Where is the Arab and Islamic outrage at terrorist atrocities and use of civilians as shields and for hiding?
2006-02-01 11:10:13 UTC
Where is the Arab and Islamic outrage at terrorist atrocities and use of civilians as shields and for hiding?
Two answers:
2006-03-04 12:34:05 UTC
I don't know...look what happening in Iraq because of terrorists, but do you hear any condimnation or outrage in other Islamic nations ?? NO, they just talk about US and their non-muslims foes. many muslims disagree, but does disagreement makes differences if you are silent and does not loud your voice just on cartoon?

Iraqis killed everyday, and they called such actions in many countries "RESISTANCE" and in prayer they called them Mujahideen (holy warriors).... I would love to know if Israel is Islamic what would be the reaction against it?
Outlaw 1-3
2006-02-05 21:45:42 UTC
The vast majority of Muslims do not agree with the use of terrorism. However, terrorism is an accepted part of Asian warfare and has been for thousands of years.

It is not that they are not outraged, it is just expected.

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