WHY DO you feel so many foreign countries DISLIKE THE USA?
2016-02-01 13:48:16 UTC
WHY DO you feel so many foreign countries DISLIKE THE USA?
92 answers:
2016-02-02 09:09:37 UTC
A few years ago there was the huge Japanese revolution where (like with China) people were claiming it was going to take over the world, and it deflated to become a more stable, fairer and still quite influential country. The same is happening with China. It's just that the Americans can't seem to let go of their former glory, and accept an even slightly less powerful position.
2016-02-02 07:26:39 UTC
America is a bully nation that really isn't any better today than the USSR. Like with many individual Americans, the USA thinks that it is more important than it is and seems to think it must intervene in every global dispute (often making things much worse). I think this may be because most nations have a 'never ending' period of great success before that bubble deflates and it becomes a stable, moderately powerful country. With Britain, it was our empire (which we thought would never die). A few years ago there was the huge Japanese revolution where (like with China) people were claiming it was going to take over the world, and it deflated to become a more stable, fairer and still quite influential country. The same is happening with China. It's just that the Americans can't seem to let go of their former glory, and accept an even slightly less powerful position. This is spawning want for more prejudiced and radical scapegoat solutions (like DT, for example).
2016-02-03 04:33:51 UTC
I am from the UK and I like the states / Americans in general. Good and bad in everything. I focus on their positive attributes, like all the art and entertainment they bring to the world, the fact that they are passionate and they celebrate success. Very different range of cultures to the UK, better to reach & strive. All the stuff from gun culture through to politics I take an interest in, but they don't really affect me, in my little UK town. Do many foreign countries really hate the states? They still trade lol, they're still heading diplomatic affairs, sending foreign aid, still defending freedom and democracy. Question is vague, needs more detail, do you mean their culture? Which culture / state? Their politics, what? Question is just general assumption without much backing, a couple thousand negative comments on a website do not represent any majority
Ursus Particularies
2016-02-02 11:38:21 UTC
If you want an honest answer, most Americans who travel are not very polite or intelligent or learned, they think USA is first in everything, do not speak the local language nor plan very well, and they are too fat.

However, misanthropic and perverted would be welcomed by their fellow Illuminati there. And Europeans are not as good looking in most cases.

You are not allowed to write about Ugly Europeans there, least of all in Russia, but no subject is barred here, so the only thing you hear about is Ugly Americans.

Personally I think far more people there are godless and materialistic, and perhaps that increases their resentment of Americans. Unsophisticated category again, their point of view.

They have far better opportunity to learn another language too, opportunities Americans do not have, nevertheless this difference causes them to think themselves far more Astute.

Too many of them think most all Americans are wealthy, and they will hate you in particular if you use UBER and do not buy the over-priced merchandise they want to sell you.

If the pick pocket does not find lots of money, likewise.

Do not buy food to bring home, it goes in garbage disposal at Airport Customs when you return.

On the plus side, a local cell phone might be far less expensive. Likewise an E.U. rail pass good for one month.

Dress NEATLY for wherever you are going, that covers the biggest American blunder. Do not talk loudly on your cell phone.

They nearly all can understand English and will hear your disparaging remarks to family or fellow American travelers.

They value SOPHISTICATION far above HONESTY, the TOTAL OPPOSITE of the most worthy from USA.

And although they have far more than 400 million more people, they can barely defend themselves, while at the same time expecting us to fix all, and then disparaging mainly USA for all that does not work out well.

Generally they all have far more money because of last paragraph, so they are naturally superior, see? That part is the same as for here.

The coup de grĂ¢ce is that you are a lousy, inept gardener more than 95% of the time, and a boor in that respect by comparison. The less sophisticated people in Europe are more likely to be National Front, meaning they do NOT LIKE anyone overly different by race or whatever.

Doing a search on "Travel Blunder videos" will give you some useful preparatory clues. I have not covered many simple vital differences that you can pick up there.

