do you feel OBAMA HAS MADE THE USA better off including globally. OR WORSE?
2016-02-09 11:37:09 UTC
do you feel OBAMA HAS MADE THE USA better off including globally. OR WORSE?
299 answers:
2016-02-10 22:09:44 UTC
Worse,Worse,and Worse. As a leader of our Nation,he failed from the beginning.He seemed to enjoy putting the U.S.A. down.The first time I saw him on T.V after the election was when he made sure the whole world seen him ignore the National Anthem, it could have been the theme song to anything, he just kept on talking to folks around him .I can't think of a thing positive he has done. Making people pay a penalty if they don't have Insurance,If they can't afford insurance, why take grocery money away from them.And his obsession with disarming the American public.?? He is a grown ,educated person.He has to know that he is disarming the ' good' people.That is what makes it so sad.Trade prisoners that were very dangerous to us, our country, for a deserter,a traitor?? Give Iran what we ,the American Presidents,and the free world had kept from them, He just gives them the tools to wipe us off the Earth, and how many millions of $$ to take it.?? And I am a Registered Democrat (I vote in the Primaries) Bill Clinton did his HenHouse manners,but his woman chasing and draft dodging didn't harm our National Security.The things that have become common knowledge, that he has done while in Washington the two terms, If we still had the same frame of mind .as a Nation, we had sixty years ago.Him and his whole passel of advisors would be tried for Treason. I REALLY believe that Obama has hurt MY United States of America, that much.And anyone who gets out of the house much would certainly know that we ARE NOT A respected country, and that sure is because of OBAMA.,jwe
2016-02-10 20:06:44 UTC
He has made the country worse. Not inacting our peace through strength is making the world a less safer place.

More people are on food stamps as well.

When Bush left office the deficit was around 137 billion dollars. We were spending that much more than we were making after 2 big tax breaks. In 2010 two years after Obama took office the deficit was around 1.3 TRILLION DOLLARS! We were spending over a TRILLION dollars more than we were making when our Total debt was around 14 trillion dollars. That's a lot of money to be spending especially since it was 1/14th of our debt that accumulated over hundreds of years. Now the deficit is over 500 billion dollars which includes MULTIPLE tax increases.On the other hand Obama has made the country better by getting a Republican congress elected and this year a Republican president. The list goes on and on. Just too much typing. I'm Republican but I don't even want donald trump. I think we should follow president Reagan's principles in government.
2016-02-09 22:05:12 UTC
I like to think that America is in a better place. I can't agree. Confidence in those in authority has plummeted to a new low in recent polls. Only a handful of people think Congress/Obama is doing a good job.

Personally, 8 years ago my group health insurance cost me about $25 a week including spouse with the first $500 out of pocket deductible. I now pay $45 with a $2000 out of pocket deductible. Taxes have gone up, utilities have continued to climb, work benefits are less.

I went to the hospital last year for routine tests and now owe $3000 out of pocket which just 5 years ago 90% would have been covered.

The middle class is suffering, rich seem to be getting richer, poor are losing benefits left and right.

Congress is a do nothing group that barely get a budget passed.

We need not just a new president but also a new House & Senate. Period.
2016-02-11 05:40:11 UTC
Worse. The list as to why is long, but can be summed up with these quick observation: Internationally, the 2 nations we have a better relationship during Obama are Iran and Cuba and our allies don't trust us any more. Domestically, America is more divisive than at any point over the past 1/4 century. His "we vs. them" politics has worked. Race relations, partisan politics, economic class warfare are at an all time high. Economically, we've suffered our nation's 1st and only credit downgrade, there are more people out of the workforce than at any point over the past 40yrs, we've had the worst recovery out of a recession in history and our economy is growing at an anaemic sub 2% growth rate. Security wise, we've seen an increase of terroristic attacks on U.S. soil (including the consulate in Benghazi), Iran, Russia, N Korea have been more brazen and we've had U.S. citizens beheaded by Islamic Psychopaths both at home and abroad
2016-02-11 09:42:09 UTC
When obama became president, he was picking up the crap that was caused by bush. His plan was to reduce the debt which he did and bring our troops back which he did. After doing so thos countries that usa invaded hated them and was finally given an opportunity to express that when USA finally backd down. What obama has done for this world and america is in fact the best thing any lresident could have done. Yes he made things a whole lot better cause it was on a path of destruction already.
2016-02-10 06:20:30 UTC
Before Bush we Europeans quite liked the USA. After Obama the USA is seen pretty much as the evil empire. Darth Vader couldn't have done a better job than those two clowns put together.

Between FATCA and the NSA, New York Banks pulling the strings in Washington and revoking Edward Snowden's passport for exposing criminal government activity, Obama is probably the worst US president in History and that's saying a lot after he followed W.
2016-02-13 04:22:11 UTC
I am a democrat and I believe that Obama has not made America better but at the same time hasn't made it worse either. The choices he has made has had no significant impact and hasn't specifically changed it for better or worse. I think Obama is a strong speaker (why he was elected) but his ideas aren't the best. I feel as if the only thing he will be remembered for is being the first black president. This year I am rooting for Bernie Sanders. I think although Obama has made a legacy because of his black rights activism but that is all.
2016-02-12 16:16:56 UTC
2016-02-11 14:17:38 UTC
2016-02-11 08:01:24 UTC
I think globally the world has lessened it's dissappointment with the USA. But personally I haven't seen obama accomplish jack ****. He just sat back and did nothing. He didn't make it better or worse all he gets credit for is rigging the supreme court, making fake marriage legal and allowing corporations to have human rights. So he has left it in worse shape than when he started.
2016-02-11 11:00:46 UTC
2016-02-09 16:52:49 UTC
2016-02-12 18:15:35 UTC
How could this nation possibly be in worse shape than it was at the time that Obama took office? Our economy was so destroyed, that it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. The previous administration had started two wars , one on false data, and they were completely incapable of winning either of those wars. We are still paying the price for their ignorance.

So, has Obama started any wars ? Hell no. That in itself is great in my opinion. And he has kept our soldiers out of Syria, which is also great. Had McCain won, many Americans would already have died there.

Financially, at the end of the last administration, my wife and I faced the possibility of our business going under, like many others in our small town. Had that happened, we might have also lost our home. Next month, after seven years of this administration, we are putting up our business up for sale, and retiring. Then we go build our dream home on 20 acres overlooking a river, with no neighbors ever in sight. This last year has been the most profitable year of my entire life.

So from a personal perspective, this has been a GREAT presidential administration.

Oh, and America is no longer known for torturing prisoners.
2016-02-13 13:49:55 UTC
Personally worse. I will give obama this he kept U.S. out Syria. I am democratic. But he hasn't deliver his promise. Only pockets of the economy are recovering. And since we're service base economy that bad only Indiana is a industrial base economy. If economic reform obama did it was Indiana that befitting from it. Plus didn't elaborate on health care reform and didn't mention private health insurance companies still profit off individual. Second what worse obama may have down set stage for the U.S. no longer able be Global power.
2016-02-11 05:24:52 UTC
2016-02-12 15:42:14 UTC
2016-02-10 04:46:25 UTC
The US is better than in 2008-9 because any year would be better economically than a year of a financial catastrophe. However, it's important to note that 2013 was a bullish strong financial market year and that's when Republicans gained back the House.

