Will the impeachment attempt help Trump get reelected in 2020?
2019-11-29 22:13:51 UTC
I'm in the minority about this. But I'm a Democrat and I think the impeachment fight will help give Trump another victory. Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot once again. I kept saying that if we defeat Trump the old-fashioned way, he could very well lose. *Yawn* Why, Democrats. WHY?
111 answers:
2019-12-02 22:38:05 UTC
he is not going to be reelected thats for damm sure
2019-12-02 19:46:18 UTC
The Democrats are suffering from what to do. Let them continue with their new song of impeachment. We the Americans people need security and jobs. As long as we have something on the table, and the next neighbor is working that's it.  
Warren T
2019-12-02 14:28:33 UTC
2019-12-02 09:23:16 UTC
Yes he is rising daily in the polls and the court of public opinion is so sick of the impeachment thing America needs a lot of different things like Illegal Immigration, Healthcare reform we have seen Nothing sense 2017 to Heep America the bills the house passed are only for special interest nothing for we the people
2019-12-02 06:29:38 UTC
dont know but im worried american democracy is under peril.
2019-12-02 04:47:06 UTC
Oh yes! its a huge waste of time and money. You're not as much of a minority as you think you are.
Homeschool produces winners
2019-12-01 14:19:03 UTC
Most likely it will. Citizens are getting wise to the false accusations. It's not playing well with the masses. OK here's the deal: Liberal/leftists' entire political agenda and philosophy is based on false accusations. They will have to keep doubling down on false accusations. It's all they have. At this point, After the Mueller report found no crimes, leftist democrats have no actual intention of impeaching Trump and sending it to the Senate for a trial. They simply cannot afford for the Senate to declare Trump Not guilty. Nor can they afford honest evidentiary procedure the Senate would impose.. Leftist democrats have only one gambit. Protracted hearings and investigations lasting past the next election. They must, at all costs, keep publicity away from Trump's policies causing our booming economy. They can only divert attention away from the economy by making constant accusations of criminal behavior on Trump's part. If the democrats can't divert attention away from the economy, they might just start looking at their retirement accounts bursting at the seams; and say "Can we afford an anti-Trump president?"
2019-11-30 16:45:27 UTC
You're NOT alone! 
2019-11-30 02:10:15 UTC
I have to give you a lot of credit.
2019-11-29 22:16:54 UTC
Yes! A lot of swing voters (who are not fond of Trump) will vote for him. I mean, look what in WI when they tried to recall their governor.

A swing voter from WI: "Trump is not my favorite person, and I don’t care for how he talks about people, but I have not made a firm decision because I don’t think all of the facts are out yet,” she said.
2019-12-03 03:33:30 UTC
Maybe if the democrats exhaust their resources trying to impeach Trump
2019-12-03 02:21:55 UTC
 I think you have a good point that I never considered. I hope Democrats win but if they find nothing it may help Trump. Let’s hope it does Not help him !!!!!
2019-12-02 22:53:55 UTC
Well last year I voted for the wrong team or maybe it was the right thing to do and I know the really smart ladies are going to vote for Trump.
2019-12-02 19:20:21 UTC
Probably. At least you can acknowledge this. 
2019-12-02 16:52:16 UTC
Oh yes, absolutely. 

Far left Democrats are insane nowadays. I'm glad that you are a moderate Democrat. We need more people like you. 
2019-12-02 08:17:45 UTC
So, if I get you right, you disagree with the Constitution and the founding fathers.  The founding fathers did in fact give us elections as a way to judge the qualifications and competency of a President..true.  But they also gave us impeachment in case the President is coming criminal acts or just corrupt and unamerican and unpresidential acts.  Here is the flaw with your logic.....lets assume we do it your way and do away with trying to impeach a President that is doing all kinds of bad stuff, even trying to get other countries to help him win reelection, investigate his political opponents, have the Attorney General protect him from investigations and also ignoring and bypassing Congress. These are impeachable acts, but you say do away with impeachment. So, what happens if the Presidents says oh wow...nothing will happen to me if I commit crimes to win reelection?  This means I can do all kinds of corrupt and criminal things and invited a dozen foreign enemy countries to help me stay in power...I could even ban elections and since I will not be voted out of office since elections are banned, I am still good and nothing can be done to me.  This is how the silliness of your position plays out....
2019-12-02 01:14:21 UTC
I hear more and more people who used to vote Democrat tell me they never will again.

