Should we raise the voting age to 21?
2021-02-27 19:54:26 UTC
Should we raise the voting age to 21?
137 answers:
2021-03-02 03:12:48 UTC
As another commentator said, at 18, can join the military and fight for your country. That alone should give you the right to vote.
2021-03-02 01:55:44 UTC
No we should not. 18 year olds work, they have jobs. Voting does effect there lives. 
2021-03-01 10:24:36 UTC
Read the 21st (or 18th) amendment.  It explains why 18 year olds have a right to vote.

Also, a 21 year old is JUST AS LIKELY to vote for the same candidate as say a 10 year old would (if they hypothetically were able to vote).
2021-03-01 09:41:35 UTC
Why don't you go the whole hog and only allow registered Republican's to vote?
2021-03-01 00:01:23 UTC
Voter suppression is nothing new... let's go with only those who follow "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America... can vote... all the thumbs down just show they don't care about the constitution
2021-02-28 23:01:07 UTC
18 is a good age. If you are old enough to go fight for your country, you are old enough to vote for your own representation.
2021-02-28 17:50:06 UTC
2021-02-28 17:16:28 UTC
I'm open to limiting who is eligible to vote by requiring proof of relevant knowledge. There are genius 14 yr. olds who are more educated/qualified to vote than age 21. In fact, there are 40 yr olds who shouldn't be eligible to vote if you want to get technical.18 became the number because that's the age gov was drafting into military service. It's a volunteer army now. Require a voting license.
2021-02-28 08:06:54 UTC
The voting age is already too high.
2021-02-28 04:17:09 UTC
we should raise the voting age to 100.
2021-03-03 02:29:46 UTC
It’s like asking.. should we push going to school in the later age instead of 4 .... Lol
2021-03-02 01:52:18 UTC
No, as a matter in fact we need less old farts in Washington who don't understand videogames.
2021-03-02 00:32:35 UTC
Yes. They should also raise the age of consent and driver's licence 21 years old too. Adults must take self-responsibility for their behaviour and cations.
2021-03-01 22:34:35 UTC
Since nothing ever changes after a US vote, I wouldn't bother.
2021-03-01 21:33:34 UTC

It was a mistake to allow the people in the United States to vote at age 18.  Most at that age do not even have any college education. The reason it was lowered to eighteen was during the Vietnam era, the soldiers said if we have to go to war we should have a say so in who is a leader of the country.

My father was an education counselor and life coach and he said that the human brain is not done developing until age 25.   
2021-03-01 19:39:56 UTC
This would mean that you should not be considered an adult in society until you are 21 as well, including no military service until the age of 21.
2021-03-01 18:25:10 UTC
No, but voters must take a mental competency test first.
2021-03-01 11:21:13 UTC
we don't change (progress) unless it benefits the Democrat party, show them a benefit, and it will change...
2021-02-28 23:04:12 UTC
21 or older.  Most young adults are too busy trying to decide what to do for their future and can not be bogged down by all the political B.S.  I was nearly 30-years old before I registered to vote.
Not Applicable
2021-02-28 19:26:54 UTC
The late H.L. Hunt recommended that your vote should be in proportion to your net worth. That would freeze out many younger people and look at the bright side. If you want a feudalistic society, then what better way to accomplish that mission?
The First Dragon
2021-02-28 16:53:17 UTC
In principle yes, but I don't think immature kids vote very often anyway. 
2021-02-28 16:34:52 UTC
I know republicans are trying everything they can think of to suppress people of color and the poor to vote.  Is this the next scheme?
2021-02-28 16:26:32 UTC
Why? Not much difference between 18 year olds and 21 years olds other than the ability to legally drink in the U.S...
2021-02-28 15:48:12 UTC
If 18 year olds can work, pay taxes, and go to war, they should be able to vote. 
2021-02-28 08:10:46 UTC
If our brains don't fully physically mature until age 25, then 25 should be the minimum voting age. 
2021-02-28 05:56:17 UTC
Minimum IQ?.......
Mark J
2021-02-28 04:08:38 UTC
Hell no.

Likewise we must open the electoral franchise to anybody, anywhere in the world.

...Otherwise the Democrats may not be able to hold onto all 3 legs of the US political system.

In fact whilst we are jerrymandering the vote rule out anyone :- over the age of 60

Anyone not on some form of welfare because (to paraphrase dopey Joe) if you ain't on the government payroll you aint a Democrat.

