2014-12-03 14:18:59 UTC
If a homeless man asked you to buy him food, would you DO IT or NOT.
1224 answers:
2014-12-04 03:23:13 UTC
That really depends how poor _I_ was, at the time. I see dozens of homeless by the public library, every day, and there's a donut shop right there, but that's first thing in the morning, and they usually just came from the homeless shelter a couple of blocks away, so they're fed. I've only ever been asked for coffee.
2014-12-04 11:28:30 UTC
It depends on where you live. In the cities, most residents are familiar with the poor. There are those who seek affordable food (free if possible) and shelter and then there are panhandlers. There are several types in the latter. Some are homeless, either by choice ( runaways, social misfits etc) or alcoholics, people with mental challenges whose families have no resources to care for.

For the most part, there are services for most of the people , provided by government, private support groups and church charities.

Yes I care about the poor and go through the channels that have over the years learned how to make money stretch the farthest and the longest

If you want to help, ask you guests to bring non perishable goods for the food bank instead of hostess gifts for your dinner parties, then bring the stash to the food bank, Agressively begging panhandlers may be feeding ttheir drug and alcohol habit through alms from the public? yes. That is quite possible. Know the telephone numbers and addresses of the shelters in your community and hand those out to the ones you see. Get in touch with your church and learn if they have outreach programs for the poor in YO|UR neighborhood.
2014-12-03 21:58:14 UTC
Yes I would, now don't get me wrong when people have come collecting for charity when I've had a bad week business wise I've got pissed off more than once, but I've gave a homeless woman some pizza and money and cigarettes before and had a deep chat with her once when I was feeling a little low myself, a certain friend has literally no money at the moment, is homeless, addicted to drugs and owes bad people a lot of money, I've literally fought for him and after making them back down paid off some of his debt, I don't care if you are a millionaire or homeless with no money if I like you I like you if not then you can get ******, btw I've been homeless before, it ain't exactly pretty, I nearly died of pneumonia.
2014-12-03 18:13:26 UTC
I honestly do. I have been dirt damn poor. In 1940. On the Pine Ridge

Reservation I came into this world. For the first 6 years of my life.

I lived in a tar paper shack. We used to stuff the holes in it with

Newspaper to try and keep out 40 below temperatures. We had

on Old Wood stove. And thank the ascending gods we had that.

No child No adult. Should ever have to be subjected to that type

of intolerable existence. Yet there are thousands who still do today

on that same damn hell hole reservation.

At my age now and station in life. I give back. Through scholarships.

Block ready Beef. Poultry and Eggs. Plus cash. More then most

would consider as a rich mans salary. Why. Simple. Sometimes

at night I can hear the sound of the child crying. And that breaks

this old mans heart.
2014-12-04 22:42:40 UTC
Do it, for sure. But that's just how I was raised. I grew up right outside of Philadelphia, and my dad used to take us into the city all the time, whether it was for bike rides or to go sightseeing. He would never give the homeless people money, but he would buy them something to eat, a bottle of water, a hot drink if it was cold outside. Now I'm a struggling college student who coincidentally goes to school in Philly & I still always give food to the homeless. I give them money on occasion, but then I can sometimes feel guilty for what they might do with it.
2014-12-03 19:38:20 UTC
I care, and I do donate, I've also been through some tough times, and I know the facts from the fiction.

I know there are some who do game the system, who make it their life to see what they can scam, and all too many who don't want any charity at all and who need it. I'd rather make the mistake of giving something to someone who doesn't need it than passing up on the chance that they do. In the end, we are all interdependent, no matter what we like to tell ourselves, we are creatures who gathered to support and feed each other, long before there were politics or liberal or conservative, we knew we needed to live and help the least among us, because someday we may be in the position of needing the help of others.
2014-12-04 17:12:59 UTC
Yes I do. They are humans just like us. If a homeless man asked for food I would buy him some. It doesn't matter what they did to be homeless. You have got to put yourself in there shoes and stop being selfish. They deserve to live. What would you do?
2014-12-04 12:32:55 UTC
Yes, I do care.. here's the sad thing I must admit, though

The first time I really saw poverty was in my childhood.. There was a mother supervising her children on the street, who were going up to people, asking to spare them some money..

When I witnessed this I was horrified - All I wanted to do was help the poor souls.. but what could I do?

That night, I couldn't sleep - It pained me so much to know that there were people out there living horrible lives of starvation & humiliation..

However, as I grow older, I see more & more of this every day.. I mean, go down Oxford Street in London - there are literally countless ppl. shivering on the sidewalk (some.. brace yourself.. missing arms & legs!!) and I feel like I've become slightly immune to all these horrors..

I've lost my childhood innocence, and don't feel the pain I used to, when I see a person struggling..

I'm making myself sound like a heartless person! - I do feel for others, but I don't 'lose sleep over it' Anyone know what I mean??
2014-12-05 19:14:17 UTC
I have bought food for people begging, and given money to people selling The Big Issue but not taken a copy of the magazine. The problem is, is a person begging for money genuine? Will the money be spent on drink or drugs? These set up conditions and barriers to giving, and I end up with a dilemma, whether to give or not. But I work in a hostel for young people, am Secretary of a housing co-operative, and I send a cheque to Crisis most years. So I do things which help others as part of my job as well as outside of that.

What does concern me though is that an encampment which homeless people had created outside Los Angeles is being cleared. Yet what is wrong with people creating communities like that? That's how human civilisation started in the first place.
2014-12-09 03:42:58 UTC
Yes I care about poor people. Poor people is human being so we should care about poor people. We should mind man for man.
2014-12-05 04:29:12 UTC
Yes I do and I don't have much money being on low income but I still would buy someone something to eat after all for one buck you can buy them something from the dollar menu at McDonalds anyone could do that even if they are on low income you can still share what you can! As far as these Food Banks I can tell you they give you Outdated food !! yes we get a food box once a month and after I see all this on TV them taking up money or food to help people well the food we get is Trash and shameful! would you want to eat outdated old stale food? The cereal they give me once a month is old and outdated I threw it away! growing up I was poor and we had to eat old outdated food but now days they get all this food donated to food banks and places but give us old stuff that's outdated so were is the good food that was donated recently? we don't get it? who does? so if I don't get food stamps or snap then I would have to eat that old food so I know how the homeless feels and why they ask for food it's because they get junk food from these places that give away food!! even the mission here gives you outdated food! I can see why they would ask for food it sucks what they get from these places .
2014-12-04 05:27:11 UTC
The question is, do YOU care about the poor.

The problem is, the liberals always want SOMEONE ELSE to make the sacrifices to help other people.

There are plenty of poor people right now who could use your help and support.

How much time and money have YOU used to make life better for them in the past month?
2014-12-04 22:34:02 UTC
To a certain extent. I worry for their well being but every individuals case is different. Some are a losing cause i.e, drug addicts, alcoholic, etc. Most are just victims of oppression by those who are in power.

The only way we can try to change this is through education. The more knowledgeable a group of people are, the better choices can be made. At this point Republicans(the losing cause) and Democrats(the confused) are being led by the nose by a side that serves none of them. It's their ignorance and hesitation that caused this mess. Yet they still point fingers at one another haha slomos
2014-12-09 02:27:42 UTC
Yes I do care about poor people, but honestly I don't think I care as much as I should. In my local area there is an extremely poor person who seems like he struggles to walk but I don't do anything to help him.
2014-12-04 07:25:43 UTC
It depends on who the person is. I've given panhandlers money and also bought them food/water/gatorade when they needed it. However, none of them actually wanted food. They wanted the money to go buy something else like cigarettes, beer, liquor, or drugs. I've even asked some of them point blank if they want the money for something else, and tell them if they are honest with me I'll still go buy it for them, unless it's drugs. After some prodding they eventually caved and told me they wanted a pack of Marlboros or a pint of whiskey, and true to my word I went and got it.

I have sympathy for people who are down on their luck. I've been there myself, and it sucks. But I'm also not naive enough or foolish enough to give money to people who are either lying (which also happens; there was a girl in Dallas who lied about trying to flee an abusive boyfriend but had multiple $500 purses and pairs of shoes paid for by panhandling) or have absolutely no desire to get to a better place.
2014-12-04 17:49:29 UTC
I care about poor people. I give to organizations that help poor people. Where I work there are lots of homeless people who ask for money but i do not give money to people on the street. But homeless people generally don't ask me for something to eat, they ask for money.
2014-12-03 14:22:36 UTC
Yes. And I am one. I have helped homeless people many times. I don't have much to give, but I've shared the contents of my lunchbox with them. And given them small amounts of money when I had it.
2014-12-17 02:55:28 UTC
I care for all people and would buy food for a poor person.
2014-12-15 00:36:14 UTC
I care for all people and would buy food for a poor person.
2014-12-11 16:30:49 UTC
I care for all people and would buy food for a poor person.
2014-12-11 14:48:55 UTC
I care for all people and would buy food for a poor person.
2014-12-03 14:30:57 UTC
Yes I do, since I am a poor person., but I won't be poor much longer since I can get a 20 dollar per hour paying job when I graduate jobcorps with my hse or hsd and a trade. If I have the money i will do it, but if I am struggling I would say no.
2014-12-03 14:21:55 UTC
I've done that when I was homeless.

I've built stealth camps to get people out of the rain, when I was living in one.

I just like people, I'm not some saint. I get help, too.
2014-12-05 06:13:46 UTC
I already do buy him food through my taxes. It's call the SNAP program. Anyone living in poverty can apply and receive access to food via most grocery stores. All he has to do is apply for it to get benefits... which I'm sure most homeless shelters should be able to assist him in making that happen. If they don't, then they should.

If I give him cash, he may just go buy drugs with that money. SNAP ensures people can only use the money for food. Nothing else.
2014-12-03 15:38:14 UTC
I DO and HAVE bought them food ... bad part is many others don't unless they are getting some sort of fame and credit for it - like politicians, super rich , famous ,etc " Oh look at us, we're feeding and helping the poor people " and the People SWALLOW that BS ! Even sadder and worse it works for their fame and bottom line, fools a lot of people into thinking they care so it continues, getting worse not better !
2014-12-04 12:48:29 UTC
I happily buy them food. It's the guys at the end of the Giant Food Store parking lot who just want money I don't trust. I hear they make more money begging than I do working. I tried to buy one of them some food, but the guy seemed shaken up and confused. What's he want food for? He just wants money.

I bought $300.00 in food and children's toys for a Mexican family with a sign up at the Giant parking lot. It just about made me broke letting them buy what they needed, but I hope it made their life a little easier as they drifted to wherever.
2014-12-05 18:03:38 UTC
I don't see them as much in Georgia, but I go to New York every summer and I never feel right just walking past the poorer people in the street with amputated legs or dogs with clumps of fur gone. I always end up using my spending money to buy food for their dogs, or dinner for a few days for them. I just feel so bad, and It disgusts me how so many people can just walk right past the less fortunate with their noses in the air and designer heels on their feet. Just because they have less money than you doesn't make them any less of a person.
2014-12-04 06:09:33 UTC
I give food and money to poor people all the time but be careful because allot of them just want to buy drugs. I gave this one guy all the change that ive been collecting for few months and he didn't even say thank you lol. Its better to give food then money because allot of them wont even buy food but they will buy drugs and alcohol.
2014-12-03 14:25:19 UTC
Sure, I've done it before and I'll do it again.

And I don't mind giving money, either.

A gift is a gift. If they make wise use of it, good.

If they don't, too bad.

But it's pretty condescending to just assume they won't.
2014-12-03 14:22:30 UTC
I have bought food for homeless on a few occasions. I also donate to the local homeless shelter.
2015-05-27 20:13:46 UTC
Do it, for sure. But that's just how I was raised. I grew up right outside of Philadelphia, and my dad used to take us into the city all the time, whether it was for bike rides or to go sightseeing. He would never give the homeless people money, but he would buy them something to eat, a bottle of water, a hot drink if it was cold outside. Now I'm a struggling college student who coincidentally goes to school in Philly & I still always give food to the homeless. I give them money on occasion, but then I can sometimes feel guilty for what they might do with it.
2014-12-03 16:38:49 UTC
I care for all people and would buy food for a poor person.
2014-12-04 13:41:02 UTC
If it is food that the person needs I will, I do not like to hand out money tho because you never know what they are going to use it for, if you have the possibility at the moment then why not? it is not like you will buy a sirloin stake, just saying.
2014-12-04 09:04:00 UTC
I would buy food but I do not provide cash. The folks I see asking for money are physically capable of working. I do not see people requesting food
2014-12-04 10:44:22 UTC
Of course I do. I give every person asking for help on the corners $5.00 because I know they can get food with it. If they buy wine, that is not my fault. I gave out of the goodness of my heart because they were asking for food. I do what is right. What they do - then they will be held accountable for it. I keep my heart right with God.
2014-12-03 14:20:18 UTC
YES!!! anytime I see a homeless person or those Christmas people outside of stores I always give them some money , I don't care if its just my last penny.
2014-12-03 18:48:51 UTC
I am young and able to get welfare because my wage is so low. I have given food to people claiming to be hungry, almost never any money. I wish the best for all the people in this world. Especially the ones not born in America
2014-12-05 15:25:31 UTC
So much of that is dependent on where you live. When you live in a big city you have no choice but to learn very quickly how to deal with the constant requests. It's not easy. I can't give to everybody and the fact is that I'm RARELY asked for food. It's always money and I'm street smart enough to know that much of the time that money is going to booze or drugs.

What I tend to do is give when I'm not asked. It's not too hard to tell when someone is really in need. Sometimes I even ask them to do something small and easy for me so they can earn their money. That one carries a lesson with it.
2014-12-03 14:24:02 UTC
I would NEVER buy a homeless person food.
2014-12-03 14:26:56 UTC
...I do a fair share of charitable work and assisting the homeless has been a primary focus...

..If a random person came up to me and asked me for a meal I might or might not provide it myself...In general I'd like to know a little about the person first... my experience, a person who brazenly asks for handouts on the street is simply looking for that... a handout... rather than any kind of substantive assistance.. my view, every dollar that I give as a handout is a dollar that is taken away from someone truly in need... to me, a truly caring person would take the time to understand the difference.
2014-12-03 22:01:07 UTC
yes , I will buy for him / her . If they have kids with them I will do for them all. I know in this world a bunch of people has been " poor " but the term is different for everybody. i have been with out job , home , food etc. am very blessed to be able to share what ever i have with some one who has not
2014-12-03 14:26:18 UTC
Food, no. I did in the US. Here in Germany, no one goes hungry or needs to beg except by choice. You can choose to live on the street but no one here has to. The government provides everyone with a clean safe home, food, heat and a little spending money.
yousuf a
2014-12-04 01:51:55 UTC
yh i must care about poor people bcoz heaving a human being we must have humanity and i will try my level best to help the poor, if a homeless man asked me to buy him food, i obviously do it
2014-12-09 06:08:55 UTC
Yes of course, at the same time though there are some the need to be weened off handouts and instead be given hand ups. Jobs are important and having a job goes a long way toward bringing people out of poverty.
sylvia r
2014-12-07 09:36:46 UTC
I care about the homeless, because I couldn't imagine not being able to eat on a daily basis. There are those out there who make it a career out of begging but not all. I give what I can.
2014-12-04 18:40:03 UTC
Yes,I care about the people who need more than us or the people who don't have as much as we have. If i honestly had money with me and walked across a needy person then I honestly would go to the nearest grocery/food store and buy them water,maybe a sandwich,soda, maybe some snacks to last for as long as it can.
2014-12-04 15:53:43 UTC
yes I would buy food for the homeless, but I wouldn't give them money , as they might go and buy achocol and drugs .where its good to buy food
2014-12-04 05:52:09 UTC
what is a good man that will not help out another man? not a good man at all. i have been homeless, it amazed me the little old ladies that would cook meals for us at the shelter, amoung others. to whom much is given, much is required, in all areas. I believe life is too short to be so selfish and self indulged, everyone needs help in one way or another
2014-12-05 07:30:55 UTC

The dilemma is the method of providing assistance, it seems

what society deals poorly with.

The only government program that seemed to work well was the

Civilian Conservation Corp [C.C.C.] ==== long ago====
2014-12-03 14:25:14 UTC
Of course. You gotta do your bit, both personally on the streets and in giving as much as you can through charity.

Although, once I bought a homeless man a McDonalds burger and he looked at me in disgust and said "I hate burgers. Have you got chicken?"

I mean... what can you do...
2014-12-03 15:07:59 UTC
NO because I am poor and I need food too but if I had extra I would share it. And he'd probably throw it back in my face because what he REALLY wanted was money for alcohol or drugs...
2014-12-03 14:29:36 UTC
You are assuming that I can afford to eat and am making ends meet. I would probably point him in the direction of the many soup kitchens and food cupboards and homeless shelters in my town. they eat better than I do.
Flavoured Pants
2014-12-10 01:33:06 UTC
I do care. My family and I do an awful lot for people and animals in need. We donate money A LOT to all different organizations, we donate clothes and toys, I've cut off 12 inches + for cancer programs for years and lots more. We like to do everything we can for everyone.
2014-12-03 14:30:19 UTC
I took a homeless man to Panera Bread and bought him a meal.
it's me
2014-12-05 10:40:23 UTC
Yes,I care about the people who need more than us or the people who don't have as much as we have. If i honestly had money with me and walked across a needy person then I honestly would go to the nearest grocery/food store and buy them water,maybe a sandwich,soda, maybe some snacks to last for as long as it can.
2014-12-09 16:41:00 UTC
I do care about them and I hate how some people don't care about it, when i am old enough i will help the person find a job and i will teach them to care for their own.
2014-12-03 14:22:11 UTC
I help if I think it will make a difference. If I believe it's just going to waste I don't.
2014-12-04 08:55:45 UTC
If i have the money, and it was reasonably priced i would. Hell, i would even buy a sandwich for a Homeless person even if they didnt ask.
2014-12-04 03:42:51 UTC
Yes I do and I have. I will usually NOT give money to individuals as I have no way of knowing what they are going to use the money for. But I have given food, paid rent, paid utility bills for people less fortunate than myself. I do so because Jesus told us to love everyone as He loves us.
2014-12-05 06:13:34 UTC
I would direct them to one of the many, many services that are already available to help them.

The only time I ever gave money to a beggar is when he was honest and told me that he was just trying to raise enough money to get a six pack on a Friday night. I appreciate and reward honesty.

2014-12-04 10:04:06 UTC
I have given money for gas, food. medications. school supplies, sleeping bag. And now there is greater need than ever. Our church has a store to help the poor and we all need to care for our community and give to our food banks.
2014-12-10 06:58:57 UTC
2014-12-04 05:02:07 UTC
Yes i do care for poor people...i really feel bad for i am not earning anything means i don`t have any job..i am under my parents protection or guidance whatever..but when i will start earning i want to do something for the poor persons.specially for the poor children..i feel very bad for those children..
2014-12-05 22:35:37 UTC
Yeah I would because it could be you

some people think it's their own fault drugs or whatever

but there are alot homeless veterans
2014-12-06 09:44:06 UTC
of course. but it is not possible to care for all poor people you see. care for them who deserve. help those who deserve. that is my policy.

I will definitely give food to an old weak man if he asks and i may give him some money too or food again, no problem.

But if a strong healthy man asks me for food , for the first time i may give but later no. because he is just being lazy which we need not or should not care at all.
2014-12-03 20:08:56 UTC
Depends on the person. There are many beggers here. Most are just a scam. but yes I have bought many a meal here for a child. You learn to tell those who have not ate today just by the way they act.
Tad Dubious
2014-12-04 11:10:52 UTC
I would not, Jim. I care about poor people. That is why I pay my taxes, and why I give to food banks and charity.
2014-12-03 17:05:49 UTC
I seriously recommend liking the page Humans Of New York of Facebook. It changed the way I look at humanity.
2014-12-03 14:20:08 UTC
I've done it on several occasions...and then I've seen them turn around and blow it on booze or drive off in a late model nice car.
2014-12-03 23:19:22 UTC
Yes I do care for poor people and I can feel what they are going through..
Francis Aladad
2014-12-06 15:58:12 UTC
mochido of course I will buy I won't give money but I would buy food and drink if I give money I don't know what they would do it, but food is an easy task to give :)
2014-12-03 23:13:57 UTC
I have bought food for homeless on a few occasions.
2014-12-06 17:23:52 UTC
Yes. I do that often. I don't mind feeding people. I buy a sandwich for myself and buy the other person one.
2014-12-04 07:55:17 UTC
Yes, I would. I know some of them take advantage of others but there are many that really need and there are no programs that can reach out to them to help.
2014-12-04 03:58:12 UTC
Yes, but instead of giving them or food or money for food, i would bring them out to eat. There are a lot of people who scam you for money in some places. So, if they decline, they are a scam, if they go to eat, they are poor. When I would bring them out to eat I would also give a few extra bucks
2014-12-03 14:46:43 UTC
I go one better then that,, I offer them a job,, an most just laugh at me, saying they can make more standing on the street corner holding up a sign
2014-12-04 20:26:39 UTC
Well, my response is to raise the question further, by providing this video clip to make people think about the homeless and maybe broadening the way people view the homeless, and what they are themselves choosing to do or not do about it, from one human being to another human being.

Also, I think it'd be nice to include here what my brother had to say about this video, too. Good food for thought:

"It's very easy, it's very acceptable in our "civilized" society, it's the norm with an easy shrug, to strip away a person's humanity by systematically labeling and categorizing their presumed worth in life based on a social/economic hierarchy. This is how apathy and the comfortable practice of devaluing human beings festers and becomes familiar in us as a people. What does that say about us as a people then?"

The Link:
2014-12-09 05:19:35 UTC
Yes if he was hungry I would do everything I could to help. The problem is that there are druggies on the streets and foreign con people so that is why most people are afraid to help.
Miles from Michigan!!
2014-12-04 12:51:11 UTC
yes cause I am poor!! I'm not as poor as I was to be though!! like a lot of vets at that time, I lived on the streets for five years!! I had enough of it and found a way to go to school!! I spent the time from then and now being and unlicensed Engineer!!

I know what it is to be poor and for most it's a matter to circumstances that they were homeless, some wanted it because of one reason or the other!!
2014-12-03 14:23:49 UTC
I do on occasion...but I won't give money just food.
2014-12-09 06:26:34 UTC
It depend on one's character.and I care about them
2014-12-09 07:37:47 UTC
Yes I do and I will always taking care them if possible.
2014-12-03 14:42:36 UTC
I'd help get them a meal sure but I would never straight up giving them cash.
2014-12-03 14:25:28 UTC
I've helped a lot of needy people.
2014-12-04 17:57:55 UTC
I would buy him food but he or she would have to help someone else in need.
2014-12-04 16:21:49 UTC
Yes instead of cash. Because at least I know it was provided for the right thing.
2014-12-03 21:04:52 UTC
Done it on several occasions. What I want is to give people a hand up, I don't want to prop them up.
2014-12-09 07:45:39 UTC
Yes of course. If we have much to have for us, what''s wrong in sharing with them a small piece of it.
2014-12-15 00:35:15 UTC
I have bought food for homeless on a few occasions. I also donate to the local homeless shelter.
2014-12-11 20:53:42 UTC
I have bought food for homeless on a few occasions. I also donate to the local homeless shelter.
2014-12-04 09:55:39 UTC
Yes I care about poor people.I must be try to help my ability.
2014-12-03 23:37:28 UTC
No, s/he probably is an ex junkie and may have a small bit of change on them they wish to purchase alcohol or something.
2014-12-03 22:40:33 UTC
Since being homeless twice in my life, yes I would, My first time the Salvation Army let me and my children sleep in an office when their housing was full . second time I went to a homeless shelter and was afraid to even go to the bathroom and leave my suitcase next to my cot. Nearly everyone there had a story to tell and it was trurthfully sad to hear any of them. Sometimes people chose to be homeless cause they can't handle the commitments renting some place brings or they just can't handle otther people period.
2014-12-07 12:09:02 UTC
sometimes, I rather spend more money buying them food than give them a dollar
2014-12-07 06:28:22 UTC
A friend of mind's uncle is homeless (by choice) he makes over $40k/yr (tax free) panhandling (in a depress NE city).

If you are in a position to offer them a job (day job, yard work or whatever) and see how many take you un on the offer. The ones who show up for the work are the ones who want and need help.
2014-12-06 23:33:54 UTC
Yes I would but I would never ever give that person money.

Atb Red
2014-12-06 20:03:08 UTC
I care a lot.
2014-12-06 11:35:11 UTC
I live in a big city. If I gave a homeless beggar a dollar everytime I saw one, I couldn't pay the mortgage. His balance sheet is better than mine, at least he isn't in debt. But I do give to the Salvation Army annually, and there are a couple of homeless people I see every day, and I occasionally drop them a buck or two or bring them heated leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner, etc.
2014-12-06 11:17:59 UTC
I do care about poor people. Homeless, or apparent homeless may not be poor. I think one of the best things to give a panhandler who you know is not a professional is a food token from a local shelter, soup kitchen or mission. Some are professional panhandlers and make a non-poverty living from doing it.

Poor people by the US standard includes a lot of the world. They are not to be pitied, and are often happier and healthier than most of us. The ones who have enough to eat and a decent shelter have all they need. They often are healthier because they eat more natural foods. They are happier because they don't take on the worries a lot of us do. They have plenty of family, friends, and a very good society. We would do well to remember them, and respect them for many of them are justifiably content, humble, and happy with their lot in life.

You also should discern if the person actually needs food, or will just use any help to support getting more alcohol. I have helped many people in need, and I have ignored a lot of them. Some of the ones I helped were a complete waste of time and resources. Live and learn.
Haya Khan
2014-12-06 09:32:18 UTC






2014-12-06 09:28:02 UTC
sometimes i really do much.
2014-12-06 09:18:27 UTC
2014-12-06 00:34:52 UTC
I most definitely would! Wouldn't you want someone to give you food if you were in that situation? Your helping a person out, always a good thing.
2014-12-05 23:32:10 UTC
I'm from the country so I don't really see homeless people all that much. When I go to the city its always a shock for me seeing them on the streets. My parents always told me not to give them money because they will most likely spend it on drugs or alcohol but to give my money to charities instead. If someone actually came up to me and asked me to buy them food I would.
2014-12-05 22:39:08 UTC
maybe but I wouldn't give any cash
2014-12-05 21:37:07 UTC
2014-12-05 20:24:36 UTC
If I had money, I would. Although my family has never been that poor, we are defiantly not extremely well off. But honestly I would not keep doing it over and over for the same person because I know in my town and nearby towns there are shelters, food drives, government programs like food stamps, soup kitchens, etc.
2014-12-05 15:50:34 UTC
2014-12-05 15:28:19 UTC
I agree with Benjamin Franklin :"“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
2014-12-05 10:44:55 UTC
I am 17 and yes I do I care for everybody, everyone should have someone to care for them, no matter what I will give everyone a chance and I will care for them like no other, because poor people are the same as you and me they shouldn't be judged by the amount of money they have or the clothes they have, because the only person that can judge them is god!!!!!
2014-12-08 21:22:20 UTC
yes i do, but even if i say this i have to admit its hard for me to bring myself to help them.
2014-12-08 14:00:25 UTC
yes i do care about poor people but not all. Most poor people are only poor because of drugs. It isn't fair still that they have ha to go through this but they caused it for themselves and only themselves can fix it. If a homeless person asked me for some money I wouldn't give it to them in case they are going to spend it on drugs but I would buy them a meal and a drink so I know what they are using the money with.
Are You Like 12
2014-12-07 21:49:06 UTC
This sounds like I'm a shitty person which I probably am but if it was convenient yeah why not
Jack Black
2014-12-07 17:50:13 UTC
Yes. I care about poor people. But there are too many beggers in the street in my city and some of them are just pretended and deceive others in the street. It is very tangled for me to help or not.
2014-12-07 15:34:11 UTC
I care alot
2014-12-07 15:16:20 UTC
Of course I care. I am not wealthy and remind myself that things could always be worse. I often think of people who might benefit from something I no longer need or want. I never toss anything into the trash as many people would gladly make use of items I no longer need. Just today I found several boxes of Christmas lights unused that will never be used so I walked over to a neighbors home offering them to have. They don't have much and very little money. It was great to see the smiles and true appreciation. It really is about the simple things in life. Pay it forward when and where you can. I will only give money when I truly know that the people are in need as I have found numerous people to take advantage of things when in fact they are not destitute as thought to be. Many organizations do take much of the money donated to fuel the system they created so I prefer to find a small group or organization in town. Maybe a food pantry or senior center etc. In other words I prefer to cut out the middle man with big hands.
2014-12-07 11:39:47 UTC
No, because there are plenty of government programs out there that if they really wanted to improve their living conditions they could.
Ellen J
2014-12-07 01:35:20 UTC
I'll tell you what I did do when a street person asked me for money to buy food: I told him I'd take him someplace and buy him something to eat. He said he couldn't go to the restaurant I selected because it used too much salt and would adversely affect his liver transplant. I just walked away.

Quite a few street people don't want food--they want money so they can spend it on alcohol or drugs. Of they are just scammers who support themselves quite well on other people's money. Some street people are actually poor but how am I supposed to tell them apart?
2014-12-06 22:43:17 UTC
2014-12-06 22:41:44 UTC
Yes , i do care . And yes i would buy him food .
2014-12-06 20:31:36 UTC
2014-12-06 15:15:40 UTC
No I would not give them a dime. I am on a fixed income and need the money for myself. Most of those who are homeless are that way by choice. Many of them have mental health problems or are addicted to drugs or alcohol. There are homeless shelters all over the country to help feed them. I will give them some money to feed them but giving them cash is a big mistake. Recently there have been at least two stories in the news about people who are begging for money and when they are done they get into their new Mercedes Benz and drive off. Law enforcement say they can not do anything about it. Most state owned mental health facilities have been closed so the people are on the streets
2014-12-06 07:11:43 UTC
Yes I care and have bought food from supermarkets or given money to the poor. Also donate clothes and shoes. I help with medication if I can.
2014-12-06 06:40:48 UTC
only liberals do. not conservatives
2014-12-06 05:14:10 UTC
Some of them yes, but many of poor people are just relectant not to better there life by working harder.
2014-12-06 03:36:14 UTC
yes I would but it kind of depends.. If they really were homeless I would have bought food for them but maybe not cash cause you dont know what they might use it for...
2014-12-05 13:52:53 UTC
if it was my last fokn dime id share half
2014-12-05 13:00:04 UTC
no let him earn it by working for you
2014-12-05 06:40:09 UTC
2014-12-05 05:48:28 UTC
No I would not give any money to the homeless for food. I would offer him work around my house to earn a sufficient amount to purchase food.

I earn money and have none to give away.

When I have offered this alternative as oppose to a direct handout, I have had no takers.

The reason I stopped giving handouts to those on the street with signs indicating they are homeless, is, I gave a person that said he was homeless and wanted an amount to buy a burger at the Burger King across the street. I did give him some money.

