Why don't we run America according to God's Word?
2016-08-16 14:34:34 UTC
Along with voting for Donald Trump, that's how we would make America great again.
382 answers:
2016-08-16 14:39:03 UTC
The last time the government was run according to "god's word," it was called the "Dark Ages." As it is, in the muslim world they are applying exactly the same laws and it's not making them great. Perhaps we should send Donald Trump to Afghanistan and he can demonstrate what they are doing wrong and make Afghanistan great!
2016-08-18 00:21:26 UTC
One thing many people don't understand is that the bible doesn't come from one person. Something I don't believe is argued ENOUGH about the bible is how it's sometimes contradictory to ITSELF. But I don't have to get into those ideas. I'll simply focus on your question. By god's word I'll assume you mean the bible and not some other book. The bible consists of different rules, viewpoints (claiming to be from God) and also, of course fables and stories that are meant to have a lesson. Not everything claiming to be from God was included in the bible and of course some things were. There is a new and Old Testament which sometimes either elimate, contradict, or support an idea in the other. Keep in mind the sentences I just said. With that being said, the bible just isn't a realiable source of knowledge to be completely followed. And if we "pick and choose" do we know which is correct, and what if someone else finds a different idea in the bible that conflicts the other? Makes it hypocrit?
2016-08-18 17:56:44 UTC
I think you should have paid more attention in school, because then you would know that your use of the word aloud was incorrect. You are looking for the word allowed.

That said, if we start following "God's Word" in our government practices, then we have to start taking advice from every religion. Do you really want that? There is a thing in the Constitution that is referred to as "Separation of Church and State," and it is there for good reason.

Also, you have no proof that anything taught in the Bible is actually "God's" word. Think about this: The literacy rate in the time of Jesus has been estimated at between 5 and 20%, depending on who you ask. That means that only 20 people of every 100 could read and write. Now how many of those people do you think could read and write in multiple languages? I would bet probably not very many. What I am getting at, is that there were only a handful of people writing and translating "God's Word." How do you know that these men didn't interpret "God's Word" differently than what it was actually meant? Or, how do you know that they weren't opposed to some things, and they didn't make a little note of that being bad?

If you think homosexuality is bad, then surely you must think incest is bad, correct? Then perhaps you should check out Genesis 29, and read the story of Jacob and Laban. Not only does it involve incest, it involves deception and polygamy. It can all be found in the bible. Do you think that is "God's Word?"
2016-08-18 08:13:06 UTC
Because we have a constitution.

It states that all Americans are equal in that we all have an equal freedom to practice religion as we choose to do so (as individuals) even if that means a person can choose not to practice anything at all.

It is our fundamental right to choose that stands in the way of "running the country by god's law". If we were to hypothetically run it as you'd want to, you would be forcing rules based on your beliefs upon people that have chosen to believe something else. That is not how our country works.

I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds with this one, but I hear there are a few countries you'd be interested in, very few open homosexuals, prayer in schools ie: a large chunk of the middle east. But wait, they have a different version of god's law in place, and if you could imagine having to live there where you are forced to obey rules from a god you don't believe in you'll understand why we don't do that in the land of the free.

2016-08-17 09:01:16 UTC
I'm lost here ...

So what you are saying is that America is NOT great ?

That feeling is inside of you because the last time I looked -

Violent crime is way down

Deaths are at an all time low (health and violence)

No person in this country ever has to worry about starving to death.

Our Military is stronger than anything else on this planet.

But I digress, you are apparently correct because all of this stuff is for the wimps.

If you do NOT think that America is great then you can move to another country with few limits with an American passport (again, a crazy good thing that doesn't count) any time that you want.

How about immediately ?
2016-08-17 20:52:35 UTC
Here's an answer, ask yourself why we don't follow satanism, I mean, it is seeing everyone equally. Not what most people think. It's because there's people like you and people like me. You believe in a so called "God" you never met and say that your homophobic feelings are because is what God said. You know, you can't even prove he existed. But that doesn't mean I'm going to make the rules run by a religion with no God because that's what I believe. I'm not a religious person because it's restricting and there's no proof of God existing, instead we have science. I believe in evolution. Now, think about what you said, think of it if someone said we ban Christianity. You'd be pissed. But I mean it's logical right? No. Because it's what someone believes and it's our right as Americans to use that right. It's ridiculous people had to fight for their rights to love, when all you people do is hate. So give me one good example of how using The word of God allows equality. You can't.
2016-08-18 06:28:00 UTC
Firstly: Which god are you talking about? There are some 3000 gods and religions, please specify which one you mean.

Second: why that one in particular? Every religion says they are the real one, where is your evidence? Circular arguments like "God is real, the bible is proof because it is god's word and since God is real, the bible is too and what the bible says about God is also true" is NOT EVIDENCE!

