What would you do if Barack Obama came to your house and rang the door bell?
2015-02-27 18:20:26 UTC
What would you do if Barack Obama came to your house and rang the door bell?
455 answers:
Brenda G
2015-03-02 06:16:22 UTC
I would say about time. I think you need to talk to someone who knows more about what is going on in the world than you do. Come in and let have a cup of coffee so we can figure out how to find the best kind of advise.Sure you can smoke if you like. Seems you keep looking for those who pretend to be your friend and want to help instead of those who really want to help you help this country. Bright ideas need people who are able to pull those ideas off. So go to the corporate world and find yourself a person who knows how to do it. Not some geek from your University that doesn't have an idea what the real world is about. Now lets see how we can make America a better place , and not try to change her into another socialist country. No, The United states is not a democracy, its a Republic, first thing you got to learn. Never make that mistake again.
2015-03-02 12:14:55 UTC
It depends on which doorbell he rang.

If he rang the front doorbell, I would not even know it was he that was out there. I don't answer the front door. All my friends know to go to the side door. Just like Dad had all of us do when we were growing up.

If he were to ring at the side door, if he was without his security detail and nobody knew of his whereabouts... I would like to think I would invite him in and ask him at least a few questions.

One of them being how he would like to be ruled over tyranically. To which I'm sure he would reply that he prefers his freedom. I would tell him that most all Americans would also like to live freely. If he was unsure of my meaning I would then go onto talk about the countrys citizenry being forced into buying into his health care plan.

I would then ask how can a person not currently working is to afford the plan.

I would ask if he truly thought that what he has done for the country has benefitted Joe Lunchbox or Sally Housecoat.

I would also ask why he felt it necessary to "fundamentally change America". And after seeing it, did he still think it was a good idea.

I would also ask if he honestly thought his presidency should be remembered fondly and treated well by history.

We would have a good laugh at the handling of the these last few questions.

Wel,l he would anyway.

I don't believe America needed to be fundamentally changed
2015-03-05 05:43:33 UTC
I as a wounded vet, would talk of fixing what our government had been putting us thorough for years, How the politicians make the country worse worth they're shady deals with big business

And use the American soldiers to fight and die in ways that actually have nothing to do with American people staying free but to line there pockets work even more money. I would do all of this vertu calmly, right up to the moment he tries telling Me that I'm wrong. I would hold My honor and cool and all him to leave My house as I tell him Don't hey Me wrong Mr Obama but I love My Country but the government needs a Memory jogging and a hard swift kick I there collective ***'s This is a GOVERNMENT BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE. They exsist to do what is best for us And about tI'm US Americans it's time to rise up and take our country back. GOOD BYE MR OBAMA.
2015-10-19 06:35:54 UTC
Walk him to the Muslim area of town while talking to him. Maybe stop and buy some fresh Bananas to eat on the way from a street vendor. And a coconut milk to drink. Perhaps if he looked hot teach him how to take the Jeepney's here across town. Drop him off and wish him the best. And come back home. It would be nice to talk to him. But I am sure he would be at the wrong house if he knocked on my door. So help him get to were he need's to go and be nice to him , Wish him the best of day's before departing and all that.
2015-05-26 13:36:15 UTC
Walk him to the Muslim area of town while talking to him. Maybe stop and buy some fresh Bananas to eat on the way from a street vendor. And a coconut milk to drink. Perhaps if he looked hot teach him how to take the Jeepney's here across town. Drop him off and wish him the best. And come back home. It would be nice to talk to him. But I am sure he would be at the wrong house if he knocked on my door. So help him get to were he need's to go and be nice to him , Wish him the best of day's before departing and all that.
2015-02-28 01:33:34 UTC
Walk him to the Muslim area of town while talking to him. Maybe stop and buy some fresh Bananas to eat on the way from a street vendor. And a coconut milk to drink. Perhaps if he looked hot teach him how to take the Jeepney's here across town. Drop him off and wish him the best. And come back home. It would be nice to talk to him. But I am sure he would be at the wrong house if he knocked on my door. So help him get to were he need's to go and be nice to him , Wish him the best of day's before departing and all that.
Andy F
2015-02-28 12:59:41 UTC
I'd answer the door, and say hello. I think I'd welcome him and say I voted for him twice, and that he gives some wonderful speeches, but I wish he'd stand up against the NSA and national security establishment more, and stop pandering to the oil companies while supposedly trying to stop global climate change.

I might also try to persuade him to really BE a socialist, which he's not. I might say something to him about it being obvious that capitalism with its need for perpetual economic growth is going to wreck the natural environment. Although I wouldn't expect him to break with the system, not really, since in his political position he really can't.

I'd also be really surprised to see him, since I live in an apartment building and don't have a door bell. Also, I would be surprised that the Secret Service guys with him allowed him to enter my building without first doing a really elaborate security sweep.

-- democratic socialist
2015-03-03 02:07:52 UTC
I would ask Barry "What happened to you" between the 2008 election and your inauguration? Did some ultra-rich cabal of Eyes Wide Shut types blackmail or threaten you to become a militaristic shill for their old tired fascistic agenda, or was all that "hope and change" stuff a blatant lie? How could you let a secret cabal of power mad shadow intelligence agencies spy on every American's phone, email, text and video chats WITHOUT WARRANTS, and how could you let these records be stored FOREVER? Did they threaten to kill your kids? Did they give you a few hundred million in offshore bank accounts? What made you go from a hard-working honest black guy from South Chicago into a meglomaniacal tyrant who kills American citizens without trial, tramples the constitution, and is a whore for multi-national corporations ramming through evil things like the Trans Pacific Partnership? Sure, the economy got a bit better on your watch, but it HAD to, just to account for population growth. I'd ask, "now that you've seen first hand how power corrupts, how can we put a stop to this unhealthy corporate influence over legislation and politics'. I'd ask "if you had to identify the 500 most powerful, evil, influential people in government who are taking us down this road, who would they be" The CIA/NSA/TSA/DSH leaders? Or is it the owners of Boeing/Lockheed/General Dyamics/Raytheon/SAIC and the military industrial complex? Or is it the big money bankers including the Thyssen/Rothschild/Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Belgie families? Let's create a list of 500 to 1000 people that are holding the world hostage, inciting endless wars and keeping us slaves in a technical kleptocracy of their own design. Once we identify these traitors to the constitution and world peace, we can plan a campaign to arrest or take them out. Then democracy would be saved, people would no longer live in fear, and we'd enjoy a peace dividend by turning our trillion dollar wars into money for education, research and social advancement.
2015-03-02 20:30:48 UTC
I would greet him because he is the president. Barack Obama has done good and bad for this country. I don't know a lot because I'm still learning about this stuff, but he has put this country through hell and back and other people have to but I wasn't there for that. And I have to say, he is doing a hecka good job to do all that he did and the congress let him back in the office. The army has went through hell because of him just like jobs and so has the economy. Well that's part of what I have to say. Not much but yea.
2015-02-28 15:15:09 UTC
Invite him in, ask him how he is, tell him we have cat and ask if he is allergic ..then ask why the visit..Is he her to visit Prince Edward Island, Canada. the prettiest Island in CANADA'S MARITIMES? Find our just which city in Ontario where his sister lives or lived if she has moved elsewhere. Ask about the kids and their dog . find out if he wants a coffee/ tea.. and treat him like any other person or tourist who comes to visit us in beautiful PEI and give him a tour of the island, including lobster feed and a day on a lobster boat, some mussels Cows Ice cream, famous PEI potatoes, and a tour on the HippotomoBUS around the Charlottetwon harbout. .oh an probably make sure he meets our new island premiere, plus the mayor of Charlottetown. and the the Lt. Governor who is the Queen's rep. here. \

P.s. I'm a polite CAN-AM citizen and pay not mind to political stuff.. except vote
2015-02-28 19:08:25 UTC
Well I really don't feel strongly about his politics either way, but it would be pretty cool to chill w the president. Probably would go grab a few beers and some barbecue, rent some paintball gear and go have a shootout with his secret service, maybe go drag race cars out by the lake.

