Israel attacks no provacation after promiseing a cease fire and they are the victim?
2006-07-31 10:39:38 UTC
Today Israel attacked it's nieghbour after saying it would allow 48 hrs to get civilans ut of the way to provide humanitarian aid and to investigate how the 54 people mostly children got "acidently" bombed ........Nope 12 hrs later they fire and still tell us they are a poor victim?
But they got what they wanted after all didn't they?

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's hardline forces should get ready to take revenge on Israel and the United States for the offensive on Lebanon, the head of the Revolutionary Guards was quoted as saying on SundThe Basij and Revolutionary Guards should prepare to get even with the Zionists and Americans," Yahya Rahim-Safavi was quoted as telling Islamic militiamen by the conservative Fars news agency.
The Basij are volunteer Islamic militiamen.
"The timing of the this will be announced by the leader," he added.
How can anyone believe that Israel is a victim ?They wanted war with Iran and a couple hundred children later they are going to get it.
22 answers:
2006-07-31 10:44:46 UTC
Lebanon promised to disarm Hezbolla years ago. Does two wrongs make a right? I guess we'll find out soon.

BTW, Hezbolla launched 150 rockets into Israel at CIVILIAN targets. All of Hezbolla's attacks have been on CIVILIAN targets. Wake the F up.
2006-07-31 18:06:45 UTC
I am not so certain that Israel killed those children. Why were they, (the children) even there? There should be no one in southern Lebanon other than the Hezbollah and Israeli soldiers. Civilians have had over fifteen days to leave. IT"S A WAR. GET OUT!

I think the civilians that are getting killed, including the children, are still there in southern Lebanon because the cowardly Hezbollah will not allow them to leave. In essence, Hezbollah killed those children.

Go to this link and see the proof. But, these are graphic photos. Read the text about when these photos were taken and the details behind the pictures. It propaganda!

Check it out.
2006-07-31 17:49:45 UTC
Wow. you said a mouthfull, and I just heard that there was a cease-fire on NPR and now to hear that it was not honored, is surprising. The assertion that this is mere self defense is being analyzed all over the world and it is high time that the GLOBAL community came together to address how this long time plea no longer applies in todays modern world, especially since some of the rockets israel lobs at others have the letters U.S.A. on them. I do not wish for continued voilence and terrorism on either side, but I do see some legitimacy to what the "other side" is asserting about israel. We must look closely at the fact that BOTH sides employ very racist ideas about the other
2006-07-31 17:42:59 UTC
1000 Arab prisoners in israeli prisons many of them being held without a single charge or a fair trial.

25% of them are women and children under 16 years old.

they are dying from torture or lack of medical attention.

many of them have been in prison for 25 years.

Hezbollah is a lebanese resistance ( honest lebanese citizens ) that fought the Israeli occupation from 1982-2000 and were able to do what MOST Arab countries couldnt do.

they have been asking for the release of the women and children and some lebanese citizens that are being held for no reason.

Israel never apply to their demands.

the palestanians kidnapped a israeli soldier and demanded a release of the women and children from prisons.

israel went and destroyed Gaza and killed hundreds in a matter of weeks.

Hezbollah crossed the borders killed 6 israeli soldiers and kidnapped 2 and demanded the release of the women and children.

Israel starts bombing lebanon, Hezbollah retaliates with firing rockets on north Israel.

Israel expands it's military campaign and destroys the ifrastructure of lebanon. and promises that for every single rocket fired at israel they will bomb a 10 story civilian building.

they succeed in destroying lebanon and killed almost 700 civilian mostly women and children.

and Hezbollah still able to fire more rockets.

Hezbollah caused huge damage in the israeli ground forces and killed a lot of soldiers. and very few civilians.

it's sad how israel takes her anger on the defenseless innocent civilians who cant even defend themselves.
2006-07-31 17:48:15 UTC
Israel *never* wanted war with Iran. They never wanted war period. The U.S. media isn't telling that hundreds of shells are hitting Israel daily from Lebanon. Should Israel be blaimed for Hezbollah's bad aim? Hezbollah uses women and children as human shields. They build their installations in heavily civilian areas on purpose. Kana was very tragic, and Israel's military is reviewing it, but Hezbollah purposely targets civilian areas. Israel doesn't.
rosi l
2006-07-31 17:47:02 UTC
Have you bothered to look at the footage on television. In the area they were attacking there were burn marks from missiles being launched, spent ammo, I believe a tank and other military type equipment used by Hezbollah. Wake up, Israel is not the bad guy here.
2006-07-31 17:50:09 UTC
Israel was attacked. Their civilians were targeted. They do not claim victimhood. Hezbilah is spinning their victimhood displaying pictures of dead children while they continue to place their aggressive military weapons in civilian neighborhoods.