Why can't we run America according to Buddhism or Santa's words Ra's rules? We don't teach fiction in schools unless the subject was explicitly made know to be fiction eg creative writing, so we do not teach what the bible says. Why not then teach what the Koran says or what the Arabian Nights book, or the entire collection of Hans Christian Andersen says? What is so special about the bible that the other books don't have? Think objectively before you answer: there is no evidence for ANY religion, and it is up to the followers to prove it because you are the ones making the claim!
2016-08-19 20:43:33 UTC
What do you mean by God's Word?

Fortunately/unfortunately, however you wish to view it, a group of people large enough to be a continent cannot wholly operate under one religion. In this day and age, it's impossible. If you mean enforcing aspects of the Bible such as not lying, stealing, cheating, blaspheming, etc, then you can certainly try to put that into play. The thing is, there are always people relatively (and sometimes objectively) seen as bad. Bad people can be those that don't follow the rules, people that steal and lie and kill. You can't control everyone according to how you want.

I've seen this issue come up within the Christian community itself, where people ask "why allow suffering?" when God has complete control over everything. I don't have the answer to that question, a popular belief is that *through* suffering, good arises. Others see this as simply a regression to the mean. However you see it, there is no one and absolute control mechanism. If there were, well there certainly wouldn't be any other religions ("You will have no other gods before me"), there wouldn't be any killings ("you shall not murder"), and so on. So perhaps God has allowed people the freedom over these things? Your question now should be why.

There are too many complications with this question. It's impossible to unite so many people under one umbrella when there are people within it who don't want other in there too. For example, you just said that you'd love to have schools where 'homosexuality wasn't aloud to be taugt to kids'. Aside from your spelling errors, I want to address your hypocrisy. Because even if you do view homosexuality to be a sin, which I don't, you'd would still love the 'sinner' ("But I say to you, Love your enemies"). Perhaps the current hatred toward gays is the reason people try not to associate with christianity; what was once seen as a loving and giving religion has now sparked hate crimes and discrimination globally. Me for example, I'd love to keep my faith, but this mountain sure got a whole lot steeper after people within the Christian community despised me for being gay. Also I've no idea what you mean by homosexuality being taught in schools, I wish I was taught about it, I have no idea what to do now, with mass media covering the basics of dating for heterosexual couples. We weren't taught how to 'pick up chicks' when I was growing up, but it would've been nice if they explained how sex between two people of the same gender worked. I know so much about the vagina that I just really don't need to know...

So instead of trying to kick other people out from your umbrella, why don't you try and show them that you've got ample space? Start there.
2016-08-17 07:31:48 UTC
We don't run America according to God's Word because we're not a bunch of idiotic, superstitious cavemen.
2016-08-17 16:03:09 UTC
Why don't we run America according to God's word?

So we should preach hate and fear to our children? Teach them it's not okay to be different? And then we should vote to put a racist, sexist, xenophobic president in the White House? Because he's such a great role model for our children? Teach them it's okay to say whatever the **** that want without worrying about the consequences? Without worrying about who they might be hurting? That's the way to "make America great again"?

When did America stop being great? Freedom of speech and religion are part of what makes America great (because we are still great). Basically, your "plan" is to force feed religion to an entire generation. You obviously have a complete disregard for the beliefs, and also the individuality, of other people. How can you even call yourself an American? Is that what America is now? If that's what you want for your kids, move to Russia. I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms. You know, as long as your white. And straight.

P.S. I answered this like a real question, but I sincerely hope you're a troll. In my personal experience most Christians aren't as ham-fisted and moronic as you. You're the type of Christian that disowns their child when he/she comes out of the closet. You're the guy at the rally holding the "homosexuals are demons" sign. You're the guy who trounces over everyone else's beliefs, because you couldn't possibly be wrong! You have God on your side! Right!? Well guess what? That's not Christian. People like you make me sick.

P.P.S. it's allowed not "aloud". Learn how to spell.
2016-08-17 19:12:36 UTC
There are several reasons.

First, the U.S. was founded on separation of church and state. The 1st Amendment of our constitution states:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

Second, there's no consensus of what God's will is (or whether there is a God). Not even within a single religion. There's so many translations and interpretations of most holy books, no less the Bible, that any attempt to rule by "God's law" would result in religious oppression and most likely would result in the type of corruption that would lead to a very socially stratified country. It would be a disaster. This is essentially what ISIS wants for Syria.
2016-08-16 15:20:47 UTC
Trump will NOT make this country great again. And, when was it great? IF it was run in accords with God's word, it would be great. But we have that freedom of religion and there's dozens of religions here, so it's hard to govern it within Christianity.

P.S. Hillary and Trump will both make this country many enemies. More than we already have.
2016-08-18 17:40:10 UTC
If you want a country run by 'God's word,' move to a country that enforces state religion. America was built on the principals of freedom of religion, so enforcing the will of religion on people who celebrate other religions and non-religious people would be infringing on their rights as American citizens.

