Why is Michelle Obama playing the race card AGAIN?
2019-10-29 23:39:16 UTC
In a recent interview, she accused white people of not wanting to fix black neighborhoods.

"As families like ours — upstanding families like ours who were doing everything we were supposed to do and better. As we moved in, white folks moved out because they were afraid of what our families represented," the former first lady said Tuesday at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago.

"I want to remind white folks that y’all were running from us ... This family, with all the values that you read about, you were running from us. And you’re still running because we’re no different than the immigrant families that are moving in," she continued. "The families that are coming from other places to try to do better. But, because we can so easily wash over who we really were — because of the color of our skin, because of the texture of our hair — that’s what divides countries, artificial things."
87 answers:
2019-11-03 14:41:16 UTC
From what I understand her neighborhood isn't just gated, it has an army of armed security. An ordinary 'adverage Joe' can't get within a half a mile of her home. One has to wonder if she's even met any of her neighbors, one has to wonder what she is complaining about....
atomic fireball
2019-10-30 22:43:30 UTC
Who cares what she says. She’s not black or white, she’s rich. That’s a separate ‘race’ in and of itself...When rich, famous people try to identify with something they are not (poor and oppressed), I pretty much block it out
2019-10-30 22:32:11 UTC
when you only have one card, you tend to play it a lot.
2019-10-30 19:27:34 UTC
Why is it that whenever a black person tries to discuss issues of racial equality the trolls accuse them of "playing the race card"? Seriously? Being black and talking about it seems perfectly normal to this white male senior. Perhaps if some white people realized that they never have to discuss the disadvantages of being white because there are none it might help them understand what black people are talking about.
2019-10-30 15:33:11 UTC
What I love about capitalism is it doesn't force me, you, or anyone to spend our own money, rights, or any of our power to push a political agenda, especially one that's tyrannical and we don't support. It's literally the least oppressive economic system in world history.

Moving out of a neighborhood isn't a crime. People have the right to move/travel as they please.
2019-10-30 10:13:58 UTC
She's always been a racist. She was a victim in her book despite the fact that her family had money.
2019-10-30 04:24:47 UTC
How is the color of your skin and the texture of your hair artificial things? She should buy herself a dictionary and look up the word artificial. 

It's also a fact that black people have higher crime rates and will likely increase crime rates in you area if a good number of them move there. Oh and yes liberals, whites moving to an Asian area does in fact have a good chance of causing crime rates to increase.
2019-10-30 04:12:39 UTC
Who knows?  She might not have any other cards to play.  You dig?
2019-10-30 02:17:53 UTC
Typical to blame the white person.  What else is new?
2019-10-30 00:10:11 UTC
How is recounting actual history playing the race card?
Const. King
2019-11-01 21:06:38 UTC
Where have you been, she has been playing the race card from day 1, in fact she was playing it long before she got into the White House.
2019-10-31 21:37:48 UTC
Because there is still a need.
2019-10-31 20:23:15 UTC
To keep the race war going that hubby started
2019-10-31 11:14:42 UTC
The race card has only been player by two people: Richard Nixon and  Donald Trump. Nice try though from a White supremacist.
2019-10-31 02:55:01 UTC
I read the entire thing and I believe you confuse the "Race Card" for pointing out the nasty but true reality of where we are now. There are plenty of white racists who would move out if Black people moved next door.  Hell...I am white and I heard it from my white neighbors when a Black family moved into the house next to mine. My family and the other more tolerant neighbors welcomed the Reverend and his family. He lived next door for 9 yrs before moving and they were great neighbors, but in many cases there are not tolerant neighbors and the stuff Michelle Obama is talking about still happens all the time. I think if you find her statements as somehow pulling the race card, I think the problem with race is with you not her.  Would you have preferred she lied and made up something nicer? Fact is, in my neighborhood it used to be so white that they considered Italians like myself as not worthy.  The Mob ran my city and the Godfather Raymond Patriarca was an old school racist and burned a cross in front of a home that a black family moved into.  We have come a long way in last 50 years but still need to work on it. I say live and let live...treat others as you would like to be treated and you will find the world a more pleasant place. 
2019-10-31 01:06:18 UTC
Well she's not wrong. Look at all the answers here 70+ and not one person said "she's wrong [Insert white persons name] did it" 

