do know about the relationship between Bill Clinton and the Pedophile Epstein. It is a well known fact that Clinton dodged his secret service detail more than once to go flying around on Epstein's private plane where he held sex parties with underage girls. It is well know that Epstein paid WOMEN to solicit underage girls for sex. (Oh, women would never do that. Women are paragons of virtue!) It is a well known fact that Clinton spent a lot, a lot, A LOT of time on Epstein's plane with all those girls. And really, when I think about underage girls and Trump I don't see it. But it's not even a stretch to see Bill Clinton this way. He hasn't been accused of just groping women, he's been accused of rape, all the way back to the '60s when he was at Oxford. Gee, I wonder if that's the reason he left Oxford and didn't actually graduate. He was also accused by two other women at Yale. And this is long before Juanita Broderick. And Hillary knew it. And she covered it up. And she accused a 12 year old rape victim of having rape fantasies and luring her attacker to rape her. She was so injured she could never have children, and Hillary got that piece of dogsh*t off with time served. Three months. I wonder what 12 year old he raped next. She says, "I fight for children!" I can think of one she didn't fight for.
2016-10-12 20:01:28 UTC
The smart women do !!! The dumb ones want to put a corrupt woman in office who will take a lot of rights away look at policy not Character they BOTH SUCK Trump and Clinton but at least with Trump the country will be safe !!!
2016-10-12 07:23:42 UTC
Some do because their husbands are, and they feel the need to support their husbands. Some women are masochists and 😍 them a man who knows how to "talk" with a woman. Still others just don't like Hillary, usually for personal reasons or none at all.

2016-10-13 12:03:29 UTC
I def don't he has not only made awful comments about woman but every other race in the book. He doesn't budget money well he is still in debt up to trillions. That kind of person doesn't represent me or my country. So he can go where the sun don't shine because he lost me when he started talking crap about everyone else when he is prolly worse off then me.
2016-10-13 00:20:50 UTC
I like people who think Donald Trump is smart, they make me feel so much better about my self.
2016-10-12 20:41:15 UTC
What woman with any self respect or intelligence could vote for Hilary? First of all, she allowed a man (Bill Clinton) to humiliate her, not only in private, but in front of the whole country! She sold herself by not divorcing Bill, to maintain power ! She lacks honesty and character ! Now, as for Trump, he is the lesser of the evils.
2016-10-12 12:29:27 UTC
Any woman who is concerned about drugs should support Trump . Drugs are killing kids all over the country and Trump is the only one seriously talking about stopping drugs from coming in and fighting the problem.
2016-10-14 17:44:42 UTC
Maybe, but I think there are just a lot of his female supporters would love to be grouped by Trump, who they think has billions. They probably consciously or subconsciously fantasize him taking care of them.

And when he doesn't, they sue him for molesting them, even though they were willing participants with the pig.
2016-10-13 22:37:22 UTC
Only really really dumb women can support Trump now. Dumb air headed gullible idiots... that or women with no self-respect at all. The type that think it's ok for husbands to hit them hard once in awhile because that is just normal human nature. The one with very low self respect and dignity. The women with a low sense of morals compared to many Americans. Those are the only women that can still respect this low-life, piece-of-**** assho!e. I feel sorry for these women.
2016-10-12 18:48:29 UTC
I'd say I'm an independent conservative who's also a Christian that is never trump as well as never Hillary I'm not voting this year. Personally I don't know why they all worship him. I don't get it either.
2016-10-12 20:36:52 UTC
Trump is not racist or sexist. He has hired the most foreign people and women in high positions than any other company. He isn't trying to kick Mexicans out hes making them come in america the right way not the illegal way.
2016-10-13 07:32:56 UTC
I'm less concerned with what Trump said than with what Hillary (and Bill) Clinton did.

Trump apologized for his remarks from ten years (!?) ago. Hillary has not apologized for Benghazi, Solyndra, perjury, influence peddling, tax evasion, and mishandling classified data.
Scarborough Fair
2016-10-12 17:51:36 UTC
The only teason for any woman to support Trump is Hillary.
2016-10-12 11:50:48 UTC
It's a trait in conservatives. Theres a study about it actually. Conservatives are most likely to double down on things when they are proven wrong just so that that won't let the other party prove them wrong. In the case of religion for example we know that it's a fiction but they are prone to double downing their belief in order for other not to get their way in proving that they are right. So it's the same for Trump's recent dramas. They might be bought for his words in the past but when he let those words out in the bus these women are double downing in order for others like you and me to not say, "I told you so". No one likes to be proven wrong especially conservatives. The polar opposite of liberalism.