I went home and needed to go back out to get a paper. The same homeless man was in the liquor store buying a six pack.

When I offer to buy food for the homeless, the have indicated they would prefer the money as oppose to buying them food, with the exception of one person.

I do care about the homeless, however, from now on I will not give directly to the homeless, I will and have volunteered my time at local charities to assist in feeding the homeless.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck,

2014-12-08 16:07:01 UTC
im a apple
2014-12-08 11:46:17 UTC
Yes. That does not mean I give things to everyone that ask.
2014-12-08 06:48:21 UTC
My issue is with all the people taking advantage of the Food Banks and other assistance when They really don't require it. My neighbor a few houses away owns His own House and Truck. He has money for Cigarettes and Liquor and any other Toy's He wants But He goes to a Food Bank for all His groceries. He is a good Carpenter and charges plenty for what He does but He won't find a steady job . As a Trucker My Self I also see 3 Men asking for money every day at a major intersection . Later on I see them sitting near a Beer Store enjoying a few cold ones with the money people have given Them. Hard to know that I work a 14 hr day so I can give Them money to get drunk on. And that's why I prefer to give My money only to those who really need it.
2014-12-07 05:53:26 UTC
If he was to ask for food, then yes I would buy him food, however if he was to ask for money then no, maybe this is just a generalization and not all homeless people would but I'd be worried that if I gave a homeless man money he would spend it on alcohol or drugs. If I was in another country (such as south America) then I definitely wouldn't give money to a homeless person, I hear that woman who beg in places like south america, china etc. and have a young child with them, kidnap the child and drug it up so they can keep it quite and use it as a prop to encourage people to give them money.
2014-12-06 23:20:40 UTC
Of course, We should all care about poor people especially the homeless there is a famous saying that we are all one paycheck away from being homeless and that is honestly true for more than a majority of society. The middle class is disappearing. The rich and the poor are the majority of society. We need to all care about each other and have compassion for each other.
2014-12-06 22:19:38 UTC
Poor people have asked me for money and I have so many times. I have also seen many of them go and buy cancer sticks, beer, right after I hand them the money. I've recently vowed to never give out money again. If you feel that bad about saying no, invest in a charity. Then when they ask tell them you don't have any money because you give your lose change to charity.
Ataur Rahman
2014-12-06 22:16:54 UTC
yeah , sure
2014-12-06 18:02:10 UTC
Of course, but it depends.. some people are crazy and would do anything just to fool other people. I'm a very heart warming person and I would help anyone, but there are people in this world who just do stupid things nowadays if you know what I mean. The world is a crazy place and you just gotta be careful.
2014-12-06 05:31:34 UTC
My heart is deeply for poor. I'm just a step from being poor I'm a person blessed with God's favor. Not everyone have wisdom and knowledge to know how to get help. I believe everyone is one step from being poor. Concerning material things you rich today, poor tomorrow. On the other hand, you poor today and rich tomorrow now what? Can u handle it? would be the question. Yes I definitely care about the poor. I understand being poor isn't a comfortable situation.
2014-12-06 04:40:47 UTC
I would feel very happy to help all the people who need my help and of course i will help poor people for the food .
Irish 313
2014-12-06 03:06:56 UTC
Would I? Yes. There have been times I've done so without being asked, especially if they also had a dog with them - even if it meant I nearly missed my train. There's a saying, there but for the grace of god do I. And I'm not even religious but you don't need to be to recognise the concept of human compassion and placing yourself in the shoes of another.

Actually there have been times in my life, many, many years ago, when I've been technically homeless. Never had to resort to begging but it is easy to slip and stumble, many people have a misplaced sense of security. But many could end up in such a situation, especially when certain countries such as the US (not that I live there) have a very weak, unfit for purpose social welfare system. Imagine a country which can spend billions upon billions on war but cannot spend billions on homelessness and tackling social inequality and poverty. America: land of the free to die in the gutter.
2014-12-06 01:24:26 UTC
2014-12-05 19:41:20 UTC
Yes I do.
2014-12-05 18:22:33 UTC
Yeah id buy a bum some food. Once a bum asked my cousin for money and he bought him a tim hortons coffee and a sandwich and the bum threw the food away and muttered something under his breath.Apparently he wanted drugs or booze.
2014-12-05 17:12:14 UTC
Nice stream of answers!!.....

Hmm I've done that too when I was homeless
2014-12-05 13:56:12 UTC
Absolutely. “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matt 25:40 Then I would try to get them to learn a skill so they could feed themselves.
2014-12-05 10:40:09 UTC
We have food trucks that give out free food to the homeless or any one in need,

We also have food banks here so familys can get the bare necessities.

I don't have much money, but am always willing to give a helping hand just because it's what I would want done to me.

It's always a good idea to keep old sweaters, clothes, blankets, etc in your trunk

That way if you see a homeless person or family out in need; you can provide and make their day so much better.
2014-12-05 08:28:45 UTC
Yes!!!! who wouldn't they don't get PICKLES DUHH!!!!
2014-12-05 06:51:22 UTC
There are very few homeless people in my country. In fact, it is quite difficult to be homeless no matter how poor you are here. Homeless people usually go to social workers and voluntary welfare/government organisations would be more than willing to help. If they're asking random people on the road, it's most likely a case of them trying to solicit money "here and there" as if it is an occupation. I have seen so called seeminly pitiful elderly asking for money in train stations, and after their shift is done, they actually have domestic helpers to accompany them home.
2014-12-05 06:50:24 UTC
Yes, and I have done it before. The last time I told the guy I'd buy him a meal if he went to a restaurant with me. He hesitated, then agreed. The waitress hesitated and I told him to order what he wanted, plus a drink and he did and was served. He asked for a bag to take the balance with him.
2014-12-09 00:55:43 UTC
Yes I do, but i feel guilty of not doing any thing for their betterment.
2014-12-08 10:46:54 UTC
If you flip the p in poor you get boor so when you boor your a whore so yes I do care
2014-12-07 06:06:43 UTC
Yes I would if he was truly homeless .i think that's the best thing to do 😊
2014-12-07 02:58:54 UTC
2014-12-06 22:48:37 UTC
Yes, I always feel their condition cordially & try to help them.
2014-12-06 17:47:40 UTC
no im shelfish and really laxx
2014-12-06 16:23:42 UTC
I would honestly! Its nice to give back in some way, its a good feeling. I love helping out people.
2014-12-06 14:04:41 UTC
Sure. If I could afford it. I never give money anymore casue of the probability of them buying drugs and alcohol. I would never deny someone of food if they were genuinely desperate and hungry. That would be just cold and selfish if I did
2014-12-06 12:44:56 UTC
I care about poor people because I like to show I have a heart and that I would buy food for the homeless man. It bothers me that I see people walking by the homeless and do nothing to help because those people are heartless and insensitive.
2014-12-06 02:28:16 UTC
2014-12-05 23:56:18 UTC
Yes I have done it.

Anyone of us are just a few paychecks away from being homeless.
2014-12-05 19:58:32 UTC
Before I could answer that question, let me take care of myself and family first.
2014-12-05 14:22:24 UTC
I will buy him with what ever I am left with. You won't believe, I can't eat anything if some poor guy is standing next to me. it's always been that I give him my meal. God I am very sensitive. :(
2014-12-05 13:59:17 UTC
it depends on your neighborhood. in some areas begging for money and food is a kind of job for some people who try to abuse your sense of philanthropy. when they do such thing they are actually killing friendliness and trust among the people. usually I buy them some food but after that sometimes I feel kind of good and sometimes I feel bad.
2014-12-05 12:40:19 UTC
Yes, but that doesn't mean I would give a beggar money. I see at least 2 or 3 every day on my way to/from work. Quite apart from the fact that such begging is illegal in the UK, it's almost guaranteed that any money given is NOT spent on food, regardless of how hungry the beggar is - it will most likely go on alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, or some combination of the three! I HAVE bought some food though, and my husband has also done that. The response HE got was a look of disdain, indicating the thoughts..' Food? What good is that?!'
2014-12-05 09:43:57 UTC
Those are two different questions you ask. Do I care about poor people? Yes. If a homeless man asked me to buy him food, would I do it? No. I research charities that actively strive to make a difference for those truly in need, and I volunteer both my time and money to those charities. I fully believe that we as a community can make a difference for everyone. But I do not encourage dependance on others as a way to make that difference. I will not simply give away food or money to those who ask for it, because it doesn't teach them how to better themselves. Reliance on others won't help anyone overcome their situation.
2014-12-05 07:14:18 UTC
Yes I do care! If they ask me for food I would give them, because for me it's better to give them some foods or hygiene kits rather than to give them money.
2014-12-05 05:17:36 UTC
When you see them some place and they ask for money and say it's for food, blah blah blah, I usally tell them I have no cash(even if i do) but i'd be happy to buy them some food with my card. They usually lose interest because they don't really want food, just their drug money. But if they want food, i'll buy them food.
2014-12-05 04:46:20 UTC
2014-12-05 01:19:44 UTC
I will because I can understand how tough life but I won't said I'm a good person lol
The Deadboy
2014-12-07 17:51:40 UTC

We all should till we can effort.
2014-12-07 17:15:08 UTC
2014-12-07 16:48:35 UTC
Yes, I have before and I'd gladly do it again.
2014-12-07 15:58:11 UTC
Yes. Don't listen to people who somehow believe that beggars are well off or just lazy or whatever. Like it's some kind of grand conspiracy.
2014-12-06 23:58:04 UTC
of course,I buying food for him.coz service is everything.
10 Points
2014-12-06 22:13:47 UTC
NO , if they aint poor then I aint rich
2014-12-06 20:07:47 UTC
I would buy him something to eat, buy him or her a coat, shoes or something else they may need too. I can't help all the homeless or hungry, but I can help one or two.
2014-12-06 14:42:04 UTC
Maybe 1 out of 50 pepole would help i'm homeless and yes I would help

cause I know what it's like poor helping the poor
2014-12-06 13:38:36 UTC
Yes I would and I do.. only if they ask for food, or if I see them eating out of the trash can. but the ones that's standing by the freeway asking for money I would never give them anything, because I know for sure their on some kind of drugs.. once a woman asked me to buy her some food, I was at KFC so I asked her what she wanted, she said I don't like KFC, can you give me the money to go to pop eyes.. I said meet me over there and tell me what you want.. she changed her mind again.. so at that point I knew it was her game to get crack money.. so I said I'm sorry but I can't help you..
Paris Dalee
2014-12-06 13:24:04 UTC
yes, all people are equal ...

it doesn't matter if they are poor or rich, black or white ...

so yes I do care and I will donate food and money to the poor x
2014-12-05 20:41:27 UTC
Heres what i say when i meet a poor person: Son, i make $10 an hour, and im only 12... here, take this twenty. It will buy ya some food
2014-12-05 15:10:55 UTC
OF C O U R S E I C A R E A B O U T T H E P O O R! ! ! My problem is always when the colleges try to take advantage of the young folk, you know they try to convince 'em that the poor suffer from that **** called 'meritocracy,' you know?
2014-12-05 12:25:45 UTC
If a homeless person asked me for money, not so much, but if a homeless person asked me to buy him/her food, most definitely, because I know the money isn't going for alcohol or drugs. I've seen people (supposedly homeless) come up to us and ask for money who have a prop with them, usually can of gasoline or crutch, or a cellphone pretending to be calling someone telling them they ran out of gas. Then that same person hiding behind a building waiting for another sucker to come their way and doing the same thing to them again. I definitely give to online charities instead.
2014-12-05 09:25:56 UTC
Well, some people just pretend to be poor just so that they don't have to spend money. Even if they were poor, I would tell them to walk into like Walmart or something and they can get paid that way yeah I know it isn't the best way to make money but at least they'll get some cash so my final answer is NO
LOL Rainbow Beauty
2014-12-05 07:40:27 UTC
It depends on who it is, but in general yes. I really feel bad for people that are poor, but in one way they can go to shelters, those who don't go to shelters and want to stay outside are usually the ones that want more. But my honest answer would be yes, unless they are pretending they are poor to get money.
Asrat Mengesha
2014-12-05 04:23:14 UTC
Why not? i care not only poor but about all people.
2014-12-05 03:48:51 UTC
They just want change.
Intrinsic Random Event
2014-12-04 23:50:33 UTC
Yep, I'd do that. I would be much more positive about giving a meal to a poor person than giving someone money towards who-knows-what...

There's quite a bit of this sort of thing in my area. They will hang outside the laundromats, knowing that people who go there have change. People who have a crazed look about them... maybe that comes from living on the street, maybe that comes from drug withdrawal... I don't want to help them dig a deeper hole for themselves, but in many cases I'd be willing to buy them a meal, and talk about what's going on in their life... in the hope that a friendly non-intrusive discussion about their life might make them think a bit about changing the situation. I say "in many cases", because the truth is, now and then you get a homeless person who looks and acts REALLY crazy, and every fibre of common sense in you tells you to be very careful.
2014-12-04 20:59:18 UTC
I do and i would. I think i would try to get them a big sub with a soda or a cheese pizza .If i had enough money for toppings i would let them choose one or 2.
2014-12-04 18:09:16 UTC
definitely buy him food
2014-12-08 03:33:51 UTC
2014-12-07 22:24:44 UTC
I wouldn't buy a poor man food because I have to go pretty much every other day without eating because i don't earn enough.
2014-12-07 19:51:22 UTC
Yes I do care about the homeless. They may have not made such wise decisions in the past, but if you are a true citizen to your community, you would help.
2014-12-07 18:02:05 UTC
I would. I always have at least a dollar rolling around in the bottom of my purse. It could at least get that person a cheeseburger off the dollar menu.
2014-12-06 16:17:58 UTC
Of course. We're all humans. Just because someone is richer doesn't mean they're better
2014-12-06 06:53:11 UTC
I care about people as a rule. The homeless are equal to me and deserve my respect and compassion as much as anyone else. From the president/prime minister to CEOs to an African mother of six to the mad old woman sleeping in the graveyard, we are all equal. That is my most fundemental philosophy: there are no second class citizens. Some other guy put up a post saying "I feed the homeless and the call me a saint: I ask why they do not have food and they call me a communist". The people who ask those questions know that any society is only as strong as its weakest link.

I was homeless when I was a little younger. A few rash moves and a lot of bad luck led me there. Many people do not understand, however, that anyone can be homeless: there is nothing really separating you from them apart from social barriers. I know an IT expert who spent 25 years earning a six figure salary working for the NSA in America! He's now homeless, and people spit at him in the street.

The really nasty thing about being homeless is people assume you to be crazy; traumatised; stupid; addicted; weak... Living homeless is hard because of the abuse you attract and the way people turn their noses up at you. Most nights someone would call me "filthy" or "grotty" (I wasn't, I washed in cold water every day) and I got threatened a few times, having to run away from groups of lads.

But the really poor are some of the strongest people you can imagine. The only thing worse in life than being homeless and hungry in a peaceful country is being homeless and hungry in a war torn country.

What I am sick of is seeing people in Ferraris in London while there are hungry and cold people sitting on the curb side. Or seeing huge boarded up houses everywhere that rich property owners are just keeping as valuable assets to fall back on if their shares decrease in value.

There is nothing glorious about those kind of riches, or "right", in the broadest sense of the word, about that kind of inequality. Tell me your justification for ostentatious wealth when you're confronted by grinding poverty every day; I'd love to see it because I'm trying very hard to understand. To my mind there is no excuse. And I am sick of being called bitter for stating this fact. I don't really agree with most of what Russell Brand says, but this quote recently struck me: "when I was poor and complained about inequality, people called me bitter. Now I am rich, people call me a hypocrite. I'm starting to wonder if the issue is that they don't want inequality on the agenda".

But do I give money to homeless people? Do I give them food?

With food; of course, if I can. Being hungry is extremely unhealthy. When it comes to money: it depends on how poor I am at the time. It also depends if the guy looks like a crackhead. You really can tell, if you spend some time with crackheads.

Which is another thing: most people do not spend time with these people. You should try it, volunteer at a shelter, or even better sit down with a homeless guy on the street and just talk to him. It doesn't have to be about being homeless. Just a normal chat, with a normal person, will make him very, very happy. If you live in a city, you'll know how lonely the metropolis gets.

Now, I've added this last bit as a footnote, although it shouldn't be. The poor amount to much more than just the homeless.

8% of people in the world have a bank account which is not in the red.

13% have internet access.

25% own a fridge.

That's the inequality perpetrated by the lifestyle of the few- and in the first world we most likely are the few- well, you certainly are if you own a fridge. It's precarious. We spoon-feed the poor images of capitalism and keep them badly educated in order to keep them suppressed. In truth not everyone can be rich under our current system. We need to restructure. That means you and even me taking a hit now. But the few things that you need like food or shelter: or education- access to educational materials at least- will always be available. It's just a question of redistribution.

Otherwise, I think the poor of the world will one day make their voice heard. There are 874 million people starving as we speak. And that doesn't go for the 50% who do not have food security, while the west has access to 4/5ths of the world's food- the majority of which we waste. In the USA, 300 million barrel's worth of oil is wasted every year on food that isn't eaten.

Instigate change. Don't wait for someone else to do it for you. It might end up bloody.
2014-12-06 00:07:15 UTC
nope only the strong suevive
2014-12-05 20:49:30 UTC
Without a question, and have done it a few times over the years. I have been on both sides of this issue and I know what is like to be destitute, and I know what it means to enjoy security. I'm a strong believer of paying-it-forward, no matter what.
2014-12-05 17:33:48 UTC
I've done it before. I can't afford it anymore, because my life has changed; I'm one step away from there now myself, due to disabilities. (I make too much to get food stamps, but not enough to survive! LOL) I'm about to lose an extra $150/month starting the beginning of the year, so honestly, I can't afford to give. But when I did, if someone asked me for money for a meal, I invited him into a fast food restaurant and fed him.
2014-12-05 16:55:39 UTC
I do care about poor people, but I think the poor people who most people answering this question are referring to are on a whole other planet to the poor people I see everyday. I live in dublin city and the majority of the poor are drug addicts or refugees. I remember being in Boston and thinking that the homeless seemed so normal in comparison. I don't give money firstly because I'm a broke student and secondly because I don't want to be funding someone's drug addiction. There's a lot of scamming in the begging of refugees to be seen also. Poor women are forced to beg for the entire day and at the end of the day a man comes and collects most of what was made, I've seen it too many times to tell you. It's awful. I care so much about these people but I never know what's the right way to help them, money doesn't seem like a wise choice. I help out in soup kitchens sometimes but other than that I don't know what I can do
Jason Chen
2014-12-05 14:44:59 UTC
I will buy food of course, but not expensive one tho because I am just a broke college student. Probably just a burger from mcdonald that cost less than 5 bucks. but if hes really hungry im sure he doesnt mind whatever he eats
2014-12-05 13:14:43 UTC
If it was a homeless person who is trying to improve their life (find a job, permanent residence ect.) then yes if I had the means to so. I would never give a dime to one whom is obviously an alcoholic though.
2014-12-05 09:24:39 UTC
yes very much and I would buy food but not give money to the individual as this might be used for other means such as alcohol or drugs
2014-12-05 06:43:31 UTC
yes,i do
2014-12-05 05:04:33 UTC
i would get him food
2014-12-05 01:48:51 UTC
A common man always care for poor and needy people. As they are more sensible to understand their situation as they are gone through that phase of life or they have people know who are in need. But for rich class it is a bit difficult to understand this. sometime they feel that the person is begging or he is just pretending to be poor. If sometime they help the needy they thought it to be a great classy act or they just do to show off. Governments are also not much willing to help poor people. Unless they start doing care for the poor they will remain poor unless any miracle would happen to them or they got a good job for their survival... Therefore we all should care for poor and try to help them, a penny spent on them can't make us poor and a penny saved can't made us rich as well....
2014-12-05 01:43:07 UTC
If I had the money, I would.
2014-12-04 17:53:51 UTC
I would help him.
2014-12-04 17:33:09 UTC
2014-12-04 16:54:24 UTC
2014-12-08 17:22:43 UTC
Yeah, I would, but if a homeless woman asked me...well, that's a whole other story...

Just kidding, please try to be a bit more gender sensitive next time...Thanks, have a nice day!
2014-12-07 17:50:01 UTC
Yes , I feel bad for the poor and hungry.
2014-12-07 11:58:48 UTC
I don't give them money, but I would give them food.
2014-12-07 11:01:10 UTC
depends on whether or not i had money to spare on that particular day. if so, yes.
2014-12-07 09:53:52 UTC
I If a homeless man asked me to buy him food, I definitely give him food as well as I suggest him to be more active, punctual and effective so that have to not want food to another again.
2014-12-07 06:40:01 UTC
2014-12-06 22:43:54 UTC
I care about them, but helping people is more complicated than that. Sometimes I give them food. Sometimes they won't even take it, they just want money. I don't usually give it to them.
2014-12-06 14:36:57 UTC
I have always been for fortunate then others, i could have gotten whatever i wanted but i didn't. My parents was very strict raising me and encouraged me to love and support those who aren't as fortunate. At school, around the streets and at shelters i've always gave the homeless a hug or some food. Not money to them love and food are extremely valuable tot them. All they need is to know someone loves them and is watching over them out there.
2014-12-06 08:57:48 UTC
Depends on how I judge the quality of the poor person.
2014-12-06 08:10:03 UTC
No, their useless.
2014-12-06 06:04:17 UTC
Definetly! I'm sure you'll live with spending a few pounds on someone else who might not.
leonard c
2014-12-06 05:36:36 UTC
yes i do try to help the poor
Reality Check
2014-12-05 20:55:06 UTC
I have done so before. I've also given poor people money for food and saw them exiting with a bottle of liquor 15 minutes later.

It's not always a lack of concern. People lie, and in turn this makes people distrustful.

I would send money to poor nations now that I'm better off financially...if I knew for sure it was getting into their hands. But I don't trust governments or 3rd party "charities." I would want to know their status, 501c3 or 501c5. If they take too large of a cut, more than just enough to "keep their lights on" (their operation running) then I will not donate.

It's sad that we must be so distrustful, but thanks to degenerates, frauds and thieves who prey on the week...I don't know who to trust. So it's nothing against truly poor people, it's against people. I care for people, but I also know them too well.
2014-12-05 13:57:26 UTC
i care about poor people. im not going into details though.
2014-12-05 06:21:37 UTC
2014-12-05 01:51:33 UTC
i will do it
2014-12-04 21:27:34 UTC
yes i care for poor people ....
2014-12-04 20:20:30 UTC
Yeas,I care about the poor people because it is our responsibility to help the needy people.
2014-12-04 16:21:48 UTC
2014-12-04 15:04:29 UTC
If he asked for food I without thinking
2014-12-08 20:58:26 UTC
if someone asks you to buy them food and you can afford it, yes it will be a nice thing to do for someone in need
doody goal
2014-12-07 13:07:28 UTC
we can't equate raunchorama to what was happening 50 years ago
Mr. Wizard
2014-12-07 09:11:13 UTC
The American Red Cross sells legit voucher booklets that bear names / locations of nearby locally established homeless shelters, reliant on public donations; money far better spent on these, than wasted on fast food "gift certificates".

If a street begging "homeless" person approaches you, simply hand them one of the American Red Cross admit vouchers--good for a day's stay of hot meals and warm place to get a good night's sleep at a participating homeless shelter.

If they accept the voucher, they clearly ARE homeless; if they angrily reject the voucher, they're likely alcohol/drug addicts, trying to score cash---or they're phonies, making a good living on the street-beggar game.
2014-12-06 12:36:51 UTC
I was in St Pats in NYC and in the last pew was a homeless women sleeping. I put 3 dollars near here folded handed. I didn't care what color she was.
2014-12-06 12:36:27 UTC
I was wrong once
2014-12-06 11:41:07 UTC
Do they care about me? No..
Frances Carodine
2014-12-06 07:25:50 UTC
i have
2014-12-05 21:24:17 UTC
Yes. I would be free about providing them with food (I've done it before), but I'm also cautious. One family I thought was desperate I asked the kids a couple of questions and kept my twenty in my pocket. "Do your parents drink or smoke?" "Yes."

They haven't hit rock bottom yet. For the kids' sake I gave them food.
2014-12-05 15:06:01 UTC
Yes, I would feed them.
love child
2014-12-05 09:44:37 UTC
I care about people period regardless of their financial status. I do keep non-perishable food in my car to give to homeless people and/or those holding signs specifically stating they are hungry. I do not give cash. When I am out of food, I have been know to stop at the nearest eatery and order food and take it to hungry people I have passed. It breaks my heart to see someone holding a sign saying they are hungry. There is a man near my home and whenever I see him - I ask him if he's eaten. I know what he likes to eat at this point. I will usually go to the store and buy a bag of groceries for him but I do not buy alcohol either.
2014-12-05 08:13:10 UTC
I donate food to the food pantry, clothing and other personal items. I do not give out cash.
2014-12-05 05:18:14 UTC
I care about every decent person. I pay my taxes and donate to charities. I might buy food for someone depending on the circumstances but better would send them to the organizations that assist such people.
2014-12-05 01:40:59 UTC
I will buy them a meal but never give them money I'll even buy them certain items like band aids or antiseptic.
2014-12-05 00:01:53 UTC
I might. It largely depends on what I'm doing at the time. I had heard that if you give cash it frequently ends up being converted into drugs or alcohol, so I'd prefer to give food directly, but if I'm busy I'm not going to want to take time to go buy food for some random person. Consequently, I rarely have bought food for some (presumably) homeless person when they ask. I do sometimes donate to organizations that feed the homeless.

One time I was wandering around Manhattan with nothing to do and a guy asked for $5 for a room. He said he was just out of the hospital and needed a place to stay that night. I didn't want to give him cash, but I said I'd pay for the room directly if he'd take me there. Suddenly he had all kinds of reasons why I couldn't pay directly for the room. Ultimately I gave him nothing.
2014-12-04 23:16:54 UTC
I donate to food banks and soup kitchens.
2014-12-04 20:42:33 UTC
I would and I have. More often than not though, I've offered homeless people food and they've said no.
2014-12-04 19:59:58 UTC
No Not in Australia they get Dole Rent allowance and travel allowance for Job interviews don't i give enough when i pay taxes from My pension
2014-12-04 18:57:05 UTC
I would definitely buy a homeless person money, I would also order a week for the person in a hotel :D I definitely will try that !
2014-12-04 17:44:38 UTC
i will try
2014-12-04 17:04:06 UTC
Of course. I'm not sure I would know for sure if the man was homeless, but if asked, its up to me to step up to the (plate (no pun). I've done just that, I've donated, done the Christmas-pick a name off the tree thing with my children to teach them, given from my car stopped at a light. I feel its up to me to give without question if asked-if I can-I too am not monetarily well off. Sometimes I have no cash and apologize. Once I turned around to give a mother cash. We need each other. Once the money is out of my hand, its an issue between the person and God. I did my part.
2014-12-08 09:44:53 UTC
Yes, however,it depends in what situation they went through to get to this state. Even though i dont pay A LOT of attention towards them they are still recognized.
2014-12-08 09:27:43 UTC
I've never known them to ask people to buy them food. One guy asked me for money, then went into McDonalds and paid for a meal with a £20 note. Good job I refused him because he didn't need it. These people are usually the way they are because of some sort of drink or drug problem and they'd sell they're own granny.
2014-12-08 08:55:25 UTC
2014-12-08 07:59:04 UTC
Never give them money to buy food. Take them and pay for it yourself, that way they won't be panhandeling you to buy drugs or someting besides food.
A Yahoo User
2014-12-08 07:23:01 UTC
I might but afraid he would keep coming to me all the time if I did.
2014-12-07 22:49:50 UTC
If I know someone that is poor and I like them then I care about them.
2014-12-07 21:01:53 UTC
Yes i would buy them some food, even prisoners get free food, i think homeless people should at least get some food.
2014-12-06 15:18:16 UTC
Yes! I'd care with all my heart!!!!!!! I'd buy them top quality dishes whether they asked or not!
2014-12-06 13:44:12 UTC
of course!
2014-12-06 09:39:59 UTC
Maybe. Depends on the situation. How about you?
2014-12-06 08:14:27 UTC
Of course! Poor people must be helped. Those in need must receive Government aid. Therefore, all society gets better(less broken laws)
2014-12-06 01:14:16 UTC
If i have the capability to help him doing anything, i would love to help him.
2014-12-05 22:45:17 UTC
do or it open place real do by no one depend begging food in rich people, mother feed food our child god feed food, hope less hurry.........
jack f
2014-12-05 16:16:25 UTC
Which question do you care about more, your first or second. I don't see the relationship of one to the other. Yes, I care about people. No, if a homeless person asked me to buy him/her lunch, I wouldn't. Not because I don't care about people, because I am not that person's parent. I've been homeless, and if I would have relied on others to buy me food, I'd probably still be homeless. Nobody bought me anything so it was either get off my lazy rear end, or starve. I got off my butt, and now I'm doing quite well. Give a man a fish, you feed him for one day, teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
2014-12-05 15:16:04 UTC
If anyone asked me to buy them food I would, you wouldn't even have to be homeless. I'd even share a meal with you....But if you ask for money, then I'm going to wonder what you're actually going to use that money for. I'm not rich, but I'm not as poor as I used to be...So I know the plight of the poor...I used to be one. But most poor people aren't looking for a handout, just a hand up. And I will reach out a hand for that.
2014-12-05 12:43:50 UTC
I care about all human beings inherently. Poor, rich, white, black, conservative, liberal. The question is, can I do anything for them without jeopardizing my self. I pay my taxes, do a little charity work, keyword being LITTLE. However, some of them are there by their own doing, most of them are not. So I would say we need to set up a system that makes it easier to get out of poverty. Higher quality job placement and training programs would be a good start.
2014-12-05 09:55:00 UTC
Yes, I care about them. I help out when I can.
2014-12-04 19:42:47 UTC
You have to always remember that God stated that the poor will always be with us......... But you also have to remember that there are so called poor people that will take advantage of you and anyone else that will give them money......... For there are some panhandlers out there that earn as much as 800 dollars a week from just asking people to give them their spare change, So you really have to be careful as to whom you give your spare change to......... For there are people that rather beg for money rather than get a job.................... For when I say to them sure I will buy you something from MacDonald and then they tell me that they just give me the money and they will but their own food that is when I walk or drive away without giving them a dime......................
2014-12-04 18:23:55 UTC
I know how it feels. No, I was never that poor where I would ask someone for food. But i have seen homeless people on the streets and sometimes I want to stop and help them. But many times, it's a scam, or someone dangerous. So. to be honest, I would only help most of the time. I really do feel bad for some people, but now and days, you would rather be safe then sorry.
2014-12-04 13:24:53 UTC
Absolutely - no questions asked.
2014-12-08 04:30:53 UTC
Yeah I am
2014-12-07 11:32:23 UTC
Yes. It hurts to see hurting, starving people on the street. If I had food in hand, definitely. If I they refused it and wanted money, NO. A lot of those people are scaming or even insane. They could be dangerous. But still I feel bad for the real homeless people.
2014-12-07 04:51:15 UTC
I would buy him food but I wouldn't give him money directly because he could use the money to buy other things.
2014-12-07 01:07:31 UTC
Of course!!! I think that if you have the possibility to help someone why not??? It's verrry nice to help people and not to expect to be rewarded 😊
Kyle the Kind Commenter
2014-12-06 22:08:57 UTC
it depends on why they are poor, if it is because of drugs or alcohol I could care less about them but if they are homeless for real reasons then yes I do care for them.
2014-12-06 16:37:41 UTC
2014-12-06 15:33:28 UTC
I wouldnt bother
2014-12-06 15:22:19 UTC
Omar Ahmed
2014-12-06 10:47:58 UTC
I will do it then i will try to give his a job.
2014-12-06 08:38:25 UTC
i care a lot about poor people i take care of them and do what they say
2014-12-06 06:04:24 UTC
I want to help people who cannot afford to buy food or a place to live but many of the people who are begging on the red lights or sitting on the corner of the street just pretend as if they are in a very bad condition and need money to fulfill their needs. but mostly this is not true because government provides them with a shelter to live in and have given them many opportunities to improve their lives but instead they put that apartment on rent and live on the foot paths. they think that this will provide them with more money and they can even earn some money by begging to people. these people are brought out by smugglers and ask the smugglers ask these people to beg and give the earned money to them. smugglers kidnap kids and make them do work in factories or make them beg on the streets so that people think that its a kid and have sorrow for them and give them money. they also treat them as slaves. they cut their hands or legs etc. to earn money so that people have pity and give them money.

the beggars do not prefer to have food or clothes but they want us to give them money so that they can buy alcohol, drugs etc.

the only way to stop this is by STOP giving money to beggars so this could stop.

these days even on Facebook, watsapp or other social networking sites messages like this are shared so that people stop giving money to them. educating these people is very important because as i said they are putting the houses on rent which are provided by the government so, if these people are not caring about the things the government is doing to improve their lives then Who the hell are we to have pity on them.
2014-12-05 17:14:42 UTC
yes, I do.
2014-12-05 03:31:15 UTC
I do it on holidays, get a bag put a juice box, sandwich, $20, and bring a jacket for them
2014-12-05 00:19:08 UTC
This has happened to me several times. A few months ago, a homeless guy went out of his way to come up to me and ask for money. I asked him is it for drugs, and he said "No I don't think so, I'm thirsty so I want a drink". I gave him some change.