Dollar strength is due to the economic messes overseas that we in the US are not as hit far. This has made foreign investment in US securities a safe option...for now but not forevermore.
betty m
2016-02-11 05:15:30 UTC
2016-02-12 15:37:01 UTC
2016-02-13 17:07:29 UTC
By far he has made our country worse,he has embarrassed this country to all,he has ruined the economy to the extent that it may never recover,he is trying to neuter our military,he is trying to keep the Black folks hating the whites by causing unrest,he has let Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have a free hand in making sure white police are blamed for ALL shootings,regardless off weather the Black person was in the wrong.He has cowtowed to all muslims and has greased the rails so more radical muslims can come here.He is married to a woman that hates America and believes that the military members coming out of the service will be targeted militants of the future.His Obamacare agenda will ruin the US but will go as far as hiring a government militia to enforce it,him and michelle do not trust our military and plan on using foreign troops along with his personal militia to call marshal law in the near future and confiscating our firearms.He has ordered all FEMA camps to be refurbished and enlarged,give you one guess who is going into these camps.
2016-02-09 16:43:23 UTC
The US is better now then when Obama got elected, however honest people will admit Obama had very little to do with it

On a global scale the world is much worse off, people in other countries routinely laugh at thee US and its incompetent leadership
2016-02-10 00:25:56 UTC
2016-02-13 20:09:19 UTC
2016-02-10 21:24:41 UTC
FAR WORSE. The national debt has increased astronomically and we have nothing to show for it except a lousy attempt at national health care which costs the government ridiculous amounts of money, and yet many people still don't have health care because it costs too much. My son pays the penalty for not having healthcare because the penalty is cheaper and he doesn't make enough money to pay for it. When will people learn that the more the government gets involved in stuf the more screwed up it gets because all they want is control of everything, because when they control something you need, they control your vote! Thats why we have career politicians, it was never meant to be that way.
2016-02-12 04:00:14 UTC
OBAMA HAS MADE THE USA better off including globally.
2016-02-09 15:35:54 UTC
The President has made the United States a much better place. Of course the other party will disagree. They know what a tremendous job he did with that mess he was left with, but they will never admit it. He had such great ideas for this country, unfortunately all he ever heard from congress was NO. The United States is a respected country thanks to President Obama. It's so sad people can't be objective.
2016-02-10 06:54:48 UTC
2016-02-11 17:34:51 UTC
2016-02-10 23:01:02 UTC
2016-02-13 06:15:24 UTC
- More people on welfare today then anytime in the past 7 years.

- The middle class wages are now down 11% since the day Obama became president.

- ISIS is far stronger now then when Obama began bombing them.

- The U.S. is now a part time job economy, it makes the employment rate look better though. Yay!

- 7 major companies relocated headquarters and left the U.S. in just 2014, this hasn't happened under any other president.

- The Gruber videos admitted that they relied on stupid American voters, per his actual words.

- We now have well over 18 trillion in debt, Obama has almost doubled the debt of all previous presidents combined. It was at 10 trillion when he became president.

- There are now fewer people in the work force than at any time since 1978. As a percentage of the population, the work force is now a 59 percent. Thats a disgrace.

These are facts. Argue and make excuses all you want, but that wont change the facts that this happened under Obama.
2016-02-10 05:43:49 UTC
I feel America has changed for the better after Obama took a stance at fixing the economy. Also, gentrification is at an all time high, so our dead urban cores are finally roaring back to life. That's a very good sign of recovery, we need wealth back at our urban cores.

Only thing I have an issue with is that he fails to see there is a problem with the black community and the ghetto mindset, hence it remains unsolved. And till that is resolved, people wont start moving back into cities due to public safety issues.
2016-02-15 12:40:08 UTC
I see where he has done a few things here and there but on the whole, worse. I can't say I feel like he's done anything that really made anything that much better and I feel like things have gotten worse since he took office. Obama care, in my opinion, is pretty useless too.
2016-02-12 17:24:10 UTC
I am not American but Obama's policies certainly has not helped my region. But at least he tried to do some things and reforms in his terms. He is not the best President but he may not be the worse. The previous President had a part to play in current day USA too.
2016-02-10 12:05:50 UTC
I don't think it could have gotten any worse than it was when he first got in office. He was not the start of this countries problems and I don't think he should be blamed for something he inherited with the position of presidency. Reagan both Bush's ran this country in the ground on top of a few presidents before them. So, President Obama has managed well with what he was given. Do I agree with all of his decisions...of course not but do I blame him for this country's current condition...absolutely not as well. America needs to learn how to place blame where the blame should be placed and acknowledge strides made as well.
Steve from PA
2016-02-10 19:55:20 UTC
8 years ago

Banks were closing in CA

Wall st was clasping

The previous administration was responsible for 600k Iraqis and 5000 American solders. ...based on mis information

200k jobs were being lost per month

Global economies were wobbling

Unemployment rate was headed for 10pct

Gas was $4 a gallon

750 billion dollars was given to insolvent banks..of which Obama appointed Elizabeth Warren to find out where it went...not a clue

So I guess the country. Is better
2016-02-10 21:53:17 UTC
2016-02-12 06:38:49 UTC
Ag doll
2016-02-13 04:11:23 UTC
I feel as though Obama has made the country a bit better. I know we all have different opinions, and no I do not feel he did the best job he could have done. But I am very glad to have grown up as Obama was in office. I feel he did a good job, and I m hoping we can do even better with the upcoming election.
2016-02-09 12:33:18 UTC
2016-02-11 11:48:01 UTC
Worse off
2016-02-12 07:00:36 UTC
You must be joking, he made the USA into a nothing !!! globally even less then nothing, What a total idiot that guy is !! What scares me it that he has 2-3 months to go in that time he can and will mess it up for 50 more years !!
2016-02-10 20:13:21 UTC
Much better off. I'm glad America is not divided against another nation anymore like under Bush and lifting sanction on Iran was the right thing to do. It brought our gas prices down and we are more friendly with other nation than ever before.
Lord Aizen
2016-02-09 12:47:22 UTC
Far worse. The air of US culture is bleak. We didn't have that during six years of the Bush tenure, but had terror on the mind at a lesser scale.

Obama's no-end-in-sight war with ISIS and horrible Gitmo policy for prisoner release has embarrassed US nationals and ended up causing more sinister world authorities to take advantage of how soft he, Kerry and Clinton were.

There are millions more on entitlements, more debt than any other president combined, and an immigration problem that won't go away.

Socially his record is mixed, depending on who you talk to they may or may not like his LGBT views or alleged unenforcement of federal law on states rights with pot.

Obamacare is his signature work. It is an enormous burden on the middle and working classes.

Just think if Kerry won* in 2004 or if HRC wins in 2016. They'd be just as bad. We would be talking about them.

2016-02-09 12:26:23 UTC
More people have health insurance, but is the ACA sustainable? Many of the co-ops have been unsuccessful. Has he done anything to target corporate welfare? If he has, it hasn't had a meaningful impact. Look at how many people are receiving welfare, apart from people receiving SS, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. I'm starting to feel like the two parties fight, taxes get hiked and the middle class is the pawn. Tax hikes are only a band aid on bigger issues. It just seems like nobody takes on the big corporations except Bernie.

