Will America turn around if Biden gets elected?
2020-10-25 20:33:05 UTC
Will America turn around if Biden gets elected?
175 answers:
2020-10-28 03:05:31 UTC
No. It will turn around because the economy goes up and down regardless of who is president. presidental policies can make it worse or better. but if trump gets elected again, still would have little to do with him. same with Biden. 
2020-10-27 15:27:23 UTC
Joe will never turn around the damage done to the US Economy.

Stock markets again plunged on the fake news that Trump has seen a surge in support.

Unemployment is higher than since the Great Depression.

Average Earning are lower than at any time in History.


Trumps Kids are Wealthier than ever, so that's OK then.

Trump is donating his Presidential Salary to Charity, I wonder how much of it goes to the one Eric and Don Jr Robbed?
2020-10-27 13:27:36 UTC

"How do higher taxes turn anything around?"

Oh, you mean like the DEFICIT??  You people keep voting yourselves tax cuts because you don't want to pay your own way - I want my roads fixed, why are they charging me gas tax!!  You keep kicking your can of selfishness down the road for someone *else* to pay.
2020-10-27 10:50:16 UTC
How do higher taxes turn anything around? 
2020-10-27 00:35:28 UTC
No, it will get worse, Biden wants to tak businesses and raise minimum wage to 15 an hr, small businesses can't afford that, therefor layoffs will follow, he also wants to raise taxes on small businesses, which will increase their burden, so small businesses will close and be a thing of the past, Biden also wants to open boarders for illegals, when they come in, they will take up American jobs, so therefore the Americans will be further in poverty while Hispanics and immigrants work our jobs and send the money to Mexico to their families while they live 10 families to 1 house, Biden is BAD for the country, Vote Trump 2020
rev ricky
2020-10-26 21:31:07 UTC
Of course. If you recall W., he was the last disastrous GOP President. He almost brought America to it's knees.

So we did this before. It started with the Recovery Act of 2009. We bailed out the Auto Industry and the rest. This time around we are experienced. We know what we did wrong in 2009. 

We brought the country back. Restored America to it's world leadership. We turned over a great country and economy to Trump. He rode the Recovery Act into his administration and tried to claim it as his own.

But once again, we, the Democrats and Joe Biden, will be inherited a country in shambles from the Republicans. Don't worry, we're good at this
2020-10-26 17:14:36 UTC
Only slightly.  Remember, Trump is both a symptom and a cause.  Replacing him gets rid of the cause, but not the sickness that brought him to office in the first place.
2020-10-26 16:39:37 UTC
Yes America will turn around if Biden gets elected and is not tricked out of serving like Gore or Hillary. The increasingly crooked Republican tricks have gradually led to the rise of the Fascist State and a Supreme Court loaded with Right Wing Extremists. 
2020-10-26 06:22:44 UTC
Maybe maybe not.

The damage that traitor trump has done to America is likely going to take decades to fix.

But even if Biden ends up just putting band aids on cuts it’s better than opening new ones like the cancer known as trunp will do.
2020-10-25 20:36:30 UTC
sure, turn-around and fall over dead .......................


TRUMP 2020 !! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
Not Applicable
2020-10-28 20:26:53 UTC
One can only hope so, but I suspect our problems go beyond any term of a President and perhaps more than one President. It started under Bush, 43, but it is starting to be clear that we have systemic problems which go beyond Presidents or parties. Bush 43 didn't cause it necessarily, but he had the first punch thrown at him. The problem is that the fixes of the past are starting to no longer work. 

You can't use wars to stimulate the economy--risk is too high as they can get out of control, automation is reaching into all areas of the economy white collar as well as blue collar--what happens to all those truckers when automated trucks hit the the road in earnest, and how do you balance free trade with fair trade? Wealth inequality is unsustainable and are climate issues. Creating a system which empowers communities, democratizes capital and addresses climate issues is going to require some real creativity.  
2020-10-28 18:18:52 UTC
Turn around?  The economy had never been better in all of history under Trump's watch.  Covid-19 and the shutdown of 1/3rd of the economy is the problem.  America will turn around when we are open for business again, whether that is Trump or Biden.  Trump will likely either maintain the status quo he had or continue to provide incentives for businesses to operate in the US.  Biden will raise taxes, reducing your ability to provide for yourself and your family and spend it on social programs that most decent people will never see.  If anything, Biden will make things worse.
2020-10-28 01:12:27 UTC
Biden and Democrats want to lock down the country again and put more people out of work and more businesses out of work. Does that sound like a turnaround plan to you? And Biden doesn't know how to create jobs.
2020-10-27 21:49:27 UTC
One can only hope.  HE, at least, is realistic.  Trump is in La-la Land.
2020-10-27 21:48:30 UTC
I'm guessing you couldn't articulate what needs to be turned around with a rational informed argument to save your life. Anything economic that needs turning around, Trump has PROVEN he knows how to do once most of the effect of COVID have past by next year. Biden has to clue know how to turn around an economy. He and Obama tried for 7 years with out much success. They don't understand Supply-Side economics is the key to fixing anything economic. Republicans understand this by nature.
2020-10-27 18:10:07 UTC
It all depends on what you mean by 'turn around'?  If Biden is elected - the only turning America will be forced to do is to turn to complete Socialism/Communism.....which means NO Freedoms and NO Rights.
2020-10-27 12:46:09 UTC
Sure! Just as it ushered in the golden age under SUPERFLUOUS Obama!

Obama's LEGACY the TRUMP presidency! Hardly matters which corporate lemming rams the white house like the Titanic!
2020-10-27 03:58:59 UTC
America will be SO much better if Trump leaves office.