Secondly, a true Christian doesn't purposefully exclude certain individuals from their lives or expect them to change themselves for you. If you don't like homosexuality, like I said-- move someplace where it is criminalized, because it's not the Dark Ages here.
The Whoflew Bird
2016-08-16 14:40:29 UTC
The simple and easy answer is that people can't agree on which words are "God's word" if any of them are, and also people don't think along the same political lines, but this is very obvious stuff, right? You don't need a weatherman to tell you if your hot or cold, and you don't have to be a genius to realize people have a funny way of deciding to believe and think whatever darn well pleases them. It would seem we can even observe that tendency in ourselves, no?
2016-08-16 21:33:38 UTC
Wow, there's so much I could say, but I'll stick to the basic question.

Why don't we run America according to God's word? Because the founding fathers, in their wisdom, gave us the Constitution, and its wonderful First Amendment, which protects me from having to live under your interpretation of what God wants. Wow, I am so grateful for that freedom all the time, but particularly so at this moment.
2016-08-17 14:45:42 UTC
Well for one according to God's Word. As Christians, we are to preach the Kingdom message e.g., going house-to-house (Matthew 24:14; Mark 6:7; Luke 10; Acts 5:42; 20:20) preaching (sharing with others) is not forcing one's beliefs on people (Matthew 10:11, 12) and especially not performing mechanical prayers (Matthew 6:1-8).

God's Kingdom is no part of this world (John 17:14, 16; 18:36), including all it various the countries/states etc folks. God's Kingdom is going to crush and destroy all the World's systems of government. (Daniel 2:44, 45). Don't mean to upset you, the truth is Trump is not God's Christ (Anointed One) Jesus is! ( (Psalm 2; Mathew 6:9, 10; 17:5; Revelation 12). Think about how critics could fairly accuse people of being brainwashed if were forced, much Islam is forced in Islamic countries.

Homosexuality exists, people get mad about it, that but often don't discuss, that people can change (1 Corinthians 6:9-11), protecting youths from pornography and the various types of immorality. People can change they might be tempted, but remember God's love the world, he sees the potential. Remember too Jesus' critics often complain how he cared for sinners (the immoral) and the tax collectors. "Love your enemies" does not mean to follow their behaviour necessary but you still do love and pray for them. Remember the Loving mercy and compassion that from Jehovah God and His Anointed One Christ Jesus.

True Christianity is a choice. So pick the team that won't lie (Isaiah 53:9; 1 Peter 2:22; Titus 1:2) or the other one that God and Jesus along with the vast army of angels and his co-heirs will destroy -- that is an individual choice. If you want to be part of God's Kingdom as well please pray about it and consider accepting a Bible Study (link attached below)

Hope this help answers your question.
2016-08-19 06:31:48 UTC
Yeah, I think America must be run on according to God's Word
2016-08-18 04:49:40 UTC
First off America is not a religious state (your constitution / amendments clearly state that they are to be separate) because that's how the US was built on - people fleeing religious persecution.

Secondly, which type of Christianity would you choose? Catholicism? Amsih? Anglican? Methodist?

Third how would you choose what you follow and what you don't?

For example, slavery is A-Okay. That sounds like a terrible country, not a great one...

A man who rapes a virgin gets to marry her and she has no say in that (Deuteronomy 22:28-29). Non believers can be killed (Deuteronomy). Domestic violence can condoned (Timothy 2:11). Adultery (any sex out of marriage, divorce) means death by stoning...

Or is that not okay?

Maybe you want to go Amish? No electricity, no electronics or modern day stuff, no cars, no cameras...
2016-08-19 09:57:48 UTC
First of all no country is run according to God's word. Some countries are run by people's opinion of what God said. How about just treating others as we would like to be treated? Do not force our version of reality on others.
2016-08-19 04:02:11 UTC
Let me put it to you this way. The Quran is God's word according to Islam. Judging by the details with your question, I don't think you'd like if America was run like Saudi Arabia or Iran or other Muslim countries. The main reason for Putting a reference to God in American politics is because the communists didn't want to mix politics with religion. But the main reason for separation of church and state in the American constitution is to allow complete freedom, including freedom of religious beliefs. There are too many different cultures, religious faiths and non-religious people in America, so a specific religion (or indeed religion at all) cannot be fair on the whole population. Separation of church and state and a Secular government must remain in order to allow for the freedom of all citizens. To sum up, religion and politics shouldn't mix so as to allow for a true freedom of all citizens.
2016-08-16 22:32:41 UTC
...because we have all these different people claiming to be in the service of their subjective interpretation of "Gods word", which has been distorted by many to justify their alleged righteousness in the selfish pursuit of their own interests. Beware of anyone who claims to be a God's righteous brother. What they say could only be true if they really are Gods righteous brother (how would you know if you don't know them well), not just because they say so, and are claiming the bogus authority of a hypothetical overarching supernatural being to force their agenda onto others.

To answer "Why don't we run America according to "Gods word", we 1st need to reach a general consensus of what "Gods" word is, who says so, what their basis is for claiming so, and what's in it for them. For those who say their version of "Gods" word is a self-evident truth to be accepted on faith alone, answering the preceding questions becomes even more important. After this, we can address the sanctification of their assertions, or not.

