Why don't Republicans support an increased minimum wage?
2015-11-06 22:25:21 UTC
Republicans are all for "trickle down economics." They like to claim that increasing the amount of money the wealthiest people have will trickle down to everyone. So why don't they support an increased minimum wage? After all, increasing the amount of money the poorest people have will trickle UP. Poorer people, when earning more money, will almost definitely spend it, increasing the economy. Many wealthy people take their massive tax cuts and hold onto the money. So why doesn't the GOP support increased minimum wage, something that would work much better than the oft-tried, repeatedly-failed "trickle down" joke?
27 answers:
2015-11-08 04:32:50 UTC
The truth of the matter is most capitalist Republicans would love if there was no minimum wage whatsoever. This is because they see themselves as the " God" ordained hierarchy the so called founding fathers bequeathed this all hallowed white country to. If they had their way for the most part they'd be able to pay certain individuals that they deem less than any wages they'd like. You see minimum wage is just 1 of a plethora of issues that involve what they perceive as giving to undeserving and even worse undesirables" At this very date Republicans still champion the virtues of" trickle down economics" and have done so for over 30 years. And you see where that's gotten the middle class and poor individuals even worse off. Raising minimum wage or even having a minimum wage would undoubtedly put a dent in the capitalist dreams of Republicans. Remember Republicans / conservatives are regressive in their thinking and generally want society back as it was 50years ago.
2015-11-09 09:53:42 UTC
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a national minimum wage is a bad idea. There are areas that are booming economically, and areas that are struggling and financially depressed. Requiring a small business in a town of 1000 people to pay the same wage as a business in a large city is absurd.
2015-11-06 22:47:32 UTC
To the Anonymous idiot that comment about Seattle's minimum wage:

""AEI fails to note that employment actually increased by 800 people from May to June, leaving the overall industry employment just 200 people short of levels when the first wage hike went into effect on April 1. "

From a longer term perspective, industry employment is still up by 24,100 from the Great Recession low of December 2009, which means that the jobs that were lost since might not have even existed a little over five years ago. That's little consolation to the people who lost those jobs, but it's statistical proof that the industry is still overall stronger than it was in the late 2000s.

Let's provide additional context from San Francisco, another city where the minimum wage is also on track to reach $15. Using the same St. Louis Fed data, note that when San Francisco hiked its minimum wage to $11.05 in January (from $10.74), it experienced a larger than normal drop in restaurant employment from December to January. Those numbers then rebounded by June, even after a second wage hike to $12.25 in May. Will Seattle rebound as well? It's impossible to say, yet, but again, our city's one month rise from May to June shouldn't be ignored."
2015-11-07 17:19:49 UTC
IT'S NOT THEIR JOB to determine wages for Private Businesses. The determining factor in hourly wage

is Training and Experience to do a specific job. At "entry level" beginning employees need the least

training TO DO the job. Over time they GAIN experience, training and ability TO DO MORE. There they

should be PAID MORE but not because Liberal / Democrat OR Conservative / Republican OPINION

SAYS SO because it will "reduce poverty" ! ! The WHOLE CONCEPT is FALSE.

, ,

I think most Republicans understand this. Democrats / Liberals only look at INCREASED Tax Income

ON Income when the workers RAISE into a higher Bracket. They're DREAMING that they can control

(collect) more money WITHOUT new Tax Laws and they actually DON'T CARE about using the increase

to "fix" Poverty.
2015-11-07 17:04:50 UTC
What people who are fighting for minimum wage raises do not understand is this:

1. Raising minimum wage cause a price rise in products, housing, utilities, auto mobiles, and everything else to rise in price.

2. Raising minimum wage will result in down sizing of companies, store staff, and so on.

3. Minimum wage jobs where intended for you to get work experience not raise a family.
2015-11-07 06:00:14 UTC
I think cause they know USA is not ready to an increased minimum wage. In those thing Republicans think better and they think to the future... Or maybe because republicans are those who got they money and those who has a big potential at the industry so that's going to affect them if they do that they'll have to pay more to their workers you know and nobody want to pay
2015-11-07 16:41:53 UTC
..and when the prices of everything GOES UP like they have in Seattle, I suppose next you'll want to increase my military retirement or my mother's social security to counter the poverty we are thrown in while a teenager who does not work harder for that raise still gets my burger order wrong! And nothing you people lie about will defend a $30,000 a year McDonald's salary PLUS healthcare now! YOU PEOPLE want this to counter the fact that like Keystone XL, you have managed to drive away all the middle class manufacturing and fabrication jobs so need to CREATE a new "middle class" not by accomplishment but by DECREE! I ate Chinese food today after working on my car: all my parts were either made in China or Mexico but the fortune cookies I got with the meal were made in CHICAGO! "Trickle" that down.
2015-11-06 22:29:46 UTC
Are you fcking stupid or just high?