The bear highly recommends doing that search and taking the information to heart.

Learning Chinese or better some obsolescent Native American language would decrease resentment, and you would become similar to Europeans traveling here who speak little or no English. The Helpless often receive better courtesy, see? That last part, again, is the same in both places.

The MORE you plan ahead and prepare, the less trouble you will have.

Knowing something FAR ABOVE all national averages is always a PLUS, but do not flaunt it.

Example: Medical Doctor or Scientist or Engineer of some type. Do not call yourself a Doctor where you must pay bills for services though.

Amazingly polite and simple is better than Ugly American, see?

A percent hypocrisy chart by nations would help, but I've never seen one. Nonetheless, I am sure they outscore us, more so the Upper Classes.

All of this is generalities, exceptions are always found, everywhere, sometimes even in the USA or Mexico for that matter.

Make some friends when you get along well ! ! !

If you think pick pockets are bad, consider: Criminals here are more likely to use gun, knife or baseball bat.

Keep your Vital ID in some different place... Big Clue for Passport, Driver License, Credit Card. Inside zipper pocket? Traveler Checks often better, the Receipt for Purchase ALWAYS separate, see? Nothing like Easy Fix for tragedy.

Wear nothing overly expensive, but always neat and spiffy (USA meaning), carry zero very expensive equipment. A PC nine years old is better so long as it works well. No ultra fancy camera nor jewelry nor watch. Cell phones show date and time.

Travel lightly, many huge suit cases are cumbersome and make you into a mark.

Ask your European friend where to see a doctor. This could lower your bill immensely, and that is often one area where Europe is better than USA. I skated for free in Netherlands once, I will never forget.
2016-02-01 14:21:13 UTC
I from UK and aethiest if that matters. Please ignore the people saying its jealousy it's not. What do we have to be jealous about?

Huge obesity levels

Ignorant people (not all)

Racists (KKK)

Anti-Muslim (Donald trump)

World police (Troops stationed in most UN countries)

Get in other peoples business (Iran Iraq Vietnam Syria etc)

Create WMDs (weapons of mass destruction)

Spyed on by their government

Self terrorism (Planned) (operation northwoods) (9/11 maybe?) (probably not)

Spy on other people governments (Germany)

Homophobic (not all just not the people on yahoo)

Mass shootings

I think I've made my point, I'm not anti American they've done some great things and are doing great things but there are A LOT if problems. I feel much safer and feel I have more privacy I the uk.

Americans please dont downvote
Uncle Remus 54
2016-02-02 16:27:50 UTC
You want to know something? In Europe right now? Many of those people do not like their own countries either. The same teaching that is going on here int he States is the same propaganda that is being taught to the citizens in their schools and their social media too.

Wake up.

This is all propaganda.

Also. We have had 7 years of Obama now. Why doesn't those countries like the USA?
2016-02-03 10:16:00 UTC
Well I am certainly not jealous about the USA. As a British person I dont have anything against the USA, I have visited New York and California. But I DO NOT see what there is to be envious of in the USA and it is that sort of attitude that makes people annoyed with the yanks.

