Where do you stand on these issues?
Stan Darsh
2007-02-17 10:33:12 UTC
1. Pro-life/Pro-choice
2. Gay marriage
3. Illiegal immagration
4. Gun control
5. Taxes: High or low
6. Universal health care
7. Government involvement in social behavior
8. Government spending on social programs (such as welfare)
9. Big or small military
10. Free market economy
11. Any other issues you want to bring up
23 answers:
2007-02-17 18:56:05 UTC
1.I hate government intervention but this is probably the only issue where I am split! I care for the babies so much but at the same time I ask myself, is the government going to prohibit abortions as poorly as everything else they prohibit? History shows many womens deaths from back alley abortions! Since demand does not decrease but supply does, this industry would be hugely profitable due to high risk of imprisonment!

2.I don't believe marriage should be a concern of government in a free country. We are not placed on earth to judge, that is God's job. Besides, very few churches would offer them!

3.Illegal Immigration laws should be laxed! What would really help is if Mexico could get economic freedom! That would solve the whole problem!

4.Gun Control puts guns in the criminal hands and takes the defense away from the home owner. If you want to stop murders economic freedom has proven very effective although we have lost alot of it over the last 80 years.

5.For a nation to tax itself into prosperity is to stand in a bucket and pull yourself up by the handle. Economic freedom breeds growth and allows people in poverty the opportunity to work hard to better themselves and society at the same time!

6.Government has huge inefficiencies that are inherited! Today the people are given a Hobbes choice of either government run and subsidized insurance carriers or a complete take over of the healthcare network. There is a reason healthcare costs are so high. Government regulations and attempted takeovers. If this industry was on a free market and government threats of takeover weren't so abundant, more investors would jump onto building private hospitals in a competitive market. Universal Healthcare is a horrible monopoly!

7.The people should be free to do what they want in a free nation. Freedom takes tolerance!

8.Takes away incentives for production and destroys economic growth! Social Security is a pyramid scheme! We pay in 14% after taking into account the money you would'e gotten had the employer had to not pay an extra 7%. In all reality, this is just your money, the market would force this payment! Realy minimum wage is 7% more than $5.15. Of course, the poverty level never gets it! All these taxes have led to a near doubling of prices! The gas, the paper, the labor, the equipment, the accounts receivable fee, the profit fee, the investment fee......all taxes that go into production for a gallon of milk! These prices add up. The industry doesn't pay for this except for less production! This decrease of supply and constant level of demand raises the prices on all goods and all costs are passed to the consumers!

9.Minimal military, The stronger our economy the better we can defend ourselves. We need a defensive military, not an offensive! Too bad the U.N. is a bunch of *******. They get slapped in the face 20 years in a row and do nothing!

10.The free market breeds competition fueling economic growth as well as ensuring more political rights!

11.Give freedom to everyone yet understand that a justice system needs to punish those who commit crimes against others!
2007-02-17 10:49:23 UTC
1. Pro-choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Gay marriage - Yes

3. This country was founded on illegal immigration actually

4. Gun control - Should be highly regulated, too many jackasses out there playing with guns

5. Taxes: depends on what we're funding... if its a war then HELL NO!

6. Universal health care - a must! at the very least, nationwide!

7. Government involvement in social behavior - Not so much, leave it to the specialists

8. Government spending on social programs (such as welfare) - we need to care for our people and those truly needing it for example those living w/o the basic needs for life such as water , food, healthcare, education.

9. Big or small military - how about the middle, and try to not implement the use of the military unless under attack.

10. Free market economy - in a world full of corruption there will always be the need for regulation to protect everyone, but should be minimal!

11. EDUCATION - EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO GET IT, COLLEGE SHOULD BE LESS EXPENSIVE. The more educated you are, the less controversy you will have with these issues bc in the end, we all want whats best for humanity (or so I'd like to believe)
2007-02-17 10:51:36 UTC
1. Pro-choice

2. For

3. Deport them at all costs!

4. Less gun control. Hand guns OK! Fully automatic rifles or mininguns unnecessary for civilian use!

5. Low!!!!!

6. Hell no!!!!! Won't work, health care will be rationalized to much. That's why Canadians come down here for health care! Would mean less effective health care for everyone, unlike now 85% of the population has great and effective health care. Don't change what is working great for 85% of the population!

7. Small amount!

8. No! Get rid of welfare make them get jobs. As for theatres and such, if they can't make it thru donations, too bad! No gov. money!

9.Very big! It's what keeps us on top of the world!

10. The freer the market the freer the people! Also means lower taxes and lower prices on purchasing stuff. Better economy too!