Racial tension is at a high that we haven't seen in decades. Look at what's gone down in Baltimore. Saying things like "if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon" isn't helping. How about saying, "let us focus on looking at the content of one's character as opposed to the color of our skin, and fix the holes in our system so we can all succeed." The Middle East is in chaos, and you cannot tell me that he doesn't share some blame there.
2016-02-11 15:54:45 UTC
WORSE! Much worse. Obama is destroying America especially her tax-paying middle-class and he's leading the world into another global war.
Mary Catherine Ryan
2016-02-10 13:20:10 UTC
Better. People listen and really believe in

Fox News. They are really disgusting!!! About 17% is truth and 83% lies. The majority of Congress is owned by the multi-million dollar corporations. You notice everything they want they get. Congress is not for the United States of America, they are owned by the multi-million dollar Corporations. No wonder we are in such a mess.

Makes me sick to my stomach!

Obama has helped us with the best he could with the no vote from Congress

for anything that was to help all Americans. Take for instance the American Cancer association. In my opinion they will never come out with a cure for cancer, because they are making too much money off of it and Congress supports that and knows that people all over the U.S.A. people are dying from this disease. I wonder how much they are getting for it?
2016-02-10 13:21:50 UTC
FAR BETTER OFF FOR SURE. Especially when considering foreign vies on America. Foreign peoples love Obama - Compare that to the hatred they had for Bush. . . The hatred they would have for Trump, if he were to win. Imagine how pissed off Trump would make the world- I wouldnt be surprised if he started a WW. Obama has had a great impact in our country, just look at the economy!!
2016-02-11 13:46:45 UTC
The US could not have elected a worse representative from those available. He has quadrupled the national debt and worked diligently to undermine the Constitution. History will show only one worse president, Jimmy Carter. A more arrogant individual has never occupied his position.
2016-02-13 12:41:39 UTC
Worse. My brother in law just graduated the marines and he's getting deployed to Iraq in October. So as you can see Obama didn't even end the war in Iraq. Obama has been completely complcite with ISIS and has actually cut back our budget for defense.

Obama didn't do anything in Syria with his "red lines" and now we may get into WW3 because of him. Russia has helped out Assad and the likelihood of us deposing him now is 1 to 10.
2016-02-14 04:35:43 UTC
Your question says a lot. What I "feel" doesn't matter. We live in reality and reality is that Obama has placed this country in the worst financial shape since the Great Depression and put the United States and the entire world on the edge of a nuclear world war. We need to stop seeing things by what we "feel" and be realistic. Our lives depend on it.
2016-02-09 11:42:42 UTC
Well Dan. 2:44 shows that we really cannot have perfect govt or rulershipw imperfect people only Gods government can bring about the changes that we really need such as this mentioned at Isaiah 33:24, Revelation 21:3,4 Acts 10:34,35 and psalms 72 to name a few.
2016-02-13 12:46:42 UTC
FEEL?? This is the problem with our country! Feel is an emotion. Emotion based reasoning is not reasoning at all. Go find facts from various sources, apply some critical thinking, and come to a rational perspective. Otherwise, please don't vote! Better or worse? WORSE. Look it up!
Mr. Wizard
2016-02-12 13:18:09 UTC
Worse--but not irreparably--although not through a lack of Obama's trying.

President Trump will have quite a job ahead--but his financial restoration plans WILL get the job restoring America pre-Bush AND pre-Obama, done---without putting ALL the burden on us common joe worker schmoes.

And the world's superpower leaders may not like Trump--but they'll come to respect him--as Trump will in fair and civil turn, return that respect.
2016-02-09 11:48:15 UTC
Bush messed things up so bad. Obama's definitely improved things. Look at the improving economy, the low gas prices, the lowering unemployment rate, the universal healthcare.... things are a LOT better now than before.
2016-02-09 14:14:35 UTC
Obama has made the country far worse and he will go down in history as being the worst President in the history of the US.
2016-02-10 15:09:32 UTC
Every move Obummer has made has pushed the country a bit closer to annihilation. As hard as it is for me to believe, there are people who think he is the greatest thing since sliced beer and canned bread. He and others think they will beat crime by taking our guns from us. They obviously don't understand that A.) Criminals do not obey laws, so why would they believe new gun laws?, and B.) People who have gone through the expense and inconvenience of getting a permit or license are not going to risk that by committing crimes. You have an illegal deal with Iran, and more.
2016-02-09 13:55:38 UTC
Many of the nations that are supposed to be our allies now say the US can no longer be trusted.

There are 6,000,000 more Americans living in poverty today than there were on the day Obama took office.

Considering the number of liberals who are saying how great Obama is they must think those first two accomplishments are great achievements.

2016-02-12 20:14:58 UTC
Worse. I think every president from Carter onward has done an amazing job of hurting America, particularly George W. Neanderthal. Barack Obummer is just a long line of terrible presidents pouring gasoline on the fire.
2016-02-11 21:04:11 UTC
Worse..Racial relationship became worse, foreign policy is a mess, government grew exponentially under president Bush but Obama double down on it, more government regulation made it harder for businesses to operate, police officers are being demonized, political correctness went rampant, higher corporate taxes that is why china is eating our lunch, more entitlement programs for slackers and illegals that is sucking the money out of tax payers pocket, OBAMACARE (ponzi scheme) health premiums sky rocketed, military watered down (women and homosexuality is a bigger issue than terrorist), climate change is the biggest threat to humanity (not terrorism) education is a mess, easier working visas for foreigners which steals more jobs from American citizens, coal mining is paralyzed which made electricity prices to skyrocket, he is obsess with the 2nd amendment, power-grabbing by using presidential memorandum almost similar to executive order.... and so on...

Bush is already bad but Obama is worse... Do you want to completely destroy America? make Bernie Sanders your president.. socialism is a few step away to communism..
2016-02-12 05:10:06 UTC
This is Sad how many people say worse when it takes congress to help and aggree with some of the things he tried to pass and didnt aggree . So honestly you cant say he did good or bad. The only thing he was able to actually do was obama care and that almost didnt get passed
2016-02-09 12:01:28 UTC
Much, much, MUCH worse!!!! He is helping to bring in the New World Order, following after the beast of Revelation 13 and 17. Which is globalism, universalism.
2016-02-10 11:36:40 UTC
It is different, I know plenty of people who live outside the US, and they said that while Bush was president, they and their countries felt that the government of the US was foolish, but the people of the US were good people, they say that ever since Obama has been elected, that they believe both the US government AND the normal people are idiots (Social Justice stuff, political correctness, etc), which I greatly agree with them, so yes, I would say that the world opinion of the US has drastically decreased since Obama came into office.
2016-02-11 07:14:06 UTC
Waaaaaaaaay worse. People assume he made it better by the little things he has exposed... but right when America puts their minds else where, he takes the liberty to go behind our backs and signs new orders... just like when all of the riots were happening he gave our nuclear bombs to Korea.
2016-02-10 05:53:44 UTC
Corporations are still running the show, as under Bush!

Hence Obama care not as cost effective as it should have been!

Wall street still on queer street! Relying on money printing, QE, and bubbles!

Offshoring still on target!

Ttip will reward corporations at the expense of the people!

War on terror 2003- present still a gravy train for the war profiteers, industrial military complex!

For $4 trillion what has america to show for it? FEMA camps? Surveillance? = Profit for corporations!

Infrastructure goes plop! America does war!

So world dumps $ as the sole reserve currency!

Americas answer to every problem, war!