To answer your question though, I do care about homeless people.
2014-12-04 18:40:28 UTC
yes i do care for the poor and yes i wud buy them food
2014-12-04 16:45:10 UTC
Actually those are the people that need the attention through kindness

I will definitely help a person in more need than myself. Those that are

privileged don't need anything and should share with the less fortunate.

But they don't they will take from the poor and save their wealth. Why

would I have an interest in them.
2014-12-04 16:14:20 UTC
Yes.... But, I would buy him the food and not just give him the $$$
2014-12-04 15:21:13 UTC
2014-12-04 14:32:12 UTC
2014-12-04 09:32:56 UTC
homeless always abused
2014-12-08 18:19:10 UTC
I came out of BBQ's once and gave a homeless guy all my left over sooo YES!
2014-12-08 07:15:55 UTC
yes i would buy him or her food instead of giving them money
2014-12-08 02:07:24 UTC
I don t think giving them money for breakfast would solve anything at all, because poverty is a gobal issue, but at the same time I feel sad when I pass by them and look away, only because everyone of us could end up this way someday.
2014-12-07 20:11:11 UTC
If I could and had time. But as others have said, when there are dozens of people asking for money, you can't help them all.
Jack E
2014-12-06 23:01:20 UTC
I once lived in downtown Phoenix near where all the homeless camped out. There was many free food give away places in the area. Three times a day, every day. But I was always asked, "Got ant spear change because I an broke and hunger."
2014-12-06 16:18:39 UTC
**** them homeless *****!
2014-12-06 15:22:55 UTC
I have always cared for others even over myself
2014-12-06 09:30:58 UTC
always poor people i am caring and help there not only help some advice there such as "please you must be included IT"
2014-12-06 03:33:45 UTC
2014-12-05 23:09:36 UTC
2014-12-05 20:20:17 UTC
2014-12-05 18:10:19 UTC
Absolutely however many times I have seen along the exits on the highway people pan handling and that I don't bother with. Many of them are living rather well on the kindness of strangers and its those people ripping people off that makes it harder on those who really need help because people just don't trust anymore.
2014-12-05 10:32:26 UTC
Of course I do. I care for all types of people : poor,rich or average and if someone asked me to buy them food because they were too poor to buy their own - I would, in a heartbeat ; however if they asked me to give them money, i wouldn't because they could use it on I would buy them what they wanted as long as it legal and good..
2014-12-05 09:36:36 UTC
2014-12-04 16:57:45 UTC
2014-12-04 15:57:31 UTC
2014-12-04 14:47:33 UTC
yeah i would fo sho,dawg. one time i was hangin out with some one in the downtown i had 2 sacks of chips and one homeless man came to me asking me if i could give him chips i wanted to give him a sack of chips 'cuz i had another one anyway but he said; '''no, i won't take care advantage of you like that,just 2 pieces of chips will be fine,dear.'''' and he was grateful and he thanked me just for 2 pieces............since that day, i really care for the poor,if a poor is yellin' for help,i'll be one of the first persons to help out. the poor is still a person,we gotta help them. i say that 'cause some arrogant muthafuckas treat poor people like shiiit,like they were nothin'. the poor is human like US. soooooo !!!! we gotta help.
2014-12-04 14:11:01 UTC
This is like asking if you stopped beating your wife.

I don't give to panhandlers - I have seen too many take a wad of bills into the bank near the end of the day and deposit into their bank account (I worked in a bank). What I DO is give to are food banks and housing shelters where people can get a good night sleep, perhaps be given job counseling, and give them a good meal.

If I give a person a couple of bucks to get a meal - it feeds him for a day. I want to feed that person for a lifetime.

So, do I care? Yes - but, in a different and more progressive way.
2014-12-04 09:51:03 UTC
Yes. I would share the meal with him. Both go to a restaurant and have the meal together. Simple as that and wise.
2014-12-04 09:21:32 UTC
yes, if i was able at the time.
2014-12-08 07:13:10 UTC
Do we care about people (including homeless people)? yes, I believe it is responsibility to show compassion and care for other individuals.


I think the main question to ask here is that, do homeless people care about themselves? if yes, then why are they homeless?
2014-12-07 17:15:41 UTC
yes I care for poor people
2014-12-07 14:30:55 UTC
2014-12-07 08:29:29 UTC
ya , i donate them money if i have.
2014-12-07 04:21:17 UTC
he can starve
2014-12-06 19:57:16 UTC
Yeah but not for everyone because I don't know if they're really poor or not.
2014-12-06 10:29:24 UTC
Yah, but pity them more
Jonathan Khanukayeva
2014-12-06 08:10:54 UTC
2014-12-05 22:46:54 UTC
I'd definitely do it. I'd give him my whole entire freaking wallet. No one deserves to live like that. I am aware of fakers, though, so I'll only do that if I think they're legitimate.
2014-12-05 17:12:47 UTC
yes but only if he/she is really in need not rubbing ppl in the name of food
2014-12-05 15:06:50 UTC
I've got no problem helping the needy, I would hope someone would do it for me if I were in a bad position.
2014-12-05 12:14:02 UTC
Yes Of course!
2014-12-05 09:57:33 UTC
Yes I would. I wouldn't even question it. If somebody was so desperate for food that they'd approach a complete stranger I would. In fact, I paid for a young boy's meal in McDonalds this morning when the debit card, presumably given to him by his parents, was repeatedly declined.
2014-12-05 06:43:08 UTC
yes if there is nothing else i can do for them. if not i would offer them a job or tell of places where they could possibly get a job.
Damian Z
2014-12-04 22:48:56 UTC
Netsky. That is all, good friend.
2014-12-04 19:54:45 UTC
Yes I would. Passing something that is going to help someone I'd do as it has been done for me.
2014-12-04 16:59:06 UTC
The ones around me only ask for money.

When I offer them food they curse me.
2014-12-04 16:04:15 UTC
You should care about everyone that has a heart and will treat someone equally how they should be treated. It should now matter how much money is in someones pocket.
2014-12-04 11:20:02 UTC
He might be faking, I would give him a small amount of money, but I wouldn't buy him food
2014-12-04 09:36:01 UTC
sometimes i do. in dublin they generally just ask for money, but if they say they want it for food il generally get it for them
Ghulam Haider
2014-12-07 20:02:02 UTC
2014-12-07 18:00:06 UTC
About twenty years ago, when I was a bit younger and more naieve then I am today, an elderly woman came up to me inside the church begging for money to buy some food and some clothes from the goodwill.

Now I felt uncomfortable about it, even though I had plenty of money to do it, and so I went to the deacon in our church and asked her to wait in the back of the church where it was warmer than outside. It was a very cold morning and it was better for her there if she had no where else to go.

Now as I approached the Deacon he told me this old woman came to the church stumbling drunk with liquor on her breath and sometimes in her hands, and he knew for a fact that if she really was homeless, it was because of her habit.

What I did was this. I sat with the woman and prayed with her while our Deacon came back with actual food from our food pantry, and a voucher where she could only buy clothes from the Goodwill. I scribbled some mental health numbers and actually discussed her drug problem. I do not know what became of her, but I was prudent, and helped her without enabling her. You just have to be careful in this day and age.

There have been other times where I have bought poor people a burger or coffee, and I donate clothes all the time. Its better than money as it is more likely to be used properly.
2014-12-06 15:57:10 UTC
Yes, I pay enough taxes to help pay for Welfare, Food Stamps, Planned Parenthood, Medicaid, and for every southern Conservative State who collects more from our Federal government than they pay in Federal taxes...
2014-12-06 12:31:58 UTC
buy them food.
2014-12-06 12:24:38 UTC
This is the thing, a lot of those that are in need are that way because they didn't care enough about there own lives to stay away from drugs and alcohol and they just threw there life away and expect others to keep them alive and high. But there are other reasons for poverty also like physical and mental problems, some of these people just can not work, some have messed up and committed crimes and it's permanently on there record and can't even get low paying jobs, why, because society is so unforgiving and once you lose trust it's almost impossible to get it back again. So some I would help and others not. So how do you know which is which? You don't , you just have to help them all when ever you can. Helping and giving isn't an option for Christians, it's mandatory with rewards of course.
2014-12-06 06:49:11 UTC
Miranda C
2014-12-06 01:12:45 UTC
Yes, for sure and I have many times. You will find that the universe gives you what you give, so when you do kind acts like this, things that are good come your way.
2014-12-06 00:48:41 UTC
It depends on the situation
2014-12-05 22:50:16 UTC
I think, it depends on that situation and at the condition of that man. Because, in third world and developing country, there are lots of people who is beggar and it is their profession. If that, then I should not go to help them, because, most of those people are able to work but do not. Otherwise, I will feel happy to help a man.
2014-12-05 20:03:35 UTC
yes i do care about poor people but some people on NYC ac they are poor and live their life by asking people money which i don't like
2014-12-05 13:43:53 UTC
Depends on if they look dodgy
2014-12-05 11:14:37 UTC
yes I do.
2014-12-05 04:50:23 UTC
To answer your question, yes, I care about poor people.

I hate to see anyone struggle in this life and do without, especially when it comes to food. If I have the money and see this happening, I always buy that person a meal. What a lot of people don't realize is that not all of these homeless people are alcoholic drug addicts. Each and every one of them has a story to how they ended up there, and if they want to share it with you then maybe you should sit down and listen. A lot of us have jobs and live decent lives, but you know what? By listening to their stories, you will find that a lot of them were living normal lives like you and unforeseen circumstances can happen and your life can change immediately. Whether you refuse to believe it or not, one day you may end up there, so have class now.
2014-12-04 22:00:47 UTC
Wil somebody buy me a sandwich? Philly por favor
2014-12-04 20:25:44 UTC
Yes. I'd give him food for sure. I wouldn't supply someone's drug habit though.
mary l
2014-12-04 18:25:08 UTC
yes.I do buy them food .
2014-12-04 15:55:44 UTC
i do care but wont sacrify my life for them some money yes
2014-12-04 12:42:08 UTC
Yes , and Yes, I would and yes I already have.....
2014-12-04 12:07:06 UTC
Yes, I do! Especially if there is children and/or animals involved! ; - ;

If I had the money, I would def help people out. But, where I live there are actually a lot of people who pretend to be homeless. My dad's gf saw this "homeless" man walking the roads with a sign. The next day, she saw this man dressed all nice & getting out his fancy truck.
2014-12-04 11:38:34 UTC
Nope. We all came out naked and will go out that way.

To Quote Mark A. Cooper

“Life has no remote....get up and change it yourself!”
2014-12-08 10:43:22 UTC

2014-12-07 23:14:02 UTC
Yes I care about poor people a lot as I am a single woman since 12 years and I have been supporting my self since I was 17 but the war took all my money , it took me a while to stand on my feet again and I know exactly how hard it is to ask someone for money , I learned to give because I know the feeling of having nothing, it is much easier to give than to take and being on the streets is a very hard feeling , now as I am putting my life together I have a list of must do charity that the homeless are top priority to educate them and try to put them back to their lifes
2014-12-07 18:33:34 UTC
I don't think people with addictions have different type of hunger pains. If someone or something is hungry its our responsibility to feed them, not ask why.
2014-12-07 07:25:49 UTC
2014-12-07 02:12:09 UTC
No, the process of helping the poor like that would be completely arbitrary; there are plenty of people starving, not just the guy you stumbled upon.

If you want to be charitable, give to a charity, or if you specifically want to help homeless people eat, give to a homeless shelter.

Helping those who are lucky enough for you to deign worthy upon a chance meeting is just self indulgent.
2014-12-06 19:54:59 UTC
yes..........i really care about poor people.......but not so much....that i care for myself...
2014-12-06 16:00:06 UTC
I would I would buy him the food myself so that he wouldn't have the choice of spending it on drugs or alcohol, of course this isn't the case with everyone homeless person that they would spend their last penny on drugs and such but better safe than sorry
2014-12-06 13:19:18 UTC
Depends on whether I think he is bluffing - but if he wants only food then -not a problem.
2014-12-06 09:56:27 UTC
Absolutely. I already do, as often as I have the chance and see someone in need.

When you grow up hungry or homeless, you understand what a huge difference a small kindness can make in someone's life.
2014-12-06 05:53:37 UTC
I feel bad for them.
2014-12-05 19:15:40 UTC
Yeah! remember people whether you believe in god or not GOD IS WATCHING! feel free to be scared!
2014-12-05 16:39:17 UTC
Yes, because we were poor too, and I thank my parents for raising us with moral values.
2014-12-05 12:09:37 UTC
I would do so, if I could. Preferably take him into a café or fast food outlet and buy him a meal.
2014-12-05 11:15:36 UTC
2014-12-05 00:06:46 UTC
I care very much and I have bought hot drinks and meals for homeless people if they ask me for money. I have been homeless myself and I know how it feels to think nobody cares about us. I would like to do much more for them if I could. However, where I live there are a lot of fake homeless people who are not homeless at all and live in nice homes away from the city but it's difficult to know for sure. Also I wonder what they could be running away from - are they criminals who have murdered or hurt others? We cannot know.
2014-12-04 19:35:47 UTC
yes id deff help but id buy the food
2014-12-04 17:16:41 UTC
Yes. I would give them food if I had just enough money to buy it. Or I'd give them some of mine.
2014-12-04 15:42:29 UTC
2014-12-04 15:15:39 UTC
Yes i would. But i would never give a homeless person money and tell him to go buy food. The trust is lost there. They will most likely spend it on drugs.
2014-12-04 10:07:03 UTC
I would, I guess I could imagine myself in that situation.
2014-12-08 13:51:20 UTC
I usually offer what people NEED, not what they WANT. I offer food and water, not money. It is not expensive and won't take long. If they are picky, then they aren't that desperate.
2014-12-08 08:59:19 UTC
Yes, I have been homeless myself.
2014-12-07 09:47:58 UTC
OK thenwhy are U deleting all my statements if i can't hurt U? U even have Ur own hackers I bet Ur are spendin g a bundle on the them.Hey guess what I am still here in fact its better.

Have th YAT PUTAs done a good job of protecting the dignity of th fcukin muslims,honorable WSPs and

th sacred A-s-S of the suckin magg-GOTs?

Paul Taylor looks like I got U in the Right track.


Bullcaca.U are trying to stop Mando.Paul T U are going to destroy this site. I will never quit until I get U fired.

Why does the Yahoo team call them "community rules"

when they are really Whitey SCum YAT PUTA rules.








Dear Marissa Mayer:

After Paul Taylor & his YAT PUTAs ruin this site.

May I run it? Basically I'll run it the same way but with a

little difference.Sure we will still have the BS of "Community

rules and the so called "Reporting".WSPs will still get to say

what they want but so will kniggers and FVCUKin Mexicans.

Of course I will need a "DELETE Tool" to keep those white Knig-gers

in place and a rate of level 7 so I can be smart like those YAT SOBs.I will enjoy the

prestige of being a big shitt.

Pardoned my language but this site is a very colorful site.

Oh please don't tell PAUL.

Thank YOU


LOrd Mando

2014-12-07 07:33:53 UTC
Yes I do care about poor people because I was once in a situation where I was really poor and yes i would give a homeless man food if he asked. I always think about if I was in the persons situation.
2014-12-06 18:01:27 UTC
No...Until my mom graduates graduate school next year, my family is at the end of middle class so we are too fortunate for food stamps or help, but we are too poor to eat proper meals or buy something without coupons and dealing. Homeless people, on the other hand, can get help (if they haven't committed crimes, but if they have then that's their fault) and many are capable of finding jobs. Therefor, I will keep my family's money to feed and dress myself as best as I can. It's more of a struggle for us middle class.
2014-12-06 17:09:16 UTC
Whenever I see someone that I think is legitimately poor. IE: bad clothing, poor dress, etc. I usually try to give them something to eat, an old blanket something to drink etc. That said, there are some people out there that give the poor a bad name. For instance there are normal people out there that make a decent living pretending to be poor when they are middle income earners. They have a nice haircut decent clothing, they dont smell etc. Those are the people you have to look out for..oh and they usually carry smart or cell phones and usually have signs that say give me a beer or something similar.
2014-12-06 07:31:27 UTC
It depends on where you live. In the cities, most residents are familiar with the poor. There are those who seek affordable food (free if possible) and shelter and then there are panhandlers. There are several types in the latter. Some are homeless, either by choice ( runaways, social misfits etc) or alcoholics, people with mental challenges whose families have no resources to care for.

For the most part, there are services for most of the people , provided by government, private support groups and church charities
Chandran N
2014-12-06 01:25:32 UTC
yes sure
2014-12-05 20:18:10 UTC
Yes, I would. I wouldn't give him money because I won't know what he'll use it for (i.e. drugs, alcohol). But I'd gladly buy him food to keep him alive.
2014-12-05 20:12:49 UTC
i'd buy him so much food
Nibin Wilson
2014-12-05 15:19:00 UTC
A BIG YES TILL I become poor :)
2014-12-05 09:35:25 UTC
I once gave a homeless man an extra Pepsi soda that I had once, he opened and poured it on the ground and threw the can at me.

I'll never give a homeless person anything again.
2014-12-05 08:40:19 UTC
If an old lady was crossing the street and she fell down, would a homeless person help her get up????
2014-12-05 02:35:22 UTC
Yes, I would tell him to go to the homeless shelter run by the Salvation Army

or st. vincent de paul for free food and shelter. Depends if he'll spend all the

money on booze.
2014-12-04 22:31:27 UTC
I've never had an homeless man ask me for food, they've always asked me for money. I have, before, given homeless people my left-over boxes on the way home from a dinner or something. One time I gave a homeless person food and they actually got upset and said they'd rather prefer change... I've always been willing to give food, rather than money and sometimes they don't like that.
2014-12-04 20:39:05 UTC
yes. They need help too!
2014-12-04 18:02:05 UTC
I grew up very poor, and know what it is like not to eat for 2 - 3 days, our Mum was a type one diabetic, she had to eat. Dad walked out on us. To stay out of foster homes, we looked after Mum first. As an adult yes, it does not matter if a person were rich or poor, when I am asked and I have money one me. I do this. If the person is hung over or wanting money. I take them into the coffee shop or restrurant and pay for their order.
2014-12-04 17:36:02 UTC
2014-12-04 16:40:58 UTC
I do care and have bought food for them without them asking, feels really great! Try once!

And.. I dearly hope no one ever has to face hunger.
2014-12-04 12:49:05 UTC
if i have money with me and what kind of food he wants
2014-12-08 12:19:06 UTC
Yes, No matter how secure you may think your world to be, none of us can be aware or control what is around the next corner. Don't forget, there but for the grace of the Gods go I.
2014-12-08 10:06:24 UTC
2014-12-07 15:47:00 UTC
I would hesitate because once I bought some sandwiches and coffee to a homeless man, it was raining and I said he needed to eat and he cursed me out to the dogs. He said he was on the street because he was tired of people telling him what he needed to do. He through the food away and I really didn't have the money to spare. Now I donate food to the missions and church and spare myself the abuse.
2014-12-06 11:43:11 UTC
I would give him food. Money I may or may not. If he is asking for money he could want it for anything but food means that he is hungry and in need. I would defiantly give a homeless man food if he asked me
2014-12-06 05:58:20 UTC
Well, I'm ALOT more wary about these kind of things now, because last time it happened, turned out he wasnt homeless, and i know this because he was arrested for basically stealing money off people.
2014-12-06 04:58:52 UTC
Jim L
2014-12-06 02:28:09 UTC
Actually I might. Unfortunately, most of them ask for money, and I refuse because I think it usually goes on drink or drugs.
2014-12-05 19:29:49 UTC
Yes. I do care about poor people.

I wish them the best.
2014-12-05 18:48:08 UTC
I read the question asked as: "If a homeless man asked you to buy him food, would you DO IT or NOT?" Others (but not everyone!) I think responded instead to the title of this thread; Do you care about poor people?"

So saying that, to know that they have contributed to homeless shelters/ food banks etc. is commendable (I do) but does not go to the heart of this discussion. My heart and soul really feels for those who in the process of answering the question, have shared their personal stories here... but there is a greater good that can be served by asking and directly answering this question: Would I give that homeless man food?

I consider that the real solution/answer lies in the famous proverb: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Of course, if that fish meal is the one meal separating that homeless person from starvation or death, certainly the immediate concerns of his (sorry to keep using "his", referring to "his/her" each time I use his in this answer), health out weigh any other long term considerations.

But, if I could do it, I'd prefer NOT to buy him the food, as I must immediately ask myself: "What is my future responsibility?" Do I feed him again when the next meal time comes around? What should I do when he approaches me tomorrow or next day or whenever... with outstretched hand... asking for me to please help buy him food to survive another day?

I'd rather find out what and why is he homeless. Can we find some public assistance service that he qualifies for that he might have missed out on? There are so many options out there for finding a permanent fix, so he no longer is homeless. It is much more effective use of my time or money resources that he does not have himself, for me to at least try to accomplish this versus buying or providing him with "just one meal".

Every so often on local television channels here.... they show the story of one homeless person (or someone else in general trouble I wish the questioner had asked it that way, if someone who is in trouble for any reason comes asking for a handout), but we have to work with the question as it was asked.... these local channels work to find that person the public assistance they are due and connect them with the proper places for aid (and of course broadcast that result as part of their community involvement requirement of all who share the public airwaves).

What I'm getting here, and why I bring this generous work by local television channels into the conversation, is you should see the look on their faces, the tears streaming down in that they may NEVER again be homeless when they are introduced to their new warm, dry, modern, clean apartment, etc where they can now live... And with that major problem of their life (i.e. being homeless) taken care of, all the other pieces will fall into place (if they are single they get assistance for themselves to afford food and clothing as well) (if they are single woman with children there are programs WIC etc who strive to help them), but it all begins with that first permanent home.... so again I'm confronted by the horrible answer I give at the start (sort of start) of this answer is that unless it is to prevent imminent death due to starvation, I'd rather give the money or time to assist that homeless person to find true life long food and clothing and health (and even job!) for years and years rather than simply shelling out money for them to buy that one meal sufficient enough for that one part of a day (remember a meal is just one part of the day... the asker never said whole day's food in the question, so again think about it, truly saving someone from starvation would never be just one meal, it needs longer term healthy good food choices for a long time to accomplish this).

I have some other suggestions on the topic, but I'll leave them for another discussion as that would not be responsive to this particular question I was asked in Yahoo Answers.
2014-12-05 16:57:54 UTC
If they asked for food I think I would buy it for them. If they asked for money though, I probably would not give them any.
2014-12-05 14:54:04 UTC
I'd invite him to come farm with me
2014-12-05 14:44:11 UTC
I have.
2014-12-05 11:29:35 UTC
I have brought meals for poor people who asked for them, but I won't hand out money. I have seen homeless people in my neighborhood ask for money saying that they are hungry, then a minute latter they are walking to the drug spot. For example one woman was walking around near the supermarket begging for money to buy baby formula. I told her that formula is very expensive and that it would be hard to buy it with just spare change, and that if she came inside the market with me I would happily buy some baby formula and food for her. She told me no and that she only wanted cash. In a situation like that I will always say no, and not give them anything. Another time a guy came into a restaurant where I was eating and asked for food because he was hungry, so I handed him a menu and told him to pick whatever he would like to eat. He didn't want money only food, so I knew he was telling the truth. I just don't want the money I give someone for food being spent on drugs.
2014-12-04 21:53:09 UTC
Yes, I do. I do charity work at shelters and soup kitchens when time allows. Yes, I have bought food for homeless people on the street. I'm in a position to do so and it feeds my soul and their stomachs.
2014-12-04 18:58:44 UTC
Yes I do care about poor people seeing as how I did grow up poor. I would say though that as rude as this sounds I probably would just walk by instead of helping that person if they were on the street asking for money. A normal person will just walk by and pay no attention. I most likely won't make it far before I would go back after feeling horrible about walking by without helping and spare some money.
2014-12-04 18:28:02 UTC
Yes, I do.

I was waiting for the bus one time and a homeless man (a veteran, apparently) asked if I had $1.75 so he could go on the bus because he found a place to stay. I didn't have change so I gave him 2 dollars. He said "Thank you, brother." Then he gave me a full on hug. He asked first, though. Every time I see donation boxes for helping the homeless I give whatever's in my pockets. And I'm going to try to volunteer on Christmas to feed the hungry/homeless.

In no way's am I financially stable: the roof over my head has two big leaks in them and I got fired last July with no luck of finding a job since. I'm 19, by the way.
2014-12-04 15:25:52 UTC
I would give them food. It just makes me sad that this kind of horror, of homelessness, has not been eradicated in USA. I feel like it's becoming a fifth world country here. It never really was a "great" country.
2014-12-04 14:05:22 UTC
Yes I care about them. I would buy them food.
2014-12-04 13:13:50 UTC
I'm 16, And when I grow up I want to be able to give homeless people food, and clothes. I want to be able to help people in need. So yes, I would help.
2014-12-04 10:40:57 UTC
I don't care about anyone
2014-12-08 07:08:31 UTC
Yes I definitely care about them. Even I myself don't count myself as rich. :)
2014-12-07 22:47:50 UTC
Yes i care about poor people alot they seem to be more grateful then other people!
2014-12-07 22:12:27 UTC
2014-12-07 08:32:41 UTC
yes i care for themm so much because they could die
2014-12-07 08:06:49 UTC
I would buy it if i am available but sometimes i need someone to buy me food because i am kind of poor too
Anti-Theistic Future Marine
2014-12-06 15:10:47 UTC
im indifferent to them
2014-12-06 12:44:55 UTC
Yes, I would, I could relate to poor people and I feel sad when a see a homeless person suffer. I would help them out. I think we should all be aware of poverty and homeless people and help them out. I had the pleasure of helping out the poor and trust me, its a beautiful feeling after you help them. Its a joy you feel afterwards. I think that if Jesus Christ gave us the perfect example to help out the poor, why shouldn't we imitate his example? I think if we reach out to the poor, at least with blankets, some money so they could buy themselves something, or just be on their side and be friendly with them, that would be truly appreciated by them. Its a responsibility WE ALL HAVE.


2014-12-06 10:42:10 UTC
i will buy some vegetarian food and non alcoholic drinking. also no socalled energy drink. otherwise would be bad karma, not good the one.

of course yes! i have been homeless myself. helping others is normal. why not?
2014-12-06 06:38:51 UTC
I do care about poor homeless people. And yes I would buy someone a meal -- but everyone...
Freddy Jones
2014-12-05 14:16:05 UTC
Yes.. i usually dont like to brag. but Of course.. Its only right to help other. That you treat them like you want to be treated, regardless of how poor they are.. they dont have to be poor.. even if they just ask for food that is enough to help them.

Here is a nice story to help you...

In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
2014-12-05 05:55:04 UTC
i would give him money if he gave me a hand job or a bj
2014-12-04 20:56:34 UTC
Yes, but i wouldn't give him money
2014-12-04 19:35:55 UTC
2014-12-04 18:04:09 UTC
do not give money to homeless people instead food or drink
2014-12-04 12:41:13 UTC
2014-12-04 12:26:15 UTC
if i had extra money i do care about people who are poor but its THERE problem not mine but if i had like 15 dollars i would by them soemthing
2014-12-04 09:37:44 UTC
Yes and yes
2014-12-04 08:56:59 UTC
It will depend on his type. I will obviously help him if he is really homeless.
2014-12-04 08:56:28 UTC
Yes , At least 60% of us live pillar to post so , Yes I care . But the question should be does the top 20% care about the poor . Id say no .
2014-12-04 07:26:50 UTC
sometimes more than me :(
2014-12-08 08:59:23 UTC
I do care about poor people. If a homeless man asked for food and I had $'s I would give him/her the money to buy some.
2014-12-07 19:31:05 UTC

But' no matter how many hand outs you give them on the street...