Anyone not signing up to being a minority (essentially white males)
Barack Obama
2021-02-27 19:58:50 UTC
No. 18 is the perfect age. You are smart enough to research topics and choose which candidate you support. Seems like most youngsters nowadays are liberal.
I'm That Mexican
2021-02-27 19:57:10 UTC
You can vote at 18. Kill for the Military at 18. But you can't drink at 18. What's wrong with this picture.
2021-02-27 19:55:22 UTC
Yes I think 18 year olds are still too immature.
2021-03-02 16:11:11 UTC
First we should raise the I.Q. for voting to 21, or at least to some standard of coherence.
2021-03-02 10:07:34 UTC
Were that to happen, how about those already 18-21?

Retrospective legislation is always messy
2021-03-02 03:23:32 UTC
Make it 25.....................
2021-03-02 00:48:42 UTC
If you cannot buy alcohol until age 21 then you should still be considered to be a minor and ineligible for the draft and stay on your parent's insurance until 21.
2021-03-01 01:18:25 UTC
no, 18 is the right age, i do see logic to raising the minimum driving age to 18 rather than 16 though.
2021-02-28 23:34:42 UTC
We need to lower the politician's age. 25 to run for anything and 45 to never run again. They get 20 years to mess things up.
2021-02-28 18:59:55 UTC
2021-02-28 18:12:41 UTC
No. It used to be 21 years. But was lowered to o 18 years in 1972. That's about right to me. 18-year-olds were serving in the mi,it assa ty then. So why not vote. A lot of this kind of thing is about Rupublicans wanting more prosperous== conservative voters.

I think they should also allow 18-year-olds to drinking again. This might stop some of the drugs. They are easier for minors to get.
2021-02-28 17:35:56 UTC
Only if you make 21 the legal age for other stuff like the draft. How about high school graduation moved back to age 21 as well?
2021-02-28 15:55:08 UTC
The voting age was 21 way back in the 1960s. In 1972 I was just turning 20 and was only eligible to vote because they lowered the age to 18. The reason why they did lower it was because at 18 you had to register for the military draft. Imagine that you can die defending your country yet not have a say so on how the country is run by being able to elect the candidate of your choice. I say no to raising the voting age
2021-02-28 12:44:50 UTC
Minimum voting age should be 25
2021-02-28 11:19:31 UTC
No, just have a 10 questions quiz about politics before voting and if you pass 90%, you can vote.

People who wouldn't pass it, voted down my answer :D
2021-02-28 11:17:22 UTC
Are we going to raise the minimum age for serving in the military-- a profession in which it's entirely plausible we'll order these young people into situations where their lives and health will be in jeopardy-- to 21?

If not, then no.  Once someone's old enough for us to order them to their deaths in the name of our country, then it's time for them to get to have an official opinion on the direction our society takes.
2021-02-28 10:56:13 UTC
No. Why?                                            
2021-02-28 09:48:34 UTC
What a Great Idea I had to wait until i was 21 to drink and Vote in the UK

and it never did me any Harm I believe it did me Good because i don't need to drink 

and Voting in my Country is Compulsory
2021-02-28 07:51:01 UTC
why its after the election seeing the democrats have got in , now under 21 dont get a chance too vote , talk about changing the rules again .its fine where it is  troll .
2021-02-28 07:33:19 UTC
thats not gonna stop lunatics like myself from voting 
2021-02-28 07:04:24 UTC
Running for the president shouldn't cost millions to win.  Job positions and power reserved for the rich.
2021-02-27 21:42:49 UTC
I would suggest age 30.
2021-02-27 20:18:24 UTC
No intelligent person wants to vote
2021-03-03 03:17:51 UTC
I know republicans are trying everything they can think of to suppress people of color and the poor to vote.  Is this the next scheme?
2021-03-02 22:50:22 UTC
It is a start, but perhaps as high as 25.

The prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until our mid-20s, and this is the region of the brain that is responsible for us comprehending the consequences of our actions.

It is rather irresponsible of us to presume that kids that don't have the mental capacity to understand the long term effects of their decisions should be held to the same standards as mature adults. Of course this should include not only voting but other life changing decisions like drinking, smoking, fighting in war, and even sentencing considerations for criminal activity.
River Euphrates
2021-03-02 13:05:12 UTC
The only people I've heard supporting this idea are Trumptards who are trying to suppress the vote... so....
2021-03-02 01:59:48 UTC
Absolutely not.
2021-03-02 01:01:31 UTC
I would like to raise it to back to 21, though even then, most young adults' brains are still not fully developed - that doesn't normally happen till they're 23 or 24.

