Should a U.S. President have previous government or military experience?
2021-02-01 18:29:20 UTC
Donald Trump was the first U.S. President ever to have no prior government or military experience. All other POTUS had either prior government experience at the State or Federal level, or prior military experience; many had both but Trump was tapped for his experience in running a business instead.

Some people say that Trump did not know how government worked because he had never served in government before, nor did he serve in the military. Should serving in the military, or in a lower State or Federal government position, be required before a person becomes POTUS?
148 answers:
2021-02-03 17:38:01 UTC
I have long advocated that anyone wanting to be Commander in Chief, should have at least ONE stint of being a service member FIRST. 

and/or  decades  of experience at being a Governor or Senator. 

We need to stop this amateur Hour  BS.  President of the United States is NOT a first time job trainee program.  
2021-02-04 17:38:31 UTC
No the opposite is true someone with no military is more apt to want peace and harmony with the world instead of bashing in everybody else's head in for disagreeing with us as a president with military service would be. Education is much more important running a country than some bone head flexing his muscles in the classroom.
2021-02-03 03:40:12 UTC
Well. It seems that military experience is not always necessary. In my humble opinion Trump did quite well without any. It seems that all the belligerent countries laid low and we hardly heard anymore about terrorist groups. It is probably better for a president to have a backbone and that is not something , apparently, that Trump was lacking. Backbone and wisdom are really good assets for a President to have because after all our country does not need a "destroyer in chief" or a "divider in chief"!
2021-02-03 02:05:19 UTC
john and dakotaviper, I said either government or military experience. You are just not paying attention. Obama served in the Illinois legislature and then went on to become a U.S. Senator before becoming President, and Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas before becoming President. But neither served in the military.
2021-02-02 23:50:14 UTC
Gordon B
2021-02-02 23:44:02 UTC
I'm not in the US but I would expect a leader of the country to have at least some government experience.  I would not want someone with no political experience to be in charge of the government.  

People with military or business experience make fantastic advisors but are not good for leaders of the government. Being advisors would be the best way in to gaining political experience.People who go straight from military or business tend to be the worst political leaders a country can choose as they tend to have either ulterior motives or unrealistic expectations as to what they can do..
2021-02-02 23:32:53 UTC
2021-02-02 21:39:30 UTC
Well, at the very least the President should have some experience beyond causing a string of bankruptcies.

U.S. Grant had a string of bankruptcies, but also did pretty well in the military (no bone spurs).
2021-02-02 19:35:08 UTC
“Trump was tapped for his experience in running a business...” and rather poorly at that. While military/political experience would certainly be helpful, I’m not sure that should be a pre-requisite. After Trump, it seems we need to administer a BASIC education test confirming that the person concerned has fundamental math, science, English, and social skills. Mr. Trump’s “business success” is dubious at best. It was his father, Fred Trump, that built the empire. Trump has simply been draining it dry. Trump had neither the patience, inclination, ability, nor know-how to be president.
2021-02-02 18:18:42 UTC
Not necessarily.
Not Applicable
2021-02-02 14:11:40 UTC
There is something to be said about having been in government at some level. While I wouldn't rule out an outsider coming in, running a large governmental organization is not the same as running a private business, especially a non-public one. There are many more stakeholders in government and those perspectives need to be addressed. All that to say, while I wouldn't make it a hard and fast rule that someone have prior government experience, it is definitely a plus in their favor. 
2021-02-04 04:52:27 UTC
Government experience, I believe, is critical. Trump thought the government could be easily run using the crass, crude, and criminal tactics he used in his private enterprises.  The government is not that kind of 'business,' as he would soon learn.  It relies on Congressional oversight; it is fair and democratic, and does not give absolute power to one individual, as Trump had in his own businesses.  A democratic government depends on people who enact law for the good of a whole society,  and a Supreme Court that rules on the constitutionality of laws.  People who have experience in government have knowledge, understanding, and respect for the nation's Constitution, a document I'm quite certain Trump never read, and wouldn't understand if he did.  He was completely out of his league here.  I, for one, thank heaven that this imposter was voted out of Office, a job he was never fit to hold.
2021-02-04 03:25:54 UTC
No, but voters should have tax paying experience.
2021-02-04 03:08:47 UTC
Most don't.........................
2021-02-03 21:10:25 UTC
God damnit Matt you sock account sob giving yourself best answer 
2021-02-03 10:02:49 UTC
No I don't think so, the only qualifications I think are that he/she is successful in their field and a benefit to society. 
2021-02-02 22:47:04 UTC
Since Art.II, Sec 1 of the Constitution says "The EXECUTIVE power shall be vested in a President" (my emphasis) it would seem appropriate that executive experience would be more important than either of the others if you wants the government to be run like a business rather than as a political bureaucracy.  One of the reasons that Trump was so hated is that he wanted to do that and the career politicians and bureaucrats didn't want an outsider running things.
2021-02-02 22:26:08 UTC
He should have experience running something, being a rat b****rd lying politician qualifies you for being a rat b****rd lying politician
2021-02-02 21:37:29 UTC
No Trump was great 
2021-02-02 18:57:43 UTC
Lincoln had neither military or government experience when he ran for president! He was a practicing lawyer when he ran in 1860!
2021-02-02 18:35:31 UTC
No. There is a reason the founding fathers allowed literally any natural born citizen over the age of 35 to run for the office. Sometimes politicians and military personnel get mixed up with the wrong crowd and owe a lot of favors to a lot of people.

Say what you will about Donald Trump’s personality and the way he played the game of politics (scorched earth might be a good way to describe it) but the man knew how to initiate and execute policy. In that regard he was an extremely effective executive. 
2021-02-02 16:06:37 UTC
It would help. Institutional knowledge and memory usually does. 
2021-02-02 11:36:29 UTC
Here's another way to look at it: the lawmakers and some Presidents who have no experience out in the private sector are less qualified than someone like Donald Trump for the task of creating laws that affect all business owners and their ability to do all the things that society wants businesses to continue doing, including employ people. 
2021-02-02 03:02:15 UTC
Not necessarily.  After all, ANYBODY born in the US is eligible.  But I DO agree that people (like a certain former president) to shirk being enlisted because of "bone spurs"  (which somehow magically disappeared) should be banned from being a president (and a bad one, at that).
The First Dragon
2021-02-02 02:57:08 UTC
These experiences can help, but this is not how our Founders envisioned public officials.  They thought that successful citizens who felt the call to office would go into government for a few years, and then return.  Maybe.  