It still doesn't change my mind for Hillary. I won't be voting her or trump.
2016-10-12 06:01:36 UTC
Stockholm Syndrome
2016-10-13 06:27:05 UTC
I think it dates back to primordial instinct where man took what he wanted f/ her and that's how the species propagated.

Some women want to be dominated. Trump has been taking advantage of that disposition for yrs. believing his celebrity empowers him to engage improprieties/liberties she may or may not approve of. Today, that's an ultimate abuse of power.

Thus, some women are slower to evolve w/ the species.
2016-10-11 12:29:33 UTC
Don't worry.

Latest polls show Trump not getting close to the Women's vote that Romney or McCain got in past POTUS elections......
2016-10-11 12:28:25 UTC
Because Hillary character assassinates women that Bill Clinton rapes.
2016-10-14 10:37:58 UTC
I definitely don't support Donald Trump... I hate him and would hate it if he wins the election. Hes honestly a jerk and would not do any or much good to our country.
2016-10-13 07:53:19 UTC
Yet 80 million copies of Fifty Shades of grey have been sold.

Why do woman support Clinton? I mean she stayed with a man who cheated on her and worst yet defended him. What kind of message is that for women? To stay with a cheater? Appears to be so.
2016-10-12 14:56:41 UTC
ITs not just women who are fooled by this man . Just like other dictators in history he speaks of policies that many people like the sound of (before he is in power) . But SAYING the right thing does not make a great politician or President . He does not have the character or integrity or ability.
2016-10-14 21:34:53 UTC
This white, college educated female is voting for the alpha male because he will get good things done for this country which Gawd knows we need. Hillary is mor of the DC elite and that stinks. By the way check out the rock's Hillary video before her people take it down.
2016-10-12 19:00:03 UTC
Most of them don't like Trump, they just don't want Hillary to win. You know Hillary has a reputation of being not vry nice to women either, specially the ones who accused his husband of sexually assault.
2016-10-12 09:00:38 UTC
Russia is getting ready for war because Hillary accused Putin of hacking her email. Hillary will win and we will soon go to war. Russian immigrants that's study abroad are leaving to go home. This should make people wake up that WW3 is about to start.
2016-10-13 06:03:47 UTC
I don't know why anyone would. Not just women..

Don't trust him or Clinton. Bill cheats on his wife..

And so has Trump they are the same..

I will vote.but not for them.
2016-10-14 13:28:32 UTC
I know it seems like

they want to be raped

by the Turmp and Hillary

Bill and Trump suck

as I says before watchout

for Bill and Trump

they are no good.

do have have to put

in big words for evrey one

to understand this

yeah it s not my bad

it's your bad, watch out kids.

folks anybody understand or no t
2016-10-12 07:39:15 UTC
Because they don't like Hillary. Some women at least. It's not like a unanimous thing, that's not exactly how politics work
2016-10-12 07:47:00 UTC
Because Trumps speaks loudly and carries a small stick.
2016-10-13 22:56:20 UTC
I support Trump, because I want change...I find it refreshing that he isn't up there saying things that he knows we want to hear, that he plans on forgetting as soon as he gets in office. I think he's genuine. I think he's a real man. He's had to fight everyone.....not only his opponents, but the media, and now his own party....I think he's the real thing....
2016-10-12 15:05:42 UTC
Why support Hilary becuae she Is a women? Thats called an ignorant women.
2016-10-12 04:55:29 UTC
I don't know any women who support Trump.
J. Marquez
2016-10-13 21:06:24 UTC
I agree that it must be due to some form of Stockholm syndrome. It really does not makes sense to support a man like Mr. Trump.
2016-10-13 13:35:28 UTC
I don't know, but Donald Trump is a moron.
2016-10-12 17:52:51 UTC
He's a jerk, and women love jerks because women are stupid. And crazy. Just avoid the kitchen though and you won't have to worry about that horrible excuse for a gender.
2016-10-13 18:08:40 UTC
because Hillary is a liar. she says Donald trump is sexist, but he has a wife and children.
Gina C
2016-10-15 17:28:53 UTC
A lot of christian women plan to vote for him because he is the only option against abortion. personally i think they are nuts, but if that is your headline issure, trump says he's yer man.
2016-10-13 04:33:21 UTC
because women want to be safe and have a country where radicals can't just walk right in from nations where they stone women rape victims to death. they also want their second amendment right protected so nobody breaks into their house and rapes/robs them.

