Can liberals articulate a good reason as to why they don’t like Trump, that aren’t just what CNN tells them?
2020-05-02 22:38:04 UTC
Can liberals articulate a good reason as to why they don’t like Trump, that aren’t just what CNN tells them?
22 answers:
2020-05-03 23:12:24 UTC
The only information, that is trust worthy, from liberals concerning the matter is that  Trump defeated the Evil queen Hillary....reason enough, I guess, to hate Trump....go figure.         Have a nice day.           TRUMP 2020
2020-05-03 15:17:55 UTC
I don't watch CNN. I never needed to watch CNN to know I don't like the guy.

I'll watch 2 or 3 hours of Trump's speeches to know-how manipulative he is, like the time he said google is giving the US a site to help direct people to testing areas. -I saw google's statement right after his speech saying, it's in the early stages and only the bay areas. If it works they'll consider expanding it.

- I keep finding these stretches of truths or inconsistencies that Trump makes. It's not even news. I'm watching it in real-time.

Watching Trump he definitely has the moral integrity of a con man. I see him say one thing few days later I see him contradict himself. People who don't fact check him or have any sort of memory, he's excellent at speaking he can build your reality with just his words, but he does so with the speech pattern of a 5 year old. He's definitely dangerous to the American people who do believe him.

I like to watch his press conferences for the questions and how he reacts. I hate his temperament. He acts like a child and he doesn't know what it is to be President. I watched him say his authority is total (our government is checks and balances and states have power over their jurisdiction) a reporter challenged him, made him confirm he believed his order is total and she responded, that's not true and I watched Trump flip out, rant and scream like a child "Your fake! You know you're fake! Your network is fake!" Just because you don't like the information doesn't make it fake. The US President was never meant to be a dictator. Imagine if Obama had said that, hell would have risen from Fox. But since it's Trump I didn't see Fox highlight that so that's also not a balanced network.

The way Trump speaks in his addresses about Coronavirus these days feel like those co-workers, they wind up blaming everyone else in the office, they run a ****-show but they aren't problem-solving, they say it's not their job, only if it's something good they take the credit but everything else they place the blame on some other scapegoat. He operates like those co-workers who are really bad at their jobs. He's a master at office politics. Anyone who works in an office should know how that game is played and Trump hits all the notes. These types of co-works or managers are just terrible leaders even in a small company definitely doesn't work for a President. I had co-workers like this and saw the owner was eating it up, that's when I knew I was on a sinking ship and I quit. within 2 months that company wound up starting to lay off ultimately over half its staff and I think they went out of business within the year. Shady managers like this will sink a company. If you can remember, Trump filed for bankruptcy, Ivanka spoke about how defeated her father was over it, alot of his companies went under. He made really bad products like that steak company or that school he made. I think his building look god awful. Trump is definitely not an investment I would have made given his business track record. The only thing that kept him wealthy are the connections he's made. Even then we never saw his taxes or transparency in his finances.

I don't like Trump's policies, approaches, how he deals with people, how he carries himself, and just everything he's about. I know people he's worked with as contractors. He's an awful person to work for. He's like the rich owner of the business, how doesn't understand the operations of his business but tries to force what he's saying he wants that winds up causing more fires.

I think the world is too complicated for the US to stick only small government. We need a combo and we need the US intervention on epidemics abroad to prevent it from hitting us at home. I watched him say epidemics aren't the US's job while bioterrorism is a real US threat. Those two do go hand in hand. For him to say this isn't his job means he's not a problem solver and not fit to solve the complicated problems of our world. I also disagree with most of the things he's had to say. That alone is enough of a reason for anyone not to like someone.
2020-05-03 02:07:08 UTC
Being a liberal has nothing to do with it. I can assure you that a great part of the U.S. population despises your hero! CNN sucks just as much!
2020-05-02 23:51:21 UTC
Mainly, because he's inept, and he's an @sshole.
2020-05-02 23:44:53 UTC
I don’t watch the news Media outlets anymore. Philip deFranco Has become a better new source than them.
Ted K
2020-05-02 23:08:30 UTC
I don't watch ANY TV news.  All you have to do is listen to Trump speak--it's obvious that  he's a complete moron, who knows nothing about anything, but bullsh!ts about everything.  Every time he opens his big dumb mouth, he insults our intelligence.

And that actually says less about Trump than it does about the dimwits who support him.
2020-05-02 22:52:34 UTC
CNN  is the Cartoon News Network.
2020-05-02 22:45:15 UTC
Besides CNN, I watch MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, BBC America, listen to NPR, read WSJ,  NYT,  Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago, SF and Dallas papers, Bloomberg Business Week, Time, and they all say pretty much the same thing.

FUX News channels are completely different.  I laugh a lot at those.
2020-05-02 22:41:48 UTC
They don't like him because 1) he won; and 2) his economic plans work better than theirs do. They have to attach him personally because they can't attack his performance.
2020-05-02 22:39:12 UTC
He said my demographics are not real Americans.

