In the Indian Perspective, What is called a "Government"?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
In the Indian Perspective, What is called a "Government"?
Twelve answers:
2010-08-09 07:50:09 UTC
Government and governance are for slaves and not for people. Before political independence it was government and governance by foreign elements; at that time it assumed meaning, since, either the foreigners were having agenda to rule people or loot people; but the so called political freedom, and self-governance by people among us, are unnecessary. but it became necessary because, the self-regulation by people themselves were destroyed by those foreigners. And india was not such a big and huge one nation before Independence. There were several small and big units and there people had real Self-regulations, since the areas were limited in extant. But the unfication of independent samasthans and little kingdoms brought India into a big national entity and from there onwards, government and governance lost relevance. Today, government and governance become inevitable, for people but useful for people like politicians and the ones on the avtar. Other wise, why then politician people like sonia gandhi, who come all the way even from distant foreign country like itali to india and people like rajnikant, karunaiiniti, etc from kanada, telugu etc areas into tamil areas.
Bala Venkat
2010-08-09 18:54:39 UTC
bull sir, hasta la vista means ''until we meet'' Perhaps he is bidding good bye not to enter a controversy or expects to come back with some interesting response, in the lines of his weird friend..

While I see that poondi is discussing the topic with the real seriousness and nearest objectivity possible for him, someone among your close friends, purely bales out his new found prejudices (the attack on govt staff is a new weapon taken recently by him) to side track the critical issues in govt, evidently because that involves his favourite party!

Of course, I see the smell of his familiar concerns about Indian politics, in poondi's response too, perhaps because you have mainly drawn your additional info from our country! But it was kept minimum to fit into the discussion.

But rank deviance from any subject that has the least hint to political malpractice, shows a hyper sensitivity of some people, which is not conducive to objective discussion He also brings pressure on you that you wont agree with him!

Why should a respondent expect Asker to ''agree'' with his views - when it is one's business to put conviction into discussion and earn the supports!

Are not people, friends included, entitled to have their own perceptions? how can the contributor expect people to go with his extreme allergy to discuss the pathology of the govts and to pass the buck to others - either opposition or the govt officials or sometimes he would buckle totally saying ''it is after all, a world phenomenon''! yes sirs, we are discussing the phenomenon impacting contemporary life of people, we can not wish away bitter facts because they conflict with someone's infatuation with a party or policy!!

Sometimes I pity that the respondent works so hard, amdist his ''busy'' schedule about which he does not fail to fuss off and on, just to come up with unconvincing and blatantly partisan views!! It is just because many familiar ones like Krish and the Asker flatter him as a ''great friend'' which is totally beside the point while discussing matters of public concern.

No offense, he is indeed good to all, except those who do not agree with him, like myself and I have no problem to tolerate his outbursts. But I can not allow his wrong views placed repeatedly to go without a counter. The forum is entitled to know all sides of / views on any issue.
2010-08-09 14:44:54 UTC
My friend,Mr."M S" is probably conducting serious research on the subject including delving into

history to spice his response with juicy anecdotes.I am waiting with bated breath,to use a cliche,but I am sincerely doing so not in the exaggerated sense but very eagerly.That may give me some clues as to how to make it juicier,if I am permitted to put in my two bits' worth.Till then,Hasta la Vista,as they say in Spanish.(I got the opportunity to use this Spanish term twice during the day).
2010-08-09 07:20:24 UTC
1.Government is formed by the representative of people, elected in General Elections.

2.These elected people are Politicians.

3.The Party which wins majority of seats forms the Government.

4.So Government is formed by Politicians, elected by people.

5.So the government is OF THE PEOPLE and BY THE PEOPLE.

6.Since the Government has to work for the welfare of the people-it is FOR THE PEOPLE.

7.Now it is another matter that the same Politicians who come to Parliament by virtue of people's vote-forget the same people who had elected them.

8.These Politicians, after coming to Power become wise, and start doing all to fill their own stomachs forgetting that the people who had voted for them are hungry.