In the UK I have state funded health care which is not socialism by the way, I started my job with 5 weeks annual leave and now have 6, gay marriage is legal in the UK and I dont have to put up with religious nutters suggesting that is was unfortunate enough to be raped and become pregnant then I should not have a termintation. Oh and in the UK women had equal rights written into law which I dont think it has in the USA. The Americans did not invent freedom or democracy but you do behave as if you did.
2016-02-04 04:51:31 UTC
Who are these countries you speak of? Maybe the USA doesn't like them and started the tiff. There are many Islamic countries that dislike the USA, but they dislike all countries where Islamic law does not control the population. They haven't singled out the USA
2016-02-03 19:46:11 UTC
Because we are rude. We disrespect people all the time but don't like when they do them same. We think we are entitled to whatever. When we go to other places Americans think that everyone should speak English cater to us instead of learning their native language. We don't care about almost anything we make fun of other countries all the time. We don't take care of our own before helping other countries. We bully other countries. For example we might of ended ww2 but look what we did to the Japanese they still have issues in that area we testes nuclear weapons b4 we dropped and didn't tell a native island we where testing so they could see what happened that's Americans favorite thing to do let's see what happens if we do this and we will repeat the same mistake over and over like it's going to change but you know that's okay cause god bless the USA the mixing pot that doesn't want to take in immigrants
2016-02-03 19:27:02 UTC
It's not the American people's fault. It's not even all the military's fault. It's the fact that we Americans have no idea what's going on, and we seem to exist only to cover Israel's back for their bullshit, and we seem to be attacking ALL the Muslim countries MINUS the one who actually had 3/4 of the 9/11 Hijackers (Saudi Arabia). Also, we establish dictators to oppress people, we raise people like Saddam and Qadafi up just to tear them down, we always help out civil wars to destabalize a country, AND we've been funding ISIS.

Sadly, most Americans don't know this. Hell, most people in the Army don't know about this. Decent politicians have been calling this out, but nothing gets done. We care more about hamburgers and football.
2016-02-02 12:12:48 UTC
As a USA citizen that has traveled around the world, studied history, religions, philosophy,etc., here are my opinions:

1. Many others have mentioned the "World police". This is not out of any sense of moral kindness, but out of a desire to maintain control and further our government's own interests.

2. Our government has done very destructive regime changes in other countries (we turned secular 1960's Iran into a religious theocracy. ) We've taken out democratically elected governments in South America and put in puppet regimes.

3. Rampant xenophobia - large sections of the American public have never been outside the country, don't know foreign languages, are clueless about other cultures- and not understanding other people see things differently leads to fear and superiority complexes.

4. Warmongering - related to "world police". In the entire history of this country, we have only went maybe a SINGLE YEAR without being in one or more wars somewhere on the planet. Hundreds of years of waging war doesn't make friends.

5. The drug war - also related to "world police". America started the drug war right around the Eisenhower presidency and exported it around the planet. Here 50 years later the extreme destructiveness of waging war on what is essentially health issues has increased violence and suffering that it was supposed to stop.

Making a product illegal gives control of that product to the black market and criminals. Thousands upon thousands of people die every year due to gangs and criminal enterprise supported by the drug war (not from the drugs themselves) Luckily other countries have seen through drug war propaganda and are bucking the trend- Portugal essentially decriminalized all drugs, and addictions rates, crime have gone down.

Having said all that, in all my travels I've met literally hundreds of foreigners and never met a single one that disliked AMERICANS as people. I've never been mistreated in any country, and have shown many foreign visitors around where I live and they've all enjoyed themselves and felt very nicely treated by everyone they've met.
2016-02-02 10:39:23 UTC
All countries outside of NATO with the exception of Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand hate them because they have different political ideologies. USA is a major power but so is China and Russia but have different views. Just look at America and the Soviet Union relations
2016-02-03 13:32:38 UTC
To be honest, I think the USA isn't the only nation that countries hate. I am a citizen of the US and UK and people hate both nations because they involve themselves in other people's affairs. This is why we have the ISIS now. Most EU people want Muslims AND Brits out of the EU. I can understand why.
2016-02-02 02:22:57 UTC
Far more people like the USA, every country has it's bad points, at least the US tries to do the right thing most of the time.As a Brit I'm glad they have the huge responsibility of trying to "police" the world, we're well out of it now.
2016-02-03 18:52:04 UTC
I can answer from my own personal experience. I was visiting London on vacation a few years back. I met up with a friend I was talking to online and we hung out a bit while I was there. This friend was very surprised that I wasn't acting like a know it all big mouth who was condescending to other people and talking down to them...this is the image this person had of what he thought Americans were...they get this idea from our TV programs and reality shows, where it looks like everyone is self centered .
2016-02-02 05:20:19 UTC
Try, INTELLIIGENT AMERICAN'S could give a crap what others countries or their stupid people think of America and Americans ... for one thing they wouldn't survive without America and their hate just makes foreignors DUMBER than a ROCK and less useful ... LOL ! LOL at a lot of the answerers, no doubt foolish, jealous, children without a clue about America , especially the foreign one's hating , bashing AMERICA ... ROFL!
2016-02-02 00:13:33 UTC
I dislike or detest the evil OUR CROOKED POLITICIANS HAVE DONE for they are the ones who are responsible for other nations disliking the USA... these countries need to know not everything this bunch of hoodlums (most are lawless imo) do represents the heart of true Americans... pray for our nation.
2016-02-01 21:30:17 UTC
It's not jealousy.