you're obviously some sort of ill informed feminist and should stop watching CNN. believe me, any woman with one bit of strength doesn't need Hillary Clinton to stand for her.
2016-10-13 05:23:43 UTC
2016-10-13 06:26:15 UTC
Women love alpha males. Trump is a successful, handsome, and rich alpha male.
2016-10-12 02:39:02 UTC
I think it has more to do with supporting the Republican party over Democrats. Every President has been some form of corrupt, just personal preference which party has the better policies
2016-10-13 20:54:36 UTC
The women that support trump have brain damage.
2016-10-12 20:25:56 UTC
Why do people always bring up Bill Clinton in this election, Hillary is one person and Bill is another. And Trump is a liar, he's racist, sexist, and doesn't even know what he's doing. I don't understand Trump supporters. In the second debate, Hillary explained what she was going to do if she becomes president and actually answered the questions. Trump kept complaining about what Hillary wants to do, and kept going around the questions and changing topics: the first question was about education and Trump started talking about Isis ?!?!
2016-10-13 13:58:36 UTC
I will vote for him becuase you know, he says what he thinks and like, he is super smart and he loves women. I mean, he's like ...amazing you know what I mean.

He's super cool, and I loves

his hair like a lot!

Go trump! #goodlookingman #Whitepower #Lovehishair #DonaldTrump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
2016-10-14 00:48:53 UTC
2016-10-12 23:17:33 UTC
2016-10-12 22:57:57 UTC
#NeverTrump #NeverHillary, but here is a man and a woman running who I believe in Evan McMillan / Mindy Finn.

Evan McMillan and Mindy Finn have the momentum in many states, including Utah, where both Trump and Hillary came in last place in the primary elections.
2016-10-13 23:34:19 UTC
Whats the reason women support trump its called meth
2016-10-13 00:42:57 UTC
Yes I'm woman and I support.
2016-10-12 07:42:23 UTC
2016-10-12 19:03:46 UTC
Because if Hillary wins Russia and China will join forces and attack the Threat that Americans have put into our White house
2016-10-13 06:40:19 UTC
Stick up for myself? As a conservative woman I am not offended by his words, because if any man rich or poor tried to grab my p**** I'd kick their balls in.. In my world it's not the conservative woman I'm worried about, its the cry baby feminist. Learn to defend yourself and you won't be so scared of words.
2016-10-11 12:49:59 UTC
Why do women support Donald Trump lol?

Lordy, pretttty sad, no one has to tell me what's wrong in Life > it's the many stupid HUMANS !
2016-10-12 20:37:52 UTC
Trump is sexually assaulted women, and we need to stick together. Women should withdraw their support from this predator who think just because he has some money, he can be as disrespectful as he feels like.
2016-10-13 23:33:42 UTC
Women who lost their sense of integrity about them selves , they depend on mainstream media for answers, looking in the wrong places for answers & insecurities of quick fixes about money, Trump loves his woman as objects that plays into woman about money that he might want to prey on this women as targets, because these women want that quick status of money & recognition.
2016-10-14 05:30:33 UTC
Because I can't support Hillary.
2016-10-14 12:05:06 UTC
Moron. Women can be conservative Republicans. This is a form of bigotry of lower expectations. Whereby liberals think that "minorities" should follow the same ideology as you do, otherwise "they're voting against their interest".
2016-10-12 17:22:58 UTC
O: What's six and a half Inches long, and the more that you give it to a Woman, the more she wants it? A: A Dollar Bill. ...1012/2016
2016-10-11 12:29:04 UTC
Because women hate rapists Clintons.
2016-10-13 04:03:33 UTC
Well, unfortunately, not all do. But some do, because they are smart. They care about their country and know better than to let a criminal get elected. They are going for the lesser evil.
2016-10-12 01:04:15 UTC
Few women support him
2016-10-13 17:55:26 UTC
I wouldn't have a glass of water with this jackass. YER OUT STRIKE THREE TIME TO GO DONALD
2016-10-12 01:48:45 UTC
You are an idiot.

MR Clinton raped women.