(Unless Your Rich Like Donald Trump: Heres a million, now get off the street)

They will still be asking for money and help and be poor.... sitting there with there signs..

like our veterans do...which is another thing the government need to work on... helping our veterans.
2014-12-07 17:51:19 UTC
2014-12-07 12:37:00 UTC
Yes, everyone should always care about poor people
2014-12-07 04:40:42 UTC
yes, i do
William H
2014-12-06 17:17:45 UTC
I do. I don't even think about whether they are using the money for food or a drink or a drug they need to stay alive for just one more day. All I know is that there is someone there who needs a little help. I have never been poor but I can think of every kindness I have received. I think of it as doing a little something for someone else. And hopefully someday they will be in position to pay it back to someone else who might be hurting who asks them for a little help at a bad time.
2014-12-06 14:04:54 UTC
I've bought homeless people food but I can't always do that. Doesn't mean I don' care.
2014-12-06 13:47:28 UTC
First, it's not a question of "would you do it." I have done it more times then I like to; also have given a homeless person enough money to catch a Greyhound bus to go see his daughter in the hospital; also have helped a homeless guy use the internet at the library so he could find a job in the city he wanted to move to. I regularly converse with some of the guys out there. I had to change my route of walking because one guy had begun to rely on me for all of his food money--started that I'd give him a few dollars when I'd see him which was every couple of weeks, then he started making a point of showing up every weekend, then he started showing up every single day and would just sit there waiting until I walked in and then put his hand out, didn't bother anyone else. He even saw me on a bus once and came up to me with his hand out. I finally had to tell him I am not anywhere near rich, that the money I gave him meant that I had to deny myself something and I actually had a job I hated but did because I had to support myself; he complained about living on disability and I pointed out he probably gets more then I do every month and maybe he needs to give me money; if and when I had "spare" change I could give him some but not every single time he saw me, I was not his easy touch cash cow.

Secondly, it's not a matter of "caring" about poor people or buying them food. I make a lot of charitable contributions to a lot of places that feed the hungry/needy, that house the homeless, that provide clothes and other things to them; I've been doing this for decades and it takes a big chunk out of my own cost of living but I do feel that but for the grace of God (or luck or whatever), I could so easily be out there too; it doesn't take much to find yourself in dire straits and there aren't ANY support organizations for basic working people who find themselves in a bad situation, there are no places that come to your aid to help you out over your rough times, that'll pay the rent or mortgage for a few months until you can get back on your feet. Once you become homeless you can get all sorts of aid. And I know from talking to so many of them, that not all the people you see on the street are poor. There was one guy always out there panhandling who had a barbecue cart on the side and he also sold CDs and DVDs that "fell off a truck" and made enough money to live on that stuff but he also just liked getting free money. Even on the news almost every holiday, they go interview people lined up for the free food giveaways at the various churches and food banks and there's ALWAYS people in those lines who bald face admit they can afford their own food but, hell, if those fools are just giving it away from free, what the hell. To me it's like stealing but, obviously, people's moral compass have gotten broken. So don't give me all this bs about "do you care."
2014-12-06 11:43:06 UTC
i would do this but in our country IT IS ******* ILLEGAL
2014-12-06 10:06:44 UTC
I absolutely care about poor people. If a poor person asked me to buy them food I would, there is nothing wrong with that. If that person asked me for money instead I would not give them money because they may buy others stuff instead of food, but that does not mean that I don't care. It is very sad that there are so many homeless/poor people so I think giving them food would be an awesome way to help and lets face it almost all of us have enough money to stop buy a grocery store and spend $5 or stop by a fast food restaurant. :)
2014-12-05 15:12:57 UTC
I guess it depends if u know who he is. For example, if he is an alcholoc ir drug adict. But, I ask God every day to help me a blessing to others.
2014-12-05 09:53:53 UTC
2014-12-05 06:47:29 UTC
yes i do
2014-12-05 05:36:35 UTC
2014-12-04 20:50:41 UTC
Of course I would buy them food. everyone needs to eat.. Now will I give them money not necessary
2014-12-04 20:50:05 UTC
2014-12-04 18:42:47 UTC
I offered to buy a guy a sandwich on my street once.. he said, no. He was only interested in money.

With that said, i've offered other people the same and they've appreciated it.

Basically telling this story so people who tried once and had a bad experience wont be put off. You can't put a label on anyone.
2014-12-04 17:50:47 UTC

I volunteer and assemble planned meals for poor and homeless people from time to time.

On the street, I never hand out money (and if you do so, I recommend you're only feeding a problem, not a person). But, if I have food to spare on me, I'll gladly hand that out.
2014-12-04 14:50:03 UTC
2014-12-04 06:41:11 UTC
2014-12-08 23:31:34 UTC
I would, nad I have. I dont give them the money, I give them the food.
Ken Milby
2014-12-08 14:36:11 UTC
Yes I care very much for those who are money challenged and would surely feed and cloth them if money was available to me.
2014-12-07 21:31:10 UTC
yes I care if he is poor about money but not for ungrateful departed heart
Brock Lesnar
2014-12-07 21:08:52 UTC
Yes.I dont know how it feels like to be a poor,but i will do
2014-12-07 17:11:42 UTC
depends on the vibe I get when that alleged poor person asks for food. in chicago, I haven't once been asked for food, only for money. out in the burbs, there's been beggers out at intersections. they don't get a dime since they're all dressed better than I am.
2014-12-07 14:43:49 UTC
Depend on who is the poor people and how poor they really are. I had bad experience with dealing with either fake homeless people and ungrateful homeless people.

I don't mind buying food for a homeless person but bass on my experience there are a lot of beggar prefer you just give them money. I had homeless people refusing a free meal and told me straight out they want cash.

Sometime I'm not even sure if those so call homeless people are actually homeless. I had encounter many fake homeless making a living begging for money in the street.

I gave a old homeless man $5 once and I end up finding out that man lives in gated community. I was like WTF??? My dad told me that homeless man was quite famous in scamming people.

Also once time I was at Church Chicken and a homeless man asked me for money. I told him I only have my card credit card so he asked if I would by him a sandwich. I said ok. Once I was at the counter he said he wanted more than just a sandwich. He wanted 5 different combos meal. I told him I will only buy him one meal that's it. So he end up getting a 2 taco combo with fries and I had to pay extra because he wanted a large southern sweet tea. After I bought him the meal he ask me for money again and I told him I only have my credit card. Thenhe asked if I could buy him a pack of cigarette and some beer. I was like "NO!" and just left and regret being nice at all.

I want to be a good person and help but so far the trust is broken and I just rather donate to charity programs.
2014-12-07 05:57:47 UTC
yes I do care about poor people and I have bought them a meal and given them money
2014-12-06 17:41:21 UTC
if he directly came up to be and looked like a bum and asked if i would buy him a sandwich, i probably would, but otherwise i would just ignore that persons comment.
2014-12-06 15:45:35 UTC
Yes have been dirt poor will always give food blankets clothers
2014-12-06 03:24:13 UTC
Depends on te person
2014-12-06 02:44:32 UTC
to be honest no. Im only 14 and I barely afford candy but if I was older like lets say 17 or 18 and had my own money definetaly.
2014-12-05 18:09:35 UTC
Yes, I think that is a very nice gesture and it will probably make his day :)
2014-12-05 18:05:42 UTC
For me it depends on the day.
monayem prem
2014-12-05 09:44:02 UTC
Yes.Nowadays I am a student.In this situation I try to care the poor people.
2014-12-05 06:27:07 UTC
Yes, if I could. I've been there.
2014-12-04 18:30:05 UTC
2014-12-04 18:03:52 UTC
YesYears I do
2014-12-04 10:18:34 UTC
yes,,ofcourse. i care about them..., bcoz they have not enough food, shelter, caring,etc
2014-12-04 07:43:03 UTC
NO you make your own bed
2014-12-04 07:14:32 UTC
Yes I do care about poor people. As a community service I always help those three poor children to pay their school fees in every three months.
2014-12-07 16:58:29 UTC
Of course. Everyone deserves love,
2014-12-07 07:31:19 UTC
I dont care , coz' people dont have to be poor , most poor people are lazy and are content to survive on welfare or handouts etc. They should get off ,their lazy behinds and make a better life !
2014-12-06 22:29:56 UTC
‮chyea bro
2014-12-06 12:19:15 UTC
I would do it if I could actually buy the food and give it to them. I dont trust that it really goes to food if you just give them money. Also I know there are lots of pan handelers who do not even need the money.
Sterling Archer
2014-12-05 23:04:58 UTC
That depends. If he or she asked me for food then yes I would buy them the biggest meal on the menu. However I do NOT give money out at all and i'll tell you why. Every single time I have given money to a person who has asked for it I have either caught them gambling with it, Buying cigarettes, or drinking it away. I actually had a guy walk up to me and ask me for 5 dollars to catch the bus. I said sure and handed it to him. When I walked into the gas station to buy a drink there he was sitting at a video poker machine gambling it away. I do give money to our local rescue mission which provides food and clothes for homeless and I do support and donate to goodwill which provided jobs for homeless. I will not give them the money outright i'll donate that instead but if they ask me for food I will buy them a meal yes.
2014-12-05 23:02:18 UTC
Yah... I do it always..
2014-12-05 21:07:03 UTC
ya i would i guess
2014-12-05 19:12:31 UTC
Sure I care about poor people, but I as an individual shouldn't be relied upon like a government. Beggars give homeless a bad reputation. Just because you're poor doesn't mean you should expect handouts. That's obviously how the got so freakin' poor in the first place -- expecting things to just be given to them. As if actual charitable causes, like homeless shelters, aren't enough.

Anyone who expects, let alone demands, free stuff doesn't deserve much in life.
2014-12-05 17:47:07 UTC
You have to
2014-12-05 17:20:36 UTC
I would do it no matter the condition of the person. I'm normally very sympathetic and it is not common that people ask for food. Most poor people ask for money and I would feel more inclined to help if they asked for food because at least I know that they won't abuse my money
2014-12-05 16:33:05 UTC
I would do it. I would think: if I was in that situation, what would I want someone to do to me? 2 John 3:17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? 2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2014-12-05 15:50:14 UTC
Actually I would, even though in a lot of American Cities now its considered illegal. Never thought it would be illegal to feed a homeless person
2014-12-05 14:36:11 UTC
I honestly wouldnt but I'm all for donating just not giving to someone in the streets
2014-12-05 03:48:52 UTC

2014-12-05 02:14:39 UTC
Al emran Md
2014-12-05 01:46:01 UTC
I always care about the poor people, i had a wish to make some poor guy established by giving them training for earning, as well as give them the fundamental basic requirement for their human beings
2014-12-04 23:02:20 UTC
I have done this in the past.

I worked in a large sea-side town in Norfolk, UK, prior to retirement

and we had a tramp (hobo) that used to hang around the entrance

area to the museum in which I worked, I and other members of staff

would buy him coffee or soup and a sandwich during the cold winter

months. He was always grateful and offered to do odd jobs such as

sweep up dead leaves/mop the porch way.

It is all too easy to turn a blind eye, and ignore such people.

There but for fortune, it could have been me. I do not see homeless

people much at all these days as I now live in a rural village, but in

the right circumstances, I would help out again.
2014-12-04 16:18:12 UTC
I care about poor people who are willing to make a difference in their lives. I should have plenty of experience in this field because I've been homeless for 2 years, and I still am as I type this. I'm not even 21 yet :O

Now, I work, I don't have a place yet, but if I'm out of town and in the city or a larger urban area, I don't mind buying a burger or 2 for that person. I however, will not give money. I know what those people do with it and I'm not supporting their addictions. In my own hometown, I don't give a hoot about the other homeless guys/girls. Everyday, I'll see them take off at 7am for the liquor store, not too mention, they have caused me a large amount of stress and making my life harder than it needs to be by fighting with me or saying something stupid.

But yes, if that person is not from my hometown and I see that, that person is stuggling, I have no problem lending out a hand. Compassion is bliss people, it's a lot better for you than you think. ;)
2014-12-04 14:32:39 UTC
You're not supposed to make a big fuss about acts of kindness, the example given was giving to the poor. It's actually condemned in the Christian religion. Do acts of kindness like giving to the poor in secret, so God will give you praise. If you do good for humans to see it, then that's all the Karma you'll get. I can say I have, but I don't feel right giving you details. Not on these terms, at least.

Not super religious, but I value things.

Some of you people blaming the world for not helping the poor (you like to blame all of it on religious people or people who lean right) well, some of them may care for the poor. But they do it quietly through charities. Ever think of that? Not that I think all rightwingers are good, they certainly aren't, and can be very greedy. But for those that do right, you probably don't see them do it. Why? Well religious conviction and we see what asses people make of themselves when it's done to get praise from humans.
2014-12-04 08:38:33 UTC
Yes, of course.....I am lucky, I have enough food and I can spare some for someone less fortunate.


2014-12-08 18:40:21 UTC
yes i care about people who actually deserve for me to care for them, well it really depends on why theyre homelesss, if it seems to me that theyre just some person that just got out of rehab and wants more drugs, then no, if it seems like someone that just unfortunately hasnt had a lot of luck in theyre life or lately theyve been unlucky got fired from theyre job for something that was a mistake or something like that or anything of that sort then yeah
2014-12-08 17:01:51 UTC
justbefore i was going to by a meal for a homeless man, he made the restaurant owner over a free coffee the owner had given him. the owner made him pay for the coffee...The man dug for money, a few penny's, the owner said pay in full or go to jail the man dug deep in to his overcoat pocket and withdrew a 5" roll of $20's & $100's
2014-12-08 13:40:20 UTC
If I had enough money and time, i would buy the guy a burger from a nearby fast-food place but not give him money, because he could buy cigarettes or drugs.
2014-12-08 09:16:06 UTC
yes, anytime, anywhere. I have been poor ,but never on the streets.THERE, BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GO I!
2014-12-08 05:49:36 UTC
i am rather poor my self but dnt MOAN ABOUT IT.
2014-12-08 01:49:46 UTC
yes i do
2014-12-07 23:20:33 UTC
Yes, I am just a poor person.
2014-12-07 16:58:43 UTC
2014-12-06 23:56:11 UTC
My bus driver asked me this 2 days ago; "in the country that we are in today with all it has to offer, is there a need for people to be like this?" To answer your question, Yes, I would give this person food. There is no "need" for poverty but for some it is a part of life. Should they choose to leave that life, yes, they have the power to do so, but it is also a life that is only temporary
Mild Mind
2014-12-06 10:15:02 UTC
I sometimes do, but I prefer poor females.
2014-12-06 08:57:08 UTC
2014-12-05 14:07:31 UTC
i would share with him all that i have , because i love helping people !
2014-12-05 10:54:20 UTC
Depends. If he was a lazy drunk or druggie I'd refuse. If he was genuinely needy I might give him something
2014-12-05 07:09:52 UTC
Absolutely not. A codependent friend of my wife's showed a homeless man compassion outside of my house (his wife wouldn't let him give the guy money). So the guy came back to my house at 9pm the next night asking for money because his car ran out of gas down the road. I have no sympathy for these people as I caught one on camera stealing my lawn mower. They have the luxury of in the US yet they complain and make excuses about why they are victims. If you give money to homeless people you are just enabling them more.
2014-12-05 06:49:55 UTC
If I had the money I would not only buy them food but give them some money. The problem I have though are people who pretend to be homeless to get money and free food out of people. Also the people who will waste any money they get on drugs instead of clean clothes and trying to get work. Yes, this is a thing. It really just ruins it for the real homeless and people who would want to help out.
2014-12-05 06:28:49 UTC
I care about da poor people. Rich be takin all da money$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. We need communism/socialism they r tha same thing. Then we all get to eat and no poor p[eople!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2014-12-05 05:50:12 UTC
NO, because that's he's fault for being homeless. If he worked hard like everyone else he would not be homeless. Let him suffer his poor decisions.
2014-12-05 02:20:18 UTC
I wouldnt donate its a waste of time and its a scam but i would give a poor person food.
2014-12-04 17:06:04 UTC
yeah, i've done it before. of course it care about people.... all people
2014-12-04 10:59:42 UTC
2014-12-09 00:20:26 UTC
im poor can someone care about me?
2014-12-07 08:19:58 UTC
Yes, specially in winter and when disaster occurs as like flood.
Mahdiye Shiralizadeh
2014-12-07 03:18:02 UTC
yes sureee
2014-12-06 23:59:20 UTC
yes, absolutely.
2014-12-06 21:58:13 UTC
Yes do.
2014-12-06 20:16:47 UTC
Of course
2014-12-06 14:26:54 UTC
2014-12-06 07:43:59 UTC
I've always had this unwritten rule that if people ask for help and they are able bodied I give them less slack..., but that's just me
2014-12-05 16:43:21 UTC
Yes, because I have been there. You never know where you will find yourself and "there but by the grace of God go I'. It could be YOU, and just when you think it couldn't...the Lord will teach you compassion by having you walk a mile in someone else's shoes.
2014-12-05 14:03:32 UTC
it depends, all most all of the homeless people are drunks and if you give them money they will spend it on beer.
A conscience
2014-12-05 13:41:09 UTC
Not all always, but I think it's good to do so once in a while.

Giving them food is not to feed their belly, but to show that you care. I don't think anyone wants to be homeless. Why would you want to sleep in the streets and not knowing what your next meal would be? Sure, some people make stupid decisions that led to them being homeless, but I don't think they did it because they want to be homeless.

The important thing is to also talk to them. Ask them to tell you their story in return for food.
2014-12-05 11:37:55 UTC
No , they're gross
2014-12-05 10:59:01 UTC
I AM poor!..of COURSE I care about poor people!..but see, unlike YOU, I actually DID something about my situation and am in the process of correcting what Bill Clinton and Barack Obama broke! (sauce for the goose, Lefties!..if YOU think you can blame every ill on George W Bush, then I can blame them on YOUR idols!)
2014-12-05 02:15:00 UTC
If I had the money, I'd get him some food.
2014-12-04 20:07:39 UTC
being somewhat cynical, when i give money to a local beggar i usually say have a drink on me. one man surprised me by coming out of the store with a cup of coffee!
2014-12-04 18:23:36 UTC
I feel so bad for them but i probably wouldnt. I can barely buy myself food at the moment
2014-12-04 17:31:32 UTC
yes because I have been hungry
2014-12-04 16:52:03 UTC
I would if my parents were not around because they would say no don't go near him/her but if I was alone YES I did get five dollars for lunch money and gave it to a homeless person because I just said to myself he needs it more because I can eat when I go home.
White Fang
2014-12-04 09:31:22 UTC
I would not. If they are poor, their family should be taking care of them. The fact that their family is not, shows something about their character. If they had bad character their family would want them and they would help him. If they do not like him they will not care about him. If he had good character he would be finding a job. If the GOVERNMENT has made them poor(for example: King Henry took money just because) then i would, because they are not in a character issue.
Roddy Von
2014-12-04 04:12:06 UTC
I have before, when a person asks for food. When a person asks for money, for food, never under any circumstances.
Hi My Name Is Ziva
2014-12-08 16:18:43 UTC
Yes I care so much at Christmas I buy 50 sandwiches and crisps and drinks with a blanket had give it to every homeless person I see I give them a card to and wish them a merry Christmas
2014-12-08 07:15:01 UTC
2014-12-07 18:15:35 UTC
My dad was very financially successful... when he'd see broke homeless people he would tell me " Look at the lazy bum!, disgusting! Son, never end up like that-always have your **** covered ( Yes he has a point, however it was that he looked at the bum like he wasnt even a human...I didn't end up homeless, but alot of it was because of my Dad. I didn't go to college, though he could pay for any i wanted. I had no excuse to make as many mistakes as i did. Yes. I would help him.. yeah, he'll probly buy drugs for it. But i have bought drugs with money i did not work for, or deserve in anyway. I have no right to judge anyone, and no right to manipulate. I guess i didn't notice it until i really looked at myself. I think everyone and everything we see happens for a reason. I think theres good and bad in everyone and that people are just exposed to different levels of it early on. Maybe its just that people get hurt, so they adapt to survive, if evolution is real in any sense you could say maybe our souls evolved as things got more and more "Organized".. *****shout out to all you people who already chose and are actually willing to lie to the people that dont know, by posing as a simple person, Logical, Reasonable, wise.- And still putting it in your heart to lie and lead them astray.***** I'm blowing the whistle in a way that actually reaches into the heart, i know im not going to light a bonfire with one yahoo post. But it will be something planted into the hearts of readers that will give them the opportunity to further adapt and be .."safe".******** Everything has been distorted. ALL of it has been corrupted. Nothing stays pure on this earth. We have learned to adapt to the coldness of how other people can be, and with it we slowly lose that "spark". Dont feel bad that you pleasure in Sin. Feel bad for the brother, and sisters of our race who get hurt by other hurt people. No matter what that asshole is saying to you, even if they are in the wrong. Know that your point will never be proven because you do not know their life. Dont go to church. Not in todays world. Read the bible. and only do it alone. Even the words of the bible have been compromised to some extent, but the truth IS in it. I found it when i realized that my own blood, my dearest friends, and most special partner, literally ( No joke, Not wrong) gave up on me. I could be just like them and be the only one who lives for myself. But i already tried that and still felt shitty... I guess i felt guilty after a while. I gave up on my self and told my family i was on the verge of suicide, my girl cheated on me with my best friend and had been having a undisclosed prolonged affair during the entire course of our relationship. I cheated early in the relationship, i broke the glass early and compromised the security, and she had a rougher childhood so i assume that she had more to lose if she told me, or she was just programmed early in a darker fashion like most of us of Gen X. (1990s) But my point is that this **** was already tainted by the 40s, its just gotten so bad now because of all this technology. - of course i did, I told her, she strangely forgave me and so over time i fell in love with her. and even after all this pain. God taught me how to "feel" through the things i saw her doing to me, She was so programmed she used my own remorse and guilt to torment me more, and i shamed myself to the point where the world WANTED me to die and so did i. Burnt burnt burnt bridges. I finally knew that God was real. But i had to practically knock on Hells door to figure that out. I even attempted contacting demons once. When i lost everything i opened up my heart. I found god. I knew people tried to push religions and **** on me, but i always gathered my own opinion from things, remembering that human nature IS a duality. Good and Evil walks by eachother everyday, and those who dont see that and pick a side, truly become the "cattle" of society. Sure the grass tastes good on the farm, but dont forget that cows seem stupid because they dont even know they are going to be tri-tip. I am only expressing my opinions of life from what i have gathered. I've made my peace with God, and i am in his hands in a world that continues to confuse me every day. Thank you for anyone who has given me the time to even read these words, the black, the white, and the 50 shades of grey in between. Take what you believe, filter the parts that arent true to you. Dont believe in everything you see, be curios, be strong willed, but be patient, and most of all, open minded to recieve wisdom. Dont listen to anyone, hell even me. I know that no human has the answers and the world kind of forces us to be selfish. God Bless, Amen, Its a relationship. not a Religion. No man stands between you and I, and i am so sorry for letting myself taking so long to find you lord. I know some will think im nutts, some who are on the otherside may even come after me. But this is for you lord I rejoice in your love and...i just really appreciate that you would let your son die for me, so i could still go to heaven after all the bad **** i did. And i know i dont go to church or conform to some "Group" of people getting together. People call me a fool for hoisting your banner high for all to see. But i know that is the best thing i can do for you. ---Nirvana--- :P
2014-12-07 08:03:25 UTC
Yes i certainly would. He's/She's like us. It doesn't matter if they did something to be homeless. WHat if they became homeless because of their family? We need to respect them like they aren't homeless. We need to stop being selfish.
2014-12-07 03:52:39 UTC
Depends on my my financial state, but most probably. I just wouldn’t give them money. But food, sure.
2014-12-06 22:31:34 UTC
Big yes. Why?. In Tamil there is a proverb " being poor is biggest saddest thing, the former statement than the worst thing is poverty in young hood" poverty eradication is every nation's motto but it can never be eliminated.Being poor is not a sin,one can best serve the society in helping the poor by donating educational aids,Books,Sponsoring Orphans,Old aged,Mentally retarded etc.MY parents gave me best education best food etc because they are effulent but they taught me how deprivation of education lead to poverty of a nation. So from my childhood i help the poor i will never alm anybody but buy them food,A cup of tea,Buy them book ,pencil,pen etc.
2014-12-06 15:41:15 UTC
Yes I sure do, I love them
2014-12-06 02:35:23 UTC
I care about all people.
A Leo _n_
2014-12-06 00:33:22 UTC
SURE DO !!! r"R"r.,.
2014-12-05 09:32:49 UTC
If a computer man asked you to buy him food would you?
2014-12-05 08:32:30 UTC
Yes, I do but as they can work and earn some money but they do not. It is their daily routine to beg or to act as poor
2014-12-05 06:57:49 UTC
YES. alot of people on this earth are full of greed and are blindsided by alot of things that take place in the world we live in. WE MUST TAKE CARE OF EACHOTHER AS HUMAN BEINGS. we as human beings have forgotten this over the years, i often see people helping out homeless people who are the same race/colour as them and turn a blind eye to another. we must all remember that were all the same beneath the skin we were born into. as you see that homeless person on your way to dinner, work, to see a loved one remember that they have none of those and that as you pass that person you continue on with your life and that person will still be there day after day. a little gesture can go a long way in this world
2014-12-05 05:35:38 UTC
Naw man that aint me yo
2014-12-05 02:53:39 UTC
Yes, some time i honesty help poor homeless people .
2014-12-05 01:51:08 UTC
2014-12-04 21:53:05 UTC
yes, the lord provides for you and if you have enough for a 5 dollar meal why not. we waste $5 on random irrelevant useless stuff.
2014-12-04 20:14:12 UTC
Honestly, in cases where I felt pressured by the begger, I may not buy anything for them, but more often than not, I donate and give whenever I can.
2014-12-04 20:04:49 UTC
I care about the poor people. I feel bad that they are living in harsh conditions, but knowing that I myself am going through a financially difficult time, I probably wouldn't be able to give them anything.
Dr. Doof
2014-12-04 18:18:38 UTC
I Would and I have. We just need to be careful when people ask for money to buy food.

Once I was sitting and eating a quick lunch at a fast food place, and someone approached and asked for money because he was hungry. I told him I would be happy to go to the counter and buy him something to eat. He said, "But I don't want to eat this!" and declined my offer.

He obviously wasn't going to use the money for food.
2014-12-04 06:38:27 UTC
yes I do...& I would buy food to that person...coz I can't stand in front of needy ones & see them suffer...BUT there're many people who don't care about them especially in rich countries becoz they've got everything so why would they feel for that poor person....Someone who have been there can only feel how it feels when u don't have anything to eat or clothes to wear....
2014-12-08 19:44:06 UTC
Yes sir of course
2014-12-08 01:14:09 UTC
What a silly question, what is one to answer, "No, I don't care about the poor"...

A very long time ago, I was forced to eat my roommate's MREs b/c I didn't have any money for food or much else.

Later, when my financial situation improved, I purposely gave money to various entities that cared for the poor. On the street, if someone poor &/or homeless asked me for money I always gave them what I had. I was often criticized for doing so but to me the situation was a simple one. It's between God & I what I do w/my money. If someone who is down asks for money for food, I gave it. Sometimes, if convenient I bought the person a meal instead. Anyway, money was exchanged I felt it was between that person & God what they do w/their money, I had fulfilled my part of the transaction.

I've been ill & on a fixed income since '07, I still love to give money to those in need even though I have to jump up & down & wave my hands to get larger entities to realize my own plight.

Money, we certainly can't take it w/us but what we do w/it may have much to say about where we go...

Besides, given laws passed last summer, @ some point in the near future it seems plausible the fed intends to raid private savings, 401k, IRAs, etc which hold substantial reserves. They apparently can't tax it away from us so they'll just take it & leave us w/some Bitcoins or some such thing.

The poor will always be with us & I think w/a joyful heart we should do whatever action big or small to assist them, care for them, do so b/c it's plausible nobody else will.
2014-12-07 19:33:40 UTC
I am very skeptical about people asking for money. I know there are good people who just don't have money, but sometimes people can't afford food, but they can afford a pack of cigarettes. I would take a poor man/woman out to eat a meal because I know they are getting food and can't use what I give them on something other than what I intended my money to be spent on.
2014-12-07 18:47:25 UTC
dont care.
2014-12-07 16:44:18 UTC
2014-12-07 09:38:19 UTC
Who wouldn't help them . Last time I was eating in a restaurant and there was a very very poor lady looking at me eating I felt bad for her it was sad .
2014-12-06 12:58:59 UTC
Yes. What if YOU were poor? You would want someone to do the same for you.
2014-12-06 12:11:07 UTC
2014-12-06 10:51:31 UTC
I would not,they get welfare,its up to them how they spend the money,they are not all homeless either!
2014-12-06 08:50:15 UTC
2014-12-06 00:13:12 UTC
Yes I would if I had time.

I would NOT give him any money though.

My goal is to help, not cause him to sink further into that which is destroying him.
2014-12-05 17:00:05 UTC
Yes, but most people don't ask for food, they ask for money. For all we know they'll use that money to buy cigarettes. Yes, I would definitely feed him, but I don't just hand out money
2014-12-05 16:43:12 UTC
Well you know what, once some guy at a restaurant asked me to buy food for him. He didn't look malnourished but was dressed shabbily. I refused then but felt bad later and since have made it a point to buy food for the next impoverished person who asks me.
Elliott L
2014-12-05 10:34:25 UTC
It depends on how the person became poor. If they have worked all their life and then lost their job I care that their poor. They shouldn't have to put in years of hard work and then become jobless or very little pay. If you pursue to get a job while being poor I have a care for you, but if you sit around being lazy and aren't looking for a job I could care less. Sometimes there isn't work out there and I care for the poor in those times too. #ElliottLShifman
2014-12-05 07:27:24 UTC
I certainly care about homeless people - just b/c they're homeless doens't make them unworthy or undeserving.

People are homeless for different reasons - so although I may CARE about the person as a fellow human being, the person might not actually deserve my pity. On the other hand, many women and their kids flee abusive husbands (and I'm sure the situation could be reversed) and they live in shelters until they get back on their feet. Other people might have a mental disorder or something which lead them to their current state of homelessness.

I love helping these people b/c they are deserving, tend to be appreciative, and are friendly company. I've helped out at shelters and participated in a few food drives - it always makes me feel like I'm doing something positive to help ( and I don't feel like the government puts my tax dollars to good use - I'm definately an anti-socialist, but there is so much money being taken in by the government that is used to do crap that doesn't bring positive results)
2014-12-05 07:00:04 UTC
Yes I do. Some are truly poor and homeless needing food, but some are wanting money for other things like alcohol or drugs. You could take them to a homeless shelter. They would provide them meals and shelter. Or you could get them food from somewhere. From my past experiences, it is never a good idea to give them money. I care about them because of what they are going through, but at the same time; you always have to be cautious about them because you never know what's the truth and what is not.
2014-12-04 20:50:42 UTC
give them food, not money
2014-12-04 18:50:33 UTC
People do when they feel charitable. Most things in most countries are superficial and subjective. Society is only a population loosely governed with loose regulations, everywhere.