It's the fact that Americans believe they have to be police of the world.

If a country is in problems, instead of letting them sort it out itself, America comes in and tells them what do.
2016-02-02 09:08:40 UTC
They hate us because they aren't us to say it in general terms.

Foreign countries dislike us because as is the Anglo-Saxon tradition, we spread our dominance far and wide and impose it on everyone, Great Britain pre ww1 anyone?
London Man
2016-02-04 10:29:15 UTC
Envy mostly, but one important thing is that the USA has transferred $ billions to the middle east in order to get oil and fight wars for Israel. This has caused ISIS and mayhem with the Islamic world.
2016-02-03 22:35:16 UTC
Because it's the richest country in the world and they think the U.S. is keeping all the money for themselves. They are wrong in thinking that because the U.S. has given out far too much money to other countries.
2016-02-01 18:04:13 UTC
There is an Aesop Fable about a fox and some grapes.

Aesop Fables always have a moral.

Try though he may, the fox could not jump high enough to reach the grapes he coveted.He finally gave up, saying to himself, "they were probably sour, anyway".

The moral is, that which you cannot achieve, if you are a loser, you demean. "Sour Grapes"

2016-02-02 14:19:50 UTC
But the same foreign countries holler when the s--t hits the fan they need U.S military help don't they?
2016-02-02 13:29:41 UTC
They think that they own the world and also they butcher the English language and mess it up, just take a look at Megaupload's takedown, it wasn't their business to be dealing with.
2016-02-01 13:49:03 UTC
the usa never plays fair and has been spying on so many foreign countries
2016-02-03 09:02:58 UTC
That's happened because all of them like to be as the USA and perhaps they can't be.
2016-02-02 03:36:01 UTC
Because USA helping to most hated countries like Saudi arbia , Israel , ...
2016-02-01 17:03:44 UTC
Jealousy of our success and influence on the world and the amount of opportunities and freedom we have in the USA.
2016-02-01 14:05:54 UTC
As much as the rest of the world doesn't like America for being "the world's policeman" just wait until the world experiences what it is like with no "policeman" around at all . . .
2016-02-03 13:11:17 UTC
Because USA plas mind games
2016-02-02 10:06:31 UTC
Maybe for slaughtering millions in order to prop up your Military Industrial Complex.
2016-02-01 16:14:51 UTC
1) The US government is always attacking other countries or trying to control them somehow.

2) The average American foolishly indentifies with the US government.
2016-02-03 17:31:15 UTC
I was in Europe last year and encountered nothing but the nicest people. I think a lot of them realize that we are individuals who are not a reflection of the US government.
2016-02-01 13:51:08 UTC
Jealous peeps
2016-02-04 02:16:41 UTC
T.V. they see America there & think all are rich is a big problem. Once we are in there Country we do all the American way. It don't work overseas.
2016-02-03 22:36:51 UTC
Because so many are evil and corrupt and hate what we stand for. Then it is also probably true that we don't mind our own business as often as we should.
2016-02-01 13:52:39 UTC
Because the troublemaking countries can't throw their weight around without the backlash from America......
Michael V
2016-02-01 14:40:05 UTC
A country that is very influential in world politics can make a lot enemies when they collectively screw up big time.

