Why are people against bombing ISIS?
2017-01-02 11:32:30 UTC
I don't have all the information which is why I'm asking this question, but from what I understand, ISIS have taken over regions of the Middle East and the Syrian and Iraqi governments need aid in helping defeat ISIS, I don't understand what is wrong with bombing them in an effort to help?

Most people I meet say we are also murdering innocent men, woman and children. But why does that mean we need to just step aside and do nothing? Aren't ISIS already murdering innocent people, why do we just sit back and watch?
35 answers:
2017-01-02 13:48:44 UTC
I'm against it because I don't have all the information. What information I do have is mostly propaganda from one or other side.

The bs started around 2000 when airline trade unions fabricated an epidemic of "air rage" and started calling for better security on commercial aircraft. Then the UK government rushed through an anti-terrorism bill mainly aimed at Muslim groups. Then there was 911 and shortly after that our governments said that we had to escalate the bombing of Iraq which had been happening on and off since the 1990's, because Iraqis were responsible for 911 (which was of course a total surprise to everyone except the airline stewards) and they were 15 minutes away from launching attacks on us with weapons of mass destruction, which they were not allowed to have, even though we possess the A, B and C of weaponry. Bombing Saudi Arabia was never suggested even though that's where Bin Laden and most of the 911 attackers came from and also where the ISIS Salafist ideology comes from. We are still being told that it's nothing to do with oil, which has funnily enough, become really cheap lately.

The people wanting to bomb the areas nominally under the control of ISIS are the same people who manipulated popular uprisings in all the Arab countries, Hong Kong and Ukraine using astroturfing campaigns just like the ones they use to herd their own people (International ANSWER, Socialist Worker Party etc.). The Arab Spring didn't bring about democracy anywhere, but it did directly trigger the Syrian civil war and feed weapons to all kinds of unsavoury groups.

There is this organisation called the UN at which most of the countries in the world belong to, which can vote to send a multinational army to warzones IF a majority of its members can agree that this is the right thing to do. If the UN cannot agree to do this, it's probably because the situation is a little less black and white than your own government has led you to believe. Unilateral military action by any country undermines the authority of the UN, which has very major consequences for world peace: it's basically big countries declaring that might makes right and telling smaller poorer countries (who really appreciate the UN) to go hang.

In every war in history soldiers on all sides have raped and killed civilians. The question is whether or not a foreign intervention would reduce the civilian casualties or increase them. But of course we all know that our leaders are on a completely different agenda.

Supporting bombing of ISIS means believing people who have repeatedly lied to us in order to create the current mess in Syria, and then asking them to do some more of the same.
2017-01-02 18:55:44 UTC
well ya got a catch 22 going on with this question. You've got Isis and you have regular ordinary people not involved in this group or being extremists or terrorists so you always have a certain amount of innocent people around Isis. Dropping bombs to wipe Isis out you will wipe out more innocent people then the people involved....American's don't like killing innocent men women and children.

Secondly Isis is the group that picked up where the taliban left off. Does anybody not believe that these terrorist groups are going to just fade away....cause there not there going to keep coming and there going to get worse and worse each time
2017-01-02 12:01:58 UTC
Truth is, ISIS was formed from rebels that US, Most European Countries, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc,. Were supporting/funding directly/indirectly to start off their mission to overthrow Assad's govt.

So why would they bomb their own asset?

The influence of ISIS declined only after Russia's Military Operation.

There was no such thing called civil war. It's just a war between terrorists(FSA, Al Nusra, ISIS, etc) vs govt forces.

Mainstream media has played a huge role in brainwashing people's mindset into thinking that this is a fight for democracy.

The war was planned by Us and the west mainly for economic reasons.

Just like the case of Libya.

If they succeeds, Syria would be ruined that's for sure. They care about Syrian people as much as they care about Libyan people during the Libyan conflict.

Btw, Invading Syria should be declared as an act of war and Russia(syria's ally) should've dropped nukes on Obama's house, Pentagon, White House, Military buildings.