11. This whole politically "Im offended" corretness movement needs to die off. Offending and being offended against is just human nature! Deal with it! The moment we start changing rules and society every time someone gets offended will be the end of free speech! Affirmative action needs to go as well, it just promotes more racial divisiion and racism!

12. The death penalty! Use it more often, get rid off these scum of society types!
2007-02-17 10:35:42 UTC
1. Pro-life, did you know that a babies heart beat can be seen from the first trimester, that means its alive. Abortion kills 1.3million a year.

2. Marriage is a union between one man and one woman. But i personally think that since this is a democracy the folks of each state should have a vote on whether to accept, or reject gay marriage in that state. And it cant be over turned by a judge.

3. Immigrants should be accepted. Im as conservative, but as a multiracial person i think that all people that cross the border should be given a chance for citizenship.

4. Men, mission, and muskets are what founded this nation. The founding fathers realized that ultimately the only way to stop gov't tyranny is for the people to stop it. People shouldnt fear their govt, the govt should fear its people.

5. Lower taxes, the markets are at all time highs and the economy is booming. And plus, im poor and as it is life is hard enough, the last thing i need is for the govt to take more money.

6. Everyone should have somekind of affordable health care, whether that be universal or not, it shouldnt include raising taxes.

7. Gov't involvement in social behavior should be almost non-existant. The moment when the gov't says you cant do this, then they say you cant do that, and soon you have tyranny, thats when the guns come in.

8. I support it, just as long as it doesnt harm the economy.

9. Big military, China and Russia and global terrorism pose a deadly threat. And during Thoams Jeffersons presidency there was a small military, just 2 presidents later, the English burned Washington. We need a BIGGER military.

10. America was based on a free market. When you take it away, that when it becomes socialism. People deserve the right to be able to own a business.

11. We need tougher laws on sex predators. In Florida we had a girl that was raped and killed her name was Carlie Brucia, she was my friend. People like this dont ever deserve to get out of jail.

I think some of them even deserve the death penalty.

Good question.
2007-02-17 10:58:53 UTC
1. Pro-life/Pro-choice


2. Gay marriage


3. Illiegal immagration

Opposed, but with a humanitarian approach to seeking resolution.

4. Gun control

In favor.

5. Taxes: High or low

Appropriate taxation to support a proper social safety net and Universal health-care.

6. Universal health care

As above.

7. Government involvement in social behaviour

I'm not sure what you mean, specifically.

8. Government spending on social programs (such as welfare)

Increased spending with more emphasis on skills training.

9. Big or small military

Moderate Military

10. Free market economy

Yes, but constrained. Capitalist interests need to be balanced against the effects of those interests on social development.

Unrestrained Capitalism effects society negatively.

11. Any other issues you want to bring up

Several, but not at this moment.
2007-02-17 10:55:34 UTC
1. Pro life unless that person is a demonstratable threat to the safety of the community.

2. Marriage is one man and one woman. Period.

3. If you are an illegal immigrant, go back and come here the correct way.

4. The second ammendment speaks for itself. Gun control only guarantees that the intended victim will be unarmed. A college town in Florida had a problem with ual assult. After a free CCW (Carry a Concealed Weapon) class was offered and repeated three times because of demand, ual assult almost disappeared.

5. Quoting Reagan: "Government isn't the solution. Government is the problem." Lower Taxes.

6. See Number 5

7. See Number 5

8. See Number 5

9. Peace through strength. If people know they will get their rear ends kicked thourghly by attacking you, they won't attack you.

10. See Number 5
2007-02-17 10:52:01 UTC
1. Pro-life, but I don't vote for people based on their stance

2. Don't really care

3. Deport them all

4. Don't believe in it, and neither did the Founders

5. Low, as low as possible to still produce revenue to perform the necessary functions of government (and those don't include Social Security and Medicare)

6. Nope. All universal health care will do will make it more expensive for everyone, and we already have too many people who don't have to pay for their medical care flooding hospitals and clinics with splinters and chest colds.

7. None. Stay out of my bedroom

8. Government shouldn't be spending money on welfare

9. Small military

10. In favor of it, with government oversight to stop abuses

11. PRIVATIZE SOCIAL SECURITY. I know how to fund my retirement and what my needs will be when I retire much more than the government does, and the system has trillions upon trillions upon trillions of dollars in unfunded mandates that will bankrupt this country when the greediest generation ever invented, the Baby Boomers, start to retire.
2007-02-17 10:42:18 UTC
First of all, GREAT QUESTION!


No Gay Marriage, Civil Unions ok

Illegal Immigration is wrong, but so is jaywalking

Gun Control is bad

Low taxes

Universal health care is a great Idea...never get it past Insurance companies

No government involvement other than police and courts

Welfare should be banished in favor of free higher education

Big Military, but only used when attacked or genocide is going on

Free market economy is good intra-country...globalization is bad.

