From Hicks to Hitler, why do progressives have such a tough time owning their own?
Thunderous Barbarian
2015-02-15 10:33:42 UTC
– John Wilkes Booth-Democrat (President Lincoln)
– Charles Guiteau-Communist (President Garfield)
– Leon Czolgosz, liberal anarchist (President McKinley)
– Lee Harvey Oswald, communist (President Kennedy).
– Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.
– Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter
– Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
– James Holmes (the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter): "black block" wing of Occupy Wall Street (OWS wasn't "radical enough"), progressive liberal, hated Christians, converted to Islam.
– Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
– Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat
– James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.
– Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter – Leftist, Marxist.
– Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.
– Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters – families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.
– Bill Ayers, Weather Underground bomber – Leftist Democrat.
– Craig Stephen Hicks, anti-religious, militant atheist, militantly pro-LGBT, hated the South
34 answers:
2015-02-16 23:43:05 UTC
Are you trying to say Hitler was a Progressive? Ok......WTF?

John Wilkes Booth-Democrats and Republicans were completely different parties then. John Wilkes Booth was far from a Progressive. Read a History book.

Charles Guiteau was a right wing extremist. Not sure where you got the idea that he was a Progressive.

Leon Czolgosz was an Anarchist. Probably a little different than the "Big Government" progressives that I'm sure you're thinking of.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a Communist. If either of them were Progressives it would be Kennedy.

Nidal Hassan was registered as a Democrat? That was a rumor that was spread around the internet and to my knowledge has no basis in reality. Even if he was registered as a Democrat his twisted religious views seem a bit more likely to be the reason for his actions. I think that's pretty obvious.

Aaron Alexis-I think you might be right on him being a Liberal but I don't think the shooting had anything to do with his politics.

Sueng-Hui Cho - Once again, there's no proof of this. Only some internet rumors.

Before I go any further. Where did you get this information. You have some terrible sources.

You can read and believe whatever you want but it doesn't make it true. Sure there's been crazy Progressives, Conservatives, Communists, Libertarians, Anarchists, Muslims, Christians, and on and on. Are you seeing a pattern here?
2015-02-21 06:16:22 UTC
You also forgot:

Craig Stephen Hicks: North Carolinian, chubby middle-aged white guy, likes guns and waves them around.

Dare I draw a false conclusion from that?

Also, you might have a hard time understanding this...

But, both Boko Haram and the people behind ISIS are rightwing.

The trend is in being motivated by a return to traditional values of a particular group.
2015-02-16 16:58:47 UTC
Depends on who you're talking about. Violence and bigotry are neither a left wing nor a right wing thing, or confined to any particular political group. Of course, some political parties (such as the Nazis) have violent, bigoted actions and ideals as their stated goals, and some merely have bigoted people who believe the same thing, and some are a large pool of people who believe horrible things but never put it to paper.

I'm Democratic (which I assume is what you mean by progressive, at least in the US) and I've noticed some trolls and meanspirited people in my group, as well as some obvious conservative callouts. Additionally, progressive means "Thinks Something Needs to be Changed" whereas conservatives usually believe that things are fine as they are or would be worse if changed. PETA is a progressive group that believes animals should be favored far more than they are, who often resort to terrorism. The Civil War South had the progressive belief that states should be able to remove themself from the USA and the conservative belief that slaves should not be freed. Currently a significant part of the Republican party believes that gay marriages shouldn't be recognized, a conservative belief. Those who do are progressive. Eugenics and forced sterilization are currently progressive beliefs in the US, but if they became enforced then they would become conservative beliefs.

Progressives believe in progress, sometimes to horrible (Hitler) or wonderful (George Washington) ends. Conservatives do not. Most people are not completely conservative or progressive.
2015-02-15 10:35:40 UTC
You copied all that down from another answer you fraud.

By the way, this is like the 50th time I told you but what the hell, Fascism is Right Wing. Nazi Germany was fascist just like Italy. Open a fuvking book instead of copy and pasting what some right wing moron put on another question.
2015-02-16 07:59:27 UTC
2015-02-15 10:39:56 UTC
All you have done with your list is you have highlighted your own ignorance. You've copied and pasted from conservative web sites without bothering to confirm if what you are saying is even true.
2015-02-16 15:22:58 UTC
Hicks to hitler, nough said
2015-02-15 20:32:03 UTC
Capitalists doing business in Communist China making China the richest nation on earth, and making Communist China a POWERFUL sleeping giant.
2015-02-17 15:45:23 UTC
In the mid-1930s, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership to the private sector.

In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in western capitalistic countries,

none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s. Privatization was

used as a political tool to enhance support for the government and for the Nazi Party.

