How popular do you think Obama is?
Jeremiah Johnson 7
2010-07-15 18:34:44 UTC
How popular do you think Obama is?
Twenty answers:
Smith J
2010-07-15 18:43:28 UTC
Not very popular in right wing fantasy world - but then nobody expected the people who make money off of zealots to support the President of the U.S.
2010-07-16 06:57:08 UTC
The last poll I read about on this, 60% of the people are disappointed with him now, but I don't know whether that guarantees he would lose in 2012. That's too far away---he is destroyed the nation not only economically, but he trying to force Christianity out with the help of the ACLU. Most non-believers would go along with this just because their spiritual eyes are not open and they listen to the devil. The devil feeds them lies constantly---we need more Christians in this country, especially those in leadership!!! I'm hoping for an impeachment before he has the Constitution totally shredded. He is not going by the will of the people at all----only by his own standards. He's acting like a dictator. He's trying to destroy democracy. I am appalled at what he is doing, and ashamed of the people who voted for him.
2010-07-16 01:43:07 UTC
According to the latest polls,about 43% still approve of the job he is doing.Must be the dumbest humans alive,that much is certain.He's a failure at EVERY level as far as I can see.

2010-07-16 01:42:06 UTC
More than fox news portrays him to be. As of today (according to Gallup with a margin of error of 3 percentage points) 44 percent of Americans approve and 48 percent disapprove.
2010-07-16 01:42:34 UTC
About as popular as the rancid stench of body odor,

why do you think his name is B.O.
freedom watch
2010-07-16 01:38:00 UTC
I would say as popular as Carter was.
2010-07-16 01:42:48 UTC
He's as popular as a fart in a crowded elevator.
Joan Of Arc
2010-07-16 01:36:35 UTC
Hes more of a star then a President,and i am democratic,i think hes just popular cause hes black,if a white democratic would have one,they wouldent have one teeshirt in wal-mart.
2010-07-16 01:37:37 UTC
About as popular as navel doesn't bother you much until you actually see it, then you scrape it out and toss it away.
2010-07-16 01:41:02 UTC
In his mind or in the public?
Tim's Wife
2010-07-16 01:40:36 UTC
He is very popular with me.
One Fine Looking Pussy
2010-07-16 01:37:06 UTC
Way too popular. He is sending 30,000 troops into a unwinnable war in Afghanistan. I say screw him and screw all the other liar politicians and implement a direct democracy where the people have a choice.
2010-07-16 01:38:34 UTC
right now they are on a low point but I expect that he'll regain popularity in a year or so.

I'm still an avid supporter of his.
2010-07-16 01:37:15 UTC
I like him, we will see in 2012 in the Elections. I think he is more popular than people think. I think the racist element and hard core neo cons hate him, but the average person likes him, they just hate the failing congress and the activist supreme court ideologues.
scott b
2010-07-16 01:35:41 UTC
I don't really CARE how popular he is. Just that he does a good job.
2010-07-16 01:39:35 UTC
i am proud to call him my president. he is the best one we've had since president clinton, another fine man that truly cared about the people, not the corporations
Irish Bulldog
2010-07-16 01:39:36 UTC
the little black muslim emperor - SUX
2010-07-16 01:36:00 UTC
not very
2010-07-16 01:35:36 UTC
He's the Bee's Knees.
I Broke Bad
2010-07-16 01:35:32 UTC
I like him.

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