Not that other countries do not screw up.
2016-02-05 01:11:10 UTC
Probably because US people makes fun of the cultures from other nations.Like why do asians have small eyes,black people like fried chicken and all that stuff.
2016-02-03 08:48:14 UTC
That's not true! The radical muslim world doesn't like us or anybody else that doesn't believe in their radical beliefs.

By they way, who are these "foreign countries", aside from the radical muslim world? Is this another one of those "viral E-mails", (or pundit rhetoric) spewing lies, again?
2016-02-03 20:14:38 UTC
Because we have a lot of people with a lot of money that only care about themselves, while 99% of the world is living in poverty.
2016-02-02 16:59:51 UTC
From the minute USSR fell, in 1991, power went to neo cons head!

They came up the new American century project! Remaking the world in their image, whilst acting like lord/ master!

They thought capitalism had won! Failed to note, whilst USSR survived, the system had to stay in business, no matter what! 2008 capitalism got its come uppence!

US fell for its own moonshine!

Its democracy fell victim to militarism! Who can stand up to US? No one! And yet its military budget only goes up, up, and away! Over half is just for its military industrial complex!

$583 billion 2017 defense budget!

US catch phrase "policing the world" is only about feeding its military more resources!

US corporations insisted on eradicating polio. But it can not be eradicated. The jabs given has "spread" polio. The billions spent on trying to eradicate could have been better spent instead by improving sanitation!

US is trying to foist Ttip! Health it seems is not a priority! Only drawing up laws in secret, to enrich trans nation corporations!

US uses surveillance to "threaten". US knows there will be a terrorist attack, but will not deliberately pass on the message to the target country, unless it does US' will.

US pays 25% of Israel's defense budget ($3.1 billion to rise to $5 billion), so Israel can provide free healthcare/ education to it's own. "America’s military budget is roughly 7.2 times that of Russia ($610 billion compared to $84.5 billion), but even Western news-accounts are saying that the weaponry produced in Russia is superior overall to the weaponry produced in the United States."
2016-02-03 07:10:41 UTC
Nothing like Easy Fix for tragedy.
Texas Mike
2016-02-01 14:09:59 UTC
2016-02-02 04:29:00 UTC
Because you keep sticking your nose into their business and you have a superior attitude as if you are wise!!!!!!

You are babies compared to we English....No diplomacy....straight in with both feet.....Don't even spell our language properly either!

Mo University Lecturer
2016-02-02 15:25:15 UTC
- America is judgemental and follows the stereotype of British people

- Rich wealthy douchebags

- Concerning lack of respect for atheism or equality *fox news*
2016-02-02 08:24:14 UTC
Because in the name of "humanitarianism" we police the world telling everyone what they can and can't do instead of keeping our NOSES and our MONEY at home where they should be!
The Taxpayer
2016-02-01 14:52:40 UTC
Nobody likes a winner (before). No one likes a country that lacks credibility (now).
2016-02-02 17:09:09 UTC
They love us comrade. We give money away like water they love USA. Rah Rah, usa all da vay.
2016-02-04 03:47:02 UTC
We get too involved with foreign conflicts.
2016-02-02 16:22:23 UTC
Whatever your answer may be it needs to explain why America is the GO TO place for emigration.
Adullah M
2016-02-02 00:29:53 UTC
The whole world who love Peace and Justice rather.
2016-02-02 14:12:47 UTC
They don't like our foreign policy, which I don't either
2016-02-02 16:30:46 UTC
As bad as we have it over here we're still better off than them.
2016-02-01 13:49:59 UTC
the usa has too many nukes and very dangerous weapons
2016-02-02 11:02:19 UTC
2016-02-02 11:23:19 UTC
We're always in their business, bragging how Free we are, its a long list.
2016-02-02 07:10:34 UTC
Jealousy. Just plain venal jealousy.
2016-02-01 19:02:53 UTC
Because we go and bomb countries for no reason and claim its for the better good. **** America.
2016-02-04 02:56:45 UTC
Because we're terrorists. We occupy countries and cause death and destruction while robbing them. Then we cry when it happens to us. We're big, fat, selfish terrorist babies.
2016-02-03 10:53:55 UTC
They have a right to hate the U.S. Go study history.
Andy F
2016-02-02 01:52:21 UTC
A mixture of different reasons, some of which I agree with, some of which I don't.