I'd also make sure I got his contact info so I'd have a well respected reference on my resume lol
2015-02-28 21:09:41 UTC
As a conservative with conservative values I would ask him to come in out of the cold. I would then give him a verity of beverages to choose from, let him know it's okay to take off his shoes if he wishes, and let him know to that, as with most guests in my humble abode, he should feel at home (since we'd be in Texas, I'd probably phrase it in the cheesy cliché "Mi casa es su casa"). Alhough I'm a conservative, I would still assume that since he's the President of the United States, he must have a very tight schedule; so after a bit of small talk, I would ask him if there was anything I could assist him with. This is how a Texan with Conservative values shows hospitality to guests within his/her home.
2015-02-28 14:09:16 UTC
I would walk out on the front porch and great him. He is the president. I would not allow him into my home. Just as I would not allow Mr Bush or Mr Clinton into my home. They have no morals. As the leader of the free world I would sit down with him on the porch swing and ask what he wanted while serving him a glass of tea or coffe. Just his being the president alone gives him the right to speak with me and address what ever he wanted to talk about. Im not an a hole. But let him in ? No. I wouldn't filthy my home with his type. Politicians that is.
2015-02-28 16:07:34 UTC
Do you do windows? Does your fee include taxi fare home? Say when your Pastor said God Damn America you did walk out didn't you? Oh I'm sorry when you tried to railroad Darrin Wilson with that weasel speech was that pre trail publicity or just a leftover from the conversation you had with Bill Ayers you know your terrorist friend who bombed the Pentagon and was proud of it? I'm confused I admit it I thought being President included all people not just looters and thugs.
2015-03-02 05:51:50 UTC
I'd welcome him then I'd ask why he is not protecting US borders. I would would also ask him to do away with all of his and other presidents' Executive Orders as they are not Constitutional. I'd speak with him about how we can make the federal government smaller and less domineering and how we could convince Congress and him to agree on cutting the budget significantly. Next, we'd talk about getting rid of the numerous bureaucracies in his cabinet and only keeping a few very necessary ones. We'd talk about how to lure companies back to the US by not allowing unions to dominate their members in voting, tax breaks, and less environmental regulation. I'd remind him that he only has a short time left in office and that it is his responsibility not to let Americans down and that he can still redeem his presidency as it isn't too late.
2015-02-28 23:29:33 UTC
I'd also be really surprised to see him, since I live in an apartment building and don't have a door bell. Also, I would be surprised that the Secret Service guys with him allowed him to enter my building without first doing a really elaborate security sweep.
2015-03-03 01:56:22 UTC
I would greet him because he is the president. Barack Obama has done good and bad for this country. I don't know a lot because I'm still learning about this stuff, but he has put this country through hell and back and other people have to but I wasn't there for that.
2015-03-01 13:58:37 UTC
Invite him in, and offer him a dark ale and a seat. I know what kind of beer he likes, and that is most of what's in my beer cellar, even though, unlike him, I haven't home-brewed in over 10 years. Give him a compliment, and ask what he'd like to talk about. Ask him to invite the Secret Service people nearby to come in, too. My wife would probably offer snacks. Maybe steer conversation toward reminiscences of growing up in Hawaii, if this seems appropriate at the moment. (I live in the same zip-code as the high school he went to, in Honolulu).. Probably think I'm lucid dreaming again, and attempt going with it as long as it lasts.
2015-03-01 07:07:17 UTC
I would look out the peep hole like I usually do. If I recognized it was him I would probably open the door and say hello how may I help you? And then I don't know what else I would do because I don't know what he would do after that. Barack Obama is coming to my city this week so this might happen. And it might not. probably not.
Armchair Goddess #1
2015-02-28 04:54:59 UTC
I would be shy because of the condition of my under-renovation, fire-damaged (flue fire) home, but would also feel awe that such a very powerful, exquisitely compassionate, highly intelligent, incredibly patient, nation-saving, economy-growing, recession-reversing, auto-industry-rescuing, international-coalition-creating (and also leading, to go after ISIL), insurers-reforming, banks-reregulating, consumers-protecting, middle-class-strengthening, GOP-vicious-sabotages-transcending (never once responding in kind), borders-securing, politically courageous President Obama would choose to visit me. My first instinct, since I have no heat until I can get my ductwork done, would be to suggest we go in the President's motorcade to a Rolla restaurant where the locals could also benefit from this very good man's visit and we could get some mighty good food while we chit-chat.
American Patriot
2015-02-28 19:29:58 UTC
Answer the door and ask him how he had found out that we were celebrating White History Month. And invite him in for a bite...and collect the $50,000 per plate "contribution" to my personal fund. A nice ham sandwich served on a paper plate. : )

Of course, if the press was there, taking pictures, I'd be sure to show my fingers crossed.
Jedi Jan
2015-03-02 00:07:40 UTC
Say hello. Very unlikely though as I have a "Do Not Knock" sticker on my door; which is used to dissuade salesmen and politicians alike. Also this would be a very unlikely event so I would assume that he was a doppelganger and someone to be a tad wary of. I would probably ring the Police for assistance if he asked to come inside; verification of his identity would be essential.
2015-03-01 14:50:52 UTC
I would invite him in, of course. I would compliment him on his presidency to date, and then ask this question; why, when popular opinion is over 50%, and thousands of people yearly are arrested and cost the nation a ton of money, is marijuana still a schedule I substance? Couldn't the office of the President do something to at least change the scheduling? Oh, and quit trying to find compromise with the republicans. They will not cooperate with you.
2015-03-02 03:44:40 UTC
I don't have a doorbell actually.

If he came to my door I very well might not answer. It happens a lot here - I'm working in the studio and have no idea anyone is at the door.
2015-03-01 00:42:06 UTC
"Hello Mister President - welcome to my humble abode and take your shoes off, we do not wear outdoor shoes in my house."

"Now what will it be, tea or coffee?"

"By the way, the wife wants a word with you, she's a Conservative, standby for a one hour rant. As for myself, I'm a progressive Socialist and when I read about you and your antics in the press, I know that you are about as idealistic as Hell."

"Oh and one more thing. When you talk of 'black history' do you really know what that means? Because until the white man came to Africa there was little or no literacy among the people there. History starts with the written word and anything before that is called 'pre-History'.

Believe me when I tell you that 'black history' is a meaningless and demeaning turn of phrase. Not only is it used to hide the truth but it ignores real history."

"One final shot from the lip - "There is only one race, the Human Race. And while one of us is a slave, none of us is free."

William Wilberforce 1807 House of Commons London
Admiral Smith
2015-03-02 08:33:53 UTC
Do I have to answer this? It runs right up with a paper bag of dog poo that is on fire that is on the door step. Did he run? Yea he did. He ran for president. I voted for him too but it was because he kept stating there is going to be a change in American and there is. I lost my international corporate job, almost got shot by about eight police officers, and had three visits to the county prison.
2015-03-01 09:26:20 UTC
Invite him in. We'd ask him to take off his shoes to protect our carpets. The security chaps would have to wait outside. We'd offer him a drink and hospitality. We could then ask him why he'd come to our house. In addition we could ask him to explain many of the policy decisions made by his administration. But, he's a politician so we wouldn't be able to believe a single answer.
2015-02-27 18:35:27 UTC
Wonder how the **** he managed to install a door bell on my house. I don't even have a door knocker, let alone a door bell.
2015-03-02 00:30:00 UTC
I would look out the peep hole like I usually do. If I recognized it was him I would probably open the door and say hello how may I help you? And then I don't know what else I would do because I don't know what he would do after that. Barack Obama is coming to my city this week so this might happen. And it might not. probably not. I would be shy because of the condition of my under-renovation, fire-damaged (flue fire) home, but would also feel awe that such a very powerful, exquisitely compassionate, highly intelligent, incredibly patient, nation-saving, economy-growing, recession-reversing, auto-industry-rescuing, international-coalition-creating (and also leading, to go after ISIL), insurers-reforming, banks-reregulating, consumers-protecting, middle-class-strengthening, GOP-vicious-sabotages-transcending (never once responding in kind), borders-securing, politically courageous President Obama would choose to visit me. My first instinct, since I have no heat until I can get my ductwork done, would be to suggest we go in the President's motorcade to a Rolla restaurant where the locals could also benefit from this very good man's visit and we could get some mighty good food while we chit-chat.
2015-03-04 20:41:41 UTC
That's a very good question...........however, I shall take a moment and reflect upon the replies. It is more than apparent that people are extremely dissatisfied with our government and rightly so. It seems as if we are living in a state of dishonesty concerning Washington. Nevertheless, my question is real simple..... why aren't we getting off our butts and instilling positive change.?
Ijada {#1} Garcia
2015-03-03 15:20:59 UTC
Low Key, probaly would look out the door, and tell him stop playing games. Aint no way You Barack Obama.
2015-02-28 20:07:55 UTC
I would ask him in. Tell him to feel free to kick his shoe's off. Hand him the remote. Let him know while in my home feel free to just do nothing. I mean, I would not enjoy your life at all. So just take a break. When heading out the door thank him for the job he is doing. Tell him to come back anytime.
2015-03-06 15:12:15 UTC
I'm not home right now, so I wouldn't know if anyone rang the doorbell. Even if it was Barack Obama!
2015-03-01 22:41:07 UTC
My doorbell doesn't work, so...he would probably have to knock. Once I open the door I will greet him politely, and ask him if he wants a drink. If he wants to talk I'm fine with that, but at the end of his stay I will announce proudly; "By the way, I support Romney".
2015-02-27 19:09:51 UTC
As much as I dislike the president, I would gladly invite him in, I mean he is the freaking president, he deserves some respect. I would ask him questions, as to why x things are failing, I would like to be able to have a real conversation with him about issues without him having the pressures of the media, but whatever.
2015-03-01 06:10:37 UTC
I didn't like W Bush, but if he came to my house, I would invite him in to show respect the American president deserves. The same for Obama. It's the shallow minded jerks that would show disrespect and/or turn either one away!
2015-02-28 11:27:28 UTC
He would never come to my house and ring my door bell because I live in 1 bedroom 1 bathroom.
2015-02-27 20:54:04 UTC
Even if I hated him, I'd still answer it and invite him in, since he is the President, and have a talk with him about the issues we're facing nowadays. And to be honest, I don't have anything against the President.
2015-02-28 04:34:37 UTC
I'd wonder why he's here in Canada since his sister Maya doesn't live here anymore.