Trump had some skills that establishment politicians did not have.  Not to mention a desire to cut back on exploitive behavior by government officials.  And he accomplished a lot.

Now, I recall hearing from my childhood in the 1950s that a POTUS should be both a military veteran and a lawyer.  Bill Clinton wasn't a veteran, same with George W. Bush.  Now, George H.W. Bush was a military hero.  

and was well accepted.  Now, times have changed even more.
Vinegar Taster
2021-02-02 02:40:06 UTC
George Bush didn't do anything REAL...
2021-02-02 00:32:17 UTC
No one should run for President unless they had at the very least been the Governor of a state, US Senator, Congressman, or been a cabinet member of a previous administration such as Secretary of State.......  The position of President is way too important to let rookies let on the job.....and that rule would help prevent future disastrous con men from being President.
2021-02-01 22:34:16 UTC
Eons ago, only those with military experience were elected as President.............we should go back to this.
2021-02-01 22:11:05 UTC
Trump spent four years as a private at New York Military Academy, and the one noticeable consequence is that he has an excellent salute, unlike Obama's very sloppy one.  But anyone who never gets past private had to be a total goof-off.  Says a cadet who graduated Sergeant-Major (and valedictorian) from a different military school.
Ted K
2021-02-01 18:52:15 UTC
Not necessarily either of those in particular, not a written requirement.  But, there SHOULD be, at least in the mind of the electorate, some understanding that any body running for office should be able to show some evidence of their commitment to serving the public that goes beyond mere slogans.  A resume that includes SOME sort of PUBLIC service should be an accepted prerequisite, since it IS a public service office.  Doesn't need to be Federal service, it could be local  or state.  In fact, it should be that way for ANY elected office.  People like Trump who have disdained any such commitment all their lives really have no place in government.  As we saw with Trump, his only concern was with himself--outside of that, he was lazy, apathetic and incompetant.

The fact that he had no prior experience, in and of itself, was not the problem, because he could have learned from his advisors if he'd been willing--IOW, he could have grown into the job.  The problem was his arrogant, self-centered mindset--"nobody can teach me anything, I don't need to learn anything, I'm just gonna run this the way I run my business...I am the chosen one...I alone can fix it..nobody knows (insert issue here) like me..." He was an ignorant, boastful braggart, an arrogant buffoon, who was more interested in the title of president than he was the actual job.  Unwilling to admit he didn't have all the answers, he lied about most things and bullshitted about the rest.  Every time he was asked a question about anything, he sounded like the proverbial high school student who after blowing off his homework assignment, got called on in class and proceeded to try to bullshit his way through the presentation.  Nobody who had a functioning brain was fooled.  As an example--his first Sec'y of State called him a "fvcking moron."

Elected office should be restricted to those who have the right attitude about what that office really is--a temporary stewardship over and serious responsibility for what that office entails, and who do their homework.  We don't need lazy, selfish, money-grubbing grifters in the Oval Office.  We don't need shallow, TV game show hosts, and we don't need failed, shady businesspeople who think they can get by through faking it.
2021-02-01 18:37:58 UTC
No.  Donald Trump knew how to handle swindlers, cheats, killer deals, bids, so he could build a fabulous building.  Trump knew how to get the most out of his buck, because this is a trait in American builders who bid on jobs continually.  American citizens voted for him to get the corruption out of Washington, DC, but the corruption took him down, because it was deeper and more corrupt than he knew or we knew.  He did bring many things to the light so the American people can deal with them.  And the greatest thing Trump did was take a Bible to the point of destruction.  The gospel of Jesus Christ has always persevered.
2021-02-04 17:17:55 UTC
I favor experience as a qualification.  In Starship Troopers (the original book, not the movie), only those who have done public service (the military) are citizens that can vote, in the line of thinking that one must be willing to understand self-sacrifice and putting the team first.  Thor's Hammer in Marvel can only be wielded by one willing to give their life for others.

However, implementing this kind of elegibility requirement would be hard to enforce.  We have the democratic process, and hopefully, people learn from 4 years what doesn't work, and the system corrects itself.  The greatest danger would be that someone would try to subvert that process.
2021-02-04 08:08:59 UTC
It would help , nevertheless he can count on close trusted advisors informing him about the constraints !!!
2021-02-04 07:51:07 UTC
No he just needs to be on the shows
Gilgamesh King of Heroes
2021-02-03 17:51:01 UTC
it would mean they are more diciplined....sure 
2021-02-03 04:02:05 UTC
Like Andrew  Jackson
2021-02-03 01:46:41 UTC
I feel better if they have some history of public service. A president should view their time in office NOT as a businessman, not as a politician, but as a public servant, one that is familiar with how government works. They should intend to eventually leave office having left both the office and the country better off than it was before and to help transition the next president into office. One needs to remember, the president is merely a position one fills for a short time. The office of the president is bigger than any one man.  It’s not the other way around. 
2021-02-03 00:49:53 UTC
A candidate should have at least SOME public service experience. Trump was clueless about the responsibilities of being a public servant. In fairness, apparently so are a lot of career politicians.
Ominous Cowherd
2021-02-02 23:51:34 UTC
Ideally, no.  Over 99% of our politicians are corrupt in some way and have no interest in advancing the interests of the American people. If you want anything positive to get done, you need an outsider.
2021-02-02 23:22:24 UTC
-It might be beneficial

-not only before, but even after Trump. Biden was VP, like several POTUS before him
2021-02-02 22:09:35 UTC
I used to think so- especially when I remembered Bill Clinton, don't think he had any practical experience in this area - he had a high draft number or something like that - but now that I have seen that the problems we had in the American Economy were all circling around the drain because of how money worked, in this TRUMP outshone any and every president before him! This was HIS specialty and he did a wonderful job in seeing through the problem to finding and implementing the Solution.  Anyone who could not see this after his first 2 years has been camping on another planet!

