Where is the religious tolerance in Islamic nations?
2006-11-24 23:28:26 UTC
Of the 57 countries in the world that have an Islamic majority, in 29 of them there are laws against any Muslim trying to escape their religion by converting to another one or declaring apostacy. In many of these countries a Muslim who apostates will simply be killed, usually by his or her own family to escape their shame. In others, they are imprisoned or sent to insane asylums.

Most of these 29 nations are stone-age dumps like Niger, Somalia, Yemen, etc... But in Malaysia for example, the most technologically advanced and wealthiest Islamic nation in the world, the sentence is 2 years in prison.

Islam is the only religion allowed by law in 20 nations, including Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Kuwait, all U.S. allies (supposedly).

I can think of no nation on earth where any member of any other religion can be killed or imprisoned for choosing another, can you?
Fourteen answers:
2006-11-24 23:57:26 UTC
Some evangelical Christians are probably envious of that Muslim mojo.
2006-11-25 00:37:56 UTC
First off all, you got your facts wrong, Malaysia is not the wealthiest and most technologically advanced Muslim nation. It may however, be a less "radical" Muslim country.

As to your question; I must first say that people need to understand that the world is diverse and what is right or wrong should not be based only on the sole opinion and acceptance of a certain culture, race or nation. If Muslims feel that some changes are needed they are intelligent enough just like you and me to voice out. To condemn a religion just because one does not agree to some of its laws is as much a breach of human rights as it is to suppress people from freedom of religion. That is, supposing that it is true that Islam does forbid its people from converting. Have you got a proof of that? Can you quote from the Quran such a rule?

Secondly, you seem to be going right at Islam the religion itself rather than the people/lawmakers of the country who, like us humans are prone to misinterpretation of their own religion. This step that you are taking is either from a very narrow frame of thought or plain ignorance.
2006-11-24 23:42:13 UTC
Oh, you again. The one who thinks that Islam is a religion of hate. What is your problem with Islam? I have heard that 6 imams on a US Airways flight were kicked out for no reason. When they refused to get out, the crew called the police. Do you American's ever consider yourself as tolerant of other cultures?

I sometime don't, but not all Americans are as intolerant as you. What happens in other countries along religious lines is thier own problem, you guys are in no position to dictate anyone. Issues of violations against religious freedom will be addressed on the basis of order and justice, not with a gun.

I bet that you are a great fan of religious hypocrites like Pat Robertson.

All religions are accepted by humans such that everyone can respect themselves and respect humanity. Repect for humanity is the most fundemental attribute in every major religion around the world.

Think Somalia is a stone age dump? Those people have survived without a government for more than a decade. Judging from the natural disaster in New Orleans, you Americans can't last a day without one. Countries like Niger and Yemen consists of people who are happy with themselves even though they are poor. The most important thing is that they live in peace. Money doesn't buy happiness.
2006-11-25 00:08:39 UTC
In theory, Islam is supposed to embrace the philosophies behind the Christian and Jewish traditions. In practice, certain governments have imposed discriminatory state policies against religious minorities. I have met Baha'i and Christrian refugees from Iran. They tell stories of abuse, torture, imprisonment and the loss of religious freedom. This was courtesy of the Ayatollah Khomeini, who invoked a literalist form of sharia law after the revolution in 1979. I think the problem arises from a collective adherence to Islamic fundamentalism, in that the average Muslim is not allowed to question religious authority.

There is no separation of mosque and state in some countries.
2006-11-25 00:09:25 UTC
Religious intolerance is almost universal. There are few countries where religious freedom still exists and many where it never did exist.

While many Muslim countries do not tolerate other religious beliefs they are certainly not alone in this. Many times the intolerance is not institutional but tolerated at a level that makes it almost universal in the country. There are still pockets of intolerance right here in the U.S.

Seems everyone knows how the other person should worship god. I did not misspell god.
2016-10-13 05:53:33 UTC
this is not unavoidably religious for him. seem at each and all the self defined marxists he's appointed to his administration, praising castro, mao, che, lenin, etc. then seem at quite much particularly everyone he has ever pointed out as a ability in his books and interviews formerly working FOR PRESIDENT (in demand communists all and sundry). islam is approximately totalitarianism and obama is basicly a creepy counter lifestyle marxist with a deep seeded hatred of us of a of america. his spouse even pronounced her husband triumphing the election substitute into the 1st time she substitute into ever happy together with her united states. in each occasion the place he has been given a decision between the classic values from the age of enlightenment us of a of america substitute into based upon and incresasing government administration over each component of particularly everyone's lives and the financial gadget, he has chosen super enlargement mutually as coddling the delinquents of society. the thought an authoritarian regime can brutalize women and indoctrinate toddlers with poison, interior the call of righteousness, is right up his alley
2006-11-24 23:38:50 UTC
Me either. I cannot think of any other "monotheistic" to say the least religion where barbarianism such as you describe is practiced.

Perhaps as a lesson to them practicing Islam in such way would be, for all other religions to put in prison or convict to death them, who practice conversion from any other religion to Islam. This may teach them a lesson in civility and the right of the human being to have a choice.They been getting away with taking Islam to the "extreme" to long. That is what I think
2006-11-25 00:37:13 UTC
I agree, its simply sickening. The hitlers in head scarves have absolutely no tolerance for those who dont think like they do.

Although people here arent put to death or imprisoned, the liberal communist extremist leftists in the US have about the same amount of tolerance for those who dont think like they do. The difference here is that the libs preach tolerance but have none.
2006-11-25 00:43:38 UTC
20-25% of the world population is Muslim. It is the fastest growing religion worldwide.

The Muslims seem tolerant of radicals taking charge, and it is these radicals who call the "faithful" to jihad.

I know of no Christian, evangelical or otherwise, who is "jealous of that mojo."
2006-11-24 23:43:48 UTC
it's a strict following of the rules of the religion... it's actually a fairly young religion as religions go... and most often practiced by those with low levels of education... on average...

it kind of reminds me of the early days of Christianity... check out the crusades or inquisition... it reminds me all to well...

in fact... up until the 1800s state religions often had these kinds of rules like those you mention in Europe... that's why many came to America, to escape the religious persecution...

but not any more...
jim ex marine offi,
2006-11-24 23:38:55 UTC

since the Muslims number app, 25% of the worlds population don't any one see the looming danger to the world as a whole if so then why do we allow them to immigrate to America, Don't we have enough problems without them?only a damned fool would put a fox in his hen house
2006-11-25 04:05:47 UTC
"Islam is a religion of peace." Too bad the definition of peace is nothing but all non muslims to be dead or subjugated.
Stand 4 somthing Please!
2006-11-25 00:43:28 UTC
a lot of people around here have to have a building fall on them to figure this out.
2006-11-25 00:40:36 UTC

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