Why has Trump failed so badly with his coronavirus response?
2020-09-01 15:38:44 UTC
He could have saved tens of thousands like Trudeau did.
213 answers:
2020-09-04 18:15:24 UTC
I'm wondering the same thing
Bobby Jim
2020-09-03 03:18:07 UTC
Who says Trump failed? It seems the Governors failed to prepare their States for this pandemic, which they were told of in 2017. Trump was at least ahead of the curve, acknowledging Fauci's warning that a pandemic would strike in 2020. Fauci and his partners hold the patent on the virus, and all its treatments and vaccines. He stands to make millions from the virus. It is beyond the scope of the Federal Government's responsibility to "handle" an artificially manipulated virus like this one. Blame the Governors, like Andrew Cuomo, for their failure to follow Trump's example of closing down THEIR airports to foreign travelers from infected countries. 
2020-09-02 20:45:30 UTC
Because he couldn't get that moron that hides in his basement bunker advise on how to do it !
2020-09-02 13:35:34 UTC
Yahoo is promoting this question, looks like their liberal bias is showing again. It's like why they stopped comments on the news articles, to stop fake news being called out.
2020-09-02 11:09:25 UTC
He probably underestimated the Corona virus threat at first.
2020-09-02 09:11:13 UTC
He didn't. The democrat mayors and governors did in order to falsely blame Trump. We are a union of states, there is only so much the federal government can do. Trump was ahead of the game at the federal level.
2020-09-02 06:36:47 UTC
He did not fail. All he did was refuse to pass Draconian measures like forced mask wearing and quarantine etcetera , It was the governors and majors who did that. If not introducing socialism and communism is failing then i guess He did fail. But he succeeded in maintaining liberty. Stop Watching CNN, Fox News. and the like
2020-09-02 01:42:28 UTC
 A son of a Billionaire that only keep losing his dad money with plenty of bad business that keeps making business going bankrupt like Trump as already accomplish with America, a chaos enabler who cant solve real problems declaring bankruptcy not stop any virus

But you don't need to belive me In 2004 Donald Trump the majority of Republicans say: Yell loud criticism of former President Obama back in 2014 when there was an Ebola outbreak, in which they stated that Obama expressed failed leadership based on a total of 11 confirmed cases and of 2 deaths in 2014 Ebola. Now we got 6.08 Million confirmed cases and 184,000 deaths under Trump leadership...
darrin b
2020-09-01 16:12:04 UTC
He has no idea what to do.  Did you really think that a reality TV show host could handle a crisis in this country?
2020-09-01 15:40:02 UTC
says your perfect 20/20 hindsight ...........................


TRUMP 2020 !! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
2020-09-04 21:15:32 UTC
Funny how Trump gets blamed for apparently responding poorly to the Kung Flu "crisis," yet Dems and the leftist media have ignored and even encouraged "protesters" to openly defy social distancing. And BTW, a recent study revealed that of ALL the Americans to die of COVID-19, only 10,000 of them actually died directly due to the virus. The vast majority of those that died already had health issues, no different than someone with several comorbidities getting the flu. This PLANDEMIC was manufactured by the elites, and fools like OP keep falling for it.
Amilcare S
2020-09-04 17:57:29 UTC
He got rid of the pandemic response team for no apparent reason. Then when he saw the cases start to pile up he did not reinstate them still. If he had let things were from the previous administration and listen to the professionals this could have been under control. He could have even taken credit for implement the response team before he was administration.  
2020-09-04 05:41:05 UTC
He didn't.  He let the states handle this crisis
Coca Mocha Loca
2020-09-04 04:09:15 UTC
Because that's what Nazis do
Sandra S.
2020-09-03 20:28:14 UTC
Instead of passing blame, it's best if the President and the Governors work together. One cannot truly succeed without the others cooperation. The fact is: the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, included in the original Bill of Rights, states that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”  Therefore the states are independent entities within our system of federalism, the federal government “cannot coerce the states into taking actions to suit federal policy preference.”

As the federal government responded haltingly to the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, governors across the country stepped forward to set policies for their states’ schools, businesses, and medical facilities. Many turned out to be credible and effective communicators as well, explaining the challenges they face and providing much-needed clarity for a confused and anxious citizenry. The day-to-day contrast between the leadership of governors, from mentioned Andrew Cuomo of New York, a Democrat, to Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio, a Republican, has not been lost on the public. In a recent Monmouth poll while 50% think President Trump is doing a good job handling the crisis, substantially more voters, 72%, think their governor is doing a good job. 

If Trump thinks he can move to center stage by ending the crisis before the science says he should, he will find it difficult to do so. No federal statute gives the president the authority to override state decisions. Nor does he possess this inherent authority under Article II of the Constitution. Nor do any other provisions of the Constitution (such as the interstate commerce clause) confer this power on him. If governors choose to disregard his call to reopen their states, their decisions will be final, and the President Trump will have to live with them.

Still, there are powers that only the federal government can exercise. As we have seen, the president can restrict international travel, harden the borders, and invoke national emergency powers such as the Defense Production Act. Without federal leadership, the states will have hard time coordinating their policies on the many aspects of the current pandemic that cross state lines.

The federal government is also the only entity that can address medical supply issues that have already begun to generate a zero-sum competition among the states. It does no good to tell Governors to procure ventilators and respirator masks on their own if not enough are available to meet his needs, let alone national needs. The president can and should lead a national mobilization of businesses and engineers to improvise solutions to the looming shortage of life-saving equipment. As he eventually did.

Achieving effective coordination within the federal government, and between the federal government and the states, may be the toughest job of all. A mass-contagion simulation performed last year by the Department of Health and Human Services was the latest to reveal that the federal government would be unprepared and uncoordinated in responding to the kind of crisis that now threatens to overwhelm us. As far as we know, neither executive departments and agencies nor the legislative branch undertook the necessary reforms. The price we paid for this neglect will be measured in time squandered and lives lost.

Federalism is perhaps the most basic structure of our constitutional order. In the aftermath of the national tragedy that is unfolding, we must searchingly reexamine how this system performed under pressure and what we must change to do better next time.

The countries that have done the best to fight the current pandemic learned lessons from past failures and responded with new organizations and policies. There is no reason whatever to believe that this is the last pandemic that will hit us. We can start by taking a simple and inexpensive step: recreating the unit within the National Security Council that was responsible for planning for pandemics that was disbanded in 2018. With such an organization there will be civil servants who know, from day one, the steps that a president needs to take.

If we fail to undertake the necessary reforms between now and the next one, we will have no one except ourselves to blame for the consequences.
2020-09-03 03:45:43 UTC
He's only one man and is not a dictator. He can't unilaterally lock everyone down because every state has their own constitution. The virus really got out of hand in New York and California, both of which are liberal states, ran by liberal governors.

Are you aware that Governor Cumo put people with the virus into nursing homes? This action has led to the death of hundreds of people in New York alone and he is directly responsible for that. If Trump had done something so sinister he would without a doubt be facing criminal charges. Unfortunately, Trump is only the President, and the President is not all powerful as you seem to believe.

When Trump tried to stop unnecessary travel to the U.S. from China and other countries where the virus was breaking out, liberal Judges blocked him, and millions of people with the virus came in and out of the country as they pleased.

What would you have Trump do differently? I saw a "political commentator" on television suggest that Trump allow people to buy test kits for themselves, but these test kits give an astonishingly high false positive, making them a waste of money. I bet that "political commentator" has money invested in those test kits.