For the discipline, which is what the military certainly teaches, I thought it was imperative, but since Trump was so disciplined in his work ethic, I have altered my opinion.

I don't see how 4 to 20 year of military service could possibly have taught anyone what kind of shenanigans that go on in the Political Underworld! That is one strong reality check! There is a reason they called it a SWAMP, I can see that now.

There is a divine reason that a business person with many many many international contacts, one who had provided many many many JOBS for lots of people was chosen at such a time as this.

The era of Obama's economy personally decimated my own business and it was only just getting rebuilt under Trump's leadership and redirecting of the economy when the Virus hit us. Now we have someone there who is going to suck the last penny out of any bit we have as a nation to pay for all and everything and most of us will be flattened like pancakes in a whole new way.
2021-02-02 18:01:18 UTC
Previous experience in Government is a plus. At least you have some sort of record in Governing. Military service doesn't really give any governing experience. When Trump was faced with the knowledge of a Pandemic, he did an "about face", and declared it was a political device concocted by the democrats, declared the virus as their hoax. Stayed with that mantra for 2 wasted months, and never encouraged the public to wear masks, to this day, Trump has supporters who still believe that the Pandemic is a hoax, I have actually watched these denials when Trump supporters were interviewed after his rallies. @ kswck.......Since you have no clue, Obama was a Senator before running for the Presidency.
2021-02-02 12:05:27 UTC
Joe Biden got out of service for asthma. See any signs of it now? 

What branch did Obama serve in? 
2021-02-02 09:56:47 UTC
We will most likely never have one with military experience,,as far as government that is also a no.. those are swamp people,. they run our country the way they think we want to live, they are dirty and greedy. nice to have a business man get in to lift the swamp to expose all that greed..
2021-02-02 09:40:37 UTC
It should not be a requirement because not everyone can serve as you describe.

Trumps problem was not his lack of experience,  it was his refusal to listen to advisors. 
2021-02-02 02:22:14 UTC
No it would be better if they had not been trained in the swamp.
2021-02-02 01:24:11 UTC
No He has a 4 Star General as an Advisor
2021-02-01 22:57:52 UTC
Yes they should know how the Government works. NOT how to bankrupt a company
2021-02-01 22:16:13 UTC
There was far more wrong with Trump than a lack of military/government experience.
2021-02-01 21:32:37 UTC
why biden hasnt , nor pelosi matter of fact biden dodged his service time too .
2021-02-01 20:13:56 UTC
I think, in general, yes.  Being President is one of the most complicated jobs on the planet and coming in without any real experience is a problem.  But the bigger problems were ones which were unique to Trump and his psychology.  He wasn't just inexperienced: he was fantastically stupid, incredibly incurious, phenomenally gullible, and crippled by narcissistic personality disorder.
2021-02-04 17:24:39 UTC
Not needed. This is 2021 not 1821. 
2021-02-03 18:31:50 UTC
At this point it doesn’t seem like any prerequisites are necessary.  It’s pretty obvious Biden has dementia and is knocking at deaths door yet somehow he became president.
2021-02-03 13:11:41 UTC
The constitution does not say the president must be selected only from the list of government flunkies nor military bravados. 

Any natural born citizen over the age of 35 can be the president provided they are elected to that office and have never been barred from office. 

The reason past presidents had been in the government or military was that's how you became famous in the days before mass media, and name recognition is a large part of getting elected. 

A political career is also a way to develop financial connections and money is also a large part of getting elected. 
2021-02-03 08:50:26 UTC
Yes, he should also have a mental health test. I realize that such tests can be faked but in the case of Trump it might have avoided an insurrection.
2021-02-03 03:35:59 UTC
Yes they should know how the Government works. NOT how to bankrupt a company
2021-02-03 02:39:12 UTC
Having previous government or military experience doesn't automatically qualify you to represent the will of the people over someone without such experience.

Benjamin Franklin pointed out that a post of honor that is also a place of profit will breed corruption. He was referring to the problems that elected officials would have if paid a salary.

And as we've seen for well over a hundred years, elected officials make careers out of government service in order to enrich themselves. They serve the corporate interests rather than the people who elect them.

Donald Trump was never interested in enriching himself - he'd made his money before running for president, and donated his paycheck, except for a mandatory $1 that he was required to accept.

He served the people selfishly even as he was attacked non-stop by those political traitors who were protecting their careers. They continue to attack him even after he's become a private citizen again - because they still fear him and his potential threat to take them down.

The qualifications you cited for Obama are worthless. Obama was being groomed from a young age to bring Marxism to America. Being a Senator in a corrupt Democratic stronghold like Illinois gives him no credibility whatsoever.
תפילת תשובה צדקה גאולה
2021-02-03 02:25:33 UTC
I dislike Donald Trump, and see where you are coming from. People chose him in vain due to being a rich businessman. He also is an immoral, selfish narcissist that doesn't know how to treat women, the poor, or anyone who disageees with him. He only cares about his rich Wall Street friends.

However, one should never need political or military experience to be president. Doing this would limit many amazingly worthy candidate's.They should only be kind, moral people that have shown through their actions that they care about the country and actually want to and will help the country. For instance, if one gives to the poor and is kind and knows a lot about economics, they can often be a great president, even without specific experiences. If, on the other hand, someone lies, cheats, and only cares about his fake friends, I don't care if that person is a five star general, they are NOT fit to be president and it would all be in vain.

The biggest way to tell the future actions of someone is by their past. Simple.

Hope this helped.
2021-02-03 01:25:59 UTC
Not necessarily, imo.  Had Trump been a competent, responsible and ethical businessman who respects our country, its laws and morals, he could have been a decent POTUS.  But he is an indecent, incessantly lying, narcissistic, conning braggard and autocrat that never has and never will care about other than himself.