Russia, and China do business! But good old America does war!

American dream? "For the dream to die freedom must also die. As long as you have the freedom to do your best the dream is always possible. The slow loss of personal freedom over the past century has led to the diminishing of the possible. We no longer see the possibilities because that ability is being taken away from us. Tyranny is the lack of possibilities forced on the population. You can no longer be all you can be because you are constrained by others that want to limit those possibilities."

Watch "U.S NATO New World Order vs Eurasian World Order" on YouTube
2016-02-11 10:31:18 UTC
It's hard to say better or worse because some things have improved and other things haven't. I do feel that our country is in better condition now than with our last president, but I can't say that wholeheartedly.
2016-02-09 23:59:07 UTC
Much better compared to were we were just 8 years ago. Remember that guy between Clinton and Obama.....

We have actually gotten countries like Iran to actually peacefully work with us. This sure is an improvement of shaking guns at them and promising war that is the Republican solution.
2016-02-10 15:52:46 UTC
I think Obama is a good president but if Bush never got in office I think Obama could have made the world a lot better and we wouldn't be in this mess. Killing Saddam Hussein was a mistake too.
2016-02-11 05:02:40 UTC
2016-02-12 13:07:10 UTC
2016-02-10 19:14:48 UTC

1. Pulling out of Iraq, that is 6 trillion and 4,500 dead men for nothing, liberals don't understand how high the price of oil would have been with Saddam still there.

2. Behavior overseas and abroad his not very Presidential, (flying his dog on an osprey helicopter, apologizing to Arab leaders and bowing down to them, chewing gum at a Chinese/India events, absolute failure to get the summer Olympics in the US after his pathetic attempt in Brazil, ignores Israel and France, ignores Chris Kyle, embraces criminals like Trayvon and Mike Brown, "you didnt build that," rides bike with a helmet on, dad jeans, Al Sharpton, etc...

3. Obamacare. Listen, its not the governments job to take care of you. Another restraint on the dying businesses of America. Another employer that has to lay off workers because of the Govt.

4. Unemployment is too high and the economic recovery was so lame and weak. keynesian economics does not work if you do it half-assed. %5.0 unemployment does not matter when jobs arent paying enough. That number is also misleading because if you give up on finding a job, you arent counted.

5. Blocked the key-stone pipe line. I guess it's safer to just have trucks and trains bring it in? Not many jobs, but some could have been created.

6. No strategy for ISIS, he pulled out and doesnt want to go back in.

7. Continues to attack the 2nd amendment, stands on the graves of children etc..

8. Spys on America

9. For the TPP, a notoriously great way to outsource jobs and cater to multinational corporations

10. Weakening the Military. The US is in debt because of social security and Healthcare, not Military.
2016-02-10 09:17:22 UTC
2016-02-11 19:12:55 UTC
Obama's underrated, he did a lot of good things for the US but somehow people only remember bad things, just wait till trump wins the elections and you'll beg to see a president like obama again
2016-02-13 00:12:52 UTC
Has terrorism ramped up during his reign? (hint: look at the last 8 months alone.)

Are there more college kids living with their parents after college and unable to find jobs in their field of study? (hint: yes)

Does Iran have BILLIONS of dollars that they didn’t have before because of OUR recent deal? (hint: yes)

Has Iran vowed to eliminate Israel with military action? (hint: yes)

Has Obama spat in the face of Netanyahu by BOTH the Iran deal AND his refusal to show up at the event where Netanyahu visited Congress to deliver a speech? (hint: yes)

Did Obamacare turn US healthcare into an unstable mess where people still can’t get proper coverage? (hint: yes)

Did Obama allow one of our historical foes (Russia) make us look silly in both Diplomacy AND military operations in Syria? (hint: yes)

I could go on all night.

Obama was a colossal failure & has made our country look feckless and weak.

…And now the Democrats are offering another 4 years of this insanity… or a crotchety old socialist.

No thanks.
2016-02-13 06:26:49 UTC
First let me say he is The President of the United States. He has had to deal with many problems that I can not even imagine having to deal with myself and I respect him for his title and what he has had to deal with. Having said that I feel we are worse off here in the US and around the world.
2016-02-13 02:15:42 UTC
Globally, I don't beleive the US is better off. Domestically, he has put a lot of efforts into health care however he hasn't addressed the major issue of socioeconomic inequality.
2016-02-10 14:43:19 UTC
Better in so many ways, some which won't be felt for many years to come. No president could ever solve all the problems this country has, not in 8 years. And without more support from Congress, he was always battling against the flow. So I think he did a damn good job and I'm very proud of him and his family.
2016-02-09 20:20:53 UTC
200% WORSE

47% unemployment!

$22 trillion deficit!

Nationally-enFORCED 0bamacare!

Has divided this country in HALF!

Single-handily CAUSED the great-recession!

The World is screwed!

F_ck Barry Soetoro!

"Hawaiian" Kenyan Muslim piece of trash...
2016-02-12 07:35:40 UTC
The last 7 years may be considered the worst in American History with the exception of the Civil War, maybe.
2016-02-09 16:22:42 UTC
under Obama, america has the highest diversity and the greatest acceptance of any country in the world, it invented 'democracy' and 'social-equality'.

what makes the social wind so much worse is the anti-gay GOP race for president; can anyone get elected on a deeply anti-women, anti-gay, anti-economic equality, and an anti-civil rights program?
2016-02-13 06:03:49 UTC
He made it worse. You would have to be blind not to see it.

All our troops are still over there!! He said he would bring them

home. But I read just this week we would send more....

So he lied about that. My son was in Iraq nearly killed..

He said that Obama came to Iraq and walked right passed them.

Never said thank you to them. Some were holding their hands out.

But he was too busy to say thank you. Talking with some Iraq officer.
Richard L C
2016-02-10 16:55:08 UTC
Is this one of those trick 'idiot' tests universities run here on YA? For the record (Sydney University, you know who you are) the United States is quantifiably worse of under Obama.
2016-02-10 15:27:34 UTC
America is far worse as the result of Obama. He is, without a doubt, the absolute worst President of my lifetime... Never in the history of America have we EVER been 20 TRILLION dollars in debt!
Steve N
2016-02-10 14:39:10 UTC
Worse. It's not opinion. We are in MUCH more debt than when he took over. He spent more in his first year than Bush spent in 2 terms, and Bush was no prize when it came to spending. His crap healthcare is bankrupting people that WERE ok with their old coverage and many people still don't have insurance.
2016-02-10 21:58:59 UTC
Better but the media will always make people think he made the US worse
2016-02-12 18:01:20 UTC
Definitely better off. You can deny it all you want, but we're out of the recession that conservatives and the elite caused so suck it. You can also thank Bush for overthrowing Saddam and letting jihadists fill the political vacuum.
2016-02-13 12:52:33 UTC
Better. When he first started his presidency we were already in a terrible state because of previous presidents, mainly George W. Bush. Comparing then to now, America has improved economically and that is evident in the higher percentage of job opportunities available.
2016-02-11 12:58:32 UTC
Obama has embarrassed this country. Obama will go down in history as one of the weakest Presidents in the history of the United States.
2016-02-10 09:48:00 UTC
2016-02-11 16:45:44 UTC
Totally worse!
Linda R
2016-02-12 08:10:55 UTC
WORSE, of course. Obama has traveled to every country, we've had confrontations with and apologized to them for our actions and then, to make matters even worse, he as found every soldier (who killed enemies) and placed them in jail for murder.

