Sorry this is so long, but please read. But first....
Some people obviously haven't taken Bio yet and say it's not a baby, and then you have THOSE people.
Don't you love how those people say "i'm personally against it, but i can't take that right away?" I suppose they're "personally against" rape, but you can't take that right away! It's his body, his choice.
(I'm being sarcastic, i was just throwin' that out there.) Then you have those OTHER people, like "debbie" who go around shouting to males, "you don't have female sex organs, you don't have a uterus, you don't get a say!" *turns to debbie* First of all, no one should "get a say" on a fact or a life; it's a human being, either you outlaw murder or you legalize it, genius. SECOND of all, do you have ANY idea how many men are affected by abortion? Almost as many as are women. Whether you perform the murder or assist in the assassination, it will affect you. You may have noticed that most abortionists ARE men, you obviously don't mind them getting a say! *turns back to general audience* For the person who said "it's not a human" you tell me this isn't a human....
and this....
and him (this is how they "dispose" of them)
and him.
then you can tell me abortion isn't anything. To the dude who said it's okay if he/she gonna have a fatal illness; nobody shoots people with cancer and AIDS, and nobody drowns Down's children and "products of rape". They are just as human, just as precious; matter of conception doesn't change what you are, and an illness does not a monster make. And btws, you can't be pro-choice & anti-abortion; if you allow the choice then you aren't really "against" anything. Again, hope i helped.