9. Lacs and Lacs of Tons of food grains get destroyed, they see, they know , but they shut their eyes and ears but not distribute that among the hungry people.

10.Food grains rot because there is no place to store them. because the Stores are used for storing wine bottle.

11. So the government does not remain-FOR THE PEOPLE.

Here I have to become agree with your assessment.
2016-04-13 04:27:19 UTC
I agree but we all can be that way. If you are liberal and stubborn in your views, then just say it. Don't claim to be open-minded, God knows I'm not about some things. I'm a stubborn conservative and some things I just wont change my mind on, I think we all can agree that there are things we just arent willing to compromise on. Yeah it pisses you off but in the end it's ok. State your opinion, be kind and considerate when giving it, and more people will hear you out trust me.
2010-08-09 18:49:54 UTC
To find ways to earn money by the politicians by taking contracts, (not actually doing such works or half finished), influencing in government offices, etc.,
2010-08-09 08:37:21 UTC
I think "M" has something about rajnikant. i note in each and every question of you, he just teasing you (the other way rajni kant). but i have to appreciate your patience. why can't you lambast him. without replying directly to your questions (this one is an eception;here also he drew rajni's name), he always pin pointing rajnikant.

now come to your question, yes. it is the politicians rule this country. no doubt in that. they may belong to a particular party or other, but when they come to power, all are behaving/ruling in the same manner.
2010-08-09 21:48:13 UTC
in indian perspective government is that of different local dynasties created by the post independent regimes abolishing the princely states of old, so that new dynasties can rule as they please paying homage to Central dynasty at Delhi.
Aparna M @ divya
2010-08-09 17:04:35 UTC
Sir, you are right. it is for the people, by the people and to the people. That is the correct answer. i am going with Poondi sir answers, MS sir answers and other great answers. great answers.
2010-08-09 06:05:00 UTC
You saved me from answering your question, I think you have got all the right answers
MS - Believe in Ek Oankaar
2010-08-09 08:32:04 UTC
So according to you, "politicians lure people with money and also with bogus voting come to power".

What does that mean to me?

To me it mean that we have an army (I don't mean the literal meaning of armed forced) of inefficient government servants, who are burden on taxpayers money. Correct?

You are right, Politicians distribute liquor, blankets, TV, money etc to purchase vote, and police forces do nothing, right? So who is responsible? Are these Police officers who take money from Politicians and keep their eyes closed very brave should be give Paramveer Chakra? Or the people who sell themselves for few bucks should be given Padma awards?

Officials loyal to previous regime get transferred? That is the biggest problem. Why should any government servant be loyal to any regime? Government servant are on the pay role of taxpayers and they should have loyalty towards only the Nation, the tricolor, the national anthem and the citizen's welfare. Other than that if they have loyalty towards anyone else they should be fired.

How can any valid cases be closed unless government officials do not want to? If CBI does not want to, can government close any CBI inquiry? Show me a case where CBI is gone to court when government ordered to close a case. Leave alone CBI, show me any investigation agency that has gone to court against any such unfair orders from government. These government officials have always shown their loyalty towards the ruling party, for their benefits not for the benefit of the nation, or citizens.

No law, no rules can be implemented unless these corrupt, lazy, inefficient, government officials start doing their duty. If they are so afraid of political pressure, action against them, why should they join the government job? This ridicules to first join government job, earn living on taxpayers money, and work against taxpayers, and then say that what can I do, I am under pressure from politicians, I cannot do my duty, if I do right I will loose my job. I don't buy such arguments.

Of course politicians will rule the country because the individuals on the pay role of taxpayers are not doing their job, and thus system is totally shattered. When these individuals will start showing their loyalty towards Indian tricolor, India, National Anthem, Indian Citizen welfare and no one else, then we will be able to say that we have Government for the people, by the people, of the people. Until then, we don't have government but we have bunch of politicians ruling the nation according their wish.

99 out of 100 Beimaan, still meraa Bharat mahaan. Sorry, we will have to change it.