In addition, growing financial restrictions because of the cost of the rearmament

programme provided additional motivations for privatization.
2015-02-16 21:58:23 UTC
You forgot to mention Lindsay Souvannarath, a liberal Nazi and and Athiest
2015-02-16 15:04:12 UTC
The Democrat Party has always historically been on the side that would lead to the inevitable destruction of this nation, they have always been on the side taking someone's inalienable rights away, Democrats have always been on the side of treating some different based on their skin-tone, Democrats have always been on the side of regression, so it's not a proud heritage to live up too.

It's really no wonder that Democrats today want to take credit for the good things of this nation, because they have nothing in their own history to be proud of. And the short of it is, it could decimate their Party if they ever decided to own-up to their Party's past.

Besides today, to own up to their Party's past would be to admit that today they could still be wrong. I mean you look at Democrats. When they could no longer legally force black Americans out of their rights as citizens, they started taking rights away from the unborn.

The Democrats are divined by the Christian God as the choice. It's not by mere coincidence that Democrat policies will inevitably give government to power to take our rights away as citizens to oppress and rule over us.

Christ divined that situation to always give us a choice. We can choose the side that is willing to regard His Word as substantial, or we can choose the side that actively rejects His Word by their actions, not by their words, well Obama, misrepresents the Bible so by Obama's words, but most Democrats, not by their words, but by their actions.

So, we are given our choice of which side we will choose as a nation.

Do you think it mere coincidence that one whole half of politics, that just about every single policy they have that the Bible would have anything to do with is in defiance of the Bible while the other side is not?

The Bible is just a mere book if not for God. Why would it ever be so sharp that an entire side of politics would always be in defiance of it.

I mean, unless it were intentional, but I do not believe that Democrats are intentionally looking through the Bible to see how they can defy it.

It just so happens that way. That's how you know that God has divined it as a choice for Americans.

When the day comes that we have rejected God enough, we will vote those in office who will take our freedoms away and strip us of our rights. It's like a fail-safe. You either revere Christ and be free, or reject Him and lose your freedom.

Democrats are not intentionally making it happen that way, it's just happening that way beyond anything we can do about it.
2015-02-17 18:30:28 UTC
Did you fail History class?

-John Wilkes Booth was a southern "Conservative" Democrat Confederate sympathizer who shot Lincoln for being to Progressive by freeing the slaves.

-Leon Czolgosz, was a Conservative anarchist against President McKinley's progressive policies.

-Lee Harvey Oswald, communist against President Kennedy's progressive policies.

-Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter, was a conservative anti-Government nut job.


-SirHan SirHan, Conservative radical Palestinian against Robert Kennedy progressive policies.

-James Earl ray, Conservative racist who volunteered for George Wallace hated blacks.

Conservatives have the tough time owning up to their past, Conservative Democrats or Conservative Republicans, Conservatives seceded America, Conservatives lost the Civil War, Conservatives pass State laws disenfranchising black voters & segregating blacks, created the KKK, shot and killed Progressives who were changing America, and today even talk better about the Russian & Israeli leaders than they do about a Progressive American President and stop Congress from working as designed because of their hate for anything they consider Progressive.

Conservative radicals in Arab countries or Conservative radicals in American Congress are responsible for harm to "the people", instead they cater to themselves and their radical beliefs !!!
2015-02-15 10:37:40 UTC
Come back when you actually can write your own question.
2015-02-17 15:58:35 UTC
I liberal democrat does not recognize or understand the truth when it bites them in the A$$.

You can not expect something so simple as murders, assassinations, or terrorism.
Philip H
2015-02-16 13:50:46 UTC
They want You to Pay for their Power.

They don't want the Work. They don't want the responsibility associate with that Power.

If You have Power they Must confiscate it so their Elitist Tyrants can more easily dictate all aspects of your exultance for you. They are So Certain they are correct that they actually believe they are doing you a favor and you will be happy as a result.
2015-02-16 13:49:22 UTC
I love it when the conservatives make themselves look woefully ignorant about politics and historical events.

Hitler was a dictator. When Hitler seized Czechoslovakia in 1939, his ambitions were quite clear. This is very similar to what Putin, the hero of the conservatives, has been doing since Junior was president. Bush totally ignore Putin's invasion of Georgia as well as the fact that Putin was selling WMD to Syria.

Hitler went on to invade Denmark, France and Norway in 1940. Only the Brits stood tough against the evil conservative Fascists. It took the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor before the US joined the war in 1941. We had a cool headed Democratic president who was busy inventing super weapons. He kept us out of the war until we were attacked.