Anyone could replace Trump, and America would still improve A LOT.
Stop This Chaos
2020-10-26 21:21:23 UTC
We have only one hope.  What we have now is a total failure to the nation and it's future !!!
2020-10-26 19:55:47 UTC
Something has to give. Things are bad!
2020-10-26 18:50:44 UTC
The world will be turning round, round, and round.
2020-10-26 16:53:39 UTC
Yeah if corrupt Joe gets in America will turn around and back to the 1930's great depression.
2020-10-26 16:20:35 UTC
America will recover from Trump. Not to say that things will be better. But it will be a big improvement over the regression of Trumps power for 4 years.
2020-10-26 15:55:52 UTC
I predict a stock market crash under Biden, like Trump or hate Trump if you will, the stock market reacts very well to Trump's economic initiatives, I don't blame Trump for covis-19, I wouldn't blame any American politician for it, but I would hold accountable our leaders on how they handle any crisis, democrats have done miserable with partisan politics during this crisis, trying to extract pork payouts for poorly run cities that were in ruin before the pandemic hit rather than give money to covid related victims is a precursor to how Biden will run the country, America can't afford Biden, Trump isn't  a Washington D.C. fixture and that is why the media is poorly reporting on facts, the media is an arm of the democratic party, news isn't news anymore....just opinions and propaganda. 
2020-10-26 14:29:23 UTC
Too little, too late. Maybe Bernie would’ve turned things around
2020-10-26 14:08:53 UTC
No.  Biden gets his salary and does nothing.  Kamala and Alexandria Cortez will run the country with their New Green Deal and your taxes will go sky high, you'll be back at war, your new jobs will be gone, the virus will end whether Trump or Biden, and if Biden shuts down the economy you'll be a third world country.  During this pandemic President Trump fought for your health and your economy.  He knew how both are important to Americans.

Electing Biden is the worst thing this nation can do.  You are putting a crook into the presidency with Biden and Hunter and Hillary and Obama and Pelosi and Schumer and Schiff.
2020-10-26 10:01:47 UTC
No. Our problems are long-standing and grow out of the system. They are not due to this or that individual.
2020-10-26 06:12:57 UTC
He will probably not be doing much of anything. He will be resting comfortably while his VP does all kinds of radical socialist stuff. Pretty scary what has happened to the Democratic Party.

PS...Sweden gets pissed when dems call them socialist, so stop doing it. 
2020-10-25 22:54:16 UTC
Did the last time.
Andrew S
2020-10-25 20:38:55 UTC
yes turn around bend over and take it up the tail pipe.
2020-10-30 17:09:11 UTC
No it will crash.  All will stop dead with shut downs and mandatory mask wearing  and the  depression will seep into every phase of life. 
2020-10-28 23:31:37 UTC
If Biden gets elected it will be the beginning of the end. Trump was our last chance and America blew it because they're morons.
2020-10-28 19:20:06 UTC
For the worse???? Yes
2020-10-28 07:19:39 UTC
If he smart enough to manage the country, that would be good for America. But if not, that would be worst.
2020-10-27 22:39:15 UTC
Sure will!  180 turn, right into the ground.
2020-10-27 19:52:26 UTC
It will go to sh!t if Biden wins!!!!!
2020-10-27 17:19:06 UTC
The Founding Fathers will likely turn over in their graves. 
Common Sense
2020-10-27 16:48:50 UTC
You better start stretching your muscles because you are gonna need them to bend over and kiss your @ss goodbye.  Your life is going to change, alright. Brace yourself.
2020-10-27 08:48:47 UTC
nope still be stuffed , new york still a dump and california still a fire hazard .ohh yes your will still have riots and the covid virus , you see no one can stop the virus ..
pappa hines
2020-10-27 08:03:24 UTC
trump did not bring the virus here.there is no play book to fight it .the virus shut the economy down .it's a 2 headed dragon to fight with the virus and we know alot about it,in better shape to fight it. .if biden wins he'll shut the economy  down...can you say depressionnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!
2020-10-27 07:49:20 UTC
No. I doubt that will happen
2020-10-26 17:07:09 UTC
The President can't turn thing around, one way or the other. I've been watching politics since the 1960s
Green Puffin
2020-10-26 11:16:06 UTC
Sadly it takes more than 4 - 8 years to change generational views.
2020-10-26 05:26:03 UTC
Would be hard to turn a ship the size of the US in 4 years.
2020-10-26 04:12:09 UTC
Yes, it will change for the worse.
2020-10-26 03:02:35 UTC
No you think Biden a hero.. Your wrong he cause the biggest refugee crisis with Obama trump turn the refugee crisis around 
2020-10-25 22:44:02 UTC
Yes America will be the America that was meant to after Trump is no more. it will take sometime to fix the damage. but we will be happier.

And No Mr. Biden will not turn America into.a Communism. some people in here are real dim.
2020-10-25 20:57:56 UTC
Yes, It will turn around toward socialism instead of away from it.
2020-10-25 20:45:30 UTC
Yes, slowly but surely, I think.
2020-10-25 20:44:21 UTC
Not in my opinion, Biden was in government for 47 years with very little accomplished and he mows say his two major accomplishments were mistakes, He also calls himself lunch box joe and he knows what you have to do every day. I added up his life 24 he got out school he spent 47 years in Washington 4 years retired. That adds up to 75 when was he lunch box joe. Joe is a liar in my opinion.
2021-03-24 00:51:10 UTC
Yes. The country is better. 
2020-10-29 02:47:47 UTC
God I hope so. Being an American has gotten so embarrassing. There is a reason other countries laugh at us and have the sterotypes(which are not good ones, may I add) that they have about Americans. 
2020-10-28 19:33:01 UTC
Unfortunately, yes.  Because it'll go in the totally WRONG direction.
2020-10-28 11:59:31 UTC
I think it will.