So what is the solution?
2020-09-03 00:32:23 UTC
That is is because if he did too much liberal would call him a dictator and say let the gov tell us what to do. What liberal don't understand the is really the governors that run the states not the Presidents . The governors  know what is best per state. AND THE CDC and Fauci over reacted like all liberals do.... 
2020-09-02 23:14:40 UTC
He is not a Doctor and has followed Dr Fauccis recommendations.
2020-09-02 21:39:08 UTC
'Who said he had? Americans think that they have rights not to abide by the rules to curb the virus, tell it to the virus. I think you should be arrested for attempted manslauter
2020-09-02 20:12:13 UTC
I'll tell you why. Because Trump and his administration has failed us miserably. And people like myself in the State of CT USA will vote for Biden and Harris. 
2020-09-02 19:47:48 UTC
It isn't the government's job to stop the existence of microorganisms.
ignaz A
2020-09-02 19:45:34 UTC Does trump tolerarate islam?
2020-09-02 16:09:59 UTC
You can't compare the two countries. Canada has 30 cities with a population of 100k or more. The US has 317. The next 70 in Canada range from 99k down to 23k.  The US has 1,207 cities/towns with a population of 25k to 99k.  Canada has 37.8 million people, the US has 331.3 million.

With that kind of population density, NO single person could stop the spread without imposing a kind of clampdown that is completely foreign to the concept of freedom Americans understand. You see the reaction to what clampdown there has been. If Trump had ordered done in the early hotspots, New York, Seattle, New Orleans and a few others, anything like what China did in tell us what the reaction would have been.
Chi girl
2020-09-02 16:06:31 UTC
Because his only interest is in self-aggrandizement.
2020-09-02 15:18:29 UTC
Because Trump doesn't care about Americans, and because he's too busy golfing.
Stop This Chaos
2020-09-02 13:57:58 UTC
MAGA is the short answer.  Go it alone and ignore information available throughout the world, think we are something above learning from others and not accepting help when offered (WHO offered testing and was turned down by Trump)
2020-09-02 13:36:50 UTC
The cdc reported most deaths had another underlying condition. He was also misinformed
2020-09-02 12:49:57 UTC
He may have failed badly but Biden has to do more to reach voters. Because his lead is dwindling and Trump can still win.
2020-09-02 04:36:07 UTC
He has not. Canada's cities are smaller, the country itself is smaller, they have much less ethnic diversity (its nit a racism thing its just that this virus burned through certain ethnicities harder than other due to what I assume is genetic pre-disposition). So thats an all around bad comparison. Secondly he took many actions when this was all starting that he was criticized for by world leaders and US politicians alike. These actions very likely reduced the spread by millions. Remember when the minimum death toll estimate were 2 million. Well were not even close and its because of trumps actions. When this virus was in its original form it was extremely potent and deadly which is why people died. Another thing that didn't help us was the fact that we have a system of federalism and idiot governors like Andrew coumo were able to screw their populations hard. Coumo over and over said trump did everything that was asked of him for NY and yet that moron managed to bring us (NYers) to our knees. We have a higher death toll than most other countries. Truthfully it was democrats trying to act like Trump was only in it to sieze power and ignoring the virus that caused it to spread so badly. Had they all gotten on boarded when he did itd be a different world. 

Lastly Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself. 
2020-09-02 04:00:09 UTC
He is not the first President to underfund disaster relief then regret it and have to go to Congress for more money when a disaster (like Covid) occurs.
2020-09-05 17:12:13 UTC
cdc amends downward total of covid deaths,,9,000 and some,you people are as dense as blindfolded missouri mules in a snowstorm

get your noses offa the damn device carry around tiny keyboard,park the dog,,find out what reality is anons  hehehehehah,goofs trump imposed travel ban on china from early feb getgo,your clown newscookers at CNN screamed racism,,pelosi thought it so important to social isolate she held a rally for sanfran chinks crowds,,no masks seen anywhere,

she locks down a million small shops like nail parlors to get her tresses done up,the broad  3d in line to man the nuclear codes gets suckered by a salon owner,,idiots
2020-09-05 04:39:16 UTC
Tom Barrett and Tony Evers closed down Wisconsin.

I've seen SO MANY Restaurants which have been family owned since I was/before born close down.

40 years means nothing to Evers.

Trump didn't close these businesses, my Democratic Governor did.

Trump DID create money to try and fix the shutdown caused by the Dems, but only so much he can do when ALL are against him.

Seriously, China lied about their knowledge of the virus, the world health organization down graded the virus, then they told everyone.

China is to BLAME!!!!

Wet Markets.

If you want America to look like China, vote for Biden, cause he will not be for long, he is showing signs of dementia and Kamala will be in control, she's a Socialist.

Senator from a state with Rolling Blackouts, haha.

Yeah, she can fix anything.
2020-09-05 01:25:10 UTC
Trudeau didn't save ONE life. ACTUAL data shows there haven't even been 'tens of thousands' of deaths from Covid-19. 94% of deaths WITH Covid-19 would not have happened if the victim didn't have an average of 2 'comorbidities'.

To the extent President Trump failed to do ANYTHING you currently believe he should have done, it is a DIRECT result of ELECTED DEMOCRATS actively blocking everything he tried to do.
Paul G
2020-09-05 01:22:38 UTC
He did everything he could do. The Chinese dems opposed his every move. 
2020-09-04 18:58:18 UTC
Because he doesn't believe in science, as always :(. 
2020-09-04 06:41:11 UTC

since the early days of corona in the united states trump DELEGATED the powers to the governors.    (by their request)

ANY dead soul of the covid-19 is under the responsibility of the governors.
2020-09-03 17:24:28 UTC
Anticipated deaths from COVD19: 2.5 million

Actual deaths from COVID 19:  185,000

A reduction of over 2.3 million deaths

I have a difficult time seeing that as "failing badly"

Since you apparently are not aware, it was the state governors who were in care of the pandemic.  They were the ones who decided when to shut things down and have been the ones deciding when things can and can not open.  When Trump attempted to open some businesses he was told by the courts that as President he does not have the power to do that (or to close things.)  Little things called the 10th Amendment that gives that power to the state and to the people.

If the response was bad in that area, the blame has to go on the state and local governments, not the Feds.

Trump did do what the Feds could do.  He closed down the borders in December.  Before any of his medical advisors were saying he should and over the objection of the Democrats.  And was called a racist for doing that.

Biden is currently running TV ads about how it is too bad older people can not be with their families and how we need to safely reopen schools for our kids.  But then are mad that Trump wants to remove restrictions on families being together and to reopen schools.  Why is he saying that he supports trump's policies?

Sorry but to date no Democrat has been able to tell me what they would have done differently that would have prevented the pandemic.  (Because is there is nothing they could have done.)
Mark Astoforoff
2020-09-03 02:31:59 UTC
If you haven't realized it yet the only thing tRump hasn't failed at is ripping people off. He's is very adept at screwing people around, but as far as being able to do anything worthwhile that is good he is a major screw up. Can't stand the p-r-i-ck. But he will pat himself on the back for screwing up and make enough stupid American's (not that I think all American's are stupid, just enough to have let this man have the power of being the PUSA) vote for a manchild who is little more than a snake oil salesman (my apologies to snake oiil salesmen).
Raymond L.
2020-09-03 00:55:29 UTC
You want the man to stop a virus that is being WAY overblown by the media????