But I'm a realist, and know it won't happen. However I would fight tooth and nail for it not to be reduced FURTHER.
2021-03-01 22:33:04 UTC
Sounds fun I have to say I do believe in quality 
2021-03-01 16:20:48 UTC
it doesnt matter.  you could raise the min age to 30 and still the young people dont care.    Politics is all about SCREWING UP the country by an older PERSON.   If America could vote for a younger person below 40 with fresh start, maybe they will start to vote.    OLDER people above 60 is the thing of the past......
2021-03-01 15:51:29 UTC
No. If anything, we should lower it to 16.
The Devil
2021-03-01 02:09:15 UTC
.........when we also raise the selective service registration age to 25
2021-02-28 18:18:36 UTC
No, no and no, not until they raise the age for military service.
2021-02-28 18:08:35 UTC
The basic argument that allows 18 yr. olds, to vote, was if they are old enough to fight wars then they should have a political say. I think that's fair. 
2021-02-28 17:47:16 UTC
Leave soldiers at 18.  Everyone else 21 is a good idea.  Most people on the morning of their 21st birthday awake to find that their dumb *** father has become the smartest man they know overnight.   That's best reason to make it 21.
2021-02-28 16:51:01 UTC
What's next from the republicans only whites can vote unless your Uncle tom / ben carson .
2021-02-28 16:20:27 UTC
yes, and we should also not allow people who dont pay taxes to vote
2021-02-28 11:46:58 UTC
No, but we should make it that only people of voting age can work at the polls which means NOBODY under 18
2021-02-28 08:10:46 UTC
Raise voting and military age to 19.
2021-02-28 04:58:48 UTC
The voting age should be raised to 25. 18 year olds a hundred years ago were a lot more mature than 30 year olds today. 

Besides, most 18-25 year olds vote really stupidly and would likely change their vote if they had some more maturity and knowledge 
2021-02-28 04:00:55 UTC
So you want people to be able to die for their country but not be able to vote?
2021-02-27 21:04:43 UTC
"Son, there ain't no draft anymore".
2021-02-27 19:55:58 UTC
It should be lowered to 13, since it is their future hanging in the balance. 
2021-03-02 13:28:04 UTC
No, if you're old enough to fight and die for your country and work and pay taxes, then you're old enough to vote.
2021-03-02 04:38:08 UTC
Unless your in the military you can vote at 18 otherwise 21 everyone else.
2021-03-01 20:15:26 UTC
what would it matter? 
2021-03-01 19:40:48 UTC
2021-03-01 19:20:04 UTC
and what good do you think that will do? 

what was the average age of the imbeciles attacking the Capitol? 

30? 35?  40 or older?   It wasn't young kids.  The woman shot was a 16  year veteran.  35 years old.  The moron sitting in Pelosi's office...60 years old. 

The idiot in the horn hat........33 years old. 

The moron walking off with the Lectern,  36 years old . 

Not young kids........all old enough to know better.......all old enough to know what breaking the law means. 

Instead of an age restriction,   how about an IQ  restriction? 
2021-03-01 18:23:43 UTC
That would exclude many servicemen and they should have the right to vote 
Mitch West, Outdoorsman.
2021-03-01 16:45:37 UTC
Yes, and keep raising it until you hit forty. 
2021-03-01 14:29:12 UTC
Should be like a public corporation. Only those invested in the company get to vote for company officers. 

   Only land owners care about the whole Country. All others will vote concerning their own personal issues. Age is immaterial.  
2021-03-01 13:56:32 UTC
No, if anything we should just get rid of the voting age.  It's not like it actually matters or anything. If it did rest assured we wouldn't be able to vote
2021-03-01 06:55:37 UTC
The 26th Amendment set the voting age age at 18 in 1971. My generation - old enough to kill but not to vote.
2021-03-01 00:30:58 UTC
We should don't we?
2021-02-28 23:59:05 UTC
18/21 doesnt make much of difference to me...
2021-02-28 19:56:22 UTC
Do you plan to raise the age to join the military too?  If they are old enough to die for the country, then they are old enough to vote.
2021-02-28 16:33:24 UTC
No, the schools should teach them about critical thinking.  
2021-02-28 15:39:21 UTC

Reminder that the age is set at 18 because 18 year olds were getting drafted to fight and die in Vietnam but had no influence on the process. Nowadays, no draft, but still 18 year olds signing up and being sent out.