MRS Clinton hurts more women than Trump did.
2016-10-13 08:19:08 UTC
Because every man has talked like that before and some women talk about men like that.
2016-10-13 05:14:56 UTC
Open minded women support him. Feminists and 'tunnel vision' women do not support him, but honestly, they hate everything and blame their problems on everything but themselves.
2016-10-13 21:04:18 UTC
Only white supremacist and coon n*gro bed wench women support Trump.
2016-10-12 09:48:01 UTC
Because Hillary Clinton is a two faced hypocrite as well as a liar and a criminal who belongs in jail.
2016-10-13 10:47:42 UTC
Why do you think it's not a woman's choice to vote for whoever she wants? Seems pretty sexist, Pixel.
2016-10-13 18:31:10 UTC
Hes a winner
2016-10-12 08:32:01 UTC
Women love dominant, successful men.
2016-10-12 02:39:29 UTC
Probably for the same reason why feminists supported a rapist and sexual harasser like Bill Clinton. Because they agree with him politically.
2016-10-13 13:52:55 UTC
Let's see. Hillary Clinton called urban black youths 'super-predators', and the black community still idolizes her. Why is that? I bet you've never even heard of that before.
2016-10-12 17:59:04 UTC
Why do women support a corporate shill who suppresses and discredits rape victims, defends rapists, and screws people over?
2016-10-11 15:08:30 UTC
Either support Trump or someone that got a rapist out of jail.
2016-10-12 15:26:00 UTC
He hasent done anything wrong he's a ******* good guy did u see in the debate he stood up for Bernie it's just the ******* adds they put that Crocked hiliary makes for money
2016-10-12 13:37:15 UTC
Why do women have to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Cold Shower
2016-10-12 17:29:06 UTC
Women support stuff for their vaginas. Give them free stuff for their vaginas and you'll win the female vote every time.
2016-10-12 19:33:25 UTC
What women? His numbers are terrible with women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, catholics, muslims, gays, retired veterans....his only strong demographic is the angry white toothless uneducated trailer trash who won't get off the sofa to vote anyway.
2016-10-12 06:35:24 UTC
Conservative women defend racism and sexism just as much as Conservative men. It comes from the comfort that comes with being a coddled "can do no wrong" white female.
2016-10-12 10:53:15 UTC
Why would anyone support Hillary Clinton?
2016-10-14 02:25:40 UTC
Because some women know their country is more important than their personal feelings. So they are going with the lesser evil.
2016-10-12 09:43:13 UTC
The same reason a chicken supports Col Sanders the poor chicken hates itself
2016-10-13 04:50:35 UTC
I support him because I believe we need a total reformation in our government. He has no agenda like killary does, he is beholden to no-one but God and the people!
♛Big Daddy King III♛
2016-10-14 10:37:42 UTC
Because they aren't brainwashed Liberals and understand that Hillary is a lying criminal
2016-10-11 12:28:15 UTC
Trump doesn't laugh at 12 year old rape victims
2016-10-13 21:27:32 UTC
Because the women voting for him are one of many girls Donald is cheating on. This is my guess.
2016-10-13 08:28:37 UTC
The real women that want this great experiment called America to not fail.
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-10-11 16:21:44 UTC
Even if Trump doesn't win...he's d revealing how corrupt our political system is. I support him. All the candidates have some all the things againist him do not phase me. He's still better that Hillary and Paul Ryan pussy ***.
2016-10-16 15:52:30 UTC
They are poorly educated.

"I love the poorly educated."

Donald J. Trump
2016-10-12 10:02:46 UTC
Because he's not being voted to "be my husband". He's voted in to take care of the country, and I feel he can do a better job of that than Hillary.
2016-10-11 16:10:18 UTC
Not a laughing matter. Trump is far more a gentlemen then Clinton

could ever hope to be. Words don't insert cigars in vaginas.
2016-10-12 04:04:24 UTC
Funny I feel the same way about cuckold guys supporting Hillary
2016-10-12 19:35:14 UTC
I'm Not Voting for him. His Disrespectful & Makes fun of people .
2016-10-12 13:17:40 UTC
Ha, women don't have rights. Well, real rights. And yes, maybe Stockholm syndrome.
2016-10-11 12:26:45 UTC
Hillary treats women like garbage.
2016-10-13 09:44:25 UTC
Because they like to be grabbed by their p**** by Trump
2016-10-13 16:57:06 UTC
Because I want him to grab me by the pūssy. He's handsome. I want that fine gentleme to ride on my sausage all day and all night.
2016-10-13 23:53:15 UTC
Why do women support Clinton? These are decade old allegations, if they are right he should apologize.
2016-10-12 11:58:36 UTC
Because Hillary will take away so many of our rights. She is going to start with guns and go from there.
2016-10-14 17:23:17 UTC
It takes all kinds, maybe some women like to be groped, and they can't wait to cheer him on.
2016-10-14 19:31:35 UTC
No it's a form of thinking for themselves.
2016-10-13 16:02:32 UTC
I don't know. After everything he said about women. It sickness me that he might be your next president.
2016-10-11 22:38:54 UTC
Because it's some ho's in this house
2016-10-14 05:17:58 UTC
The only woman that Hillary Clinton supports is herself.