You must be out of your mind!!!
2020-09-02 19:48:10 UTC
He also has at least 10 times the population that Canada does
2020-09-02 15:51:46 UTC
In New York City, the mayor did nothing to enforce anything. People were walking without masks, hugging, kissing, partying. All undeground brothels were operational. CDC issued statement in February not to wear masks unless you are sick. The President, according to the constitution, has no power to order the states what to do. Even if he did, the population of New York City, would not comply. 
2020-09-02 15:37:10 UTC
Trump's entire philosophy is, "if it does not directly impact me I don't care."  In fact, this sort of "I have mine... why should I care about you" attitude seems to be the entire basis of the current Republican platform. 
2020-09-02 15:26:07 UTC
No president is expected to be an expert on everything. This is why they have the flexibility to surround themself w/ the most qualified people in the field. Trump surrounded himself largely w/ shady yesmen to do his evil bidding which is why so many of them have been indicted/convicted. Trump thinks he knows way more than he does. When the virus crisis arose, his knee jerk reaction was not to take it seriously. He repeated the same message over and over how the virus was going to disappear. That was part of his strategy and another out of many items why he was never fit for the office.
2020-09-02 13:50:28 UTC
Trump has underestimated the disease.
2020-09-02 12:59:10 UTC
Trump thought he could manipulate, con and control corona like he does everything else.  

It's a contest between Trump and Corona and it looks like Corona is going to win.

But Trump will say he won, selling his stupid supporters another lie that they will buy,  at a tremendous cost to EVERYONE. 
2020-09-02 02:27:04 UTC
Again , a bad leader with a bad response , horrible messaging, actions that does not fit within the realms of the scientific world. But if you support him he did a fine job. If other countries can lead then perhaps he can lead to.
2020-09-02 01:59:47 UTC
Despite the vast land of Canada, it's core population of people barely equal the population of California. So it's pretty super-stupid for even the most DESPERATE PRO-DEMOCRAT TROLL to compare Trudeau's C-19 response to President Trump's. 

However, the UNBIASED news reports covering this facet of the "pandemic" give kudos to BOTH leaders; they're doing the best they can, to be fair. 

The current Congress DEMOCRAT SOCIALIST LEADERS are enjoying their manipulative control and social suppression affecting Americans nationwide--as well as the entire United States as well, giving them ALL a bitter taste of SOCIALISM they hope grows IF Biden is elected POTUS. 

November 3, 2020: President Trump's RE-ELECTION marks the hasty desperate end of COVID-19 "pandemic", with the hunt for the TREASONOUS puppet masters of the "pandemic"; listen for the Democrats screams of anger in their defeat--watch them burn and shred criminal documentative evidence in their barricaded offices as they lawyer up.  

brian 2010
2020-09-01 22:32:07 UTC
Trump failed to take it seriously after several briefings from November until the pandemic began rearing its ugly head in January. He also called it a "hoax" in one of his February rallies. It wasn't until March 13 when he said "I don't take responsibility," a very grave example of not responding to the coronavirus in the country. More than 180,000 (to date) Americans have died as a result of his gross incompetence and reckless wanton. His narcissistic attitude is the contributing factor in this situation.
2020-09-01 21:46:53 UTC
Why did the chinks create it and let it spread?
2020-09-01 15:46:40 UTC
No matter how many times you Dem-bots post this lie, it remains untrue.

But it does expose your weak intellects and the left-wing reliance on lies and propaganda to get people to vote for them.
2020-09-05 18:10:06 UTC
Because Trump didn't respond to covid-19.  He let 50 states compete with each other for resources, guidance, and information.  You can't address a pandemic that way.  Trump's advisors told him that.  He fired those people and hired his family instead.  The whole thing is a ridiculously botched operation on the part of 1 person..Trump
2020-09-05 11:43:26 UTC
Why did Obama destroy America?
2020-09-05 02:06:36 UTC
He is no the kind of human being to cure all patients. 
2020-09-05 00:12:57 UTC
Lmao did you expect an orange to run one of the biggest countries in the world.
2020-09-04 21:18:24 UTC
Because he is a failure and has failed at everything that he has done. But you already knew that.
Mopar Lover
2020-09-04 13:04:32 UTC
Trump cares about 2 things Himself and the re-election. The Economy is the American people and has nothing to do with Trump
2020-09-04 05:34:00 UTC
There's no virus they are using electromagnetic electronic to kill people.
2020-09-02 23:59:08 UTC
every other developed country did mandatory mass testing
2020-09-02 21:16:21 UTC
Because he's a corrupt, greedy dumbass.
2020-09-02 19:15:19 UTC
He watched Fox News
2020-09-02 15:06:37 UTC
The U.S. has 10x the population of Canada.  So do the math.

If you subtract out NY Covid deaths (Because of Cuomo(D) and Deblasio's(D) utter mismanagement and death sentence for people in nursing homes) the number of deaths on are percentage basis are very close to Canada's.

In containing a pandemic he did far better than Biden(D) did for H1N1... 70 million people were infected by H1N1 despite Biden's response and the vaccine was available 6 months after H1N1 had run its course...fortunately H1N1 was far less lethal than Covid 19.  If it were then Obama/Biden would have been responsible for roughly 2.7 million deaths (+ or - 100,000 depending on what projection method you are using).

Does Canada have a vaccine? Did they send ventilators around the world -- wait, didn't the U.S. send Canada ventilators?  And isn't Canada's unemployment rate currently 13%?

Unemployment post shutdown in the U.S. is down to 10% (From 15% a month ago).
2020-09-02 13:53:43 UTC
Because  he is as dumb as those biased people who voted for him and who believe in his fake arguments.
2020-09-02 11:22:38 UTC
Liberal propaganda, they all believe that lie.
Little Ms Sunshine
2020-09-02 08:46:05 UTC
Trump is a con artist who is only interested in using his power to get richer and richer.  

What does a con artist do? They steal your confidence!  

He has convinced his followers that they're just imagining the dying of their friends and loved ones has anything to do with him. And, sadly, they believe him. 

No, his only interest in the virus is figuring out how he can spin it for political or monetary gain. Too bad he's the rustiest tool in the shed.
2020-09-02 02:39:58 UTC
He is mentally ill.  Narcissistic Personality Disorder and sociopathy lead to a person who has no empathy and no urge or impetus to adapt to a reality other than the one in the patient's head.  Trump determined that the Coronavirus was a hoax upon returning from India and being told about the impending pandemic and its spread just before being approached by a worried press.  Not many hours before his return somebody in the government had been more concerned about the public safety and her knowledge implied an imperative to notify the public asap, rather than avoid inconveniencing the president while he was away in India.  Trump probably has an attention deficit and does not listen to briefings or read material presented to him.  So, when approached by the media and suddenly feeling the sharp ignorance and oncoming pressure of knowing the economy would tank, and that he'd have to actually work and learn and be a leader for a change--and realizing he couldn't explain a disaster away or be the all-knowing one (he has trouble with actual experts eclipsing him)--he chose a coward's convenience and chose to represent the disease and reality as a plot against him and a threat to his political career and ego.  He did not do enough on every possible responsibility he had, did not delegate or respect his delegates when he had them, and undermined his own staff, experts and vice president.  To deflect blame he chose to go after governors who weren't kissing the ring or who represented "blue states."  For him, the illness is still an ongoing hoax... because he said so.  An extreme narcissist expects the world and the other people in it to bend and obfuscate reality to fit whims and selfish constructs, no matter how large or small or impossible to hide.
2020-09-02 02:11:29 UTC
The USA, according to 'worldometers', is number 10 out of 215 countries in deaths/million. There are 570 deaths per million and 18,886 cases /million.

