George W. Bush, The Bankers, and so on took us down 27 notches out of 100.
The Congress chose to punish no one except the Taxpayers.
Obama took over with Federal Reserve and managed to stabilize fast sinking ship,
and so a very temporary fix called ACA which favored INSURERS heavily and MDs generally -- none of these two taking any belt tightening at all -- and not truly FIXING anything.
Credit Cards have been making an unspeakable MINT with interest rates not reduced at all while Banks made zero loans, but able to absorb petty fines and reimburse TARP. Now they are carrying on as before, still no loans except at high rate pocketing difference between that and prime rate, huge salaries still for all of the boys at the top.
Bush wasted TRILLIONS in Afghanistan and Iraq, helped by Army and bloated Civilian Contractors. VP Cheney could explain all, but likely won't.
We cannot afford anything spectacular. Fed printing money to keep military up.
Taxes from real workers have fallen, some gone through cracks from burden of struggle through all of this.
Republicans and their paid Supreme Court Justices gave rights to money to ensure dominance in Congress, Senate. Now they want to reduce taxes on all of the fat cats, bankers, corporations, high paid executives.
They do not understand CLIMATE and will not wake up until MANY MANY ships have sunk in howling winds and roaring seas, like El Faro and Anthem of the Seas Cruise Ship, both Captains dummies, no one paying attention to repetitive warnings...
Wait until you see what happens in Southern Hemisphere Seas -- to follow shortly.
It will be a Long Hot Summer.
White House spent PLENTY, their salaries alone, lowest appointees making a mint, much excess staffing.
USA Deficit doubled. Ship is not sinking right now.
BUT we are NOT ready for any very GREAT STRAINS.
YET, that is EXACTLY what is coming.
Don't go on a Cruise Ship to Antarctica, you have excellent chance of never returning. Same for ship with Captain who does not savvy my warnings if not current weather advisories, in many places around the globe, but worse in Southern Hemisphere and the usual troubles as well as some in unusual places.
The Congress is NOT fixing any problems and does not know how, only knows how to get elected by nationwide dupes plus donors who want no change.
I am growing very weary of warning you. There will be Heat Disasters.
The ship could start taking on water this year. The cargo is too loose and not balanced.
Hatches need to remain closed and battened.
Everyone is asleep, few keeping a sharp lookout or planning ahead reliably.
Whoever gets in to White House likely to do more of the same.
Games playing by many other nations while people die.
Drought and flood catastrophes. Famine and burgeoning refugees will feature more highly.
Shia-Sunni War throughout Middle East. All playing King of the Hill, more bodies and new King of Cruelty daily.
Terrorists, including for Internet.
Crime on the rise throughout USA and Canada and around the world. No longer reported accurately. Lying reports of improvement.
Illuminati firmly manning the helm, destination Son of Perdition World Ruler.
Decides who lives, who dies, what rights various have, who can buy, sell.
Total control of your funds electronically.
No doing anything without permission, even if you sell all of your scruples.
When will the executions begin? Going on somewhat already, heard about ISIS, Syria, Mediterranian Sea drownings?
Since you do not believe me, keep track of the ships lost over next three years, all hands and passengers.
Bombs returning to planes. Sleeping security workers, some with hand out.
Crookedness in many governments; big problems at time of great strain for Aid Funds.
Africa fitful. Indonesia destroying itself and the seas and the fish.
DPRK doing Nuclear Roulette.
Too many drunks, addicts and skates and some losing their minds violently, even some of the police.
Only the older people know it was NOT this bad 1950 to 2000.
You think one person did all of this? If so, you are one of the worse of the nuts.
You could start electing skilled people of intelligence who actually work for starters.
If you go on the rampage, spare those who are not guilty.