I do believe good Presidents could come from a variety of backgrounds, given a good ethical and moral fiber.  But at least some military or honest governing experience would always be a plus, as they would enter the job with some specifically relevant experience.
2021-02-03 00:08:17 UTC
Not necessarily, no. Most career politicians are corrupt, especially members of Congress. I'd rather see a non career politician like Trump as President, and I do hope he runs again in 2024.
2021-02-02 22:43:07 UTC
Yes, I think they should.  Not many have.. but it would be helpful.. they might actually have something useful to give to the office then!
2021-02-02 21:32:50 UTC
15 ex presidents but have hold the office of the president . so Donald Trump was not the first president to never be in the military
2021-02-02 20:48:44 UTC
If the President is gong to order troops into harms way, I feel that he MUST, have had to face that prospect himself! Only then can he make that CALL!

Without having faced combat,it's easy to send people to die!

So YES! He must have served in the Armed Forces,to be able to be the President! And,being being in elected office does not count!!!!!!!
2021-02-02 20:31:35 UTC
I don't think so. I think he should just represent the people. I mean it just depends if you want to be combative or not. If he didn't have military service he'd be attacked, and if he didn't have political experience he'd be attacked. Personally I love it he didn't have previous experience. That's the point. I'm tired of career politicians and military people being hailed as "heroes".
2021-02-02 15:29:00 UTC
No not at all however they should not be a 3 time draft dodger like trump was .
2021-02-02 10:08:46 UTC
Having some political experience wouldn't hurt. Military experience would be no more helpful then having grocery store or McDonald's experience. How would military experience be helpful? Trump's problem was not that he didn't have experience. After all he did do good to the economy, ill give him that much. Then again, so did Hitler. Trump problem was the same as Hitler's problem minus the fact that Hitler cared about the poor in his country. Trump was a racist, fascist child abuser to whom the rights of human beings meant nothing. He clearly showed that with how he treated Latin Americans.
2021-02-02 09:29:30 UTC
No, anyone that can win election is smart enough to be President.  Trump just pissed off too many people in high places.  Had he been a tad more civil, say Ted Cruz level, he would have been reelected.  .
2021-02-02 07:43:08 UTC
Trump had no experience. He was the ultimate outsider. Biden has 50 years of experience. He's the ultimate insider. It doesn't matter either way. Experience is only a beginning. What really matters is judgement.
2021-02-02 07:38:23 UTC
That's not a good example. Trump had more business failures than successes. Electing him was not a good move. Politics is not business - it succeeds on one's ability to effectively negotiate and compromise. Business is only money.
2021-02-02 03:17:07 UTC
 It’s not a requirement but it helps to have experience. Many thought because Trump appeared to be a successful businessman he would make a good president. Most supporters had no ideas of the tactics Trump used to gain success in the world of real estate development or they may have hesitated. Also his stance on stopping immigration was really the deciding factor for many white voters who felt they were losing “their” country to increasing numbers of minorities thru immigration from Central America and Muslim countries. Trump’s ability to run a business was suspect at best  and his dodging of the draft during Vietnam spoke to his character. A look at young Trump’s relationship with disbarred attorney Roy Cohn gives one an insight as to his tactics as a leader. The notorious Cohn worked with disgraced Sen. Joe McCarthy and defended a number of members of the top 3 crime families in the New York area. He unsuccessfully tried to defend Trump in the Trump University debacle.
2021-02-01 18:33:06 UTC
Should it be required?  No.  Is it a good idea?  Absolutely.
frank r
2021-02-05 21:21:32 UTC
I do not believe presidents should have military experience. Many of the presidents of yesteryear had military backgrounds. It has been 50 years now since the military has become a volunteer endeavor. Why make it a prerequisite? It would probably be a wise decision if you are running for the presidency that you have some kind of governmental background to understand just the way the government runs. However i do not believe it should be mandated. There are jobs and positions that require college. Now with some police departments a college background is mandated. I totally disagree with this. There are jobs like corrections fire and police that the academy is like on the job training which i believe is more beneficial. 
2021-02-05 01:33:53 UTC
of course not. that's an ignorant question.
2021-02-04 16:31:46 UTC
Let's take a look at history and look at the faces on Mt Rushmore:

George Washington - 1st President; average POTUS Rating #2

Lt Col, Virginia Militia - French & Indian War.  Mentioned in dispatches for gallantry in combat, revered by his American troops, respected by British officers.

General of the Armies of the United States (O-13, 1976), Commanding General of the Continental Army (1775), Commanding General of the United States Army (1794, 1797)  Military experience mattered.

Teddy Roosevelt -26th President, average POTUS Rating #6

Lt Col, Army of the United States (Volunteers) - Spanish American War.


Military experience mattered.

Thomas Jefferson - 3rd President, average POTUS Rating #7

Captain, Virginia Militia but never activated.

No real military experience, however a very good president.

Abraham Lincoln - 16th President, average POTUS Rating #1

Captain, Illinois Militia - Black Hawk War.  Noticed for gallantry.

Military experience mattered.


FDR - 33rd President, average POTUS Rating #3

Secretary of the Navy but no military service contracted polio and could not serve.

An excellent president who served with military troops.

Ike - 35th President, average POTUS Rating #4

General of the Army (O-11), Supreme Commander Allied Forces Europe.  Lead Operation Torch, the seaborne invasion of North Africa, five months later the enemy had been evicted from more than 4000 miles of territory.  Conducted operations in Italy which led to the eventual collapse of one of the Axis powers.  Oversaw the D-Day Invasion in France.  Within two months Paris was liberated.  Less than 300 days after that the war in Europe ended with complete victory.

An excellent president, military experience mattered.

Truman - 34th President, average POTUS Rating #5

Captain, US Army, World War One Western Front, Artillery.

An excellent president, military experience mattered.

Ronald Reagan - 40th President, average POTUS Rating #6

Captain, US Army WWII. 

Already a movie star he didn't serve in combat he talked on the radio.

So military service didn't really make a difference.

Ulyseus S Grant - 18th President, average POTUS Rating #8

General of the Army (O-10), Commanding General of Union Forces.  Victorious in 15 battles.  Destroyed the Army of Northern Virginia (CSA) and accepted Lee's surrender effectively ending the Civil War.

An excellent president, military experience made the difference.

So most would agree that military or government service probably matters.  Now lets take a look at the other end of the list:

Warren G Harding:  5th Worst President.

