Why do people think Bush lied when he and congress made the decision to go to war?
2007-08-31 19:52:17 UTC
He and congress went on what intelligence told them about WMB's. I just can't believe their are folks that would believe he deliberately lied. I don't support him 100 %, but he aint no liar.
33 answers:
2007-08-31 19:55:16 UTC
Because they don't trust him.
2007-08-31 20:36:27 UTC
Many people are not into politics and do not know alot of what is and has happened, so...I Thank You for this question.

We must face facts---He is a LIAR along with his cohort, the evil cheney !! Oil grubbing mongers.

YES....They knew that there were no WMD's but boldly proceeded to lie to the American people.

Check out the "Downing Street Memos".

It is also a fact that Congress was not given all the information that this corrupt aDministration had available and kept secret--- they ARE LIARS. They used 911 and terror to do this.

Majority of republican congress and repug prez pulled this off.

What ticks me off so much is that so many of our Military continue to and are dying, dead and maimed---for his lies !

30,000 severely maimed and probably so many more that are not counted due to PTSD and trauma....and they are not receiving treatment.

Cruel and inhumane treatment------and very PATHETIC !!!

Sorry for the rant but this entire part of History is disturbing to me.
2007-08-31 20:15:37 UTC
Of course he is a liar.

----Documented Lie ---

Bush lied to the american people and the world about calling for a second, separate UN resolution authorizing force against iraq. In a press conference he lied to reporters and told them that even if he thought he was going to lose the UN vote on the second resolution, that he would call for a vote in the UN before he attacked Iraq. Bush lied and instructed his ambassador not to call for the vote when it was clear he was going to lose.

Here is what he said :

Q Thank you, Mr. President. As you said, the Security Council faces a vote next week on a resolution implicitly authorizing an attack on Iraq. Will you call for a vote on that resolution, even if you aren't sure you have the vote?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, first, I don't think -- it basically says that he's in defiance of 1441. That's what the resolution says. And it's hard to believe anybody is saying he isn't in defiance of 1441, because 1441 said he must disarm. And, yes, we'll call for a vote.

Q No matter what?

THE PRESIDENT: No matter what the whip count is, we're calling for the vote. We want to see people stand up and say what their opinion is about Saddam Hussein and the utility of the United Nations Security Council. And so, you bet. It's time for people to show their cards, to let the world know where they stand when it comes to Saddam.

This was a lie, he never called for a UN vote to invade iraq. This is not from a liberal blog, this is from the president's own web site.
2007-08-31 20:00:09 UTC
1) He went on very flimsy intelligence. He gathered everything he could get. Some of the most convincing "evidence" was material from a student's master's thesis. Another important source was the word of an avowed double agent.

2) There was no way he would let Hans Blix finish the job of inspecting the place. Nobody suggested an attack from Saddam Hussein was THAT imminent.

He lied. He wanted his war and he got it.

He then proceeded to change the reason for it several times. Now it's no longer about democracy, apparently. It's about containing Iran.

Personally, I have stopped believing a word coming out of that man's mouth a long time ago. Ditto for everybody surrounding him.
2007-08-31 20:06:30 UTC
Because he did lie to get over there, anything was said to garner support for his 'Preemptive Doctrine', or "the Bush doctrine. It's an old favorite to 'pin' the decision to actually invade Iraq on the donkey, as many democrats distrusted Saddam Hussein. The exaggerations of mushroom clouds and associations with 911 and Iraq are plentiful online. Even the hard core conservatives are 'second guessing' the strategy of preemptive military aggression.
2007-08-31 20:06:16 UTC
Because cherry-picking intelligence and then insisting that it is 100% reliable (even when conflicting reports exist) is "lying."

"In the upside-down relationship between intelligence and policy that prevailed in the case of Iraq, the administration selected pieces of raw intelligence to use in its public case for war, leaving the intelligence community to register varying degrees of private protest when such use started to go beyond what analysts deemed credible or reasonable. The best-known example was the assertion by President George W. Bush in his 2003 State of the Union address that Iraq was purchasing uranium ore in Africa. U.S. intelligence analysts had questioned the credibility of the report making this claim, had kept it out of their own unclassified products, and had advised the White House not to use it publicly. But the administration put the claim into the speech anyway, referring to it as information from British sources in order to make the point without explicitly vouching for the intelligence."


“The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,” Mr. Bush said.

"The statement was technically correct, since it accurately reflected the British paper. But the bottom line is the White House knowingly included in a presidential address information its own CIA had explicitly warned might not be true."
2007-08-31 20:03:42 UTC
It's WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), not WMB, first of all. Secondly, asserting that he "ain't no liar" doesn't make it so. There were no WMD, there was no grave and gathering threat, there was no credible link between Iraq and 9/11, and major combat is certainly not even remotely close to being over. If anyone cares to respond to any of this with actual coherent arguments- i.e. something other than "moonbat" or "put down the kool-aid" or something comparably insipid- I'm all ears. I will grant you one thing however- Congress enabled him all the way. They had the chance to be the voice of reason and sanity, and they failed miserably. And for that reason I hold them in even greater contempt than Bush himself. (I don't buy into that "we were duped" crap for one millisecond either.)
Bush Invented the Google
2007-08-31 20:17:19 UTC
Actually, he presented the evidence to Congress. Congress didn't decide to go to war - that is the Commander-in-Chief's decision, not Congress's decision, just as conservatives keep saying. Congress voted to authorize Bush to use force in Iraq if necessary. Bush is the one who ultimately decided to forego planning and thought and just invade the minute he got the "okay" from Congress. And he used false or outdated intel in order to do it.