He's not some kind of magician - but just having someone in the White House who is concerned with more than his image, and doesn't sit around rage tweeting at the TV all day would be a huge improvement.
2020-10-28 04:52:51 UTC
No.. it will turn , all right.. but you aren't going to like it.  Fascist rule.. is that what you want.
2020-10-28 00:55:30 UTC
If the USA was an airplane that is flying higher, it will turn and crash under such extremely poor leadership. Anonymous below me mindlessly repeats absurd lies. 
2020-10-27 23:02:39 UTC
"Everybody form a circle!  

Put your left foot in; 

Your left foot out; 

Your left foot in; 

And shake it all about; 

You do the hokey pokey; 

And turn yourself around; 

Now put your right foot in; 

Your right foot out; 

Right foot in; 

Then you shake it all about; 

And then you do the hokey pokey; 

Turn yourself around; 

That's what it's all about!"  --  old Joe Biden 
2020-10-27 21:00:47 UTC
I think you can answer that  yourself
The Devil
2020-10-27 20:13:43 UTC
The Homo Sapien Americans will. The pre-caveman Americans will not.
2020-10-27 17:02:14 UTC
Yes, as in turn south and head into the toilet.
2020-10-27 17:01:39 UTC
Yes, but it will take time. Trump's done far more damage than anything good. 
2020-10-27 15:42:25 UTC
Follow the money.

1) They will remove the Trump tax cuts -- it will hit everyone for an average of $2000 a person.

2) They will try to enact the Green new deal, which will bankrupt the U.S.

3) They will try to "phase out" fossil fuels, which increases energy costs 3x (at least).

You are looking at an economic depression that will make America even more reliant upon government assistance.  We call this SOCIALISM and it always makes people poorer.

Oh and don't forget.

4) Re-imagining police or DEFUNDING, will cause an increase in crime across the country and spur the repeal of the 2nd Amendment because government doesn't want you to be able to protect yourself.

Biden getting elected would be a resounding alarm that the American electorate has is gullible and successfully duped into voting in the socialist party.  Similar to the way the Nazi party gained power in Germany prior to WWII.

Another thing you should think about if you think comparing the Democrats to Nazi's may be over the top -- did you know that if you were able to reverse all the abortions performed on African Americans, the black population right now would be DOUBLED?  Tyranny, racism and atrocities never completely disappear -- they just change their names and hide in plain sight.
2020-10-27 10:13:36 UTC
More jobless recoveries and higher welfare rolls.
2020-10-26 20:30:26 UTC
There is no greater crime than Trump has done in stealing the trust and abandoning the people to let this plague wash over the country. How can you think of anything but COVID, COVID, COVID at a time like this? When a thousand of our family, friends, and neighbors died yesterday, and every day, needlessly, in pain, long before their time, without their loved ones nearby? He failed to do his one job: Protect us.

Come out of the darkness, dear one. Please stop wasting your God-given time, talent and treasure on that misguided sadistic psychopath named Donald J Trump.
Citizen Awesome
2020-10-26 17:02:06 UTC
Not immediately, it is a complete and utter sh show and the Trump lovers will resist. It's like when u get a new step-dad who wants to take you to baseball games, teach you how to shoot hoops, take you camping and you hate him because "this guy aint my daddy!" Yet, ur bio Dad was always stood u up for visits and didnt answer your calls. U resist the new stepdad, but eventually you see he's trying to do right by you and you stop being a jerk. So, yes, Biden will eventually turn it around, but it will take time. Yet, the relief of not having your psychotic uncle who refuses to take his meds run the show, will be felt immediately.
2020-10-26 15:32:52 UTC
Did the last time.
2020-10-26 11:57:30 UTC
All borders will disappear
2020-10-26 04:35:44 UTC
Yes!!! Absolutely, and we are heading in a good direction with Trump we don’t want a 180 we want to keep going good 

Gilgamesh King of Heroes
2020-10-26 02:51:49 UTC
2020-10-25 22:18:36 UTC
Not immediately but in a year or two
2020-10-30 01:28:02 UTC
If he has enough time to repair the damage that Trump has already made
2020-10-28 21:27:18 UTC
I believe it will
2020-10-28 14:24:08 UTC
Nope. Its gonna be on the exact same movement as if Trump won.

People forget that congress really runs the federal government.
2020-10-28 09:51:26 UTC
lol no.  America is doomed.  Democracy simply doesn't work in the long run.  It failed for the Romans and it will fail for the United States.  Wealth is constantly shifting from the lower classes to the upper classes, meaning this 'democracy' is gradually morphing into the serfdom caste system of middle-ages Europe.  That ended in revolution.  So too will this.
2020-10-28 03:03:18 UTC
I personally do not care.  If you idiots vote Trump in again, then your country sewers EXCEPTIONALLY FAST.  You have you voters to BLAME.
2020-10-28 02:43:20 UTC
One tax loop hole out of a trillion six hundred billion worth,out of four hundred billion trillion out of a billion for hundred. Thats who people are running after to rule the nation.Thats a g bush which would be the occurrence riding along with complications. Earlier on g bush confounded many into reelection. Mr. Biden makes his third run for the White House in a crowded field of Democrats. Many called for ambitious criminal justice reform. He doesn't seem answerable for the legislation of  mass incarceration that has devastated America’s black communities. He worked with segregationists to write the bills so that something for black voters. Locking down the nation, impoverishing enterprise will serve globalist agendas remember they are globalist puppets. Joe Biden doesn't know about job creation only mass incarceration. It would be best to choose other people to choose probably black people that aren't geared towards coonery it would be of great assistance. People have set up a negative precedent of themselves with the continual accentuation and acceleration of trouble through the celebration of pagan holidays eg halloween delve into paganism as heftily as one could continuously anticipating that things shall tune out best.Theres a hefty payment imperialistcally for the hoard influx through the invitation of powers and multiplicities of municipalities, spiritual forces in triplicates, thrones, dominions, legionnaires, Ephesians 6:12, a gruesome payment capitalistically nationalistically moralistically results. If people highlight a turn around in that sense there's one unless there is repentance. The individual that begun mass incarceration is incarcerated by his own mental faculties. His melt down is akin to all those under kkk melting away as punishment by YaHushua HaMashiach The following are very worrying scenario
2020-10-28 00:46:09 UTC
No, biden doesn't even know who is wife is most of the time. Did you see his pennsylvania rally. He said his father name is fennigas something kitchen table
Weasel McWeasel
2020-10-27 17:45:29 UTC
No........Trump did so much damage........the BEST Biden can hope for, in his 4 years, is simply to stop the hemorrhaging and maybe fix a little of the damage Trump did. 