Canada is Number 27 with 242 deaths /million and 3,424 cases / million.

So you are correct, Trudeau did better.

As far as why Trump did so poorly, he provided the wrong leadership. Obviously the way to deal with a pandemic is to never let it get started in the first place. When we should have been testing, isolating those infected, and shutting down, Trump said we had 15 cases and they would go away. How wrong he was.

But it doesn't stop there. He continued to downplay it until things got so bad even he had to declare an emergency. But it doesn't stop there. Even after masks were PROVEN to be effective, Trump appeared for a long time without a mask. But it doesn't stop there. Look at the maskless people packed like sardines at the RNC convention just recently! Nice example, Mr. Trump!
2020-09-01 23:07:55 UTC
Dump is a joke of a president who thinks covid is a hoax
The Devil
2020-09-01 22:16:19 UTC
His combination of greed, ignorance, selfishness, dishonesty, OCD, hatefulness inspired him to stall helping not spread Covid19 in the USA. American Chinese in San Francisco never were vectors for this disease, but tRump, early on, started pointing blame and bigotry at them in argument against Nancy Pelosi countering that hate mongering.
2020-09-01 20:43:54 UTC
Why do you blindly follow the media that says "Orange man bad" 24/7 ?
2020-09-01 16:40:18 UTC
He knew about the virus long before most people did and did nothing to stop it.
2020-09-05 21:58:09 UTC
Because Trump wants to distract attention from Michelle Obama and his husband
2020-09-05 00:06:38 UTC
It is not about Trump failing or Trudeau saving more.  The coronavirus was not governed by Trudeau in Canada.  Policy was by province, just as it is by state here. Within that, each facility has its own rules in Canada - exactly how it is in the U.S.  My mother was virtually and still is imprisoned now in Sept. in her apartment, in the building where she rents. They won't allow the tenants out, and nobody in.  They basically have to move in order to get out.  Americans are much more arrogant.  They do what they want.  They have continued to party, amongst lockdown and a huge number of people disregard masks.  Not so in Canada.  I hate say that Canadians are smarter but the fact is, they are.  Much smarter and not arrogant.  They are respectful of others in general, and considerate of others.  I wish I could say the same for Americans but I can't.  In general, it's a fact.  I know.  I have lived in both places and all four coasts, all over.  Trump hasn't failed at all.  In fact, thanks to Trump, the vaccine is ready.  It just needs to go through the testing process and I believe approval by the FDA - that takes a while.  It was Trump who ordered 24/7 work on getting a vaccine asap.  Nobody else in any country has done that and nobody else would have created a vaccine in such record time.
2020-09-04 22:23:41 UTC
He is a businessman whose success depends on a wealth advantage and a host of lawyers. His reputation is a bully and a megalomaniac. How did we expect to handle a virus pandemic. Who can he bully? What can his lawyers do? All he could do was to pass it on to governors and try to force everyone to ignore the sickness and deaths. He has blamed it on China, the WHO, the CDC, and the Democrats. He accepts no responsibility and he is hoping it will magically go away. Sad . . .
2020-09-04 13:42:09 UTC
because trump is all for himself and not one other person. he does not care for anyone else
paul c
2020-09-04 10:47:32 UTC
Trump failed because he always fails. In marriage, as a parent, in business, and now in politics. Because Trump can't accept the advice of experts, and because Trump thinks he's smart. He ruins everything.
2020-09-04 04:10:08 UTC
Idk prob cause he never thought he’d actually win
2020-09-03 16:06:23 UTC
Another stupid question, written by another stupid LieBeral!  #Trump2020
2020-09-03 12:06:50 UTC
I see yahoo still does not remove democrat lies but censor republican views. 

Verizon/Yahoo make their money threw clicks on their content , so now that the did away with comments I will not click on any of their articles and deprive them of a pay check . Anyone reading this should do the same .
2020-09-03 11:19:56 UTC
He hasn't.  He's actually done a pretty good job so far.
2020-09-03 00:47:22 UTC
he does not care...................................
Lois & Peter
2020-09-02 23:12:27 UTC
Trump is working for Putin. 
2020-09-02 18:39:00 UTC
Trump did not fail. IF there was/is a failure, it was/is at the CDC and at the state and local government level.
Elwood Blues
2020-09-02 14:46:45 UTC
Trump focused on propping up the stock market instead of saving lives.  Canada's deaths per million is only 45% of ours; Germany's is 20% of ours.  If Trump had led as well as Justin Trudeau he would have saved 100,000 American lives.  If Trump had led as well as Angela Merkel, he'd have saved an additional 45,000 lives.
River Euphrates
2020-09-02 14:42:27 UTC
Because he's a f**kup.
2020-09-02 08:48:36 UTC
Trump is incompetent and even worse than that, he literally doesn't care about the American people
2020-09-02 05:03:58 UTC
Trump vastly succeeded in his goals. The stock market more or less recovered in a matter of months, corporate profit is good for some companies, suffering businesses like hospitality industry received federal loans and will later recover like nothing happened, disappearing small businesses will create opportunities for investors, and so on.

On the other hand, Trump never tried to expand free or subsidized healthcare for the underserved, to increase wages of the low income families, or to lead the world into a harmonious and peaceful status. If you think he failed, you probably have a different point of view than the majority in most States in America.
2020-09-02 04:11:10 UTC
I dont know where you heard that nonsense but the news media is sprouting off facts that are NOT true. The media wants you to think he failed the country but he didn't. Its not Trumps fault that the virus had spread. 
2020-09-02 02:04:33 UTC
He is an incompetent leader, he chose to politicize the coronavirus response like making out that wearing a mask lefty thing. It sucks virtually all issues in the US is a left versus right.
B.B. Wolf
2020-09-01 19:31:39 UTC
Because Trump is nowhere near as intelligent as he has his Trumpsters believing.
2020-09-01 15:44:00 UTC
He recognized the virus as a threat to his reelection and acted accordingly.

Denial,misinformation and flat out lies are his only weapons and he used them as much as possible.

He should spend the rest of his life in prison.
2020-09-05 23:30:05 UTC
if you given a problem that no one anywhere had ever dealt with and you had to coe up with a answer in a month  how would you handle it  al concered i thak he has done a good job
2020-09-05 23:25:36 UTC
Trump did save thousands of lives 
Weasel McWeasel
2020-09-05 07:40:24 UTC
Because he's a clueless idiot who couldn't bullsh*t his way out of this one. 
2020-09-05 06:04:12 UTC
Senor Tump had other plans....
2020-09-05 05:52:43 UTC
presidency is a tough job. also he has no discipline, among other things. 
2020-09-03 23:02:00 UTC
For him it is a money thing. He did not want to spend YOUR money helping you through this.

He is treating humans like one of his projects (gambling) and he loses SO MANY TIMES.

You don't gamble with peoples lives if you want to run again.
2020-09-03 18:51:17 UTC
2020-09-03 13:33:30 UTC
Because Trump decided to deliberately let people die and get sick because they were in blue states.
My Clone Did it Not me
2020-09-03 04:19:03 UTC
It's not up to Trump it's up to each state to enforce or not enforce a quarantine

and it doesn't really help when people don't wear a mask or don't wear it correctly 

with not covering their nose, that annoys me to no end.

