I'm confused with 9/11 can you plz answer my questions?
2008-01-22 12:03:23 UTC
Some resources firstly the video Loose Change suggests and Americans destroyed the twin towers.
1) can you give me the POLITICAL REASONS why Americans would want to do such a thing?
2) does the reason have to do something with " postmodernism? "
24 answers:
2008-01-22 12:42:03 UTC
To shock the American people (and the other first-world nations) enough that an incursion into Iraq and Afghanistan would be palatable. It is widely known that the Bush administration had their eyes set on Iraq well before 9/11. Staging a catastrophic event in order to cajole people into going to war is nothing new. If you have the time, take a look at the real facts surrounding the sinking of the Maine, Pearl Harbor (and FDR's foreknowledge), and the Gulf of Tonkin. As far as the ultimate motivation behind 9/11, I don't think there are any hard answers. Some of the reasons that are floating around include the following:

To establish a permanant base in the mideast in order to secure Israel against Iran and its other Arab enemies.

To maintain a stronghold on the five trillion dollars worth of oil sitting underneath the sand.

To make it easier to implement more sweeping surveillance methods and legislation and to centralize power within the Executive Branch.

To provide a source of income to multinational corporations who have a vested interest in prolonging the very lucrative "War on Terror".

There is one thing that you should keep in mind if you want to devote some time to studying the events of 9/11. There is a lot of conjecture and speculation out there, and much of the compelling information is drowned out by the fringe ideas. I myself have carefully studied 9/11 for about 4 years. I'm not some ignorant, aluminum foil cap-wearing conspiracy theorist. I am a math professor who is absolutely committed to the truth, no matter where it may lead. One thing I have found during discussions with people on this issue is that the folks who scoff at the notion that the US Government (or, more accurately, rogue elements of the US Government) could actually do this to the American people haven't really studied the facts. They know nothing of WTC 7, the Norad standown, the war games simulating the attacks on the same day that they happened, the evidence for controlled demolition, the absence of debris in the case of Flight 93, etc. I could go on and on. Don't automatically listen to the people who disparage you for thinking independently. I would happily debate any official 9/11 story apologist. They generally, in my experience, can't or won't engage in intelligent dialogue. But with 84% of the American people (according to a recent poll) believing that the goverrnment is lying or hiding something, the official story is becoming a minority viewpoint. All I'm saying is that you should think, think, read, and think some more. Ask yourself whether any of the recent actions of the Bush Administration with regard to foreign and domestic policy could have been possible without 9/11? Afghanistan, Iraq, the Department of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act - all as a result of 9/11 and all defining aspects of Bush's presidency.

My final thought... It is NOT unpatriotic to question your government. It is NOT disrespectful to the 3000 killed on 9/11 to believe that the official version is a lie. On the contrary, I can thinking of nothing more honorable to the victims than to endeavor to find out the truth.
2008-01-22 15:06:56 UTC
America has ruling a elite which are not loyal to America they are loyal to themselves. This elite has member which belong to both main parties and to all the major corporations etc.

The same is true of Europe and other powers and includes the aristocracy and royal families. The term often used for this global class of "elites" is the New World Order.

They are the invisible hand in all human history and control thru deception. They funded all major movements including Communism and even Hitler.

they control the world's media, money and military.

They worship Lucifer and wish to exterminate most the current world population.

a lot more could be said but it is for everyone to do their own research. There is a LOT of disinformation out there too which is problematic.

This elite is in the process of creating a global dictatorship . They use america's military power - unmatched by any other on earth - to destroy the Middle east nations which oppose their goals.

they needed to provoke the American people into wanting war so they staged 9/11.

as for 'post-modernism' that like all other ideas is their creation.
Fedup Veteran
2008-01-22 12:19:41 UTC
1) Look at how much power that the President has now. Look at all the "Bills" and "Laws" passed based on fear and controlling the masses. I am not saying Bush did it, but he didn't prevent it either. There are just too many loose ends which have NEVER been answered...such as the fact that there was black and grey smoke after the plane hit which is a sign of a fire which is smothering, but yet, this was the cause of the buildings free falling? The fact that NORAD just happened to have an exact same test involving planes hitting buildings the same exact day that 9/11 happened?