As always , it's take Dems at least 4 years,  just to fix the damage of the previous republican president- 
2020-10-27 17:24:47 UTC
It is likely that the stock market would be hurt for fear that we may move back to Obama level anti buisiness regulations which might push us back into an Obama era recession. The economy was the best it has ever been until the virus and even now it is springing back but markets do have a cycle and it may just need the right trigger to push us back into a recession.

Before the virus hit, US unemployment was at all time lows, interest rates were at record lows, taxs were cut for the middle class, inflation was at record lows, wages were rising and the stock market was at all time highs. It was the best economy we ever had. Normally, the low unemployment would cause higher inflation and interest rates pushing us back towadrs a recession, but miraculously, this was not the case.

I get tired of hearing ignorant people propogating the lie that the tax cuts were only for the rich. This was not the case and the middle class knows that their annual take home pay went up with the tax cuts. It was meant for the middle class but there are those who will never accept the idea that Trump actually did anything good for the people.
2020-10-27 04:53:03 UTC
Yes and in a positive way.
2020-10-27 01:12:30 UTC
It will turn into Venezuela
2020-10-26 20:57:22 UTC
Things will get better.  It's horrible to imagine suffering another trump term.
2020-10-26 18:59:01 UTC
Around, can't say.  No one can predict the future.

But Trump's Clown Factory will come to an abrupt end, so that can't be a bad thing.
2020-10-26 18:08:16 UTC
Ignoring the comments about Biden being in there for 46 years, many senior Republican politicians have the same claim to doing nothing and even Trump, in his 4 years, only benefited the ultra wealthy (the actual, if it exists, Deep State).

Biden is not going to change that much initially so far as what various economic stimulus packages and actions are required.  What Biden wants however is to see the US start developing new technology again instead of living in the past like Trump is.  The US under Trump has fallen significantly behind many countries in various areas of technology to the point where it can no longer compete on the international market and that costs US jobs.  No amount of tariffs or restrictive trade initiatives will encourage foreign customers to purchase American made goods, in fact Trump has done the exact opposite.  While China has apparently agreed I cannot help but believe they have a hidden agenda, after all they have been very generous to Trump and his family both directly and through other means since Trump was elected.
2020-10-26 15:45:52 UTC
Yes. If Trump wins 2021 will be even worse 
2020-10-26 15:13:03 UTC
Yes, but it will take a LOT of time to repair the damage Dotard & Moscow Mitch have inflicted on America.
2020-10-26 14:35:52 UTC
Most certainly. You won't recognize America in 2024.
2020-10-26 12:38:10 UTC
Not likely when you consider that the first two years of his presidency will be dealing with the pandemic.
2020-10-26 06:24:11 UTC
No he will turn the Administrative Branch into a racketeering ring demanding 10% commission for himself through his son & brother.

Future president shouldn't have a salary, they have free Presidential Palace, free sustenance, free 1st class medical care, free security, free travel, free motorcade...
2020-10-25 20:34:49 UTC
Nah- let the war loving, prison building, oil fracking elites win-. It's not important.
2020-10-29 20:04:11 UTC
Time will tell. TrumpS tax breaks have put more money in the government than ever (for you liberals that means more taxes are being paid), however, with Covid and stimulus bills we have added trillions to the debt (for you liberals this has nothing to do with the tax breaks). If Biden gets in Pelosi will ram a multi trillion $$$ package to bail out poorly managed liberal states. This will put many generations in debt to foreign countries (for you liberals that means foreigners buy our debt). If Biden raises taxes, the government will get less revenue (for you liberals that means less money). Why you ask? Because companies and the rich can go elsewhere. Or they pass the cost on to consumers (liberal this means costs of good increases). You liberals bitched when Trump raised tariffs. Well tariffs are taxes and the consumer always pays them.

So my answer would be no. Biden has been on office for 47 years and has done nothing. Why do you think he would start now.
2020-10-28 20:09:10 UTC
America will be in the toilet if Biden is elected.. Why would we want to go backwards and resurrect the corrupt system the Democrats work so hard to build and Trump has brilliantly started to tear down piece by piece... four more years should just about do it.
2020-10-28 16:48:31 UTC
It can hardly get any worse can. God if that prat gets back in again the 3rd world war is only around the corner.

2020-10-28 03:46:33 UTC
Biden has to restore America's Honor after Trump made it lose it's, proving that the US cannot keep it's word or honor agreements!
2020-10-27 10:10:53 UTC
Be careful for what you wish Kemosabe! 

Obama; He promise change!   Obama good for his word! 