Liberals, as a group, do not "hate" God. Mostly, liberals are true believers in the various forms of "God", as presented, are apathetic, or somewhere in between. This is true for most large demographic groups. Liberals are more likely than conservatives to question authority. Not everyone who claims to be a Gods righteous brother really is, or won't cheat or lie to you, if they get the chance. (check the truthfulness of Ted Cruz on politifact). Some liberals are hard core atheists, and will admit it up front. The conservatives who are atheists are more likely to be hypocrites about it. Some exceptions both ways.
2016-08-16 18:00:44 UTC
First, we all differ on just what God's word is. That is why we have freedom of religion and no national faith. It's in the amendments to the Constitution. If you have not taken American government yet, read the Constitution and see what it says.

Donald Trump wants to make America more bigoted, more racist, more isolationist, and more dangerous than it has ever been in our history. You need to pay attention to what he is saying.

Bleating, "Make America Great Again" is like Orwell's "Animal Farm"-"Four Legs good; Two legs bad!" This is not the time to be a sheep.

Get an American history book and read it.
2016-08-17 08:48:48 UTC
Because our nation was established to protect us from being ruled by someone's particular interpretation of "God's word". Some churches say that gay behavior is a cardinal sin, others that God created us all and He doesn't make mistakes. Some churches say that abortion is murder, others say that God and the woman together decide what is best for the woman and her family. Still others don't believe in God at all. And our nation was created for ALL of these people, because it was originally settled by a religious cult escaping the demands that they conform to the religious views of a different sect. Don't they teach actual history any more?
2016-08-17 09:45:07 UTC
Which God's word?
2016-08-17 21:44:13 UTC
Simply because not everyone believes in God.

One of the most basic points that America was built on was that America should not be structured with a specific religion. Move to another country if you have a problem with that. Sure, America may be flawed. Though perfect is an impossible task in modern society. I'm trying not to involve my own opinions, but I believe that freedom is what makes America. And being tied to a specific religion (or political preference) would not allow the founding fathers' the single most important thing they expected from the great country they built.

2016-08-17 06:55:01 UTC
Because anybody who isn't white, straight, Christian, Republican and retarded would be doomed. Some people don't seem to know what God's word is and seem to think that God actually hates anybody who isn't like them. To this day I can't figure out what makes them so sure God doesn't hate them.

BTW it's *allowed* not *aloud* and *taught* not *taugt*

Before you criticize and condemn others it's best to make sure your own house is in order. Better get with the program. I hear God hates spelling errors.
2016-08-17 18:54:51 UTC
Church is seperate from church, or were you hoping to see Medieval times 2.0. You can pray all you want in school, you just can't force others to. You can hate homosexuality all you want. You can hate it based on a book written thousands of years ago by human hands and translated so many times there is no way to be sure the current versions are even similar to the original if that makes you happy. You can vote for Trump and see how long it takes for him to lose his temper and either nuke another country or get our country nuked or how long it takes him to piss off more than half the worlds governments. However this is a free country where it's people can believe in their choice of religion, where the church is not supposed to influence the government (although it does a little bit) and where you can send your child to a private school if you want them to hear gods word and be taught about the supposed sin of homosexuality and how it is somehow so much worse than other sins when all sins are supposed to be equal.
2016-08-18 09:22:22 UTC
Because America was never run or was never meant to be a theocracy. In general they are restrictive and eventually deviate significantly from God's word. The truth is that based on the "Christian" people I have seen on TV and various other interviews I can say that there are few real Christians in the US so if you were to make that as a requirement the population of the US would drop by about 90%.
2016-08-17 06:51:59 UTC
We don't have religion taught in schools because of all the clash it would cause between different denominations we have in families who send their kids to the same school. It would cause trauma to the kids trying to figure which is the right text and which is the wrong text. Some people would delight in having their interpenetration of the bible taught in school. The school would have more religious class rooms added on to teach different religious beliefs that they would out number all the academic class rooms 10 to 1. Every religion would demand their religious beliefs be heard along with the others. And I know of no school that teaches any thing about homosexuality. Although I believe they should. Maybe what we have today isn't perfect. But when religion comes into play, there is no easy answer. Religion in schools would be total chaos.
2016-08-19 08:45:09 UTC
It's because this country was put together so that everyone can have to right to have THEIR OWN RELIGION! That's what America is about. Being free to believe and feel how you like without having to worry about the government attacking you for it. In my opinion America is just fine the way it is and no one has the right to teach one specific religion in school. It's all right to teach your own children that homosexuals are bad but not everyone's children so the idea of it being taught in school is out of the question.
2016-08-16 14:57:57 UTC
People can't even run their own lives to God's word

Yes, I was talking about so called christians
Miranda Dove
2016-08-17 23:05:32 UTC
Wait we don't run America according to God's word? Because last I checked, if you were a politician you being in any way against the Christian/Catholic version of God basically ruined your chance of being elected by a large part of the population. But in response to your correction, if America was run that way we very well couldn't call it "the land of the free", now could we?
2016-08-16 21:05:59 UTC
You mean like Iran and Saudi Arabia are run 'according to God's word'? I don't think so.

