Why do conservative talk radio shows all succeed...?
Brad the Fox
2008-01-11 10:53:12 UTC
while all liberal talk radio shows fail?
25 answers:
Philip McCrevice
2008-01-11 10:57:32 UTC
Because it's easy to defend and talk about policies that make sense.

It's very hard to simply badmouth Republicans all day and offer no intellect at all.

I've tried listening to Air America, but after about five minutes I start feeling sorry for them and have to turn it off.
Moody Red
2008-01-11 11:31:29 UTC
Brad, they will never, ever understand reality, or economics. I could not believe what I heard Dennis Kucinich say on Frank Beckman's radio show today.

Kucinich, wants the government to regulate the wages that corporations pay! Honestly, he was on the radio this morning!

If this is truly the liberal mindset we are all in trouble.

They have very little or no knowledge of economics.

I feel the same way about Iraq. If a liberal has a neighbor who is being robbed, shot , or raped. Would they let it go on without trying to do something help?

Iraq is one of our global neighbors, who had a horrible dictator, so we should have just turned our back's, on women and children, even when he threatened us? The U.N. tried resolutions for how many years? Pelosi says,"the surge is not working." Murtha just last month apologized after going there and said, the surge was working. Can you believe any of them?

Conservative talk shows make it because the hosts have common sense. They have critical thinking skills, and they all seem quite knowledgeable and intelligent, with the facts to back up their rhetoric.

I have listened and watched people like Bill Maher who make as much sense as using a coat hanger to hold the headlight together on their car. [Yes, I did see that!] He has no real facts, just a lot of "yes, men" on his show.

2008-01-11 11:25:25 UTC
1) Rush Limbaugh pioneered the political/talk format and has a proven track record. Others on the right have a more easy time getting a show because the concept has already been proven. Sponsers do not like the idea of going into the "unknown" sponsering a liberal talk show. It is seen as more risky to the sponsors.

2) Republicans in general are older with more money and that fits the talk radio demographic more. Liberals are either super rich Hollywood types or are young with less money which is not good for sponsors or even potential sponsors. Older people who own a home in the sub burbs are a lot better potential customer than poor college kids. If you notice the advertisments on these shows you will see it is mostly for mortgages (something the younger liberals usually can not afford) investments and "old people" products.

3) Like Rush Limbaugh Fox news produces a lot of right wingers who have good name recognition and thus would be a "natural" to have a radio show. If not for the right wing Fox news Sean Hanitty would not exist. PBS is a liberal television station but does not produce too many talk show hosts and not too many people watch that anyways. PBS is not "slick" enough for todays viewer.

4) Liberals can be percieved (even if not true!) as anti business and pro higher taxes and there are not a lot of sponsors who like that!

5) The current administration is Republican and it is more easy to have a talk show host who agrees with the currnet administration than not.

6) Liberals have way too many slogans and a lot of people are tired of said slogans. These slogans are seen as just that slogans and nothing more. "No blood for oil" "Impeach Bush" etc. Just saying the same old tired slogans over and over again does not make for good radio.

7) Liberal talent is lacking. The typical liberal who might be qualified for a talk show can make a hell of a lot more money with less work by working in hollywood. If some one is a good actor say he or she could make millions shooting a movie for a few months as opposed to working daily at a talk show. Also, liberals tend to host late night talk shows. Leno, Letterman, Jimmy Kimel and Conan Obrian are all liberal. They make millions just goofing off on tv why bother with a "serious" show?

8) Local stations have their right wing programing esablished and just run sydacated right wing programing all day long. For liberals in most cases they would have to form a whole new station with all new programing which is not easy to do. The owners of the local stations are in it ONLY to make money and so this would be the old saying if it's not broke don't fix it. If a persons owns a local station that is doing well based on right wing programing then there is no incentive to change anything.

9) Liberals are concentrated in certain geographic areas. The west coast and the north east thus making it hard to have a national show. Most people in Kansas do not want to listen to left wingers! lol

10) Liberals have gotten a bad name even though not all of them are so. A lot of times liberals are thought of as moon bats, stupid hippies etc.
2016-05-24 11:24:58 UTC
If the proposed fairness doctrine is structured like the original, it likely will not apply to "news" programs. Under the Fairness Doctrine CBS for example, will still be able to report stories that "should/could be true". Regarding liberal Talk Radio, I listened to air America while it was available in my area...strange, they had no commercials only PSAs. The programs kept repeating the same basic mantra "Rove is from hell, Bush is Satan", no matter the topic. That's gotta get old, even to a liberal. EDIT: Sorry Wolf, but the fairness doctrine does indeed impact both radio and broadcast TV.
2008-01-11 11:03:39 UTC
Because the "talk" in most conservative talk radio is from the callers. Most of the hosts listen to the callers and give them a chance to speak, which gives the rest of the audience the feeling that their concerns are heard as well.

The "talk" in liberal talk shows is the hosts talking. There's no more interaction than there is watching television or reading the newspaper.

This difference is why so many liberals listen to conservative talk radio, but the audience for liberal talk is so sparse.

If liberal hosts would actually listen to the callers and actually interact with them rather than argue, they'd be more popular.

They'd also be conservatives, probably.
Jacob W
2008-01-11 11:48:10 UTC
One reasson, as your Liberal answerers have so kindly demonstrated, Liberals cannot express their views without injecting vitriol. Then, there is the fact that many Liberals' knowledge on most subjects is wide but shallow. Once they have stated the talking points they cannot delve any deeper. If you try to engage them in deeper conversation they get frustrated and angry.