That explain everything for you?
2007-08-31 20:14:30 UTC
Maybe because there were no WMDs.Maybe because the few physicists who pointed out the aluminum tubes weren't viable for weapon use were quieted?Even though he claimed he was seeking a diplomatic solution he ordered the UN inspectors out........ignoring their recommendations!Thus alienating many of the members of the UN!Which was established to avoid wars!
2007-08-31 20:01:35 UTC
Bush has been a liar from the beginning, like the devil. He invaded Iraq to enrich his personal vanity, and for no other reason. "What does it profit a man to (not) gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" This man said that "God told me to invade Iraq" Do you know that the Bible states that Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven? What do you think this means for this president?
2007-08-31 20:00:47 UTC
Bush has lied to the American people about every issue since he became President. So it's perfectly reasonable . . . and obvious by now . . . that he also lied to Congress and the American people about the reasons for going to war.
2007-08-31 20:01:46 UTC
Soon hopefully very soon more of you people will wake up to the fact that Democrat and Republican when it comes to foreign policy are BOTH on the same course!!!

A U.S. led economic globalization of the markets of the world. They BOTH are beholden to Corporate America and the Federal Reserve Bank and the World Bank. Now that they have successfully indebted the people of the United States they are going after all of the people of the world.

No matter how long it takes or how this needs to be achieved!!
45 auto
2007-08-31 20:01:00 UTC
It's much harder to attract a group Than 1> He isn't a liar>Just has issue with what's good for the USA>What you will see is when the going gets tough the weak run an talk what they could, should,& would do>> but won't do>>
2007-08-31 20:38:29 UTC
who is the decider?

downing street memos:

"but the intelligence and facts are being fixed around the policy."
2007-08-31 20:00:15 UTC
They think that the intelligence community deals in hard facts!
2007-08-31 20:00:02 UTC
Seriously, what Politician's do you know that have not lied to the public? The majority are corrupt and have their own hidden agendas. I actually give Attorney's more credit than our political leaders.
2007-08-31 19:58:06 UTC
I think he convinced himself the evidence of WMDs was stronger than it really was. Good people often lie to themselves. His desire to go into Iraq clouded his judgement. He wanted so bad for it to be true that he convinced himself it was true. Plus he has surrounded himself with some bad people who are very persuasive (Lord Cheney for example) who could convince a person of relatively average intelligence of something that just wasn't true.
2007-08-31 19:59:17 UTC
Because the media told them he lied.

He was misinformed.

Why did the media say it was OK to lie under oath(I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the Truth)?
Debra H
2007-08-31 19:57:24 UTC
He went on how he CHOSE to interpret what intelligence told him. They have kept pretty quiet out of respect for his office.. no one is calling him an all out liar YET.

Just wait til he steps down.. watch the tell all books come out. and all the TV interviews of former CIA and intelligence personnel... It should be interesting.
2007-08-31 19:57:58 UTC
Because people want to cherry pick history. It may be they believe that all of the people, dems, repubs, libs, cia, UN, everybody lied, but they only choose to talk about what their friends want to talk about or what they think is the popular thing to do. People tend to trend. A lot. No big deal, just realize how many people around you do not have a mind to make up their own mind. It's kind of sad but thats reality. Get used to it!
2007-08-31 20:02:55 UTC
he only reported things favorable to an invasion of Iraq, I don't think he actually lied, but he had an agenda and reported only info that served that agenda
2007-08-31 20:03:57 UTC
It simple, if you constatnly repeat a false accusation, people begin to think it's true. It has nothing to do with the facts.
2007-08-31 20:02:49 UTC
Right on, mommy! They have very selective memories, apparently. By the way- speaking of WMD's- did you hear that they found a bunch of WMD's sent from Iraq in the basement of the UN building in NY? It's true. Check the link.

I thought Saddam had no WMD's. Maybe Bush was right.
2007-08-31 19:58:46 UTC
It is obvious why he lied. He should be impeached for lying to Congress and Americans to get support for his illegal invasion!

BUT HE IS A LIAR! He is LYING today about IRAQ!

He is a chronic liar!
2007-08-31 19:57:33 UTC
Because all of them lied: Bush, Cheney, Coleen Powell, and Condoleezza Lies.
Jeremiah Johnson 7
2007-08-31 20:12:13 UTC
That's right, President Bush has stood in the face of enormous scrutiny, and I think he will be remembered well as a great President who was very clear on his moral obligation to put America first during his time of President, and too, it was his sheer guts that kept America safe from the Islamic terrorism.
2007-08-31 19:58:30 UTC
It is just politics to some and some seem genuinely delusional.
2007-08-31 20:00:39 UTC
99% of congress supported the decision to go to war. Including the Clintons who are now the biggest anti-war and anti-Americans.
2007-08-31 20:01:45 UTC
he is a liar.............

and i kind of believe cheney has had his say in alot more than meets the eye.......pure speculation though........(not)
Modus Operandi
2007-08-31 19:57:28 UTC
Because people like Hillary are wise to the fact that it won't help their reputation to have it publicly known they voted to go to war too.
2007-08-31 20:00:09 UTC
I often wonder what percentage of people truly believe that Bush lied - or if they just like spreading this garbage to discredit Bush and hopefully boost support for their own agenda.

I suspect the latter is true.
2007-08-31 19:57:00 UTC
Because its easier to blame him than to admit that they were wrong.
PNAC ~ Penelope
2007-08-31 19:56:49 UTC
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."

Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.