The Israeli are defending themselves and trying to keep civilian injuries at a minimum by targeting military installations. Their attempt at protecting civilians is unprecidented in any war through World War II.

Wake up and stop following media spin.
profile image
2006-07-31 17:47:39 UTC
Not only that, but some person from israel was being questioned on the news. This person said that israel was very saddened and sorry for the killing of civilians and was investigating. The interviewer was very skeptical and not very friendly to the israelie representative. Lo and behold the representative lied
2006-07-31 17:45:17 UTC
Hello??? Hezbollah is a TERRORIST organization. Do some research. Check out what their goals are before thinking they that Israel is the aggressor: It is to annihilate Israel. At least the Israeli's have the balls to fight without the whining we have to deal with here in America.
2006-07-31 17:44:54 UTC
they also said they would continue to use air support for ground units.

Intersting that you left that out.

Sad to hear about the kids. Unfortunately accidents do happen in war.

Funny how you don't criticize Hezbollah for starting this. Or even Lebanon for allowing a terrorist organization to fire missles from their country in CIVILIAN areas.

Why is that?
2006-07-31 17:44:08 UTC
They reserved the right to act to protect themselves from missiles. This is what they did. The problem is that Hezbollah hides among innocent civilians. Hezbollah does this so that if they DARE defend themselves Hezbollah can carry around bodies to show the foreign media.
2006-07-31 18:58:44 UTC
I'm afraid you are only seeing things from one perspective. It is obviously an issue that doesn't so much touch you as seize you to the core...including your senses.

While it is certainly wrong to attack without provocation, it is equally wrong for terrorist groups like Hezbollah to use suburban properties as weapons storehouses and missile launch sites. Children, women, men, families killed...humans, not just Jews or Arabs or any other arbitrarily constructed's all wrong...and remarks like yours only add fuel to the fire...

Ultimately, we are all sharing one planet. So, rather than look for evidence to support only your hate-riddled agenda, why not cultivate peace in your own mind, your own heart and your own community?
2006-07-31 17:44:09 UTC
People in the Middle Ages believed that Jews killed gentile children during Kaballa ceremonies and drank their blood.

Sound familiar?
2006-07-31 17:50:33 UTC
That makes absolutley no sense. Maybe to a fish it does, but where the hell have you been?

Every single rocket Hezbolla has shot is at civilians.

F'n braindead people like you....
2006-07-31 18:10:41 UTC
I guess that the fact that Israel is bombed right now by Hizbollah does not bother you, right?
Spirit Walker
2006-07-31 17:44:03 UTC
WHAT DO YOU MEAN, NO provocation? Where have you been? The arab would has been harassing Israel since it's conception.
2006-07-31 17:44:00 UTC
look fish they continued firing rockets at Israel tell the whole truth
2006-07-31 17:44:53 UTC
I just answered this question for you, as you posted it 20 mins ago.

Israel said they would not attack targets, EXCEPT for missle launching targets.
Cheesie M
2006-08-01 23:11:46 UTC
Senator John McCain's brother on The Jews & Israel.

There is a lot of worry popping up in the media just now -- "Can

Israel Survive?" Don't worry about it. It relates to something that

Palestinians, the Arabs, and perhaps most Americans don't realize -- the Jews are never going quietly again. Never. And if the world doesn't come to understand that, then millions of Arabs are going to die. It's as simple as that.

Throughout the history of the world, the most abused, kicked-around race of people have been the Jews. Not just during the holocaust of World War II, but for thousands of years. They have truly been "The Chosen People" in a terrible and tragic sense.

The Bible story of Egypt's enslavement of the Jews is not just a

story, it is history, if festooned with theological legend and

heroic epics. In 70 A.D. the Romans, which had for a long time

tolerated the Jews -- even admired them as 'superior' to other

vassals -- tired of their truculent demands for independence and decided on an early "Solution" to the Jewish problem. Jerusalem was sacked and reduced to near rubble, Jewish resistance was pursued and crushed by the implacable Roman War Machine -- see 'Masada'. And thus began The Diaspora, the dispersal of Jews throughout the rest of the world.

Their homeland destroyed, their culture crushed, they looked

desperately for the few niches in a hostile world where they could be safe. That safety was fragile, and often subject to the whims of moody hosts. The words 'pogrom', 'ghetto', and 'anti-Semitism' come from this treatment of the first mono-theistic people. Throughout Europe, changing times meant sometimes tolerance, sometimes even warmth for the Jews, but eventually it meant hostility, then malevolence. There is not a country in Europe or Western Asia that at one time or another has not decided to lash out against the children of Moses, sometimes by whim, sometimes by manipulation.