No military experience but an excellent crook who never got caught.

Richard Nixon:  4th Worst POTUS

No military experience and he got caught.  A couple of times actually.

Franklin Pierce:  3rd Worst

Captain:  Mexican American War.  His horse reared and the pommel of his saddle crushed his groin knocking him out.  He was a real coward in office too.

His military experience taught him how to run away.  Not exactly inspiring.

James Buchanan:  2nd Worst

No military experience but he liked getting the shaft up his butt.  Incompetence was his watch word.

Don da con Adolph J Trump aka Hitler:  Worst... ALL Time.

No military experience but he was a great liar and he almost started the Second American Civil War.  Fed the American people a load of balongy for 40 years and 70 million fools still believe it.  Still lying, but he can claim to fame:  The only POTUS to be impeached twice.
2021-02-03 21:14:22 UTC
I think every American should have to serve in some sort of program right out of high school to attain full citizenship. Either military or social service program. And all immigrants should also have to complete some similar service requirement to become citizens. Two years of some form of service and education on how our government works. 
2021-02-03 17:05:59 UTC
No, military service or government experience should not be necessary to be president.  The people are just going to have to remember this and not elect someone like Trump.  Just looking at the internet since Trump left the spotlight and it's plain as day to me that he left a hole in the lives of the people AND THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING.  He left an impression and the people are depressed, bruised, bloodied, battered, and sick from it.  THAT IS NOT A GOOD JOB.  If it was intentional, a much needed step back. then maybe he's not the worst president ever but we'll never know that so he is definitely the worst president ever.  So the people should remember that, history books and accounts should make sure that future generations know that.  You can't make that a requirement though, it takes away from what America is and turns it into a militarized state.      
2021-02-03 16:35:49 UTC
That's a good question. I think the military does give people good training for loyalty  that our country deserves. I served four years in the USAF; then a number of years at NASA, and finally NSA. That helped to instill a great respect for the democratic institutions and processes of our country, respect for the flag, and honor to those who gave their lives for our country.  

It seems that much of the public thinks that government employees are slackers, but I worked in private industry for a few years after being in the USAF. Like any other place, the government has people who don't pull their weight, but it's no more prevalent in places like NSA and NASA than it is in private industry. I wonder if Trump might not have been more determined to preserve our democratic institutions and submit the election outcome if he had been in the military.
2021-02-03 13:49:03 UTC
Trump had neither military or government experience!  Look how great HE was !  Wow Wee!  
2021-02-03 02:58:57 UTC
I'm not convinced it's essential, Trump was just Trump, just because an individual possibly doesn't have experience in those fields, does not mean they would have the same behaviour and attitude as he did,  because they would not

So don't use Trump as some kind of barometer, to judge suitability to the job. he was a special case, a special headcase..p
2021-02-03 02:07:44 UTC
It's up to the voters to decide. Voters were sick of what those with prior government service or military service had gotten them. It was time for something different. Despite the fall-out over Trump, he actually delivered on a number things Conservative voters had been clamoring for, for years. 
2021-02-03 00:06:03 UTC
Well we're still busy clambering out of the ruins of what happens when we have a president with neither.  I know it's too small a sample to draw any kind of conclusions, but I'm not inclined to repeat the experiment.
W.T. Door
2021-02-02 21:18:39 UTC
Please don't feed the troll. Don't answer. They go away if ignored. 
2021-02-02 19:34:52 UTC
Donald Trump declared bankruptcy more than once. His businesses failed. He was elected because People watched him on television and brought a false image. People said they voted for him, because he was rich, and therefore couldn't be bought . They had no clue that reality shows don't show reality.
2021-02-02 16:54:41 UTC
The President is the face of the country and his actions help define the country, at least during their administration.  It is way too early in the Biden administration to say what his will be however we can look at the Trump administration and how the US came to be defined on the international stage under him.  It shows a lot when you consider that respect for the Office of President hit all time lows among people in other countries during Trump's Presidency, it fell from 60% to 20% and along with it respect for the US fell from also around 60% to somewhat under 40%.  Under Trump the US was no longer considered to be the "leader of the free world" and it became a country whose word could not be trusted and whose willingness to honor agreements entered into was open to serious question.

If you read Trump's book and listened to some of his speeches he bragged about being a professional liar and bragged about lying to leaders of other countries during talks.  The problem there is that those leaders were well aware of the facts prior to speaking with Trump and all Trump did was portray himself as a person not to be trusted.  Back in the days when the US was truly great their word was their bond, the actions of Trump and his supporters have damaged the reputation of the US and such damage will likely continue for years as long as the attitudes expressed by Trump and those who support him seem to be prevalent in the US.  On the international scene the words contained in the US Pledge of Allegiance have become mere hypocrisy and not shown in the actions of the country or of a good portion of it's citizens, especially since January 6.
2021-02-02 16:10:40 UTC
Based on what we saw in the last administration where the P.O.T.U.S. had absolutely no previous governmental and/or military experience, I'd say yes.
2021-02-02 07:20:00 UTC
MMM................No. That would leave Joe out. Joe has never had a job. Never owned a business. And, he avoided the Viet Nam war by being a college student until he was to old to be drafted.