Some of the bills passed were the "Patriot" act, the "Military Commissions act of 2006", the "John Warner National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2007." This would NEVER have happened if something like 9/11 didn't occur.

2) Yes, people are trying to create the New World Order and they would never be listened to if 9/11 would have happened. My guess is that they will say that it is "Safer" for the world if it is under one government, but what it really is after is slaves.
2008-01-22 12:09:53 UTC
The reasoning behind Loose Change and other 9/11 Conspiracy Theories is flawed at best.

1) There are no political reasons why Americans would commit such an act against their own people. Many people think that President Bush is an evil man that would do something like that. I don't like some of the things he does, but he wouldn't try to kill American civilians.

2) I don't think "postmodernism" has anything to do with it. A number of fundamentalist Muslims wanted to kill Americans, so they committed an act of terrorism. That's the basic answer.

What would they be looking for? That's a very good question. A lot of people who believe the movie "Loose Change" think that an act like 9/11 would make people afraid and would force people to support the President when he wanted to invade Iraq, but that reasoning is wrong.
chuck t
2008-01-22 17:36:23 UTC
So let me get this straight, You are asking us to speculate on this countries motivation for doing something that we didn't do??? That seems like a very vain waste of time!

and you claim "nothing is absolute"? what is that about?

Water is wet. Ice is cold! The US descended from Britain! Elvis is dead! Implying that victims of 9/11 are killed by anything other than the terrorists that admitted to it.(with plenty of evidence to prove back it)is stupid.....I can go on forever with absolutes!!!
2008-01-22 12:15:10 UTC
The idea is a "false flag" operation, or a "faked attack" on a nations interests to publicly justify military action.

There were people who called Pearl Harbor a "false flag" operation. After WW2 the Japanese admitted taking part in the operation and so the conspiracy theorists claimed that the US was aware of the attack and did nothing to prevent the attack on Pearl Harbor so the US could join WW2.

Essentially this is all really stupid conspiracy theories that only make sense to people with warped minds.

The United States is a capitalist nation with a fiat currency. Military action tends to reduce the value of the fiat currency of a nation at war.

Saying the United States organized Peal Harbor, the Tonkin Gulf incident or 9-11 is essentially saying the the US government was trying to make the dollar worth less money so the government and US corporation could lose money.

Pretty dumb, but, some people don't understand how the various "gears" in the system turn so they make up junk like this and to uneducated people it sounds good.
Shannon G
2008-01-22 12:16:02 UTC
There are no real political reasons the government would do that. The ramblings of psychotic Anti American cowards should not be taken as fact. The Rosie O'Donnell and the Michael Moores of this world should leave the country, go live under Sharia law for a year or ten and then come back and run their fat mouths! Unfortunately, there are many people who get their "news" from the View and Michael Moores shocumentaries that are no more grounded in fact than Santa Clause. Regardless of your opinions of this administration or the Clinton admin. I think anybody with an ounce of intelligence would see the ignorance in believing that either President woke up one day and said...hmm, I need this type of grief in my life, I think I will blow up the World Trade Center. Additionally, since the towers were attacked twice and under different administrations, both Clinton and Bush would have had to collaborated together on the issue. The fact of the matter is, Islamo Fascist nut bags that hide behind towels on their heads, camel jockey live in the dessert, hide behind their religion blew up the towers with OUR planes because they hate us and will do so again if given the chance. The greates threat that faces us is not the theory of global warming, it is the threat of terrorist who want you dead! Take that with you to the voting booth with you this year. It is about our freedom and our way of life.
2008-01-22 12:46:26 UTC
The US government did not do 9/11

However, to answer your question, here are motives that are usually given as to why the US would attack itself, along with the explanation why they don't make sense:


CLAIM: Bush or the gov’t. did 9/11 "to get oil."

FACT: We haven’t “gotten” any oil, nor will we ever. That would be globally obvious stealing. And the money we spent (up to a trillion dollars in Iraq) could have bought a lot of oil! You realize the price of oil has almost doubled in the past 1 year.

CLAIM: To give money to military contractors who might then give kick-backs to Bush

FACT: Kickbacks would be pretty traceable. Also, military contractors make lots of money in peacetime, perhaps even more than in war, by developing new weapons. They make a fortune year in, year out. Who needs a war?