ask any white person if they wanted to step foot in a black neighborhood and fix it up, 100% will say no. In fact, they'll question why black people, who are more likely than white people to get shot, don't do it when they are more scared of it themselves
2019-10-30 21:14:06 UTC
Do you really need to ask?
2019-10-30 17:12:34 UTC
"Playing the race card."  How ORIGINAL.  Did you think that up yourself?  Hmm... how about some much-needed neologisms like "nothing burger", "no collusion, no confusion", and "witch hunt", perhaps?
Andrew S
2019-10-30 15:33:45 UTC
Remember all those public shootings of blacks when Obama was in office? Notice how they stoped around his "lame duck" period. Are we expected to believe this is a coincidence?
2019-10-30 15:32:11 UTC
You don't know much about things do you ?  No wonder you stay anonymous.
2019-10-30 15:30:51 UTC
These days it is "in" to play the race card.
Jackie T
2019-10-30 10:39:22 UTC
How many times have we had to hear racist comments about her? “She looks like a monkey”... that’s EXTREMELY racist. If you can dish it out, be prepared to take it as well. I saw nothing racist in what she said. Mentioning white people in an interview is Not racist.
2019-10-30 03:31:58 UTC
Trying to keep up with Trump and his racist whinings….
2019-10-30 01:59:17 UTC
Because Manchelle is a piece of sheet and continues the race baiting as if anyone cares what she says
2019-10-30 01:28:19 UTC
That's what liberal black people do, play victim. As a black woman I can assure you that black people (low class) ruin their own neighborhoods. Only those with sense and class keep their neighborhoods nice and clean. The responsibility should be of those residing there, why should someone fix something that'll be destroyed anyways? I am really tired of the victim hood and everybody owes us something mentality.
2019-10-30 01:02:24 UTC
because she's a leftist. all leftists play the victim. boohoo poor me i'm soooooo discriminated against *eye roll*
2019-10-29 23:45:24 UTC
Source or it never happened.
2019-10-29 23:44:03 UTC
When someone doesn't have a good argument they use the race card.
2019-10-29 23:42:55 UTC
I'm so glad that Michelle chose to stay in the impoverished black neighborhood and is working to make things better rather than moving to a seaside mansion on Martha's VInyard surrounded by rich white folks.
2019-10-29 23:41:14 UTC
Why? BC she is who she is- a Racist.
Frank W
2019-11-02 03:48:52 UTC
Why did it take President Trump to do the Community up lifting programs for inner cities? It's working in Detroit New Building
2019-11-01 00:55:08 UTC
Racist repub deplorable 
2019-10-31 22:32:10 UTC
Evil scoundrel, she wants whiteness eradicated
2019-10-31 16:32:33 UTC
she is not playing the race car.
2019-10-31 15:21:36 UTC
Why Are Most Felons Democrats?

First, we need to establish that felons are, in fact, overwhelmingly democrats.

Here is probably the most definitive study on the subject:

The authors are liberals in favor of granting felons the right to vote and call them "The Truly Disenfranchised".

From the paper:

Page 39

From Table 1B

Estimated Felon Vote for Democratic Presidential Candidate


1972 71.6%

1976 86.6%

1980 73.0%

1984 76.3%

1988 76.3%

1992 85.9%

1996 92.8%

If we average these numbers we find that felons are over 80% Democrat.

Also we can look at felon demographics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics:

From this report we learn the following about the violent felon population of the U.S.:

41% of violent felons are black

30% of violent felons are Hispanic

26% of violent felons are white

We can also look at this report on total felons (including non-violent crimes such as drug related and driving related crimes) for 2002:

43% of the total number of felons are black

24% of the total number of felons are Hispanic

31% of the total number of felons are white

We can assume that close to 100% of blacks will be Democrats (the idea of any black republicans in prison is actually kind of funny).

About 70% of Hispanics will be Democrats.

About 60% of whites in prison are likely to be Democrats.

If we apply these percentages we arrive at about 78% Democrat for violent felons and

79% Democrat for total felons, so they are roughly equivalent measures to the estimated average of 80% democrat felons derived from the paper by Manza, Uggen, and Britton.

Yes, criminals are mostly Democrats.

To be fair, this is not the same as saying "most Democrats are felons" - that would be an untrue statement. But we can say that Democrats are much, much more likely to murder, rob, and assault their fellow Americans than Republicans.

We can even go further with this analysis...

Democrats will murder about 13,430 of the 17,000 Americans that are likely to be murdered next year.

Now that we have established that most felons are Democrats...

Let's talk about the "Why" part.

The heart of the problem with Democrats is their lack of personal morality.

Liberals and Democrats substitute a "public morality" for "a personal inner morality".

What I mean by that is that Liberals and Democrats associate being a liberal and being a Democrat with being moral, i.e. "If I believe in Global Warming, I am a good person.

If I believe that white people are evil, especially white males, then I am a moral person.