You don't seem to understand the word "freedom".

P.S. Trump is NOT a Christian.
2016-08-19 14:26:43 UTC
Because as it stands God can't be proven or disproven and considering not everybody in this country believes in God it would go against everyone's religious freedoms so that's why.Many religions say they have proof and what they provide satisfies them but not everyone else so that's why not everyone believes in that certain religion,and person can say "Well why can't this country be ruled by my religion" this is a democracy not a theocracy.
2016-08-17 23:58:13 UTC
Because we are not stupid. Your god's word, written by some men and handed down by idiots over the years, would make us no better than some rabid Muslim country. There's a reason we separate church and state, and that's because even then they knew that the poorly educated religious have no business ruining a great country. That's all the religious could do - ruin a great country.
2016-08-18 01:44:31 UTC
Because the nation was created as a federation of states, and different states had different mixes of religions. Many people came here due to either religious persecution, or being a religious minority, or because they had atheist, agnostic, or deist ideas. So, few of the people wanted a state religion, because, the odds were, it wouldn't be their own religion.

Thomas Jefferson was a deist, and made a cut-up Bible with all the miracles removed. George Washington was careful to avoid using the word "God" or "Christian" in his speeches. In fact, he mentioned "Mohammedans" (Muslims) a few times, and that was probably to make a point about religious diversity. Thomas Paine was an atheist.

This is why the 1st Amendment was proposed and passed - to avoid the problem of defining a state religion. The consequence was that churches in the US have flourished and, for some sects, are stronger than the same churches in Europe.
2016-08-18 07:21:05 UTC
Because the United States is not a theocracy. The founding fathers enshrined the separation of church and states in the Constitution. They did so for a reason: people worship many different Gods and a country that admitted many faiths would be stronger and more free.

If you don't like it, move to a theocracy. Good luck finding one where you agree on all points of religion.
2016-08-20 13:37:22 UTC
According to which version of which God's word?

If you are talking His Noodliness, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, I'm with you. Beer Volcanoes, Talk Like a Pirate Day, and all, you know?
2016-08-16 16:28:04 UTC
"Why don't we run America according to God's Word?"

Read your constitution (the 1st Amendment in the Bill of Rights).

If you still can't figure it out then I can't help you.
2016-08-18 07:35:37 UTC
Though I know the world would work better in a god centered mindset, God also gave people with a free choice to love or not love him, if he hadn't we would all be like robots with no free will and that's not what God wants for us. Almost every founding father can be quoted in saying something generally similar to "Without God our nation will not prevail" and America was based on many Christian viewpoints and beliefs. I believe just due to the fact that everyone must be able to make their own choices you can't force you're religion onto someone even if it may be "better for them."
The First Dragon
2016-08-19 12:06:02 UTC
We can't run the country according to God's word until enough people want to.
2016-08-17 05:44:01 UTC
Run it according to god's word,

but which word of god,

Sermon on the mount?

forgive your enemies, don't attack Taliban, forgive them for they do not know what they do and keep forgiving them again and again.

or Old testament rules?

Stone rebellious Children

Stone Non-Virgins?

Rape victim should marry the Rapist after the rapist pays a fine to the victim's father

Do not do any work on the Sabbath or be put to death?


So I don't prefer ether versions of biblical law and I prefer that these laws are outdated and that laws change as society changes and that the modern law is good for the world.
Queen of Sheba
2016-08-18 07:38:31 UTC
Great question!

G-d speaks into eveyone's heart and mind but tells each of something a little different. That is that makes the work as it is.

The three Abrahamic organized Religions are each a united group G-d uses to insure hunanity doesn' t overpopulate to the point we wipe out all the other lifeforms and we can continue to survive.

Muslims and Christians constantly fight because G-d tells them to in their holy books the New Testament and the Qu'ran.They both struggle to increase their numbers to supply cannon fodder to gain advantage during their holy wars because neither religion is whole but are hole without the other.

Homosexual sex won't produce offspring and gays aren't usually fierce warriors. That makes them a waste of food and resources to organized religions which exist to keep diwn population.. Worse, many tend to be promiscuous and spread venereal diseases to partners raiding children ruining the ability to produce future warriors.
2016-08-18 12:07:16 UTC
Name a nation which runs it's government according to their religion ?
2016-08-16 22:57:24 UTC
IF it was run in accords with God's word, it would be great. But we have that freedom of religion and there's dozens of religions here, =====
2016-08-18 18:50:52 UTC
If we just followed the ten commandments the world would be a fine place. It does not matter if those are God's words or mans. They encompass all the evil that man treats other men with. I think they are God's words but they are beautiful in any case.
2016-08-17 18:36:37 UTC
Because our Constitution protects us from building a Church of the United States. Now, this just might upset your religious sensibilities, but for a country to make sure it's citizens ALL learn "god's word" at the same pace, from the same book, you need Theocratic Rule. That's right, just like what they have in the Middle East. Just like what we left England for to begin with!
2016-08-17 09:44:18 UTC
no, you didn't run America according to God's Word,but you are running America by Zionist ideas
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-08-19 13:02:11 UTC
America was founded for the very purpose of allowing people to worship in their own way while building a mutually-beneficial society, always working toward greater social stability and free enterprise.

