What is wrong with having a liberal view?
Gladys Jones
2008-10-26 09:22:10 UTC
It seems in America it is condemned by so much of the country. What is it about the liberal view that offends or disturbs people with more conservative views? I suspect there are some underlying reasons which are not so nice.
23 answers:
Jimmy Jazz
2008-10-26 09:26:53 UTC
I'm a liberal, there's nothing "wrong" with it.

It's just a fundamental disagreement with conservatives over the role and nature of government. I don't think conservatives are "wrong" either, in fact they are right about some things. Which is why ideologies are silly and get in the way.
2008-10-26 16:48:42 UTC
It depends on what that liberal view is. If you are talking about traditional liberal views, they are fine to an extent. When you start to consider abortions at 9 months citing a headache as a health reason of the mother, then people like myself condemn them. By the way, the latter is an obama view.

"liberal views" of today, are quite different than 20 years ago.

Virtually every conservative holds many traditional values of 20 years ago, but the liberals of today push their agenda's stretching morality farther and farther, while calling themselves, "progressive".
Red-eye Coyote
2008-10-26 16:28:53 UTC
Nothing by itself, any more than there's anything wrong with having a conservative view. But with any view problems come when you 1 try to push your views on others, or 2 have a complete refusal to see that sometimes the world doesn't work by what sounds like the right thing.
2008-10-26 17:07:07 UTC
There is a huge difference between today's "liberals" and those forward thinkers for whom the term was coined.

Today's "liberals" are narrow minded, intolerant, hypocritical and hateful.

Need proof? Visit the Daily Kos

Note the extremely foul language.

The personal attacks on the anchor.

The calls for the station to lose its license. (just like liberal icon Hugo Chavez)

Lots of people think Obama's plans are either socialist (I do) or Marxist, this was a legitimate question. And Joe couldn't answer, he misstated Obama's position on several points.
2008-10-26 16:35:11 UTC
When an ideology conflicts with the majority of the society it's going to be considered wrong. Obama talks of cutting the military 25% for social programs - who do you think is protecting this country & his right to free speech? I hear virtually nothing coming from the liberal extremists any sane person in this country would embrace. We live in AMERICA - NOT the former Soviet Union. WHY would we want to model ourselves after an already FAILED form of government?
2008-10-26 16:30:19 UTC
If you're a liberal who interprets the Constitution as objectively as Hugo Black did (Supreme Court Justice appointed by Roosevelt in 1937 and stayed on the Court for 34 years until 1971), there's nothing wrong with being a liberal. But most liberals of the last 50 years have been interpreting the Constitution in such a way as to promote their own ideology; they assume that the Constitution was written and ratified by "liberals" and thus today's liberals interpret it to suit their own goals. That includes most of the liberals on the Court for the last 50 years -- including William O. Douglas, William Brennan, Thurgood Marshall, John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, and -- strangely enough -- even David Souter has turned into a liberal.

2008-10-26 17:06:30 UTC
There is nothing wrong with being conservative or liberal. It's when either one takes it to a direction that not acceptable to a society that was built on religion. The problem is that liberals have taken God out of the very premise that this country was founded on and the reason why the pilgrims wanted to come to the new land.

It was the God of Abraham but somewhere it became a free choice of which god you believe in. That's okay too. But the original intent of the Declaration of Independance has long since been forgotten.

Excerpt :

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by.

If you read it in it's enterity it doesn't sound like our country anymore.

The politicians have forgotten what their jobs are.

It's their job to provide us the people the taxpayers with sound judgment. Liberals are usually so interested in being politically correct that bad laws come from it.

Case and point Infanticide.

The events of Wednesday, March 12, 2003, in Springfield are suddenly looming large in the U.S. presidential race.

On that day, Barack Obama, then a Democratic state senator from Chicago, convened a meeting of the Health and Human Services Committee, which he chaired.

On the agenda was Senate Bill 1082—one of 16 pieces of legislation introduced between 2001 and 2005 in the General Assembly related to the so-called born-alive issue. The idea, promoted by foes of abortion, was to confer the rights of personhood upon any fetus expelled or extracted from the womb if that fetus was capable of breathing or voluntary motion, or if it had a heartbeat.

It was similar to a federal "born-alive" bill that had passed the U.S. Congress with overwhelming support and was signed into law the previous year. But there was a key difference. As introduced by Urbana Republican Rick Winkel, SB 1082 lacked the flowery "neutrality language" that had been added to the federal bill to reassure abortion-rights supporters that the bill had nothing to do with that issue.,0,6556075.column

If you in your heart believe that someone that believes in this is acceptable then by all means vote for them. This is an example of being liberal. Can you imagine a baby taking 3 days to die?

About 50% will abort in the first three days, about 80% of patients by the next day, and only about 5% of patients will need a surgical abortion.

or sucking the brains from a fetus until it's dead.

That doesn't mean conservatives don't mess up, but they do respect life.

I myself could not let a baby just lay there until it dies.

pictures of development I don't care how small if it can grow arms and legs in a months time then it is alive and it does feel pain.

Just this issue alone prevents me from being liberal.
2008-10-26 16:43:52 UTC
Liberals have an anything goes mentality. I disagree with the liberals because I don't believe in murdering babies. You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything.
2008-10-26 16:27:23 UTC
Conservatives use the "patriot" defense when talking to liberals

They claim that liberals are trying to change america for the worse, degrading it from what the forefathers wanted, and that they hate the concept of "America" that was written on the constitution - they think they are trying top overthrow the country

However, liberals are only trying to update a broken system that needs fixing, just like any other political party

Its just paranoia, like I said: the patriot defense and a fear of change
The Scorpion
2008-10-26 16:26:29 UTC
The underlying reason is that the foundation of America is in self-reliance and independence from government. Liberals don't like that, don't have the same ability to conduct themselves in such a culture, and so instead attempt to vote themselves benefits from the federal treasury.
2008-10-26 16:26:16 UTC
Extremism on either side is dangerous and risky. The liberal views of today, however, promoted by the Democrats, borders on socialism - a removal of liberty.
2008-10-26 16:50:22 UTC
There is nothing wrong with a liberal view as long as you can be specific in your views... and they are truly liberal. I am sick of hearing people say they are liberal yet they are pro-life, pro big government and basically Republican.
2008-10-26 16:25:43 UTC
I have no problem with change, but when that change involves letting two men precipitate in the sacrament of marriage and kill human beings that are in their mother's wombs than I morally have to be against it.
2008-10-26 16:27:59 UTC
To Louis S:

So taking a way a woman's right to control her own right to reproduce or NOT to reproduce if she so chooses ISNT removing liberty?

So denying a couple that's in love the right to marry because they were born with the same body parts ISNT removing liberty?
2008-10-26 16:29:07 UTC
Thanks Boo. History shows that the lib mindset doesn't work and that it has destroyed many countries from within. Now they are trying to do it to ours.
2008-10-26 16:25:14 UTC
You live in the land that still has loads of rightists in it. You're going to have to live with them.
2008-10-26 16:25:08 UTC
When it destroys the moral, economic, and military power of a country there is a whole lot wrong with it.
2008-10-26 16:28:38 UTC
nothing, it means you have a brain. good job
2008-10-26 16:25:39 UTC
Cons and Faux "News" have turned it into a dirty word. Time to take it back.
2008-10-26 16:25:38 UTC
it is evil to question things, just do as you are told
2008-10-26 16:25:16 UTC
It is the conservative view that appears to be wrong these days, thanks to Bush.
2008-10-26 16:25:18 UTC
Forget War Buy More
2008-10-26 16:24:18 UTC

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