Ok, No more comments about Obama and mans best friend. His record is bad enough on serious issues.?
2012-04-19 10:07:13 UTC
UNEMPLOYMENT 8.2 Percent. Total Disclosure if all catergories are involved 19.2 percent.
But we know the spin doctor has to eliminate Dept of Labor stats to keep their boy looking
like he at least has a half assed chance.

Obama is going to give away oil reserves that belong to the US to Russia. Was that another
WINK WINK deal between he and Putin.

Obama is now Charging College students interest on loans they take out before they
graduate. Bet the little ones weren't paying attention to that little cob up their butt.

Obama has three very ugly working scandals facing his Administration.
Secret Service Problems.
Fast and Furious problems, New information surfacing on that little ditty,
Government Services Administration. Blow those tax dollars baby. WE love to party,

Now in most recognized forms of society, staff and management seem to follow
the leaders example. Should damn sure be enough said.
Nine answers:
Lil Drummer girl
2012-04-19 10:10:19 UTC
yes he does :)
2016-10-20 05:04:39 UTC
If it were to come back out that John McCain turned right into a 25 3 hundred and sixty 5 days member of the Westboro Baptist Church, the "God Hates Fags" human beings, and McCain were to assert, "you recognize even with his hurtful comments, Rev Phelps is a good and honorable guy." may you supply him an same benefit of the doubt? Havasoo, as a Catholic i come upon your answer extremely offensive. Pedophila isn't an suited habit condoned through the church. i have in no way listen a clergyman say that it changed into or must be, in inner most, yet extra importantly, even as status in the front of the congregation as Rev. Wright does even as he provides his hate speech. If I were to take heed to a clergyman try this, I, or the different Catholic for that be counted, may take perfect action, and if the priest wasn't bumped off and probably arrested, i'd in no way go back to that church. I honestly would not blow it off and save returning each and every Sunday for 2 a lengthy time period. The evaluation is absurd, ridiculous, and offensive.
2012-04-19 10:24:44 UTC
You can blame Obama all you want for the state of our economy, and quite frankly I don't care which way it goes in November, the people get what they vote for, and if Americans are so dumb and stupid to vote back in the same idiotic policies that brought the whole thing crashing down on them in 2008 then they deserve no less!!!

Obama saved us from the very worst of what would have happened had he not propped up the economy, had we been allowed to slide into the mire as conservatives say they would let have happen! then getting out of it would have been nearly impossible!!!

I do know one thing for sure, if (and its a big if) Romney does win the election, he will be sure glad that he is taking over this economy, and not the one Obama was left with in 2008!!!
2012-04-19 10:23:45 UTC
You have a problem with those scandals, none of them are linked to Obama.

Fast and Furious is a replay of a program begun while Bush was in office, by the same office in AZ.

Secret Service and the military men who were also involved in the partying and prostitution aren't appointed by nor are they run by the executive branch, and most of those men were in position before Obama took office. No one in or out of the Administration thinks Obama approved of or knew or would have approved of the spending at the GSA, which are are composed of civil servants, not political appointees.

Slogans like damn sure enough said don't go very deeply, and when you do you find no link.

No one eliminates Dept of Labor stats, they just look to change them now, after decades so it looks worse compared to the old stats. You change the game and the score changes too.

As to the oil islands...This is not a new issue. In fact the Bush and Clinton administrations are directly at fault for the same inaction. A maritime agreement negotiated by the U.S. State Department set the Russian boundary on the other side of the disputed islands, but no treaty has ratified this action.
2012-04-19 10:15:19 UTC
Well, youre totally misrepresenting all the issues and outright making stuff up but thats besides the point:

You did get one thing correct. Why should anyone, anywhere, take your side at all seirously, if they spend all their time engaging over patent nonsense? I mean, sure, Im pretty sure you're wrong about all those things you mentoned, or at least wrong about the motivations behind htem..

..But they are things that COULD exist. That it is plausible could exist. But whatever problems there really are, and there are problems (just not the ones you mention) that definetly need to be can we discuss them? Its impossible, because of those who attack him over every little thing they see or htink they see?

Id much rather have an opponent who lives in the real world. If we had actual discussions, better people would be elected. Instead, we just get tons of crazy thrown on us. No one's gonna vote for the crazy party.
2012-04-19 10:12:35 UTC
Is it OK to talk about the snakes & grasshoppers
2012-04-19 10:10:41 UTC
AWWW MOM.......It's just so fun to make them mad.
2012-04-19 10:10:32 UTC
THANKYOU. And I agree (except for the "anybody but Obama" part.....not ANYBODY).

The substantive differences between Romney and Obama are negligible.

On key issues:

Both would have signed NDAA into law.

Therefore, both support indefinite detention without charges of terror SUSPECTS (which includes U.S. citizens).

They both support continuing the failed war on drugs as is.

They both support insurance mandates (spin it how you want, a mandate is a mandate).

They both support Goldman Sachs people running the president's economic team (just look at Obama donations from 2008 and Romney from 2012).

The Obama White House actively opposed any attempts to re-institute Glass-Steagall (which separates commercial from investment banking).....which obviously Romney would have done the same since this move benefits Wall Street GREATLY.

They both support raiding legal medical marijuana facilities in states whose voters have chosen to make that industry legal.

They support staying in Afghanistan until 2014 MINIMUM.

They both would keep Guantanamo going as is.

2012-04-19 10:10:20 UTC
All you have posted are a repitition of the headlines promoted by the radical right. No facts, just spin and opinions.

You have no understanding of serious issues.

Stick to talking about dogs, it is more appropirated for you level of thinking.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.