I used to be a strongly anti-communist libertarian in high school, and I think the old anti-communists and "super patriotic" Americans are partly correct.

Some foreign leaders, and their followers, really do seem to hate the USA due to jealousy and envy, and because our political freedoms, our religious freedoms and our (relative) sexual equality threaten their traditional values.

We allow more religious diversity than almost any other society on earth, and some people loathe the very notion of this.

We also still allow an amazing degree of freedom of the press and have made extremely impressive steps -- though they're still incomplete -- towards women's equality, as well as the free expression of sexual desire, that are remarkable threatening to more buttoned-up societies.

Recently our liberal politicians and a remarkably large swathe of the American public have come to support legal equality and legal freedom for LGBT people -- a stupendous revolution in moral values, whether you love it or hate it, that goes against centuries if not millennia of anti-gay traditions, especially in the Judaeo-Christian societies of the West.

People in some traditional countries truly hate and fear this, and loathe the US for allowing it. Many supporters of traditional religious values and national cultural traditions likewise hate Hollywood and American TV for threatening to replace values they cherish with a cultural diet of cheap food, easy sex and materialistic greed -- at least as they see it.

Yet while some people hate us for our best virtues, other people hate us for our worst faults.

Whether we like to admit this or not, the USA for the past 2 centuries has been one of the most militarily expansionist nations on earth.

We have done things like gobbling up Native American aka "American Indian" lands and slaughtering many of the original inhabitants, stealing most of the Southwest US and California from the Mexicans in the 1840s, overthrowing a native monarchy in Hawaii and annexing the place, and seizing Puerto Rico from Spain in the 1890s and turning this former Spanish colony into a U.S. colony. For many years, we also held the Philippines as a US colony, too.

To much of the world, this history of violent conquest and expansionism makes us a bully, and a successful one, and no one who's been victimized by a bully can really love another bully. We evoke bad memories of national oppression and national humiliation by outside conquerers.

As a country, moreover, we unfortunately haven't confined our aggressions to seizing territory from the Sioux, the Iroquois, the Cherokees and the Mexicans.

Since around 1900, the United States military also has waged wars & staged occupations in dozens of different foreign countries, many of which never attacked us: instead, we've strong-armed their governments and sometimes occupied their lands in a true "imperialistic" fashion.

For example, the US since 1980 has attacked, invaded and/or militarily intervened in: Mexico (several times under Woodrow Wilson alone), Cuba (repeatedly), the Dominican Republic (in 1965, under Johnson), Haiti (repeatedly), Nicaragua (repeatedly), Panama (5 or 6 times, starting in Teddy Roosevelt's day), Libya (2 or 3 times), Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Lebanon, Iraq (twice), Afghanistan, Somalia, Grenada, Greece, and several other places.

Our CIA and our State Department meanwhile have worked over the past 75 years to destabilize governments -- in some cases, democratically elected ones, in other cases, dictatorships -- in Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954), the Congo (1960), Chile (1973) and some would argue, Indonesia (1965), among other places.

Although the American presidents always declare that the United States stands for "freedom" and "democracy," US foreign policy also has repeatedly supported fairly brutal military dictatorships in places where we believed we needed to crush popular leftwing uprisings -- or more recently, where we thought we needed to crush radical Islamist movements.