Washington never won a single battle until Yorktown.
2021-02-02 04:18:03 UTC
Well, it wouldn't hurt, because the president is the head of the entire military.  
2021-02-02 02:51:42 UTC
Yes, Donald Trump didn't have any credentials as far as serving the country. He was a business man, and a failed tv personality that got kicked ff his own show. His successor Joe Biden, comes in with plenty of experience having served as a senator from 1973 to 2009, when he then served as Vice President to Barack Obama, that had a few years seasoning as senator for Illinois. Not sure how military experience could help a person become president, or give him the expeierence. John Kennedy had served in the navy prior to becoming president. When the president elect takes the oath of office, he or she swears to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Can't be something that you have to go to school for, if you want to be president. we have some presidents like Bill Clinton, Ronald Regan, and George W Bush serve as governors of different states. George Washington would ave had something to do with the army, as I would have to think that in his day, there wasn't such a thing or really yet as senators and governors. 
2021-02-01 23:33:12 UTC
Our first President, George Washington, had military experience, and he did not belong to any political party. From April 1945 to January 1993, for a consecutive period of 48-years, every person elected as President had prior military experience. The military used to be a stepping stone into the U.S. Presidency. But it seems that tradition has now died. How can a person be Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces when they have never served in our armed forces?
2021-02-01 22:14:31 UTC
NO!  Serving in either is not a guarantee of being a good or successful politician.  Look at Jimmy carter.  He was submarine commander in the US Navy.  Look at his presidential administration.  FORMER chairman obama was a state and federal politician and look at what he did to this country.  billy clinton was a draft dodging governor and look what he did.  Professional politicians owe too much to too many to be in a position of that much power.  Military experience is no guarantee of being a good manager.
2021-02-03 21:32:17 UTC
vinegar.. you are saying BS.. George Bush senior served in combat in WWII... you ignorant
2021-02-03 17:50:51 UTC
You forgot to mention he was a lousy businessman who never would have made it if his father hadn't bailed him out time after time. Also stiffed vendors by purposely going bankrupt. And stole money from Shriners, how low can you go?
2021-02-03 17:17:46 UTC
Our next one should have janitorial experience.  That'd be neat.
2021-02-03 16:40:43 UTC
The President needs to be ONLY what the Constitution states which is at least thirty-five years old and a verifiable birth-citizen of the United States. Any shortfalls the person has are supposed to be 'helped' by the system itself. If it isn't corrupted, such a person should represent no threat to the people or the system itself. 
Jake No Chat
2021-02-03 14:03:57 UTC
While such experience does seem to be beneficial from time to time, it should not be a requirement. 
2021-02-03 14:02:33 UTC
I don't think so. I think anyone should be able to run for president, whether they're 80 and can't remember their own name, whether they're a great hero sent from the heavens or whether they're a 5 year old still pooping their pants or even if they're a notorious criminal. It doesn't matter. As far as I'm concerned everyone should have the right to lead this country because we're a free nation that gives everyone opportunities regardless of background.

However it doesn't necessarily mean I'll vote for them.

I'll vote for someone that has good leadership qualities and a history of that, that's what I look for in a presidential candidate. And after that it'll depend on their policies because their policies are what's going to make or break the country. First I take a look at whether their policies make sense and are practical enough to work and after that I'll decide whether I agree with them and they align with my personal values.

But everyone should have the opportunity, not just people in the military or government. Especially a career in the government since most people that have positions in the government have gotten there because they have family history in the government or because they have the money to campaign to get those positions. It's not because they're competent. As for the military, I'm not sure I agree with that either since the President nominates a General and the senate has to agree. Meaning an appointed general is only there because of politicians.

So I genuinely believe anyone should be able to try. But whether they succeed ultimately should be up to us. If we end up with a terrible president as we have the past 4 years and the next 4 years well we can only blame ourselves for voting for these people and letting them get as far as they have.
What the...?!?
2021-02-03 01:53:25 UTC
I agree with you that they should have some experience either in politics and/or military.  People in politics and the military understand that they are sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States, that they are serving the people and not themselves.  One of Trump's greatest fault was that he did not recognize the latter.  He had always been the CEO and expected everyone under him to follow his every order.  He expected unwavering loyalty from everyone.  However, people in government are loyal to the Constitution and the country above the president.  Trump could not accept that which led him to have problems with Comey, Sessions, Mattis, Tilllerson, Kelly, McConnell, Graham, Pence...etc.  He wanted to be a dictator in a democracy.
2021-02-02 23:16:09 UTC
Bill Clinton didn't serve in the Military. Barrack Obama didn't serve in the Military. So your question in itself is a lie.
2021-02-02 21:42:09 UTC
Cadet Bonespurs went to a military academy; doesn't that count?
2021-02-02 21:31:57 UTC
No being unable to serve in military should not disqualify you from being president nor should only career politicians be allowed plus trump had 494 successful businesses 
2021-02-02 18:39:03 UTC
YES!  We've seen what happens when they don't!  
2021-02-02 17:29:20 UTC
The President should be a product of the People and not a product of Government. 

When you spend your entire life in government, you know nothing about the real world. Money has no value and you spend it like a teenager with daddy's credit card.

Trump was a business man and they hated him from day one.

Tyrant, Dictator, Racist, Homophobe and many other terms were given to him by those who feared he would take their credit card away.

Mindless Robots on the left bought the giant lie and the Media pushed it and caused hysteria. Now that Trump is gone, they can go back to stealing the future from Americans.
2021-02-02 10:32:06 UTC
what a president should have is the skills the country needs at the time of election.  that may or may not be that type of background.  biden is a perfect example of what government background WONT do.  its what you learn from it that matters.  what the idiot left fails to understand is that type casting a leader and making broad brush assumptions about why someone was or was not in the military accomplishes nothng and ESPECIALLY in bidens case does the nation more harm than good.
2021-02-02 08:25:45 UTC
I agree with you, 

even the philosopher Socrates,

. If you were heading out on a journey by sea, asks Socrates, who would you ideally want deciding who was in charge of the vessel? Just anyone or people educated in the rules and demands of seafaring? The latter of course, says Adeimantus, so why then, responds Socrates, do we keep thinking that any old person should be fit to judge who should be a ruler of a country?

Socrates’s point is that voting in an election is a skill, not a random intuition. And like any skill, it needs to be taught systematically to people. Letting the citizenry vote without an education is as irresponsible as putting them in charge of a trireme sailing to Samos in a storm.
2021-02-02 03:28:13 UTC
Not Necessarily, but I would say that it helps if the President has that experience.
2021-02-02 03:10:43 UTC
Clearly your 5th grade education did not cover U.S. History.
2021-02-02 02:47:22 UTC
I think a US President must not have anything other than be born on US soil, minimum age 35, and the votes.

That is how the founders intended. Would it be smart for the people to pick someone with experience?  Yes.  But it’s not a requirement, instead a leader will fill his/her cabinet with expertise needed to succeed in serving the people of the United States.
2021-02-02 02:23:09 UTC
YES.  In My opinion these should be the Requirements.

