2011-11-14 22:58:38 UTC
My social views (which are broad) are considered Statist, as I believe the people as a majority do not have what it takes (politically) to lead, and that we require strong leadership. My views are this: The political player who we vote for (i.e. Obama [I do not support him]) should have the ability to lead the country, but a standing constitution is in place that the political player we vote for cannot tamper with, for only the congress, executive branch, and the judicial branch, can do this. Basically, it would increase the power of the president (so he is no longer a figurehead) and essentially move him over to the legistrative branch, while also being executive - but he has no power over the judicial branch. What this will accomplish is what the president has suggested in his campaign he will do. (I.e. if the political player says, "I will make socialism" he has the ability to press congress to convert to socialism [No, I do not support Socialism]. He does not have FULL power over congress, but he has a more direct say-so, instead of by his cabinet.)
Now onto more liberal/conservative views. I do support abortion (specifically the ability to have it available) simply because women should have the ability to have the ability to decide for themselves. I also support Stem Cell Research, because Stem Cell Research is benefiting the entire people, and I believe that the life of one man should be taken for the sake of thousands. However, I do believe our foreign affair policy is acceptable at the current time, and that relations with China should be the same as it is now. Why? Simply because China won't attack us, their living conditions are too poor. If anything, the Chinese would desert, and join us for the ability to live a much better life. I also believe that we should cease assistance to other countries in jeapordy. I believe that it is a waste of the money that we do not have.
I am for the legalization of marijuana, a HUGE topic, I am aware. Let me specify this: I, have not directly or indirectly EVER used marijuana, nor do I want to. I simply do not care for it. If someone is to use marijuana, I do not care - it is their choice. But the legalization of marijuana saves TRILLIONS of dollars, dollars that can be used to save our dying economy.
I am aware I am economically-centered, for that is the biggest issue. Please keep in mind that I am underage, so any advice would be grand. Thank you for taking your time.