Truth is, ISIS was formed from rebels that US, Most European Countries, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc,. Were supporting/funding directly/indirectly to start off their mission to overthrow Assad's govt.
So why would they bomb their own asset?
The influence of ISIS declined only after Russia's Military Operation.
There was no such thing called civil war. It's just a war between terrorists(FSA, Al Nusra, ISIS, etc) vs govt forces.
Mainstream media has played a huge role in brainwashing people's mindset into thinking that this is a fight for democracy.
The war was planned by Us and the west mainly for economic reasons.
Just like the case of Libya.
If they succeeds, Syria would be ruined that's for sure. They care about Syrian people as much as they care about Libyan people during the Libyan conflict.
Btw, Invading Syria should be declared as an act of war and Russia(syria's ally) should've dropped nukes on Obama's house, Pentagon, White House, Military buildings.
A perfect Karma to their actions in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, etc, etc, and also not to forget their CIA-backed coups all over the world.