I think Trump is innocent of all the lies the Democrats cooked up and plan to vote against every Democrat on the ballot for the rest of my life.

We don't want communism or Marxism such as the Democrats are trying to force on us.

Look at that pencil-necked freak Adam Schiff.   Doesn't he make you want to see him convicted of high treason?
2019-12-01 16:10:47 UTC
It's definitely helping to reveal that democrats are the party of lies.
2019-12-01 15:43:35 UTC
the impeachment process is motivation for both sides and should result in high voter turnout in 2020 ... traditionally, high voter turnout favors the dems, that's why the cons have the voter suppression label stamped on their forehead
2019-12-01 09:48:52 UTC
If Trump tries to spin this as a civil war, and succeeds, then this is a wild card gamble that could pay off for him. Very risky though.
2019-12-01 04:13:13 UTC
This guy again  people grew smarter not dumber I am sorry   to say hence  so many went to JAIL.   or perhaps I am speaking  in Alternative facts to tayll
2019-12-01 03:24:08 UTC
you boys can whistle dixie toot horns ,stomp feets, holler organize,reassure each other, listen to media getting trolled      

do what ever rocks your leaking boat,,wait for it,,, 5 more years

 gonna get a lot hotter for your leaders
2019-12-01 01:30:02 UTC
all the democrats realize that the wide field of democratic candidates for the POTUS office is strengthening the other side, perhaps this is a prep for year 2024
2019-11-30 17:44:11 UTC
I could safely bet that you are no democrat
2019-11-30 17:23:55 UTC
There won't be an impeachment attempt, there'll be an impeachment. Whether or not it'll help Trump is irrelevant. He is corrupt and must be held to account.
2019-11-30 15:47:30 UTC
It's pretty likely.
2019-11-30 12:13:25 UTC
yes, I agree. It will inspire Trump lovers ro vote early and often! 
Lord Of The Flies Pt.3
2019-11-29 22:54:30 UTC
I'm not a political scientist with access to a huge dataset and brilliant statistical models.

I'm just a guy on yahoo. But in my humble opinion, I don't believe that the impeachment proceedings are going to earn Trump any votes.

The problem is that it won't take many votes away either. Trump could get away with not paying his taxes, and even call the average taxpayer an idiot for paying their taxes and these Trumpites would still vote for him. Just like he did and they did in 2016.
2019-11-29 22:38:50 UTC
I really think the democrats would have had a decent chance of winning if they hadn't lingered on this nonsense for so long.
Mr. Smartypants
2019-11-29 22:24:21 UTC
Trumpism is all about believing what you'd like to believe.  Fox and other Republican propaganda outlets support this by feeding their viewers/listeners/readers just what they'd like to believe.

Clinton's impeachment actually backfired on the Republicans, because most Americans didn't believe Clinton was really guilty of anything worse than adultery.  We knew he was an adulterer before we elected him!  The impeachment made Clinton MORE popular, and the Republicans lost a lot of seats in the next election.  Trust me, NOBODY expected this to happen.  Certainly not the Republicans.

But Trump's impeachment is different.  It's uncovered a vast trove of evidence.  I know Republicans don't care about the evidence, but Trump desperately needs a goodly portion of independents and undecideds for him to win.  We KNOW the Republican Senate isn't going to give him a fair trial or even admit he did anything wrong.  The Dems' hopes are that Trump will lose enough independents in 2020 to lose the White House.

And I don't think that's unrealistic.  About half of Americans believe Trump should be removed from office.  A larger number than that believe he doesn't merit a second term!  He's behind ALL the major Democratic candidates in polls today, and it's not looking like he'll be able to make that up.