Little Ms Sunshine
2020-05-04 03:49:32 UTC
I'm not particularly liberal, but Trump is dangerous to our survival. The current crisis is just an example of his ineptitude. 
2020-05-04 03:18:57 UTC
Sure can. Let's begin with honesty and truth.  Neither which are part of the Trump philosophy.  Next, we come in with a second-place Morality. Being a member of the "Good Ole Boy" club was bad enough but molesting women then laughing and openly making fun of them after is a bit much even for the seasoned veteran. When a person has to live their life presenting Non-Disclosure Documents to everyone they meet, it seems to me they need to change a few habits in their lives.  And cheating.  Wow, his mama must be really proud of his accomplishments. Economics?  Does he even know the word?  We are in a global pandemic and he is worried about building his wall.  Yes, the same wall that fell over in the first unveiling.  To assure his wall worked the President of Mexico had to put 27,000 troops at the border to assure it of success so far.  The defense department is about to bankrupt because he is taking all the money to put in this wall.  He has decreased Medicare and Medicaid coverage because "Old people are a burden on society and need to let nature take its course"  Does that mean he will not need the medical assistance given to Presidents after they are out of office.  And finally, he is not a public speaker.  He is so busy patting his own back and lying to the states about available testing he tends to forget his own words and denies even saying them when they are on tape.  "Calls it "Fake News".    Now he is been limited to speaking he is sending his son-in-law out to carry on the lies and deceit.  Let's talk about his business, which was the driving force to get America open again because he was going broke.  Most base wealth on what you have not on what you owe.  So Vonnie,  that is about as clear as it can be put!
2020-05-03 20:40:50 UTC
I don’t need anyone to tell me not to like trump. He pisses me off all on his own. Going by just things that have come outta his mouth, I think he’s incredibly stupid, childish, and mean. 

For starters, he tried to get the Ukrainian president to publicly investigate his political rival by denying military aid that was approved by congress. That was from the transcript HE released and claimed was “perfect.” 

He refuses to denounce white nationalism, and referred to white supremacists as “very fine people.”

He constantly uses insults and name calling when anyone disagrees with him. He uses Twitter to call people losers and morons. Any woman who criticizes him in any way is nasty. 

He yells nasty insults at reporters who ask him difficult questions during press conferences and doesn’t answer the questions.

He publicly suggested that a treatment for covid19 might be injecting disinfectant. Even if he was technically talking to the doctors, he said it on tv during a press conference. He later claimed it was a joke, but when the president is addressing the public about a life or death situation, it is not the appropriate time to make jokes. It was very clear he was not joking anyway.

He pardoned the former Illinois governor who was serving time for trying to sell Obama’s vacant senate seat to the highest bidder.

He claimed the federal response to hurricane Maria was perfect, and he insulted the mayor of San Juan because she disagreed. Much of Puerto Rico was without power for months, lots of people were homeless, and thousands died due to lack of medical care and supplies. While there is no proof of his intentions, I find it very disturbing that the people in Texas and Florida affected by hurricanes Harvey and Irma in the same time period got much more help than Puerto Rico. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the AMERICAN CITIZENS in Puerto Rico got less attention because they speak Spanish and are mostly not white. Trump has made his feelings about Hispanic people very well known, but these are Americans and deserve to be treated the same as the rest.

He caused a lengthy government shutdown by refusing to sign a budget passed by both houses of congress because it didn’t give him funding for his ridiculous border wall. When asked about all the government employees who weren’t getting paychecks as a result of the shutdown, he laughed it off and said they should be happy to be out of work and treat it like a vacation. He seemed to miss the fact that many of them were struggling to feed their kids and pay rent.

After the shutdown, he still didn’t get the funding he wanted for his wall, so he declared a national emergency as a way to bypass congress. He freely admitted that it wasn’t an emergency by saying “I didn’t need to do this.”

He referred to Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists. Statistically, Americans commit far more crimes than immigrants.

He was on video admitting to sexual assault. He thinks it’s ok to “grab em by the pu$sy.” This was long before he ever thought about being president but it still shows his attitude toward women and sexual assault.

He mistakenly claimed a hurricane headed toward the US would affect parts of Alabama. When the national weather service publicly corrected his mistake and said Alabama was not at risk, he refused to admit he made a mistake. Instead, he took a marker and drew an extra line on a map to try to cover up his error. It seems like a small thing, but I find it disturbing that instead of admitting to making a mistake, he went so far as to try to change the facts to support his statements. 

He pulled troops out of Syria and left our allies to be slaughtered. Congress did NOT approve this, and trump did this against the advice of his staff. The Kurds did most of the work fighting ISIS, and when trump ordered US troops to leave Syria, he knew it would result in the demise of the Kurds. This happened right after trump had a phone call with the Turkish president. I don’t know what was said in that phone call, but I find the sequence of events very disturbing. First, trump talks to the Turkish president. Then he orders the withdrawal of all US troops from Syria. As a result, the Kurds were left unprotected from Turkish forces and they were subsequently forced out and killed. Many ISIS fighters were set free in the conflict. The Kurds did the dirty work in our fight against ISIS, and we helped support and protect them. As soon as trump decided they were no longer useful, he pulled troops out and left them to fend for themselves against turkey. This greatly damages our credibility as a nation. Next time we need help from one of our allies, they might not want to get involved out of fear of getting hung out to dry like we did to the Kurds.