She and her Canadian husband Konrad moved to Hawaii years ago.

And when they did live here, it was a in a different city from the one where I live.

I'd also wonder if my Prime Minister knew a foreign head of state was in Canada, and running around loose and unsupervised, ringing people's doorbells.
2015-03-02 13:21:38 UTC
I would thank Mr Obama for fixing my doorbell, it has not worked in over 10 years, and since the problem is a bad transformer, and that is in the basement, he must be a pretty good electrician to have repaired it without entering my home. I guess he is good for something afterall
2015-03-03 07:47:08 UTC
Seems like a good portion of yahoo bloggers would answer that they would shoot him where he stood. Of course they would not enjoy their time in jail. Answering this question as a snowstorm is upon us I would ask him in and suggest to his secret service detail that no one should slip and fall in the president needs to leave quickly and that they should shovel clear the snow in the area. Beyond my first question I don't know but I would most likely ask the president why he is visiting me and how I might assist him.
2015-03-02 07:57:41 UTC
I would ask him what he wants and if he asks for my support then I would slam the door in his face. If he asks for forgiveness and my council I would invite him in and try to let him know what it means to be an American, a Capitalist and an honest person. I would tell him about what the Constitution really means and how it is not what he learned from his America-hating, Communist professors and Chicago-elite Progressive mentors.
2015-03-01 10:04:23 UTC
Ask him why he's ringing doors bells in the UK, offer him a glass of water and then send him on his way.
2015-02-27 18:29:49 UTC
Same thing I would do if Bugs Bunny rang my door bell
2015-03-03 19:44:26 UTC
I'd say: Hey man! Sucks that everyone is being so hard on you, I mean you'd think after two Bush's they'd be happy that we don't have asshat for a president. But hey, can't win everyone right? haha! Anyway, decent job dude, keep up the average work!
Katie Girl
2015-02-28 21:25:22 UTC
I'd would treat him with the respect due to our nation's leader, despite my misgivings with his policies, and I'd be curious as to why he choose to speak to me, and I'd count the number of secret service agents surrounding my house to see how they work and how many they sent to protect him. He'd need it too, my neighborhood is very democratic, and I know quite a few people he has upset or let down with his Healthcare act. Lord knows what they would do to him.
2015-03-03 00:08:55 UTC
Ask him why he came to visit. I mean presidents don't just randomly show up at people's homes, so there would have to be a very good reason, regardless of what I personally think of the man.
2015-03-04 01:23:48 UTC
Same thing I do with anyone else who rings the bell and I didn't know that they were planning to drop by unannounced. Ignore the bell.
2015-03-02 12:26:39 UTC
As much as I can't stand him, I would be honored to meet him. He's still the president of the united states. Any past presidents I would have loved to have met too.

I'd offer him a scotch.
2015-02-28 14:18:52 UTC
I'd ask him what the hell does he want? If he was in physical distress, I would be humane and let him in. Other than that I would tell him to GO AWAY and tell him to stop acting like an asswipe and fire Joe Biden and then resign for the good of the country.
2015-10-15 21:37:53 UTC
I might also try to persuade him to really BE a socialist, which he's not. I might say something to him about it being obvious that capitalism with its need for perpetual economic growth is going to wreck the natural environment. Although I wouldn't expect him to break with the system, not really, since in his political position he really can't.
2015-03-02 09:55:28 UTC
I would tell him that some or stupid and some hide from the truth but open eyes can see why he traded a coward for five generals to fight against our country. You relate to those that think like you do and they seem to be drawn together. Get off my porch before someone thinks I am drawn to the yellow.

Verl K. Rothlisberger

Yuma, AZ.
2015-02-28 07:25:26 UTC
Wow, most of the answers that I read are negative minded. I would let him in to my house, and then I would sit down with him and review basic numbers in math, like why is the Federal deficit so out of control, why he spends so much money that he does not have or he is simply is passing the buck to future generations like my two daughters. Simple math numbers in dollars and cents. He would very likely not get it anyway, because in his mind, he is very liberal. Liberals have no economic boundaries when it comes to money or spending, they just spend it and go on.
2015-03-03 20:18:20 UTC
Depends on if his hands were up or not whether I call 9-1-1 for the police or 9-1-1 for his medical aid.
Holly R
2015-03-03 08:07:50 UTC
I'd be dumbfounded. Stand there with my mouth hanging open. Then I'd probably put my foot in it and ask him if he was an Obama doppleganger. Finally, I'd ask him if he needed anything - directions, the potty, a drink, whatever.
Annamaria F
2015-03-01 10:59:11 UTC
After a visit from the high court sheriffs we don't answer the door to anyone he will have to go next door?
2015-03-03 02:41:27 UTC
Invite him in for a beer and discuss with him why the Red Sox will be a better team than the White Sox in 2015.
2015-03-02 15:15:46 UTC
I would ask him what he wanted. No, I wouldn't invite him into my home. I only invite expected guests into my home. We might have a polite 2-5 minute conversation and then I would say good bye and close the door.
Special EPhex
2015-02-27 22:30:17 UTC
I'd be honored and I would invite him in and listen to why he came to visit my home. Even if I don't agree with the president, I respect him and I am capable of suspending my personal feelings about him if I were in his presence.
2015-03-01 06:12:53 UTC
I would probably start crying from being overjoyed then reach out to hug him. Once I got my composure, we could sit back and talk, definitely not about politics, maybe listen to some music and cook something fantabulous on the grill. I would invite some other family and friends over and have a good time.
2015-02-28 06:27:12 UTC
I would treat him like a Jehovahs witness. Grab a cup of coffee. Take a seat on my porch.

And watch to see if could make to the gate at the entrance to my farm. Before the dogs

ate him.
2015-02-28 18:59:44 UTC
Yes I would ask him in and treat him with the respect he deserves . Offer him a drink tea or coffee. Talk about his family and life. I expect he is a little fed up with talking politics. He seems a friendly man. I would let him know he has many friends.
Asrat Mengesha
2015-03-01 03:10:45 UTC
I will be ready to receive the money order check, after opening the door very quickly and after serving him a cap off 'mirt' coffe.
Jerome P
2015-02-28 09:00:15 UTC
I don't have a house since I am a low wage, hard working white man, working part time. I would ask the president if I could go to his house instead and indulge in a buffett like he does everyday at the white house.
2015-03-01 16:20:26 UTC
I would say hi and ask him to come in and visit. I would share my ideas for the country and mention the one area I differ with him, Right to Life. I would tell him how much I like his personable personality which I feel he has the most of any president since Reagan.
Hannah V.
2015-02-28 07:21:45 UTC
I'd ask him why the heck did he come here? But I'd make the most of his visit by asking him questions about the decisions he's made.
2015-03-01 13:42:41 UTC
I would invite him so we could have a heart to heart, as I would do with any president, since no one has been in the White House took a position I would have favored on every issue
2015-02-28 01:16:36 UTC
I'll get confused.