One thing I notice the most is that there are people who are marginalized based on superficial factors(it's way bigger than race), those people go get on social programs and the people who don't want them working where they work complain about the social programs.
2014-12-04 16:45:13 UTC
I wish I was rich, I'd help the poor. I sometimes help but I'm not super rich so I don't all the time :/
2014-12-04 07:44:35 UTC
Depends on the person.
2014-12-08 13:56:05 UTC
2014-12-07 20:27:20 UTC
I do when I am able
2014-12-07 13:40:52 UTC
We don't have any poor people in Texas,everybody is either Rich,Well-Off,Middle Class,or Homeless.
2014-12-06 22:40:58 UTC
2014-12-06 15:25:06 UTC
i care about poor people now that i am very wealthy and a $ 50 bill is a penny to me , i wish i had 20 trillion dollars then i would give money to every poor person who asked me for money but then i would be having my whole life time spent on giving out money to poor people and no free time for myself and i still would not have enough money for all the poor people around the world . i figure if there are say 6 billion poor people the money would not be much for each person and they would each one need a lot more money and i would feel really depressed - fact is you can not help all the poor people in the world even though i do care about poor people each person needs thousands of dollars to survive with food housing health care clothing all kinds of paying bills and even if i had 20 trillion dollars it could not help all the poor people around the world even though i really would love to see poor people have all they need not to be poor . I can give to charity ( s ) i want to help poor people and then i feel i have done my duty I once asked 20 people i knew would they like to donate 2 cents a week every week to a good charity to help poor people and they all said no and then they all said why doesn't someone give me money and these people were not poor at all . a lot of them smoked and bought soda and candy from a vending machine and they would not part with two pennies a week to help poor people If everyone in the united states of america who loses money gambling in over 500 gambling casinos and so many do on line with these gambling crooks and liars who win all their money because they are clever and there are so many suckers who gamble and lose hundreds or thousands of dollars when they gamble at these casinos and the owners do not care about you they will kill you if you can not pay up money you owe to them and they hire psychiatrists and psychologists who know all about people to trick them into getting them to gamble in the owners casinos and cheat you out of all your life savings and it is a fact because if you think they can not cheat and would not want to cheat they will and it is very easy because if they can send a space ship to the moon these lousy gambling owners and their on line owners will do anything to clean you out of every last dime you have and i know that they most likely bribe mayors and police to not say they are cheating the public out of their money you i think you need to believe it . They have all the power and money to do all that . I care about poor people , yes and I care about the people I know who have lost their house , car and all their life savings to these criminals who operate gambling casinos and i think it is good if you read this and you know that this can happen to you if you go to Fox Woods or Yonkers new york casino to gamble . They know every trick in the books to win all your money every dime as i said and if you do not believe me why don't you gamble at one of those hell hole casinos and sooner or later you will lose all your money and you will think to your self that person who said do you care about poor people said on line .I would not touch a casino with a ten foot pole so to speak in other words i will never start and i advise you stay away from those gambling casinos and gambling on line . You will be very sorry if you do not listen to my advice . Sure you will win thousands of dollars but you will lose it all back eventually and then all of your money and i would say to you if i knew you did not listen to my advice you did the wrong thing . I am not a religious person trying to preach this i am only going by what i have learned from at least 400 gamblers and they all said do not get started . i asked them would i have fun and i am a good card player and very good billiards player and they all said do not get started . One man said back in 1976 that he lost $800 playing cards in one evening and he lost $30 , 000 in 6 months playing pool and cards and he said do not get started like i did and another friend told me he lost his house car bank account and came back from Las Vegas in the winter to New York on an airplane wearing a t shirt and tennis shorts sneakers and that was because he sold all his clothes to be able to gamble more money . Be wise . Do not gamble . Save yourself feeling you care about yourself also for being poor as you do for other poor people because you gambled . I am a good pool player my high run is 71 shots in a row in straight pool otherwise known as 14 .1 . I studied 15 books on pool 5 times over and practiced a lot and when i was 17 years old I was winning loser pays for the time ( the cost of the hourly rate of the pool hall ) and the men were 35 to 60 years old and i won many games against them . On a weekend i would sometimes win 20 games in a row and some of them said you are tough as nails . I gambled only cards for five cents and pennies and that was fun until an old friend said to me i lost a suit case full of tens and twenties and he stretched his arms out as wide as he could which i suppose would have been a million dollars .He said stay away from gambling someone might kill you . When he had one one of his relatives come to visit him to get money from him he only had $2000 to give his young niece and if he had not gambled all his life since age 14 and he was 92 at the time he could have given his little niece a million dollars - I cared about him because he was poor so yes to the question here do i care about poor people hopefully to shed some light on the issues i submit here .
Sharday Roberts
2014-12-06 14:37:05 UTC
2014-12-06 12:17:03 UTC
it depends.
2014-12-06 06:22:20 UTC
Sim, Eles são seres humanos como nós..não importa o motivo que estão la mas sei que muitos deles nao queriam estar passando pelo que estão passando no momento .
2014-12-05 21:20:49 UTC
of course and more people should.
2014-12-05 19:53:42 UTC
Yes man! Im poor somtimes we dont have food. If you were that homeless guy was you you would want food from people
2014-12-05 17:46:58 UTC
I would buy it without them asking. of course i wouldnt buy anything fancy, because i cant afford it myself, but maybe a cheap, big burger & fries
2014-12-05 09:42:26 UTC
Some poor people ask for money just to buy alcohol and cigarettes.. in my country paretns of poor children ask their kids to beg for money so that they can buy alcohol and cigarettes later.. And i don't give money to people like that
2014-12-05 07:50:17 UTC
Yes [too much people say], I would help them with money & even married one [agents everyone's wishes]. But I got burned, I am to caring & Jesus tells us to care for the poor, but I guess 1 needs the money to do it, I would get drinks for them & hug & pray for them. But last year the homeless stopped coming because 1 woman got hi & killed by a truck who got hit himself & forced him to hit her [the person who first hit the truck did come back to the accident later, & that day the whole town was sad. The woman's cousin was in traffic & ran to hold her, then one time I did a reply to the police report. Her cousin e-mailed me & told me that the family wants me to head the f service, so I did & nothing happened. Her sister lives in the area [twin] & now does not speak to me.
2014-12-05 05:02:50 UTC
2014-12-05 04:21:27 UTC
I am pretty sure i would give food to people homeless and i do care about them but how much i can help them that depends on my ability, we show then(homeless people) there is full of love in the world, encouraging them to stay tough
2014-12-04 20:04:10 UTC
Ya I would buty one a sandwich
2014-12-04 20:02:59 UTC
I think that most people that are really in need...don't ask for money in the street. I give to shelters, doctor's without borders, charities. Those freak-wits asking for money in the streets make more than I do...and I'm disabled.
2014-12-04 18:07:12 UTC
To be honest. I do not know.... Some people actually fake being homeless just to get some free money. Watched a video were a "homeless" guy was on the streets and got offered money then the next day left in a Mercedes Benz car lol
2014-12-04 16:47:07 UTC
2014-12-04 14:53:03 UTC
Yes. Growing up, my parents did not make all that much money. Both of them were ministers and had devoted their lives to founding new non-profit organizations and charities. The only problem with this, is that they didn't have time for full time jobs because their volunteer work was their full time job. My dad held a part time job as a professor at a university, and also a part time assistant pastor. Neither of them paid all that much. My mom worked full time helping run the organizations they both would start. On the side she would sew and try to sell sewed items. There were various times where we would not really have food for the month. At these times my mom would volunteer at a food shelf. In doing so, she would bring home food (whatever was left after people had come for food).

As soon as I was old enough, I started babysitting and doing other odd-jobs for spending money because I was the one who would buy clothes for myself. When I turned 16, I worked at a subway and saved up my money. I graduated high school with 46 college credits through a early college program in my state (all paid for by the state due to the fact I was in high school still). I am now in college, studying accounting. I work my but off to earn my tuition (my parents can't afford to help, I wouldn't expect them to, and I would refuse it if they offered). I have some financial aid for college, and I have a couple scholarships. So far I have managed to keep myself out of debt. My goal is to graduate debt free and be able to get a good job.

That being said, I understand what it is to not have money to eat. I consider myself extremely lucky, my family always had a roof over their heads. Even though I am strapped for money myself as a college student, I do occasionally help homeless people when I see them. However in a small college town I don't really see them here... So instead I donate food to the local food shelf.
2014-12-08 04:59:17 UTC
I've never been in this situation, but I would like to think that I would.
2014-12-06 15:57:23 UTC
2014-12-06 09:56:24 UTC
No most of these so called homeless people are scammers there are plenty of places to take care of them. They should be arrested haller to the outskirts of town and kicked into the street and told not to come back. It is like feeding stray cats. The best way to help the poor is to make it uncomfortable for them.
2014-12-06 06:20:38 UTC
2014-12-06 02:56:01 UTC
If I had the means to, I would most definitely buy them food and anything to help them get on their feet.
Tyler H.
2014-12-06 00:14:55 UTC
Yeah i do
2014-12-05 23:11:51 UTC
...No ! (Any "other" questions I can answer for you today ?)
2014-12-05 21:34:48 UTC
Poverty is a disgraceful and unjust condition that has always haunted mankind. Most people see the problem as insoluble. They See previous solutions that have failed. Some even think that previous remedies have worsened the condition of the poor.
2014-12-05 21:01:31 UTC
Of course.
2014-12-05 20:53:48 UTC
I do have 2 care. If I c a poor person, I will give that person money.
2014-12-05 19:48:24 UTC
know the relative strengths of covalent bonds, metal-metal bonds, ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, dipole-dipole interactions, London forces
2014-12-05 19:44:35 UTC
i would totally buy a homeless person some food or a 6 $ meal at the best, unless he came up to me and was disrespectful about it like hassled me or something.
2014-12-05 16:05:54 UTC
2014-12-05 14:47:08 UTC
I care very much about people less fortunate.
2014-12-05 13:49:21 UTC
It depends. Is the supposed poor man truthfully poor or is he saying he's poor while early in the morning he is showing up in his Mercedes and changing in to his bum clothes. Some people I can believe are poor but the guys I see who are standing out on the side of the road begging for money while in the side of his pack he has a carton of cigarettes than I know he can't be doing that bad. So I will quote Ron Swanson on this one by saying give a man a fish feed him for a day don't teach a man to fish and feed you self he is a grown man and fishing is not that hard.
2014-12-05 11:25:16 UTC
Yes, I do. But never have I really given someone on the side of the freeway money. Just because in today's world you really can't trust other people and sometimes they're just scammers.
2014-12-05 04:47:54 UTC
No I do not. I have my own problems and my own worries and cares, in order to maintain my lifestyle and health. I sympathize with them and hope they improve their standard of living somehow, but my thoughts are mostly on taking care of myself, my family, and those I care dearly for.
mataripis a ugnay
2014-12-04 21:50:01 UTC
Make sure they will not bite you.
2014-12-04 14:21:17 UTC
maybe not buy food, but id give them money
2014-12-04 09:11:20 UTC
Let them eat cake ----Marie Antoinette !!!
2014-12-08 16:54:19 UTC
I do care about homeless people, and would defiantly give them some food. If they ask before I offer, they better say please! (Jk, I'd do it anyway) Though where I live, you never see homeless people.
Seth M Varin
2014-12-08 14:12:02 UTC
I would
2014-12-07 22:41:02 UTC
I think it is will be depend of how old are them, because I prefer to helping people who are in old age where they can't do some work because they don't have more power for that.

so I will buy something for them.
I am ze mayan
2014-12-07 16:51:30 UTC
Good ****?...smh...
2014-12-07 11:22:26 UTC
I have . Would not hand out $$$$ but have bought food paid for gas and such.
2014-12-07 10:24:45 UTC
I would not give money. I've been duped before and felt so very foolish and ignorant. I would however, considering where they were and how much rush I was in (not in rushes anymore), I might head to the closest fast food place or sandwich shop and grab them a burger and fries or something and bring it to them. Money can help them buy drugs or booze and I'm not up for that. But I am working on a backpack project where you fill it with dollar store or yard sale items that can be very useful to them, like toothbrush/toothpaste... soap... bottled water (couple of bottles)... mirror, cheap disposable razors... cheese sticks, bread sticks, cookies... cheap flashlight with batteries... cheap comb... many items can be most helpful and uplifting to the homeless and can give them inspiration. I also have no need anymore for my old paperbacks... I will be tossing a few different types into the bags also; gloves, caps, and something I know I'd love to have if I were homeless... chewing gum and a writing tablet... and a ball point pen! I care very much for people who have fallen between the cracks.
2014-12-06 20:53:33 UTC
2014-12-06 18:59:51 UTC
2014-12-06 14:28:42 UTC
If I could see the man is in a terrible state, and in desperate need, then yes i would
2014-12-06 12:48:47 UTC
of course i care about poor people. but what if youre in sanfransisco or new york and theres poor / homeless people surrounding you, you cant give money or buy food for all of them especially if youre not so rich yourslef.
2014-12-06 07:48:14 UTC
Yes and of course.
2014-12-06 05:40:16 UTC
yea I do
2014-12-05 18:41:57 UTC
yes i would if i had the money on me.
Joe T
2014-12-05 17:11:00 UTC
yes because i have been there before. Not because I did drugs or drink of just got out of jail. It was because my wife had kidney failure and I had to take care of her. We went from two incomes to living with her ssi and ssd $735 a month because our Government said i had to stop working for her to keep getting her kidney treatment. I was working part time and they said I made to much stop or pay for kidney treatments and her meds. I made $250 every two week. kidney treatments are $1600 a treatment and she has 3 a week no way I could pay. So if i worked she died is that fair. So every one homeless is not on drugs or fresh out of jail.
2014-12-05 10:03:42 UTC
Of course I would. Especially at this time of year when it's darn cold. Problem is, some people like to screw you over dressing up like a homeless person and steal from the mouths of those who need it. Pisses me off, but if I can't tell and they ask for food, I'll get them some if I am able to. My brother has his thing, if he see's a homeless person, he gives them what he has on him if he's able to, I do the same.
2014-12-05 04:54:44 UTC
yes that is why i work and pay taxes - to give them food stamps and section 8
2014-12-05 03:34:44 UTC
Yes, very. But I am not in a situation to help them as much as I would like.
2014-12-04 22:11:37 UTC
yes, and i sometimes do without them asking
Groove doctor
2014-12-04 07:50:07 UTC
Loaded question. I do care about poor people but I wouldn't buy every homeless person food!
2014-12-04 01:22:28 UTC
It really depends on the person. If your poor or homeless because you chose to drink and do drugs, then no I don't feel sorry for you. I'm not going to help someone that doesn't want to help themselves. Why don't we help our own people first instead of helping all of these countries. Don't get me wrong. I do feel sorry for all of those counties but when it comes down to it help our own homeless people first.
The Best Around12
2014-12-08 15:27:35 UTC
Yes and i would do my best to help him/her
2014-12-08 12:34:21 UTC
yes, if they needed it bad enough I would buy them a meal and give them a few dollars for another meal
2014-12-07 17:30:49 UTC
Ya man
2014-12-07 11:02:35 UTC
Yes I would, because I know how it feels to be poor, and I know how it feels to have nothing at all.
2014-12-07 07:33:04 UTC
2014-12-06 15:20:58 UTC
of course
2014-12-06 14:57:41 UTC
if i had the money i would
2014-12-06 10:27:34 UTC
I give and give and give.

I give to the homeless child in the form of foster care . I take in those that no one want the special ed kind a kids. I just adopted one.
2014-12-06 07:34:53 UTC
if i am 100% sure he is not a bum then yes if i am not sure of that then no but if he really is homless then yeah
2014-12-06 03:00:39 UTC
I used to volunteer for my churches Homeless Outreach, and we would feed and talk to the poor and become friends with them. My ex fiancé became homeless after we split and I used to go to her shelter and visit and help her in any way I could.
2014-12-05 22:12:44 UTC
Yes of course!
2014-12-05 14:40:43 UTC
Yes, I'm very nice to poor people. I bank on karma. I'm also pretty poor myself.
2014-12-05 06:40:15 UTC
2014-12-05 04:59:41 UTC
Myself mainly, but my sixteen children and eight ex-wives when finances allow,
2014-12-05 04:06:13 UTC
2014-12-05 02:22:33 UTC
I have been asked for money before when I did not actually have any, so I am not callous, but sometimes overwhelmed.
2014-12-04 18:04:09 UTC
I would do it for something in return because you know everything comes at a price... so I would do it if the poor person agreed to have sex with me and the he would be working hard and I would hardly work
2014-12-04 16:35:36 UTC
I give when I can there are times on holidays when I want to break down and cry because I see homless women with kids in the grocery parking lots I have given 10.00 to a woman that had 3 kids that is 1 less late for me Its not my fault I am a goodhearted person
Yazzy Leigh
2014-12-04 15:20:33 UTC
It's very difficult to assess the situation and decipher if the person before you is genuinely struggling through no fault of their own and have tried every other possible action to try and help themselves as opposed to the scammers and drug money scroungers out there.

If I have the money for it at the time I try to help people, asking for help is hard enough without being publicly shamed by every rejection thrown at them. Rather than giving them the money though, I prefer to bring them the food or hot drink. So yes, I do care about the poor, barely being able to keep afloat myself through the demands of modern life I can relate in certain aspects however I have never known how hard it would be to have to resort to the streets and I would hope if I ever find myself in that situation there would be someone to take a moment out their routines to notice and present me with some humanity.

It could happen to any of us.
2014-12-04 14:53:42 UTC
Yes I would. if they ask for money, no, but for food, definitely
2014-12-08 17:14:45 UTC
Well yes i will buy them food but if they ask for money i wont give it to them because i dont them trying to buy drugs
2014-12-08 08:42:11 UTC
I would rather buy them food than give them money.
2014-12-08 01:39:47 UTC
2014-12-07 14:04:35 UTC
Yes I care about them!!!!
2014-12-06 23:37:35 UTC
Being someone who is being brought up in a not so advantageous upbringing I'm constantly surrounde and surpirsed by the lack of compassion in some people. I cherish and appreciate everyone who shows empathy and compassion, although those people can be few and far between.

Yes. I care about poor people, and people in general that are faced with harsh struggles.
2014-12-06 22:18:28 UTC
If he wanted food, yeah. I wouldn't just give a random homeless stranger money though, it could be used for drugs, alcohol, etc. I would give them food or water if they needed it. If someone has to ask, that tells me that they are too good of a person to steal, and they really need help. So yes, I would. And if they asked for blankets or a jacket, I would give them that as well. It would be a bit awkward, but that's not a bad price for possibly saving someones's life. I hope others would do the same.
2014-12-06 15:54:31 UTC
Would depend upon the person and his present condition, and whether I felt he/she posed a threat to my life or health.
2014-12-06 15:52:08 UTC
So long as I knew I was buying the food, and they weren't just going to spend the money on cigarettes, booze.

Yes I would,

I think that is the least any one can do,
2014-12-06 09:05:10 UTC
yeah it makes me emotional.
2014-12-05 17:04:09 UTC
yes, i do with all my heart! if i see one i would thank god for what i have and give the person a dollar and that will at least light up his or her face. GOD BLESS U!
2014-12-05 14:16:37 UTC
For sure!!
2014-12-05 11:00:09 UTC
Depends to be honest. Where I live, there isn't very many, but if I have the money to spare for them, then yeah. Might as well.
2014-12-05 06:23:07 UTC
this is the problem because we don't know if that person is genuinely homeless or poor. If I knew he was definitely poor then I would do my best to help them and give them advice of what they should do and I would offer them some food and comfort. In our community we help the poor and needy and donate money to the poor and needy wherever they are living in abroad or in this country.
2014-12-05 05:09:57 UTC

2014-12-05 01:37:17 UTC
no I want my crème eggs from my self
John Guzman
2014-12-04 22:54:41 UTC
Depends. Do I have something to give?
2014-12-04 17:07:42 UTC
It depends
2014-12-04 15:45:38 UTC
Yes, just because they don't have work at the moment doesn't mean people should not care for them. If a "homeless man" asked for money and he had a clean shave, I wouldn't believe it. HOWEVER, asking for food is only something someone truly in need would do. I am a big donator and love to help out.
2014-12-04 08:24:54 UTC
That homeless guy asking you for food money? It's his job to do so. There's a recent YouTube video of a lady who asks for handouts driving around in a new car (or some such). In the right place, in the right clothes you can make a pretty good living from 8 month a year "job."

NEVER give anyone money. Help them out of a ditch, help them stand up, but don't give them Cash. The Good Samaritan never gave the beaten man ANY money. He gave to the inn keeper and for a doctor, but to the beaten man he gave nothing.
2014-12-04 05:00:45 UTC
I didn't see any poor people or Home-less people. Where they go.
2014-12-08 13:00:04 UTC
2014-12-08 12:33:41 UTC
No I care about the poor which is why I want the government to stop devaluing the currency and expecting generation Y people to pay the tab on social security and other government entitlements that the country cannot afford so the lazy baby boomers can retire comfortably.
2014-12-08 07:14:50 UTC
Yes I would, now don't get me wrong when people have come collecting for charity when I've had a bad week business wise I've got pissed off more than once, but I've gave a homeless woman some pizza and money and cigarettes before and had a deep chat with her once when I was feeling a little low myself, a certain friend has literally no money at the moment, is homeless,the magazine. The problem is, is a person begging for money genuine? Will the money be spent on drink or drugs? These set up conditions and barriers to giving, and I end up with a dilemma, whether to give or not. But I work in a hostel for young people, am Secretary of a housing co-operative, and I send a cheque to Crisis most years. So I do things which help others as part of my job as well as outside of that.

What does concern me though is that an encam
2014-12-07 16:46:39 UTC
Yes i would because you can save someone's life
2014-12-06 14:48:08 UTC
My husband and I have given to the homeless and working poor. We look at there faces, and we have empathy not sympathy. No one can judge. We are both disabled in ways you can't always see and live on very little. We don't care how they use the money. That is not our decision to make. We think "there but for the grace of God, go I".
2014-12-06 10:59:29 UTC
Yes i certainly care! I feel so sorry for the homeless and don't judge them you don't know what they have been through so i try and help in as much ways as i can
2014-12-06 08:21:12 UTC
I would no doubt help a homeless person and buy them food. And I would use my money to at least buy them a warm blanket or something that would be useful. The only thing I would never do is give actual money to a homeless person (I know it probably sounds harsh) but they can never be trusted. Believe me, I would say the opposite if that weren't true. Most people living on the streets resort to buying and selling drugs instead of buying things like food or clothes to stay warm. But at the same time I'm not judging.. everyone has their ways of coping and trying to survive when living on the streets.
2014-12-05 21:35:56 UTC
I will give a homeless person food or clothes, but not money because I don't know what they are going to spend it on
2014-12-05 17:40:07 UTC
Yes, they would really appreciate anything you give them, I've been on the streets, and Fort Collins has too many vagrants.
2014-12-05 15:09:23 UTC
I'd sooner buy him a meal than give him money.
2014-12-05 11:34:50 UTC
If he asked me to buy him food, yes. If they asked for money, no. What my mother does is buy them a girft card for a mcdonalds or any other fast food restaurant, and give them the gift card. Hence, she knows they will not be able to buy alcohol or drugs.
General Pancake
2014-12-05 07:02:27 UTC
no i would not go near those animals they don't count as people
2014-12-05 05:46:28 UTC
But they usually ask for money to buy food (they say), and then when I tell them; let's go buy you something to eat, they walk away...

Would I buy them drugs? Hells to the no!
zic zac
2014-12-05 02:20:16 UTC
it depends if he can work and feed himself or he really needs that food. we must observe that the homeless didn't ask for money because he might buy drugs of alcohol. but he asked for food to stay alive.
2014-12-04 17:58:54 UTC
Yes I have been homeless ,and went hungry for up to 3 days at a time . I've heard children cry their selves to sleep from hunger !
Atsa me Atsa you?
2014-12-04 14:35:06 UTC
When I see a person that is standing on the side of the road with a sign that reads "WILL WORK FOR FOOD"..I have bought the food, their response was....I will take the money, not the food, if this is, NO I will never buy them food again...if they have a dog, I will buy dog food for the dog...matter of fact, I carry a zip lock bag of dog food with me, just for that reason.
2014-12-04 12:23:19 UTC
It depends, if the person looked scary and sounded scary no, but if he/she was being nice and friendly, and I was close to a store, I would buy a bag of food and give it to he/she.
2014-12-04 07:39:12 UTC
yes, if they are not aggressive.

btw, this question is close towards that pseudoChristian holiday called Christmas which is man made but not commanded by God and that will bring out the nice face of the double faced people who else dont give a rats tail about anyone, as if poor people need to eat only 1 time in the year. i mean if they realy care about poor people, they would get poor people a job and then poor people will work and determine their own destiny, that is freedom.
2014-12-04 07:18:54 UTC
I would want to help him, but I wouldn't stop to do it by myself for safety reasons. Also, if I did help him, I'd probably go buy him a burger from the restaurant or give him a gift card to a restaurant instead of giving him cash that might go to purchase something besides food or necessities.
2014-12-04 04:53:07 UTC
I think i do, but it depends on why they're poor!

¡I konow what i mean!
Diego Shannon
2014-12-08 12:46:16 UTC
2014-12-08 05:35:37 UTC
I have noticed recently these so called poor are able to afford mobile telephones and I recently saw a young child of say five sat on the bus with his mother he had a phone as did she and she was on that for at least seven minutes but at the same time she was complaining to her fat friend she was short of money, bollocks is my reply
2014-12-07 14:02:35 UTC
Yes. I have done it before, I was at the store and a homeless woman asked if I could buy her cheetos. I bought her a huge bag of cheddar cheetos. If I could afford to buy myself one, I could afford to buy one for a homeless person.
Harwinder Kaur
2014-12-07 12:01:02 UTC
2014-12-06 20:04:54 UTC
I used to be homeless, so yea
2014-12-06 19:06:08 UTC
TBH I would not do it cause I have little money myself
2014-12-06 15:45:43 UTC
I would not, if they tried just enough they could find a minimum wage job and take care of themselves.
2014-12-06 11:19:47 UTC
Unless he looks like he is not starving absolutely. Doing a good deed is always good. There are people that pretend so you have to be careful.
2014-12-06 07:31:14 UTC
yes, i would...unless he did what a homeless person asked a friend of mine, to go and get her a MacDonald. She went a queued for ages.
2014-12-05 18:27:20 UTC
If I could spare the money, yes.
2014-12-05 17:36:11 UTC
Yes of course.
2014-12-05 11:03:16 UTC
2014-12-05 10:51:24 UTC
Yes i care about poor people.
2014-12-05 06:31:26 UTC
when i walk from school to my house i see these poor guys asking for food one day a poor guy spit at me because i did not want to give him money i was like 7 yrs old and i would NOT give money to homelss people because they are mean and if yhey try to attack me i attack them.
tceffE rorriM
2014-12-04 19:09:09 UTC
I can have fun with this question. What's this "poor" person? Poor in what way? Poor as in pathetic?

What if this "homeless" person wanting me to buy a meal is wearing an Armani suit standing outside of a hotel that is his unofficial residence (homeless only by a technicality)?

Is it a "homeless" surfer? Is it Hugh Jackman (just dreaming)?
2014-12-04 18:56:03 UTC
Yeah, of course!
2014-12-04 12:10:25 UTC
I wouldn't buy him food. I would give him money to get him some clothes and shoes and food.
2014-12-04 11:01:11 UTC
Yes I do care about the poor
2014-12-04 10:34:36 UTC
i am poor people
Chillin' On Bernstein
2014-12-04 07:29:03 UTC
If I had money then yeah I would.
2014-12-08 12:46:52 UTC
Well if I had a lot of money then yeah but not if I dint
2014-12-06 20:40:22 UTC
I would take him to a store and buy him a sandwich or if he told me the truth

I might buy him a beer.
2014-12-06 09:25:51 UTC
Me personally, I was taught by my parents to help those less fortunate so I try to do that whenever I can.

Unlike some people who refer to homeless people or people on government aide as being lazy no good slackers, I tend not to judge how someone found themselves in a particular situation.

If I can help someone in need, I will. Now there are, unfortunately, people who abuse and use our system for aide that probably don't need the help but that's more of our governments fought than anything else.

Example: A young mother to be with her first child signs up for welfare benefits. Nothing wrong with that except instead of our government saying we'll help with one child and no more provided and you attend trade school,junior college or job training all paid for by the government and you have 5 years to get your act together and after that, the help is gone and you cannot get help again if you get pregnant with another child but we never did that so we end up with young moms on welfare who have had 2 plus kids that they cannot afford yet they had the kids anyway.

The work to welfare was a start but it's a bad idea and it's being implemented all wrong because it forces unskilled women into the workforce and they are only qualified for menial low paying jobs.
2014-12-06 08:40:21 UTC
Yes. I would buy food for them if they truly needed it. I would never just give them cash and trust them to do go and buy food themselves though. Once we were walking out of a restaurant and I was carrying a to go box since I was unable to eat all my food. On our walk back to the motel we were staying at a man was sitting along side of the street and asked for money for food I told me we had just spent all the money were had on us but he was welcome to my leftovers. He took the box, thanked us, and before we could get down the street he had eaten over half of what was in the box.
2014-12-05 21:59:28 UTC
I give.
2014-12-05 15:39:19 UTC
yes course i would but none of them asked for food from me i just give them money (:
That_ blue_ eyed_ Irish_ lass
2014-12-05 14:30:00 UTC
Yes and have bought food and given them money many times.

I am on a fixed income myself but we all need to take care of one another
2014-12-05 14:27:35 UTC
Yes I do, but I recognize that each one of us has a mission to go throw ans we collected what we have planted, so let God solve this issue. Because God always said , knock the door that I will open it, but you have to do some !!!

2014-12-05 07:06:01 UTC
if your not rich then your poor.
2014-12-05 05:17:13 UTC
You're basically asking us if we care about ourselves? I don't have any money either lol
2014-12-05 00:23:50 UTC
2014-12-04 19:13:49 UTC
I grew up kinda poor, lived among poor people, I know poor, and the various reasons for it. I care about poor people only as much as they care about themselves.

I donate scads of money to useful causes. Donate scads of time in a hands on fashion.

I offer to buy panhandlers meals all the time, Frequently I am rebuffed. They want the money instead, for other purposes.
2014-12-04 17:44:45 UTC
I would probably buy them food, but I would not give them money to buy food.I would buy them food so I know where my money is going.
Andy F
2014-12-04 16:39:02 UTC
I don't always feed poor people who ask -- sometimes I'm broke, sometimes I'm in a hurry, sometimes I'm fed up with being asked too often.

But sometimes I do. I think it's usually better than just giving a poor person money, because some of them -- not all -- will spend it on alcohol and drugs.

To answer your question, I guess I "care" about poor people in terms of trying to help them. I once knew about 40 Washington DC street people by name, and tried to encourage them to work by giving them small jobs to do for money. The ones I knew were hopeless drunks or crackheads, though, I would try to buy food for, instead.

Beyond that, I circulated about 2,000 fliers last Christmas season in Washington DC trying to mobilize voters to contact Congress and keep them from cutting money for food stamps.

Beyond that, I also have participated a little in a campaign for a "Jobs for All" bill introduced by Rep. John Conyers of Detroit, which would impose a very small tax on financial speculation on Wall Street, then use the money to fund government job-creation programs. Feeding the hungry is very important, obviously, but the best long-term anti-hunger program is to give work to the jobless, so they can afford to feed themselves.