Thus the United States has supported really horrible and dictatorial governments, some of which tortured political dissidents, in such countries as Brazil (1964), Argentina, Uruguay, El Salvador, Egypt, Zaire (= Congo during the 1960s, 70s and early 80s), and also in places where we had first helped put dictators in place through CIA-inspired coups or military interventions: Indonesia, Greece, Panama (at least sometimes), Honduras, and Portugal through the late 1970s.

Many people around the planet, therefore, hate and fear the United States as being exactly what President Reagan called the old Soviet Union: an "evil empire." Or as the radical Islamist revolutionaries of Iran put it in 1979, as the "Great Satan."

Our military aid and diplomatic help for Israel since its founding in 1948, and the uses that the Israelis have found for US military equipment in conflicts with the Palestinians, meanwhile have made us immensely unpopular in many Arab societies.

So there are logical reasons why many foreigners hate the US government, although there also are some powerful reasons why some foreigners like us or even love us.

For example, some people for helping to defeat Hitler and the Japanese empire in World War II, for example, and for promoting our own brand of human rights in countries that felt oppressed by old-style Russian Communism. I've met Nigerian immigrants in Washington DC who believe the Clinton administration quietly strong-armed a Nigerian military dictatorship into restoring democracy in that country, and who believe the US is the best country in the world for this reason.

As a society, of course, the USA has a long and sometimes violent history of racial conflict and racial injustice, and some foreigners also hate us for this reason -- regardless of whether they're guilty of racial injustice themselves, naturally.

-- democratic socialist /

"To tell the truth is revolutionary."-- Lasalle
2016-02-03 10:47:01 UTC
Because the Bushes and Barack Obama are bombing and killing them silly
2016-02-01 13:56:22 UTC
They don't like the idea of freedom.
2016-02-03 12:49:05 UTC
Because it is too aggressive! Politically, economically, pharmaceutically and in every other way
2016-02-04 05:05:51 UTC
Haters screw them they wish they were no 1 and had such influence but they arent even close.
luis l
2016-02-02 23:17:31 UTC
Patty Yun
2016-02-02 12:43:22 UTC
because History
2016-02-02 13:19:29 UTC
Look at what happened in Iowa and think hard about that.
2016-02-02 23:21:05 UTC
2016-02-01 14:00:02 UTC
its been that way all the time. the end of the cold war only created more tension
2016-02-01 14:38:37 UTC
At this point in my life I know not everyone will like you. And not everyone will like you all the time that is life.
2016-02-03 10:22:22 UTC
i am from egypt i like the states / Americans in general
2016-02-02 07:58:22 UTC
They hate us cuz they ain't us! Did anybody get the reference? Anybody?
Special EPhex
2016-02-03 03:45:08 UTC
Because when you're "on top", you're the most beloved and most reviled.
2016-02-03 20:26:01 UTC
I take a **** on those that don't like us. Any questions?
2016-02-02 20:37:27 UTC
I don't believe it till i see it
2016-02-03 16:39:24 UTC
Donald Trump and everyone else like him.
2016-02-03 10:19:16 UTC
because our last 2 presidents have been total idiots
2016-02-02 07:27:38 UTC
We are bigger.Better, Greater in all aspects of life.
2016-02-04 01:44:55 UTC
DRONES. Its not just answers like this that fly.
2016-02-02 03:03:23 UTC
Envy mostly!
2016-02-02 07:47:18 UTC
jealousy and common sense
2016-02-03 20:20:30 UTC
because of people like trump, supremacist, and repubes.
2016-02-03 23:26:16 UTC
Could it be because of BHO?
2016-02-03 20:24:29 UTC
2016-02-02 23:43:53 UTC
its in your imagination..i like america
2016-02-02 15:08:58 UTC
Because it is true.
2016-02-02 17:55:10 UTC
country boy
2016-02-04 07:47:53 UTC
we want it all our way
2016-02-02 14:13:08 UTC
because we are no good!
2016-02-03 06:44:05 UTC
because it is racist

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.