1) I live in Canada

2) I don't have a doorbell

3) I would just be confused
TriGemini Prime
2015-03-04 12:54:28 UTC
I would probably have a mini fangirl attack, then straighten up and invite him in. My parents would probably cry, ask him about his term and thank him for being in the White House. I would probably ask the Secret service to show me some moves. And then ask them did they like White House Down. (which I havent seen, by the way.)
2015-03-01 13:06:09 UTC
Open the door and slam the door in hes face
2015-03-01 14:50:11 UTC
I would say wow your coming to tell me I wasn't schizophrenic the whole time right and that you really did call me a fat *** at the 911 museum memorial opening ceremony while I was in the hospital.
2015-02-28 09:26:57 UTC
I would tell him to man up, and go to listen to Netanyahu.

It doesn't matter how bad Obama thinks of Netanyahu or how much Obama thinks that Netanyahu is wrong or has bad intentions.

Even if Obama is right about all the bad things he thinks about Netanyahu, it doesn't matter.

You need to listen to the other side. Always.
2015-03-02 13:40:57 UTC
I'd invite the guy in, like any civilized person would, however I wouldn't be too hospitable. I'd be biting my tongue the whole time trying to hold back calling him out on his abysmal foreign policy, as well as his lying about the NSA spying on us. Nevertheless, I'd offer some tea or snacks.
2015-02-28 18:57:43 UTC
I would shake his hand and thank him for staying the course despite the 'party of no' and for at least attempting to improve our country. I would congratulate him for the ACA, which is a great achievement.
2015-03-01 21:10:09 UTC
I would answer the door and say, "Good afternoon Mr. President; it is a pleasure to see you. Won't you come in"? Then, "I'm glad you stopped by because I have a few concerns I'd like to go over with you, and perhaps you could enlighten me as to what you think it will take for congress to come together and start working on bills that you and I feel are pressing, important and relevant to what is happening today." Then, "Allow me to get you a refreshment; what is your pleasure sir"? Then, "How is your family holding up under the pressure of your status and if you could tell America only one thing, what might that be"? No matter what his response would be I would then say, "Well thank you Mr. Obama. It has been a great honor to have you visit my home. I hope you will feel free to do so again".
2015-03-01 07:50:07 UTC
Say hi and ask for a picture, and ask why he's here. Invite him for some coffee or something.

Be honest guys, you're not going to give an elaborate speech, you're going to be just as star struck as anyone else would be.
2015-03-06 10:08:19 UTC
I would ask for the "change" that he promised us 7 years back in that 2008 election he somehow won and then ask for a handout from that hidden stash he has used to go to places nice and insanely expensive to my type of social class.
2015-03-03 08:20:02 UTC
I would answer the door and ask what I could do for him. If he wanted to vosot I would invite him in.

The racist and ignorant answers above disgust me. It shows that too many people are unworthy of the life they have been blessed with.
Little Big Man
2015-03-01 07:31:23 UTC
I would be amazed,because I don't have a door bell,And I live in England,lol,

Ye can see my point,lol,
Q The First Timelord
2015-02-27 20:33:02 UTC
I'm homeless. So he'd have to knock on Planet Earth's door.

I probably wouldn't let him in. He is after all why I am here.
2015-02-28 14:19:07 UTC
Answer the door as usual I don't recognise status
Scott Rounds
2015-03-04 10:59:44 UTC
Open the door then close it with out letting him in. He is not interested in anything America stands for. He is trying to wipe out America and also Christianity. Do we have the Anti-christ amongst us?
2015-02-28 19:32:16 UTC
I'd tell him to stop interrupting Days Of Our Lives because he prevents me from seeing what happens. I'd tell him to pull an Oprah and buy his own channel and come up with some kick *** acronym like she did "OWN" and then I'd tell him lots of other stuff until he got tired and left.
2015-02-28 12:54:23 UTC
If he were by himself I'd invite him in then take him to dinner. If he came with family I'd invite them in but would beg off of taking them to dinner because I'm retired and wouldn't have enough to pay for all of them. If he asked my opinions I'd let him know what I think.
2015-03-01 20:32:08 UTC
Wonder why the hell the President of the United States is at my door. Oh and how the hell i got a doorbell all of a sudden.
2015-02-28 06:03:36 UTC
It would be an honor, I'd like to meet his wife too, and take him out for a round of golf and talk politics.
2015-03-02 00:13:54 UTC
Offer a drink or something and asked what is his plan for non legal inhabitants of America. That's all.
2015-02-28 20:49:01 UTC
I would ask him to read me Dreams from My Father, that book he wrote before he was President, as I fell asleep in a nice warm bed with thick comfy sheets by a crackling fireside.
2015-03-01 10:51:50 UTC
Take him over to Armchair Goddess's house.
Hin Long
2015-02-28 18:31:03 UTC
2015-02-27 19:13:14 UTC
I would invite him in and ask him how does he take his coffee because we are going to take a coffee break ah I would probably say are you sure you got the right house? I am certain I never did anything to get this lucky!
2015-03-03 09:15:50 UTC
I would invite him in and offer him a few beers and the best BBQ pork on a skewer ( a specialty from the Philippines). Man, we could chill out all night long.
2015-03-02 16:30:29 UTC
I would ask him a million questions. But first I would start with questions about our troops as I'm a marine wife, army sister, and navy daughter so those issues are closest to me.
2015-03-01 22:32:38 UTC
I justify everything in this world in same angle . so if this person is barak obama president of america or a poor alms man both of two i wil show same hospitability according to my ability because all the man in this world are same.and i show same respect for all the man though they are poor or rich.
2015-03-01 13:49:15 UTC
I think I would immediately swear off drinking and drugging and speed dial my shrink. I don't care what I believe about the man personally, I would respect his position (President that is, not opinions).
2015-03-01 01:26:44 UTC
I'd invite him in to hang out for the afternoon. Before he left, I'd have him autograph the copies of his books that are in my library.
2015-03-01 13:10:06 UTC
I WOULD NOT ANSWER THE DOOR....last time he came to Asbury Park to show face after super storm Sandy....he was the only black in town who didn't have a gun
2015-03-03 21:47:49 UTC
I'd exercise my second-amendment right. At this time, there is a criminal standing on my property, attempting to enter, so it is, last time I checled, within my legal right to give him a look at the inside of my barrel and say "you have five seconds to leave my lawn."
2015-02-28 14:54:27 UTC
Answer the door
2015-02-28 22:29:43 UTC
I'd say hello and make us a bowl of popcorn to eat while watching the TV
Jan O
2015-03-01 22:34:08 UTC
Not answer the door. Any body not invited to my home has no business ringing my doorbell. Which I don't have anyway.
2015-03-01 23:03:48 UTC
as usual, I will open the door. It might be a surprising moment for me. I will definitely provide my best hospitality to the President.
2015-02-27 18:27:18 UTC
I might call 911. Anyone would become nervous with a sea of blue and red lights in their front yard! I would expect that I would receive prior notice of his arrival!
bad girl
2015-03-01 15:24:02 UTC
Invite him in, offer him a beverage and engage in an in depth discussion about the state of the Union.
2015-02-28 15:20:48 UTC
I'd open my door, and through a locked screen door,

ask: "How may I assist you, President Obama, sir?"
2015-03-02 00:34:52 UTC
Share a bottle of Glenlivet 18 yr old scotch with him.
2015-03-01 09:31:07 UTC
I don't have a doorbell but if he knocked I would tell him to get lost or i'll call the cops for trespassing
2015-03-02 12:00:41 UTC
Wouldn't open the door, couldn't give a **** about other countries presidents.
2015-02-28 23:02:46 UTC
give him a cup of tea and I suppose all the bodyguards too. then I would teach him the truth about God and how people get the Bible wrong. BUT he would have to pay his own air fare. no fancy private plane unless I can have a ride in it.
2015-03-01 03:55:31 UTC
Assuming I was in, I'd answer the door.
2015-03-05 06:20:07 UTC
I'd stop banging Mrs. Obama and tell her to grab her clothes and sneak out the back while I keep him talking.
Mikhail Thomas
2015-03-01 23:16:27 UTC
I will be shocked, but behave politely and invite him happily as he's the world's most powerful person.
2015-02-28 13:17:57 UTC
Turn around and run screaming out the back door.
2015-03-04 09:56:55 UTC
probably ask him if that was really his mother in those nude photos floating on the internet. Then tell him to get the hell out of here as I don't entertain Marxist's.
2015-03-02 09:50:41 UTC
I personally would not answer the door. He would never be welcomed at my place of residency. This also go for jimmy carter and hiliary
2015-02-28 15:59:19 UTC
Tell him to get his sorry, useless a$$ off MY property. Since I would be speaking form my end of the shotgun, I'm sure he would need new underwear.
2015-03-02 12:03:48 UTC
Nothing if he kept knocking I would ask him to leave the property or I would call the police. He is a douche bag. Plain and simple. He is WRECKING this country.
2015-02-27 21:25:48 UTC
I'd suspect Obama wished to silence me, because I acknowledge his lack of wisdom.
2015-02-28 17:37:49 UTC
Politely ask him what he wanted then tell him he had 10 seconds to get the hell off my property before he got shot for treaspassing
Mohammed Sadeed
2015-03-01 03:55:07 UTC
well i will get shocked first i mean The Barack Obama President of USA its like a dream come true.
Lord Percy Fawcette-Smythe.
2015-03-02 08:16:02 UTC
Tell him to F*** off as Americans especially Obama are not exactly popular here in France
2015-02-28 22:42:32 UTC
I'd say "Thanks Obama" because it's an awful long way to come to Australia to install a doorbell for me. I'd probably give him a Funnel-Web spider from my backyard as a token of gratitude.
2015-03-01 18:24:41 UTC
I don't have a door bell.
2015-02-28 16:35:32 UTC
Shake his had try and smoke a bowl and have a polical conversations mabye turn him into the next FDR
2015-02-28 22:41:51 UTC
I would be excited to see the head of state I might not agree with him on every issue but I respect him
2015-02-28 12:58:43 UTC
We have a porch door then a front door so I;d open the porch door, recognize him, be shocked then see what he wanted
2015-03-01 16:13:14 UTC