By 1945, when WW ll finally ended, 50 million people , including 405,000 Americans, had been killed. Why are the Conservatives so eager to start WW lll. Why are they praising Putin and lying about the Democratic party members. How is this helping our country? United we stand divided we fall.
2015-02-15 17:58:54 UTC
...and then there's the European royalists and aristocracy that invaded the 'New World' and wiped out most of the natives of North and South America, enslaved the remainder, then introduced African slaves to the Americas killing millions and more millions in the process. We can't leave out the Japanese 'Imperialists' who invade China in '32 and proceeded to kill millions of Chinese. Then there were and still are the right wing regimes of South and Central America that killed at least hundreds of thousands with the active help of our own CIA. I think we can wire in the regime in anti communists and then there's these A-rab fellas' that are also anti those atheistic commies. Toss in the old Catholic Church and their 1,000 year war to wipe out all the 'unbelievers' and now we're talkin' some real history.

Going back in history we have Attila the Hun and the various Khans...those guys were big time killers and not a 'leftist' in a carload. Ah, hell...that was too easy!
2015-02-15 13:15:26 UTC
Mental illness isn't about political labels. The fact that you put deranged people in a nice and neat box explains a lot about your own narrow thinking. I am now waiting for you to tell us that the Civil Rights Workers who were killed during the 60ies were killed by progressives.
2015-02-16 06:48:21 UTC
LOL, "Charles Guiteau" Communist? The families of the Columbine shooters?

You must not know, your list has already been refuted.

But hey, 16 people out of 160 years of history. Why it's not possible that there's any right-wing names to bring up in that time period.

Oh wait, there are plenty!
2015-02-15 18:30:01 UTC
There always has to be someone to blame. However when it comes to Progressives

and Liberals they make it so easy. They stand in chit up to their waist all day long.

When it comes time to go back to work. Some guy yells stand on your heads now.

And their whole outlook becomes somewhat clouded and unclear. With a certain

distinct odor about it.
2015-02-15 22:09:53 UTC
the truth is like kryptonite to leftists and only the advancement of communism matters to them
2015-02-16 15:24:14 UTC
This is similar to the way Leftist can't call muslim terrorists, who call themselves muslim, muslim.
They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage
2015-02-16 06:14:21 UTC
You list of lies pretends all democrats are progressives and that all radicals are liberals.

The problem here is your willingness to lie.
2015-02-15 11:59:12 UTC
Because they have no clue as to what is actually happening around them. So they blame Bush, Republicans, and Conservatives for their misdeeds.
Apocalypse Cow
2015-02-15 19:11:40 UTC
LOL! I seem to have crossed over into the other universe, Spock has a goatee here, right?
2015-02-15 15:14:55 UTC
Moscow Mitch
2015-02-15 19:14:31 UTC
More right wing bizarro world gibberish. Any person during Hitler's time would have died laughing if you told them he was a "leftist." Conservatives are the most astonishingly misinformed people on the planet, thanks to Fox News.
2015-02-16 01:07:47 UTC
Whoever committed evil, did so with a conservative heart
2015-02-15 10:40:58 UTC
The National Socialist Workers Party was as leftwing as they come

Its amusing how they try to distance themselves
2015-02-15 10:56:51 UTC
People of all ranks include kind people and violent jerks, that includes those on the right as well. You do not define who progressives are. Screw hitler, screw Craig Hicks, screw violence and screw those who are already using this loser’s actions to paint all liberals, progressives or atheists as immoral psychopaths. You are only showing your true colors as a person who is filled with very hate you pretend to despise.
2015-02-15 11:08:40 UTC
I know that, when it suits their purpose, right-wing Republicans want to ignore the many party realignments that have taken place since the time your list begins but you really have to force things to make any of these people into progressives.

I am a liberal Democrat and the President I regard as the best was Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth was a southern conservative (really a reactionary). I do not know how you manage to make Charles Guiteau into a communist. He was simply a crazy partisan. He was so partisan and so immersed in the spoils politics of the time that he actually thought that, by killing Garfield and making Chester Arthur President, he would be rewarded with some office. He considered himself as belonging to one faction of the Republican Party not to the Communist Party. Leon Czolgosz was an anarchist but not a liberal by any definition except that of a twisted right-wing partisan like the question writer.. Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly killed a Democratic President who, if not a progressive, was certainly closer to that than to a modern conservative. I have my own opinion about him and his time in the Soviet Union as well as his life after returning to the United States in 1962 but that opinion would take more space than I could possibly use to defend with evidence. The bottom line is that, by any realistic definition, he was neither a Democrat nor a "progressive."

I have other comments I could make about others on your list but none was really a liberal or a progressive. What the crazy right-wing of today does is provide their own definition of all manner of people and then either praise or criticize based on that faulty definition.
2015-02-15 11:39:03 UTC
Yet YOU would be most admired by HITLER for compiling a neat little "sh*t list". I'm sure he'd hire YOU before he'd hire a liberal progressive.
2015-02-15 10:45:03 UTC
Lincoln was a liberal. Kennedy was a liberal. The guys who defeated Hitler were liberals. Einstein was a liberal. Jesus was a liberal...
2015-02-15 10:35:01 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.