If I vote for other liberal Democrats, I am moral.

If I belong to Green Peace, I am a moral person. etc.

" It doesn't matter to them what they do in their own personal lives and they don't judge other liberal democrats for the things they do in their personal lives.

You can be a molester of young male congressional pages and interns... and in you are a liberal that is A-OK as long as you tow the liberal line.

Liberals can be personally very miserly with charitable giving (They are!), but feel they are really very generous people because they are liberals and liberals give a lot of the government's money (other people's money) away.

In other words as a liberal you can steal, cheat, lie, cheat on your spouse, have gay sex, assault someone, have sex with a mule, etc., as long as you continue to support liberal causes then you are still a moral person.

Conservatives believe what they do as an individual is what makes you moral or immoral.

Ultimately, it does not matter what you believe or what you give lip-service, too... it matters what you do.

They believe their actions should reflect their beliefs.

Conservative republicans may oppose governmental handouts, but are personally very generous with giving their own time and their own money to those in need, because they believe in personal charity.

Conservatives have a certain code of behavior and morality that they abide by. That is why conservative leaders who talk of personal morality and engage in immoral behavior are finished as a leader of conservative Republicans

(when Democrats do something immoral, they are excused, celebrated, and made head of a committee or Senate Majority Leader, etc.).

There is a certain segment of the Democrat party that has rejected the values and morals that Republicans hold dear. And without those values they have nothing to keep them from murdering someone when they feel like it... and they end up in prison.

As to the second part of your question, namely

"Why do Democrats want to give voting rights to felons?"

The answer is that the Democrat leadership wants to give felons the right to vote for the same reason that they want illegals to vote - they need them to win elections.

One dirty little secret the Democrat leadership knows is they have not won a majority of the white vote for President since 1964 (Why would anyone want to vote for a party that purposely passes laws that discriminate against you on the basis of your race and denies you equal protection under the law and robs you of your civil rights?).

They need the criminal vote and the illegal vote (as well as the dead vote and the fraudulent vote) to win elections.

2019-10-31 09:10:49 UTC
when you only have one card, you tend to play it a lot.
2019-10-31 01:46:30 UTC
because the Demorats have nothing to run on, and their candidates are atrocious. The liberal media is the brain of the democrat party, and theyre worrying that no one can win. 
2019-10-30 19:30:19 UTC
Why do you think that?
Dandy Desmond
2019-10-30 18:00:06 UTC
Not in Somalia, Detroit
2019-10-30 16:52:19 UTC
Not many white people I know are able to buy a $14.9 million house in Martha's Vineyard, MA.  If Michelle Obama is so concerned about black neighborhoods, why doesn't she spend money on improving them instead of buying a huge mansion for herself?  Sad to say, crime does tend to rise when the people she claims to "represent" enter the picture.  Here in Dallas, after Hurricane Katrina survivors from New Orleans moved in,  violent crime rose by 20% and it has stayed at that level because they didn't leave.   Dallas now has the third highest murder rate in the nation.
2019-10-30 16:15:50 UTC
stop being obsessed with the past
2019-10-30 15:49:29 UTC
No idea not do I care
2019-10-30 13:14:56 UTC
I just want to say I’m brown and the tsa has never given me a random check 
2019-10-30 11:19:24 UTC
I don’t understand just need some points lol
2019-10-30 08:54:59 UTC
Because she is black.
2019-10-30 05:42:15 UTC
Propaganda, but she makes a point too. False monarchy does not unite its people.
2019-10-30 04:05:49 UTC
White people are in charge of everything black and other neighborhoods. Democrats are white supremacists who hide it They the ones who promote Popeyes chicken sandwich causing black men to be obese, lgbt alphabet cmunity telling black kids to take hormones and be a different gender , education , hip hop promoting gang activities, abuse of black women, funding of school districts. Black people,nor anybody else have control over anything . Black people get placed in rat filled be ghborhoods yet white immigrants  get placed in suburbs. The police profiling ,Democrats who run cities defend them all the time who enjoy assaulting black people
2019-10-30 00:53:06 UTC
i would hope not
2019-10-29 23:50:01 UTC
It’s not a race card, it’s simply the truth. She doesn’t have to PLAY, she isn’t running for anything and she’s a private citizen now that can speak truth to power any time she likes. Deal with it.
2019-10-29 23:43:13 UTC
Imagine if the dnc had a real platform about ending poverty, ending wars, implementing an actual welfare state, protecting our rights and so forth instead of some weird gay agenda, antiwhite rhetoric, some dystopian feminist message, neoliberalism and so forth
2019-11-02 03:30:25 UTC
Because like all other nationalities, black people expect white people to fix everything. It’s exhausting. After people in other countries have made their own country so bad, they flee to white countries because they can’t take care of themselves. Same thing with black neighborhoods. Once the whites leave, it quickly becomes crime ridden and in disrepair. Black people need to fix their own neighborhoods and stop whining that white people are not doing it for them. 
2019-11-02 02:34:36 UTC
funny. An obama trying to add to the current racial divide in the country. Never would have figured.
Andy F
2019-10-31 23:43:13 UTC
It's really hard to understand, isn't it?