Also it didn't really help when NY governor sent recovering COVID-19 patients to senior centers or these other democrat states that did the same thing.
2020-09-02 23:06:54 UTC
Comparing Canada and the US is not an applicable comparison however there are several things Trump could have done initially to reduce or slow the spread of the virus such as:

Not play down the potential seriousness of it

Give accurate information on the virus and adapt it as further information became known.  For example while he was claiming infections and deaths were falling they were actually rising.

Not support conspiracy theory websites whose sole scientific basis for the statements they made can be found in a fortune cookie.  Instead he could present actual data which is still evolving.

His few talking points are is ban relating to travel from China, one so effective that after implementation an estimate 40,000 people still arrived from there.  His task force that did not become a viable force until the virus itself was well established and whose initial focus seemed to be denial rather than action.  He claims that he saved millions by presiding over the largest death toll related to a pandemic since the Spanish Flu
2020-09-02 22:37:29 UTC
America is designed to be a cash cow for the very rich.
2020-09-02 22:04:16 UTC
Trump is a total cluster f^ck. Americans have absolutely no idea how the world laugh at Trump. He's seen as a court jester.
2020-09-02 19:22:12 UTC
He didn't fail but you're not going to look at FACTS .... you get your "news" from CNN which has been PROVEN to be LESS reliable than the National Enquirer. The DEMOKRAP mayors and Governors fought him all the way and in many instances what they did was CRIMINAL...CUOMO and Crew ... FORCING Nursing homes to take in contagious patients when they have the most vulnerable clientele then his adviser secretly sneaks her Mom out of a home and puts her in a hotel
Will Powers
2020-09-02 18:37:46 UTC
He already did save tens of thousands of lives when he IMMEDIATELY banned travel from China to the USA while all liberal politicians and all liberal mainstream media so-called reporters accused him of being a racist for doing so.  Thankfully, he saved tens of thousands of lives by going against the liberal outage.  He's a true leader who leads from the front.  The USA's low COVID-19 death rate means Trump's efforts are working spectacularly.
2020-09-02 17:09:44 UTC
When he had the opportunity to keep the "Trump Virus" in check back in February when he was warned of the dangers by the WHO, the CDC, and his own advisors an he did nothing except dismiss it as nothing more serious than the flu.  He was more concerned with going on golf outings at his own properties at taxpayer expense and keeping his corporate cronies happy by averting public panic.  By the last account I have seen we have paid out over $340 Million to enrich this corrupt slime ball.
2020-09-02 13:23:51 UTC
The man is a joke - he kept saying "coronavirus will die out in June" It's September and people are still dying. Here's $1200 to help people out in April. 5 months later, no other relief funds. 
2020-09-02 12:58:29 UTC
Trump is a blithering idiot, a racist and a criminal. And now he has Dementia. He will soon be in either Federal prison or a long term care facility.
2020-09-02 06:59:37 UTC
He doesn't know what he is doing.
2020-09-01 22:05:47 UTC
Who don't you and others take personal responsibility we know is a deadly virus out there.  Be proactive wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, wear a mask and social distance. 
2020-09-01 21:44:53 UTC
totally disagree but you might want to research your efforts your own self so there is no question in your mind.  Trump has a medical staff in his Administration who is responsible for Disease Control .  Together with the CDC, this extremely rare and unfortunate disease has and will spread throughout America and the World. 

 This disease is here to stay.  So, apparently, you are not paying attention to the disease as much as you are to blaming the President you THINK you don't want in Control and in Office. 

I can only imagine that you are on Welfare, or about to lose your disability extra fund, or you prefer not to work, hence, you are leaning on our proverbial leg. If you and less than half the country cannot see the efforts Trump has made to improve conditions in our Country, SHAME ON YOU.
2020-09-05 01:08:53 UTC
i think everyone with an ounce of common sense can see the desperate actions of the liberal media to quiet conservatives (removing your constitutional right to free speech) by removing all comment sections of news posts. i also find it disturbing that they are purposely doing this with an election in 2 months. i think all of these actions are intentional to desperately try and brainwash readers into believing their biased, ignorant and childish rhetoric in the hopes of affecting the outcome of the election. i for one has all respect for liberals and the media. constitutional rights only matter if your a liberal. the double standards are disgusting and disturbing.
El Maniaco
2020-09-05 01:04:36 UTC
now it's a competition??????
2020-09-04 16:10:35 UTC
Because he failed to see how serious the virus was on people's health and welfare and also n the economy and he does not trust the scientists who did see how dangerous it is. 
2020-09-03 19:51:39 UTC
they say that The Trump administration's failed public health response is mirrored by its ... response to the coronavirus crisis—much like the failure of its public health ... Trump stated that “the Coronavirus [was] very much under control.
2020-09-03 03:30:06 UTC
Because he had to be president. Otherwise you would be asking why did Hillary fail in her fight against the coronavirus?

Countries with the most deaths from Chinese coronavirus today:










2020-09-02 22:53:34 UTC
Because he's a moron who is completely unfit for the office of POTUS.
2020-09-02 22:37:31 UTC
Because he is just a brain dead numbskull with a crayon stuck in his brain.
2020-09-02 21:24:47 UTC
So far he has failed at JUST about everything he does. He was in denial about the virus, he even said so. When he came on TV and said you can't make people wear a mask. Well yes you can by making it mandatory. If they don't wear one there is going to be more people that come down with the virus. Maybe a loved one because they were carless by not wearing a mask.
2020-09-02 19:23:44 UTC
Because he pushed to reopen the econ9my at the beginning of the pandemic now hes thinking of having everyone catch it hes 74 he doesnt even listen to the scientists enough said biden2020
2020-09-02 19:03:31 UTC
2020-09-02 15:59:16 UTC
Trump lives in a world invented by himself that includes only him and those who act like they worship him. I have personally known people who think like Trump. They contribute little to the world because there is little left to contribute beyond themselves.
2020-09-02 15:07:19 UTC
First, since when is it the federal governments job to protect people from any disease or harm in life? Second, more than half the deaths came from five states with democratic governors who forced nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients. Third, Sweden never had a lockdown, kept their schools open, never had masks and still doesn't have masks and are doing fine, daily deaths down to zero and the world health organization said recently that the swedish model is the one that other countries should adopt. So what, exactly, is the problem? The only problem i see was sticking coronavirus patients into nursing homes, something the democrats are responsible for.
2020-09-02 08:53:56 UTC
His number 1 priority is himself. He has to be re-elected to stay out of prison. Mueller has 10-11 counts of obstruction of justice waiting for Trump and given his age, Trump will spend the rest of his life in prison on those charges alone. If he is re-elected, chances are that he will die in office before his second term is up, so he would not have to spend a single day in prison if he is re-elected.