@ Dear friend Raj Kish, On this subject, I don't have to do any research, I have write what comes from my heart and mind. At the time when I saw this question, I was busy at work, and I did not want to miss to answer the question.

I know politicians are the ones who messed up this nation, but I hold government officials responsible for that because we pay them to keep everything in right spot including politicians, but unfortunately, they come under pressure, pressure of money, comfort and threats. If that is case then why join government jobs, and not join private sector. Why become burden on taxpayers money?

I know Mr. Bull will not agree with me for obvious reasons, but this is my view and I will continue to stick to it.


@ Dear Mr. Bull,

I guess I need to explain you my statement. First let me apologize because I don't agree with you. In a debate, we don't have pros and cons but we have views and differences. And from my last question, it is very obvious that that you don't agree with my view on government officials. Is that not correct? And that is what I mean by my statement. My apologies if I hurt you but I did not mean that.

Regarding your example of TN IAS officer, 1. He submitted wrong birth certificate. 2. If he government had wronged with him, did he fight for his right?

This is what exactly we do in our daily life. We buy a washing machine, that is advertised as fully automatic etc, when we take it home we find that our clothes do not dry 100%. We call up the company, the dealer, shout at them, and finally accept that this is how the machine is going to work and we have been cheated by fake advertisement.

We take a credit card and end up paying numerous charges that were not disclosed while signing up. We call up Credit Card company, fight with them on phone, but finally after some settlement pay them off sometimes pay them off full amount.

Government of India has given us a tools to fight with these malpractices.

In the first case one should go to consumer court, which is relatively fast. The cases get disposed most of the times in months, and consumer if won gets his legal expenses as well as claims as decided by consumer court. But Consumer does not want to take his right.

In the second case, RBI has setup ombudsman, and these ombudsman are present in every major cities. One can write to them. In addition RBI has online complain form. But no one uses it.

This is the problem, no one wants to take pain even to get their own rights. And same is the case with government officers. They don't want to take their rights and they don't want to take tougher path to help citizens.

Jai Hind.

@@@ Dear Mr. Bull, do you agree that when the TN IAS officer did the right thing, he got the right results? That is that I favor and advocate. He had courage to fight and win.


Sorry mr. Bala, I don't really pay any attention to you so their is no question for being good or bad to you right? I only comment on you, when your post refers to me otherwise you don't exist on this forum for me. That is the story of you for me.

Mr. Poondi Sir in defending government officials had shown all the temperament as expected, and I can understand that. He even brought in political affiliations in between, as if I have ever said that political parties are doing good or they are not responsible for the present situation of India. All I have said is, government officials are responsible for fixing the problems and they are paid by tax payers for that, and they did not do their job. If they cannot do their job for any reason, they no know moral right to remain join government jobs.

He gives 2 examples one with consumer court and one with SBI, can he also explain why did he suffer? Who was responsible for that? Why delay, why issues? Was it because of government officials or someone else?

I have pleasant experience with not only consumer court but also Chennai Police Department. I have dealt with a police officer, who not only helped me but also paid for auto fair and tea cost out of his pocket for both of us, Now what? What does it say? I know someone who got his matter with a Pharma company resolved in Consumer court resolved in less than 3 months. Now what? On the other hand I have been bothered by Chennai Police for riding out of state registered bike several times which is totally within law. What does it tell me?

If you want to defend the lazy corrupt and coward government officials please continue to do so, I am not trying to influence your thought, I am putting forward my view, I am not enforcing anyone to accept, be influenced or reject my view. Everyone has his or her brain, and they can think and make their opinions.

Jai hind...
2010-08-09 10:02:38 UTC
Govt of the people for the people etc was told by a US president to describe Democracy by its concept. What concept have we kept pure in implementation? Forget it. But I am sorry you humiliated the Kings / Monarchs by comparing with the modern political leaders, to condemn the latter's insensitivity to public duties. The kings of those days were more democratic - in the consultative sense with the elite of the state - than the rulers of the modern world.