Especially when we're in a completely "post-racial" society where no American politicians are promoting hatred and fear among white people of people who aren't white, like black people and Mexican Americans.

It's a wonderful, wonderful thing where we now live in an America where white policemen NEVER kill unarmed black men in the course of making routine arrests or doing simple traffic stops.  Far-right events like the Charlottesville, VA. march that ended up killing someone hardly ever happen at all.

Nobody who's white -- well, except for someone like Dylan Roof, maybe -- ever walks into a black church where people are peacefully worshipping opens fire with a semi-automatic weapon. 

Yes - Racism in America has PRACTICALLY been obliterated, and it's so sad that Michelle Obama is so crass as to keep bringing it up.

Except that everything I've just written is sarcastic nonsense, isn't it?

Whether or not Michelle is "playing the race card," lots of conservative Republicans who love to attack Michelle are playing the race card a lot -- if not all the damned time.

When I was growing up, I got the idea from the Bible that "as you sow, so shall you reap."  If you think Michelle and other African Americans and/or the hated "liberals" are wrong to play the race card - please stop playing the race card yourself.

-- democratic socialist for common sense & common decency
2019-10-31 22:49:35 UTC
Why should we fix black neighbourhoods? That's up to blacks themselves. Why would anyone with a functioning mind want to stay in a neighbourhood that would decay into high crime filled by self pitying halfwits committing the crime blaming non blacks for all their self created troubles? What did Michelle and her husband, Soulman Barry do for black neighbourhoods in the U.S while in the white house? Because going by standards over the last 15 years it seems to be not a lot
2019-10-31 14:15:03 UTC
Racism is as racism does. It's her pattern.
2019-10-30 23:20:17 UTC
I've always seen her as a raciest I noticed by her body language when obama and her entered the White House. From the beginning of their regine you could tell. I've been a Republican ever since. I was a poor white trash kid growing up but I don't blame anyone for that. I worked and moved up.
W.T. Door
2019-10-30 22:58:28 UTC
It is the only card she has. 
Exploring Eternity
2019-10-30 21:56:16 UTC
I think she is just fine.
2019-10-30 20:22:51 UTC
Well Michelle, white people are, or were not moving away because people of a darker skin complexion simply moved into the neighborhood. They moved because when more blacks moved into the neighborhood, the crime went up, the noise level went up, the junk/trash and general disrepair, etc. increased. In general, it becomes less safe and that's not something anyone wants. I know this explanation is not PC, but it's true.
2019-10-30 19:58:59 UTC
It's not nice of her to generalize. It's as if she's accusing every white person of certain

behavior just because they are white. It's the very thing she says is wrong.
2019-10-30 15:18:58 UTC
Except she's correct; what she describes DID occur. That's not "playing the race card". It's historical fact.
2019-10-30 14:58:30 UTC
Why are white racists always upset when black people use the race card

How ironically admitting your own racism is that
2019-10-30 12:08:55 UTC
He/She has never had any other position to

take. She has been the clone of Al Sharpton

it's entire life.
2019-10-30 05:51:16 UTC
Democrats love playing the race card...
2019-10-30 05:16:18 UTC
Calling it "playing the race card" is one of the weakest excuses to avoid a discussion about race. Remember, we wouldn't have race issues in America if white people weren't racist in the beginning. 
2019-10-30 05:05:46 UTC
Yes she is u fortunately 
2019-10-30 04:15:41 UTC
because of racists like you thats why.
2019-10-29 23:50:18 UTC
The truth is this: The Blacks can never be appeased. Their impulsivity — their violence — their rage — their primitive nature — constitute a permanent condition, unchangeable even in a hundred lifetimes. Their primitive — and, for us, highly dangerous — inner nature transcends time and transcends geography. And it sure as Hell transcends all the “social programs” and EBT cards rained down from Heaven upon them by crazy, suicidal White folks led by the Jewsh pied pipers of “equality” and “diversity.” We could give them our entire nation, lay down in our front yards bound hand and foot with our throats exposed and sharpened knives within easy reach, our daughters chained to the bedroom door for their delectation, the entire contents of our bank accounts converted to cash and laid out neatly in unmarked bills on the kitchen table — and it still would not be enough. They would still hate, they would still rage, and they would still kill. And, when they had done away with us, they would turn on others, including themselves.