CLAIM: To take over the Middle East

FACT: This sort of colonialism and country-conquering went out of style 60 years ago. We’re not going to take over anyone & we’ll soon leave.

CLAIM: To make money off of "put-options." These make money if the stock falls, like air-lines stock.

FACT: Yes, there was a spike in put-option trading, & this did yield money to someone, but the amounts were laughingly trivial.

The two stocks were American Airlines and United Airlines. American Airlines fell from 30 to 18 due to 9/11, but put options spike from an average of 269 trades per day up to 4573 trades. This would have yielded a profit of (30-18) times 4304 = about $50,000. United Airlines showed a smaller gain. Big deal. This might have paid for the hijackers expenses in the US, so there was no net gain.

It was NOT “millions” or “billions” of dollars--that’s just conspiracy lies.

As trivial as it was, the profit-makers were all tracked down & investigated by the FBI. They were ordinary businessmen who had SPECIFIC, verifiable reasons for making the trades betting on a fall.

CLAIM: So Silverstein, the lease holder of the WTC, could make billions in insurance

FACT: Not true.

Yes, he was PAID $5 billion in insurance, but he had gigantic LOSSES that easily surpass that payment. To start with, he had to sue to get his money. This means lawyers fees (1/3 of the total) & tax (50% of the total BEFORE lawyers fees). This might leave him with $3 billion.

Next, Silverman could have made billions in rent if the WTC hadn’t been destroyed. Thus, he lost that profit when the attacks occurred. For example, he could have made $500 million/yr in rent. This comes out of the $3 billion.

Additionally, Silverstein IS committed to pay $102 million/yr in base rent, for the next 99 years, even though the towers & WTC7 were destroyed. Yes, this is true. Multiply 99 by $102 million and you get billions of dollars in expenses.

Then there are the massive costs of acquiring the WTC, outfitting them, advertising, security, paying companies that lost money, law suits, paying victims, etc, etc. Overall, he lost money on the collapse, which is consistent with the fact that you can’t normally “over-insure” yourself.
2008-01-22 12:15:34 UTC
No America did not destroy the towers, we just over looked all the signs that they were a true target. And that they could be attacked in such away was never for seen. Our Government fails to think like someone that has nothing to loose, so we fail to see what is poss-able for them to do to us. You can not out think some one if you do not understand the workings of their mind. Thus we make our selves victims of their rage. And we have been doing it for years; can't we learn? It seems not!
2008-01-22 12:42:13 UTC
Don't get caught up in that conspiracy BS. They are all pure BS. OBL admitted on video (note none of the conspiracies say anything about the admission of guilt by Bin Laden) he made it all happen and a couple of the terrorist made videos stating what they had planed to do. Those conspiracies are for the gullible. Please tell me you're not that gullible.
2008-01-22 12:13:58 UTC
It's also been suggested that Elvis and JFK are alive, martians are housed at Area 51 in Roswell, NM, the moon landing was faked, the CIA killed JFK, and if you put a tooth under your pillow Michael Jackson will purchase it for less than a dollar while you're asleep. I will admit that he did leave me a dime on more than one occasion when I was a kid.
2008-01-22 12:11:53 UTC
Popular Mechanics just did a report on Debunking the myths of 9/11. Read it then read loose change or vice a versa. You decide who is crazy!

Sally you are a very weak minded individual! The only way to buy int that crap is to deny the very blatant and obvious!!
2008-01-22 12:08:26 UTC
1 - It's been suggested that if 9/11 were a government conspiracy, the political motivation would be to coerce the population into feeling that invading Iraq and Afghanistan are justified.
2008-01-22 12:19:58 UTC
"Loose Change" only proves that complete idiots are still smart enough to produce a video. Their political reasons are as simple as the fact that they quite simply hate Bush, and will convince themselves of anything in their lust to bad-mouth him. And, no, the reasons have nothing to do with post-modernism.
2008-01-22 12:10:52 UTC
don't completely believe everything on loose change. i only paid attention to the technical stuff. like what temperature jet fuel really burns at. i don't know if americans actually did it but there damn sure a lot of funny business going on and a lot of lies were told. this is not the first time in american history that the nation has been lied to on the details of terrible events that have happened.
Kevin M
2008-01-22 12:10:26 UTC
The guy living next door wanted a better view of Central Park?
Soul Man
2008-01-22 17:51:36 UTC
This video has the disturbing facts that you need to know.
2008-01-22 12:12:13 UTC
there's your first problem...loose change isn't real. plain and simple: terrorists flew jetliners into our buildings killing innocent people...that's it!
dave b
2008-01-22 12:10:14 UTC
Those of us that know better call that video "Loose Brains" because all it is, is conjecture. No facts to get in the way.