Biden: He promise America turn around!  Kemo!  I fear Biden; He bring change! Smell like buffalo droppings!
The Doctor
2020-10-27 06:15:47 UTC
its either that or stock market collapse as everyone sells off and out to hoard down guns and bread water etc. dr
2020-10-27 03:50:07 UTC
Yes, I hope so. Trump has done a lot of damage to the USA! 
2020-10-27 03:46:31 UTC
No matter who wins, the USA will turn in some direction or another.
2020-10-26 23:15:05 UTC
This country will absolutely erupt if Biden is elected.
2020-10-26 19:45:50 UTC
You bet your life it will, and it will turn around faster if Democrats take control of the Senate back from Peepublicans.
2020-10-26 17:25:31 UTC
nO he would raise taxes. I voted for Mr Trump!!
2020-10-26 16:38:01 UTC
The future looks very grim for a country led by a party who had many better candidates to choose from and the best they can come up with is Biden. He has no real vision and does not comprehend just how bad things are. There are many international  dangers that he has not even mentioned. China is flexing its muscles and so is Russia. The Middle East is still a hotbed of problems and he has not said much of anything how he will handle these situations. His plan to fix the economy, unemployment and a potential explosion of homeless people is sketchy at best. We need someone of the stature of FDR, Abraham Lincoln or JFK and Biden is not it. 
2020-10-26 16:15:46 UTC
It will take quite a while to undo all the damage that's been done, so people must be patient.  However, one thing that will improve right away is our international reputation. Getting rid of Trump will effect that.

The economy will require some careful nursing. It wasn't in as great shape BEFORE the pandemic as Trump claims. The unemployment rate was low, but many of the jobs were low-wage or part-time and offered few or no benefits. GDP hadn't really improved, wage growth was stagnant, income inequality was increasing, and our manufacturing sector was in poor condition.  Our trade deal with China actually benefits China more than it does us and requires China to buy products they were already buying anyway. The new deal with Canada and Mexico was a waste of time, effort, and money, because it's not appreciably different from the OLD deal. 

The stock market, by the way, isn't a reliable measure of the real economic lives and well-being of Americans, so it's pointless for anyone to refer to whatever it's doing.

I could go on, but yes, I think once we have a good vaccine and Biden and his people can get to work, the country will turn around and greatly improve as well. I trust him to appoint highly qualified and competent administration members and to work well with them, not to fire them right and left because he can't get along with them or they tell him things he doesn't want to hear.  I trust him to listen to the experts.
W.T. Door
2020-10-26 15:54:13 UTC
America risks being destroyed if Biden is elected. 
2020-10-26 14:29:13 UTC
Only if your a female 
2020-10-26 13:39:34 UTC
Trump has left the US in a big mess.  It will take a while to fix all the problems he's caused.  But, the country will be on a better track-- hopefully, Congress will be cooperative rather than combative.   Things will get done and improve, but it will take a while.  
2020-10-26 06:35:38 UTC
Turn Around Jump Up and Down and Scream Why Me
2020-10-26 05:22:52 UTC

All the enemies of the USA want Biden to win. Draw your conclusions.
2020-10-26 01:01:21 UTC
It shall be a grand honor to finally 'DEFEAT' the sinister 'Mastermind of EVIL' Trump, all his 'EVIL' henchmen & INSANE Trump supporters! First let's 'take back & WIN' our White House & take it from there! Bring us VICTORY! =<)
2020-10-25 20:33:32 UTC
It will slowly decline....
Jake No Chat
2020-10-29 12:46:22 UTC
Yes, in one way.  The Nation will be turning around to bend over and take it from the Lib agenda.  Good luck to us all.
2020-10-28 22:19:03 UTC
No, the violent left wing riots by his followers Antifa and BLM will get worse
Cracked Cup
2020-10-28 19:51:56 UTC
What choice will we have?   What's done will be done and we might as well get in behind our president to be because isn't that who we elected via the electoral college or not?.  We are not a bunch of liberals who create a bunch of Acronymial protests that have no other meaning than to create more problems that we don't need, especially during this pandemic  And a pandemic that both sides are taking punches with.  Fault has nothing to do with either candidate let's get that straight first. But insuring a serious drop in numbers will be up to the president. We could rid the world of Covid 19 but it would take almost an act of God. But I don't think the darker forces that are behind the scenes want it that way otherwise they would not have let the cat out of the bag in that Chinese market place.  My belief is that this was a signature virus that was design to lower the count of elderly people if you can allow the dark side of your minds do the math.  When you consider the savings in healthcare, pensions, and the obvious fact that elderly people are no longer producers than you can understand where greed can take over. 
2020-10-27 22:57:23 UTC
Bush had the mortgage crisis that crippled the economy.

Obama/Biden repaired it and had 6 years of growth. Everyone complained it was slow while ignoring that they dealt with 3 pandemics. H1N1, Ebola, and ZIKA. But it never became a national crisis because they handled it well.

Biden can do it again while keeping America's moral high ground.

We can solve our problems, intelligently and not brutally. It might be slower but it is worth it.

We need to accept change. We have a changing planet and a changing human population, with new problems that we can see coming. Rather than reacting after the fact, we should be reacting proactively. It is always cost-effective to think preventively. A perfect example is the COVID nightmare that Trump screwed up.
2020-10-27 22:52:51 UTC
America will get turned around alright....bent over and screwed by a 47 year SWAMP creature who doesn't even know who his employer is (We the People) and just enriches his family illegally with his government positions.  We need a business person to lead the worlds largest and most prosperous business that's why Trump will win by a landslide.  Also, history will repeat itself and Mike Pence with be the President in 2024!
2020-10-27 21:06:35 UTC
Yes. it was on an upward trend, but it will turn around and sprial into a downward trend, AND the stock market knows it !
2020-10-27 18:09:37 UTC
Why would we want to do worse by electing him.   I wonder if they will do his concession speech from his basement where he went back to cowering?
2020-10-27 14:53:42 UTC
**** no it will go down the toilet. to the ones who said trump inherited a great economy NO he did not a 1 percent gdp is not a great economy, a 19 trillion dollar debt is not a great economy,5 million jobs lost is not a great economy, and to the ones who call trump traitor trump, sorry he never committed any act of treason
2020-10-27 10:57:38 UTC
No.  America will continue its downhill slide into communism regardless of who is president
2020-10-27 06:57:01 UTC
Yeah, of course why not.
Uncle Pennybags
2020-10-27 01:39:54 UTC

Our economy will turn around from a growing economy to a new Depression under Biden.