Obama has forced OVER 65% of Americans to be unemployed because he has closed businesses down.

The only thing, Obama, has been consistent ALL OF HIS LIES!
2016-02-11 17:47:56 UTC
In 2008 there were 20 million of food stamps now 47 million
2016-02-11 21:54:43 UTC
Even...... Obama has done anything to worsen it or make it better, the country needs a spiritual awakening, and Obama, or a far left, or Ted Cruz or a far right is not going to make that happen.
2016-02-11 07:57:08 UTC
Worse. He gave hope to people in the beginning but he failed to make a difference which great presidents do
2016-02-09 21:38:30 UTC
Obama inherited an already down falling country. Most people don't like him because he is a Democrate and promotes gun laws. I'm Republican but I sort of like him as a president.
Obtuse Goose
2016-02-11 08:58:08 UTC
NO regard for the environment. There have been more environmental issues during this preisident than any other.

Don't forget the avian die-offs. RIP bros
2016-02-10 14:19:24 UTC
ISIS formed during Obama's tenure. North Korea is now testing nuclear weapons. I'm certain other activities have happened.
2016-02-09 11:52:02 UTC
Obama is considered a wise man outside the US. He has a good figure outside of US unlike what some republicans say.
2016-02-10 16:33:35 UTC
What truly saddens me is that Obama will be seen as the primary example of a black man holding the reigns of world power, and not just the world power, the foremost world power, and leader of a nation that is the freest, most advanced in the world, and most influential, and most powerful, and he managed to in just 8 years set the course for its destruction, undoing more than 200 years of progress towards its success.

No other black man has ever held the reigns of world power for as far back as we have recorded history, and Obama is fighting hard so that our nation will crumble and fall, which means that potentially, Obama may be the sole example for centuries to come, unless some European nation manages to stick around for a while as the foremost world power and they happen to provide one other example, but if not, maybe for even more than 1,000 years to come, Obama will be the sole example.

Indeed, if this is the time spoken of in Revelation, it may never happen again before the end of the world, for after antiChrist, Christ Himself reigns for 1,000 years, and Christ is a Jewish man.

Though take heart. Christ may set that record straight by putting one or more faithful black man/men in the highest of positions in His earthly kingdom.

Think of it this way.

Are you asking today when all of public education, Democrat-loyal institutions of higher learning, all of entertainment, and 95% of news instructs us all to believe that Democrats are angels, and Republicans devils, or are you asking us later on when historians look at us today without 95% of news, all of entertainment, all of public education and Democrat-loyal institutions of higher learning telling them to love the Democrats and hate the Republicans.

If you're talking about today, then only idiots don't absolutely love Obama and everything that he's done.

If you're talking about later, then only idiots absolutely love Obama and everything he's done.

And just like today where we think we're superior and wiser and smarter than those who came before us, when they later on see how utterly stupid and easily brainwashed we were, will think the same about us as we do about those who came before us.

Only, we actually are stupid and easily brainwashed because those who came before us didn't allow themselves to be so easily brainwashed. And those who come later will see that.
2016-02-11 16:01:41 UTC
WORSE, since he wants American women as his slaves, like his other 3 wives in South Africa he married when he was a Senator. Did'nt you know muslim women are bought & sold at the males whim. Mike
2016-02-10 08:13:05 UTC
better. He helped reduce the unemployment, under his administration bin laden was captured, individuals were able to get insured that were never insured before. Consider the mess Bush left this nation he did a decent job repairing the chaos.
2016-02-10 00:22:24 UTC
Worse...Obama has destroyed America's future.
2016-02-09 17:15:19 UTC
They laugh at the USA because Obama is way too soft and won't attack any of these terrorists who are trying to kill us. They keep on doing because they know Obama has no balls.
2016-02-11 07:36:01 UTC
Propaganda question, you will most likely vote an argument against Obama being a good president and then generalise that as everyone's opinion. But then again, I don't think he has done anything good myself.
2016-02-11 12:11:28 UTC

What a joke, what does have to share with future grand children, how he made there nation weaker
Jimmy C
2016-02-10 11:57:01 UTC
The economy has improved a lot but Obama has been unable to do mush because all the republicans in congress have tried to block everything he does.
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-02-09 23:58:29 UTC
The ones who claim "worse" are usually making reference to the support of marriage equality, but deep down these too-far rightwing extremists surely know (if they remove their blinders or white hoods) that the GOP-damaged U.S. has been in very good hands for the past six productive years---even when Republicans actually met on Capital Hill in a clandestine meeting on Inauguration night in January 2009 to COMMIT TREASON and to deliberately PLOT AGAINST our democratically elected Barack Obama while we were a nation in GOP-caused FINANCIAL CRISIS and in TWO (unpaid-for; kept off the budget books) WARS!

Our twice-elected, recession-reversing, auto-industry-rescuing, jobs-creating, insurers-reforming, revenues-generating, economy-growing, deficit-slashing, banks-Wall-Street-reregulating, Dow-Jones-elevating (6,900 in 2008), defense-contractors-auditing, borders-securing, criminal-past-illegals-deporting, DACA-signing, immigration-reforms-seeking, international-image-healing, international-coalitions-forging (65 nations to help destroy ISIL, for example), nuclear-nonproliferation-deals-brokering, Chinese-trade-tariffs-imposing, manufacturing-base-rebuilding (see, GOP-viciousness-transcending, expanded-trade-deals-negotiating, Cuba-U.S.-relations-normalizing, terrorist-attacks-preventing, highly intelligent, incredibly patient, and deeply patriotic President Obama has strengthened us as a nation, fixed the God-awful nearly fatal messes left by the totalitarian Republicans' always-fail big-spending deficit-exploding policies, and put us back onto a path towards long-term safety, strength, and prosperity. or and and

Robert Draper (2012), "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives" and Michael Grunwald (2012), "The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era."
2016-02-12 17:05:39 UTC
I suppose the answer here depends on how conservative or liberal the person is. But although I tend to be center-left, I still think Obama has done a dismal job with our nation's PR.
2016-02-11 06:48:50 UTC
I know middle eastern countries hated USA from the very beginning... But Obama only worsened it 😆
2016-02-09 11:38:08 UTC
there are like 90 million people age 18 and over out of work. poverty has increased under obama. all the jobs added low wage, went to those age 45 and up, and foreign born
2016-02-10 06:30:58 UTC
how can it be worse than the 8 miserable years of BUSH. Every aspect of american life was affected. I will say that i think OBAMA is weak in regards to how we handle RUSSIA but overall i think he did and excellent job for the kind of garbage he was handed.
2016-02-14 11:12:05 UTC
As a result of Barack Hussein Obama, there is no place on the PLANET where things are any safer. NO ONE ON PLANET EARTH is safer as a result of Barack Hussein Obama and his policies and his indecency and his epic failures. He's an epic failure.
2016-02-10 11:58:31 UTC
The country is in better shape than it was when he was elective no health

Insurance for people he made it possible for people to get coverage with

Previous health problems now people can at least get coverage!
2016-02-11 02:07:28 UTC
WORSE because I had a good job and lost it because of that administrations propaganda on environmental issues! Worse because of Obama care and worse because the economy sucks!
Andy F
2016-02-09 16:20:59 UTC
It's too soon to tell, IMO.