LOL! Sally, if you cant even spell "physics" then how can you expect anyone to believe you can understand physics?
2008-01-22 12:06:29 UTC
No American destroyed the twin towers.

Loose Change was made by lunatics who need to believe in conspiracy theories because their lives aren't interesting enough.
Polilical conundrum...
2008-01-22 12:08:17 UTC
I'm guessing your not American other wise you might have a clue 19 Arab Jihads aka terrorist flew planes in to the two towers.
2008-01-22 12:06:16 UTC
Why are people still watching Loose Change?
2008-01-22 12:08:29 UTC
Loose Change is for loosers.
2008-01-22 12:27:29 UTC
its funny to see people speak anything negative about loose change they did a great job presenting the true evidence.

Not to mention when you RESEARCH WHAT THEY TELL YOU you find it all to be QUITE TRUE.

dont spend to much time on heat of fuel its quickly understood try spending more time on like OMG 2 of those plains are realy still being used? YES clearly listed on the FAA website if you REALY care enough to look into truth and facts you will find the serial numbers( not the flight numbers they mean squat) are still insured and carrying passengers.

heck those two planes were never listed to fly that day at all.

""""""""""""""ITS PUBLIC RECORD"""""""""

i have the answer for you its simple when you put all the pieces together.

As the battle rages on you will see hints who its going to be.

yes its that easy just do it for fun test and see

look back into the old news footage of bush when he was running and Quotes like oh im gonna win.

This is very very important information for anyone still blinded by the controlled media.

Let me stop for just one sec and ask you what would you do if you recieved a letter in the mail with a deadly substance in it directly linked by DNA matched to the U S army "and an ultimatum"

Would you shut your mouth and hope to stop getting letters?

All the big names some that are still left in the Media spoke openly about what they saw " at first ".

its realy not that hard to go back over the old tapes of the broadcast.And when you do its clear to see they changed theyr story (perception of what they saw)

YES this has everything to do with whats going on in russia .Check out all the facts look at the big picture.

north korea freaks out russia says get out thanks but we dont trust you or care for your help with anything any more leaders all over the world terminated unrest in italy right now all pertains to this same problem with the world .

Its the ones behind the scenes crossing off theyr lists.

Many have tryed to give warnings in the past like JFK did in his speaches about the people actualy in control of the puppets.

The thousands that die american british iraqi pallestinian they dont care its all part of theyr plan they cant wait till its just them on the planet and a few slaves.

Research look into new laws and directive and actualy read the garbage called 911 commission report.when you pull it all out from george washington to george bush and stand back and look at it all BIG PICTURE you will see the truth scary sad truth.

recent report in the news .Record amount of tourist in N.Y. last couple years hmm mabey its because tens of thousands of people have been gathering there for 911 truth rallies trying to get the Gov to start telling the truth.Or is it just people going there to meet Silverstien the man who admitted giving the order to push the button on the buildings he had just leassed.

.First ill start with the last pres and what he was put into his position for.

The only reason Clinton was ever put in office is so he could be ridiculed by the media and so America could see the problem with our Gov. has been fixed (in the subconscious).

Same thing they did with the N.C. lottery right before it came into effect in that state they had to put someone in court for something to put in the subconscious that any problem that might BE is gone from the subconscios mind of the masses.

I know this sounds out theyr but do the homework mkultra and such youl get the picture.