Nothing about America is anti-religion, but the system is designed to keep people from imposing their personal beliefs on other people.

You can't have both democracy and religious fervor - you have to choose.
Coop 366
2016-08-18 11:33:25 UTC
You can't run America by God's law or word because of man being the leader! If God through Jesus Christ is the leader it will be great. As for the Donald (il Duce) that is the reason it will not work. the Donald sees only what he wants to see, whither it is God's word or from his mind.
2016-08-17 04:14:32 UTC
Trump doesn't follow God's word, so that makes this the absolute dumbest question ever posed on Yahoo! answers. God tells us in the Bible that we should be humble. Trump is an egomaniac, so you obviously don't know anything about God's word. Just like your idiotic blowhard mentor Trump.
2016-08-16 20:53:53 UTC
Because that's the whole point of America, obviously.

Notice how the Bible is all about the governance of royalty: King Solomon, King David, Jesus (The King of Kings).

The first principals of government structure in the USA, as set by the founding fathers:

1. We elect presidents, senators, ect.

2. FXXk kings

That's just an unbiblical foundation right there.
2016-08-17 05:18:56 UTC
Because there is no mention of God or Jesus or any such anywhere in the Constitution. The Founding Fathers were not 'Christians' instead they were deists, who believed that the people have the right to worship any God or none that they choose. All this "In God We Trust" nonsense started in the 1920s 1930s and is not part of the founding of the USA or any such.

Millions of Americans are leaving Christianity for a life of 'freedom'. The Mormon Church for example is on the verge of collapse following it's unholy and stedfast condemnation of Gay marriage and being Gay.

Bad nooze Mormons, the Pope (Bishop of Rome) demands all Christians make an apology to the Gay community of the world.

Christian Nation ? My Eye it Ain't.
2016-08-19 19:34:48 UTC
If every country followed God's word, all these thing that are going on all over the world would not have had happened.
2016-08-20 09:04:15 UTC
God doesn't exist and you can't make people believe this. Donald Trump isn't what would make America great again,America was never great to begin with. We had issues then all they did was get worse.
2016-08-18 17:42:00 UTC
There are already countries that don't teach what homosexuality is and consider it a death warrant. And they're countries that you people hate. Run by corrupt dictators who are controlled by religion. The world was once run by churches.... And they were more corrupt than any country can be today.
2016-08-19 16:53:34 UTC
Donald Trump isn't Christian, so you can't elect him AND run America according to God's Word.
2016-08-16 23:16:39 UTC
That's how it should be
Shawn Robin
2016-08-17 11:29:41 UTC
Because your founders rejected God's Word back in 1776:

"Fear the LORD and the king, my son, and do not join with rebels."

-Proverbs 24:21

"Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work."

-Titus 3:1

"Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you."

-Hebrews 13:17

"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience."

-Romans 13:1-7

Real Christians wouldn't be caught dead in the United States of America, founded against God's Word.

Real Christians do what God said.

Real Americans don't. Because offending God is the American Way.

Everyone who's ever read a Bible knows that.

Except of course, for America's phony Christians. They're all far too busy playing make-believe, apparently.

What's your excuse for not doing that since you clearly haven't if you need it explained to you.
2016-08-18 18:03:47 UTC
Cause there's to many evil people in America
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-08-17 02:43:50 UTC
Which god? The god of capitalism, the one that doesn't mind people that carrying guns or put their hands on their hearts and pledge faithfulness to old glory! For the record homosexuality isn't taught in schools, but it should be taught it is wrong to throw stones at anyone.