GW Bush squeaked through to a second term with the smallest majority of any president in our history.  And that relatively tiny win was the only time the Republicans have even won the popular vote in the last SEVEN presidential elections!  And that was because we were in the middle of a war.  Even Bush's biggest fans would have to admit that Bush wouldn't have had a prayer of a second term if not for the wars.  Trump won't be able to use that trick.  His campaign is still 'preaching to the choir'.  And new evidence of his crimes is emerging every day!
2019-12-02 20:32:59 UTC
No way, trump will rule for another term.
2019-12-01 21:01:06 UTC
You bet it will...Schiff is single handedly ruining the chances of the commie dems!!
2019-12-01 20:38:32 UTC
hopefully, dear!!!
2019-12-01 19:12:07 UTC
I certainly don't think it has helped the democrats in any shape, form, or fashion.
2019-12-01 17:56:53 UTC
Probably not.  Neither party benefits much in the next Presidential election from the impeachment effort.  It's more like the two major parties become more polarized for the election, but the independents are showing a move to favor impeachment.  So are a few republicans.
2019-12-01 14:07:23 UTC
Democrats are smart and calculating. It looked like they have been floundering around these few years but they enough to give trump enough rope to hang himself. He got real cocky and bold and now he is in a real fine mess. More and more people are getting the courage to come forward with evidence of his wrong doings and he can no longer stem the tide. The impeachment hearings aren't a way to impeach him but they are a real effective way to bring all of his bad stuff into public light just before re-elections. Smart.
2019-12-01 09:38:48 UTC
No. It will either have no impact or hurt. I can not imagine why it would help.
Mr. Wizard
2019-12-01 08:23:12 UTC
Put it this way: I've e-mailed my state's Congresspeople--and made it VERY clear to them that IF they support batty-azz Nancy Pelosi's brazenly stupid, tax dollar wasting "impeachment inquiry"---they WILL NOT get my vote to re-elect THEM; it's just that simple.

Oh, I'm well NOT ALONE here: The harder desperate Democrats aggressively go after President Trump---yes, the GREATER his RE-ELECTION becomes.
Free Advice
2019-12-01 06:36:06 UTC
Democrats have no leadership-- they must gain a plan and have a vision before they will get back in the White House.
2019-12-01 02:16:33 UTC
Why do wish it would happen?
2019-11-30 21:30:43 UTC
You are in the severe minority on that. Better get used to it. 
2019-11-30 19:00:27 UTC
Donald Trump Will Not Run In 2020 IMO
2019-11-30 16:57:42 UTC
Not all of them  But the ones in Chicago are
2019-11-30 02:56:51 UTC
No. Trump will be acquitted by the Senate but he will lose re-election in 2020
2019-11-30 00:04:34 UTC
I see people arguing this, but I don't see how that's likely.

There's two ways that, theoretically, the impeachment investigation could help Trump win. One is by persuading new people to vote for him. But do you really think that anyone who wasn't going to vote for Trump in 2020 is going to look at the allegations behind impeachment and say that this makes them want to vote for him? I really don't think so. On the other hand, it seems plausible that there are people who might have been open to voting for Trump before who will be turned off by what they see in impeachment and decide not to vote for him.