Winston Churchill calls Edward I one of England's very greatest kings. It was under his rule in the late 1200's that Wales and Cornwall were hammered into the British crown, and Scotland and Ireland were invaded and occupied. He was also the first European monarch to set up a really effective administrative bureaucracy, surveyed and censused his kingdom, established laws and political divisions. But he also embraced the Jews.

Actually Edward didn't embrace Jews so much as he embraced their money. For the English Jews had acquired wealth -- understandable, because this people that could not own land or office, could not join most of the trades and professions, soon found out that money was a very good thing to accumulate. Much harder to take away than land or a store, was a hidden sock of gold and silver coins.

Ever resourceful, Edward found a way -- he borrowed money from the Jews to finance imperial ambitions in Europe, especially France. The loans were almost certainly not made gladly, but how do you refuse your King? Especially when he is 'Edward the Hammer'. Then, rather than pay back the debt, Edward simply expelled the Jews. Edward was especially inventive -- he did this twice. After a time, he invited the Jews back to their English homeland, borrowed more money, then expelled them again.

Most people do not know that Spain was one of the early entrants into The Renaissance. People from all over the world came to Spain in the late medieval period. All were welcome -- Arabs, Jews, other Europeans. The University of Salamanca was one of the great centers of learning in the world -- scholars of all nations, all fields came to Salamanca to share their knowledge and their ideas. But in 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella, having driven the last of Moors from the Spanish Shield, were persuaded by the righteous fundamentalists of the time to announce "The Act of Purification". A series of steps were taken in which all Jews and Arabs and other non-Christians were expelled from the country, or would face the tools and the torches of The Inquisition. From this 'cleansing' come the Sephardic Jews -- as opposed to the Ashkenazis of Eastern Europe. In Eastern Europe, the sporadic violence and brutality against Jews are common knowledge. 'Fiddler' without the music and the folksy humor. At times of fury, no accommodation by the Jew was good enough, no profile low enough, no village poor enough or distant enough.

From these come the near-steady flow of Jews to the United States. And despite the disdain of the Jews by most 'American' Americans, they came to grab the American Dream with both hands, and contributed everything from new ideas of enterprise in retail and entertainment to becoming some of our finest physicians and lawyers. The modern United States, in spite of itself, IS The United States in part because of its Jewish blood.

Then the Nazi Holocaust -- the corralling, sorting, orderly

eradication of millions of the people of Moses. Not something that other realms in other times didn't try to do, by the way, the

Germans were just more organized and had better murder technology.

I stood in the center of Dachau for an entire day, about 15 years ago, trying to comprehend how this could have happened. I had gone there on a side trip from Munich, vaguely curious about this

Dachau. I soon became engulfed in the enormity of what had occurred there nestled in this middle and working class neighborhood.

How could human beings do this to other human beings, hear their cries, their pleas, their terror, their pain, and continue without

apparently even wincing? I no longer wonder. At some times, some places, ANY sect of the human race is capable of horrors against their fellow man, whether a member of the Waffen SS, a Serbian sniper, a Turkish policeman in 1920's Armenia, a Mississippi Klansman. Because even in the United States not all was a Rose Garden. For a long time Jews had quotas in our universities and graduate schools. Only so many Jews could be in a medical or law school at one time. Jews were disparaged widely. I remember as a kid Jewish jokes told without a wince - "Why do Jews have such big noses?"

Well, now the Jews have a homeland again. A place that is theirs. And that's the point. It doesn't matter how many times the United States and European powers try to rein in Israel, if it comes down to survival of its nation, its people, they will fight like no lioness has ever fought to save her cubs. They will fight with a ferocity, a determination, and a skill, that will astound us.

And many will die, mostly their attackers, I believe. If there were a macabre historical betting parlor, my money would be on the Israelis to be standing at the end. As we killed the kamikazes and the Wehrmacht soldaten of World War II, so will the Israelis kill their suicidal attackers, until there are not enough to torment them.

The irony goes unnoticed -- while we are hammering away to punish those who brought the horrors of last September here, we restrain the Israelis from the same retaliation. Not the same thing, of course -- We are We, They are They. While we mourn and seethe at September 11th, we don't notice that Israel has a September 11th sometimes every day.

We may not notice, but it doesn't make any difference. And it doesn't make any difference whether you are pro-Israeli or you think Israelis the bully of the Middle East. If it comes to where a new holocaust looms -- with or without the concurrence of the United States and Europe--Israel will lash out without pause or restraint at those who would try to annihilate their country.

The Jews will not go quietly again.

Joe McCain
2006-07-31 18:11:02 UTC
they should put in prison much more of those theorists and your country should do that too even if is Iran

and hopefully there it will be pace
2006-07-31 18:06:45 UTC
to all of u media-blinded westerns take a minutes and check out those :
2006-07-31 17:44:28 UTC
your agenda is unjustified

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.