"Hi, are you allergic to Republicans? 'Cause I have a bad case of popular sovereignty and I wouldn't want you to catch it."


"Excuse me? I can definitely hear you!"


"There's no doubt about that, especially considering... the fact that you're not deaf."


"May I come in? I'd like to give you one million dollars."


"Sure. Would you like a cup of tea with your loaf of Obama Care?"


"Yes, please."


"One or two spoons [of sugar] ?"


"Let's raise that to three cups just like the minimum wage."


"So, how do you feel about Guantanamo Bay?"


"... May I use the powder room?"


"Yes, it's through the same door in which you came from!"

Danny Dix
2015-02-28 16:25:16 UTC
Rush off to get a tip for pizza delivery
2015-02-28 02:44:19 UTC
I would look out the window, "oh its that Obama chump", then, I would give my rottweiler the signal, then open the door and watch my rotty rip his jugular open.
2015-03-02 09:49:26 UTC
Slam the door in his face
2015-03-01 07:52:28 UTC
invite him in and proceed to instruct him what Christianity really is, that many are praying for him to have a revelation of who God really is and that above all he as do all humans, need to know there is eternity awaiting all of us... we are all going to live... somewhere forever. (my reasoning being His political decisions should be governed by his relationship with the true and living God and based on our founding docs.)
2015-02-28 15:46:28 UTC
I would invite him in for coffee, show him my leg and sit down and have a come to jesus meeting about the affordable care act and medicaid.
2015-02-27 18:21:23 UTC
I'd let him know that my house is a gun free zone where only I am allowed to own and carry firearms and see if he still wants to come in.
2015-03-04 06:16:23 UTC
Allow my dog to greet him at the door. I have a feeling Barry would be afraid of my dog.
2015-03-02 13:28:00 UTC
You have the wrong address Mr. President. However, my opinions are free. Care for coffee, tea or milk?
2015-02-28 11:30:50 UTC
He'd probably notice my doorbell was white and have Eric Holder charge me with a 'hate crime'.
2015-03-02 04:57:38 UTC
I would walk out on the porch to greet him with one hand on my wallet. What other reason would he have for visiting town with only 500 people in it?
2015-02-27 18:53:17 UTC
Wake up from my dream. He don't care about me enough, to make a trip to my house. probably finds people like me contemptuous.
2015-03-01 18:23:33 UTC
I'd kick his muslim carkus off my property, since he's not for America and still refuses to become a American Citizen. Now he wants to change our money to muslim money. Mike
2015-03-02 09:46:07 UTC
He might get frustrated, he might assume I was out or he might try the knocker. My door bell is broken.
Loretta S
2015-03-01 18:35:43 UTC
Is this some sort of a trick question? Who really cares what I would do? I'm sure no one,
2015-03-01 05:19:06 UTC
I would tell him to go to Texas and not come out 'til his IQ raised a few points.
2015-03-02 08:38:14 UTC
Ask him did i win anything because there's no reason for the president to show up for no reason
2015-03-02 18:18:26 UTC
CNN bring him over almost every day. I hear the TV bell.
2015-03-02 17:16:02 UTC
2015-02-28 02:22:18 UTC
I'd tactfully and respectably talk some sh*t while at parade rest.
2015-03-03 01:53:14 UTC
Bust out my prize winning blunt and throw on some jimi
2015-03-02 23:17:50 UTC
2015-02-27 18:32:58 UTC
Answer the door.
2015-02-28 20:42:17 UTC
I would tell him he's at the wrong door
2015-03-01 14:40:40 UTC
Everyone sure has a lot in mind of what they would do...I would just ask for a picture and go back to sleep
2015-03-01 19:53:02 UTC
I wouldn't even open the door. I never voted for him, nor do I ever vote democrat.
Jubilife Rival
2015-03-04 12:40:26 UTC
I would be polite, nice to meet you, blah blah blah. Although I wouldn't want him in my house. If he wants to see my house, just tell him to watch me in all the files that he has stored away (he does it anyway.)
2015-03-01 23:54:24 UTC
I would do my utmost to be a good host according to the norms of southern hospitality. My neighbors would help.
2015-02-28 22:12:49 UTC
I'd be pissed that he came without calling first and now magazines will have cover pics of me in my batman

2015-03-03 14:33:18 UTC
Grab the pizza and slam the door, no tip for you
The Duke
2015-03-04 10:31:43 UTC
Probably open the door and see what he wants.

2015-02-28 09:04:15 UTC
I would probably open the door and let him know that I disapprove of his hate for the US and US citizens. He would not be coming in, however. I would let him know that as a disabled veteran, he dropped the ball with how the VA Health Care System has gotten so much worse on his watch. I would also let him know that he has disappointed millions of real Americans on his disregard for the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I would let him know that he didn't build this country, but he is getting pretty good at dismantling it. I would ask him why he hates this country, Christians and Jews. I would also tell him that I hope his grandchildren get to meet him in the future, if he survives, but they may want to pretend not to know the guy who turned this country into a 3rd world obamanation. I would let him know that spending money does not make money or value suddenly happen...and that if business and people spent money the way he does they would all be bankrupt--without the means to pay for the bankruptcy attorneys, or in prison for fraud. I would also tell him it must be hard to hate half of his DNA and that he must have some terrible self esteem issues to want to destroy everyone who has more Caucasian DNA than he does but then again, he doesn't care about real African-Americans either...or the people who actually have worked to get what they have--then to turn around and tell them they didn't build that...or earn that.
Kevin Austin
2015-02-28 10:03:07 UTC
Come in would you like a Cup of Tea
2015-02-27 18:22:49 UTC
Lock my car doors
2015-03-02 21:44:01 UTC
The first thing i'll do, pull his face to confirm he is really Obama :D
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-03-01 02:42:13 UTC
Answer it, and say something really stupid like 'Are you, you?' and then ask what are you doing in England, this far from London?
2015-03-01 06:40:18 UTC
I wouldn't answer the door.
2015-02-28 20:18:17 UTC
Tell him I had no spare change and then point the way to the nearest soup kitchen or YMCA
2015-02-28 14:01:37 UTC
I would do him like I do any black guy that rang my doorbell. Stand inside with my AK47 and wait for him to leave.
2015-03-02 11:02:01 UTC
I'd let my pit bull answer the door.
2015-03-01 09:54:17 UTC
The same thing I do with the Jehovah Witnesses. Ignore him.
2015-03-01 17:25:54 UTC
I would act like holy **** its Obama then since I don't like him I would have yelled GET THE **** OUT OF MY HOUSE AND STAY OUT!
2015-03-05 09:05:47 UTC
look out the window to see if it's anyone important, then sit back down and watch TV.
2015-02-27 18:49:28 UTC
Hide the silverware an crystal.
♥♥♥𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓖𝓸 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 ♥♥♥
2015-03-01 11:52:55 UTC
Slam the door in his face!
2015-03-02 14:58:09 UTC
I'd honor him -- he's the president - all political notions aside.
2015-03-02 11:39:08 UTC
I would not let him in. I don't care what president it is. they are all trying to kill the world have you looked in your skies for chemtrails I bet not. or gmo or rfd frequencies microchips no you should
2015-02-27 18:27:50 UTC
Shake his hand and let him in. Order some pizza so i can feed him. Chat and play some Xbox.
2016-01-30 16:06:24 UTC
We would have a good laugh at the handling of the these last few questions.
2015-03-01 13:37:31 UTC
Ask him what the fvck he's doing in England.
karen d
2015-03-02 15:38:31 UTC
Open the door.
2015-03-01 09:38:24 UTC
I would shake his hand and tell him I had voted for him twice but am sorry I had. Then I would tell him his idea of change and mine are very different. Then, I would ask him to pray with me for our country.
Ric M
2015-03-02 13:55:30 UTC
I would ask him if he is here to collect taxes, here for a hand out,here to recruit me to fight Isis,or did he think this was a golf club house.
Andy Prandy
2015-03-01 15:04:52 UTC
Tell him to Stop his Military Actions! XD
2015-02-28 22:55:23 UTC
i would ask who is it when he says President Barack Obama, i wouldn't even open it!
2015-03-03 18:38:55 UTC
I'd simply inform him of the "NO SOLICITORS" sign above the doorbell, and tell him to get off my property.
2015-02-27 21:19:29 UTC
Draw the shades and let the dogs out.
2015-02-28 11:18:49 UTC
Take him in as a hostage and ask for a lot of money from his family. He is quite rich after all.
Jafor Sheikh
2015-03-01 08:15:16 UTC
Malcolm X~ The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.
2015-03-01 18:52:04 UTC
I would be pleasantly surprised & would certainly welcome him.

