Why Are Most Felons Democrats?
First, we need to establish that felons are, in fact, overwhelmingly democrats.
Here is probably the most definitive study on the subject:
The authors are liberals in favor of granting felons the right to vote and call them "The Truly Disenfranchised".
From the paper:
Page 39
From Table 1B
Estimated Felon Vote for Democratic Presidential Candidate
1972 71.6%
1976 86.6%
1980 73.0%
1984 76.3%
1988 76.3%
1992 85.9%
1996 92.8%
If we average these numbers we find that felons are over 80% Democrat.
Also we can look at felon demographics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics:
From this report we learn the following about the violent felon population of the U.S.:
41% of violent felons are black
30% of violent felons are Hispanic
26% of violent felons are white
We can also look at this report on total felons (including non-violent crimes such as drug related and driving related crimes) for 2002:
43% of the total number of felons are black
24% of the total number of felons are Hispanic
31% of the total number of felons are white
We can assume that close to 100% of blacks will be Democrats (the idea of any black republicans in prison is actually kind of funny).
About 70% of Hispanics will be Democrats.
About 60% of whites in prison are likely to be Democrats.
If we apply these percentages we arrive at about 78% Democrat for violent felons and
79% Democrat for total felons, so they are roughly equivalent measures to the estimated average of 80% democrat felons derived from the paper by Manza, Uggen, and Britton.
Yes, criminals are mostly Democrats.
To be fair, this is not the same as saying "most Democrats are felons" - that would be an untrue statement. But we can say that Democrats are much, much more likely to murder, rob, and assault their fellow Americans than Republicans.
We can even go further with this analysis...
Democrats will murder about 13,430 of the 17,000 Americans that are likely to be murdered next year.
Now that we have established that most felons are Democrats...
Let's talk about the "Why" part.
The heart of the problem with Democrats is their lack of personal morality.
Liberals and Democrats substitute a "public morality" for "a personal inner morality".
What I mean by that is that Liberals and Democrats associate being a liberal and being a Democrat with being moral, i.e. "If I believe in Global Warming, I am a good person.
If I believe that white people are evil, especially white males, then I am a moral person.
If I vote for other liberal Democrats, I am moral.
If I belong to Green Peace, I am a moral person. etc.
" It doesn't matter to them what they do in their own personal lives and they don't judge other liberal democrats for the things they do in their personal lives.
You can be a molester of young male congressional pages and interns... and in you are a liberal that is A-OK as long as you tow the liberal line.
Liberals can be personally very miserly with charitable giving (They are!), but feel they are really very generous people because they are liberals and liberals give a lot of the government's money (other people's money) away.
In other words as a liberal you can steal, cheat, lie, cheat on your spouse, have gay sex, assault someone, have sex with a mule, etc., as long as you continue to support liberal causes then you are still a moral person.
Conservatives believe what they do as an individual is what makes you moral or immoral.
Ultimately, it does not matter what you believe or what you give lip-service, too... it matters what you do.
They believe their actions should reflect their beliefs.
Conservative republicans may oppose governmental handouts, but are personally very generous with giving their own time and their own money to those in need, because they believe in personal charity.
Conservatives have a certain code of behavior and morality that they abide by. That is why conservative leaders who talk of personal morality and engage in immoral behavior are finished as a leader of conservative Republicans
(when Democrats do something immoral, they are excused, celebrated, and made head of a committee or Senate Majority Leader, etc.).
There is a certain segment of the Democrat party that has rejected the values and morals that Republicans hold dear. And without those values they have nothing to keep them from murdering someone when they feel like it... and they end up in prison.
As to the second part of your question, namely
"Why do Democrats want to give voting rights to felons?"
The answer is that the Democrat leadership wants to give felons the right to vote for the same reason that they want illegals to vote - they need them to win elections.
One dirty little secret the Democrat leadership knows is they have not won a majority of the white vote for President since 1964 (Why would anyone want to vote for a party that purposely passes laws that discriminate against you on the basis of your race and denies you equal protection under the law and robs you of your civil rights?).
They need the criminal vote and the illegal vote (as well as the dead vote and the fraudulent vote) to win elections.
Source(s): http://www.northwestern.edu/ipr/publications/paper... http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/vfluc.pdf http://ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/fdluc02.pdf