-- democratic socialist
2014-12-04 11:56:57 UTC
I have never done something good for poor people but I always feel worried about them when I see them on the streets asking ppl for money, so i give them money and make myself happy :)
2014-12-04 11:05:20 UTC
I do as best I can.
2014-12-04 08:51:48 UTC
absolutely! especially during this time of year. unless they did it to themselves. But its sad to see a mother or a vet out there that just cant find work, bills piled up and now they are on the streets. I feed them when I have the means to
2014-12-04 06:44:03 UTC
It's highly unlikely anyone would beg for food around here. There's 3 churches within walking distance. One serves breakfast 5 days, one does lunches, one has dinner.

Besides, they don't want you to buy them a meal. They want $$ to buy crack or pot.
2014-12-04 05:52:09 UTC
Sure! But I'm not taking him home with me!

I was in down town Lubbock Texas once setting in a car waiting on a friend. A man was setting on the sidewalk selling pencils. My friend showed up and I said how sorry I felt for the pencil peddler. My friend asked, "Why?" He said the guy made more money selling pencils in one hour than I did in one day working for minimum wages. And no deducts were taken out! And he probably went to a homeless shelter where he slept free of charge. The pencils cost him 5 cents each and he was selling them for a buck and some people would give him more than a buck. He was selling about 20 pencils an hour at times. This was in the 50's when minimum wage was $1.25 and you made only $10.00 a day.
The Lovely And Epic
2014-12-04 05:10:37 UTC
2014-12-08 17:36:30 UTC
i dont know because they could just be scamming like it could be someone dressed as a homeless person just searching for beer money or whatever or a homeless person that will just spend it on crack or the like .
2014-12-08 07:31:14 UTC
heck yes I would, who wouldn't?
2014-12-07 15:01:55 UTC
I bet 99% of you here will walk by the tramp, and be scared to look at him.

Let the Thumbs downs roll in!
2014-12-06 15:32:02 UTC
yes with all the kindness in my heart.
2014-12-06 08:52:05 UTC
sure if they really do seem poor. or i would give them a subway coupon
2014-12-06 08:36:21 UTC
Yes, I would buy him some food. I've done that plenty of times, already.
2014-12-06 07:06:51 UTC
Religiously speaking you must give for those who ask, he's asking for food and you can't be a believer if you are full and your neighbour is hungry. This beggar might have been their opportunity to do something good and they threw it away, it could be that you are more in need of good deeds than the poor, it's your trial as well as theirs, your wealth is not yours, it's lent to you by God and in it is a share for the poor,if your want to purify your wealth.

It's amazing how our governments fail those who are most in need of help. It's ok for them to give billions in aid to Israel (more than any other countries or countries put together) out of tax payers money so that they can give free benefits to new settlers from around the world to Israel and help the billion dollar arm trade but you can't manage to help the poorest to help themselves.It's amazing how everything under the sun is taxed but still our governments can't manage to offer even basic free healthcare or education. Taxing to this extend is a new thing, it's started after the banks started to print money out of nowhere and charge interest to even governments to lend that money which was produced out of nowhere (its' not gold) and forced the governments to tax people to pay back the interest. You will see now that even your food and clothes and homes are taxed. You don't need to be taxed to get service, in the Middle East there is no tax but people get free service, Irak used to have free education, healthcare and almost free everything until the invasion where capitalism was imposed on them.
2014-12-06 06:16:42 UTC
I would definitely donate to a local soup kitchen or buy him food, but I will not give them money, that's used to buy drugs and booze.
2014-12-06 01:01:09 UTC
50% yes and 50% no a lot of poor people use drug's that why there so poor on other hand there so poor a that cant get a job or b there job don't pay that good
2014-12-05 22:13:25 UTC
yes but ..................
2014-12-05 19:43:06 UTC
I'll tell him Die Asshole
2014-12-05 19:26:53 UTC
of course if i have had a money to bought for them because my parents were also poor too before they are always being starvation before

this is so sad :(
2014-12-05 06:28:05 UTC
It depends on who it is. I tried to give a meal from Chick-Fil-A to a homeless man who just got his stuff stolen and he threw the lemonade at the back of my car. So it really depends. If it was a nice man, of course! If not then no.
2014-12-04 22:29:11 UTC
YES, I DO ! I would be very happy to help someone in need. I can't just stand there and watch while another human being suffers!
2014-12-04 16:05:38 UTC
The answer is yes, but as always there is a but, I would not give money, if one had it to someone who's only source of food is alcohol, though as a pensioner, I would have to say silver or gold have I none but whatever I have give I unto you
2014-12-04 10:58:35 UTC
yes I care a lot as im also part of poor people
My name is not bruce
2014-12-04 07:19:43 UTC
I do care, homeless people, no.

We have enough programs, shelters, kitchens, etc, there is no need for them to beg.

There are quite a few that have mental issues, which is what family is for, they are suppose to help them, but besides that, thats not something i can help with.

Then there are the ones who are choose to be homeless, indirectly, by their attitudes in life.

I made sacrifices to be where i want to be. I hate my job, but its building towards a job i would like in the future and paying the bills, allowing me to invest....

Anyways, when i do give to charity, i rarely donate for food and clothes...unless there is some crisis. I always donate towards ones that will give the poor equipment to earn their living.

One i know gives people in 3rd world countries sewing machines. Its not going to get you anywhere in life, but it'll get you enough money to feed yourself and family.
2014-12-04 04:35:33 UTC
I have in the past and will do it again if asked, and yes I gave them cash.
2014-12-03 23:23:25 UTC
I care poor people, but sometimes not. It depends on the situations.
2014-12-03 19:50:24 UTC
I would buy a meal or give my own food but I wouldn't give money. One lady (not homeless) asked me for money to buy food and I saw her a few days previously smoking cigarettes. No one homeless has ever asked me for food but I would if they asked, or even if I saw one in NYC.
2014-12-08 13:41:16 UTC
If I had money on me, yes, but I typically don't carry money with me unless I specifically go out to buy something
2014-12-08 06:23:40 UTC
Yes sure i will
2014-12-07 10:55:04 UTC
YES! If i was poor i would want people to help me and i think thats what God would want us to do :)
Alex Doane
2014-12-07 01:19:30 UTC
2014-12-06 22:33:15 UTC
Not really
2014-12-06 21:28:33 UTC
If I had enough money maybe
2014-12-06 15:18:09 UTC
No. I would not give the person any money.

But if it was a hot girl, I would definitely talk to her.
2014-12-06 14:36:40 UTC
Every time you drop your change in the red Salvation Army bucket you ARE doing this. and on a scale that takes advantage of donated food from restaurants, manufacturers, bakeries and elsewhere. they do LOT with very little. Donate all year not just Christmas time.
2014-12-06 05:06:52 UTC
I care, but I have to be sure they're really poor.
2014-12-06 04:20:19 UTC
Absolutely, I'd buy a homeless person a meal. In most cases, we're used to them asking for money, but if someone ask you to buy them something to eat, I'd definitely feed them. No man, woman, or child in this country should go hungry with all of the money and resources we have.
2014-12-06 00:07:49 UTC
yes, i usually give a couple dollars and sometimes it is obvious who really is homeless from someone whos will use it for drugs so then i just buy them something to eat.
2014-12-05 13:37:59 UTC
i do care, i've given money most of the times....i would buy some food if a homeless man asked...and i would do more if possible.
2014-12-05 00:55:47 UTC
2014-12-04 20:29:09 UTC
Thanks so much for asking this question. It’s truly amazing what can be discovered when we really seek to understand someone instead of just looking at them from a superficial perspective. I believe we have to make a commitment to getting to know the poor and treating them with respect and dignity. It is a great lesson to learn the life of the poor and needy.

I, myself have been homeless three times, and the saying " You can be one pay check away from being Homeless" is true. I use to hide my poverty, because it wasn't excepted in our society. Living in my car under the bridge, I kept all my clothes and personals there. I would wash up at a park's restroom, and then go into work, no one new the wiser. I was living a double life, because society doesn't what to hear this type of story. Life is hard and certain situations could put you in a bad spot, and then you have to begin to climb yourselves out of the hole. One of things that people don't understand is the mental state, that one goes through, going through so much. I've know other veterans that experience the same out come, because of lack of support system put in place. If we could only see beyond the visuals and imperfections, then we uncover discoveries that change all our lives.

It’s so inhumane how we can just brush across a homeless person, and not even think of them as people. But everyone has a story. No one is perfect. When I was on the street, it would take a special person to approach me. That person knew they would be opening a door, taking a chance. And I would be touch dearly for any chance of opportunity, (to start climbing out that hole). All people are people and all have a heart – I never forget that.
2014-12-04 19:34:28 UTC
Yes I think we should all donate money and help others out it spreads happiness and what more can you really want.
2014-12-04 19:32:43 UTC
Of course! Everybody deserves a second chance :)
2014-12-04 19:32:06 UTC
Yes. I would help a homeless person, or anyone in that need if I'm able.
2014-12-04 13:22:41 UTC
there are agencies in this town to help the poor they have access to welfare and food pantries no reason to be begging on the street
2014-12-04 10:32:49 UTC
sometimes I do
2014-12-04 09:57:14 UTC
everybody cares about a needy people except some selfish fellow because human beings are so sensitive and they have humanity inside them also. So, I would also like to help them if I have sufficient money and I usually use to help them when I have. and also, in my view, from your question I think you probably help them too and other people answering your question also use to. Bcoz of humanity you are replying this question.
2014-12-07 16:08:09 UTC
I do. I want to become wealthy so I can set up a fund to help the homeless. especially the kids who are homeless and in shleters
2014-12-06 12:41:15 UTC
It depends...I have been homeless myself when I was young and know how it feels when you do not have. I am working in a really good job with a good wage and class myself really lucky now so I do give to those who don't have. But I would offer to an alcoholic or cracked head because you know where they will spend the money on. But those who trying to better their lives you I will help.
2014-12-06 08:31:19 UTC
2014-12-06 03:28:56 UTC
I have
2014-12-05 23:46:32 UTC
Yes I would and I have before.
2014-12-05 16:44:18 UTC
2014-12-05 15:19:34 UTC
I do care about poor people but sometimes I see them with cups from expensive restaurants, and sometimes I see them with I-phones texting away (you have to pay monthly don't you?) and its just crazy so I don't help them, even though I wish I could.
2014-12-05 12:56:47 UTC
Yes especially when they have mental health issues.
2014-12-05 12:48:11 UTC
Yes i do we all do but what is to be done people are all poor under this government and the worst is to com next year with more wellfer cuts god help us
2014-12-05 11:48:10 UTC
2014-12-05 10:01:07 UTC
Yes I would, and I have several times.
2014-12-05 09:33:04 UTC
I've done it on plenty occasions and I will definitely do it again. Personally, I hate feeling hungry. It is the worst feeling in the world. If someone asks me for food or to share my meal, I will give that person my food. HOWEVER, I will never ever give cash to someone because I want to know that my money is not going toward something stupid like drugs, alcohol, or personal pleasure of some sort. If someone asks for food, I will buy the food and give the food directly.
2014-12-05 05:58:07 UTC
Yes. I recently signed a petition to overturn the law that makes it illegal to give food to homeless people in Florida.
2014-12-05 02:00:23 UTC
Yes I do.
2014-12-04 19:40:09 UTC
people care about poor people because there grateful and they feel bad for them and want to help. and I would.
Jonathan A
2014-12-04 18:53:36 UTC
I sometimes help as described, but this is a poorly posed question. It presumes the only way to help the poor is to give a handout to an individual who requests it. But there are other more effective ways such as promoting public policies that mitigate poverty, supporting better education, and improving the public "safety net."
2014-12-04 18:23:21 UTC
Yes, of course like I wouldn't give money because who knows what they would really use the money for. If you know what I'm getting at, but I would for sure go and buy something from a restaurant and give it to him/her. whatever I can possibly do to help.
2014-12-04 17:14:48 UTC
Yes. I absolutely would!

Ive never seen it happen though. Ive seen people make demands, get pushy, act entitled.

Ive also seen people ask for money supposedly for food, but refused food.
2014-12-04 14:27:21 UTC
allot more sexier girls are poor
2014-12-04 08:04:37 UTC
The question is, do YOU care about the poor.

The problem is, the liberals always want SOMEONE ELSE to make the sacrifices to help other people.

There are plenty of poor people right now who could use your help and support.

How much time and money have YOU used to make life better for them in the past month?
2014-12-08 03:20:40 UTC
i believe in teaching a man how to fish rather than to give him a fish.. but 1st time i would give him a fish to give him strenght to learn how to fish..
2014-12-07 17:51:59 UTC
Yes i do care about people, i have an orphanage in my town in West Africa Sierra Leone , With ten kids, also pay school fees for five kids in collge, so i do care about people a lot
2014-12-07 13:06:35 UTC
In some scenarios; yes
2014-12-07 05:28:48 UTC
Yes very much. I am very lucky to be in the Sai Seva Organisation.
2014-12-06 18:06:22 UTC
Of course.
Mark in Time
2014-12-06 09:01:08 UTC
Give a man fire and he is warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he is warm for the rest of his life!

Don't take that too literally. What I mean is, I see homeless people from time to time and stop to talk to them to find out why they are in the situation they are. (Have you ever tried this?) Amazingly, most homeless are that way because of their own life choices. Putting crime, alcohol, drugs or just plain laziness ahead of making a contribution to the betterment of others and humanity in general. Many are totally aware of why they are homeless and know exactly what they need to do to correct the situation but refuse to do anything contrary to their chosen path.

Sure, there are a few out there who are decent, productive individuals who want to get back on their feet a not be a burden to others. Fortunately, there are resources (government, religious and service organizations) just waiting to help.
2014-12-06 06:08:43 UTC
It really depends, if you give him money, he can buy drugs or booze with it. I prefer to make donations to local soup kitchens to help them.
2014-12-05 19:31:02 UTC
2014-12-05 16:52:09 UTC
I don't buy them food, but I have given poor homeless people money 100's of times and I am very far from rich. I realize they may spend it on alcohol, but I tried. I used to buy the newspaper from the homeless that would sell it on the streets and never asked for the change. The politicians banned them from selling the papers.... Just another law and they love coming up with them
Marina 1
2014-12-05 16:14:35 UTC
I have helped a few homeless on the streets. i will never forget the time a homeless guy approached me and asked for food money. I was nearby a fast food restaurant so took him inside to order his meal. Another guy ( a vet) would sit outside the local gas station almost every day hoping someone would give him some change. In the winter months. he always looked half dressed for the weather and knowing he would be there one morning I made him a packed lunch and gave him a nice warm jacket. It's very sad to see so many on the streets who truly are desperate for the help and wish people wouldn't judge them so harshly.
2014-12-05 14:44:01 UTC
2014-12-05 14:29:35 UTC
I might...if I had some extra Money. no one ever asked me to buy them food, its Always spare change or Money.
2014-12-05 12:11:13 UTC
2014-12-05 00:54:16 UTC
Yes, I care about poor people.

I've never been homeless, but the thought of it scares the hell out of me. I feel badly for people who are on the streets, but I know some of them aren't who they appear to be. Some panhandlers take in over $100 a day, and then blow it on drugs or booze.

So when someone asks if I can help them with money so they can get something to eat, or subway fare, I don't usually give them any cash. But I will buy them a sandwich or a cup of coffee, and maybe tell them where they can get help.
2014-12-04 18:04:21 UTC
2014-12-04 15:58:14 UTC
Yes. I dont care about people pretending to be poor, but the actual poor people who dont have much, yes i care about them.
2014-12-04 15:47:29 UTC
Yes, I do care (a lot). However, some of the people holding that sign have MUCH more in their Bank Account then I do. So how do you judge if they really need it or not? Well, a great scripture says, "Aren't we all beggars before God"

My solution, that works great for me, is... I Pray! I may not know, but HE does. And He answers me each time. He knows my situation and theirs and He knows theirs. And one thing I know for sure- whenever I give anything to help another, He makes up for it and THEN SOME. :) See below:

17 Perhaps thou shalt say: The man has brought upon himself his misery; therefore I will stay my hand, and will not give unto him of my food, nor impart unto him of my substance that he may not suffer, for his punishments are just—

18 But I say unto you, O man, whosoever doeth this the same hath great cause to repent; and except he repenteth of that which he hath done he perisheth forever, and hath no interest in the kingdom of God.

19 FOR BEHOLD, ARE WE NOT ALL BEGGARS? DO WE NOT ALL DEPEND UPON THE SAME BEING, EVEN GOD, for all the substance which we have, for both food and raiment, and for gold, and for silver, and for all the riches which we have of every kind?"

The Apostle Paul taught to give anyway. If you don't have any to give, then say, if I had to give, I would. It is better to give TEN people who are imposters then to miss the ONE who has true need.
2014-12-04 13:18:53 UTC
yeah i really care about them because i has born in a poor family so you can feel whats that mean and you became so helply whit them all the possible
2014-12-04 12:48:23 UTC
I don't. I don't care about my life too. Yolo
2014-12-04 07:52:31 UTC
Of course I do because I know what it's like to be poor
2014-12-08 20:16:56 UTC
Person = Person
2014-12-08 16:13:52 UTC
Only if they are poor due to luck. But if they are poor because they are sloth, or lazy, or want free easy life, THAN NO.
2014-12-07 04:58:47 UTC
I feed homeless guys.
2014-12-06 12:24:40 UTC
i would do it! because it makes me sad seeing a homeless person, and i wanna just give them at least a little happiness
2014-12-06 12:13:40 UTC
I am poor, but survive with the help from above along with my own way of balancing my everyday life, spending and judgement.
2014-12-06 08:51:20 UTC
I would because if I were ever in his position I would want the same from someone else, but if he asked for money I wouldent cause he/she might just spend it on drugs/alcohol
2014-12-06 02:46:04 UTC
It would depend on my money, Like if I was struggling with money I would try to give something else instead or If I had enough money and could afford to give it to someone who really needs, Yeah, of course. I care about the poor, and I think that in society the gap between poor and rich should be closer.

Right now in this world in some countries, rich people bribe police and governments to get out jail and other crimes and put poor people as criminals. I hope this bribing stops.
2014-12-05 20:38:42 UTC
Some people pretend to be poor as a job to get money. I would only give the poor food if my heart truly feels their in need of it. Most of the time it's the poor wanting money for drugs so its hard to believe them sometimes..
2014-12-05 18:10:51 UTC
Yes i would buy him food.
2014-12-05 17:52:31 UTC
I feel badly for poor people, but i'm not rich myself.

I would not buy him food, unless he was starving. I'd tell him how to get an education, or find a means of making a living- so he can do it himself. teach a man how to fish..
2014-12-05 15:30:22 UTC
Yes i would, unless they are idiot teenagers that could actually get a job but they are on their fricking butts because they are lazy. Most older-than-18 people are good to give money or food to, not most men and women who are smoking with their tiny druggy backpacks are though
2014-12-05 11:00:51 UTC
2014-12-05 07:12:24 UTC
Would I buy a homeless person food? Yes, and I have. I have never given a homeless person one penny. Instead, I have taken them to restaurants; paid for a meal, and made sure that they ate it.
2014-12-05 07:02:04 UTC
i do but my few previous experience hurts me a lot. this incident happens with me in bangaluru(india), when i was travelling in bus a old(80 year age) and retired central govt employee ask me for help as he told me that i lost my wallet,document,nd everything in bus ,and he ask me for 1000 INR ,and he was crying and i cant see that bcz he is too old since he is from other state nd old i think about it and give him money and he thanked me .i give him my bank a/c no,phone no and address so that after he reaches home ,that man promise me that my son will transfer money in my a/c soon...i'm still waiting ?? no reply ?? after that i felt very bad about man and i think why he choose me as lot of passengers in the bus ?? but i still help helpless people.
2014-12-04 22:03:44 UTC
I try, but I can never say I try enough. But I do care about them
2014-12-04 16:21:14 UTC
Yes and yes, if I have money to spare.
2014-12-04 15:00:11 UTC
If I knew for a fact that this man or woman was poor, I wouldn't hesitate to take him for a meal, aswell as buy him a blanket and food to go. I'm not rich, but I enjoy helping people out. I don't have much (i'm 19) but I do work two jobs.

The only problem with this is that you will never really know if they're homeless. One time I drove by a girl who was holding up a sign "Poor and hungy, please help". I didn't hesitate to buy her food at the gas station across the street. She seemed very grateful. I drove off.

A couple days later I saw this lady talking on an iphone. This annoyed me because I was working two jobs and I only had a small pre-paid phone. After seeing that lady on her expensive phone, I decided that I will no longer help the "homeless". There are jobs out there, you just have to look! I work in a small town and have two jobs. I work at a call center and I'm also a Janitor. Do I like my jobs? Absoluately not, but I am so greatful for having them. After seeing this lady on her expensive phone I decided that I would no longer feel bad for the "homeless". If I can work, so can they.

So that's why I say, If I know for a fact that this man or woman was homeless (sleeping in the street) I might even go as far as offering my couch and help them get a job.
2014-12-04 11:39:06 UTC
Any reasonable request. I would buy food if I had enough money
2014-12-04 10:08:58 UTC
I feel empathy , not personal care. That hand to mouth struggle goes on amongst the working and the unemployed.
2014-12-04 06:53:46 UTC
Yes,as the great Persian poet ''Saadi Shirazi''says:

Adam's sons are body limbs, to say;

For they're created of the same clay.

Should one organ be troubled by pain,

Others would suffer severe strain.

Thou, careless of people's suffering,

Deserve not the name, "human being".
2014-12-07 18:28:02 UTC
Yes, I would.
She Dances With Love
2014-12-07 17:49:59 UTC
2014-12-07 12:43:08 UTC
Yes, i'm not a conservative.
2014-12-07 10:25:55 UTC
YES, if someone is begging off an intersection off of I-40, NO absolutely NOT, your not caring, your enabeling their begging.
2014-12-07 07:03:22 UTC
I'd walk that person to a restaurant and sit him down and pay the bill. This way I know he/she is not bilking me for booze, etc.
2014-12-06 14:46:10 UTC
I have many times assisted poor people. I have given a mother who had nothing money to buy herself and her kids something for christmas. I have given money to a young couple who had nothing, and given them money to buy diapers and formula for thier infant daughter. I have given money to people who hadn't eaten in days. If we are not going to help each other, how do we expect people to survive? Poor people are not all drug addicts, alcoholics, mental. Some have lost everything, job, home, and need a helping hand. If I can scrounge up a little something, why not help someone out? .
2014-12-06 10:55:45 UTC
Yes -- I are one

Of course
Floridaman Florrider
2014-12-05 19:12:56 UTC
2014-12-05 17:06:20 UTC

It's not the homeless' fault for needing help, sometimes, you just hit rock bottom financially, emotionally, or even mentally. It's not their fault if they are poor, they could be born that way, they could be alcoholics, they could be drug addicts, and I know from helping several addicts (Both drugs and Alcohol) that it's not their fault their bodies become obsessed. 99% of the people I've helped, say they want to change, and only one has said they don't, but their not considered addicted... Yet. People always say that homeless need to get off their lazy asses and get a job, but think about it, these people have no homes, no transportation, no warm clothes, no money, no access to a computer, because often businesses wont allow the homeless in to borrow a computer, so how can they? People judge on appearance, not work ethic. If a homeless man came into your business, smelly, tired, and dirty, would you hire him? Probably not. This is why they need help, and I hand a man a 20 everytime he's on the street because even if he is just going to go and get wasted using the money I've given him, then oh well. If he is desperate enough to stand out in -40 degree weather during the winter, then the man (or woman, dont mean to be sexist) can buy himself a god damn beer. It's his money now, he can do with it as he please

And the sad thing about this, is I'm fourteen, and I am more understanding than most adults, which really explains the truth about our current society. It is ****** up beyond belief.
2014-12-05 16:43:04 UTC
of course yes
beverly carter
2014-12-05 16:42:00 UTC
2014-12-05 07:53:29 UTC
If I had it I would. I have had most ask for money to get food supposedly. Sometimes i hold back, thinking that the money will not be used for food, but instead for drugs or alcohol, but sometimes I see them in a fast food place buying food.

I care about people, but i'm even more thankful that the True God of the Bible cares even more so about even the homeless because of what he says he will do, through his appointed king and Son, Jesus Christ, throughout Psalm 72:1-4,12-14. He sees the affliction of 'the poor and lowly ones crying for help' and promises to refresh and restore them!

Even making it so that no homelessness or hunger will exist again! shows Psalm 72:16 and 67:6 as well as Isaiah 65:21-24.

God did not cause the conditions in the world, but htere is reason why He allows these conditions.

Visit JW.ORG and find the video why does God allow suffering

and more!
2014-12-05 07:42:06 UTC
2014-12-05 01:31:01 UTC
2014-12-04 20:10:49 UTC
yes i do care about poor people
2014-12-04 20:05:29 UTC
i do care and yes i would buy them food
The Reverend Soleil
2014-12-04 17:33:50 UTC
Depends on my mood -- I prefer to do my charitable donations through reputable organizations.
2014-12-04 09:54:35 UTC
yes if i had enough money
2014-12-04 05:00:23 UTC
Yes, I have been taught to give food to the hungry. But I will only give him food to make his stomach full. If he further asks for food, that becomes greediness and I will not fulfill that.
2014-12-04 04:40:17 UTC
i try to help them whenever I ca, either when I see them in the street, or workung together with my students to raise money for them, or if they live far, we go and visit them, spend some time with them and do some housework for them.
2014-12-08 06:36:00 UTC
Yes, I do, because I thing this is a kind of moral obligation.
2014-12-07 19:58:46 UTC
Yes, I will. Not to show I have money, but I know what the feeling when don't have one.
2014-12-07 19:57:50 UTC
Alpha Beta
2014-12-07 18:45:40 UTC
It would be more effective to teach him a skill or to teach him to fish.
ray s
2014-12-07 06:20:34 UTC
Yes, I would give a Homeless Person food. I would also give some money, whatever I could afford. I am a great believer in Love to the Poor. I would always help them, maybe one day, I might need them help me
2014-12-07 01:32:35 UTC
Jason S
2014-12-06 23:25:24 UTC
I would because I've been homeless-and I'm not in an area right now that's flooded with homeless. In bigger cities I'm a lot more skeptical of who I may or may not help out. In general though I would try to help someone who needs it for sure because I've been there.
2014-12-06 16:50:52 UTC
yes I would
2014-12-06 09:19:47 UTC
I care about every one and yes I would pay it forward in a time of need as a matter of fact I did it this past week.... it gave me such a heartfelt feeling that I was able to do something esp around the holidays
2014-12-06 06:57:14 UTC
yes,we should do that for the poor people.because anyone may be we should care the poor people.
2014-12-06 06:24:10 UTC
Ashy Slashy
2014-12-06 04:30:58 UTC
In all honesty. It's really hard to believe people now a days. There is so many fakes out there than genuine ones.
2014-12-05 14:46:54 UTC
2014-12-05 08:02:33 UTC
Yes I care about myself.
2014-12-05 06:21:15 UTC
you bet I am!
Charles D
2014-12-05 03:06:26 UTC
if they are hungry I will take them to a café and buy them something to eat. If they ask for money I will not give it. a lot of the ones where I live want money for beer or whiskey or crack cocaine.
2014-12-04 15:40:17 UTC
I do and I don't, because some of them are not present the true.
2014-12-04 12:27:33 UTC
Yes I care for poor people. Poor people do not have to have the lack of money. I have been brought up to respect fellow man. I have worked in my community for years helping the poor and disadvantaged. Helping those young people who are not able to join clubs or do things that the advantaged kids do. Go out from your wonderfully warm home and see for your self what happiness you can give. Try it, it may change your way of living.
2014-12-04 00:35:36 UTC
I care about poor people and i help these people by giving him clothes and food.
2014-12-03 22:34:44 UTC
I would much rather by them food over giving them money. Sometimes, the homeless choose to spend the money we give them on drugs or other things, so I would rather give them food.
2014-12-08 12:30:40 UTC
I'm poor so y'all to an extent
2014-12-08 08:35:59 UTC
If I had money.
2014-12-07 11:04:31 UTC
Lynn V
2014-12-07 07:57:26 UTC

It's so sad that they don't get to go back home or be with their family. I think it's Pride mostly, or because they were told not to come back home. There are food banks that they can go to.

Growing up as a child, we didn't have enough money but we got Goodwill baskets from time to time. Mostly were clothes and household items, but hardly any food. I don't know why other family members didn't help us out more but I think it's so hard to ask for help. Grown up and on our own with our homes, I always get stuff together for Purple Heart or Salvation Army.

Grocery stores and restaurants give their leftover food to shelters and food banks.
2014-12-06 22:51:38 UTC
You cannot answer this question to simply.. You have to evaluate the person first.

If a homeless man were to ask me for food I MAY give it to him, However I would evaluate him and profile him before doing so. I would check for signs of alcohol or drug use mainly and if I felt he were a drug addict or alcoholic or somebody who is homeless because they refuse to live by the "the mans rules" then NO I would not give them a meal to eat!

However, IF I felt that this person was a genuine homeless person down on their luck and a series of unfortunate events lead to their homelessness I WOULD feed them a meal.
2014-12-06 19:14:21 UTC
Yes I do care about poor people. I love helping them and make them happy.
2014-12-06 19:10:08 UTC
if a homeless person asked me to buy him/her food then most certainly. trouble is, most homeless people ask for money, and people refrain from giving them money because they could likely just buy cigarettes, alchohol, or anything that simply doesnt solve his/her problem. ive had a few occasions where i have bought them food and some of them have literally just thrown it away, because that is not what they want. So food, yes. but money, sadly no. they have the opportunity to get themselves back on their feet if they want it. just takes a little time and effort. its not an impossible task...
2014-12-06 15:27:09 UTC
Maybe if they ask for money but you don't know what they are going to do with that money. But if they looked like they needed help than i would probably but you never know i would just be careful and maybe just check there clothes they could be lying to you just to get more money for maybe drugs , drinks so maybe do something like volunteering
Tom G
2014-12-06 00:43:32 UTC
if I had money I would help
2014-12-05 20:24:51 UTC
if a homless person ask me to buy him food, and i had money i would gladly do it, with no questions or hessitation. i feel people deserve second chances and if that means giving someone food to help get him/her a nice, safe, filling meal. than i would gladly go out of my way and spend some cash on a complete stranger because thats human
The Hat Man
2014-12-05 13:18:02 UTC

I'm going to be straight when talking about this. I might be seen as a horrible person, but I can't afford to give money to the poor. I'm a full-time college student with a low paying retail job and I volunteer at my church every week. I do everything I can do to make the world better, and sometimes that doesn't involve giving things to individual people. Which is important, because people in my position are almost working poor, dropping thousands on tuition and not making enough to even spend on themselves.