The other way that impeachment could theoretically help Trump is by energizing his supporters. I think that this is the argument that people normally make when they say that he could be helped by it. The idea here is that Trump supporters will be so outraged by the attempt to remove him from office that they will turn out in droves and power him to Victory. The problem with this argument is it presumes at least one of two things, first that the other side is no bigger than Trump's level of support, and that the other side will not be energized. I don't think that either of those are true. To begin with, Trump's supporters represent a minority of the country. In 2016 he got about 46% of the vote. That's less than any candidate in the 21st century, including the losers. Almost 54% of Americans voted against him. So his detractors outnumber his supporters. Secondly, Democrats are going to be hugely motivated turn out in 2020. They really really really want to kick Donald Trump out of office. Democrats are going to crawl across broken glass to do that. I don't think that impeachment, even a failed impeachment, will dampen Democratic enthusiasm. If anything, it could increase it. The idea of Republican enthusiasm overwhelming Democrats works when turn out as low. This is what happened in 2010. 2 years after Obama was elected Democrats had grown complacent and some of them had grown disenchanted with Obama. They failed to turn out in the 2010 midterms. Republicans, Meanwhile, we're highly energized to get revenge on Obama for the 2008 election. They turned out in high numbers and scored Republicans a landslide victory. But this idea of Republican energy only works when the other side doesn't have energy. In 2018 we can see how Republican energy fared when Democrats were also highly motivated to vote. In 2018, the Republicans actually got more votes, in total, then they did in 2010. But while 2010 was a republican Landslide 2018 saw the party get its biggest defeat since the Watergate era. The difference here was that Democrats were also energize to turn out in 2018. They came out in droves and swamped the Republican enthusiasm in most regions of the country. Now, we don't know for sure what the future is going to hold but the Trendz show us that Democrats are going to be really energized to vote in 20/20. And when a highly energized majority confronts a highly energized minority the minority losses.
2019-11-29 23:16:56 UTC
He stood zero chance before, stands zero chance during, and will stand zero chance after. 
2019-11-29 22:38:28 UTC
Yes indeed. Either way, the democrats continued pursuit of impeachment only empowers his base and brings new supporters - he is exposing the fake democratic agenda. The media, at this point, makes too much money concocting bad narratives casting Trump in a negative light. Liberal media outlets are instructed to put other important issues aside so as to demean Trump. It's only about clicks and algorithms.

Trump relishes in this fact and has took to basically trolling the liberal media. On the other hand, if Trump goes unopposed, he will continue to be empowered because it will just look like he won. The liberal media and democratic party has took it too far to back out now. So either way if democrats do something or nothing, Trump will be re-elected. He basically has the democrats at a Checkmate.
2019-11-29 22:24:14 UTC
Because he is abusing power and needs to be stopped.  Sometimes you have to do the right thing whether it is politically expedient or not.
Philip H
2019-11-29 22:19:00 UTC
Impeachment will require the application of genuine Judicial Practices allowing President Trump's lawyers to call witnesses and that will result in revealing some portion of all that corruption from the Democrats.

When Americans finally get to see the truth, the reelection of President Trump will be assured.
2019-11-29 22:18:25 UTC
There will be no 2020 election
2019-12-03 22:57:02 UTC
Pretending to be a Democrat.
Andy F
2019-12-02 22:32:39 UTC
We don't know yet.  You're identifying a very real risk for Democrats, no question about it.  But maybe the impeachment process will uncover and publicize enough evidence about Trump's misdeeds that many independent voters and a few conservative Republicans will see it, and decide to support his ouster.

Although I'm way over on the left, I think Nancy Pelosi made a good case against impeachment for a long time, until pressure from other Democrats and Trump's bizarre dealings with Ukraine pushed her to take the risks of letting impeachment go forward.  We don't know yet if this was a good or a bad decision.

At least some traditional Republicans I've talked to have decided they despise Trump and want him out of office, at almost any cost.  Whether they represent a trend or just a tiny dissatisfied minority inside the GOP remains to be seen.