In some ways, foreign policy seems to have broken down during his administration. His daring Assad to cross a "line in the sand" in Syria and then doing nothing when Assad used poison gas against the Syrian people was a very bad mistake. I think his decision to use US bomber strikes to destroy the Qaddaffi government in Libya also looks like a huge blunder, in retrospect.

OTOH, he at least tried to wind down US military engagement in Iraq, which has been a running foreign policy disaster (and military disaster, too, mostly) ever since poor, stupid George W. Bush invaded and occupied Iraq under false pretenses, in 2003.

IMO, Obama also has moved very shrewdly to increase the US military profile in Africa, most brilliantly by having the US military deploy its resources to fight the Ebola virus in West Africa a few years ago. I think that was a very smart coupling of "soft" US political influence with "hard" military might, and I think it may pay off well for us in the long run.

I truly do think it's too soon to judge how successful Obama has been in his diplomacy with Iran and in his economic sanctions against Russia in retaliation for Putin's invasion of the Crimea. My sense is that his patient, non-military use of US economic pressure is likely to work in both cases, but we just don't know yet.

On Israel, I think Obama's foreign policy has mostly been a failure. Netanyahou and the Israeli setters in the West Bank have been grossly violating international law and violating the human rights of the Palestinians for many decades now. To his credit, Obama paid at least lip service to justice in this arena by condemning Netanyahou for blatantly promoting further, lousy Israeli settlements. But he also was providing Israel with new military and financial aid at the same time, and Netanyahou simply ignored and defied his verbal rebukes.

I support the continued existence of Israel as a state, but only a genuine "two state" solution will make this possible or morally supporter, and Obama has failed to guarantee this. Maybe he needs to apply the same kinds of US military sanctions against Israel as he's tried to use against Putin, in hopes of ending gross violations of international law and human rights.

-- democratic socialist
2016-02-09 19:15:05 UTC

· $20T debt

· Stronger racial tension

· More divided America

· Less freedom of speech

· More people unemployed

😬 😮
Pam withTheBadHair
2016-02-11 23:13:18 UTC
Whether or not we are better off depends on who you are asking. Racist republicans while pumping their cheaper gas will say we are worse, the democratic majority that voted him in twice will say we're better off.
2016-02-10 12:07:06 UTC
With the help of the Republican dominated congress he has made it much worse silly
2016-02-11 16:50:45 UTC
Better in some aspects, worse in others.
2016-02-09 15:42:46 UTC
Anyone that thinks the U.S. is better off now has their head in the sand or they are an extreme Liberal. Liberals never admit a mistake.
2016-02-09 17:57:08 UTC
Worse. We need to eb tough globally and let our enemies know that we aren't to be messed with;
Stephanie S
2016-02-12 00:04:16 UTC
Worse he made laws According to his own agenda not what was best for everyone
2016-02-13 11:43:21 UTC
Obama has done everything he can considered gop congress has blocked and obstructed every law and corp regulation that bush ignored to keep krook wallstreet banskters in check
2016-02-09 15:53:55 UTC
Much worse
Elyse Rose
2016-02-12 11:52:02 UTC
Well, The rest of the world sits back and laughs at the USA.. and realizes we have let the F-Troop run our country.
Liza and Enrique
2016-02-13 02:31:45 UTC
Obama is very smart and intelligent man. He definitely made america more famous and mighty then it was before. Look at dollar price and your answer will be answered by your brains.
2016-02-11 13:52:27 UTC
All depends who benefited from his actions. Ask your self what is a President?

Do you get to vote for the President of Coco Cola?

Do you get to vote for the President of GM?

As far as finances, what is the common goal of a President? To maximize employees pay? I think not.
2016-02-09 20:11:15 UTC
America was in a state of disarray when he got it. Today it is not much better. so I would say neither better nor worse. this world is a horrible world we live in.
2016-02-13 10:05:16 UTC
WORSE...Why Obama govt. has and is giving away all sort of weapons to countries like Pakistan even after knowing that they harbor terrorists..train terrorists..send those terrorists to kill innocent people and army men in India and other countries.
2016-02-10 05:48:44 UTC
Obama did no one in this world a service. Except those he swore on

the Koran to protect. This Muslim radical has disguised himself well.

He is a expert plant. And proves it everyday.
2016-02-12 12:59:29 UTC
Better! I love President Obama :)
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-02-10 07:51:44 UTC
WORSE ! Obama is the worst president we've had since I've been alive ( 1939) ! NO one should be "voted-in" because of their skin color and/or gender !
2016-02-09 13:30:53 UTC
NEITHER and not cuz you are looking for hate on Democrats / Obama ... as if you, your kind , Republicans are any better ... which you are not , BTW , sadly, it's the People / Voters / Adults who are more the problem than corrupt politics and politicians - Democrat or Republican ! !
2016-02-09 14:20:20 UTC
Definitely better here at home, but much worse outside our borders.
2016-02-10 01:17:27 UTC
Yes, but that won't stop the right-wingers on here from saying it is worse.
2016-02-12 13:34:57 UTC
he has done as good as any I have seen .. imagine what he might have accomplished If congress had not fought him every step of the way on things they themselves agreed on .. people are so upset with congress they very well might give Hilary the white house and a democrat controlled congress ..if they do you can blame it on the GOP bullchit of the last 7 years
2016-02-09 23:43:13 UTC
Contrary to popular belief, he was NOT a bad president and not nearly as bad as some of our past ones. It's the bigotry, hate, and racism that make it seem like he was.
2016-02-09 17:14:20 UTC
A president is not a cure-all. Any president we elect must deal with complex problems which none of us are really able to know clear resolutions for.
2016-02-10 08:20:18 UTC
Obama is the best thing to ever happen to America, if only the people would listen
2016-02-13 10:26:39 UTC

He has raised the prestige of America throughout the world !
2016-02-09 17:30:01 UTC
He has done his best to make the USA a third world country!
2016-02-10 18:30:49 UTC
2016-02-10 13:32:35 UTC
2016-02-12 14:39:13 UTC
2016-02-11 17:45:28 UTC
Worse but I kinda like him.
2016-02-10 17:16:47 UTC
the president isn't entirely responsible for global issues.

you need to educate yourself better because people vastly overestimate the power of the U.S president
Adullah M
2016-02-11 20:57:46 UTC
Better off
2016-02-09 11:38:54 UTC
the usa economy is not that much better. the national debt has double under obama
2016-02-09 15:29:33 UTC
china to obama the bird

russia the bird

cuba el birdo

north korea the bird

heezbullah the bird

iran the bird

isis the bird

jihadi worldwide 'we cominta gitcha'

obamao is considered by all save for the liberal press to be a dope with a nice paqnts crease for the david gergen republican crowd,,or was it david brooks?