Second, if I, say, give up my meal or bus fare, I might be able to help a poor PERSON, but not poor PEOPLE; I can't give them enough to help their burden, just enough to make them feel miserable that they're living off the generosity of another. If a homeless man asked me for food, chances are that he's not asking for himself, but for something he can give to his family. I'd be looking at the spare change I had in my wallet, being forced to think "Do I walk eight miles home, or do I give this man enough for a hamburger at McDonalds?" Who will value this more, and why is it up to me to choose whether I suffer or he does?

How is this fair?
2014-12-04 22:57:25 UTC
If he asked i dont think so because that seems really rude (unless he's dying of hunger). But if i had a bag of food and he asked could he have some i may give him some or give him it all.

Once i had a 1 in a half slices of pizza that i was going to eat later but a homeless guy came up and asked me was i about to throw it out (i was standing next to a trash). I said no but here you go and gave him it.

Another time a homeless guy came onto the train talking crazy then noticed i had a full unopened drink in my backpack and asked was i going to drink it...uhh yeah. So i didnt give it to him.

Homeless people still have to act like humans. I actually have a lot of respect for those who are out there trying to make money legitimately. Id give a guy who has the courage to walk past cars at a stop light a dollar before i give some guy just sitting in an alley a nickel.
2014-12-04 22:09:01 UTC
I do all the time if I have the money. I never give them cash anymore. But if I am going to the store or taco bell & I see one sitting in front I buy them something to eat.
2014-12-04 20:53:23 UTC
As Church's chicken once said "Haaave the love" . I would help the homeless.
2014-12-04 17:40:41 UTC
Always help any way I can. Would hate for it to be myself or anyone I care about in their shoes.
2014-12-04 15:57:22 UTC
Yes , not just homeless but sometimes to someone that looks likes he/she needs a little help.
2014-12-04 14:05:54 UTC
2014-12-04 12:37:52 UTC
2014-12-04 09:27:48 UTC
YES. I worked at a soup kitchen one morning a week for several years until I was unable to continue due to my work schedule but I have always believed in giving back to the community in anyway you can--big or small, it all adds up! Actually, the day before Thanksgiving I started running errands around 8:30 that morning and at 2:30 realized I had not stopped to eat anything all day and was starving. I was leaving Costco and decided to purchase a hot turkey sandwich so I got in line with the masses! Upon leaving the parking lot about 20 minutes later (sandwich waiting on my passenger seat until I was on the road), there was a homeless man on the corner where I was waiting for the signal to change. I asked if he wanted a hot sandwich, he said yes--end of story. He certainly needed the sandwich more than I did and I certainly could wait until I returned home where there was plenty of food to eat. Sometimes you can make someone's day a little better through random acts of kindness. We need more compassion in our world.
2014-12-04 07:28:25 UTC
I would buy food for a poor person but I wouldn't give him money. But it also depends on much money I have and if there is a store nearby.
2014-12-07 00:18:22 UTC
dannyk 21
2014-12-07 00:16:21 UTC
2014-12-06 22:39:44 UTC
I have friends who are going through tough times, I have loaned one of my girlfriends a little cash because she asked, so I care about people I know, and I know I can rely on her to help me too if I need it.

No I wouldn't buy food for a homeless man, and maybe that sounds cruel, but I just do not have the money to be giving away to people I don't know, I don't have anyone to help me out with things in my life, and right now I'm busting my *** to get things straighten out in my own life.

You do something like that for a person and they expect that kind of treatment all the time, you do not know if the homeless guy is crazy, you just don't know what is going on there, I prefer to only do things for people I know, people I can trust.
2014-12-06 14:31:32 UTC
Depends....why are they poor?
2014-12-06 11:29:20 UTC
no i dont
Holo Holo
2014-12-06 10:59:13 UTC
Dude! You ever see those people in front of the grocery stores, beg for money? I always ask them "You need something to eat"? The replies always came back "No", "money" or "Yeah, if I can start it off with a beer first"? Not joking! Once it took 5 minute to convince the guy it was all right. He was look for $7 so he could get to San Luis Obispo from Santa Barbara. The was the only guy who ever accepted food ever! Again, I'm not joking!
2014-12-06 06:56:09 UTC
I care. If someone asked I Would leg it cas I have no money. Mm.
2014-12-06 05:11:28 UTC
2014-12-06 03:46:11 UTC
2014-12-05 23:00:05 UTC
Of course! I've been asked for change before, and I did that, but then of course people will worry that they might buy drugs with it or something. I figure, a gift is a gift. They're in need, and I'm making an effort to help.

But of course, you don't have that problem if they're actually asking for food. It's even simpler then. They're hungry, and you're feeding them! You're contributing to the survival of your fellow-human-being. I can't think of a situation in which I wouldn't do it. Well, actually maybe if there were like hundreds...
2014-12-05 21:39:40 UTC
2014-12-05 14:43:00 UTC
I think I would if it was evident he wasn't a fraud!
2014-12-05 04:55:08 UTC
Homeless folk dont need to ask me to do their favor..cuz I always willing to share my food with people in need..
2014-12-04 23:51:42 UTC
2014-12-04 20:46:54 UTC
If I had the money on me I more than likely would.
2014-12-04 17:56:12 UTC
This is a very difficult question it depends on many factors such as where I am and how they ask. If I am in a city I am much less likely for fear of my saftey because homeless people tend to be more violent in cities and seeing my wallet they could grab it and run. In my local area possibly because there are a lot fewer and I would feel safer
2014-12-04 12:24:37 UTC
Honestly i always feel bad for them but they kind of freak me out, they're usually old men that don't look like they're totally conscious and could be dangerous, and I'm a young girl, so I stay away from them. Also they kinda annoy me at the same time. I know it sounds awful but part of me is like "just go work at mcdonald's, or get your high school diploma, it's free" (in Québec anyway)

I donate to other organizations and so on but when it comes to the homeless I don't give them that much. I gave a dollar to a woman not long ago and she said "A dollar? That's all?" And I was really mad. I'm a STUDENT, i don't have much money either, leave me alone.

Another time, I was on the way to school with a bunch of other students and one of them was swearing at us and calling us rich brats and so on.

My mother was poor and she made it through, so I think that there are lot of loans and options possible for people who really DO want to do something with their life.

But, a lot of these people have mental problems cuz Québec closed all mental institutions and now those people are on the streets...

I dunno, it depends on each one, some of them are irritating and others make me feel sad. But ever since I saw all those documentaries about homeless people faking it and making a ton of money off people I just don't know what to think.
2014-12-04 05:54:36 UTC
easy question....YES
2014-12-04 02:12:30 UTC
NO! If they have the strength to stand on the corner for 8 to 12 hours they can get a job. FYI it is like feeding the wild animals. There is a reason why the park ranger tells you to do not do this.

Now the ones who are on drugs will take to crime once the sun goes down.

Now I am not saying that there are not people who are in true need of help, but that is what a shelter is for, that is what the church does.
2014-12-03 22:47:00 UTC
Absolutely. I've personally gone through the struggles of finding food for my self and I would not wish hunger on my worst enemy.
2014-12-08 04:22:48 UTC
Yes I would I'm poor at the moment I don't have money and can just pay for the bills I don't have food in my home but im living better than a homeless so yes I would give him food or money whatever I have because we are in 2014 now no one should live like this
2014-12-07 20:02:19 UTC
Luke 21:1 As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3 “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4 All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
2014-12-07 19:45:40 UTC
Why would a homeless man ask for food?Can't it be a house? :)
2014-12-07 13:26:32 UTC
it's only 5-20 dollars...
2014-12-07 13:26:30 UTC
I do care about homeless people but if a homeless person asked me for food i would not buy him it. i care about innocent homeless people, many homeless people in my area use any money they get to buy drugs, they ask for cigarettes and i see people give them to them also it is illegal to feed homeless people in this city. I dont feel bad for those homeless they should just not have done drugs. If I had a poor friend i would give her food and money.
2014-12-07 09:29:28 UTC
Pathetic condition around the world, but the government of USA is busy fighting war against terrorism and capturing other countries and their resources. They spend 3 trillion + dollars in the Iraq war. 1 trillion dollars was sufficient to remove 100% poverty of whole of Africa.
2014-12-06 10:50:58 UTC
Depends on defination of poor, I do not consider ''homeless'' people in western(first world countries) poor just because they are homeless at that time probablly because of debt, from experience of living 20 years in the US, I can say most ''poor'' people here are not considered poor in other countries like for example India

So yeah depends on defination of poor

for example I am pretty ''poor'' myself according to defination of Americans, I live in rent,do not have a car,washing machine,refrigerator or many other basic things like that

but I do not consider myself poor as I am able to feed myself

however there are lots of really ''poor'' children here in India who have nothing to eat and live in the streets and I do give food to them at times

so yes if a real ''poor'' person would ask for food from me,I would buy them food
2014-12-06 05:52:52 UTC
Not only do I care and would provide (if I can afford to do so), but I have rented a room at a motel, bought food and given money for washing clothes.
2014-12-06 02:30:52 UTC
well, that depends if they ask nicely then i would but if they seem like an arrogant asshole then i would tell him to fck off
William P
2014-12-05 18:53:12 UTC
Being in the oil business I care more about me becoming homeless.
2014-12-05 18:01:25 UTC
Of course I do but none of us who're normal everyday citizens can afford to feed them all.
2014-12-05 06:33:58 UTC
If I had money I would.
2014-12-05 04:37:13 UTC
ya I would I know how it is to be homless it aint fun exspely during the winter having to find warm places to stay. I would give them food and a blanket and a pillow and say were they could get help
2014-12-05 02:49:29 UTC
of course.......i do care about . When sometime i see beggars around my city i help them with some foods .
2014-12-05 01:39:32 UTC
Of course. Honestly, if I was going to buy a christmas present for someone, and a homeless person asked me to buy them food, I would give them that money. I just wish I had more money to give.
2014-12-04 19:19:17 UTC
i do
2014-12-04 15:37:11 UTC
Yes I would
paris nancy
2014-12-04 09:26:36 UTC
2014-12-04 07:25:02 UTC
Ofcourse i will buy.. we have family, parents, money, work.. Wat about them?? surely i will buy fud
Don't Fear The Reaper
2014-12-04 05:13:44 UTC
I have and would. Thing is---I do not forget what it was like to be there.
2014-12-08 17:53:23 UTC
I would do it if it was food. When they just ask you for money, they usually use it for drugs and alcohol.
2014-12-08 09:58:18 UTC
2014-12-07 15:39:06 UTC
Emmanuel Mba
2014-12-07 06:14:48 UTC
Why should i? If u can answer this then our journey has just begun.
2014-12-07 00:54:05 UTC
Ofcourse, for sake of humanity atleast, i would do that without any second thought.
2014-12-06 11:00:42 UTC
I would! :)
Dalel Omri
2014-12-06 09:56:02 UTC
helping the poot in Islam is a duty :)
2014-12-06 03:52:09 UTC
Yes, I do.
2014-12-06 00:38:41 UTC
depends on what made him poor and homeless. if it was beause of his alcoholism blocked any jobs, than no. but if he was just the adverage joe that got laid off and lost his family and his house then of course i would help out a guy stuck in a sticky situation
2014-12-05 22:34:33 UTC
Caring about poor people--will bog you down in caring about the criminal element.

Poor people have an agenda.

I don't. Share the same agenda.
2014-12-05 21:41:49 UTC
2014-12-05 17:49:14 UTC
2014-12-05 16:01:37 UTC
Not really. Sucks to suck.
2014-12-05 13:57:14 UTC
I would buy him some food but I wouldn't give him money because it could be spent on drugs and then you would be helping the homeless/poor person in the wrong way, if you know what I mean?
2014-12-05 13:19:34 UTC
Yes, I would. Though, make sure you observe the person very carefully b/c some people just takes you advantage or they have bad habits of asking money to people, i guess because they are just lazy to work or to put efforts. it's better to donate in charity for child education or to older people (gov't provides them a house) whose kids doesn't want them in their house.
2014-12-04 23:21:21 UTC
Sorry to be that person, but no. Everyone in life has an opportunity to make something out of themselves and if they arent anything it shouldnt be my responsiblity to give up my hard earned money and time to someone who hasnt done anything for me and can barely do for themselves. IF i can be something they can too because EVERYONE has the opportunity to be great
Zulcan The Great.
2014-12-04 15:56:59 UTC
I have never been asked by a person who claims to be homeless to buy them food. I have been asked for a 'spare' smoke, petty cash or a light. I refuse to give money because most have addictions. There are wealthy agencies and charities that offer support and free meals everyday in all cities.
2014-12-04 14:41:19 UTC
yes i donate my old things to charity i love to help people
2014-12-04 13:40:09 UTC
Well it depends. Most people fake being homeless to get money. If it is in a place that isn't like a city then I would do it more
2014-12-04 06:01:17 UTC
I invested one hour on weekdays for 15 years assisting community food bank management.
Peter Sokolwskyj
2014-12-08 22:35:37 UTC
This is a sick question of course..........Yes I would buy him a meal, and give him a couple of bucks but the evil person asking this question must be rich and spoilt brat of a sod to discriminate against a homeless or poor fellow but that's traditional from the rich to cast out, supress and follow that ole Christian tradition as they all do the same all over the world to set that shining example.... Shame on U questioner and shove your ten points as U suck
2014-12-07 20:28:34 UTC
Absolutely! I volunteer and donate as much as I can.
2014-12-07 11:38:41 UTC
I grew up around homeless people, and not one of them ever asked me for food. They all asked for money. I didn't give it to them, because I didn't know if it was going to buy drugs or booze. There were soup kitchens in my hometown, and homeless people got fed.

If a homeless person asked me for part of my sandwich or something, I would definitely give it to him, or go into a diner and buy him a meal. Or go into a nearby grocery store and get him some food.
2014-12-07 11:35:59 UTC
Yes I do and Yes I would.
2014-12-07 05:04:17 UTC
Yes, I do care, and if I have the money on me, I would definitely pay for that guy. And each time I see someone homeless, I tell my mom or dad to give them some money. Do they? Not usually because they either don't have it, won't waste the time, or think the homeless person isn't legit ;( I read about a certain story in a manga that told of a 'foolish' boy that always gave things to others when they said they needed it, even tho they really didn't. Then, in the end of his life, a pack of goblins had eaten everything of him but his head. They even ate his eyes. One of the goblins tossed a piece of paper saying 'foolish', telling that it was a present. A reward for giving them his body. The boy was so happy, that in the last moments of his life, he was just crying with joy. The class that had listened to that story was all laughing. the boy who told the story in them manga and the main character were pitying the boy. I, however, wanted to be that boy. So generous to give even tho the people he gave to never actually needed what they asked for. it's in Fruit Basket if u need the whole story, but I honestly was touched by that inside-of-the-book story. now if it's proved (which is when mom & or dad say the person's not legit) that the person isn't homeless- perhaps they have a phone or something-, then I can understand. if it's proved that they have no home or something, I would give to them. if I could. and I would most definitely ask my parent(s) to give money to that person.

Btw, I in no way own Fruits Basket, but I recommend it to people. It's a nice story w/ a lot of great lessons and examples of kindness or evil.
2014-12-06 11:15:21 UTC
Well. Homeless people aren't the only poor people out there. I'm poor. If I wasn't then sure. But not money, some homeless people do drugs. I don't want to be a fuel to a person's death, its not that they all do it, you just can never be sure.
2014-12-06 02:47:57 UTC
Your local welfare center! search your the center. And social shop or companies. They can employ their poors.
2014-12-06 01:51:01 UTC
Yes,I would.I would think of me being in his place,how would I feel.We are all humans, it could hapen to all of us, and what if others don't help you,how would you feel?

Of course I would buy him food,I need to be caring because we all should.
2014-12-06 01:46:56 UTC
yess of course
2014-12-05 18:47:56 UTC
I buy food but not provide cash
2014-12-05 09:27:09 UTC
2014-12-05 07:48:59 UTC
i would buy them some food. but sometimes they just want money for drugs

one time my mom got this poor person a loaf of bread and he just threw it right in the trash- like right in front of her..

( not all poor people do that lol)

please see if you can answer my questions :) xxx
2014-12-05 06:57:27 UTC
I would never buy a homeless person a home.
2014-12-05 06:20:31 UTC
it's difficult to answer but I would say probably not
2014-12-04 16:56:28 UTC
Just do it homeless or not. what do you have to loose ?
2014-12-04 16:24:03 UTC
i would do it as no one would do so except when feeling hungry and starving

and if this people have enough money to live on they will never ask others and we all see that we spend lots of money everyday to fullfill our needs
2014-12-04 16:01:40 UTC
Yes I would buy a gift card to make sure he/she wasn't lying
2014-12-04 12:43:55 UTC
Yes. I work downtown and I see people in the freezing cold wearing a light sweater and no gloves. Their hands are red. You wonder how did this happen? What can you do?
2014-12-04 11:27:24 UTC
Not at all.
2014-12-04 06:26:48 UTC
yes of course i dont mind giving money. i do care for poor people, afterall they are more needy than we are.
Mason Emlen
2014-12-08 16:23:31 UTC
I would find him a job
2014-12-08 09:46:39 UTC
If I had money to buy him food, absolutely.
2014-12-08 09:15:30 UTC
It depends on where you live. In the cities, most residents are familiar with the poor. There are those who seek affordable food (free if possible) and shelter and then there are panhandlers. There are several types in the latter. Some are homeless, either by choice ( runaways, social misfits etc) or alcoholics, people with mental challenges whose families have no resources to care for.

For the most part, there are services for most of the people , provided by government, private support groups and church charities.
2014-12-08 01:37:22 UTC
Yes. I always try to help poor people.
Keith Mendiola
2014-12-07 11:28:23 UTC
i found out that there's a lot hypocrite in the world
2014-12-06 19:41:16 UTC
no because usually it was their fault in the first place. do well in school and exceeding would prevent them from becoming poor. Sometimes they could be poor because their family was and they cant do anything about it.
2014-12-05 23:41:20 UTC
See its better to donate money to NGO's as these beggars are often often employed by bad peoples also we do not want to encourage them to beg more its better to let the experts(NGO'S) handle these situations as they create employment opportunities for these poor and help them set up their own shops etc.If you wre to give them money they would exploit it .
2014-12-05 21:28:07 UTC
No, because there is a reason that they're poor, and that I am not. And I would say 99% of the time, the poor person had total control of their situation, and no one is to blame for their situation but themselves.
2014-12-05 21:21:12 UTC
No. And I'll tell you why. They can get food if they REALLY want to. I'm a college graduate, but I've been poor before AND I've been homeless before. I was on food stamps which almost anyone is entitled to I'd they make under a certain amount each month ($800 or less in MD). AND the food stamps are worth $200 per month. if you do not work. There are some people out there that barely live off of $100 per month. If they have a drug problem, they can still eat. There are food pantries and churches that serve food in almost every city. And if that fails, I've given homeless people food when I worked in fast food. Y

You can also get shyer as well. There is section 8. If you're a felon, you can still get shelter at a homeless shelter. If that fails, there is nothing wrong with the wilderness. People survived out in the wild 1,000s of years ago.

As far as money is concerned. I want to clear up 2 things. Panhandling DOES NOT make people rich. There are studies that prove the average panhandler only makes $10/hr. I verified this when I was homeless. I tried panhandling for less than 1 hr. I was told by another panhandler that he only came out with about $50-$100 a day. And he used it to buy heroin. He told me that all panhandlers are on some type of drug. He also told me of the fines that you get for panhandling. Why would you get a fine? Because almost every panhandler uses the money to buy alcohol or drugs.

Only in America can you go from beingcellent homeless to a success. Look at the Pursuit of Happyness. I went from being homeless to having an excellent job. A friend of mine went from being homeless to having an excellent job. It is infinitely difficult to survive homeless in other countries. But in America it depends on the human spirit and how bad negative cultural influences have influenced your behavior.
2014-12-05 20:36:03 UTC
I just them 5 bucks---its not good to hang around too long with someone who is living on the street-you don't know what their into etc., Its easier just to give them 5$ etc.--that's not too much for them score dope with or get too drunk etc.
2014-12-05 18:12:52 UTC
If asked for food, I'm more likely to give. If asked for money, I'm less likely. I've been there before. The money doesn't always get you anywhere good. Food, definitely helps.

Unless my *** is broke and hungry, too.
2014-12-05 15:33:03 UTC
Rich people just don't care because they are too comfortable. If they were to be kidnapped and have to spend three days in a blizzard with no food and inadequate clothing thye would change their toon for just one day. Then, once they were comfortable enough they would go back to not caring.
2014-12-05 14:20:23 UTC
yes but i got my own problems so i can't really do much for them
2014-12-05 10:35:14 UTC
I might buy food but I would NEVER give money.
2014-12-05 08:27:30 UTC
Basically, poor people are poor because of their own doings in their lives and being poor doesn't mean being good, honest, etc. So I'll take a look at the guy and decide.
Andrea Mae D.
2014-12-05 04:32:47 UTC
Of course I do. If I have so much money I would donate money to them
2014-12-05 02:33:31 UTC
Yes food but not alot of money
2014-12-04 18:56:11 UTC
Yes I would help feed a homeless person. they got there because they could no longer help themselves..

they may have become lazy, because life became too much for them. they are mentally , emotionally exhausted. people that are able to sustain themselves are lucky. The US society needs to help the unfortunate.
2014-12-04 05:20:27 UTC
yes i do care but i have not done any thing just given some food ..
2014-12-03 21:09:08 UTC
Maybe sometimes.
2014-12-07 11:48:29 UTC
No. They are stupid scumbags who deserve to eat an anthill.
2014-12-06 17:54:41 UTC
Yeah, its our moral and spiritual duty to care about poor people. The one who care about the poors, God will care for you.
2014-12-06 14:14:30 UTC
As humans, we are all a bit selfish. We like to think that we would buy some food or give some money to the person on the street who is struggling. The reality is that we tend to ignore them because we simply don't have time or don't want to start something. "I would but you would be late for work" OR "I hear these guys make more pretending to homeless than that average American". You don't have to give some money to ever person you see, but I challenge everything, including myself, to give a little help to someone who is down on their look. You will be rewarded with the satisfaction of knowing you could have just made someones day, or spared them another day of suffering.
2014-12-06 12:12:33 UTC
Homeless people are the scum of the earth. If a homeless man asked me for money, I would kick his teeth down his thrown.
2014-12-06 11:48:47 UTC
No. Homeless people are a poison to the world. They know they can take advantage of others by begging so they refuse to make anything of themselves. I will never give money to a homeless person or other beggar again. You are only fueling their problem. Giving a drunk a drink per say.
2014-12-05 23:12:46 UTC
I do care. I am still poor after a lifetime of hard work. What upsets me is that most poor people would want my life. Why don't they have it. I'm scared that it all comes down to mental illness and addiction. Most responses here deal with homeless=poor. I think that the homeless folks need us more than we will ever know. And the poor people don't work hard enough.
2014-12-05 20:52:20 UTC
2014-12-05 19:27:21 UTC
Very much so. In fact, I pay tens of thousand of dollars every year in taxes so they don't have to work or pay for anything. On top of that, I give more money than most people make in a year to may individuals and organizations because it's the right thing to do. I am also answering this anonymously because I never let people publically know what I give. I hope at this special time of year, you all consider helping those not as fortunate as you. Even if it's just putting some spare change in the Salvation Army kettle. I promise you, it'll make you feel wonderful inside and you'll be glad you did.

Happy Holidays and God bless you all.
E. Lynn
2014-12-05 17:03:00 UTC
Unfortunately, experiences with scammers maker it to hard to believe if they are actually homeless.My dad, once, was in a passanger seat of his friends car, his friend was really generous but my dad told him not to do it, the guy was about to give the "homeless person" $20. But my dad said, "do you have change for $80?" And the homeless guy said "yeah sure." When his sign said "Homeless need money for food and water" I think most people are pathetic and try to hard. They need a job. If they are homeless, what are they doing begging on the streets when they can respectfully go into a homeless shelter. It bugs me. I understand some are really homeless. But just on Tuesday a woman was begging and she had some nice Nordstrom boots and some jeans nice nails, hair, and a blouse, and she is saying she is a single mother homeless and hungry. When she looks like she just came out of a beauty salon for celbrities. It sickens me. I would give a REAL homeless or poor person money and I care about them. I am pretty poor. But got enough money to go. I see videos all over of homeless people scamming, (obviously not homeless) and they go get done walk into an ally and get into a nice car and some guys where following him to a nice condominium and asked him "You're that homeless guy" and after a while he finally admitted it.
2014-12-05 14:23:05 UTC
Do it, or course!
2014-12-05 06:46:24 UTC
Yes I do!! Because i need them at the market place !!!
2014-12-05 06:45:37 UTC
if i have the money to i will usually give them some food, ive never taken someone for a meal before though.

to clarrify, if ive just been shopping and i pass a homeless person ill give them some consumable that ive just bought, for example the other day i bought a big multi bag of walkers so i gave a couple of packets to a homeless man i passed.

i never give them money though, i don't know why.

i realise i sound like a self-righteous a**e but im not really
2014-12-05 06:18:45 UTC
Of course I would
2014-12-04 19:04:37 UTC
YES !!!! food? yes. I can give them food, clothes, work, shoes, etc. Good luck
2014-12-04 18:24:45 UTC
I most certainly care about poor people. they may be poor but they re still people and they deserve to be treated with the same respect we do. If I poor person asked me to buy them food I probably would. it s so sad to see someone like this
2014-12-04 14:37:23 UTC, thank you!!
I care
2014-12-04 08:47:48 UTC
Most certainly I would and have. This time of year helping many families in need of food etc. are what we do..........

The food banks out there many are nice for people to be aware of.........that in it's self is a good outlet to people in need.

There are clothing places with churches that also provide warm clothing for people in true need........worked one in my past..

Some churches also have trees with children's names on it to purchase a Christmas many do without. No need for anyone to go hungry or a sweet child not have any clothing or presents........
2014-12-04 06:44:45 UTC
Of course, I always try to stand by the helpless people. I feel happy to make them smile.
2014-12-04 06:24:01 UTC
I would, but I just wouldn't give him the receipt because they sometimes return the food to buy drugs :(
2014-12-03 21:56:42 UTC
I care about poor people. I try to help when I can.
2014-12-08 14:04:35 UTC
It depends whether they ask me for money or for food and whether I had money I wouldn't give them money but I would but them food because there is a lot of people hoping that other people will give them money and they buy other useless things with it.
2014-12-08 13:40:37 UTC
if its not for drugs then yeah
Fee Nix
2014-12-08 09:56:24 UTC
i would it could help him live for another day and get to a shelter. its better to give him food then money imo
2014-12-07 19:48:50 UTC
Every Person is a human being at the end of the day regardless of status or place in society. Thus I treat everyone alike.
2014-12-06 22:01:52 UTC
Yes its my duty & responsibility...i m too alive as some people had goodness & gave me food that time...its mine & every person's duty...but nowadays only those understand the pain who has been through it....yes i care & will do anything...i call myself a devotee of god & this is what has to be done then!:)
2014-12-06 18:08:36 UTC
Yes. Everyone deserves food. Some day I may be the one asking the question. Karma. Love your fellow man.
2014-12-06 16:17:26 UTC
2014-12-06 07:43:06 UTC

I would buy a poor man food. I wouldn't give him money though. Truth be told, most poor people begging on the streets are ADDICTS. Poor people can get food stamps anywhere in the country. If they want cash money, its to buy something that food stamps can't buy, such as meth or a 40 oz. of malt liquor.
2014-12-06 05:39:11 UTC
Yes I would, and have..but I stress the money better be spent on food
2014-12-05 20:20:26 UTC
We all have been "poor" in one point of our lives. Having all the money in the world doesn't always mean you haven't been poor. We leave in a world where money controls our lives. Of course those who have little to no money are considered "poor" but what about those who have it all? They can do whatever they want. But the question goes back to them ("rich""wealthy" people) Do YOU CARE ABOUT POOR PEOPLE? Many people who are poor I have notice are very humble then those who have everything they ever wanted and I think thats what very wealthy people lack is just being humble. If you think about it, we work both ways. The poor can't survive without the rich and the rich can't survive without the poor.
great knight
2014-12-05 15:34:54 UTC
Can I share food? I would try if I had money or food to share. You put "poor" on it, but dont you think everyone is a person? How many people go through bad times and rebound? They want you to assume people are different because of wealth.
2014-12-05 15:06:40 UTC
Yes, if someone asked me I would
2014-12-05 04:03:19 UTC
ofcourse i do if they are good looking
2014-12-05 02:09:58 UTC
I haven't found homeless people, nor have I ever really been too poor. There is enough food, I can sometimes get nice things, like the computer I am using now, and I always have the internet.
2014-12-04 20:44:52 UTC
Yes I would and always have. Would you ?
2014-12-04 18:09:49 UTC
2014-12-04 17:24:14 UTC
If a homeless man/woman asked me to buy them food, I would absolutely buy them it, but only if I would have money carried with me.
2014-12-04 13:01:32 UTC
Yes, I would. We have home, food and a lot of clothes. There is nothing wrong in giving in buying food.when someone needs it badly You'll save someone from starving for a day. I won't mind doing this for 2-3 days. But if a homeless man is capable enough to earn. I'll say him no the 4th day. But if the man is languishing in extreme poverty. I'll provide every assistance possible for him to get a reliable source of income. Until them I'll buy him food. If they are children. I'll buy them food everyday in return of going to school.
2014-12-04 10:28:34 UTC
I'll admit I probably wouldn't. I've seen too many stories about people who beg on the street that are actually quite well off. I don't like to be conned, and I don't want to give aid to those who are trying to take advantage of people.
2014-12-04 00:46:24 UTC
In the wise words of Jon Lajoie, "Stupid poor people, stupid poor people, I have more money than you. Stupid poor people, stupid poor people, you can't even afford food."
2014-12-06 22:18:56 UTC
2014-12-06 21:33:37 UTC
only if i had enough money myself
2014-12-06 21:09:25 UTC
yes and yes
2014-12-06 11:39:13 UTC
yes. you have to have a heart for them. and if i see a homeless man or woman who is begging for to buy food and shelter important needs i would help them if i can.
2014-12-06 08:14:10 UTC
I have taken a poor person to Panera Bread, and bought them a hot meal (whatever they wanted) twice before. But if they refuse to go to the restaurant, or another nearby restaurant, and demand cash the deal is off. I'll pay for a hot meal for the poor if I'm doing OK financially, but I won't give them money for liquor or drugs.
2014-12-05 20:17:44 UTC
Yes is do, and i'm only 16 and i've been thinking about building a building when i grow up just for poor people to live in for free and i'll pay for everything
2014-12-05 20:05:38 UTC
Yes. If it seemed that this person was in need I would buy him or her food.
2014-12-05 13:10:12 UTC
my wife and I work at a homeless shelter once a month we care but just how much can one person do?
2014-12-05 08:24:42 UTC
I most certainly would. Yes, there are some people who "aren't really poor" and do it in some places and cities, but helping someone and putting a smile on their face is worth it and it's the one time you get to do it.
2014-12-04 23:47:31 UTC
I see a homeIess guy? usuaIIy i'II Iaugh at them to show how stupid they are in my eyes especiaIIy *** gas. They are too stupid that's why they are homeIess and i can see stupidity inside onIy by seeing homeIess face. I still can survive even if i'm poor person. just use fking brain to fking survive there are so many crime you can do to be rich easy as ABC. Sooo there is COMPLETELY no necessity to help stupid and poor idiotic homeless. If they keep being stupid, then they deserve to be homeless and usually i'll just kick those idiots or just kill them. no one care about homeless, so no one will do police report if they get killed and i DID it. it was so fun and until now nobody found his body like nothing happens! :)
2014-12-04 23:18:45 UTC
I always keep change in my wallet to give, and I don't judge those people who I do see on the streets. It never matters how rich I get - with a few nudges of fate and a run of bad luck, I could be out on the streets myself.