Take a look at Seattle. They, much like your dumb a$$, decided that the answer to ridding poverty was to mandate a $15 minimum wage for everyone.

2 years later where are we? A Seattle city whose unemployment rates have skyrocketed! TRIPLING within the first 3 quarters alone.


Because Republicans knew that you don't create jobs by legislating employers out of business. What fcking good is a $15 an hour minimum wage if you have no job and employers aren't hiring BECAUSE of that?

But here's the real problem. People like you think you know what you're talking about. People like are fcking uneducated and ignorant, thinking of nothing more than surface're not considering the impact it has But we knew, we always knew, which is why we knew mandating the MW into $15/hr wasn't going to help anyone if they can't get a job.

EDIT: @ david: No faggt a$$ bich, YOU get real. And what's "real" is the Seattle unemployment rate you stupid fcking (unt.
2015-11-08 07:08:33 UTC
Your scenario first requires the taking of financial resources from the wealthy in order to pay increased minimum wages. That, in turn, increases the cost of doing business which therefore must be recovered in increased retail prices for customers.

End result? Higher prices and fewer jobs.

Any questions?
thomas f
2015-11-07 00:35:23 UTC
Eric, you clearly don't understand what it means to be a Conservative, do you? I surmise that in your small mind, a conservative is simply someone who obstructs the inexorable progression to high taxation big government Socialism, which you love so much, am I right? Well, you have it all wrong. Conservatives believe in individual freedom and small government and minimal regulation, and letting the free market lead us to widespread prosperity.

So explain to me why you think such a Conservative would or should support a government edict to force employers to pay a certain minimum wage? If freedom is what one cherishes, then having big government coming in with its jack booted government thugs telling everyone how to run their business and what to pay their workers is just plan stupid, and totally contrary to the concept of freedom.

Someday I hope you acquire enough IQ to grasp this concept, but I won't be surprised if you never do, and instead continue to advance your big government power mongering for the rest of your life.
2015-11-06 22:43:48 UTC
"Why don't Republicans support an increased minimum wage?"

MOST Republicans don't support it, and the main reason they do not is because the minimum wage concept is foolish economics. Creating a minimum wage law and periodically raising it creates unemployment; certain jobs become too expensive (the cost to the employer of paying the wage) to be worth paying anyone to do it. Furthermore, not all people who "work" need to "make a living to support a family." There are always young people who do not have a family to support, they are still relying on support from their own parents, and they want to get a beginner's job in order to gain work experience that will help them find better, higher-paying jobs when they do move out on their own.

"Republicans are all for 'trickle down economics.' "

Oh? Is that what you have heard Republicans claim they are for? Or is that what you have heard Democrats accuse Republicans of being in favor of? Do you understand that the expression "trickle down economics" is just spin created by Democrats to misstate the Republicans' position?

"They like to claim that increasing the amount of money the wealthiest people have will trickle down to everyone."

No. Republicans believe cutting taxes on wealthy people will open up more opportunity for wealthy people to start new businesses and expand existing businesses and doing so means more jobs for more self-identified "working people."

"So why don't they support an increased minimum wage?"

I told you above.

"After all, increasing the amount of money the poorest people have will trickle UP. Poorer people, when earning more money, will almost definitely spend it, increasing the economy."

Gee, why not just create a minimum wage law that every "working person" must be paid at least $100 an hour? That will surely make absolutely everyone super-rich, won't it?

"Many wealthy people take their massive tax cuts and hold onto the money"

Oh? Have you counted how many will do that (because that's all they've ever done when taxes have been cut)? Do rich Democrats like Michael Moore do that too?

"So why doesn't the GOP support increased minimum wage, something that would work much better than the oft-tried, repeatedly-failed 'trickle down' joke?"