He refuses to shut down the country to keep the virus in check because he thinks that his only chance of being re-elected is a good economy. Nevertheless, it is puzzling as to why he has stubbornly refused to make more face masks, promote their use and produce more Covid-19 test kits because these are the things that could slow the spread of the virus and allow the economy to recover sooner. Instead he seems to think that by ignoring the virus, it will somehow just go away. His refusal to do things that can control the virus is the reason why the USA leads the world in the total number of deaths caused by the virus, currently about 185,000. The USA also accounts for 1 out of every 4 Covid-19 deaths in the world, even though only 3 out of every 100 people alive is an American. That means 8 times as many Americans die of the virus than the average number who died world wide. 
2020-09-02 08:34:28 UTC
If it wasnt for trump the whole world would have been killed by Coronavirus by now.
2020-09-02 08:16:35 UTC
This flu is less deadly than the flu, which kills about 17 million a year, estimated, we don't know. Masks don't work, vaccines might put kids in wheelchairs, and the lock downs have killed millions around the world through starvation and suicide. No lock down in Sweden, and 5000 died out of ten million, or 0.05%. They said it was a hundred times worse than it is, and even they admitted they were wrong, but they didn't admit how wrong they actually were, they are the most evil thing ever to happen to humanity. ID2020, mark of the beast, look it up, see what you find. 
Carlos M
2020-09-02 05:05:56 UTC
We cannot say that he has failed. In Brazil, in India,  they have the same problem with the pandemic.

Pandemic is indeed a thing very hard to manage.Canada has about 10% of the USA population. I think that we have 30 million people only in texas. There is no way to compare a country with other.
2020-09-02 04:26:26 UTC
he got the wrong advice from the experts
2020-09-02 02:44:55 UTC
That depends on who you ask.
2020-09-01 21:37:07 UTC
It's because a pandemic is an exponential process.  If each infected person causes one plus epsilon new infections, it increases exponentially.  If each infected person causes one minus epsilon new infections, it decreases exponentially.  The difference between one plus epsilon and one minus epsilon is small --- like the difference between wearing a mask and not wearing a mask.  So the difference in outcome greatly amplifies the precautions taken.  Trump politicized precautions, and the result is an exponential increase.
2020-09-01 20:49:29 UTC
Who said 'The Donald' has failed in his Covid-19 endeavors?  Why you should be the first to know that he has just dropped Dr Fauci and taken on the leading local herd-immunity expert.  Now the deaths will go up in to the millions where King Don and his Religulous buds will feel more comfortable.  It does go along with his & their wanting atomic wars to ensure depopulation.  Not a fascist if you listen to his followers.  Brilliant aren't they?
2020-09-06 01:59:26 UTC
He doesn't take things seriously.
Abdul Mazid
2020-09-05 22:33:06 UTC
He has no idea what to do.
2020-09-05 04:01:15 UTC
He really has no idea what to do instead of coming on TV shows
Erica R
2020-09-05 00:13:54 UTC
Because he's utterly incompetent and he has the emotional maturity of a four-year-old who has been told "no" for the first time.
2020-09-04 19:57:45 UTC
he saved your fat *** or you would not be on here
2020-09-04 15:12:51 UTC
This moron doesn't care,It's the Chump Cult now! And Yahoo probably had to close the comments is because of these fake Americans are mental,like bunker boy! All traitors and cowards!
Sunday Crone
2020-09-03 20:16:11 UTC
Because he had no idea what he was doing and failed to accept the doctors knew more than he does.
2020-09-03 16:40:19 UTC
it's pretty obvious by now that the virus death tolls are vastly overestimated. the actual death toll may be in the singular thousands for America. in that respect, Trump did GRRREEEAT!
2020-09-02 21:27:47 UTC
For the most part, the Covid policy was established by the individual states, as it should be.

Many states have had very, very few cases.  Other states, like New York, have had an alarmingly great deal of cases and deaths.  With such a case, a nationwide policy may not be the best move.  We need to look and see if there is something New York (or other high case states) did wrong, if anything.  

It makes no sense to have Montana and Iowa under the same rules as California and New York.

By the way, most places in the US that had the highest cases are governed by Democrats.  Think about that.

Trump tried early to restrict travel from some high risk countries, and he was met with resistance to that policy.  The Democrats called him a racist for initially suggesting that travel be restricted from China and other such countries.

Now they are asking why travel wasn't restricted earlier!  To answer that question, they need to look in the mirror.

Finally, within the last week, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) stated that 94% of the cases originally listed as Covid deaths were patients with other (most often multiple) health problems.  Most of these people would have died anyway.

Before we start blaming people (Republican or Democrat), we need to look and see if we can establish accurate data!

The way it has been, every patient admitted to the hospital (for any reason) was tested for Covid.  If they had Covid, or have ever had Covid, they were classified as a Coronavirus patient.

So, if someone entered the hospital with a gunshot wound, tested positive for Covid, and bled to death from the gunshot; they were listed as a Covid death.

Such is a dishonest way of looking at the disease, just as it is dishonest to blame Trump, but not blame the governor of New York!
2020-09-02 15:48:28 UTC
His supporters require no accountability.
2020-09-02 14:58:59 UTC
Trump isn't entirely responsible.  If he didn't know what to do there's a whole Administration surrounding him that gathers information for him, writes reports and informs the President in DAILY BRIEFINGS.  They advise him based on their information.  Unfortunately people who did that job have said over the past 4 years that he rarely read reports and it was hard to  make him understand or stay focused during the daily briefings. Basically he can't do the job and doesn't seem to care. 
2020-09-02 08:34:31 UTC
#1 You do not talk or compute PER CAPITA !! #2 The U S has / had 6 major west coast airports with traffic to and from China. Canada has 1 - in Vancouver B.C. #3 - Being hit first, other countries learned from our experiences. #4 - CONGRESS also had a duty to protect American citizens.  #5 Governors and mayors have been in charge for many months now. #6 - How did you expect Trump to stop Pelosi (D) from setting a bad example by going to a hair salon in San Fransisco recently? #7 - In February the experts said that citizens DID NOT need masks.
2020-09-02 07:38:35 UTC
Because he is human. He knows what you know 
2020-09-02 05:49:33 UTC
What makes you so sure his administrative actions have NOT saved tens of thousands?  Your premise is unfounded on this specific subject.

  I observed our country rally to re-direct sanitation/ppe supplies directly to medical facilities first, open additional hospitalization/treatment sites, organize free public testing, redirect large manufacturing to produce needed ventilators, organize free school drive by lunches, distribute latest public health information continuously daily including the hearing impaired, call into action highly qualified CDC scientists and Public Health Professionals to take up leadership for best practices, and immediately stop immigration from more infected nations.  If any of these things not taken place, who's to say we wouldn't be in a much worse condition?
2020-09-02 05:35:02 UTC
Trudeau may be able to get Canadians to bend a knee but that won't be happening in the USA. No monarchy, no king, no queen, no crown, no ruler. The president of the USA is a completely different thing than a prime minister to a crown. 
2020-09-02 01:33:16 UTC
And just what would you Leftist mouth-breathers done differently? Per usual, the Left screamed and yelled and cried about anything Trump came up with in the early this virus mess.

Just like now, Nancy Pelosi said in a press meeting how horrible Trump is being by not following and enforcing the science of the masks, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah. And guess what? Video turns up of Nutty Nancy in a hair salon in San Francisco getting her hair done, with no mask. And there is an ordnance closing hair salons and barbershop until further notice. No, no, no, not for Nancy! Let's not forget Mayor "Hammerhead " Lightfoot from Chicago, did the same thing........or the Mayor from Minneapolis, (I think it was Minneapolis), closed all indoor eating restaurants.........guess who was filmed yesterday inside a restaurant having chow?