-- democratic socialist
2019-12-02 14:01:56 UTC
it won't make any difference either way
Charly Dat
2019-12-02 04:13:27 UTC
Nope, not at all.
2019-12-01 20:01:10 UTC
Trump will win again. Democrats are a joke.
2019-12-01 19:37:44 UTC
The problem is not strictly along party lines.  Rural Democrats are anti-impeachment.  I don’t think this is clear-cut.  And I do think it will affect the election - but I’m unsure how.  The current issue needs to be finding a viable Democratic candidate for president.  Although Trump has done some unsavory things, they aren’t impeachable.  Therein lies the rub.  Democrats are more inclined to vote emotionally.  This is not a  slur.  Nothing wrong with emotions.  They are just illogical.  How fast do you FEEL the train was going vs actual speed.  So they may FEEL the MUST vote FOR impeachment for the sake of their emotional health.  I’m an Independent.  I have helped campaigns on both sides.  I did vote for Trump, but it was largely an anti-Hillary vote.  I personally find Trump rude, but I vote statistics. 
2019-12-01 19:00:49 UTC
I dont really think it will make any significant difference. However, I do think more people detest him than when he initially ran in 2016. 
2019-12-01 16:10:09 UTC
I've always thought American men were some of the most vile, and now I know why, you support a rapist.  
2019-12-01 13:03:19 UTC
No all the political scientists say the opposite which is that if the Democrats are weak and don't take action on his crimes then they will definitely lose.
2019-12-01 09:35:40 UTC
Desperation their part, methinks.
2019-12-01 05:35:05 UTC
2019-12-01 00:26:08 UTC
No. It would be the opposite. 
2019-11-30 15:52:42 UTC
Yes it will.  Also helping him is his  daily killings of Muslim civilians with drones.   
2019-11-30 15:07:44 UTC
Not quite sure we’ll see 
2019-11-30 12:27:31 UTC
No - I hope not.
2019-11-30 06:55:13 UTC
You're a democrat? Pathetic much?
2019-11-30 06:04:12 UTC
Japan you will ruin your country if you dump nuclear waste into the sea.You in asia are spoiling your countries .Is mind control making you destroy countries .want the best world then have fun eat but save the earth .Fox you are responible too
2019-11-30 00:06:29 UTC
Yes without a doubt.
2019-11-29 23:48:03 UTC
How would you like to appear in court and the prosecutor totally changed a transcript of your phone call to make you look bad and you had the actual transcript in your hand and naïve people didn't care that the prosecutor did that because news people kept saying how evil you are ? Honest people would see through them and rightfully side with you . You must stop listening to people that have been hysterical ever since she lost .  Their whole scheme is a coup against Trump and the American people's votes  . Like the king in the story the prosecutor has no clothes 
2019-11-29 22:28:24 UTC
Timing is everything. While his crimes have been proven to any reasonable degree, the senate will not convict him and remove him from office for any reason - ever. And of course he will trumpet acquittal as total exoneration (when of course no acquittal can change the facts of his attempted malfeasance). So it is in the best interest of the democrats to insure that acquittal comes no where near the election, and preferably after when he is a lame duck anyway.
2019-12-03 09:52:18 UTC
I’ve wondered about this. Hopefully it won’t help Trump. 
Alan S
2019-12-03 08:08:14 UTC
No.  Trump has a core base of older people, racists, morons, far-right religious nuts, etc.  These people will still vote for Trump.  But there were a lot of people in the middle that either thought that Trump might do a good job based on his alleged business success, and a large number of people that didn't care for either candidate but just hated Hillary.  Most of the people in the middle understand how terrible Trump is and wan't him gone, and none of the Democratic candidates are hated like Hillary.  Even many of the blue collar racist morons who were worried about losing their jobs to Mexicans will support the Democrat this time, because they can see that Trump failed them and didn't protect their jobs.

Whichever Democratic candidate wins the primary is going to beat Trump with at least 55% of the vote and a substantial electoral college win.  Even Bernie Sanders.  The impeachment hearings proved that Trump was guilty of serious crimes that jeopardized national security.  The fact that the Republicans won't convict doesn't change anything, it might even hurt the Republicans because around half the country wants Trump impeached and convicted.
2019-12-02 22:47:44 UTC
most defiantly not
2019-12-02 15:22:38 UTC
yes it will.   Trump is a slam dunk.  
2019-12-02 14:47:11 UTC
Hope so. I feel it will. Especially on how ridiculous they look that they haven't been able to find something worth impeaching him for. 
2019-12-01 20:27:51 UTC
the idiot left clearly knows it cant beat trump the traditional way holding on to failed Obama inspired radical socialism.  this is the all in stance for the Pelosi minions.  there "idea" is to unseat trump and create a lot of smear and innuendo.  the snowflake reality check ultimately will be that snowflake delusion and the trump derangement syndrome aren't prosecutable. theyre just mental disorders.  as with the mueller investigation they will ultimately learn that Clinton corruption and incompetence was the idiot lefts ultimate undoing, NOT Russian "meddling".
2019-12-01 19:53:43 UTC
yea maybe its possible
2019-12-01 08:22:25 UTC
It’s all just a trick 😫  it’s a trick, but after another year of Zombie 🧟‍♂️ 🧟‍♀️ war he is going to be impeached, to late!
2019-12-01 03:54:11 UTC
An unsuccessful attempt would give Trump a boost.  I am not sure about whether he could run again after being impeached and convicted.
2019-12-01 00:30:50 UTC
Yes.  Every time the Democrats lie, more and more Democrats switch to republican.  Why are all the hardcore Democrats switching on facebook?  Democrats are dumb, but they still have brains.  I'm so glad people are getting their brain cells back.
2019-12-01 00:10:56 UTC
You're not a democrat. Trump has a list of impeachable offenses, including obstruction of justice, intimidating of witnesses, extortion, emollient's clause, war crimes, etc. This last thing with Ukraine is a drop in the bucket. Sondaland threw him under the bus. Fiona Hill nailed his *** to a wall for all to see. Mueller got cut off by Barr but Pelosi is a far different political force.  
2019-11-30 20:01:54 UTC
I really hope that he will get reelected. I really do.
2019-11-30 18:05:08 UTC
I think there could be backlash and help him to win.