I would be so honored to meet such a caring & intelligent man that struggles from the rich to get help for our less fortunate .

He is an honorable man , loving & proud of his country .

Yes, I would be delighted & privileged !
Julian Francoeur
2015-03-02 10:57:53 UTC
Talk to him about not-politics and then see if he wants to play Super Smash Bros.
2015-02-28 14:11:10 UTC
I would ask why he wants to hand out Food Stamps to people that never paid taxes, Why do the American people pay for Medical Expenses for all the Illegals. I would also ask him to stop the war so he could pay for Homeland Security. I would ask him who voted for over spending. I would ask him how many people he is going to let cross the border that will take American Jobs.
2015-03-01 18:07:35 UTC
I would look through the peep hole and if I saw him I would ignore him and go back to watching TV
Art G
2015-03-01 11:44:22 UTC
Slam the door in his face !
2015-03-07 09:04:09 UTC
I'd tell him to f**k off and if he didn't immediately I'd punch him in his face
2015-03-01 20:51:27 UTC
ill ask from him why do you waiting until isis demons cutting inosent peoples heads? If he give me a good reason to dont distroy isis... ill ask him to join me to drink a cup of tea. if he couldent... my door never open to him.
2015-02-28 08:49:39 UTC
I would ask him in, put on some coffee and chat. I am no supporter of his but I am a civil human being.
2015-03-01 11:24:18 UTC
2015-02-27 18:22:18 UTC
Follow the script given to me by his people.
Darryl Jones
2015-03-03 08:06:10 UTC
i would give him a choice. get a *** full of rock salt, *** full of lead, a bullet to the head, or nailed to a cross and burned. He would have 3 seconds to give answer. then the choice is mine
2015-03-01 07:28:36 UTC
say hi and ask him if he needs a map because he's got the wrong house.
2015-03-01 14:06:34 UTC
I'd say" Hello do come in. Wold you like a cup of tea?"
2015-02-27 18:22:05 UTC
I would invite him in, offer him something to drink and politely ask what did I do to deserve the visit?
2015-02-28 17:46:18 UTC
just slams My Door on his Face
2015-03-01 20:26:08 UTC
I would invite him inside of my home (hide a gun in my jacket - JUST IN CASE!), eat some food, chill, play cod, and then ask him ... blue and black or white and gold.
2015-02-28 23:40:44 UTC
Serve time in prison
2015-03-02 19:08:22 UTC
I would ask him some hard questions and would want to hear his response. I am not at all happy with his performance.
2015-02-28 14:46:27 UTC
Offer him some coffee and talk like regular humans.
2015-02-28 16:43:49 UTC
Throw a brick out my window at him.

Tell him never to come again.
2015-03-01 14:12:28 UTC
Well he is our president so I suppose I would have to invite him in . I hope he has Biden with him .He is always good for a laugh .
2015-02-27 18:56:35 UTC
I'd wonder how that happened seeing that we don't have a doorbell.
2015-03-03 15:18:46 UTC
I'd open the door, shake his hand and show him my 2 previous voter ballot tickets, "DEMOCRAT."
Troll Spotter
2015-03-02 11:09:14 UTC
For the last time i don't have any fried chicken !
2015-02-28 15:19:49 UTC
Open the door to see who it is , then slam it once I seen who it is.
2015-03-01 05:39:26 UTC
I would answer the door
2015-02-28 12:09:20 UTC
I would invite him in give him chocolate covered almonds some coffee and ask him to explain my DMV printout...
Liberals Love Censorship
2015-02-27 18:26:03 UTC
Give my kids the secret signal to unchain the dog.

The big dog.

The big big bad dog....
Old Folks
2015-02-27 18:49:39 UTC
explain that Trick or Treat is Halloween Night only
2015-03-01 06:01:21 UTC
Punch him in the face
2015-02-28 12:53:08 UTC
Walk up to the door and without opening it, yell "GO AWAY."
Riajul Islam Riaj
2015-03-02 05:14:09 UTC
I'll can't speak at all for few minutes.
2015-03-05 11:49:49 UTC
The doorbell doesn't work.
2015-03-03 04:12:38 UTC
I'd probably wish that I'd done a bit more tidying done.
2015-03-03 05:47:42 UTC
Before or after I kicked him in the nuts?
2015-02-28 09:23:41 UTC
Just open the door, stare at him, and slunk back in.
2015-03-01 22:46:10 UTC
I'd bust out my old econ textbooks and try to help him understand them.
2015-03-01 00:12:17 UTC
invite him and offer him coffee listen to what he has to say tell him, I voted for him and I appreciate the bonus he gave senior citizens his first year in office it meant a lot to me.
2015-03-02 06:50:27 UTC
i would look through the peep hole while masturbating because i have a disease where when im nervous i pull that dick like im tryna win a tug of war contest
common cents
2015-03-03 18:50:13 UTC
I'd ask him why is he hellbent on destroying America?
2015-03-01 22:15:05 UTC
I'm not US
2015-03-01 21:34:42 UTC
I'd apologize for the republicans and ask him what he wanted to drink.
2015-03-02 11:17:25 UTC
Tell him to read the sign, No Solicitors , and that I,m a Christian. So sell your muslim faith somewere else !
2015-02-27 18:22:14 UTC
I'd pay him for the pizza.
2015-03-01 05:15:44 UTC
Just chill out and watch a movie with him.
2015-03-03 00:39:27 UTC
i'd ask him if he is a red rings fan or cheers for the poor blackhawks
2015-03-03 15:17:49 UTC
I can't say what I'd do because I'd be thrown in jail.
...lean on me...
2015-03-03 00:45:50 UTC
I will offer him a coffee because we have a lot of stuffs to talk about.
2015-03-01 04:12:55 UTC
I would look out the window and then go to my front door and say Welcome sir do come in.would you like tea or coffee and how do you like your beverage strong, milky or very weak.
I was wrong once
2015-02-28 15:55:31 UTC
I would say "holy shlt what the f@ck are you doing here? get those god damned cameras out of my face before i bash your f@cking head in",
2015-03-02 19:58:52 UTC
Call my dogs as i would also for any other lying parasite of a politician
El Gato
2015-03-03 07:16:54 UTC
invite him to my living room, He is our president you know.. I may not agree in some things he does but he's my president so I should show my education and show him some respect. So yes he would be welcome in my home.
2015-03-01 11:35:30 UTC
I would get rid of him as fast as I could. He would be just one more salesman trying to sell junk!
2015-02-28 16:55:47 UTC
Congratulate him on not losing his mind putting up with these crazy republicans.
2015-02-28 12:55:25 UTC
I likely wouldn't answer because my doorbell is broken.
Working Man
2015-03-01 08:10:56 UTC
I would point to our "NO Solicitors" Sign and close the door.
2015-02-27 18:39:42 UTC
Let him in.. It is cold outside. We even have about 3" of snow..
Gus Fusco
2015-03-02 17:25:50 UTC
Hide my money and Call the cops
2015-02-28 16:12:55 UTC
Ask him for a five million bucks
2015-02-27 18:21:02 UTC
Get the hardware
2015-03-03 09:16:54 UTC
Call the cops ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
2015-03-01 12:43:12 UTC
either I wouldn't answer, or i'd open and close the door on him lol
2015-03-02 11:57:48 UTC
slam the door in his face
2015-03-01 05:16:39 UTC
Play craps.
2015-02-28 11:57:50 UTC
Sic the dogs on him for Trespassing..
2015-02-28 21:06:48 UTC
I would cancel his wedding on a golf course
2015-03-01 18:39:11 UTC
Tell him to Legalize Marijuana,, come on in smoke a big one lol
2015-03-02 21:07:24 UTC
I would call the police and report a trespasser.
2015-03-02 23:39:43 UTC
First, I shall take a photo with him and post to my facebook.
Gone Rogue
2015-03-02 12:37:14 UTC
I would answer the door and slam it in his face.
2015-03-02 08:47:50 UTC
I would tell tell him to get the f**k off my property as I despise the man
2015-02-28 13:32:04 UTC
i will ask him to help me sighn the deal with BB group and take 20 % apple share :)
2015-03-01 10:10:38 UTC
Ask for a selfie and autograph
2015-02-27 18:39:51 UTC
Smile stupidly and babble incoherently probably.
2015-03-01 07:42:12 UTC
Call the cops...And I'm NOT a cop caller!
2015-03-02 20:27:44 UTC
Freak out lol
2015-02-28 08:24:08 UTC
I would hand him an economy ticket to Chicago.
2015-02-28 20:28:27 UTC
Lock my door and pull the shades !!!
2015-03-01 07:27:40 UTC
Invite him in & offer him a cuppa.