obama is a dolt
2016-02-10 17:51:20 UTC
Better. Gas prices went down. Pretty cool.
2016-02-10 23:12:09 UTC
Better. He's done a lot of things other presidents couldn't do.
Kevin Synnott
2016-02-09 18:39:14 UTC
Worse, 0bama has done nothing to improve America.
2016-02-12 01:56:07 UTC
It has made some people go into Capital letters to ask their questions - so he is making some difference. I hope that helps.
2016-02-09 11:47:55 UTC
the usa seems to have many radicals that wish obama was never elected to be president in the first place
2016-02-09 18:54:53 UTC
Well he has done good and bad he made lots of countries sign a bill to limit their greenhouse gas emissions
2016-02-10 00:14:19 UTC
Worse in everyway
2016-02-09 11:44:23 UTC
2016-02-10 09:05:26 UTC
Slightly better than Bush, but what he has counting what Bush did to the middel East is unfortunate.
Free Advice
2016-02-10 17:04:34 UTC
Sorry to say but we are worse off
2016-02-09 15:15:45 UTC
WORSE! he wants to change the fundamentals of what has made America amazing! Treasonous SOB!
Debra H
2016-02-10 19:09:20 UTC
Much, Much worse. He has done nothing, absolutely nothing for this country. Feathered his own nest.. and brought Isis into our country.. but nothing good. He is a traitor!
2016-02-11 08:45:25 UTC
Worse he hates America. Dumb *** community agitator. Token ***** of the Democrates
2016-02-11 15:03:28 UTC
2016-02-12 01:12:46 UTC
2016-02-09 18:35:12 UTC
Far Far Far BETTER. America was trashed under Bush "W" and thankfully Republicans are unlikely to nominate another Bush dope.
2016-02-10 02:46:56 UTC
2016-02-11 19:49:32 UTC
2016-02-10 15:57:02 UTC
I would say it has gotten a bit better because when Barack Obama became president. He made Obamacare. There was no new wars made when he was in the White House. He helped made it legal for gay people to get married. Oil prices did went down when it was once sky high. Made a climate deal with China. Now I'm not saying Obama didn't make bad\poor decisions but people go way too harsh on him saying; "He's the worst president ever!". They're always focusing on the negative stuff but never the positives he committed for the people. These was the same people who was on Barack Obama's side during his first few years in the White House as president. These people was the ones who though Barack Obama was going to deliver world change and world peace and Heaven on Earth. So what I'm saying is Barack Obama isn't the best president ever but he damn sure isn't the worst or the dumbest either.
2016-02-12 09:48:43 UTC
Worse, Worse, and did I say Worse
2016-02-10 09:26:52 UTC
I think he made things worse.
2016-02-12 05:01:33 UTC
Yes and anyone that knows or that is a civil human being would agree know that his term is over we will see truth go to my link if you really want to know more about it
2016-02-12 17:05:02 UTC
I feel is it about the same as in 2008.
2016-02-12 01:11:24 UTC
2016-02-10 11:29:46 UTC
2016-02-10 22:19:52 UTC
Absolutely the worst
Smokies Hiker
2016-02-09 14:10:05 UTC
Worse by far! And it seems to be intentional...that's the sad part!
2016-02-10 08:42:45 UTC
Worse to the Nth degree and I do mean Nth.
2016-02-12 00:17:34 UTC
About the same. His policies are largely the policies of Bush or Romney.
2016-02-11 06:17:43 UTC
2016-02-12 16:39:03 UTC
Worse. ask New Zealand!!
2016-02-09 17:21:41 UTC
I feel that our country is going down hill by unelected officials that use both democrats and republicans as puppets.
2016-02-10 21:00:11 UTC
He's only just begun. Wait until his unconstitutional 3rd term begins.
2016-02-09 17:21:32 UTC
If my dad was answering he'll probably say worse
Ursus Particularies
2016-02-10 03:15:31 UTC
George W. Bush, The Bankers, and so on took us down 27 notches out of 100.

The Congress chose to punish no one except the Taxpayers.

Obama took over with Federal Reserve and managed to stabilize fast sinking ship,

and so a very temporary fix called ACA which favored INSURERS heavily and MDs generally -- none of these two taking any belt tightening at all -- and not truly FIXING anything.

Credit Cards have been making an unspeakable MINT with interest rates not reduced at all while Banks made zero loans, but able to absorb petty fines and reimburse TARP. Now they are carrying on as before, still no loans except at high rate pocketing difference between that and prime rate, huge salaries still for all of the boys at the top.

Bush wasted TRILLIONS in Afghanistan and Iraq, helped by Army and bloated Civilian Contractors. VP Cheney could explain all, but likely won't.

We cannot afford anything spectacular. Fed printing money to keep military up.

Taxes from real workers have fallen, some gone through cracks from burden of struggle through all of this.

Republicans and their paid Supreme Court Justices gave rights to money to ensure dominance in Congress, Senate. Now they want to reduce taxes on all of the fat cats, bankers, corporations, high paid executives.

They do not understand CLIMATE and will not wake up until MANY MANY ships have sunk in howling winds and roaring seas, like El Faro and Anthem of the Seas Cruise Ship, both Captains dummies, no one paying attention to repetitive warnings...

Wait until you see what happens in Southern Hemisphere Seas -- to follow shortly.

It will be a Long Hot Summer.

White House spent PLENTY, their salaries alone, lowest appointees making a mint, much excess staffing.

USA Deficit doubled. Ship is not sinking right now.

BUT we are NOT ready for any very GREAT STRAINS.

YET, that is EXACTLY what is coming.

Don't go on a Cruise Ship to Antarctica, you have excellent chance of never returning. Same for ship with Captain who does not savvy my warnings if not current weather advisories, in many places around the globe, but worse in Southern Hemisphere and the usual troubles as well as some in unusual places.

The Congress is NOT fixing any problems and does not know how, only knows how to get elected by nationwide dupes plus donors who want no change.

I am growing very weary of warning you. There will be Heat Disasters.

The ship could start taking on water this year. The cargo is too loose and not balanced.

Hatches need to remain closed and battened.

Everyone is asleep, few keeping a sharp lookout or planning ahead reliably.

Whoever gets in to White House likely to do more of the same.

Games playing by many other nations while people die.

Drought and flood catastrophes. Famine and burgeoning refugees will feature more highly.

Shia-Sunni War throughout Middle East. All playing King of the Hill, more bodies and new King of Cruelty daily.

Terrorists, including for Internet.

Crime on the rise throughout USA and Canada and around the world. No longer reported accurately. Lying reports of improvement.

Illuminati firmly manning the helm, destination Son of Perdition World Ruler.

Decides who lives, who dies, what rights various have, who can buy, sell.

Total control of your funds electronically.

No doing anything without permission, even if you sell all of your scruples.

When will the executions begin? Going on somewhat already, heard about ISIS, Syria, Mediterranian Sea drownings?

Since you do not believe me, keep track of the ships lost over next three years, all hands and passengers.

Bombs returning to planes. Sleeping security workers, some with hand out.

Crookedness in many governments; big problems at time of great strain for Aid Funds.

Africa fitful. Indonesia destroying itself and the seas and the fish.

DPRK doing Nuclear Roulette.

Too many drunks, addicts and skates and some losing their minds violently, even some of the police.

Only the older people know it was NOT this bad 1950 to 2000.

You think one person did all of this? If so, you are one of the worse of the nuts.

You could start electing skilled people of intelligence who actually work for starters.

