Political cartoon featuring Ted Cruz, his daughters carries on centuries-old satirical tradition. Any thoughts?
2015-12-29 11:25:34 UTC
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a political cartoon can be priceless.

Cartoonists have put their pens to paper to lampoon politicians and to ink sharp-tongued social commentary for centuries. The artwork, often in the form of parody, has become as much a part of the political landscape as the politicians being caricatured.

But a drawing by Pulitzer Prize-winning artist Ann Telnaes drew the ire of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz and his supporters last week by portraying the Texas senator as an organ grinder and his daughters as a pair of dancing monkeys.

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Fifteen answers:
2015-12-29 11:30:52 UTC
Yeah, my thought is that if a conservative cartoonist had done a similar thing to Chelsea or the granddaughter, you libs would be foaming at the mouth you'd be that enraged, but because a liberal cartoonist did it to a Republican's kids, you not only don't have a problem with it, you find it hilarious. You've been outraged when cartoonists have gone after the Obama girls but had no problem whenever someone went after the Bush twins. It's nothing more than your typical liberal double standard hypocrisy.
2015-12-29 12:17:31 UTC
The only thoughts I really had about this was laughing at Ted Cruz the sociopath. He puts his small daughters in a political ad, feeds them lines to say about email servers, and then has the nerve to cry foul when he's called out for it by a political cartoon. Hypocrite much? Don't want your kids to be fair political game? Then don't use them yourself to deliver your little jabs Cruz.
2015-12-29 11:42:11 UTC
My thoughts are that Ms. Telnaes is a typical left-winger. Children have a right to go about their day unmolested by activists. Even more telling is that her employer, The Washington Post, reported on a similar story about the first family being "front and center" in an ad for Mr. Obama's '12 re-election campaign, and a cartoon depicting his two girls as monkeys was conspicuously absent.
2015-12-29 11:36:41 UTC
Yes, a picture can relay a thousand words and political cartoons have withstood the test of time and thrived as forums for social commentators.

Those who are the target of these cartoons would be best served to lighten up to show their sense of humor and ability to rise above and take it in stride.

There was nothing so terribly horrible in that cartoon of Ted Cruz and his daughters.....imo. What confounds me is his reaction. He seems to be trying to get on the same page with some of the zealots who grossly over-react to cartoonists who mock religious ideology. Maybe it works on some people to garner support by being so outraged, but really....Cruz should find something more meaningful to be offended.
Jeff D
2015-12-29 11:35:54 UTC
Now imagine the reaction to a cartoon that depicted Obama as the organ grinder and his daughters as a pair of dancing monkeys? Assuming, of course, that any newspaper would dare print such a cartoon.

Wapo has already withdrawn the cartoon so it's a bit silly of you to try to pretend that there was nothing wrong with it.
2015-12-29 11:34:57 UTC
I understand if the cartoonist is trying to comment on Cruz's use of his children in his campaign (although most politicians do that). But making fun of the kids is not cool. They are not fair game. And I'm a liberal, by the way, but I apply the same standard to the treatment of ANYONE's children.
Alex - Sans the Mercy
2015-12-29 11:43:28 UTC

I thought we had the 1st Amendment in this country? Oh, that is right - the 1st Amendment only applies to criticizing Obama and Democrats. We can not be criticizing Cruz, who is a Republican, despite the fact that we have all seen the raw footage he posted on youtube specifically for his PAC where he treats not just his kids, but his entire family, like trained political monkeys who need to dance for the camera...

The sheer hypocrisy of the right is unbounded. To get so outraged over a political cartoon is very reminiscent of another group...specifically one who gets outraged at the mere mention of drawing their prophet...
2015-12-29 11:39:25 UTC
The most obvious thang that comes to mind, son, is that His Worship, and His Two Greatest Treasures, are totally off-limits to this kind of treatment. In a country devoted to FAIRNESS & equal treatment, how is such a thang possible!?!
2015-12-29 11:54:31 UTC
Cruz brought his daughters into it when he had them spouting political rhetoric in a campaign video. Use your family to show off what a down-to-earth guy you are, fine. Use your family to recite talking points, you're the one who's bringing them in.

Both were in poor taste, but Cruz dragged them in first.
2015-12-29 11:41:35 UTC
The same people who cheered when Mohammad was drawn in cartoons cry foul when one of their own is satirized
I Can Count To Potato
2015-12-29 11:29:38 UTC
Think of it this way...

If that same cartoon had been of Obama, and the monkeys were HIS two kids.. or his stripe-azzed baboon faced wife....

Imagine the hue and cry...

If you cannot understand the nuance,then don't act as if there isnt a double standard..
2015-12-29 11:36:38 UTC
Just ask yourself what would happen of that same cartoonist drew the same cartoon, only with Obama and his daughters...

Yeah, thought so.
2015-12-29 11:31:59 UTC
Ann Telnaes aborted her pregnancies. She's a worthless, lowlife, subhuman, despicable waste of oxygen.
2015-12-29 11:34:09 UTC
...and sometimes that which remains unsaid speaks far louder than the 1,000 words conveyed by a picture....
2015-12-29 11:33:54 UTC
cry baby republicans, I thought they loved freedom of speech.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.