Of course.
2015-03-01 17:49:18 UTC
I would probably be like


and open the door in like underwear, realize who it is, and be like

"uhh... Mr.President, well this is awkward."

then invite him inside as i rush upstairs to change in to proper attire
David C.
2015-03-03 02:32:46 UTC
I would not answer the door
2015-03-02 07:51:07 UTC
Ask him to come on in and try to get to understand him better.
Ben Richards
2015-03-02 15:36:28 UTC
I'd sic the dog on him.
2015-03-04 17:08:14 UTC
remove the bell.
2015-03-01 18:52:24 UTC
Let loose the hounds!
Steve N
2015-02-28 15:27:44 UTC
Ask him why he hates the Constitution so much and what he s afraid of.
2015-03-02 14:12:54 UTC
I'd be astonished, we don't have a doorbell.
2015-03-01 18:40:14 UTC
Replace it with a joy buzzer.
2015-03-02 02:28:56 UTC
I'll too surprised to say anything.
johnny v avon lake
2015-03-01 07:15:48 UTC
Add your answerSeriously?......I would bare knuckle beat him within an inch of his life. I hate that worthless MFPOS!
2015-03-01 13:04:58 UTC
Feed him spaghetti and play call of duty.
2015-03-01 11:59:25 UTC
first i'd open the door
Stay Thirsty For Liberty
2015-03-01 23:15:33 UTC
I would extend to him the same courtesy as every other guest.
2015-03-02 14:21:08 UTC
tell him hes a bad president and feed him cat food
Sky Witch
2015-03-03 08:05:01 UTC
Say hello bout wonder aloud why he's there.
2015-02-28 15:12:00 UTC
Absolutely nothing.
2015-02-28 08:09:43 UTC
Offer him a cup of tea?
2015-03-03 07:11:59 UTC
Ask him to come around the back.
2015-02-28 18:10:01 UTC
He wouldn't bother coming to my redneck town
2015-02-28 00:19:27 UTC
I'd say " What the F*** are you doing in Australia ???
2015-02-28 19:11:06 UTC
I'd call the cops.
2015-03-02 17:02:11 UTC
offer him some of my wifes poontang and a beer he's the president .
2015-03-01 19:28:18 UTC
Gladly invite him
2015-02-27 18:26:21 UTC
polite people know to call before dropping by
2015-02-28 18:35:14 UTC
I'd say "Come in! Want some coffee?"
2015-02-28 12:12:48 UTC
I'd ask

"What the Hell are you doing in England?"
Roland Chambers
2015-03-02 13:19:34 UTC
Tell him he has to purchase doorbell insurance or get fined.
2015-03-02 17:54:55 UTC
I would tell him how I am looking forward to when he leaves office!
2015-02-27 18:43:11 UTC
I would ask him why he let 4 die in Benghazi
Your The Best Friend
2015-03-02 16:45:32 UTC
My dog would run after him ding!

God bless all in Jesus name Amen.
2015-03-04 16:43:29 UTC
2015-02-27 20:12:40 UTC
I would ask him to leave informing him that his record to date has shown us that it is unwise to trust him for anything.
2015-03-02 22:41:18 UTC
I would tell him what he should be doing to fix this country,and to get us out of debt.that is what i would do.
2015-03-03 07:09:49 UTC
congratulate him on being the coolest president to date
Sofa King Good
2015-03-01 00:22:58 UTC
Tell him the brothel is next door
2015-03-02 13:45:57 UTC
I would open the door. And tell him “Whadaya want”
2015-03-01 12:06:58 UTC
Be nice to him trying to get some money.
2015-03-03 06:37:45 UTC
Force feed him pork until he bursts.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-02-28 09:14:24 UTC
I would tell him "Deliveries are at the back door" !
2015-03-02 06:37:02 UTC
Invite him in for a beer.
2015-02-28 06:21:27 UTC
I'd ask him why do you pay so much to Israeil?!
Max Hoopla
2015-02-27 18:27:57 UTC
Invite him in for a beer.
2015-03-03 05:30:03 UTC
Invite him in and pour him a beer.
2015-03-01 02:36:27 UTC
I'd get my bible out. He would really hate that
2015-03-01 17:54:35 UTC
tie him up and send him to Syria and let him get raped and beheaded by the ISIS he is so much supporting
Linda R
2015-03-01 11:29:28 UTC
Grab my gun, shoot him, call the police and claim a criminal forced his way into my home.
2015-03-05 17:19:04 UTC
Ask him to please come in and sit down, then ask why our government is trying to secretly trying to brainwash the entire American Country
2015-03-01 15:42:52 UTC
Invite him in and serve him food.
2015-03-02 22:05:19 UTC
Buy the cookies.
2015-03-01 00:53:37 UTC
I dont know. Dont know what I would want to do. If I kill him, Im gonna die, and I dont want to die.

But Im def not gonna take all his lies and corruption.
Sanjeev Kumar
2015-03-01 21:37:55 UTC
Invite him
2015-03-01 21:32:01 UTC
Explain everything he is doing wrong
2015-03-01 07:49:46 UTC
2015-03-01 09:40:57 UTC
2015-03-01 17:18:06 UTC
teach him how to make a nice banana bread
2015-03-02 13:05:00 UTC
Say "Alright?" and close the door.
2015-03-01 10:52:59 UTC
i would first ask y he is here then i will bribe him into giving me cash and mabey a job under him
2015-03-01 03:49:23 UTC
Invite him in for dinner!
2015-02-28 12:36:28 UTC
Kiss him
2015-02-28 00:33:49 UTC
I'd tell him he's a crappy president.
2015-03-02 14:22:32 UTC
id go like: sup my brotha ohh i mean my president, what brings you over here!
2015-03-01 06:40:05 UTC
I would tell him your just as bad or as good as the other presidents. NO PLEASING EVERYBODY.
2015-03-01 17:24:18 UTC
Definitely get his autograph.
chev varann
2015-03-02 11:45:12 UTC
2015-03-02 00:28:32 UTC
I would ask his if he could give me proof OBL is dead...."just between me and you Mr. President"""
2015-02-27 19:44:36 UTC
2015-03-02 19:29:20 UTC
I'd say: "Shouldn't you be doing something 'presidential'?"
2015-02-28 20:08:21 UTC
Invite him in and tell him good job; and wish him luck
2015-03-01 15:14:17 UTC
This would not happen; only in a "childhood dream" would this be .
Peter x
2015-02-28 05:10:30 UTC
Would he travel to the UK just to do that?
2015-03-01 00:26:34 UTC
Invite him in
2015-03-01 14:48:20 UTC
i would say hello would you like to come in for a drink?
2015-03-01 11:06:55 UTC
Well.................I would let him in ....offer my most sincere hospitality....tell him how much I believe everything

he tells us and invite him to the new oceanfront condo I just bought ...... in Arizona ............
2015-02-28 15:10:33 UTC
I'd smack him upside the butthole and say 'hows ur wife'!

'Cause why not?
2015-02-28 18:30:29 UTC
I would say take me to your leader.
2015-02-28 23:33:35 UTC
B+ for originality
Love Expert
2015-02-28 16:01:04 UTC
WOW.... It's my pleasure, my majesty! (Bow)....hahaha

(Dare not stare at Him again!)