Have you not seen how she treated the victims of her husband?
2016-10-14 00:14:12 UTC
The Clinton's are Rapist Loving Trash!
2016-10-13 11:49:13 UTC
Because they obviously think that's who most represents their personal political beliefs
Joseph hola
2016-10-13 10:44:29 UTC
They want to Pixel. Just like how you want to ask. But seriously, they support him bc of beliefs. Hillary is a criminal and they know it.
2016-10-15 06:26:57 UTC
Those are usually very weak women, who like to be dominated on bed and be spanked by their husbands.
2016-10-12 04:58:19 UTC
The lady from Kansas who we all saw in that CNN clip clearly is suffering from religious indoctrination. There are millions more like her.
2016-10-13 05:00:07 UTC
both candidates will make history when one becomes president. Hillary will become the first female president and Trump will become the first mentally retarded president.
2016-10-13 22:45:44 UTC
There is a underlying message here; more women vote than men....

Uncidentally; neither gets my vote.
2016-10-11 23:30:26 UTC
I'm a woman and support him. Why would I want a lying fake *** woman who has FBI on her back and only says what we want to hear (because every politician does it) run our country? I'm good, I would rather have someone who isnt a politician actually do what they say and isn't afraid to say what needs to be said and done.
2016-10-12 08:42:51 UTC
Because men don't hold a patent on being chumps.
2016-10-12 22:04:52 UTC
Because they don't trust Hillary.
2016-10-12 15:53:08 UTC
Women can't resist money
2016-10-13 22:36:55 UTC
My guess is because they have a fully functional brain and the ability to think for themselves rather than follow blindly the moronic liberal talking points.
2016-10-11 22:19:47 UTC
Low self esteem
2016-10-13 09:29:12 UTC
Some of the points he makes actually make sense. Like, people should really give him a chance.
2016-10-13 12:10:55 UTC
Shut the f*ck up. Women don't all need to be liberals. Hilary sucks.
2016-10-12 10:18:36 UTC
Because "when you're a star, (some) women let you do anything you want"
2016-10-12 19:54:16 UTC
Because he has helped many women
2016-10-12 19:05:43 UTC
Because unlike the democrats conservatives think women are intelligent and can think for themselves.
2016-10-12 09:47:02 UTC
Some women know their place.
Keep It Real
2016-10-11 12:45:28 UTC
Maybe because woman Trump supporters think outside of the box. You can't fool a Trump supporter unlike all the Hillary followers! LOL
2016-10-12 07:32:48 UTC
I don't know. because I m not supporting
2016-10-13 19:21:38 UTC
Maybe because they want a tax break lol or to defeat isis lol
2016-10-12 12:45:20 UTC
I bet most of his female supporters refuse to think for themselves!
2016-10-12 19:01:04 UTC
Why does ANYbody support Hillary???
2016-10-13 05:51:14 UTC
He's hot
2016-10-11 20:59:25 UTC
Because he isn't into murdering babies or elderly people, doesn't plan to tax regular Americans to death, or destroy the Constitution of the greatest country ever(USA). Did you ever really listen what he will do for the US? Most women have common sense, sorry for the others.
2016-10-15 08:03:07 UTC
Because some of them lack brain
2016-10-11 16:17:40 UTC
because the alternative is what happened to Kathleen willey, Juanita Broderick, Jennifer flowers, paula jones and monica. and the fact that YOU support that is both sick and twisted. LOL THAT moron.
2016-10-12 16:32:55 UTC
Because he's a real person
2016-10-12 21:32:43 UTC
Because he's not a crook
2016-10-14 17:30:03 UTC
Gullible women

Izza Tipu
2016-10-11 20:38:30 UTC
Stupidity obviously
2016-10-11 15:27:51 UTC
Lilly Fuller
2016-10-12 19:58:13 UTC
Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Can it be that that is just how much they hate the Hildebeast?
2016-10-13 02:30:03 UTC
Aside from the crap and lies the media and Hillary s lemmings are dragging up, he makes lots more sense for our country.
2016-10-12 09:24:57 UTC
Cuz he's a billionaire
2016-10-12 07:37:59 UTC
Door mat types.
2016-10-14 13:02:16 UTC
y do they support an a hole like hillary just because she has a va jay jay
2016-10-12 02:14:45 UTC
Woman hate being lied too
2016-10-14 07:17:18 UTC
moslty trump supporers are ignorant wih lower IQ
2016-10-12 16:41:39 UTC
No self-respecting and sane woman will support him
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-10-11 13:12:52 UTC
One of my sisters is absolutely devoted to him. I think she's brainwashed - he is spellbinding to those who believe in him. Craziest thing in my lifetime. He's such a greedy pig.