Anyway Bush himself just some basic well know facts hes part of skull and bones .illuminati . is tyed to JFK Jrs death quite the was his father who was also directly tyed to JFKs death.if you still think some idiot working in the book depository did it do some homework Bush Sr. was put in charge of the JFK assassination and did what they payed him to do made it go away and coverd it up quite the way Bush of 911 did After he got off his butt in florida.

who was in charge of security at the WTC complex on 911 and the months leading up to it (Marvin Bush ) wow what a coinsidence.Who helped fund and arm Hitlers cause and was even (on the record ) charged but not convicted of such ?None other that Prescot Bush Pres.Bush s grand father.Ever heard of Bushs oil intrest and dealing with a man named Osama Bin Ladin?

look up the music video from eminem bush knocked down the towers wether you like rap or not if you like to hear the truth and want to get to know your pres. better watch that video.

But to those of you reading this who still think it matters democrat republican what ever WAKE up it matters not even WHO you vote for any more the last 3 elections have proven that they have controll over it.Who ever the World Bank wants there to be theyr puppet is who will get elected (unless you see our army headed back any time soon to retake controll of Washington )as our consitution actualy tells them to do in this kind of situation.we will never again have controll of our Gov. Medea or our schools and what our children are being taught.If you take a serrious look back into history you can trace it back even as far as T.Jeffersons notes about the illuminatiand theyr plans for how they would set up the new world order .Awell thought out and so far well orcestrated plan they are more than half way theyr .But it was John F Kennedy that tryed to warn us in his speaches thats why he was shot listen to his speaches. His words tell it all , whats happening right now he tryed to warn us he saw it comming.

The pres is just a puppet, who cares what his name is or what he says he stands for. Its the bankers running the country not him. They had alotta people fooled untill they did 911 that actualy woke some of us up think it might have backfired on them to some point cause they left it so obvious they did it.Do the homework dont believe anything sept for what you see for yourself please look , do research.

Doesnt take long to see the truth .Doesnt take long to figure out how the BBC accedently reported the solomin brothers building coming down oops 20 min before it collapsed.

As Silverstien put it after he gave the command to Pull.

Doesnt take a scientist with a PHD like Dr, Judy Wood to figure out a 110 story building cant come down in 10 seconds without some help.Though i did like her presentation.

What she found is prob. what scared the hell out of north korea and made them start freaking out.

Its also probly why China has recently anounced its putting more sattelites in space alot more.Judies got it down to a science litteraly just think 47 story tall building has a higher rubble pile than 2 110 story buildings hmmm time to do some math .

Hope this helps.911 ripple effect or 911 coincidences or

look up loose change if you never have ive resurched all theyr material for months and others but anyway they did a good job and all theyr info IS FACT .There Are others out there though ,some are out there to misslead you just pay atention to the proof easy stuff like all the documented but not made public( through so called Media) sooo many people in the buildings and all around saw and heard the bombs going off sooo many people know first hand and reported the demolition but not mainstreem media.

Was no surprise to me at all when i read in the news that Tony Blair joined J P Morgan when you see the big picture and put all the banker pieces together rothchild and such you too will not be surprised it is actualy a step on a list checked off.

try to prove me wrong in any of this PLEASE that means your finding truth sory this truth hurts but just think of what the firemen with 30 years in. that have to keep theyr mouth shut have to go through

And to answer your question more directly Reagan is another check off theyr list he was a proud member of the illuminati.

As was the one who not only istigated (antaganized)but also saw the Japanies coming and stood down purposely.a matter of public record for those who try to argue this Fact.

Bin Laden is more inocent than the us army he hasnt gone against any un resolutions hes not a war criminal as they are.

Yes they follow orders but Read the Constitution and bill of rights again i guess.They are seperatly resposable for theyr actions anyway.

BUT they are only held guilty in my eyes if they Dont do theyr Sworn Duty and reclaim America.

They put those safty nets into the constitution " for a reason "

but thanks to the blind public we now have the patriot act and other new directives and such that will soon overwrite entirely the constitution. if you think ANY of this is far feched wake up and realize READ THE CONSTITUTION they didnt put safegaurds in it because there would never be such a thing happen thats obsurd .

Im truely glad for all the people ive met through my research that know the truth .And at the same time truely disgusted with how many Adults in this country need to Grow up

why do people argue when they have so obviously ot looked at FACTS of PUBLIC RECORD.

Keep researching keep digging, or stay in the dark but while in the dark stay quiet of what you have no idea.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.