If 18 is a legal adult, 18 year olds should be allowed to vote.
2021-02-28 11:06:24 UTC
Politicians do not run on accountability so why should voters be accountable. How about they raise that age of 21 to be the minimum age for the draft. A good age for the government to pick you up and send you to war wood be about 60 don't you think.     Wood at 60 be good .  Johnny Be Good. 
2021-02-28 10:42:08 UTC
RepubliKLANs would love to do that because most young people vote Democratic. They would like to raise the minimum voting age to 45 if they can. 
2021-02-28 07:38:13 UTC
What for? If anything, we should drop the age to 16. Most 16year olds already know pretty well between right and wrong and should have a voice and a vote in how the country is run.
2021-02-27 20:05:40 UTC
Age is less than a factor than a functional brain. Given the absurdity of what 

trumpers willingly believe + spread like Covid, a certain IQ should be required.
2021-02-27 19:56:01 UTC
We should raise it to 25.
2021-03-03 10:51:11 UTC
The voting age was 21 way back in the 1960s. In 1972 I was just turning 20 and was only eligible to vote because they lowered the age to 18. The reason why they did lower it was because at 18 you had to register for the military draft. 
Judy and Charlie
2021-03-03 02:02:40 UTC

We said more than 50 years ago that if you are young enough at 18 to be drafted and die for your country, you ought to be able to vote.  And this is why the legal age to vote is 18.
2021-03-02 12:15:39 UTC
We should raise the voting IQ, not the voting age.

It's obvious that a lot of people who vote have no idea what they're voting for, the way the economy functions, history, or the consequences of certain policies.
2021-03-01 22:23:37 UTC
Let's really tighten the belt, make the IQ level 60.

Are you aware some woman that uses Gorilla Glue as a hair product has the same voting power as I do?
2021-03-01 18:50:34 UTC
Can I ask, why? If you’re 18, you can go to war and give up your life. But let’s say it’s 21 to can’t even decide who you want in office that best suits your needs? But god forbid, you can die for a country you can’t even vote for? Yeah.... big no. 
2021-03-01 18:45:13 UTC
Voting age should be REDUCED to age 16.
2021-03-01 05:40:55 UTC
How will that get less minorities to vote?
Dru Zod
2021-03-01 00:40:30 UTC
Or 25

The brain isn’t mature until 25 
2021-02-28 19:54:17 UTC
Heck, raise the voting age to 60. And increase gerrymandering even further. That’s probably the only way the Republicans can ensure victory.

The voting age is fine as it is. The legal drinking age should be reduced to 18. Do you seriously think 18-21 year olds don’t drink?
2021-02-28 18:52:19 UTC
Should we? Yes.

Is it going to happen? No.

When you're a young man you are LEGALLY OBLIGATED to sign-up for the Selective Service at the age of 18 and those who fail to do so forfeit many of their rights as a U.S. citizen (such as voting) and are subject to fines, can be jailed, and under the right circumstances it's legal to kill these young men. We can't actually be killing men who refuse to fight in a war and who have no say in the voting process, can we?

The good news is that we are quickly becoming a borderless nation. This is good because it means no more wars, but it's also really bad because we'll be slaves to the political class. Already if you say something mean your life is ruined by the media and the mob. In China they haul people off to camps for re-education. If you think that can't happen here you're a fool because it's already happening.
2021-02-28 16:54:06 UTC
No, Gen Z is conservative.
2021-02-28 11:46:15 UTC
Well, just think of this one little thing. You would still not have to produce a valid Photo ID to Vote, even though you have to have a valid Photo ID to do most everything else.
2021-02-28 11:15:43 UTC
no, it should be raised to 35 and those on social security should be excluded
2021-02-28 10:42:52 UTC
Yes if you can't be trusted to drink alcohol appropriately at the age of 18 why should you be trusted to be able to vote appropriately either they should raise it because the alcohol laws in America set that precedent.
2021-02-28 06:10:32 UTC
no but we should make it that only people of voting age can work at the polls which means NOBODY under 18
2021-02-27 23:36:30 UTC
Sure! Why not?   
2021-02-27 20:35:51 UTC
I do not think so.
2021-02-27 19:59:16 UTC
These days, the voting "age" should be changed to .....people who pay taxes. 

Millions and millions who have zero financial stake in the demands that they make of government is the problem. 
2021-02-27 19:55:38 UTC
No, if they can send you to fight a war, you should be able to vote, unless you want to make the age to join the military 21, in fact my grandmas brother died when he was 17 in the korean war
2021-02-27 19:55:11 UTC
Let me guess: republican.
2021-03-01 21:32:23 UTC
No.  We should cap it at 75 though. 
2021-03-01 18:02:44 UTC
It used to be 21.  Then when kids were being sent to Vietnam to kill or be killed while still not being old enough to vote for or against the politicians who were sending them there, the law was changed.