Instead of gaining hundreds of thousands of jobs every month, we will turn around and lose hundreds of thousands of jobs every month under Biden.

Instead of protecting our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, they will be gutted under Biden.
2020-10-27 00:42:44 UTC
Not likely, unless Dems also re-take the Senate.  Biden won't get anything accomplished, although I doubt he'll treat the presidency as the sort of reality-TV show that Trump has.  His "agenda," such as it is, isn't going to "turn America around" anyway, given that the post-pandemic recession will not be resolved by a bunch of Neanderthal-liberal, Dem "tax-the-rich-to-give-to-the-poor" policies. 
2020-10-26 23:01:33 UTC
Taxes are what he professes to increase and will not be good for the businesses that are reopening on limited basis to protect others.  
2020-10-26 19:08:07 UTC
Yes, America will "turn around" and go backwards! Even worse, "China" Biden and his witch, Harris, will take America down a very dark path to socialism and Communism!
2020-10-26 18:55:58 UTC
Just wondering what some people think needs to turn around. 
2020-10-26 17:04:38 UTC
Yes.  America will turn around from the economic advances (prior to Covid), national security advances, prison reform, and regulation reform that Trump created and will return to the high unemployment and struggling economy we had under Obama.

Remember $5 per gallon gasoline?

Remember Benghazi?  

Remember North Korea test firing missiles?  

Remember Iran's aggressiveness?

Remember companies leaving the USA for less oppressive taxes and regulations in other countries?

Remember the massive incarceration (especially among minorities) created by the 1994 Crime Bill?  (By the way, the Senate version of that bill was authored by Biden.)
Kazoo M
2020-10-26 15:16:01 UTC
I seriously doubt Biden has any plan, the latter would be directed by his party.

Truthfully, I insult Joe because of his support regarding Pro-Choice of which directly opposes my belief.

Sadly, Joe was forcefully pushed into this difficult position by his party.

Recall the past, he openly stated he has no interest in running for president.

Joe is old and somewhat lost in time, many people his age are similar.

I blame his party for pressing him into this dilemma that has caused him much grief.

Additionally, I believe his son is also taking advantage of him on a continual basis due to his mind wandering from age.

However, his wife should have stepped forward and supported him, preventing him from becoming a puppet of the Dem party; she did not.

Dems, show some compassion for this man and allow him to retire/live in a more peaceful environment.

Politics is a very evil profession, where each individual is on the hunt to take advantage of one another.

Biden played the game like the rest of his friends, payouts, and illegal gifts that are a forced requirement of being a career politician.

Furthermore, he could have easily said "no," but then he would have to find a new job.

Trump is the only candidate that appears to have a plan, he has never been forced by the Rep party to do anything; remember Trump is not a politician.

Sure, he may appear to have a large ego and can seem cocky, but he has always looked after the common folk above anyone else.

I voted for Trump two weeks ago!

Biden quote from the video: We're going to be in a different world?

I mean no disrespect, but I think he is already in a different world...
2020-10-26 14:38:03 UTC
America will go into one of the darkest most morbid periods of its 

History if Biden is elected.
big dog
2020-10-26 01:18:52 UTC
 We can turn around and find out where we made the wrong turn. Maybe the scarecrow will be on the corner to help us. 
2020-10-26 01:15:49 UTC
yes, it will be headed back on the right track.
Jairo Cisneros
2020-10-29 03:57:31 UTC
 For sure the country will be better with biden leadership than the racist and selfish Trump.
2020-10-28 23:05:46 UTC
No, America will be just as bad. 
The Skull
2020-10-28 22:16:04 UTC
Yeah, of course it will... It'll turn around back in the wrong direction like it did while Obama was POTUS.
2020-10-28 20:03:16 UTC
The Right says a Democrat president will destroy America like George Washington and so on.
2020-10-28 05:22:50 UTC
No. It still goes forward because time.
2020-10-27 23:17:32 UTC
YES, but not in the way anyone will like...
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-10-27 14:20:56 UTC
As a 75-year-old lifelong moderate Democrat with college training in psychology and theater, I can remind you that our representative democratic republic governed of, by, and for the people has THREE BRANCHES, three EQUAL branches, as set forth in our Constitution: Administrative, Judicial, and Congressional.  In this context, it is the Administrative (our nation's President and his or her Cabinet) whose policies are used to set a leadership standard that aligns itself with the Constitution all elected officials are sworn to protect and defend---something the self-absorbed incompetent self-hating Donald Trump has failed to do.  In this sense, President Joe Biden and his highly intelligent Vice President Kamala Harris will indeed undo some of the damages to our nation's Intelligence community, our democracy, our systems of checks and balances that malignantly narcissistic sociopath Trump and his mobbed-up thuggish appointees have been undermining for the past three years.  Should the widespread voting remove obstructionists like "Moscow Mitch" McConnell (R-KY) and Trump-blackmailed Lindsey Graham from power, returning the Senate to Democrats' majority and keeping a clear majority in the House, then our already-great, but Trump-damaged nation will be saved and returned to decency, sanity, and security.  Yes, anonymous one---our beloved nation will indeed be headed in a good direction once the moronic corrupt and incompetent Trump and his toadies are removed.