Next question how do you measure greatness, under the description of the above god I guess you are already great.
2016-08-18 22:08:15 UTC
Okay 1) Homosexuality is not taught to kids. (But apparently stupidity was taught to you) 2) not every person in America believes in God. 3) you're voting for Trump so you're probably either a racist, or an ignorant redneck (probably both though) but who knows you're probably just haven't figured out the world isn't what you say it is.
2016-08-17 07:42:50 UTC
Which God's word would you use?
2016-08-19 09:24:03 UTC
Ah yes, a country where divorced women are stoned, we can't wear mixed fabrics, we can't cut out hair, women must cover their heads, we can't have different cattle eating the same grass, we can't grow more than one crop in the same field, if we curse our parents we get put to death, if a man cheats he and his wife are both put to death, if a man sleeps with his wife's mom all three get burnt to death, where cripples or people with flat noses can't go to church, where rapists pay fifty silvers to a father and then marry their victim. Yeah, sounds great.
2016-08-17 04:13:40 UTC
This county was built on religious freedom. As a Christian, I agree that it should be kept that way. If we ran the country according to one church's beliefs, it would be completely different from another's. In America, we have the freedom to practice religion as we please, which is a lot compared to many other countries.
2016-08-19 10:39:06 UTC
The word is spelled allowed. You share my opinion about both points. Ever since the 60's when God has been taken out of American morals, this country gas been on a dark decline.
2016-08-17 16:43:20 UTC
People believe in different gods, so everyone thinks differently of what we should do. Besides, the presidents only do what they do because they want the people to vote for them. Another reason is simply that they want to be famous and go in the history book, but the fame won't last because when they die, it won't matter anymore.
2016-08-17 09:35:18 UTC
Because no one can agree with what God's word is, especially those who consider an antique like the KJV to be the last word in Biblical translation. The religious wierdos of 16th and 17th Century Europe flocked there to do just what you seem to be suggesting and look what a f*ck-up of it they made.
2016-08-18 06:07:17 UTC
Oh, yeah, Trump is a messenger from god, right? He is definitely a creature of something. I am thinking the product of immense wealth and neglect of parental guidance. Trump is the worst of America- obnoxious, loud, brutish, obscene, bigoted and ignorant.

There is another America. MY America gives people a hand up- not a slap. My America won't sit still as long as one American child goes to bed hungry.(Bible) My America helps to get Veterans off the street.(bible) My America joins the 21st century and provides medical care to its people ( not with big pharma and insurance in the way.).(Bible) My America encourages excellence, rewards hard work and teaches tolerance of others.(That's in some area of the bible, honest.)

We do not run the country as a theocracy because the Constitution won't allow it. That is one of the main things the US was founded to prevent - kings with divine rights to sovereignty ruling over the rest of us.

And it begs the question: which word? Which god? Who runs America?

Ask just about anyone - and there is a different response to who is god, what does he/she do? Which religion is the true one that gets you closer to gods? How come there are dozens of Christian takes on church, duty, sin, salvation and more.

Who runs America? insurance companies, banks, big pharma, lobbyists , run by multi-national corporations who do not care one bit about you and your gods. They only want to separate you from your wallet, and buy more yachts for their dog.
2016-08-19 11:26:27 UTC
I believe in Donald Trump don't get me wrong, but pacifically i hear repeatedly have mexico build a wall and make America great again over and over. I know how he can do it.

As long as he doesn't let Muslims in, gets the police and border patrol to work together, kick out all the illegal detrimental imagrants, get rid of political correctness and microagessions would destroy the terrorist movement BLM as it crumbles apart, that takes care of detrimental criminal activities putting our country at risk of consumer spending and turning it around so people can walk the streets safely and buy things increasing tje budget more, then reducing the corporation and business tax to a fair deal that they perfer, then getting them all back from China, getting people their jobs back, making two different DV shelters one for men and one for women to help people get back on their feet with temp jobs to make it back, and only let immigrants that came here legally to work instead of getting detrimental
2016-08-16 21:47:17 UTC
Why don't we run it off of Satans word? You probably wouldn't be very fond of that. But because of the first amendment you have the freedom of religion. So the whole point is that the government will not be ran off of one religion.
2016-08-16 14:38:54 UTC
I'm glad to see a young person with some sense these days. God bless you, there is hope for America!
2016-08-19 18:56:39 UTC

We have freedom of religion. Freedom of religion is what the USA is based on. The founding fathers where not all Christian. Look it up.

Your religion is your opinion. "Gods word" is your opinion.

There is no such thing as a wrong religion. It has to be right for the person.

Odds are you just followed your parents or whatever is popular in your community and did no research at all.

I was born to Christianity. It never worked for me. After going to Kuwait, getting shot, losing my sister, and my mother, I went on a huge quest for spiritualism. I am now a Buddhist, and far happier.

Odds are I know more about your religion than you do. I bet you never read your bible. I read the entire book twice. I bet you never took any collage classes on religion. I did. I bet you never studied the history of the Freemasons (the founders of America). Odds are you know almost nothing about your religion at all.
2016-08-17 14:55:33 UTC
We got too many evil lying SOB's in power and we also have a lot of people now who hate religion. Too many God haters, [ if many of those God haters really saw how doing God's way would really be, many would be converted on their own accord] but yet we do have a lot of God haters, and, yes, politicians have a lot to be blamed for that. And we're all sinners. A lot of the "god" stuff we hear in the "conservative" talk tank is nothing but tax evaision and deliberate oppression of gays and lesbian and of harmless smokers of weed, . . . . . . . . .(it's no wonder we have so many atheists in our country today).
2016-08-17 08:35:19 UTC
Our founding fathers were mostly Christian. Most of them were Episcopal. They based our Bill of Rights and our Constitution on how God created us. God gave us life ,free will , and the desire to be happy. They said they were inalienable because God endowed them. If they said man gave them, someone like Obama could take them away. A people who say they don't need God, will never value life ,liberty and the pursuit of happiness . That's why tyrants are Godless. That's why many don't value the life of the defenseless , innocent unborn . People without God don't understand many things because they have separated themselves from him . William Penn founder of Pennsylvania said" Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.
2016-08-16 16:08:30 UTC
The Constitution should be your bible, not some fictional story written 2000 years ago.