A perfect Karma to their actions in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, etc, etc, and also not to forget their CIA-backed coups all over the world.
2017-01-02 21:59:28 UTC
Well, their a in a small country. Bombing them would be like crushing an ant and a d*ck move on any ones part if they did so. Ants have colonies and live out their lives trying to make a living the best way they can. Despite being territorial and making more ant hills, Muslims in ISIS do not desire the same as ants, but simply want to be left alone. No one is going to tell you this, but it is clear to see. They think the reason why all the counties attacked then during the 9/11 war was because of outside influences, so they want revenge, but are willing to set aside revenge if left alone to rebuild their society. People keep bothering them, so they train their wifes and children self defense because their scared that any day now that they will be attacked again and they kill people in videos to say leave us be, your encouraging our vengeful feelings, and we will never forgive you, but we will set aside our differences if you leave us be. They think Turkey or Syria is behind the attacks
2017-01-03 04:11:38 UTC
Bomb ISIS? Do you think that ISIS just have a building labeled "ISIS" in the Middle East? Do you think that bombing "ISIS" in the ME is going to automatically kill all of "ISIS"? Even if it does, it will foster the ever growing enmity between the ME and the US. It is this basic psychology that can backfire on us. If we bomb "ISIS", bomb people's homes, bomb their children, their places of worship- they will come back with a vengeance. It is a cycle. They'll protest. They'll riot. They'll have enough hate to become like ISIS. Most terror groups are formed from the ashes of war. We cannot do that again. Even if we bomb "ISIS" in the ME, there are thousands of non-middle eastern ISIS sympathizers around the globe. They still will exist. Crushing evil without spreading and causing more evil is not possible.
The Oracle of Omigod
2017-01-02 16:30:31 UTC
Go look at some pictures of Aleppo if you think we are not bombing ISIS. The trouble is, for instance we dropped about two million tons of bombs on the North Vietnamese and they still won. You can not defeat a small arms fighting force with bombs.
2017-01-02 11:39:11 UTC
No one is bombing ISIS. The Syrian and Russian govts are bombing the moderate Free Syrian Army. Why would Russia bomb ISIS which primarily targets Western countries?
2017-01-03 11:42:40 UTC
The Russians are the interesting group here. Since the fall of the USSR, the satellite sates of the Russian Federation have been looking for autonomy. Many of these states are Islamic, such as the Chechen Rebels who took the Cinema a couple of years ago. Putin is trying to show all of the would be Islamic terrorists in the Russian Federation, that they will be crushed, just as he has done in Aleppo. The difference for the home grown Russian Islamists is that the West cannot assist them as they have done in Aleppo. So, Putin is using Aleppo as a demonstration against Islam, without messing up his own back yard. The West, yes US, we are the suckers in this tragedy, we have let the terrorists leave without proper control and sorting, they hide behind the civilian population and will continue to do so.
2017-01-03 05:34:25 UTC
People in the ME have been fighting for centuries. We have gotten involved in the past and it's changed nothing. Bombing them, short of wiping them all off the map, is not going to resolve anything. That may sound uncaring and uncompassionate, but sometimes these things cannot be stopped regardless of feelings. The best thing we can do is secure our own country and protect its citizens.
I want MOAR
2017-01-02 11:40:31 UTC
Because no group of people that large unanimously agree with the actions of ISIS. Why should even one innocent people have to die? It would just be a totally irresponsible act.
2017-01-02 11:37:44 UTC
Because they say ISIS uses human shields. But bombing them isn't really different from what they do to themselves just after screaming : Allahu Akbar
2017-01-02 13:19:39 UTC
Why are people against bombing ISIS?