REMINDER: President Bill Clinton and his first Democrat-led Congress passed a modest 39% tax rate for multi-trillion-dollar corporations and billionaires---and successfully BALANCED THE BUDGET, without even one GOP vote. The Democrats' balanced budget evolved into Bill Clinton's $362 BILLION SURPLUS (see "The Clinton Presidency: Key Accomplishments" online). The Obama/Biden administration inherited multiple nearly fatal GOP-caused messes (2001-2008), with a stock market down to 6,900 in 2008, the housing and credit markets COLLAPSED due to deregulation, our American auto industry facing ruin, monthly job losses at more than 800,000, and a GOP-deregulated FINANCIAL SYSTEM MELTDOWN, as well as two UNPAID-FOR wars (one of them an illegal war), and the GOP-caused DEFICIT (swallowing Bill Clinton's surplus in one giant gulp by 2003) was at 10.6 of our nation's GDP---something the Obama/Biden polices reduced by more than ONE-HALF (5.2% of GDP) by 2012, and still going down. The last Obama/Biden budget remained in place until 2020, the first year that a Trump/Pence budget was enacted with help from the Pelosi-led House, and it was the Obama/Biden fiscal policies that led to the longest period of private-sector JOBS GROWN all the way up to 2019, even though lifts-wearing conman egomaniacal Trump keeps trying to take credit he has not earned.  

Yes, our nation will be saved and return to sanity once Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are in power.
2020-10-27 11:13:54 UTC
Turned around and straight down the toilet IF Harris/Biden wins this election!!!

The main things that WILL happen if Harris/Biden wins are:

MUCH higher taxes for EVERYBODY, MANY lost/forcefully removed creator given and constitutionally protected rights, Less buying power for your income from $15/hr. minimum wage, Lost property from forced confiscations, fair and honest elections where EVERY vote counts, TOTALLY open boarders allowing TENS of MILLIONS of ILLEGAL ALIENS streaming across every year, Dems WILL take FULL control of our ENTIRE federal government, our SCOTUS WILL be expanded and ONLY hard left justices added, the congressional filibusterer WILL get eliminated, the electoral college WILL get eliminated, jobs WILL be lost, you WILL lose your private healthcare and EVERYONE except congress will be on a single payer health plan paid for by GREATLY increased taxes, more FREE stuff for ILLEGAL ALIENS and those that CHOOSE not to work and those are just the beginning highlights!!! 
2020-10-27 06:43:25 UTC
What do you mean by “turn around”? Why are you implying there’s anything wrong with Trump’s results? Do you think that we are stupid? 

We had the best economy in 60 ENTIRE YEARS, before China intentionally released a deadly virus on the entire world. That’s not Trump’s fault, and you’d have to be a low IQ person or a hater to believe that.

Trump revolutionized our economy for the modern age, with great trade deals with Asia, Canada and Mexico. America was a top super-power once again. 

And then the stupid liberals sided with our enemies and conspired against Trump bcuz they were mad they lost the election. They faked Russia collusion, they conspired with China to blame Trump for the coronavirus (which was caused by China), Democrat senators called Trump “racist” when he tried to stop Chinese people from coming here from China (and then when they came they brought the virus with them, DUH), then democrat governors purposely shut down their state economies and then tried to blame Trump for the bad economy... and so on it goes. 

I don’t even know if it’s a real person posting this, or just a bot. But either way, your *** is getting destroyed this election 
2020-10-27 04:21:27 UTC
Not really, most change will come from whether or not the senate remains controlled by the GOP.
2020-10-26 19:33:31 UTC
if by turn around you mean going from a capitalistic county to a communist one.. why yes.. that is exactly what Harris is promoting!
Flora Post
2020-10-26 15:35:28 UTC
No, because Trump is a symptom of the political and racial divisiveness stirred up by the left since the Obama administration.
2020-10-26 14:39:19 UTC
If God forbid he wins, you can all pack up and move to North kores
2020-10-26 14:30:46 UTC
Yup.  It would turn around and start going downhill.                                                
2020-10-26 05:19:47 UTC
Biden will ruin this country he has borderline dementia and smells little girls ears. Hes ******.
2020-10-26 04:12:46 UTC
Yes, perhaps, your country will be not big.
2020-10-25 21:42:23 UTC
Not sure to be honest
2020-10-25 20:51:09 UTC
I assume you mean in relation to COVID issues (the virus itself and the economic effects it has had) or racial tensions.

People need to remember that even if Biden is elected to be the next president, he won't take office until late January 2021. 

Personally I think Biden will be much more competent in his handling of COVID. I think he would do more to organize a national strategy of testing and vaccinations. Keep in mind that the vaccine will likely need to be administered more than once AND it will need to be given to hundreds of millions of people for us to truly move past the challenges of the pandemic. That is a huge logistical problem that Trump has demonstrated he is incapable of handling. Biden is aware of the need of a national strategy - not just a patchwork of states' strategies.

Racial tensions? I think he has less control over. I don't think he will feed the flames of racists in the same way that Trump has done these past few years, but at the same time, these "awoken" racists won't just go away by themselves. And the media and internet platforms that enable their insurgence aren't going away even if Trump is not reelected. I think it will take years to undo the damage Trump has caused in this area.

If perhaps you meant economically, then to an extent I think yes, the US would get back to pre COVID status under Biden's leadership, bc the economic hardships we are going through right now are a result of the pandemic. You can't improve the economy in a substantive way until you get a handle on the pandemic. I don't think growth will be terribly fast or sweeping. The nature of democratic policies typically don't encourage that, but rather encourages a more modest growth. It is important to note that the economy does not equal the stock market. The stock market is one part of the economy. 

