the final solution as i've heard it was a humanitarian act. earlier programs of the "holocaust" merely arrested people and gave minorities an unfair trial much the way our prisons today are filled with blacks. a good german comes to court for a crime they give him a slap on the wrist, if you're a jew though they do hate you and look down on you and you get convicted much quicker and given a harsher sentence. Jews were also required (so the story says) were required to make it known they were jews. laws like the yellow star and such. they didn't just haul away jews but arrested jews who did not comply with their orders or regulations. Many others were also arrested and treated unfairly under this "judicial system" if you wish to call it that. here i'll even give their judicial system sarcasm qoutes too to be fair. Many gypsys, pows, poor, mentally ill and other undesirables were also arrested and treated unfairly. Some estimates state 50 million people were killed 6 million of them jews. so some wonder if it was neccessarily a jewish event. certainly not very nice but this type of propaganda about demonizing your enemy has been around for time immemorial and still occurs today in the united states. so we have to wonder was this 5 year period some special time in history where generals and ruling classes actually told us the truth. It's highly unlikely so like any good historian we must seperate our selves from the emotions to come to the truth of the matter.
the final solution as written by the germans reads as so. the rhineland was on fire. feilds were gone, a long war had taken it's toll. german citizens didn't have food. fire bombing and the reality of war (a big war) had left them in dire straights and it was getting worse. so german citizens don't eat, live in rubble etc. (you hate muslims now, imagine if they leveled your country not just 2 blocks of nyc but the whole thing), despite anger and frustration. there are simple physical numbers. citizens don't eat, army is rationing supplies, even the prison gaurds go hungry. So you can see how if the gaurds don't eat the prisoners sure aren't going to eat. You see these pictures of starving pows in the concentration camps (we had concentration camps too but our fields were intact (thankfully) and we could afford to feed our prisoners, including japanese women and children). In europe they're starving to death. starving is a nasty business, you see in bugs bunny people start to want to eat eachother and sewage in overcrowded camps like this has killed people since the time of judas. it's a very bad situation. I thought wandering through the mud at woodstock was filthy and inhumane but these are the realities that are happening.
It took me long enough but from my understanding this is where the "final solution" came into play. the germans believe it or not killed these people so they wouldn't starve to death in their own feces. take it as you will but this was german thinking of the time. I won't deny jews were given a bad shake and many wound up in these camps for trivial reasons or no reason at all. but the actual killings were mercy killings not an attempt at exterminating anyone. so i hear but this is not the official story and not what your social studies teacher wants to hear. it's just the truth, nothing more nothing less. welcome to the matrix.
a similar thing happened during the US civil war at andersonville. The commander of the prison was tried and convicted after the US civil war however it's unclear what he should have done with his prisoners. surely he should have been a better man and found a way to feed and care for his prisoners more appropriately, he could have taken the initiative to expand his prison camp under his own authority, i think in the southern generals case he actually did do that. it is a mess and very difficult to say the least. how about you try to run a city of 30,000 people with and build it with sticks and find your own food. it's not going to happen.
so you should learn from history, what would happen if we once again found ourselves overwhelmed, how would we handle it. you going to open the doors to gitmo and let everyone walk out. close down abu grahib and wish them luck foraging for their own food. or kill them with the quickest and greatest technology to ease their suffering? even in this framework we think there should be a better option but popular history doesn't even touch on the subject and instead uses the situation to rally the troops and paint yourselves the hero and victims.