She's not someone he would be interested in otherwise - Believe me! He just wants her vote.
2016-10-13 08:56:12 UTC
women support gays always so that may explain why :3
2016-10-12 07:41:23 UTC
Theie oppressive Christian beliefs
Tad Dubious
2016-10-11 12:40:19 UTC
Pixel, per Mr. Rush L's Monday report, it's because they "want it." Apparently they "want it" bad.
2016-10-13 16:33:35 UTC
thank god it's weekend at 2:30 pm for me
2016-10-12 12:54:49 UTC
Because they have better political views and would rather have him in office then a criminal
2016-10-12 13:26:14 UTC
No damn clue. You'd think they'd give up on him, but nope!
2016-10-12 16:49:25 UTC
Because they're smarter than you.
2016-10-14 23:30:19 UTC
Once Hillary uses this bad boy on em they do
2016-10-13 18:12:43 UTC
They don't! Don't believe Republican Party lies!
2016-10-11 14:47:04 UTC
The same reason those women fall in love with serial killers. He's an abuser.
2016-10-11 20:18:52 UTC
I know one who is educated and it is because she was brought up republican and simply thinks that way and cannot seem to think otherwise.
2016-10-12 07:14:56 UTC
I think very few do support him now.
2016-10-11 12:30:48 UTC
Here's a crazy idea; maybe there are women out there who think attacking victims of rape/sexual assault (as Hillary Clinton has done in the past) is wrong.

Edit: @Hayley. No, he just talked about it. Hillary Clinton stood by Bill after he literally attacks the woman, and personally attacked his victims.
2016-10-14 05:46:21 UTC
Intelligence .
2016-10-12 15:59:04 UTC
I suppose that when it is another woman being molested they do not care, either that or they do not believe the several women who have come out to say that Trump either molested them or tried to molest them. This is not just something he said but something he did. As for other reasons they seem to think that Trump will make things better for them and the economy when a review of his businesses tends to suggest the opposite. They feel Trump is for the "little guy" but his whole life has been about himself and how much money he can spend. Looking at Trump as a businessman:

He has 6 bankruptcies, one personal and 5 business

He has numerous business failures specifically Trump University which was really a con job since the promises made to those attending in reality were never acted upon nor was the training sufficient to even achieve the least of them.

He has purchased several thriving businesses which, under his careful control, ended up being sold off at bargain basement prices as they were almost bankrupt.

He has a history of not paying his bills and instead uses his lawyers to bring up spurious claims. As a result several small businesses have gone bankrupt causing loss of jobs and, for those that survived, they ended up laying off staff to survive.

Trump has refused to pay employees overtime for work they were required to do leading them to, successfully, sue him for these wages.

While many of his businesses started out doing well they tended to go downhill over time with a corresponding loss to his employees of a variety of benefits, reductions in pay, and loss of pay increases.

Trump has a history of using junk bonds to finance his businesses which is why many of them have had issues, he tends to run up significant debt then refuses to pay or makes payments in a haphazard manner. He is in debt to the hundreds of millions of dollars to foreign banks (maybe that is why Russia support him) which will expect "favors" if he is elected President.

Despite his rhetoric about various policies he plans on putting into place "as soon as he is elected" he has not shown any understanding of the work or funding necessary to initiate them. An independent economic assessment of his polices shows that if elected he will double the US debt (and he has stated he loves debt) and cost up to 3.5 million jobs. Many of the countries he is threatening hold trillions in US debt and they could always act to claim it causing severe economic conditions in the US. If he, as he has threatened, refuses to pay then the US will be forced into international bankruptcy and few, if any, countries (other than his buddies in Russia and North Korea) will be willing to loan money to or invest in the US. As a result there will be major job losses in the US and/or major decreases in wages in order to try and remain competitive. After the last crisis instigated by the US in their housing crash many countries have looked at ways to remain competitive and economically viable without the input of the US.

Trump's stated solution to everything is "good management" however as his business practices have indicated over the past few decades, he shows little grasp of overall economic actions and has a proven lack of business acumen which has lost him literally hundreds of millions of dollars over the years. He also tends to exaggerate his wealth by significantly overstating the value of properties. An example is a golf course he owns that he claimed was worth $50 million but a market assessment indicated the total worth was under $2 million. A review of all his properties indicated a gross wealth of close to $5 billion, half of what he has claimed, but he is also estimated to be in debt to the tune of almost $1 billion, mostly to foreign banks so his net wealth could be significantly lower than stated.