Especially since they don't have anything Earth shattering enough

to impeach him with. Not only that, but it's obvious they wanted to

impeach him first, then search for evidence.

A real impeachment doesn't have an ulterior motive like that.
Grandpa Shark
2019-11-30 15:47:16 UTC
They have no plan to win votes, this impeachment is all the got. 
Judy and Charlie
2019-11-30 06:12:01 UTC
Trump has been branded on his A$$ as a career criminal and so yes, only other criminals will vote for him now.
2019-11-30 04:17:09 UTC
Probably as it helped the GOP in 2000
2019-11-30 00:37:30 UTC
I voted for Mojambo twice.

TRUMP 2020!

Take a wild guess.
2019-11-29 22:46:34 UTC
No, the opposite.

And that is the genius in that.

Trump has been shown to be dishonest, treacherous and having violated the constitution. The impression is pretty solid now that he is a criminal and a danger to society.

The general public is divided in two groups: those who have concluded that Trump must go, and those who are still inexplicably still supporting him. I think everyone will agree that the first group can only grow in time, while the second cannot; no one in his right mind would have been an opponent to the fat orange disgrace turning to now support him.

As it turns out, there are enough senators to overturn the procedure to remove the obese orange moron, but those will likely have to face retribution and judgment from the voters at the next election.

So the result of blocking the impeachment will be that Trump will be voted out, and that many of the 23 republican senators who are up for re-election in 2020 will lose support, leading to the presidency, the senate and the house to be democratic.

All that is required, irrespective of whether Trump is impeached or not, is to have enough new dirt on him to bring up the topic every day until November 2020. People will be rightly disgusted because, let's face it, he is fundamentally incapable to do any good at all.
scott b
2019-11-29 22:21:21 UTC
Why would you think that, when the most recent poll shows 51% of Americans support his impeachment AND removal from office. And, the way his physical and mental health is deteriorating, him even making it to and through a campaign seems doubtful.
2019-11-29 22:16:05 UTC
all the help in the world won't get Trump reelected. 
2019-12-03 09:08:36 UTC
NO it's over for trumpy . People have had enough plus you have to remember Hillary came with a lot of baggage and she was a woman . This time around is going to be very  different 
2019-12-02 19:36:00 UTC
Trump 2020!!!! Greatest president ever 
2019-12-02 04:54:13 UTC
I think so. No sane American supports a coup.
Bill Kill
2019-12-02 04:36:25 UTC
Literally nobody cares....
2019-12-01 15:08:31 UTC
You bet the dog n pony show democrats are pulling on Trump will cost them big ,investigations  costing taxpayers million all for nothing do not go over well.
2019-12-01 15:05:16 UTC
I was always an independent moderate/centrist who used to vote heavily for Democrats (since 1971), but with recent Democratic, liberal, leftist, extremist activity that points to SOCIALISM, I have taken the position to shun ALL Democrats. 