There is also the fact that most people are at the most Liberal embracing part of their lives when they are young. Young people listen to music on ipods not political talk.

And finally, Liberalism is primarily about feeling not thinking. Talk radio engages you and makes you think regardless of the political views of the host. But you can only feel emotions for so long then they begin to wear out. A person can be angry for just so long, then it begins to soften. A person can feel sad for only so long then they start to become less sensitive. It is just the way people are wired.

You can think for hours and hours. But feeling begins to get old. Think about it. If someone tells you a sad story it can really cause an emotional response. But if he keeps telling you sad story after sad story, you begin to feel less and less. Finally, if it continues long enough it becomes tedious and difficult to feel anything but annoyed.

That is why no matter how hard they try, most Liberal listeners cannot stay tuned. After a while, they find more and more reasons not to tune in.

2008-01-11 11:16:40 UTC
Most conservatives are older, and so are more inclined to get their information from the radio instead of the TV, and especially instead of the internet. So, conservatives have a large market on the radio. Liberals don't.
Lonnie P
2008-01-11 13:40:22 UTC
I'm having a difficult time understanding why ANY talk radio show, lib or con, is succeeding or has succeeded.

Its all fear-mongering tripe designed to stir up the uneducated in society. IF people actually used the brains they were given to reasonable effect, none of this crap would even be on the air.
2008-01-11 10:59:25 UTC
Because conservative stations put people the air to whom people want to listen. Liberal stations, on the other hand, put on the most hateful people they can find. People can only listen to how much Al Franken hates President Bush fora certain amount of time before they have to tune out.

Not all liberal shows fail. Alan Colmes' show is quite successful. And not all conservatives are successful in talk radio, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.
The Sidewalkinator
2008-01-11 11:23:47 UTC
Actually there are not as many Conservative talk radio shows as liberal talk radio shows, so there is less to offer.

In Turn this leads to more people listen to few shows intead of being spread out.
2008-01-11 11:08:11 UTC
At each end of the spectrum you have talk shows that are extremely biased and in the middle you have those that are more balanced, right? If you want to be challenged and informed with unfamiliar ideas and differing points of view, you will choose those shows closer to the middle. If you want to have what you alread believe validated and re-inforced, you will choose a show at one or the other end of the spectrum. Seems that liberals prefer more balanced programming.
Son of Liberty!
2008-01-11 10:59:24 UTC
No one, even raging liberals, want hear their incessant whining about the same issues...impeachment, war crimes, "Bush Lied and People died" I think and I hope I am not wrong but, even Liberals want political commentary with substance. There is one Liberal show that has been successfull..The Alan Colmes show, he is liberal but, with a brain. By the way I am listening to the Andrew Wilkow Show on Patriot Sirius radio..right now.
2008-01-11 11:04:43 UTC
rightie talkers are subsidized by daddy rupert and the bush administration....hannity and o'really for instance, haven't made money.

btw, you're lying about progressive talk, as Ed Schultz has succeeded very very well, even as they face enormous barriors from the corporations that run most stations. Also, many markets have progressive talk very successful, like Seattle.
2008-01-11 10:59:15 UTC
Because people actually listen to Conservative Talk Radio. I'm listening to Rush Limbaugh right now !

2008-01-11 10:58:46 UTC
Liberals are busy trying to make a better world. Old conservatives are sitting around bitching and listening to thier AM radios.

Liberals don't need idiots like Rush Limbaugh telling them how to think. Limbaugh attended Southeast Missouri State University. He dropped out after two semesters and one summer; according to his mother, "he flunked everything", even a modern ballroom dancing class.
2008-01-11 10:57:19 UTC
Corporations fund propagandists that represent their own interests while they refuse to fund those who rally against their right to rape the workforce, polute the world and push for fascist control of government.


Albert Einstein explains it nicely in this excerpt from his essay, "Why Socialism."

"Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights."
Cookies Anyone?
2008-01-11 10:56:30 UTC
Because all those stupid conservative listen to them!!!!

Plus facts usually win out over rhetoric...

Like the rhetoric of immigration "YOU'RE a RACIST XENOPHOBE!!!!"

Fact......they entered illegally, therefore they are criminals
2008-01-11 10:58:38 UTC
Because large corporations keep them afloat, Fox news lost money for years and Murdock payed for it out of his own pocket before it became the Rove news channel
2008-01-11 10:58:20 UTC
Conservatives tend to be sheep who are lead around by the nose by the likes of FoxNews and newsmax, liberals on the other hand are inquisitive and life long learners by nature, they do not need to be told what or how to think.
2008-01-11 10:58:02 UTC
The masses are willing to listen to anyone who offers a simple solution to problems. Jim Jones was able to accomplish the use mind control. Rush, Sean, Bill, and Ann are typical right wing mouth pieces.
2008-01-11 10:56:53 UTC
Because they're conservative. Neither taking one sider nor the other. Everyone hates liberals because they want to make life less complicated and state orientated.
2008-01-11 10:57:01 UTC
Didn't you ask this question on Monday? The answer is because conservatives fall for crap, liberals don't. seems there is eight Con's on Y! Answers at the moment.....
fairly smart
2008-01-11 10:56:22 UTC
Because the cons have the time to listen, while the libs are busy working for a living. At least that is what I am doing!

And...No one on here has any idea what I do for a living, do you??
2008-01-11 10:57:00 UTC
CONS can't think, Libs can.
2008-01-11 10:57:38 UTC
Because it's america where war is good. Torture is good. America is "good".

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.