I think it's more that anyone who gets in his way is his enemy.
If you disagree with him you must be disparaged and attacked.
Whether it's FOX news, Tea Partiers, Conservatives, Republicans, The public at large, etc.
We're just not smart enough to understand his plans, so he needs to better explain it to us.
Or just shove it down our throats, through intimidation, bribery, coersion, etc....You know, Chicago style politics
You notice the more he does this, the lower his approval rating goes.
We understand it fine, Mr. President. We REJECT it. Get it?
We don't want your Socialist agenda
You didn't listen, now your party will pay a heavy cost in November, you arrogant, elitist Marxist
And yes, I do believe the plan is to create a permanent, dependent Democrat voting base. Amnesty for illegal aliens will help greatly in this effort. When over 50% of Americans don't pay income taxes and become dependent on the Socialist, I mean Democrat party, they'll vote themselves other peoples stuff.
This will be the beginning of the end of the Republic; so, this is why Obama must be stopped
Other than the cool-aid drinkers, I don't think there is anyone left in America that believes a word that comes out of your mouth, not any longer Mr. Duplicity