Young adult Americans have not been around for a long time and witnessed for themselves the shift in Democratic party agenda like older Americans have. 

So for me, Democrats HAVE shot themselves in the foot before Donald Trump ever came on the scene.  What I have seen since 2016 just makes it more obvious. 

I think that all you confused and ignorant know-it-alls should read the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 and think about what is written, especially the part about: 

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness..."

Democrats do not seem to accept that "We, the People" have ANY power or input of any sort, other than to keep reelecting them!

I'm not too happy about the other parties either.

All this impeachment drivel is VERY unAmerican!
2019-12-01 10:43:20 UTC
Well, it will certainly lose the Democrats the support of the moderates and independents.   The left is trying to take this country for a ride on a cart heaped with  garbage.  Unfortunately for them, they're running out of horsepower.  This nonsense will insure that the next two presidents will probably be conservatives.  It will take at least that long before the Dems are trusted again.
2019-12-01 08:58:53 UTC
Don't listen to the Trumpster threats.  No matter how the impeachment turns out, there are still a lot of people who absolutely loath Trump and will refuse to vote for him under any circumstances.  
2019-12-01 07:01:30 UTC
I hope he doesn't get impeached, and wins re-election. Honestly, I feel he is the best President since Ronald Reagan. Of course he isn't perfect, but then again no human being is, but if you want to know their true character, watch what they do, instead of just going by what they say.

Do they act in harmony with what they say; are they congruent?

Does what they do often equate more to good, than bad?

To me, Trump seems to be a man who genuinely cares about America, and wants to see her become the nation she once was. And when he says hes gonna do something, he does it.

Whether you like him or not, you have to respect a man who does what he says he will do. Because that's a rare quality in today's world. And of course nobody can fulfill every promise they make, but if they fulfill more of the promises than they break, well then that tells you they have good intentions.
2019-12-01 05:32:45 UTC
The impeachment of Clinton definitely helped out Gore in 2000, didn't it?

& look how good Ford did in '76 after Nixon had to quit.
2019-12-01 02:38:10 UTC
he going down bad
2019-11-30 10:16:33 UTC
One can hope not.
2019-11-30 07:31:07 UTC
No USA president has been successfully impeached (Nixon resigned)

Psychics say he will be re-elected. However he wasn't elected in the first place. The electoral college put him in the Oval office
2019-11-30 02:04:08 UTC
No. Racism and bigotry will help Trump get reelected in 2020.
2019-11-30 00:24:45 UTC
Who knows.  We'll find out in a year, won't we?
2019-11-30 00:02:02 UTC
Correct according to many people now. At first impeachment looked serious, but now it looks like it's floundering and will turn into a nightmare for Democrats.
2019-11-29 23:53:49 UTC
The Democrats have lied constantly and desperately, in their blatant attempt to pull a coup.  Real Americans are getting sick of those Liberal anarchist criminals.  Trump will win again.
2019-11-29 23:33:03 UTC
No doubt it will. He will win with 350 electoral votes.
2019-11-29 22:25:57 UTC
James Comey has said, and I'm inclined to agree, that the people should vote Trump out, to dispel any Trumpster notion of the Deep State doing him in. The Senate will back him up if only for fear of a loyalist backlash.  Trump's approval of approx. 40% is, as Joni Mitchell might say, as constant as the Northern Star. The thing won't hurt or help Trump, although it's liable to hurt some in his party.
2019-11-29 22:23:04 UTC
I do not think that it will help him.  Why would it?  We are not given to helping people who create their own problems by their attitudes, actions and criminal behaviors.  Why would anyone suddenly feel, well, bless his heart, he surrounded himself with other criminals and tried his best to make sure that whatever he did as President lined his pockets and those of his friends and lied whenever he spoke - I must cast my vote for him.  Poor thing.  We don’t do that for the criminals who rob to have money to buy drugs.  Poor things.  They have to pay for them, after all.  Help Donald Trump why and for what?  
2019-12-01 10:33:30 UTC
When it fails it will automatically give him back his first four years all over again.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.