To support "meats" answer unless you have a basis of actuall study into the fraternity as either a member or learned scholar one would realize that yes, basic Masonic customs and rules served as a template for what became the government of the United States.
A VERY big tenant of Freemasonry is to dispel superstition, while letting individuals decide for themselves which "god" they choose to worship. It endorses religion as the basis of good character, but it does not require you to believe in a particular doctorine Christian, Muslim, Jewish or otherwise.
As part of this tenant it also endorses "tolerance" regardless of the religion and does not seek to convert anyone to a particular religion or theology. Simply said Freemasonry leaves the religious judgement where it belongs to god and god alone, and has cringed at unchecked religious fanaticism which has killed more people than its united.
The founders new this, and while all of them were deeply religious in thier own way. They were not about to let a church dictate policy to the government under which these tenants were founded by uniting common ideals regardless of religion. People would be proven guilty by reasonable doubt and not by the prayer they said in the morning.
I AM a 32nd degree, your accusations are complete tripe, and smacks of such fanaticism. Freemasonry brought people together and all walks of life almost 400yrs before the formation of the US and the U.N. were even a concept, It unites gods children without the intrusive personal question of a members religion, so long as they have a god thats fine.
Thank god we live in a land where our founders thought the ideals of Freemasonry would be the best template by which to unite people of ALL races and creeds, a place where you could worship and say what you think, vote, run for office, etc all aspects of the fraternity created long before personal liberty was so widespread. Guess what they were right, many people in our country have been able to contribute thier talents to the nation, making it the most influential country in the world. It has brought together German Jewish Scientist and Scottish Engineers, African Musicians, and French philosophers, Hispanic Chefs, and Indian Accountants, and we are still building.
These ideas were so unheared of before U.S. however were quite common in Freemasonry and will continue to be a becon of hope along with the Untied States to all those oppressed because of the color of thier skin, the likeness of thier god, or the way they choose to pray. You worship no god in Freemasonry that is not already your own.