UR right U don't know SQUAT > ALL TERRORISTS deserve BOMBING & DEATH > not just ISIS > Dems gave the World ISIS by pulling out of IRAQ & NO ONE HAS BALLS 4 WAR ( not Govt nor People ! ) BOMBINGS might KILL - aka Collateral Damage, but that's how it is when ur fighting TERRORISTS of LIFE > like it was with Hitler, Japan & Nam > ALL TERRORISTS deserve WAR & DEATH > even worse, govts are profiting by the blood & health of others, great military & still dumbass PEOPLE don't care !
2017-01-02 18:26:11 UTC
Obama wants to win the favor of Arab states because his retirement plans are to become the prophesied "Mahdi" and lead the united Arab peoples against Israel. He is "Gog" from ancient prophesy. All who are fooled into thinking Obama is a great president follow his dogma of "never, never, never hurt a Muslim." When he was forced into bombing the ISIS oil convoys headed to Turkey he made our pilots drop leaflets warning them to stand clear before we destroyed their trucks. Gog will die on the hills east of Jerusalem where he and his army will be buried.
2017-01-02 14:01:19 UTC
2017-01-02 11:34:59 UTC
2017-01-02 11:45:41 UTC
ISIS/ISIL are not a "place", that's why!

You Americans really are as ignorant of World Geography as people keep saying you are, aren't you?
2017-01-05 11:21:35 UTC
'cause they say isis uses human shields... but bombing them isn't really different from what they do to themselves just after screaming : allahu akbar
2017-01-02 11:36:12 UTC
I say we build 1 million B-52 bombers. Fill them with naplam and blanket every square inch of land.

Isis uses woman to breed child soldiers. They all gotta go. .....
2017-01-02 11:39:22 UTC
The killing of people is wrong. The use of bombs and other nasty things to destroy lives of people be they soldiers or just civilians is wrong. Regardless of what the group doing to bombing is trying to do, bombing is WRONG.
2017-01-20 16:55:56 UTC
well, why are people against bombing isis?

ur right u don't know squat > all terrorists deserve bombing & death > not just isis > dems gave the world isis by pulling out of iraq & no one has balls 4 war ( not govt nor people ! ) bombings might kill - aka collateral damage, but that's how it is when ur fighting terrorists of life > like it was with hitler, japan & nam > all terrorists deserve war & death > even worse, govts are profiting by the blood & health of others, awesome military & still dumbass people don't care !
2017-01-03 00:41:30 UTC
the Geneva convention agreements of 1929 and 1945 with the regards to killing innocent people in time of war plus the Syrian government have already on paper been found guilty of war crimes against their own people
2017-01-02 22:07:39 UTC
It is inaccurate and expensive since they're not a country they can blend in with the non-combatants and they are protected by other countries.

For more info watch the news,
2017-01-02 11:44:38 UTC
US just elected a misogynistic President and US has supported many terrorist organizations US is a death economy, getting richer off the corpses and bones of millions
2017-02-03 02:59:01 UTC
well, why are people against bombing isis?

ur right u don't know squat > all terrorists deserve bombing & death > not just isis > dems gave the world isis by pulling out of iraq & no one has balls 4 war ( not govt nor people ! ) bombings might kill - aka collateral damage, but that's how it is when ur fighting terrorists of life > like it was with hitler, japan & nam > all terrorists deserve war & death > even worse, govts are profiting by the blood & health of others, awesome military & still dumbass people don't care !
2017-02-01 12:14:53 UTC
2017-01-05 04:16:46 UTC
the killing of people is wrong... the use of bombs and other nasty things to destroy lives of people be they soldiers or just civilians is wrong... regardless of what the group doing to bombing is trying to do, bombing is wrong...
2017-01-02 11:59:56 UTC
Hmm! People does not mean Obama!
2017-01-07 16:22:48 UTC
i say we build 1 million b-52 bombers... fill them with naplam and blanket every square inch of land...

isis uses woman to breed child soldiers... they all gotta go... ...............
2017-01-03 19:11:33 UTC
I don't belong to them
2017-01-02 22:48:56 UTC

teach ,,if you ever had one, ever assign a book on islamic jee hod?

if he/she mz mr whaddever did not,you ought to sue your alma m/p/ater
2017-01-02 11:56:51 UTC
They call it the Drone Wars .
2017-01-06 04:07:45 UTC
2017-01-13 03:44:49 UTC
2017-01-02 22:38:57 UTC
2017-01-03 06:48:17 UTC

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