Yet even this violence is not the main danger — not the main problem. The greatest danger posed by having Africans roaming free in our society is the fact that, while they are doubtlessly, at the very least, a very different subspecies of human, they are still capable of interbreeding with us. And their birthrate — and the birthrate of the hybrids that have been born as a result of the unholy unions promoted by the controlled media and the controlled government — is far higher than ours. The plan of our executioners is not only to subject us to financial slavery to support them — not only to remove all our defenses against their demands for our wealth, our neighborhoods, and our daughters — but for the remaining Whites to amalgamate with them, to become them, in this ultimate horror show called modern America. And this spells extinction for us and everything we hold dear. Our memories themselves will die, and no one will remain to care about our great accomplishments and dreams, except perhaps a few Asian historians, centuries hence, who will shake their heads and wonder how the much-vaunted White men could have been so stupid and defective as to go from masters of the planet to extinct species in just a little over a century. And our children will be no more.

Baltimore, Ferguson, Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Oakland, Buffalo, and your home city too. Stop pretending. Let’s admit it: They’re all lost. They’re all dead. They’re all Black, or Brown. They’re all now flaming, bloody wrecks of what used to be the brilliant crowns of our advanced civilization. By accepting Africans — and African genes — into our society, we are remaking America in Africa’s image.
Deplorable and Proud
2019-10-29 23:44:29 UTC
The Obamas live in white neighborhoods. Why did they move out of black neighborhoods?
2019-10-29 23:43:54 UTC
Those white families likely moved out because they thought their neighbor Barack had a wild gorilla 🦍 for a pet, when it was just Moochelle
2019-11-01 03:53:31 UTC
Think she be less critical of whites  being he husband is 1/2 white.
2019-10-31 18:28:42 UTC
She is an antisemitic , anti-Christian anti-White, pro-socialist racist  like her ex-president husband Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama was the most antiAmerican president in history he collaborated his Marxist regimes  like Cuba and gave billions to radical Muslim regimes like Iran.
2019-10-31 15:45:08 UTC
Until a culture realizes it has a problem and acknowledges there is a problem that isn't caused by any other cultures.  No other culture can fix it.  It is sort of like an addict with enablers.  This is why it is called playing the race card.
2019-10-31 14:43:11 UTC
Because it's not up to WHITE PEOPLE to fix black neighbourhoods. That's up to the people IN THOSE NEIGHBOURHOODS iF THEY CAN'T FIX THEIR OWN PROBLEMS....
2019-10-31 02:10:51 UTC
And wherein did she say something that isn’t - as so many are so fond of saying - “telling it like it is”?  
2019-10-30 23:41:58 UTC
It's in her blood
2019-10-30 23:09:24 UTC
because she is a racist herself stupid
dallin c
2019-10-30 20:40:42 UTC
It sounds like she had a different upbringing than I did. I'd like to hear her story.
2019-10-30 18:15:18 UTC
Because since it's the only card in her deck, she'll play it in every hand. Remember, the lady doesn't have a full deck. (you heard it here first).
2019-10-30 14:44:59 UTC
I never pay a bit of attention to anything an Obama says.
2019-10-30 07:49:13 UTC
What do ya meme brother
2019-10-30 05:08:37 UTC
Black neighborhoods are bad, because black MEN don't marry their girlfriends before having kids, and black MEN don't raise their kids right!  "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel" (1st Timothy 5:8, KJV).  Even so, come, Lord Jesus!  Establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem, and keep the world safe from Democracy!
2019-10-30 03:32:58 UTC
Maybe because is she is very very very Racist to Black People,my friend?
2019-10-30 02:39:20 UTC
Because the Obamas are racist
2019-10-30 01:53:41 UTC
Race hatred cannot ever end for Michelle, I suppose. You know she's only been proud of her country once in her life.  WW2 meant nothing to her. Her ability to go to college doesn't affect her at all, even though a billion women all over the world will never get the chance. The slavery that still exists in the world means nothing to her. When her husband was elected President she finally found a reason to be proud of her country.
2019-10-30 01:09:44 UTC
because you keep calling her a man
2019-10-29 23:40:42 UTC
I'd ask her why is up to white people to "fix" black neighborhoods.  They need to take responsibility for committing so much violent crime.  It isn't the fault of the white man

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.