I do realize that all modern countries in the world have socialist aspects.
By GINI coefficient.. (it measures income equality)
0=complete equality
1=complete inequality
The U.S. is currently aroung 0.408... Mexico is 0.46. We are about as unequal as this corrupt government down south we always talk about with disdain. The richest 20% of Americans own 50% of the wealth in this country.
Our GINI index has been declining since the 1960s. We are the only developed country that has a significantly high GINI coefficient. The rest of developed nations (and even some in the Middle East) have higher income equality.
Americans don't realize that you have to invest in society to have a decent life. It is beneficial for me to have my neighbor educated and knowledgable in general areas. It benefits us by making us more competitive in world job markets. A healthier society benefits us too..... healthy workers are happy workers.
It is the major sidetrack of the century.. Russia and China (who now owns our debt ironically) gave the U.S. a reason to create a massive hatred towards it.... why would they want to do it? Invest in the public more?... I am not talking about welfare. I'm talking about education, opportunity, and chances.
So yes.. I realize all the above you have listed.. and it is with sad regret that I wish the worst for this country to wake some of these people up. Unfortunately I think it will end up being poorer people with less quality of life and still saying "I love America!"
I welcome the downfall... it doesn't deserve the things that other generations have earned for it in the past anymore.
FYI for those who care to learn more:
Countries with GINIs similar to ours.
Ghana (african country) .408
Turkmenistan .408
Georgia .404
Sri Lanka .402
Mali .401
Cambodia .417
Thailand 0.42
Burundi .424 (The poorest nation per capita in the world)