Every time I read one answer I have to chuckle as Trump is more likely in debt to, and open to influence by, the Russians that the Clinton's. If they do have contacts in Russia it is most likely through their bff Donald's connections than anything else. Perhaps his comments about Russia and inviting them to hack are more than just "sarcasm" as he claimed, maybe he knows exactly what they are doing to assist his campaign. Now I await the myriad of Thumbs down by Trumpettes who find purchasing non-existent property a good deal.
2016-10-12 06:36:40 UTC
Those women who support him are bunch of *****.
2016-10-13 16:59:33 UTC
Cause they want him. Powerful man
2016-10-11 12:28:46 UTC
In Hillary, they know a vindictive " person " when they see one.
Harley Lady
2016-10-13 10:11:53 UTC
This woman doesn't
The First Dragon
2016-10-12 20:32:42 UTC
Because he is a better option than the Clinton.
Mont K
2016-10-13 09:32:52 UTC
they are attracted to power and money while having a small weiner-most chicks dig that
2016-10-12 03:50:22 UTC
the one's who would like there family's to be safe ,have a job maybe even health insurance
2016-10-11 19:15:18 UTC
2016-10-12 18:14:59 UTC
I don't. He's a pig.
2016-10-12 19:22:16 UTC
are they gonna support crooked Hillary?
2016-10-12 04:40:35 UTC
Because we HATE hillary Clinton.

100% of the republican "get out the vote" volunteers here in indianapolis are BLACK WOMEN...FACT!

(I should know,I was there)
2016-10-11 16:03:08 UTC
I think so, I don't understand any other reason why, there is no other explanation.
2016-10-11 17:40:49 UTC
2016-10-12 15:43:49 UTC
Hillary said he has a huge tongue
2016-10-12 09:04:34 UTC
Because he is by far the lesser of two evils
John Kendrick
2016-10-12 03:48:37 UTC
cause alot of woman not all but alot are just like her cant admit their husband cheated on them
2016-10-13 09:44:39 UTC
For his sense of humor
2016-10-12 05:53:05 UTC
Not all women think with their vaginas.
2016-10-12 16:53:14 UTC
He's got gout.
2016-10-12 16:36:15 UTC
They are hoping he gets a divorce, so he can choose one of them.
2016-10-12 13:37:07 UTC
Cause they want to date him jk
2016-10-12 05:41:44 UTC
Because the women are from the backcountry.
2016-10-12 20:43:27 UTC
can't stump the trump
2016-10-12 18:44:23 UTC
Because they agree with his policies.
2016-10-11 19:25:37 UTC
Because Hilary is a criminal and a pathological liar.
2016-10-13 09:12:59 UTC
HELL NO! Not unless they're ignorant.
2016-10-12 19:36:28 UTC
They don't know **** about politics
2016-10-13 07:49:43 UTC
Because he is better then Clinton
2016-10-14 20:08:56 UTC
2016-10-14 19:29:56 UTC
2016-10-13 08:06:59 UTC
If it were the same could be applied to Clintons.
2016-10-11 14:04:01 UTC
Because they are mentally challeneged or are a hillbilly inbred!
2016-10-12 13:47:33 UTC
2016-10-16 05:52:30 UTC
maybe they are as sick of the scumsucking dirtwads that run this country as a lot of men are.
2016-10-11 12:29:33 UTC
Because he has something better than Pop Rocks to put between their legs.
2016-10-12 08:40:04 UTC
lmao all these neckbeards pretending to be women
2016-10-11 13:28:44 UTC
Because he is better than clinton and is blunt
2016-10-13 14:06:29 UTC
Because he's RIGHT? LOL?
2016-10-14 08:25:52 UTC
He handsome gay love boy
2016-10-12 09:38:29 UTC
They might say they do BUT what they say and what they do are two different things..
2016-10-12 21:36:21 UTC
He is a nice person
2016-10-11 14:52:51 UTC
Because they know that us men are the superior sex and that their sex is so inferior to us men. I got a dislike for speaking the truth
2016-10-13 00:47:57 UTC
why would any decent man support criminal Clinton?
2016-10-12 09:51:13 UTC
because they know that Kill-ary is a gynocentrist
2016-10-11 12:30:54 UTC
Kind of, or similar to women that are attracted to, and stay with, men who beat them. These are women who have no respect for themselves, and so respect men who treat them without respect. Fairly common. but still a very tiny minority of most women, who do have self respect and will reject him.
Ronald 7
2016-10-12 11:17:11 UTC
It's the Hair, the chicks love the hair.
2016-10-13 09:52:54 UTC
Cause their idiots
2016-10-13 16:35:19 UTC
they love getting their pu $$ y grabbed
2016-10-11 15:46:31 UTC
They have an iq of a goldfish?
2016-10-12 08:10:34 UTC
Because the bullshit of libtardism is so stupid, only the femishits would go for it.
2016-10-12 11:34:51 UTC
Lots of women are just dumb and desperate to please a man. Including this imbecile
2016-10-16 07:58:31 UTC
Because he is handsome
2016-10-11 21:58:04 UTC
because they mistake bluster and bullying for manliness, and are star-struck over his wealth
2016-10-12 22:49:44 UTC
Cuz he cool
2016-10-12 15:39:22 UTC
because they agree wthhis policies
2016-10-13 09:12:14 UTC
because i don't want illegal mexicans in our country
2016-10-12 16:54:54 UTC
simply becase
2016-10-14 00:14:01 UTC
2016-10-13 07:58:15 UTC
They don't he's an asshole.
2016-10-13 18:52:54 UTC
Because they are *********
2016-10-12 05:26:06 UTC
2016-10-12 16:47:04 UTC
I want him president!
2016-10-12 11:03:12 UTC
what does.being a woman have anything to do with this
2016-10-13 20:20:21 UTC
because he is a rich idoit
2016-10-13 06:52:05 UTC
women do? i have no idea what the heck you are talking about :P
2016-10-13 13:38:22 UTC
Because he and his money are hot!
2016-10-11 14:36:00 UTC
Tell us what you really think
2016-10-11 16:48:51 UTC
He has a better position on the issues.
2016-10-11 16:00:30 UTC
Good question.....i have no clue tho
2016-10-12 00:55:53 UTC
who knows
Ninja Turtles
2016-10-12 10:53:38 UTC
cuz they can support whoever they desire to support.
2016-10-13 14:01:55 UTC
Because people are stupid
jason w
2016-10-13 11:42:06 UTC
They dont
2016-10-15 04:29:50 UTC
Because he is smart.
2016-10-12 22:17:40 UTC
Trump.knows sex swings well
2016-10-15 01:12:59 UTC
They are victims of the patriarchy.
2016-10-12 06:18:53 UTC
I do not think many do
2016-10-11 17:36:53 UTC
...because he's the only one who makes any sense. He doesn't lie. He tells the truth. He already has a proven track record of success. et al...
2016-10-12 07:33:49 UTC
cause american women are right!
2016-10-12 07:52:42 UTC
Because they're stupid.
Emily Rose
2016-10-14 04:58:21 UTC
I dont. I dont even vote.
2016-10-13 01:43:56 UTC
they don't
2016-10-13 12:37:41 UTC
HE IS A SEXY GEMINI...He is just a man so what?? HE CAN DO BETTER THAN CLINTON..
2016-10-14 08:03:23 UTC
You tell me, bud. I have no idea!
2016-10-13 02:45:26 UTC
2016-10-16 00:15:10 UTC
Because they are some truely dumb bitches.
2016-10-13 03:21:36 UTC
I dont
2016-10-14 18:37:09 UTC
2016-10-12 08:05:25 UTC
Sir are you from Denver
2016-10-12 13:04:57 UTC
Because you are a liberal gay
2016-10-11 16:57:50 UTC
Because girls don't wont to be raped.
2016-10-13 12:04:06 UTC
2016-10-13 07:04:10 UTC
Cuz they're dumb
2016-10-13 16:21:11 UTC
2016-10-13 03:02:18 UTC
because he has a bigggggggg dick
2016-10-12 16:37:34 UTC
because we have brains
2016-10-14 06:31:38 UTC