If you go on the rampage, spare those who are not guilty.
Darth Beaver
2016-02-10 09:36:19 UTC 50 different spite of historic opposition and attempts to make him fail to improve America.....
2016-02-11 19:43:51 UTC
Way. Way. Worse.
2016-02-10 10:56:57 UTC
2016-02-11 05:37:02 UTC
Worse, he is a politician

this was not a hard question.
2016-02-09 13:55:56 UTC
It is worse and not getting any better.
2016-02-11 16:49:32 UTC
well I mean his wife took away my schools dirt in the cup that I was in love with soo worse:(
2016-02-11 16:38:38 UTC
Worse unemployment went up and people on welfare went up
2016-02-11 20:26:23 UTC
Well I heard it's bushes fault and they blame it on obama
Roland Chambers
2016-02-11 22:57:11 UTC
Every president is simply a puppet for congress
2016-02-09 11:39:08 UTC
SO much worse. He was a horrible president.
2016-02-10 15:15:01 UTC
2016-02-11 14:57:56 UTC
2016-02-09 15:49:05 UTC
Turning allies into enemies is a very bad thing.
Abdur Rahim
2016-02-10 07:03:50 UTC
2016-02-10 19:42:04 UTC
Much, much better. He's reversed much of the disastrous doings of his predecessor.
2016-02-10 13:39:36 UTC
As long as politicians run the country nothing will improve.
2016-02-09 19:17:49 UTC
2016-02-09 15:27:40 UTC
2016-02-11 11:26:12 UTC
The math is as simple as it is straightforward! Obama got EVERYTHING he wanted, and the country is collapsing because of it! Just as WE told you it would!
2016-02-13 12:47:00 UTC
2016-02-13 06:12:46 UTC
2016-02-12 15:15:21 UTC
2016-02-12 13:06:07 UTC
Worse...Wayyyyyyy worse
2016-02-10 07:12:13 UTC
2016-02-10 03:45:38 UTC

This website is full of crap about the American politics.

Stop shoving your crap down the rest of the worlds throats!!!


Your not...
Moscow Mitch
2016-02-12 04:45:41 UTC
Better off by far.
2016-02-10 08:52:45 UTC
2016-02-14 09:05:12 UTC
seems like nothing has really changed. major unemployment, still at war, unchanged domestic unrest, more divided now than 10 years ago.
2016-02-12 00:15:32 UTC
worse but bush too
2016-02-09 11:38:05 UTC
He has made it better even with all the Republicans against him.
D w
2016-02-13 20:25:15 UTC
Are you kidding?!!

That stubborn, big eared dummy has practically run this country in the ground.
2016-02-11 00:02:43 UTC
2016-02-09 14:48:57 UTC
Much better off.
2016-02-10 10:23:10 UTC
Economically no. If he did one good thing he can teach people how to speak well and say nothing well
2016-02-12 18:29:49 UTC
he has made the USA more stronger than it was before he took office
2016-02-11 13:47:26 UTC
better because he jumped start the economy, forgave Cuba for what has happen in the 1960 s, and ease relations with china,. and the Russia, and South America.
2016-02-09 14:29:09 UTC
2016-02-11 09:18:23 UTC
Better. He has woken up more white Americans to their privilege.
2016-02-12 19:14:19 UTC
worse. he has hurt us so many times more than he's helped us
2016-02-12 11:50:41 UTC
2016-02-09 13:21:50 UTC
Please explain how one person can make a democratic nation of 300 million better or worse all by himself.
2016-02-10 12:42:27 UTC
Well, he made the economy better
2016-02-12 02:47:29 UTC
sam sam
2016-02-10 21:33:36 UTC
I think he's made it better
2016-02-10 11:21:48 UTC
worse, but made some good things....
2016-02-11 13:41:01 UTC
Better considering he had to pick after the **** Bush made.
2016-02-10 13:11:17 UTC
2016-02-09 11:37:50 UTC
A lot worse.
2016-02-10 15:31:27 UTC
not good enough but 90% worse
Yours Truly
2016-02-11 08:56:51 UTC
Socially better. Not much else
luis l
2016-02-10 23:58:25 UTC
2016-02-10 12:18:23 UTC
no better no worse
2016-02-10 07:24:44 UTC
2016-02-10 01:16:08 UTC
It's bad, we now have communism
2016-02-12 06:41:21 UTC
Way better
ms michaele
2016-02-11 18:03:09 UTC
I wish asshole Obama were dead that motherfuckin Muslim bigger should be hung from a tree that has swords on it
2016-02-12 12:00:23 UTC
He has been the worse ---we may never recover
2016-02-11 17:44:57 UTC
Hell of a lot WORSE
2016-02-10 01:32:07 UTC
He signed the trade agreement death contract.
2016-02-11 05:42:06 UTC
Better in every way.
Gerry G
2016-02-12 06:30:27 UTC
He has weakened our Republic domestically and internationally.
2016-02-12 14:48:10 UTC
Is that suppose to be the joke of the day?
2016-02-10 08:07:40 UTC
worse,homosexuals and muslims rule
2016-02-12 10:33:51 UTC
Mostly better
2016-02-12 13:22:01 UTC
Why would any Republican say it's better?
2016-02-10 18:29:21 UTC
worse by far
2016-02-09 13:06:08 UTC
2016-02-13 10:57:08 UTC
2016-02-11 19:58:00 UTC
2016-02-10 18:43:29 UTC
2016-02-12 19:33:48 UTC
Yes. He is the best.
jeff d
2016-02-12 08:57:25 UTC
Far, far worse
Warren T
2016-02-09 13:41:21 UTC
2016-02-10 12:35:18 UTC
Much better.
2016-02-10 03:48:31 UTC
indeed worse
2016-02-09 13:30:26 UTC
More sucky
2016-02-10 01:04:11 UTC
Far better.
2016-02-11 09:45:56 UTC
2016-02-10 09:52:38 UTC
2016-02-09 18:04:47 UTC
2016-02-11 17:45:28 UTC
2016-02-09 13:41:17 UTC
Yes I think so..
2016-02-12 09:14:32 UTC
what about the positive side of his deeds?
2016-02-13 15:10:49 UTC
2016-02-11 10:30:25 UTC
2016-02-11 22:04:24 UTC
What is expectation
Tad Dubious
2016-02-10 07:08:48 UTC
Neither, black. The world is what it is.
Brian S
2016-02-13 08:40:55 UTC
2016-02-11 05:01:00 UTC
2016-02-09 16:41:15 UTC
much, much worse.
2016-02-10 17:12:59 UTC
2016-02-10 23:34:08 UTC
2016-02-11 09:52:57 UTC
2016-02-11 05:28:26 UTC
2016-02-11 05:04:49 UTC
2016-02-12 15:20:40 UTC
2016-02-11 16:36:16 UTC
2016-02-10 19:40:23 UTC
2016-02-11 10:49:59 UTC
2016-02-09 19:16:13 UTC
2016-02-10 14:09:17 UTC
1000000% better
2016-02-12 05:27:01 UTC
2016-02-13 03:30:36 UTC
I am not a criminal
2016-02-10 07:54:58 UTC
2016-02-12 00:32:26 UTC
2016-02-11 08:58:27 UTC
2016-02-11 12:05:48 UTC
2016-02-10 13:27:11 UTC
idk politics but ppl say hes bad so ill say worse
2016-02-11 08:26:51 UTC worse.
2016-02-12 00:00:21 UTC
DUH !!! WORSE prez ever oh lets blame bush for it
2016-02-09 23:28:15 UTC
WORSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-02-10 13:18:12 UTC
2016-02-09 13:52:57 UTC
jay kool
2016-02-09 18:19:30 UTC
2016-02-11 02:29:34 UTC
2016-02-10 01:28:41 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.