I'm no conspiracy theorist that hides in their mother's basement with their tin-foil-hat either. It's just blatantly obvious that those who control the printing presses of the world (fed reserve, IMF, World Bank, Bank of England) also run it.
It's really simple, these guys have the printing presses, therefore they are able to control the media because they just buy them out.
The Rothschilds own not only Reuters, but also the Associated Press. This is no conspiracy theory either, it is well documented. Since they control the media, they get to put on whatever they want. They also get to put on which candidates will further their cause. Through investment banks, which they run, they donate millions and millions to the Candidates who are going to work for them, while at the same time, they show them on media outlets much more than the others. How do you know if a guy is bought out? If he is getting large contributions from investment banks, there are no two questions about it.
It isn't a coincidence Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul didn't get a single dollar from any of the banks, and Goldman Sachs and Barack Obama got much of his money from them.
If you need more proof, ponder this.
How does Ron Paul, a guy who is completely free market, pro capitalism, get 0 dollars from the bankers, whereas Obama, the socialist, who is good for the little people, and bad for the bad capitalists, gets more than anyone else.
There are many elite who have mentioned their plans for a new world order run by bankers. Just look at the comments made by the Warburgs , Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.
You really need to wake up and realize what is going on. We are moving towards a One World Government with a single currency.