there's bunch of reasons why women support Donald trump
2016-10-11 17:10:45 UTC
2016-10-11 17:36:50 UTC
I cannot imagine.
2016-10-12 01:48:44 UTC
They would like their p u s s i e s groped????
2016-10-11 18:31:42 UTC
Because they are drunk and are not intelligent
2016-10-11 17:23:08 UTC
Because he is telling the truth about what's going on in America
2016-10-13 20:58:55 UTC
*by proxi
2016-10-12 04:14:41 UTC
she is perfect
2016-10-11 17:55:43 UTC
Just because females support Donald Trump doesnt mean that they have some weird disease. Im a female and support Donald trump. not all vote for hillary. shes a liar and a criminal, and yes, I do want a female president but NOT HER. SHES INSANE.
2016-10-13 09:40:17 UTC
2016-10-12 07:42:26 UTC
2016-10-11 14:55:23 UTC
because he's sexy
2016-10-12 04:01:51 UTC
because they are not dumb
2016-10-11 20:18:37 UTC
2016-10-11 18:08:02 UTC
They r b!tches
Linda R
2016-10-11 14:28:16 UTC
Because he tells the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-10-12 23:12:49 UTC
2016-10-13 18:19:07 UTC
Idk, but you've made an interesting point, Stockholm syndrome.
2016-10-12 06:39:57 UTC
2016-10-12 16:32:15 UTC
2016-10-11 16:16:20 UTC
2016-10-13 18:39:01 UTC
James Ondrako
2016-10-12 15:20:41 UTC
2016-10-11 16:17:20 UTC
IDK ask them...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.