He referred to some less developed nations as “$hithole countries.”

He gives false and unproven information in his Coronavirus press conferences. In the beginning, when the US had over 60 confirmed cases, he said there were only 15 cases and within a couple days would be zero. He gave information that he knew was false and took a (bad) guess and stated it as if it were fact. He also wanted to leave a bunch of sick people stranded on a cruise ship because once they came ashore, our number of confirmed cases would increase.

He constantly praises dictators who have reputations for being cruel and corrupt. He publicly dismisses his own intelligence officers and instead believes the word of Putin and MBS. When the intelligence agencies run by people he hired tell him that Russia interfered in our election, and MBS was responsible for ordering the brutal murder of a Washington Post reporter, he refused to believe his own intelligence officials and instead just asked Putin and MBS if they were responsible. Obviously both denied the allegations, and trump just said “he gave me his word and I believe him.”

He refuses to release his tax returns and he hasn’t done anything to prevent conflicts of interest in regards to his companies and finances. He has violated the emoluments clause in the constitution. He requested that the next G7 summit be held at his golf resort. He later changed the location after receiving too much criticism, but he likes to use his properties for government business.

During his campaign, he led his supporters in “lock her up” chants about Hillary Clinton. When he was being investigated, he got upset and claimed he should be immune from investigation because he’s the president. He has basically said that his position allows him to do whatever he wants and have no consequences. He has repeatedly ignored subpoenas and refused to turn over documents to congress. He instructed his staff to ignore lawful subpoenas that ordered them to present documents and testify before Congress. 

He refers to any news report that shows him in an unfavorable light as “fake news.” He can’t accept any criticism without getting upset. Even when confronted with things he said on camera, he still claims it was fake or he was joking.

He doesn’t appear to have any understanding of the constitution. I would be very surprised if he read it. He has little understanding of his role as president and he doesn’t seem to understand how government functions. He seems to think being the president means he can do whatever he wants. He thinks congress and the American people are here to serve him. In reality, the president is elected to serve the people, not the other way around. 

I could go on forever but this list is getting very long. Nobody needs to try to make him look bad. He does it all on his own. He’s the worst president in American history. He doesn’t care about the people he represents and he uses his position for personal gain.
2020-05-03 18:28:25 UTC
When you stipulate they can't repeat the crap they hear on CNN, they're silent.
Tom S
2020-05-03 15:45:43 UTC
Just listen to him, and see how he is trying to destroy the working class, and the environment.  I don't watch CNN.  How much FOX "news" do you watch?
2020-05-03 14:53:59 UTC
No they can't. Most of them are just party loyalists and don't like him simply because he's not a Democrat. Others hate him because they're jealous that he's successful and rich. 
2020-05-03 13:56:38 UTC
I don’t need CNN to tell me anything about this pathological liar and Grifter, I knew all about what this jerk was before even became president which is why I didn’t vote for him!

And what does CNN say, other than make him accountable for the lies and falsehoods that he spews out on a daily basis? Which is exactly what any good news network should do isn’t it??? Or are you that stupid of a person to want to be lied to constantly? Are you that lazy that you can’t be bothered to read and verify everything he says? And are you that dumb that all you want to do is listen to those multi millionaire pundits groveling at Trumps butt on Fox News?

Trump has done NOTHING for the poor and the middle class in this country, all he has done is to have thrown the vast bulk of the tax reform at corporations and the wealthy, what you got....if you got anything, was the crumbs! And look at it now......all wasted! 

Do Republicans ever have a contingency plan for when things go t!ts up after they have thrown money away in another round of trickle down horse sh! they f**k!

If you haven’t you got the measure of this mans character by now, then you deserve all the misery in the world!!!
2020-05-03 02:48:29 UTC

They don't like Trump because they don't like death.

They think the the government should save lives.

Ironically, it's the Republicans that oppose this idea but yet call themselves "pro-life".
2020-05-03 00:50:27 UTC
Because I believe Republican Senator Margaret Chase Smith described the Trump presidency in her Declaration of Conscience in 1950. If she is correct we will see chaos in the country when the Republican Party collapses.
2020-05-02 22:47:59 UTC
His tax cuts for the rich, his lying, his anti environmental policies, his betrayal of the Kurds, his increase of the debt (before the virus), his miserable response to the virus, his history of racism, his treatment of women, ..... among other reasons are more than enough reasons to dislike him.
2020-05-02 22:43:15 UTC
He does not make logical use of scientific realities, so I feel insecure about his decisions, I do not trust they are based upon sound reasoning. Also, changes his mind many times and has no credibility. His ego is so big that he worries more about his own image than about us.
2020-05-02 22:39:24 UTC
Absolutely they cannot. They thrive more off conspiracy and popular thinking than independent intelligent thought.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.