A Pak President is able to arrest the SC judge for not toeing govt line! An Allahabad court judge had to run for life for his verdict on a PM in India. A chinese govt is terrorising its own citizens in Tibet. The shias and sunnis are killed in their own Islamic countries, where they are in minority! A sri Lanka govt is committing genocide in its own territory in the name of purging militants! Where is ideal governance? whether it is great democratic India, banana republic of Pak or communist china?!!

The ethical standards have suffered a beating in all spheres, not just politics, across the world in general. Strangely, the erosion of humane, fair practices have been skewed in the name of liberty and equality to serve wrong doers more than the average law abiding citizens. The world saw the elimination of Racial bias by statutes in major democratic countries, secular ideologies giving equal space for multiple beliefs added more meaning to harmony, an international body to work for global welfare etc added great hopes at the turn of last century, but we find the reverse travel so soon thereafter, in all fronts, all the salutary policies not withstanding!

The laws remain, but racial hates have not abated among some people, the secularism had not helped to bring harmony among communities or between countries (due to its wrong applications), UN could not prevail upon its major members themselves to stand by its collective resolutions! The world citizen is totally disillusioned by the erosion of values at all levels.

If there was a country in the world that held out the great hope of sanity in governance and international co existence, it was India of Nehru's days. He refused to be aligned to any power bloc thereby adding to the tension among countries. He advocated the peaceful co existence with his neighbours and took honest efforts that the evil neighbours did not honour! He started on a protective economy to bale out the country from the mess of exploitative past. But it turned out to be ''internally corrupted'' by Permit licence regime that was needed to ensure equitable spread of development impacts!

We switched suddenly to the Free Economy by signing the WTO and opened our ports to the world. The protective regimes were progressively withdrawn and we see the cut throat trade competition entering every sphere edging out even the small trade / retail economy of our small investors! But the govt is more vigorously implementing the provisions even after seeing the enveloping evils!

The price of meds have hiked. Crafty people trading on speculation and shares are able to strike lethal surprises impacting our economy. Meanwhile the US economic mishaps have also started impacting our economy. With best of experts at the helm, the country is struggling due to mix up of dishonest ministers, greedy traders, terrorists, parochial tendencies like minority appeasers and regional chauvinists disturbing the harmony and adding new strains to social harmony and civil administration.

So with all the RTI, the Consumer Forums, the CBI, the Ombudsmen etc the people are not able to do much to get justice. Govt resources are drained on security and sops of kinds (colour TV, Gas stove, Re 1 rice &c). So if the nature and neighbours create problems on one side, the internal politics and interest groups create chaos on the other side. With the result the governance is at all time low ebb, unable to pull together the forces of evil right from within its ministry!


Someone here is talking very unwittingly either out of real ignorance of ground position or deliberately to push his point! People know how even simple Consumer cases take at least an year to be disposed! The Posts in Forum are not filled up and procedures also brook lot of delays for a common man. You read in papers how a person got an award for his case filed in 2008. It is all cosmetic exercise that would be ok for people with abundant time.

I know how I had to fight with the SBI apex office at Mumbai in a wrong cheque bounce case for which the local Grievance cell ought to have taken action on my first petition itself. Of couse after much correspondence, cosmetic apologies were given and the late payemnt charged to me was recovered from the bank etc.

Even among IAS officers, many do not like to clash with the govt, where his own senior officers would not stand by them if they had to rub with a Minister (Sankar case). I know many cases where the State Adm Tribunal vedicts have been appealed by govt and relief denied to the employees in the cases of injustice!

The institutions created for the protection of the people, the employees etc are as strong as the political rulers, who can at will spoil the worth of all these. Even for filing FIRs people have to go to courts and the courts order the registration witout even a stricture to the police who refused to comply originally.

All arguments put forth by the 'learned' respondent are just to wean the politcal rulers from the blames under some pretext. Particularly it is the congress, the longest rulers who had spoiled the ethical fibre of the Indian administration and are on all time high deviance at present, in collaboration with corruption kings like Karuna.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.