1. That he/she must be born in the United States.  (already a requirement)

2. that His or Her Spouse must also be born in the United States.

3. That both of his or her Parents of the hopeful President be born in the United States.

4. That the hopeful President had served in the Military on Full Active Duty for a minimum period of at least 4 years - Enlisted or Officer.

5. That the hopeful President had previously held a position as an Elected Official in either a State Government or Federal Government.

7. Minimum age set at 30 and Maximum age set at 70.
2021-02-02 00:14:34 UTC
He doesn't need military experience, but experience in government service, either elective or appointed office, is essential.  One of Trump's problems is that he simply didn't understand how our government works.  It appeared he'd never taken a civics or government class in his life. If you want to "drain the swamp" (assuming it needs to be drained), you need some real and deep sense of what the swamp IS in the first place.

Joe Biden has spent many, many years in government, serving in the Senate, on important Senate committees, such as Foreign Relations and Judiciary, and as Vice President. Of course that makes a huge difference.

Military service certainly couldn't hurt, especially experience in command.

A law degree isn't essential either, but it's another asset that presidents can really use.  Trump seemed incredibly ignorant of the law and the Constitution and was constantly making incorrect statements about them that later had to be walked back.  Someone like Barack Obama, on the other hand, had spent 12 years teaching constitutional law at one of the nation's premiere universities.  Both Bill and Hillary Clinton were graduates of Yale Law School, which is one of the hardest law schools in the nation to get into and which turns out graduates who are deeply versed not just in the law but also in the philosophy of law.  President Biden holds a law degree from Syracuse, a very well-regarded law school.
Blue Skies.
2021-02-01 21:56:47 UTC
Absolutely Not. Trump was the most successful President in years

for accomplishments. Unlike others who were lucky enough to get

out of town with their skin still attached. For example. Obama and

Biden. Trump did not lose for what he did as far as great things he

accomplished for the country. He got ran over because of his 

personality and mannerisms.
Nemo S
2021-02-07 00:45:39 UTC
Not really you just have to understand what the job is and do it to the best of your abilities that is the most that anyone can do it does help IF you understand the REAL WORLD you live in and realize that as a nation WE do not have to involve ourselves in their insanity and IF structured properly WE can live without them and they can live without us...

WE need to just protect our own and STOP calling everyone else CITIZENS...

2021-02-04 20:07:18 UTC
I believe no

It is a waste of time

I believe they should have more big experience in economics and education

I strongly expect people to learn from this bad experience of military dictators
2021-02-03 13:04:05 UTC
2021-02-03 10:04:13 UTC
The only requirements for President are: Age 35 or more, resident of the US for at least 14 years, and born in the USA, though later legislation clarified native born to mean children of US citizens born on US territory or reservation (e.g. a child born of Americans at an embasy or on a military base leased to the US by an allied government). Anything else requires a constitutional amendment.  
2021-02-03 01:42:10 UTC
No.  Many with experience in the government or military have done a terrible job.  Do you realize that many people giving answers have no qualifications for answering?
2021-02-03 00:44:29 UTC
I think Trump did a good job in many respects, although he certainly made some mistakes.

The problem with career politicians is that they're more concerned with their own careers and with their re-elections than they are with actually fixing problems. And while the military is great, it's very much a think-inside-the-box kind of organization. So Trump's being an outsider and a maverick has worked very well for him in terms of fixing many of our problems, even though it made him a lot of enemies within the political establishment.

So the answer to your question is "No."
2021-02-03 00:00:53 UTC
No, of course not, we cannot eliminate 95% of the people from becoming president.  The U.S. Constitution has already identified the prerequisite. No experience is required. There is an age requirement and that the person be a natural born citizen of the U.S. 
2021-02-02 19:12:42 UTC
It would be a normal thing to expect, but normal is dead and buried under a mountain of corruption for thirty years.  Every president from Clinton to Biden  not only had no military experience, they were cowards and draft dodgers.  Clinton was the best educated.  But while others his age were being killed in Vietnam, he was on extended vacation Russia.    Bush Jr. and Obama graduating from any college is a miracle.  Obama never had a job in his life. The only thing government experience teaches is how to steal while looking good.
2021-02-02 18:50:16 UTC
Absolutely not. Id vote for Trump again or someone like him or her that believes in the constitution. 
2021-02-02 17:39:23 UTC

but I think all elected people all government employees need to have no less than 5 continuous  years at one positions of employment to a "small" private sector business that has no connection to government funds direct or indirect to be hired or elected to government jobs 

as for President Trump being the first with no military back ground TOTALLY wrong   Joe Biden,  Obama , Clinton, FDR to name a few but there are many more  Herbert Hoover,  Calvin Coolidge, Warren G. Harding,  Woodrow Wilson, Grover Cleveland, Martin Van Buren, John Quincy Adams, John Adams

miss informed people repeat incorrect data leading to people capable of being manipulated very easy by con men 

as for previous government experience NO NO NO  as matter of fact  WE NEED TO put a 12 year maximum government employment by all people .. problem is too many government employees on all levels regulation and control people on functions of business these government employees could never do 


"Some people say that Trump did not know how government worked "

DEAL making is what that means ,, your district  gets a billion and mine gets a billion dollars and we vote fore each other laws 

this deal making must end 

the problem is the system is NOW too complex for no other reason as to line the many pockets with tax payer money

the system needs simplified; not manned by people self servings experience, lobbyist and lifetime elected and appointed  people  

smaller and less government is best 
2021-02-02 16:00:43 UTC
5 years ago I  might have said yes, but Trump has proved  that someone who is not from the military can do a better job.
2021-02-02 12:39:04 UTC

You're such a dill weed! 

The President of the United States of America is the Commander in Chief of the MILITARY! 

That is the "job description" of the President! 

Most people think that the President controls the country or makes the laws.  Those are all very ignorant people!

Prior "governmental" experience to me is no longer a leadership quality.  It's the OPPOSITE! 

Governmental officials are more unwilling to follow the laws and the Constitution than the people! 

Which part of PUBLIC SERVANT do governmental officials not understand??? 