One other issue: Didn't we vote Democrats into office to change the direction of the war in Iraq? all they are doing is voting on a non-binding resolution that doesn't mean squat.
2007-02-17 10:45:14 UTC
1) disagree with abortion but am pro-life because it does serve its function

2) non-issue only gay people who want to marry, and homophobes stuck in the closet worry about this.

3)don't like illegal immigration, but what is the reason to spend sooo much $$$ making sure they don't cross illegally, but instead cross via Bush's guest worker program??

4) I control my own guns!

5) as high as they have to be to pay our bills, so they aren't left for our children. as low as they can be without cuttign American opportunity.

6) sounds liek a great idea, and is completely possible, but insurance companies will never go for it.

7) leave the morale police in Iran

8) i'd rather give the poor money rather than having them jack my car with the kids in the back seat.

9) military in a civilized world, that are lead by civilized people are needed for defense only. But there should be more opportunity for medical careers, and training in the military. afterall, is a tanl operator going to fight anthrax, or is a medical profession? they can help provide medical for that universal health coverage during peacetime.

10) doesn't exist, but even if it did, there should be some controls so we all aren't buying our food off a bull market. and free market should only be in refference to our economy. our companies should not have to compete with the companies of communist countries. That isn't at all free market.
2016-05-24 03:00:54 UTC
I believe in choice but I do NOT believe in partial birth abortion and abortions for girls that made a stupid mistake..It is NOT a good form of birth control and tax payers should NOT have to foot the bill for ignorance.. On the other hand even though I would never have one done either, there are certain circumstances that call for the procedure. I think that while it is legal there should be strict regulations and constraints with a lot of education before and after so that the mistakes aren't repeated. Every other situation should be handled promptly and compassionately! There should be a ban on partial birth abortions and regulation on the time of gestation.. We are talking about a life!
2007-02-17 10:55:56 UTC

2. No to gay marriage. It's blasphemy against God

3. Stop illegal immigration

4. People have a right to own guns.

5. Lower taxes

6. Universal Health care is socialism

7. Government cannot figure out how to behave themselves.

8. NO to social welfare. Figure out how to make money on your own. Quit being lazy and expecting the government to hand everything to you(not directed at you, but to those expecting handouts). Government is a waste of $1 let alone the thousands they steal from us in the form of taxes.( it's stealing because they waste our money)

9. Big, very very Big military.

10. Yes to a free market economy.

11. I support the majority democratic congress. I just don't support their mission. I am proposing a nonbinding resolution to stop funding( eliminate their salary altogether) the democrats. And I am no less an American then the libs for voicing my opposition to their mission. After all, I am just looking out for them. Thank You for serving libs.
2007-02-17 11:00:41 UTC
1. Pro-choice - we will only eliminate abortion through education.

2. Gay marriage - i heard yesterday that over 50% of adult heterosexuals have no desire to be married. Gays are not destroying marriage, straights are doing it all by themselves.

3. Illegal immigration - if its illegal, its illegal. deport the illegals you find. but dont forget it was illegal immigrants from Europe who settled this country.

4. gun control - in favor of strictest laws possible against guns

5. taxes - not a question of higher or lower but are we getting what we pay for?

6. Universal health care - yes. everyone should have free health care available.

7. government should NOT be involved in personal social behavior.

8. Govt spending on social programs - again, not how much but are we getting what we pay for?

9. Military - not size but how we use the military that matters. They should be DEFENDING this country not attacking countries that have not attacked or threatened us.

10. Free Market - in favor of
2007-02-17 11:11:00 UTC
1. Pro-baby

2. No

3. Against

4. Against

5. Low

6. Only if it is NOT a government monopoly

7. Depends on the behavior

8. Against

9. Small

10. Yes

11. I'd like to clean out the 9th Circuit Court.
2007-02-17 10:47:40 UTC
1 pro life

2 gays have a right to whatever they want

they do not need marriage

3 it i going to happen and nothing we can do to stop it

the government is allowing it to happen so

they can do away with the borders

4 it is our constitutional right to have guns

they should just have strict laws so criminals don't get them legally

5 If Hillary gets in taxes are going to sky rocket and she has as much as said so. Bush wanted to go to fair tax and that would have been great but everybody turned it down.

6 They say Canadians have to come to America to get health care because their socialized health care is a fiasco.

7 Government has too too much say already

8 ditto to the Hillary on taxes

9 I say send the whole military over and get it done and over rather than dragging things out that should have been done 3 years ago

10 Free market economy -ditto to the border thing the government it doing it so we end up with globalization and nothing we can do to stop it.