You bed-wetters should keep your yaps shut until you clean up your own houses before complaining about anyone else.
2020-09-02 01:32:19 UTC
You just asked the most ignorant, brainless, letting the obvious bought and paid for liberal MSM do your thinking for you question EVER on Yahoo! Answers. Period. 
2020-09-02 00:07:24 UTC
Because poor to average people's lives are less important than rich people making money to team Trump/GOP.
2020-09-01 18:38:11 UTC
If you read what the CDC put out more people die from the flu then from covid alone. The ones that died had underlying conditions, most already dying. Trump did what he could under the circumstances, you need to blame the governor of your state if you have a problem with how it was handled there.
Echo Chamber
2020-09-01 15:43:49 UTC
Trump saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Ten times more than Trudeau. Just think if Trump was like Biden and still let Chinese people travel into the United States until this very day (for fear of being called a xenophobe). 
Bugs Moreno
2020-09-05 23:46:31 UTC
Coronavirus doesn't exist, dumb ***. Majority of them who died had COPD and were old with cancer like Herman Cain. 
hey gee
2020-09-05 21:34:41 UTC
A lot of times when I open my browser I see "news" from Yahoo.

I used to enjoy reading the comments calling out the absurdly biased make believe "news"Judging by the absolute bullsjkht they are promoting today I understand why no more comments.I understand most of their yahoo soyoby readers are grandchildren of people who spit on us when we came home in the 70's, but...come on man....they have to be kidding.It's great to have a president who will stand up against the enemies of the Republic.Joe: Why do I need to take a cognitive test?I'm not pregnant.
2020-09-04 04:16:00 UTC
Yahoo needs to change out the questions.   This anti-Trump one has been stuck at top of the list for over a week.  At least post one asking what Biden would do different.  Biden does has a campaign ad on what he would do about coronavirus.  The things Biden would do are the same things Trump has done.
2020-09-03 23:41:33 UTC
Because he's a selfish, narcissistic, idiot.
2020-09-03 15:24:13 UTC
because democrats wouldn't let him do his travel ban. It's their fault
2020-09-03 04:19:00 UTC
It is not fail. Your country is big, population is too much.
2020-09-03 00:58:45 UTC
Trump has failed at almost everything he tries to do. As long as he gets publicity and attention, he is content. He is what I call a dick head.
2020-09-02 20:10:35 UTC
-waves from Canada-

apples and oranges  :)

as much as some people like to think the two countries are exactly similar - they are not.

Truth is I think my Premier and provincial health minister had the bigger direct impact. only difference i can see is people didn't need to rebel against anything up here and just listened to what smart people were saying. 

I never had any lockdown in BC where i am :)
2020-09-02 19:24:05 UTC
do not be so silly and daft.

it has nothing to do with trump lol

he could not saved or killed any lives.

its all a farce ^_^

covid 19 is a farce ! lol
2020-09-02 17:43:07 UTC
Because he is an idiot.
2020-09-02 16:45:39 UTC
2020-09-02 07:09:26 UTC
He saved millions of lives by stopping flights from China 
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-09-02 06:44:03 UTC
Being a malignantly narcissistic sociopath, as lifts-wearing ego-driven Donald Trump has been proven to be, probably has a whole lot to do with the utterly botched Trump administration's response (or ongoing lack thereof) to the very deadly strain of coronavirus, COVID-19.  We can take our clues from the words of his older sister and former federal judge, as reported in niece Mary Trump's 2020 book or the many new-release tell-all books by authors such as Republican Rick  Wilson, "Everything Trump Touches Dies" et al.  He simply cannot and does not care about anything other than his own selfish self---sort of like the domestic terrorist anti-democracy born-rich spoiled brat Koch brother oil barons Charles and David (Jane Mayer, 2017: "DARK MONEY: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right").  Some of the blame can be put in the inner-circle Trump toadies, too.  
2020-09-02 05:05:24 UTC
he's not the one who failed, Congress is in charge of pandemic response

did any democrat blame obama when he waited until 12,000 people died to do anything NO because pandemic response IS congresses job and if congress refuses to work WITH the president  and works to harm people to harm the presidents c hances of reelection thats their fault
2020-09-02 05:03:17 UTC
Pres. Dump does not have a brain to be able to think in the first place.
Call me Ishmael
2020-09-02 04:35:01 UTC
He has done a great job in my state. We had a record low new cases found today and zero deaths. California has a new record high, I see, possibly because Gruesome Newsom Is working at cross purposes with President Trump.
One Horse Pony
2020-09-02 02:41:12 UTC
Trump stopped travelers coming from China in January and the Dems called him a racist for it. Violent riots incited by Dems are erupting all over the country, it's no wonder covid is spreading. 
2020-09-01 23:54:46 UTC
You do realize that there are fewer people living in Canada.  
John W
2020-09-01 15:41:54 UTC
Trump has failed at everything his entire life.
2020-09-01 15:41:54 UTC
The stockmarket was more important to him.
2020-09-06 02:18:55 UTC
well because the more stupid the things he does are the more he’s going to appeal to Americans because were stupid
2020-09-04 13:15:17 UTC
Because he is an idiot that thinks he is smarter than everyone else.
2020-09-03 22:00:25 UTC
He did not fail. The governors and mayors failed. 
2020-09-03 19:46:19 UTC
He did not fail, but the Democrats and the media failed him.  They whined, pissed and moaned about everything he did.  Then they'd say "Well, he should have done THIS'"  So he'd do it and then they'd whine and piss and moan about that too.

They would obstruct him and criticize and ask stupid questions like:  "Why has Trump failed so badly with his coronavirus response?" 

Considering what they left him to work with, it's truly amazing he was able to do as much as he did and is doing.  So why don't you STFU and let the man do his job, you crybaby asshat?

Oh, and f*ck Trudeau too.  If you love him so much, move to Canada and if you already live there then keep your damned mouth shut about American politics.  You only exist as a nation because America is okay with it.
2020-09-03 15:18:56 UTC
He hasn't failed, he is a strong president.
2020-09-03 00:40:58 UTC
He’s saved millions of lives. Try again loser.
2020-09-02 22:51:46 UTC
I do not know, and I do not care. Jimmy cracked corn
2020-09-02 22:49:28 UTC
Still dont know how you blame 1 person, look how many of you whine and squeal to put a mask on. Whatever is you americans just complain all the time
2020-09-02 21:08:06 UTC
The correct answer is that leading a nation at this time is very difficult.  Another correct answer is that no matter how good a world leader is, they are still have some sort of ulterior motive.  Every single one.  So this makes them NOT pure in heart.  There are agendas.  This goes for any leader.  Some people say that we must choose the lesser evil when voting.  But I am politically neutral, knowing that no human leader in these times is righteous.
2020-09-02 16:33:49 UTC
Trumplug AKA Buttplug 
2020-09-02 15:14:21 UTC
He never took it seriously 
2020-09-02 13:38:00 UTC
I'm not sure he even thinks it's a real thing. Look at his followers: they're just the same.
2020-09-02 08:42:25 UTC
Because Trump is only interested in Trump and his ego rather than the American people...
2020-09-02 08:06:35 UTC
Donald J Trump is a failure as a human being.  Descriptively, he is a sociopathic narcissist.  In practice, this means that the only thing that matters to him is gratifying his own desires.  He does not care or perhaps even realize that the world consists of other human beings who have needs and desires.  When it came to the virus, all he cared about was that anyone who got near him had just been given the best tests available.  He does not care for anyone except himself. He never thought he would win the election. He ran only because he thought it would improve his 'Brand.'  He is so devoid of knowledge about biology and/or biochemistry, he suggested that people might combat the virus by injecting themselves with bleach because bleach kills the virus on contact.  Hence I have labeled him 'Dingbat,' a blood sucking bat who is sucking the life force from the American people. 
2020-09-02 07:54:04 UTC
Because he literally did nothing about it. He didn't mandate universal masks, social distancing, or ANY basic preventive measure. For the longest time Trump was pretending that COVID-19 didn't even exist.
2020-09-02 06:41:30 UTC
He hasn't, this week the CDC quietly updated COVID -19 numbers to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid-19.