I also strive to treat others the way I would want to be treated, so there's that.
2014-12-04 22:20:59 UTC
Of course I care. Fortunately there are not many in my neighbourhood so the ones I do come across I'm able to help out. Mostly elderly men and youth.

I've seen some before I've entered the shops and have put together a little hamper of things they will last them a couple days. A bunch if bananas, some of those fruit cups (shelf life), some biscuits.

If it's cold out, I buy a coffee or a pastry. I always make sure I buy some food for their dogs, too.

They're always so full of gratitude. You never know when your circumstances will change and I hope if ever I were in their situation, people would show their generosity.

I'm a low income Earner myself but there is always someone worse off than you and if you can help out, why not?
2014-12-04 21:56:51 UTC
I would only give them food. no money
2014-12-04 18:43:14 UTC
Yes of course
2014-12-04 16:59:11 UTC
I would not buy him food where I give him or her money but I would give them food. Don't ever give them money as you are hurting them more than helping.
Concerned Non-Party Voter
2014-12-04 14:41:33 UTC
If they ask me if I could feed them, I have. If I see the need, I have.
2014-12-04 08:06:07 UTC
If they are legless and handless I feel sorry for them otherwise not for the rest.
2014-12-04 07:22:44 UTC
yes I do. When I see a hungry person my heart broke into pieces.
2014-12-04 06:17:25 UTC
2014-12-04 03:56:53 UTC
Whatever the situation may be I would help him. It's not necessary to look down on needy people. I'm a good catholic.
2014-12-08 03:28:23 UTC
It's sad to see homeless people out there begging. And it would be nice to be able to help them.

However you have to remeber that some of them are out there by choice, in that they're alcoholics, drug addicts, etc, or they are simply unwilling to work.

A sure-fire way you can tell if they are truly unforunate; or if they are homeless by choice, is if they ask you for money, you instead offer to buy them a meal, and they have some sort of excuse why they cannot accept.

Another way you can get a clue as to what they're like with money, is if they approach you while they're smoking a cigarette.

They say they are hungry and ask for money.

However you should ask yourself: "A pack of cigarettes can be anywhere from 5-10 dollars per pack, (depending on where you live), if they can't afford food; than how are they able to afford cigarettes?"

That is why if someone asks me for a handout, I will refuse his request, as I don't know if he is truly down on his luck, or if he's just looking for some money to either by booze or drugs.
Daemon Andrew Tsui
2014-12-07 20:56:52 UTC
2014-12-07 09:35:55 UTC
I would buy a homeless person food, but I would NOT give them money. Previously, when I have been asked for money, I say "No, I'm sorry, I can't do that. But if you want some food, I'll be happy to buy you some." Most of them say no anyway, but I put forth an effort.
2014-12-07 07:41:20 UTC
Yes, I do care about poor people. However, there are always two sides to a coin. There are a lot of stories here above which are all positive stories. Mine is of a negative one. There was a man on a high street near a town centre who used to beg for money from people. I was unfortunately a victim of his flattering because I felt it was a duty of a person to help somebody during their tough times, and I donated monthly to many different charities operating in poor countries in Africa as well as helping elderly people to get suitable private transport to get to homes. So for me it was a matter of innocence, I literally felt really sorry for him. I did weekly shop in the shopping centre as the nearest supermarket was there. So it was really frequent to see him there everyday. He stayed there for at least 1 week, taking money from countless people. Then, next week, there was a message from the police on the local website, a picture of the man, who was taking money from people when he already owned a villa and god knows what else, he was a fraudster. All I can say is, I've kind of lost trust in who to give money to, but other than that, I'd surely give money to a person who is in need of it, because you never know if you end up in their shoes one day, and out of compassion for such a person, yes, I'd do it.
2014-12-06 23:42:10 UTC
Tell him to get a job and gett his dirty butt out of my face.
2014-12-06 19:22:02 UTC
yes. sometimes it's no their fault
2014-12-06 13:53:29 UTC
When I pass homeless at exit ramps and things like that and it's in a safe area I will give them money. However, I was recently mugged by 2 men so I feel very unsafe while out so if someone approached me I would likely feel very unsafe. But in a safe situation I would always help.
2014-12-06 04:16:49 UTC
2014-12-06 03:42:58 UTC
Yes I do but right now I am not capable of helping them.
2014-12-05 21:33:55 UTC
I care about poor people as much as poor people care about helping themselves and trying to better their situation.
2014-12-05 10:10:23 UTC
yes , i do
2014-12-05 07:47:16 UTC
Yes, i think their is so much more we can do to help them. well the real poor people, i see many homeless or supposed homeless people get up from a day of begging and get in a joke. But yes, it should be taken seriously, no matter, gender, race, culture or relgion. Their humans. God loves us all. And i hate it thinking about how we see people starve and that. makes me think how grateful god has given me this life, despite suffering from severe mental illness
2014-12-05 05:54:08 UTC
I think it's better to give them food anyway instead of money. They could be scammers just out for money at least if you give them food then they can't spend on drugs etc.
Aaleyah John
2014-12-05 01:51:30 UTC
Yes obviously we are human and we do have heart as well
2014-12-04 19:26:58 UTC
I gave 25 cents, I thought, to a homeless man. Turns out I actually gave him 10$. I kept searching my pocket and remembered him saying god-bless you and then walking off. He had gotten enough for a decent meal and he was off. I don't regret giving him everything I had in my pocket. He said he was hungry and I took his word for it. word of advice do the right thing even when no ones watching.
2014-12-04 16:49:27 UTC
Yes. When I'm in Boston and I see a homeless person I will give them food.
2014-12-04 09:01:07 UTC
It depends on how attractive they are.
2014-12-04 07:44:34 UTC
yes! I do I care about all people
2014-12-04 07:22:41 UTC
2014-12-03 21:40:46 UTC
If I had money ofcource, I'm usually broke but if I had enough I would definetly
2014-12-07 10:59:17 UTC
2014-12-06 19:26:54 UTC
Yes, I do! Because I am a Liberal Democrat.
2014-12-06 07:39:48 UTC
Yes, definitely.

I volunteered with our local food bank before recently moving. I organized and put away donations so that the other volunteers could find the right items when people called in needing food.
2014-12-06 01:23:17 UTC
Yes. Definitely. I feel comfort to help the poor people. As They have the right to get all the opportunity to from the High ranking Person in the society. We should do care for them.
2014-12-05 19:36:14 UTC
definitely do it.
2014-12-05 17:16:39 UTC
Yes I would
2014-12-05 15:12:07 UTC
Yes, I would.... Nobody deserves to starve to death. Even if they made a bad decision, such as falling into a drug addiction, or Alcohol addiction. I do not believe in just letting them die because they made a bad decision, which lead to a bad chain of events. Many do not believe this opinion, but that's how I feel about the subject matter.
2014-12-05 14:51:33 UTC
If I had the money at the time, yes I would buy that person(s) food.
2014-12-05 12:21:02 UTC
Yes, of course!!!!!
2014-12-05 10:27:23 UTC
The last time a homeless man asked me for money he took the money and went out and bought drugs to get "HIGH". If I am considering to help a homeless person with hunger, it would be to give him a loaf of bread.
2014-12-05 06:55:18 UTC
lol no
2014-12-04 17:46:51 UTC
At this time, No I wouldn't, I have to look after myself. Why should I buy a homeless person food when I can't even feed myself.

It's really hard to find a genuine homeless person, but they always say, I've had to borrow my mates clothes/showers ect, but they have no money for "food".

They have somewhere to stay and food to eat, they just choose to beg for money, I've gave people that genuinely look homeless some money and I've caught two of them buy alcohol.

They don't need money, they need a pep talk and to do something about it.
2014-12-04 16:50:50 UTC
I have.
2014-12-04 16:03:51 UTC
It seems that if your answer is no, then money might be all you do care about? I do care about people regardless of their financial situation.
2014-12-04 15:30:32 UTC
do it
2014-12-04 15:26:25 UTC
I can and I have. Several times. Homelessness is actually one of the causes that is very dear to my heart.
2014-12-04 13:25:43 UTC
2014-12-04 07:50:26 UTC
In most cities in my messed up state of Florida, you can be arrested for giving food to homeless people. It's a $500 fine and up to 60 days in jail. You can't even give a bag of chips away. But then, this is the conservative "Bible Belt" - how ironic. Obviously they don't practice what they preach;
2014-12-04 06:38:46 UTC
Yes, if I had the money then I would feed them, and even try to find them a place to stay, before I gave them money.
2014-12-03 20:04:42 UTC
Certainly, I've been there, and I've given money, but I prefer to give to charities that I KNOW use the money to really help the poor.
2014-12-08 17:24:50 UTC
if they asked for food I would, if they ask for money I would not. You should always try to help others, but you must think of yourself, for example if you did not have any money and you were struggling just to get by, I think it would be okay not to give food to the poor, but if you have so much money and you won't even glance their way, I think you are selfish.
2014-12-07 13:41:15 UTC
I would buy them some food. I do not want to handle someone some of my money in order for them to fool around with it. Buying someone food who is hungry is another story!
2014-12-07 08:23:08 UTC
yES :)
2014-12-07 03:27:49 UTC
Yes of course. I will definitely buy him a food as buying a food for hungry people is a most blessing job in the world.
2014-12-06 18:24:03 UTC
It's a much complicated question.

Do I care that being homeless is a possibility? Yes.

Do I care that so many working people can't afford to feed their families adequately? Yes.

Do I care that many people who become homeless cannot find work because of their current sanitary condition, because they lack communications necessary for many jobs (a regular telephone number), and because of their, often, neglible history that they are ready to ascend from? Yes.

But do I care about people who plead for change from me the streets? When I don't know why their homeless? When I don't know if they're even trying to acquire work? When I don't know if they're even interested in anything other than booze and drugs? No.

I grew up in the suburbs, and when I was older worked in NYC for a while. I learned quickly about the variety present in homeless people. I also learned about how much they'll lie about themselves and their interests.

The truth is that what needs to be done to prevent something like homelessness is an understanding, and abolishment, of the present economic system. This is Marxism, sure, but it's certainly where I stand, even as someone who will no longer dump the lingering bills and change in his pocket into a hurting person's hands. The issue at hand is not one we see in the eyes of the every homeless, but in the structure of our every being. It is not we, individuals, who are responsible for other individuals; it is our agreed upon system, our government, that should take care of the individual.

Of course, there is no government in the world that does this besides Finland. The homeless there are almost 98% alcoholics, addicts, or some other self-inflicted destructive. The only reason they are homeless (98%) is because they choose to pursue horrible and degenerate life-styles.

So this works--- although I'm certainly of the more radical sort. Either way; change in the socio-economic environment is what's most important in how we assess whether or not we care about the homeless, about the abused, about the exploited, and the poor.
2014-12-06 14:03:14 UTC
2014-12-06 05:39:36 UTC
Yes I would or I would give them food if I had some
2014-12-06 05:36:34 UTC
I care because they are also people like me, but sometimes you can't do anything and that is the bad part
2014-12-05 20:46:50 UTC
Yes, we care enough to try to get them out of being poor instead of trying to keep them at subsistence.
2014-12-05 19:44:57 UTC
OF COURSE I WOULD. Poor people don't have the same oppurtunities we do today. We should give them all we have, so they can have these oppurtunities we have! Just imagine if you don't have the supply of water, food, shelter, clothes, etc. AND you can easily get sick. If you're homeless, where's your doctor to provide you medicine? You need someone to be there for you. And that is me! I would love to donate, and give them some supplies so they can stay healthy. Being homeless is the worst thing imagined! We need to help all citizens and all the people. CARE ABOUT THE POOR PEOPLE, BECAUSE THEY NEED US!



(No Source used )
liz m
2014-12-05 11:37:18 UTC
I would much rather give food than money, I've been a chef for 12 years and we always have leftovers
2014-12-05 07:27:44 UTC
I would buy him or her food. But I would never give them money because some have addictions and they may spend the money on that.
2014-12-05 07:11:02 UTC
·.·★ ¢σσℓ νєиυѕ ★·.·
2014-12-05 01:42:08 UTC
Alwayz. I do care & feed them whenever possible. But most of the time I don't wait for them to ask / beg instead I myself offer food & water.
Khalid Masud Sayasobe
2014-12-05 01:10:00 UTC
2014-12-04 23:43:35 UTC
That I do, I give a dollar everytime. Why not?
Walking Corpse
2014-12-04 17:47:11 UTC
I care about responsible poor people making sacrifices to uplift and improve themselves honestly making something of themselves no matter what profession or employment they fill rather than those who rot in inactivity, moochery (take advantage, swindle, rackets, extort, and steal from people), and irresponsibility producing new generation that will repeat the cycle of decline that they can not support out of their own sacrifice or self reliance because they have no understanding of the concept.
2014-12-04 07:33:33 UTC
Afroz Siddiqui
2014-12-04 00:57:19 UTC
Yes, I do.
2014-12-03 21:59:10 UTC
No unless he was willing to work for it.
2014-12-08 08:37:15 UTC
2014-12-07 19:00:16 UTC
I would, it's just that whenever that happens I don't have any cash on me.
2014-12-07 08:59:17 UTC
Yes.We must think about poor people.It is very kind of thing.
2014-12-07 04:29:59 UTC
Yes, but that`s because I was taught to help poor people, and the experience of making someone happy and the feeling you get is totally worth it. So sure, I love to make people smile.:)
2014-12-06 19:53:40 UTC
Buy them food. Never give the money.
2014-12-06 13:31:47 UTC
I do care about poor people and feel upset when I see a homeless person in the cold. I have given money before or a bit of food but generally I try not to worry too much about this sort of thing and to focus on my own problems. What would be ideal would be to get myself into a position in life where I can give a decent amount of money to legitimate charities rather than a stranger on the street... for now I will continue giving food and change now and then. :)
2014-12-06 11:44:52 UTC
not only buy his food but also give him the job, that he capable to do
2014-12-06 09:05:48 UTC
This is kind of a loaded question. Yes, I care about poor people. We have a lot of street people where I work, as the Salvation Army is just down the street. However, most people ask for money, not food. When I have offered to get them a meal at McDonalds, also down the street, I have been flatly refused. I used to keep a 5 in my pocket when walking for giving instead of getting out my wallet and having them look what I had, and have been told several times that it wasn't enough. I have had people get aggressive with me after giving to try to get more. That is kind of scary, as you don't know how some will react. I now avoid these people politely and donate food and money to the Salvation Army. They always have many there in need and can better help the poor better than I alone can.
2014-12-06 04:36:35 UTC
Yes I would, now don't get me wrong when people have come collecting for charity when I've had a bad week business wise I've got pissed off more than once, but I've gave a homeless woman some pizza and money and cigarettes before and had a deep chat with her once when I was feeling a little low myself, a certain friend has literally no money at the moment, is homeless, addicted to drugs and owes bad people a lot of money, I've literally fought for him and after making them back down paid off some of his debt, I don't care if you are a millionaire or homeless with no money if I like you I like you if not then you can get ******, btw I've been homeless before, it ain't exactly pretty, I nearly died of pneumonia.
2014-12-05 19:21:55 UTC
It depends on how serious of a situation he is in.
2014-12-05 19:11:53 UTC
2014-12-05 18:20:45 UTC
Have done it on many occasions for those begging on street corners. Also serve dinner at shelters for Christmas and give to charities that feed the hungry during to holidays.
2014-12-05 18:00:46 UTC
Yes I do.
2014-12-05 15:26:18 UTC
Yes, of course! They are people, too, and need good homes! :(
2014-12-05 12:39:10 UTC
2014-12-05 10:26:12 UTC
Yes, I care.

Yes, I'd buy him food. I've done that before, and will again.

Did it just the other day as a matter of fact.
Bad Speller
2014-12-04 21:08:27 UTC
Yes I do care abut pour people. I was ones very pour and axially starve to depth in Greece in the second war .I know the pain of bee a hungered is a miracle how I survive. I had two anomies the bombs coming down like a rain and my belling very empty with no food in side at all ,perhaps eat one or 2 figs a week if I was lucky, the trees had no more lives or a bark on trees’ everything have been eating by people even the leather from you shoos if you had a old pear, absolutely no crosses of any type, all people was skeletons and dead all over the side walks. I know the filing very well and to day I am wealthy and I helping a lot of people , and I love of doing so. My ayes are with tear each time I hear some one is hungered
2014-12-04 20:25:14 UTC
I'll buy him food if he works for it. I worked for my food, he's gotta work for his. Especially if I'm buying it. I don't know where you live, but nobody in the U.S. is really homeless. Poor, yes. And I would help any poor person as long as I had seen proof that they were already trying to provide for themselves. But homeless? We have to many programs that anybodt could really get on.

If he wants my money he's gotta earn it.
2014-12-04 13:49:17 UTC
Yes, I care about poor people.

Yes, I do give, and have given, money to poor people.

"For I was hungry, and you gave me food. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink."
2014-12-04 05:21:02 UTC
yes and feel very sad because i can't do anything for them
Bob Dylan
2014-12-08 08:30:04 UTC
Depends on my mood
2014-12-07 22:19:51 UTC
actually i help alot those kind of people because, i was poor one day and human should not forget his or her past events that he or she faced... thats why i feel of them when i face them .. and i believe that god will help u more and more if help poor one ... but some time u should not help them because unfortunately they use the money that they earned in bad way like for drugs and drinks alot , but it depends.
Gaia’s Garden
2014-12-07 07:15:06 UTC
We have some undeveloped family land that a group of homeless people are camping on. We've taken hem blankets, a charcoal grill and sometimes some food, and even the police they had permission to camp there as long as they buried their trash.
2014-12-07 04:28:34 UTC
2014-12-06 21:40:42 UTC
Kari S
2014-12-06 20:26:30 UTC
I would much rather him to ask me to get him food than for money!
2014-12-06 15:30:34 UTC
2014-12-06 05:51:09 UTC
Depends if I have money on me at the time of encounter.
2014-12-05 17:43:27 UTC
Nah cauze mostly they need crack, not food. They can get food from the shelters.
2014-12-05 12:30:06 UTC
I do care about them, especially now that it's getting cold. I walk past the same homeless man every morning and feel awful not giving anything to him but how do I know it isn't just going to fund some kind of drug habit?
2014-12-05 11:09:17 UTC
I would
2014-12-05 06:29:53 UTC
Yes, to a real needy. Cus I offered to take him to the nearby Timothy Horton and he declined.
Parrill Apple
2014-12-05 01:34:49 UTC
I've noticed that many people who are asking for food are actually qualifying suckers. Once you give them something small, they know you are kind hearted and then they will ask for bigger favors and take advantage of your kind nature. Of course I care about the needy, but I have learned to recognize the difference between the truly needy and the get-by kings.

The get-by kings are always in need of a handout. Give a man a fish and he knows who to ask for a meal. Those who get stuck and need a little help out of the pit, aren't going to ask for just a little. They're the ones saying "if I had a car I could get to work and then I'd be able to pay you back. They don't want to get a free meal. They want what they need to support themselves. If you truly care, go all in. Don't give just enough for them to have to ask for another meal the next day. Give them what they need to be independent. If you can't spare a car, then you are one car away from being poor yourself.
2014-12-05 01:30:52 UTC
I do care about poor people not by purchasing something from somebody but by understanding them the reality of human and the mother earth.
2014-12-04 22:48:13 UTC
Yea, I care. One day, I want to get a job with high pay so that I can hand out a lot of money to the homeless, maybe a couple of hundred dollar bills to lucky ones on holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving. I'll hand out gifts too. I don't really care what they do to the money; it's theirs. Of course, I don't really like the idea of giving the homeless money so that they can buy drugs or whatnot, but hey, I gave the money to them, so they can do whatever they want. Maybe they need the money to buy other necessities, like clothes or house supplies, etc.
2014-12-04 21:12:14 UTC
depends on what kind
2014-12-04 18:15:40 UTC
2014-12-04 14:55:59 UTC
Of course I care. If I see a homeless person (and I'm near home) I will go home and heat up some dinner from the night before. How long have they had a hot dinner? I will include bottle water and a piece of fruit. Sometimes, it is a ham sandwich and a bag of chips. But I won't pass by a hungry person without trying to feed the need.
2014-12-04 08:59:28 UTC
Oh how the liberals care, and they will be quick to tell you that they care, especially if "caring" involves the use of someone else's money, but the don't seem to care it that money actually does what it is supposed to.

The CBO estimates that if we could remove all the fraud and ineffectiveness from the welfare programs we could triple the amount that goes to each recipient without raising taxes one cent.

The kicker is that once liberals have shown that they "care" they feel they have done their part and what happens later is no longer their responsibility. Crazy statement? No! When is the last time you heard a liberal say anything about reducing fraud and waste from entitlement programs? The answer is you haven't..... not once..... not ever..... it is always, "more, more, more."
Hin Long
2014-12-03 16:32:30 UTC
I would give him a dollar like I always do
2014-12-08 08:03:19 UTC
I guess I don't. I wouldn't give money to them, maybe some penny's only. I live with my mom and my sister. Dad is in Africa, he went there around 7 months ago for money. Coming home for good before chrismass. My mom doesnt have spare money. She is in around -400k for the bank becouse we can't live on it. I try to eat less, but I'm big and tall, I can't take not eating more then avarage. So I wouldnt give them money, I would give it to my mom.
2014-12-07 22:10:01 UTC
Yes i care, and if i had it i would.
2014-12-07 09:33:21 UTC
Yes, I would. Everyone deserves to have food, clothing and a roof over their heads. :)
2014-12-06 15:07:37 UTC
it depends on alot of things
Michael S
2014-12-06 12:09:43 UTC
no. I cannot become rich if I give all my money away. That person is not likely to return my money in the future.
2014-12-06 08:53:04 UTC
I do,and if someone ask me some food i'll accept and give it but i need to feed myself too even tought im not selfish some people dont have enough for them so they cant give to strangers.Poor or not
2014-12-06 07:39:05 UTC
Yes, it is the duty all human being to help the distressed.
2014-12-06 05:59:25 UTC
It depends on the people. If he deserve to be served that way yes.
2014-12-06 01:48:04 UTC
Yes, I would. And I have.
2014-12-05 15:36:35 UTC
i do theres a homeless man who i pass on way to and from school once i talked to him about his dog and sometimes a bring him food since winters starting i got him a wool hat yesterday he was really happy with it
2014-12-05 10:26:04 UTC
Yes in general I do, but keep in mind, there are good and bad in every aspect of life, the concept of Yin and Yang. Many people are poor simply because of a job loss or just natural bad luck which is understandable and those individuals shouldn't be judged or condemned heavily. Not everyone is born with a natural talent or skill and many individuals aren't as quick at acquiring new skills as others. However, you do have those that are poor because of poor decisions that they made in life (ei..drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc.) Although it is sad in some cases (ei. PTSD) to see some people in those predicaments, the majority of those guys are not to be felt sorry for because given the chance for redemption, they would do it all over again in a matter of time. I know that everyone makes mistakes and the ones that acknowledges that it was their own doings that got them there are to be helped if possible, but the ones that play the victim card are the one's that I really have no sympathy for. The poor that blames everyone else (ei. their parents, kids, job, race, gender etc.) are the ones that are the true con artists and should be watched carefully. Think about it, there are children in Africa that are poor with nothing to eat and are helpless to their condition because of the state of their surroundings, why should I feel sorry for someone here in America that has more of an opportunity and if they fail at capitalizing on it, their only response is "Well it's not my fault." That being said, whatever the situation that caused them to get there, if they were merely asking for food, I would buy it for them with no hesitation however; if the person was a known alcoholic and asked for $5 then I would only offer to buy that amount in food and if they refuse then I won't buy them anything.
2014-12-05 06:06:10 UTC
I do. I don't have a job and no income but I'm still kinda young and I think the only difference between homeless people and me is just that my parents still help me! I gathered up what money I had and bought a gift card to give to the homeless man that was at the corner. I wanted to buy him food but I didn't want to get him something he didn't like (what if hes a vegetarian?) and I didn't want to invite him into my car cause you never know.. but anyway so I decided to get him a gift card at a restaurant so he could order what he wants. That way, he is sitting down where its not cold and could use it again if he wanted to and I don't have to worry about him using it on alcohol or something else. I always want to give but I myself don't have much to give.
2014-12-05 04:00:32 UTC
It depends. In Holland, nobody is truly homeless or on the streets on their own, thus most beggers here just ask money for drugs and/or alcohol. There is a very small group of illegal immigrants that somehow are able to sneak past immigration and they deserve all the help they need in my opinion. Some of them are illegal, but are in awaiting for a yes or a no by our government, it can take up to 4 years for their final answer and also they deserve some money they are begging for.
2014-12-04 19:08:46 UTC
Yes but don't do it directly, give him maybe 20 bucks and say "i hope this helps" never go in somewhere sand just buy him something some people are so desperate for money they start to jump people and rob them just to earn a quick buck. good luck
Vikingo Viejo
2014-12-04 18:55:10 UTC
I olwes du bat neber money i bay dem tacos or tortas bat ai sey no,no,no money $$$$$$$$
2014-12-04 18:44:54 UTC
YES I care about poor people. whenever I see someone who is homeless, I go to a fast food place, pick up a few things off the dollar menu and bring it back them. then I KNOW they will eat, and fast food has tons of fat and calories since who knows when they will eat again. also, they wont have to go get the food (people don't realize that they have to find a way to go get the food) I almost never give out cash. but if I don't have much time, I will give them a few dollars.

I do this because I am a truly selfish person. I love to see the smile on someones face, the gratitude, I love feeling good about myself and helping another person. yep, I am a selfish b and I don't care! deal with it
2014-12-04 15:58:27 UTC
If you stop and think about it poor people are poor for a reason either they lack education or initiative. I give directions to the nearest soup kitchen for free.
2014-12-04 01:53:48 UTC
How could you not ? unless, you did not have enough money to buy food for some one else.
2014-12-04 18:14:38 UTC
Yes I most definately would and have.I have been there and its a awful thing to be cold and hungry!plus our lord tells us to help those with less.
Ayisat Quadri
2014-12-04 02:29:06 UTC
i care so much for the poor and i wish to be successful so as to help the needy
Jhinuk Das
2014-12-05 09:46:44 UTC
As a human being its our duty to take care of the poor.
2014-12-10 11:07:09 UTC
Depends how much they care about themselves
2014-12-03 20:06:12 UTC
If a poor people ask you give me million dollars ,would you give ?
2014-12-09 23:31:14 UTC
ta p
2014-12-04 21:04:30 UTC
I would not give them the money but take them to a place to eat
2014-12-09 23:24:28 UTC
if he is really poor, I would like to buy him food.
2014-12-03 14:21:21 UTC
I've done it, but I won't give money.
2014-12-05 02:35:42 UTC
Yes I would
2014-12-04 05:58:24 UTC
2014-12-07 18:42:05 UTC
It depends on whether I have the money to buy it for him.
2014-12-03 21:35:02 UTC
Have bought meals for several people.
2014-12-04 02:32:42 UTC
2014-12-10 01:38:49 UTC
I would but not all the time....I try to be charitable but I don't always have money myself
2014-12-05 16:48:59 UTC
Yes very much so!
2014-12-10 07:38:49 UTC
I wouldnt buy for him anything if such a man is homeless,i would also leave my house and rest stay homeless.,>,.>
2014-12-04 15:52:03 UTC
2014-12-10 13:10:32 UTC
i honestly dont know because some people make signs just to get more money.
2014-12-09 09:27:01 UTC
I would buy them something because if we were in their situation we would want them to do the same for us.
steven w
2014-12-03 19:40:58 UTC
no. it's my money and i earned it. i already give my money to the government through taxes.
2014-12-09 09:12:09 UTC
of course.. because of it's a kind of duty for our huminity
2014-12-03 15:50:06 UTC
no I may give him food but no smokes or cash
2014-12-05 07:15:49 UTC
they don't ask but I have. better than giving cash
2014-12-04 04:25:23 UTC
If I were able to do so, I would not hesitate. One never knows what lies ahead.
credo quia est absurdum
2014-12-04 08:16:14 UTC
I have done that on several occasions. Some of those folks appreciated the meal and others were just wanting to collect cash.
2014-12-08 13:34:08 UTC
2014-12-04 08:26:18 UTC
Yes, If I could afford it.
2014-12-04 18:40:48 UTC
Yes, especially if they are disabled or veterans.
2014-12-09 09:50:07 UTC
yes. we must help the poor cause they are helpless.
2014-12-04 06:13:12 UTC
I always hook um up if i have cash or change on me
Md. Zahid
2014-12-05 11:18:49 UTC
Ofcourse, I do care.
2014-12-04 12:06:13 UTC
Of course I would.
2014-12-04 23:09:57 UTC
Weary..So many of them have tons of money on the down low....
2014-12-03 14:19:56 UTC
Richard RIGHT
2014-12-03 14:24:55 UTC
Food, no.
2014-12-03 14:48:37 UTC
I have before and I will again.
2014-12-04 10:45:02 UTC
I would absolutely if I had the money.
2014-12-09 17:53:25 UTC
most definitely !

Does your heart good !
2014-12-03 21:54:58 UTC
Yes, I always donate and guide them. :)
2014-12-10 19:13:28 UTC
case by case
2014-12-04 00:46:35 UTC
Not really
2014-12-15 09:21:35 UTC
I will of course!
2014-12-05 04:20:52 UTC
yes, i do care!
2014-12-05 04:11:24 UTC
ofcourse i care.
2014-12-04 01:30:09 UTC
2014-12-05 02:23:13 UTC
2014-12-04 05:51:43 UTC
sameer melhem
2014-12-06 03:32:12 UTC
2014-12-05 08:06:59 UTC
Obviously, I will do it.
2014-12-04 10:35:40 UTC
Yea, I do it
2014-12-10 13:07:52 UTC
2014-12-09 21:05:34 UTC
if i had the $
2014-12-04 04:19:22 UTC
I think so...
2014-12-05 18:50:08 UTC
2014-12-03 22:35:14 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.