The "joke" is coming FROM Democrats who do not describe what Republicans are doing accurately or fairly. And I've told you why Republicans don't want to increase the minimum wage - it's foolish economics; not everyone single "working person" has the same minimum economic needs, and raising the minimum wage eliminates jobs. It also leads to greater inflation. Prices have to go up if employers have to pay their employees more than what the employers calcuate is the value of the labor.
2015-11-06 22:44:41 UTC
Yes, And you want to know what ELSE happened in Seattle?? All the folks on small wages GET GOVT SUBSIDIES right? Well, Since their wages went up they DO NOT qualify for the same Benefits. So basically these people started asking for less hours...See how that works.- And a little note to you, yes some make good money those are the ones that keep our programs alive. They pay 78% of Welfare and running this Country. You need to take an ECONOMICS class and fast!!!
2015-11-07 11:00:23 UTC
I will speak for myself on this. When I was a young man working for $1.00/hour I bought a brand new convertible. While shopping for my car I looked at a new Mustang. The price was $2600 on the showroom floor. Notice this relationship. Minimum wage $1.00/hour. Mustang $2600.00.

Today Mustangs start at $23,800. Remind us again what the minimum wage is and compare the ratio. Not only is the ratio better at $1.00 to $2600 but the buying power today is no where near what it was when minimum wage was $1.00/hour.

It bodes well for those who study history so as not to repeat it where things are not great. Raising the minimum wage has never accomplished anything. The bill always rise in following.

As far as trickle down economics is concerned rich people and people who will be getting rich realize one thing. Money comes from people. If you want to get rich you have to get money from other people. Rich people have more money to give up. You just have to find a way to make them want to spend it.
2015-11-07 09:55:11 UTC
They do but not one as large as obama requested or as fast.For example Obama wanted it to go frtom $7.25 to $10.10 in three years, I heard Republican proposals for the same increase but over 5 years, also heard republican proposal for an increase to $9.00 over three years

The $15.00 minimum wage is just stupid
2015-11-07 20:33:06 UTC
first of all, the jobs that people want to increase the wages on are starter jobs, for people to learn how to act on a job, and for college kids, and NOT for raising a family on. second, if the wages increased for everyone then some employees would have to be let go, lots of them would go on part time, and some businesses would have to close.
2015-11-08 05:40:29 UTC
Because the minimum wage will tend to make the economy less competitive.

Wages should be determined by the price mechanism rather than determined by the State. To maximise productivity wages should be determined by supply and demand, rather than determined by the government.
2015-11-07 13:58:58 UTC
Why don't you tell us what part of the Constitution of the United States allows the federal government to set compensation levels for employees of private companies? BETCHA CAN'T
2015-11-08 05:20:05 UTC
I'd love to be able to hire an employee to help me in my business. I just might be able to with the tax incentives that Trump will implement. But I will probably not be able to pay $15 per hour.
2015-11-06 22:37:43 UTC
they claim it will decrease jobs, but in many areas that have done it, it actually increased jobs. it would also increase the payroll tax revenues. rich people don't pay social security on income over $117,000. they get the tax brake.

"trickle-down economics" had been tried before in the United States in the 1890s under the name "horse and sparrow theory." 'If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.'

increasing it locally could have negative effects but nationwide it would not,
2015-11-06 22:30:12 UTC
Why not just give poor people free tax payer money so they can spend it on the economy.And, 99% of minimum wage jobs aren't worth $ 15 an hour and its not for the government to mandate that. I would be happy if the minimum wage was abolished.
Warren T
2015-11-08 05:52:42 UTC
2015-11-06 22:28:05 UTC
Blacks and minorities may make more money. The CONservative message since the 80's has been veiled racism.

Between January and December of 2014, while Seatac’s business owners (and their customers) were absorbing the cost of paying minimum wage employees $15, unemployment decreased 17.46%, falling from 6.3% to 5.2%. It turns out that you CAN increase the minimum wage (even in large increments) and increase overall employment at the same time.
2015-11-06 22:33:09 UTC
make the minimum wage 50 dollars an hour, who the hell is going to be in business to pay it?
2015-11-07 09:09:47 UTC
They'd lose money in the deal
2015-11-06 22:28:09 UTC
The Republican Party tends to support the concerns of business, and most business owners don't like, generally, to raise the pay of workers across the board. They want to maximize profits, not pay more.
2015-11-06 22:54:59 UTC
You are correct. Trickle down economics is propaganda to explain why the rich deserve more. Republicans love to spout Ronny Regan when this comes up, but they want to ignore the fact that he realized it was NOT working and increased taxes in his second term. Regan's own economics adviser has admitted this in several interviews and the republicans keep ignoring it because they have to pander to the rich.
2015-11-06 22:30:21 UTC
30% of McDonald's are insolvent now.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.