But times have changed.  Kids are no longer being put in harm's way by the draft.  There is no longer any reason for 18 year olds to have a say in government.  Raise it back to 21.
Katy M
2021-03-01 17:52:10 UTC
No, we should not. Unless we are going to raise the age of majority to 21.  If you're old enough to fight for your country, sign contracts, live on your own and start and support a family, you absolutely have the right to have your say in the government.  
2021-03-01 17:39:53 UTC
leave it as it is. 
2021-03-01 17:13:31 UTC
I've met 21 year olds.  I'd raise it to 30. 
2021-03-01 08:08:04 UTC
No 18 is fine I think in my opinion
2021-03-01 08:05:59 UTC
Nah! If you're old enough to die for your country, then you oughta be old enough to vote. 
2021-02-28 21:32:03 UTC
What would that do, dog? Do you think that most people between 18 and 21 are going to magically start thinking like you and "get their **** together"? Naw, man. It makes no difference as a whole. 

Individually yes, a whole? No. 

So, with that being said, what happens between 18 and 21. Oh yeah, people are old enough to go to war, but not to vote. 

Is that what you want to happen? That everyone to have a chance to die first so that people in those age groups won't be represented? Because a lot of people who aren't rich have to serve in the military to get anywhere. 

Good way of maintaining a status quo. 

Sinister, if you think about it. If that's what you're getting at you should be ashamed of yourself. 

I said *if*.
2021-02-28 17:37:28 UTC
Why stop there raise it to 31. But its not about age its about competent and knowing the propositions, issues and local  elections affect us more greatly then the presidential. 
2021-02-28 16:42:05 UTC
the UK should raise the voting age to 21
2021-02-28 16:08:39 UTC
25 at least.         
2021-02-28 16:07:40 UTC
No if they can serve in the military they should be able to vote.
2021-02-28 15:42:39 UTC

2021-02-28 09:31:06 UTC
In 1971, the age of majority (adulthood) was reduced from 21 to 18 in the USA. 

With it, the alcohol age was reduced from 21 to 18 and that didn't work very well, so it was increased to 21, due to irresponsibility. 

Also included was the the reduction of voting age from 21 to 18. 

It presently seems that the ignorant and uninformed 18-21 year old young adults mainly support liberal things.  These liberal things do not support stability and agreement between the majority of citizens. 

That's my opinion. 

P.S.  Matters relating to property and property taxation used to be limited to property OWNERS.  The government needs to bring that back!
2021-02-28 06:43:57 UTC
yes and the age for the military should also be 21.
2021-02-28 06:39:23 UTC
Well if we do that the Dems would be so pissed and thats not a popular thing because that's the most important thing today. You want to start the brainwashing early on before they go to Brainwash U.
2021-02-28 06:04:42 UTC
No.  That proposal is not based in reasonable analysis.  It would obviously be an attempt by the Republicans to eliminate some of the youth vote since the youth vote doesn't favor Republicans. 
Armchair Goddess #1
2021-02-28 05:52:23 UTC
In our already great (but now Trump-damaged) representative democratic republic which is governed OF, BY, and FOR the people, 18-year-old Americans have a duty and a right to participate in the political process.  The answer to your question is no.
2021-02-27 19:59:47 UTC
Liberals are starting to push for a 16 yr old voting age.
2021-02-27 19:55:27 UTC
No, it should be lowered to 16 years, if anything. 
2021-03-01 15:56:34 UTC
We should cut off the young smokers.
2021-03-01 11:37:32 UTC
Yes along with barring coloreds and women to vote too. Every advantage must be given to the GOP so America can be saved.
2021-03-01 01:54:45 UTC
Yes as making that the legal age for being an adult too 
2021-02-28 23:37:31 UTC
NO! The reason the voting age became 18 years old in 1970 was if you were sent to Vietnam and DIED the USA you SHOULD be able to vote. I turned 18 years old and was the senior high school class of 1971. The draft ended in 1973.

This would be blatant and very obvious voter suppression. The GOP is getting increasingly desperate. So are the domestic terrorists.
2021-02-28 22:57:04 UTC
No, I think it should be lowered to 16, if you can have sex and drive at 16 than you should be allowed to vote.
2021-02-28 21:13:50 UTC
Instead we should have documented proof of 12th grade American History class. ALL MUST TAKE IT, and if they're 18 they can vote.
2021-02-27 22:42:47 UTC
Nope, no reason to

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.