I'm watching a "History Channel" special, about Pearl Harbor from both side's perspective. Very Informative, and the devastation of our ships and bases, and how those Americans felt, was very reminiscent of Our Generation's Pearl Harbor, of course I'm referring to 9-11-01.
Pearl Harbor united and motivated our nation, giving us the combined will and desire to defeat our enemies, and this fighting spirit enabled us to win the war on both fronts.
Too bad our resolve, and our unity only lasted a few weeks after 9-11,..then we were back to looking out for number 1, instead of sticking with our anger, and starting a National Effort to not only wipe out the terrorist, but also to buckle down, make the hard choices, and end our dependence on foreign oil.
Both these tasks are blatantly urgent, and necessary, but we're too busy arguing, and hiding from the future, to regain any unity, much less our national resolve.
I think it's probably a merciful thing, that "The Greatest Generation" is quickly dying off, because if not dying from old age, and natural causes, they would surely die of shame, by seeing how we face crises these days.