2015-03-03 15:10:53 UTC
Tell him to piss off back to his own country.
2015-02-28 21:41:11 UTC
Invite him in
2015-03-02 08:58:27 UTC
i think thats a question to ask someoneelse
2015-02-28 17:07:49 UTC
say hey, and tell him how much i love US!! and I would ask him if he could give me a citizenship
2015-02-27 20:33:52 UTC
2015-03-03 11:08:03 UTC
I would jump down and up
micky m
2015-03-02 18:46:41 UTC
break his jaw with a right cross
2015-02-28 13:05:05 UTC
I would invite him in for tea
2015-03-02 23:21:31 UTC
Well, freedom rings so, I guess I would let him in.
2015-03-01 13:05:03 UTC
i would Invite him and talk and say thank you for doing a good job
2015-02-27 18:30:53 UTC
Be honored that he visited my home.
2015-02-28 12:36:17 UTC
ill play pes 2015 with him...
2015-03-03 15:41:38 UTC
My angry dog will meet his islamic a$$ up!
2015-02-28 09:37:06 UTC
Turn my alarm system on.
2015-03-02 15:56:11 UTC
i would ask him to impeach himself,resign from office and not grant amnesty to himself.
∞ Sarah ∞
2015-03-03 04:10:37 UTC
I would be extremely confused as to why he was in Australia and at MY front door but idk I'd probably invite him in
2015-02-28 11:01:05 UTC
Tell him to get off my property.
2015-02-28 12:23:12 UTC
I would tell him I am not buying what he is selling
2015-03-02 08:03:53 UTC
make tea, and talk to him, discuss political philosophy
2015-02-27 18:24:47 UTC
I'd hand him a bible.
2015-03-01 05:58:23 UTC
I would be expecting an audit.
2015-03-01 15:41:12 UTC
call the police!
2015-03-02 05:50:41 UTC
punch him square in the nose!
2015-03-02 06:55:41 UTC
id mug that noob
2015-03-01 10:36:50 UTC
I would lob fish at him
2015-02-27 18:37:40 UTC
id be all liek


and slam the door in his commie face
2015-03-03 04:34:32 UTC
kick him in the teeth
Gunny T
2015-02-28 11:21:33 UTC
Turn my dog loose? (just guessing)
2015-02-27 18:24:04 UTC
Nothing ................. my door bell don't work.
Md Rony
2015-03-01 05:53:19 UTC
Ivy Knowles
2015-03-02 18:34:55 UTC
I would ask him for some cash.
2015-03-03 10:29:09 UTC
I would say "Hey!! You do read email's??"
2015-03-01 01:10:32 UTC
Something he will not like
2015-03-01 09:49:52 UTC
i would scream then ask why he's here
2015-03-01 13:08:42 UTC
I would say hi.
2015-03-01 23:39:29 UTC
I am an India "Patel" so i will only ask one thing and that is "Sir could you please issue me an America Vias..??"
2015-03-01 12:44:12 UTC
Tell him to stop being a turd.
2015-03-01 14:47:56 UTC
Id be like 'Oh.."
2015-03-01 05:19:30 UTC
Ask him why he was in england!
2015-03-01 11:55:42 UTC
play him in 2k, lose to him, challenge him to a fight, fight him, cry if i lose, become president if i win
Jp Merida
2015-03-02 06:51:51 UTC
It would be funny if he did that. and you was like

"Are you my long lost papah?"
2015-03-05 03:49:26 UTC
I would pretend that nobody is home.
2015-03-01 01:12:09 UTC
Say namaste..
2015-03-01 16:25:42 UTC
Nothing...there's a lot of look alike/s out is my priority! Thanks for asking.
2015-03-02 20:13:09 UTC
Be surprised?
Fan of Reductio ad absurdum
2015-03-01 03:48:52 UTC
same thing i do with all solicitors. tell him to go away.
2015-03-01 00:40:16 UTC
Ask what he wants.
2015-03-02 05:04:19 UTC
2015-03-01 14:59:27 UTC
call the police so they can choke him to death (joke)
2015-02-28 21:42:44 UTC
I would hide my ****, ****, that would give me a heart attack
2015-02-28 11:00:26 UTC
refuse him entry
2015-03-01 13:05:44 UTC
I would bang Michelle Obama. Duh. And when Malia and Sasha turn 18 I will bang them as well.
The Pancake Boss
2015-03-02 06:01:31 UTC
Grab my AK-47 and shoot his sorry ***** ***.
2015-03-04 13:04:45 UTC
id say "sorry i dont have any spare change on me"
2015-02-28 15:27:40 UTC
Greet him.
2015-02-28 23:03:29 UTC
take my shoes and beat him till he die
Texas Czech Chick
2015-03-03 11:28:23 UTC
"Sorry, I gave at the office".
Zohar Cohen
2015-02-28 11:29:54 UTC
I would give him the lawn machine.....
2015-02-28 19:09:20 UTC
Tell him to get his *** off my property....
2015-03-01 17:10:56 UTC
look dumbfounded and say hi.
wbbslgx rqjru
2015-02-28 18:21:35 UTC
talk to himfdsfdsf
2015-02-28 15:15:38 UTC
I would let my dog on him :D
2015-03-03 11:24:04 UTC
give him some tea and
2015-03-01 06:41:17 UTC
I have no idea
2015-03-01 20:57:46 UTC
2015-02-28 21:21:20 UTC
not answer it, that's for damn sure
2015-03-01 22:12:38 UTC
Say, "Hello."
2015-03-02 13:52:39 UTC
I would swear at him
2015-02-28 11:00:40 UTC
have him arrested for trespassing
2015-02-28 19:38:51 UTC
2015-03-03 02:48:27 UTC
i will treat him as a normal person...
Smokies Hiker
2015-03-03 18:41:56 UTC
Not a damn thing!
2015-03-03 02:05:08 UTC
I am death to happy.
2015-03-01 14:41:58 UTC
hold him for ransom
2015-02-28 07:43:19 UTC
Never happen- I*m not A ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT.
2015-03-01 17:21:37 UTC
love him
2015-02-28 11:42:58 UTC
Id say "Hello ******"
2015-03-01 08:18:41 UTC
kiss him
2015-03-02 15:58:54 UTC
close it the same as he would to me....
2015-02-27 20:46:58 UTC
shake his hand
2015-02-28 20:34:20 UTC
i would kiss his pe
Mike Cooper
2015-03-01 03:28:51 UTC
2015-03-02 10:06:19 UTC
ill ask, who are u :0
2015-03-03 08:47:37 UTC
I will greet him.
2015-03-01 08:18:16 UTC
I will be exclaim.
2015-03-02 05:09:38 UTC
playing Xbox FIFA14 with him :)))))).
2015-03-01 19:54:45 UTC
kill him cx haha
2015-03-02 04:56:41 UTC
Answer it.
2015-02-27 18:29:17 UTC
I'd probably stare into his eyes and say "thanks Obama"
2015-02-28 21:03:09 UTC
hug him
2015-03-01 17:27:05 UTC
close the door on him.......
2015-03-01 21:57:16 UTC
OPEN Fire !! - Intruder Alert !!
2015-03-03 08:13:19 UTC
say hello.
2015-02-28 15:03:21 UTC
Most probably gonna say "No more donation".......................
2015-03-01 02:44:23 UTC
2015-03-01 07:26:23 UTC
shop him my cock
Atsa me Atsa you?
2015-03-03 09:18:46 UTC
Sick my dog on him....
2015-03-01 14:01:48 UTC
**** him gud
2015-03-02 09:22:33 UTC
i would happily welcome him home and convince him to promote my "home chocolate"brand! ;) :D
2015-03-03 06:05:59 UTC
close it!
2015-03-01 23:47:33 UTC
I would spank his ****!
2015-03-03 12:34:44 UTC
i would respect him....
2015-03-03 03:55:06 UTC
i would faint away certainly...................
2015-03-01 15:08:52 UTC
jackie b
2015-03-01 10:26:58 UTC
2015-03-03 22:35:35 UTC
Please leave the philippines alone.
Paul Z
2015-02-28 21:50:26 UTC
I would say come in, please!
2015-03-02 18:55:27 UTC
Say "Please go away, sir. You are not welcome here".
Zher Tahir
2015-03-04 10:25:14 UTC
I would welcome him warmly
2015-03-04 01:28:34 UTC
...give him a very warm welcome....
2015-03-03 10:38:09 UTC
2015-03-02 18:15:27 UTC
2015-03-01 12:53:38 UTC
wut up prez

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.