The USA 🇺🇸 citizens are right at the edge of losing their freedom that was fought for and won long ago. 

I have lived in a country for the past 6+ decades with liberals and conservatives and others, like myself, in the middle (moderate). 

We are now being taken over by extremist leftists, who hide among the liberals and wreak their havoc. 

People need to have a closer look at Nancy Pelosi and some of the democrats, who are heading in the same direction as Vladimir Lenin and his bolshevik followers a century ago!  The result was not pretty!  History is repeating itself.  Youngsters have no idea what used to be, that's why they can't see it coming back! 

This country is being torn apart at the seams and many of the citizens don't even realize it. 

People are distracted by their own selfishness and ignorance and have not been paying attention to what the government has been doing.  You'd better wake up! 

Do you think that the local police chief should know something about law enforcement?  Or be a politician? 


Joe Biden, #46, had no military experience.

Donald Trump, #45, had no military experience.

Barack Obama, #44, had no military experience.

Bill Clinton, #42, had no military experience.

Franklin Roosevelt, #32, had no military experience.

Herbert Hoover, #31, had no military experience.

Calvin Coolidge, #30, had no military experience.

Warren Harding, #29, had no military experience.

Woodrow Wilson, #28, had no military experience.

Should I keep going??

About governmental experience, all elected officials take a constitutional Oath of Office.  Many VIOLATE their constitutional oath.  I have NEVER seen ONE prosecuted. 

Donald Trump was well underway fixing problems of the USA.  Leftists slowed him down and wasted a lot of time and money. 

Since the leftists have now gotten themselves into office, around the historical and constitutional way, just watch what else they do!
2021-02-02 05:03:31 UTC
Not necessarily. Trump's success as POTUS has proven it. 
2021-02-02 02:57:37 UTC
It is not a requirement and should not be a requirement but anyone who rose to be the leader of the country would be assumed to have some sort of qualifications besides hosting a reality show.
2021-02-02 01:28:18 UTC
Sure, it's not like the bar hasn't been lowered enough already. 
2021-02-02 01:15:32 UTC
Yes, absolutely.                   
2021-02-02 01:07:51 UTC
NO, the only requirement is to be over 35
2021-02-01 23:49:43 UTC
Maybe if people had bothered to consider just HOW he ran his businesses they would have been skeptical of claims to being a business genius. I'm surprised he didn't declare bankruptcy for the whole USA and try to get China to accept pennies on the dollar for their loans. That would have been in line with his "successful" business practices.
2021-02-01 21:36:42 UTC
I don't think so thats why we have a Pentagon
2021-02-01 20:30:22 UTC
No, fresh blood and ideas are needed in federal government.
2021-02-05 03:42:07 UTC
I believe they should have  military experience as this would help in understanding why war exists.
Michael S
2021-02-04 01:18:03 UTC
No because having hawkish presidents is the reason why the USA is in wars all the time. We should have presidents who have run businesses and who want to run the country as if it were a business. Imagine if our country was  running efficiently and at a profit.
2021-02-03 23:29:52 UTC
I don't really know, I am thinking of being in the government but, it seems like it would be a good idea to have experience in the military or government.
2021-02-03 14:23:11 UTC
nope .......................................
2021-02-03 14:04:43 UTC
Consider;  George W. Childs (1829-1894), a self-made millionaire/philanthropist

who apparently never made an enemy in his life, was approached to run for president

in 1888.   He rejected the idea without even thinking about it.

"I'm just a businessman" he said, "who's never held public office!"
2021-02-03 06:14:40 UTC
The law is or used to be until the Libidiots decided it was ok for Clinton and Obama  that you had to have served in the military. Imagine that. Ok for them but not Trump? At least Trump had a good business mind and pulled America out of the nightmare they left us. ANND WE'RE BACK.
2021-02-03 03:36:02 UTC
Yes they should. If a person must have both formal education and a degree of experience in order to legally practice as a doctor or even be a nurse in this country then the same should also apply to anyone working in the political field, especially if that job is being the President. It is just as, if not more so, important. As Trump has clearly shown, leading our nation isn't something that just anyone can or even should be trusted to do.
2021-02-03 03:34:35 UTC
Not necessarily they have many brilliant advisers.
2021-02-03 00:18:43 UTC
Anyone who follows or agrees with Trump is ok with Americans dying because that man may not have done it but he started what happened at the Capital that ended in 5 dead Americans
2021-02-02 22:12:13 UTC
2021-02-02 19:55:53 UTC
I think so.  A president doesn’t have the time to learn on the job.  
2021-02-02 18:25:47 UTC
No the main problem is that there all the  ready rich . If your set for life your not going to care about your job  that's just a fact .  You become a narsist just like Trump and  every other politician 😤
2021-02-02 07:00:23 UTC
They should have some public service experience.  
2021-02-02 04:59:06 UTC
After Trump i would say YES, it would be like taking a night clerk at a hospital and telling them to go do cardiovascular surgery..........we need a "refreshing change" NOT!!
2021-02-02 03:06:22 UTC
Experience is not always an asset. See Presidents Carter and Clinton for examples. What is necessary is a belief that the US is the only country worth living in.
Eugene D
2021-02-02 00:45:31 UTC
No.  Politicians make terrible presidents.  Case in point, Biden, 48 years in office.  Look how terrible he is.  Killing jobs, invading Syria, lying about the stimulus checks, no COVID plan.  Then Trump with no government experience kicked butt. 

I would rather have a businessman run a company than a politician.  Running a country is no different than running a company.  You have to make budget decisions and look out for your employees.  Same thing that Trump did for America.  Biden, not so much. 
2021-02-01 19:35:11 UTC
....and Trump did a better job for the country than any of them.

Pretty much answers your "Question".

Last non Swamp presidents we had were Harding/Coolidge. We count them as one because their conservative policies were the same.

Sence then the country has gone downhill, debt gone UP and warmongering became the norm (until Trump came along).

*** A quick review shows no military experience for either Harding or Coolidge...pretty much proving mil. experience is definitely not required for a great leader.
2021-02-01 18:42:40 UTC
No.  Being able to sign the executive orders given is all that is necessary.  

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.