That's 9,210 Deaths.

The other 94% had 2 or 3 other serious illnesses & the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes.

That's a pretty big BOOM.

Not only are the number of deaths related to the China coronavirus minuscule, the virus is naturally dying out.

Let's face it- at this moment in time anyone who is pushing for more lockdowns and other abuses on our personal rights are either evil or terribly misinformed.

The following is a comment left by Bonnie Spiker. September !, 2020 5:59 AM.

The CDC has been lying to us the entire time. Lying to the people and lying to our President. The CDC and the WHO need to be held accountable. The POTUS is not a doctor and relies on health professionals for the best information to keep this country safe and these health organizations failed us.  It's disgusting at best to watch them play politics with peoples lives and they did and still are. They wanted to create a pandemic and that's what they did "CREATE " a pandemic. This was no organic pandemic. They tried to destroy our country and they sure destroyed a lot of good peoples lives and livelihoods." People committed suicide for Gods sake".  I had woken to the medical mafia years ago and don't trust a one of them,  I am heart sick as an American, and this is commie BS. How did we get to this place where people in charge think it's okay to create a phoney pandemic to manipulate an election? this isn't a Hollywood movie,even though it feels like one. It's up to all of us to wake up from our slumber so we can fight the people who have done this to us. Peace to all humans of earth at this moment let us come together and stop them so we can take back our lives and get back to living them.  
2020-09-02 04:39:52 UTC
Does Trump believe every president before him is responsible for what is happening right now?
2020-09-02 04:39:30 UTC
Nothing badly .  Rather  successful from the start .

2020-09-02 01:13:04 UTC
Justin Trudeau is a cowardly and pathetic little b i t c h gun rights in canada are terrible he leaves people defenseless piss on him Trump is 10 times better than him like it or not 
2020-09-02 01:02:43 UTC
One big reason is that when he did try to do something Democrat’s (like the now York governor) said it was racist to do anything about a Chinese disease and did their best to block him. 
2020-09-05 23:46:31 UTC
He just lies that he is going to do great things, but all he does is make things worse. Same with the economy, healthcare, covid etc. All he does is make things worse and divide people.

He is lying.
2020-09-05 18:01:04 UTC
He’s working on it. 
2020-09-05 01:38:24 UTC
Did Trump fail or did the WHO, the CDC, immunologists, doctors, researchers that were advising him fail. These people were supposed to know. This is what these people do. If they don’t know who does?  How do you know who knows. Your question is just another anti Trump question. A trolls question. 
2020-09-04 14:08:04 UTC
People don't want to stay home. 

Whose fault is that? 

You can't win an election by endless whining. 

Or can you??!! 

I'm going to start calling democrats unhappy whiners!  Waaaaaa! 

By the way, Trudeau is a bit of a retard.
2020-09-04 14:07:52 UTC
Because the USA is a constitutional republic. American states have more freedom to self govern than even Canada's provinces do, and you never hear about Trudeau being blamed for how poorly Quebec handled their response.

Trump is only bring blamed because he is Trump, and liberals cried when Hillary disappeared into the woods to sleep with the bears for the winter following her much expected loss.
2020-09-04 02:55:41 UTC
Trump called it a Democratic Hoax, the only reason he stopped flights from China was because he hates China anyway. This idiot disbanded the pandemic response team. He’s not the only one at fault though but if you already hated him he only gave you more reasons to hate him after his dim witted response 
2020-09-04 02:17:09 UTC
Its not that he has failed its the democrats that say he has failed. Its thier twisted accusation.
2020-09-03 23:46:36 UTC
cause he's an idiot
2020-09-03 19:05:55 UTC
. 1 China didn't warn the world 2 We didn't take it seriously  we thought it was just a bad case of the flu 3 Hospitals were not ready and prepared.  4 We have more international visitors that come to America than any other country 5 It's    airborne that's the main problem  .What could Trump do ? Look at Italy there healthcare system is just has advanced has ours probably even better and look what happend  to them 
2020-09-03 14:29:04 UTC
The survival rate is almost 100% for those that get it. It's nothing but a goddamned scam.
2020-09-03 03:30:52 UTC
The governors run the show not Trump.
2020-09-03 01:30:39 UTC
He didn't want to make unpopular decisions; shut down, give the citizens an insane amount of money so they could continue to live, spend another insane amount on testing and contract tracing. New Zealand did it. Their deaths per million inhabitants is 4.5. The USA's DPMI is 551, at last count.
2020-09-02 23:20:18 UTC
Who says he has "failed" in his COVID 19 response?

He is the President, not a physician.
2020-09-02 17:13:09 UTC
Because  he is totally incompetent 

For those who say compare populations

OK, the Philippines has 1/3 the US population crowded into a total land area the size of Colorado.  Yet a much smaller portion of their population has been infected or died.  Trump is, always has been and always will be an abject failure 
2020-09-02 14:12:57 UTC
horrible communication, and the thinking that states are on their own as to handle this pandemic(typical Republican approach).
2020-09-02 11:14:23 UTC
Your supposition is a matter of opinion many believe he has succeeded to a large degree.
2020-09-02 05:54:34 UTC
President Trump doesn't really have anything to do with the number of Covid-19 cases. In America, citizens have rights and individual liberties from the government. America is focused on the individual, not a collective group. The government saying "you need to do this" or "you need to wear this", would be a violation of these rights and liberties. It then comes down to the individual choices that people make. Unfortunately, some people choose to not wear a mask, and some choose to go outside and protest in large groups while in the midst of a pandemic. This then causes the cases to go up. Unfortunately one of the downsides of allowing citizens to have individual liberties is some may select the choice that isn't the best for the collective whole. However, it is a small price to pay to be able to have individual liberties. so no, I don't believe Trump has failed, he did would he should, he protected the individual liberties that we have in America. Trump has not failed, peoples individual choices have failed.  
2020-09-02 03:18:36 UTC
Trump could only do what he did.
2020-09-01 19:26:00 UTC
Trump has done the best job ever. Grandfathers will tell of his heroic deeds to their grandchildren for generations to come.
Jimmy C
2020-09-01 17:25:30 UTC
Trudeau could have saved a lot more if he and his stupid chief health advisors had told people to wear masks from the beginning. Instead they told people NOT to wear masks. They are only coming around now to using common sense. 

Trump has no plan, no strategy and no interest in saving lives. He discourages mask wearing, so republicans are more likely to get infected. 
2020-09-04 07:26:12 UTC
Why is covid a smokescreen for NWO
2020-09-03 21:06:08 UTC
Because that Guidette Pelosi and the Donkeys didn't want to do their part in aiding the response. And the protestors make everything worse.
Longtime Hubby
2020-09-03 19:03:00 UTC
cuz he is a numbskull.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.