Why do liberals who post questions, frequently, report as abuse answers that disagree with their opinions?
2006-11-08 08:24:23 UTC
*** I DO NOT WANT ANYONE answering: that is not true, or I don't believe that. Because this is true. That's why Shiraz and John Skerry have had to create about 1000 user ids in the past three months. ****

Personally, I vehemently disagree with almost everything Jim W., Humanist, and many others post. However, I would never report their answers as abuse because I believe they have the right to state their opinions.

Recently, there seems to have been a rash of reporting, as well as, questions and answers being deleted from this forum.

What Yahoo and some people fail to realize is that the only reason why Yahoo Politics Answers is as popular as it is, is because of the free exchange of ideas and the differing viewpoints. Once you start censoring ideas people will lose interested and this forum will die.

If I get many more reports, I feel the only option will be to do the same! Then Yahoo Answers will be a clean, sanitized environment that no one will want to use.
Ten answers:
2006-11-08 08:28:43 UTC
I'm hoping it will stop now that the elections are over. Many people went over the line to "OMG, If you don't agree with my you're just an Idiot and should be reported", but I think it was because of the stress of the election. I hope we can all go back to just disagreeing like normal rational people. We'll see....

I might miss a little of my, "you neo-con" hate mail though. It gives me a laugh.
Huey Freeman
2006-11-08 16:30:35 UTC
I'm not a Neocon, and I've had several of my answers reported. Three, in fact, within the past two months, none of them which violated the Yahoo Answers guidelines, no more or less so than some of the things posted by others on this site. And last I remember, wasn't but a while ago that Jim W. was suspended, so maybe you should do your homework before you go complaining about what the Left does. Last I remember, there were cowards on both sides.
2006-11-08 16:35:12 UTC
Shiraz and Skerry had reporting down to a fine art. So what you say is not true and I don't believe it. And Shiraz and Skerry may be your friends but they are idiots and morons.No education, no sophistication, no class, no culture - have you noticed how quiet it has become since the dems took the house? Your buddies ( Skerry and Shiraz ) must be hosting a loser pedophile party for their new unemployed friends. So now we can add hypocrite - you complain that they were reported but you will also report if you don't get your way - waahhh! Go get your diaper changed and take your nappy.
2006-11-08 16:30:50 UTC
I agree. Here's a violation notice I received (and three more resolved questions were deleted within 5 minutes, btw):

You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines. As a result, your content has been deleted.

Deleted Question: Why didn't we hear from Mr. Clinton regarding the Kerry comments?

Question Details:

2006-11-03 11:20:17Additional

Our media said he was here in Tennessee busy with Ford.

Reason of Violation:Chatting & Personal Communications

If you have feedback on this violation, please contact Customer Care
2006-11-08 16:33:02 UTC
Shiraz and John Skerry consistantly violated the rules of Yahoo Answers and civil discourse. The rules aren't that hard to follow.

For the most part I can express my opinion without insulting people...
2006-11-08 16:29:12 UTC
Yahoo had a blog about the rise in trolls on the sight. Please don't think that it is liberals, it is conservatives too. But really, it isn't either, becaus eit isn't about politics. We are hoping they will disappear as the election gets further away. Just respond to these reports with why they are invalid, and Yahoo will start a file. if you get removed wrongfully, feel free to email me and I will give you a number to call to investigate. They got a friend of mine reinstated after she was wrongfully removed. And keep asking those questions. The strong WILL survive!
2006-11-08 16:27:31 UTC
Some people are just being wossies. But if somebody's answers goes "over the line" then they should.

Those you mention do spew some pretty crazy stuff at times.
2006-11-08 16:29:33 UTC
Actually, I've seen conservatives do the same thing. It's a two-way street.
2006-11-08 16:28:20 UTC
You've made a good point, one many many others have been saying for weeks
2006-11-08 16:26:17 UTC
So now you know what it feels like!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.