11 Our government sold us out and we accept it
2007-02-17 11:35:24 UTC
Good list....

1. pro-choice

2. for

3. problem never going to go away

4. we have enough gun control-just need enforcement

5. Taxes SUCK! but are necessary

6. For

7. Against - except for crimes and like that

8. For - but limited - especially welfare-could write a book

9. Big enough to do what is necessary

10. for

11. Would like to see sanity and reason return to Washington. Would like to see Americans stop slamming each other and name calling (right-wing,liberal,neocon,left-wing,red state, blue state, etc) We are all Americans. Would like to see sex offenders locked up for life after the first offense. Would like all prisoners be required to work; public roads, highways, landfills and other public works....take away their workout equipment, limit TV, force them to attend educational classes, get GED's, etc. Guess that's enough for now
2007-02-17 10:38:19 UTC
1. Pro Choice

2. Yes

3. No

4. Yes

5. Low Tax

6. Yes

7. Yes

8. YES!!!


10. yes

2007-02-17 11:02:22 UTC
1. choice

2. No

3. Deport those here and seal the border. Stop, with deadly force if necessary, any others attempting illegal entry.

4. None further, just enforce the laws we have already.

5. As much as necessary, but give president line item veto to stop super excessive Pork Barrel Spending.

6. No

7. Very little, case by case if requested by State.

8. Cut off unless truly needed. No extra money for more kids.

9. Big enough to handle 3 conflicts at one time. More AC Carriers, Cruisers. Quadruple the size of the Coast Guard and Border Patrol.

10. A free world market will stabilize the World as industries cannot exist in areas of armed conflict and make a profit.

11. See Below....


This is a review of our recent history and the destruction of countries and societies by FANATICS.

This should be a wake up call to all Americans; however, tragically the people currently in power of our government pay NO heed to these facts. As a matter of fact they are part of the problem.

I used to know a man whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War Two. They owned a number of large industries and estates. I asked him how many German people were true Nazis, and the answer he gave has stuck with me and guided my attitude toward fanaticism ever since. "Very few people were true Nazis "he said," but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything, I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories."

We are told again and again by "experts" and "talking heads" that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam. The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and is gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. The hard quantifiable fact is that the "peaceful majority" is the "silent majority" and it is cowed and extraneous.

Communist Russia comprised Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority was irrelevant. China's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.

The average Japanese individual prior to World War 2 was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet. And, who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were "peace loving"?

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points:

Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence.

Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awake one day and find that the fanatics own them and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. As for us who watch it all unfold; we must pay attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

Lastly, I wish to add: I sincerely think that anyone who rejects this as just another political rant, or doubts the seriousness of this issue or just deletes it without paying heed to it, or sending it on, is part of the problem. Lets quit laughing at and forwarding the jokes and cartoons, which denigrate and ridicule our leaders in this war against terror. They are trying to protect the interests and well being of the world and it's citizens.

Best we support them.

Fanaticism, It seems to me that our government, specifically President Bush, has paid heed and is trying to do something about it. God help us if a certain female Democrat takes over.
2007-02-17 10:53:42 UTC

2.Against Same sex marriage

3.against illegal immigration

4.gun control only applies to criminals

5.dont care, depends what the current condition is

6.move toward that direction, but only halfway

7. ?

8. Much of it is waste and pork barrell

9.big military

10. free market absolutely

11. stem cells-push for more use of umbilical cord and adult stem cells, they are proving very beneficial

12. Put Plegde of Allegiance back into schools

13. Fight hard against political corruption
jason s
2007-02-17 10:45:14 UTC,except in cases of rape ,incest,or health danger to mother

3.send them back home,enforce our laws

4.leave our guns alone not raise them

6.everyone should have health care that's a citizen

7.government needs to butt out

8.make changes for the deadbeats who suck up welfare for years

9.big but big here not everywhere else for me

11.PC crap needs to go,affirmative action needs to go,or media needs to stop the Anna Nicole Smith coverage we don't care and we are tired of seeing it there are more important things that need to addressed,Bank of America needs to be boycotted.
2007-02-17 10:40:03 UTC
1. pro-choice

2. for

3. send them back

4. for

5. low

6. for

7. ?

8. ?

9. big

10. ?

11. my ? are for issues i dont wanta think about right now or type the answer.
2007-02-17 10:37:14 UTC
war issue
Josh S
2007-02-17 10:38:09 UTC
I can't wait to see how many liberals say low to number five but yes to number six and eight....:)
2007-02-17 10:37:05 UTC









This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.