I care about people as a rule. The homeless are equal to me and deserve my respect and compassion as much as anyone else. From the president/prime minister to CEOs to an African mother of six to the mad old woman sleeping in the graveyard, we are all equal. That is my most fundemental philosophy: there are no second class citizens. Some other guy put up a post saying "I feed the homeless and the call me a saint: I ask why they do not have food and they call me a communist". The people who ask those questions know that any society is only as strong as its weakest link.
I was homeless when I was a little younger. A few rash moves and a lot of bad luck led me there. Many people do not understand, however, that anyone can be homeless: there is nothing really separating you from them apart from social barriers. I know an IT expert who spent 25 years earning a six figure salary working for the NSA in America! He's now homeless, and people spit at him in the street.
The really nasty thing about being homeless is people assume you to be crazy; traumatised; stupid; addicted; weak... Living homeless is hard because of the abuse you attract and the way people turn their noses up at you. Most nights someone would call me "filthy" or "grotty" (I wasn't, I washed in cold water every day) and I got threatened a few times, having to run away from groups of lads.
But the really poor are some of the strongest people you can imagine. The only thing worse in life than being homeless and hungry in a peaceful country is being homeless and hungry in a war torn country.
What I am sick of is seeing people in Ferraris in London while there are hungry and cold people sitting on the curb side. Or seeing huge boarded up houses everywhere that rich property owners are just keeping as valuable assets to fall back on if their shares decrease in value.
There is nothing glorious about those kind of riches, or "right", in the broadest sense of the word, about that kind of inequality. Tell me your justification for ostentatious wealth when you're confronted by grinding poverty every day; I'd love to see it because I'm trying very hard to understand. To my mind there is no excuse. And I am sick of being called bitter for stating this fact. I don't really agree with most of what Russell Brand says, but this quote recently struck me: "when I was poor and complained about inequality, people called me bitter. Now I am rich, people call me a hypocrite. I'm starting to wonder if the issue is that they don't want inequality on the agenda".
But do I give money to homeless people? Do I give them food?
With food; of course, if I can. Being hungry is extremely unhealthy. When it comes to money: it depends on how poor I am at the time. It also depends if the guy looks like a crackhead. You really can tell, if you spend some time with crackheads.
Which is another thing: most people do not spend time with these people. You should try it, volunteer at a shelter, or even better sit down with a homeless guy on the street and just talk to him. It doesn't have to be about being homeless. Just a normal chat, with a normal person, will make him very, very happy. If you live in a city, you'll know how lonely the metropolis gets.
Now, I've added this last bit as a footnote, although it shouldn't be. The poor amount to much more than just the homeless.
8% of people in the world have a bank account which is not in the red.
13% have internet access.
25% own a fridge.
That's the inequality perpetrated by the lifestyle of the few- and in the first world we most likely are the few- well, you certainly are if you own a fridge. It's precarious. We spoon-feed the poor images of capitalism and keep them badly educated in order to keep them suppressed. In truth not everyone can be rich under our current system. We need to restructure. That means you and even me taking a hit now. But the few things that you need like food or shelter: or education- access to educational materials at least- will always be available. It's just a question of redistribution.
Otherwise, I think the poor of the world will one day make their voice heard. There are 874 million people starving as we speak. And that doesn't go for the 50% who do not have food security, while the west has access to 4/5ths of the world's food- the majority of which we waste. In the USA, 300 million barrel's worth of oil is wasted every year on food that isn't eaten.
Instigate change. Don't wait for someone else to do it for you. It might end up bloody.