2020-10-25 20:38:17 UTC
That is very likely! The country will depart from being a thriving economy. The good part is that we will no longer need a border wall. No one will want to come here. There won't be any jobs, and long lines at the soup kitchen.
2020-10-25 20:34:20 UTC
Yes. They are that way because of them seeing Biden.
Eugene D
2020-10-29 13:41:30 UTC
Biden will say anything to get into office.  Just like Lyndon B. Johnson did.  Biden has flipped on every domestic policy from pro segregation to fracking.  He's been wrong with every foreign policy to date.  Many people are ignorant of this.  This is why Biden was not elected twice prior to running this year.  He's had 2 brain surgeries which state will impact his long term brain functions.  Yet, he's still running for president.  Do you really want that guy running the country?  Of course not, that is why he will step down if he's president and hand it over to Harris, as he's subliminally implied in 2 other speeches before.
2020-10-28 02:03:49 UTC
no America will get worse if Biden is elected
2020-10-28 01:18:46 UTC
Don't count on it.
2020-10-27 14:58:23 UTC
No one respects Biden. If he is elected America becomes a laughingstock. 
2020-10-27 13:10:01 UTC
Biden is the problem not the solution. Remember Walter Mondale went down in flames.
2020-10-27 13:04:36 UTC
Yes. It will 'turn around'. It will go in the opposite direction it's going now. In other words, America under Biden will go back to the endless oil wars, the politicians who TALK a big game but don't really do anything for America and the same old same old that we've all been complaining about for years. 
2020-10-27 12:08:12 UTC
It will turn around and go right down the toilet
2020-10-27 01:38:25 UTC
America will become a third would nation if Biden wins. The world economy will collapse.
2020-10-27 00:11:04 UTC
What does "turn around" mean.  Keep in mind the chief executive of the federal government is just one person.  All laws originate in congress. He or she can sign or veto and 2/3 of the congress can overide the veto.

The executive has some powers that don't require congress.  Trump for example cut back on a lot of regulstions that was hurting business. He pulled us out of the Paris Accord, which was never approved by the senate.  This had an immediate effect in creating jobs.  But his tax bill was passed by congress and signed by him

 This bill cut out corporate tax rate, which was second highest in the world, to 16%.  This also brought back more jobs. 

Pre COVID our unemployment rate was lowest in 20 years.  The GDP was growing faster than a decade or more.  Minority unemployment was at an all time low. Of course having virtually all 50 states shut down because of this virus killed our economy, but it will bounce back as states return to normal.
2020-10-26 17:59:32 UTC
I know if he doesn't, we'll keep marching to oblivion, and Trumplings will cheer the whole way down.
2020-10-26 15:57:32 UTC
Yes. America was better under Obama and we will of course go back to that.
2020-10-26 15:01:56 UTC
No, the era of USA is over.  The era of China is here.  Better learn to speak Mandarin Chinese
2020-10-26 10:50:39 UTC
The only thing that will be turned around is that liberals will stop complaing especially the nasty media 
2020-10-26 09:47:33 UTC
I want to see what Biden and Harris say when ANTIFA and BLM show up at their houses a month after they get elected. In Canada Justin Trudeau virtue signals to groups like this endlessly but indigenous people turn on him in a split second if they don't get their palms greased. 

These groups are not grateful.
2020-10-26 05:00:36 UTC
Biden will clean up Trump's mess and get our country healthy and happy again.  
2020-10-26 04:07:08 UTC
May take awhile to fix Trumps damage but eventually 

Dictator  you are right Joe spent over 40 and didn't accomplish much, BUT  NO ONE has ever screwed things up so bad I just 3 years as Trump
2020-10-26 03:23:47 UTC
America will be called Mexico 2, if he wins.
2020-10-26 03:20:35 UTC
YES INDEED. We Democrats will unfortunately have to clean up another GOP MESS. Just like WE Democrats have done during the previous decades in which GOP administrations dropped our country and economy into a big HOLE. And then it was the MORE DECENT DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRESIDENT that was elected afterwards and pulled our country and economy out of the previous GOP hole, Unfortunately the current fake realty tv show drama queen gossip girl CLOWN lied to the people in our country and we now have over 225,000 people whom have needlessly died from the virus as a result, Because CHUMP'S pathetic supporters think that their baby boy CHUMP will like them if they are idiots whom ignore the social distancing guidelines including wearing face masks. Well loser CHUMP; you are number one in one area. YOU are number one in the most people NEEDLESSLY DEAD during the first season of your fake reality tv drama queen gossip girl show...
2020-10-26 00:56:06 UTC
No chance, not turn around for the better. 

America will become even more warped than it already is. 

Vote for change! - Obama 

When we vote, things change! - Harris
2020-10-25 20:50:13 UTC
Yes and start heading in the wrong direction,  you dems ...gees
2020-10-28 00:13:33 UTC
america would turn communist and become a puppet of communist china if biden were to get elected. creepy joe was bought and is owned lock, stock and barrel by communist china. thankfully creepy joe doesn't stand a chance. president trump is positioned to win by a landslide.
2020-10-26 17:08:20 UTC
Yes. Hiring will increase as it did after Clinton and Obama were elected.
2020-10-26 16:58:02 UTC
Yes. America will turn around if Joe Biden wins.
Michael S
2020-10-26 08:01:22 UTC
highly doubt the USA will change much regardless of who wins the election. Remember that no one rules alone and that whoever wins the election likely owes favors to whoever helps them get there. The president, congress and senate are all puppets and those who truly run the show have the game rigged in their favor. Face it would you rather be the elected official or the person behind the elected official who can simply support the other side in the next election when the policies you put into place fail.

 Keep in mind that many of the things that happen are to keep the public distracted. BLM, Antifa, Feminism, white supremism and the like are all designed to keep the people divided. Divided you are weak and united you are strong.
2020-10-26 01:45:22 UTC
Biden gives a better chance than Trump, Trump is likened to a boy scout at the big Jamboree, and people are around a camp fire, doing their thing, and Donnie boy comes up with a gallon of gasoline and throws it on the fire................and then says.............I'm patriotic!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.