How would religious neanderthals from that time period relate to today's culture?

Get with the times!

Religion is nothing but old fashion superstitious witchcraft!
2016-08-18 10:15:21 UTC
This young person meant the way we were first established in the first place..........Freedoms......constantly being taken from us, and many not truly understanding who GOD IS, KNOW HIS WORD, (INSPIRED BY GOD), so to even wish we are getting back these freedoms I know won't happen......why.......sin is rampant in this world and Clinton no doubt will be elected to carry on this type of world until the end. (SEE HOW SHE GOT BY WITH SENDING VITAL EMAILS OUT.....PROOF-(RUSSIANS PICKED THESE UP.)

Too many people TODAY that don't want to know the TRUTHS. BLESS YOU YOUNG PERSON.

2016-08-17 21:41:34 UTC
You must be insane

1:It shouldnt be allowed because some people dont believe in the same thing and some people dont believe at all

2:Teaching homosexuality?

okay this..this really boggles my mind first off no school in the world teaches this, you cant teach it you feel that way from birth and whats wrong with homo sexuality?

Absolutely nothing.

and whats wrong with someone loving some one other than the opposite gender as long as people are happy that should be okay.

Im twelve and i am resonable enough to not be a religious nut homophobe.
2016-08-17 17:55:36 UTC
What a novel idea. But not for everyone.God gave us free will. So in essence that's exactly what humans do, run America according to Gods word as we interpret it. I agree. I wish we could live the way He wants us to live. But its a broad brush.
2016-08-17 23:20:39 UTC
Hmmmm Bronze economics being used to run a Space Age Hi Tech Nation? Stoning people to death for going to work on sunday? Burning millions of American Teens to death for using Ouja Boards? The smell of burning human flesh drifting across American cities mixed with the screams of people being publicly stoned to death for clocking in at MaCdonalds on sunday may have you praising Jesus and demanding 'more death, more blood, more suffering' but I doubt most Americans would agree.
2016-08-18 14:17:20 UTC
You cannot even observe yourselves with a degree of honesty, and asses yourselves with a degree of truth can you ?

Because America (and elsewhere) is peopled by a specie called the human race, and in general this specie is not naturally inclined to follow any of the rules to totally co-operate with any other person other than themselves, Whilst total co-operation would be of great benefit, such activity is frowned up as not being assertive enough to ensure that the first person will survive, and all the rest can be consigned to Hell if neccessry.

Try to imagine a society where there is no greed, no lies, each helping one another.

No wars, no one trying to make a fast buck, no fat pig trying to accumulate that which belongs to all others. No political expense account fiddlers, Honest people only being elected to government. Families actually agreeing with each other, people actually having a resect for all animals. Just imagine it; it will never happen of course. It simply cannot because Man is not programmed that way. Its against his nature , so whilst he may give lip service to being a believer in his own ancient tribal beliefs, he is very careful not to act it out to any great reality, for he could not survive in such an environment.

So, until we all blow ourselves to Hell, carry on with the graft and the guile, enjoy it reaping the pleasure and advantages that you know it gives, and smile sweetly at y our own self-satisfied image of sainthood.
2016-08-17 22:26:16 UTC
That s what America was until about 50 or 60 years ago.

Take heart because no matter what, God s glory will be seen by future generations.

You see, we have a nation that is just how you described, not 50 or 60 years ago that were the first ever to enjoy actual working freedom.

Then future generations will see what happened to those same people who rejected Christ some 200 years later.

Imagine what that will demonstrate.

I think our nation more than any other in the history of the world will truly demonstrate the reality stated in the passage, "professing to be wise, they became as fools."

Of course, Israel demonstrated the difference of "blessed is the nation who s God is the Lord." What happens to us in the United States will confirm the consistency of that reality.

If you think about it, God must be setting the world up for a profound lesson in righteousness that I expect will in Christianity having the direct helm of world power. Perhaps that will be when Christ comes, so that people will look back on history and be ready to just flock to Him from all over falling on their knees in humility to Christ.

Perhaps it will happen before Christ comes again to give us one more chance before handing us over to the god we want to worship, Satan.

At any rate, imagine the profound message because unlike any other nation on earth in all of history save Israel, America is the only nation to form when its people were centered on a Biblical Christ rather than the religion of the Catholic Church. And God blessed us tremendously, and no matter what, ensured that we found a greater freedom . . . till the day came that we started to reject Christ, and as you can see, in America, freedom is slipping away fast.
2016-08-19 05:05:53 UTC
It's called Sharia law. Jesus already created the concept between the seperation of church and state. Mark 12:17 " give unto Caesar what is Caesar give unto God what is God's. Regarding paying taxes.
2016-08-18 01:45:22 UTC
Multi Nations colloidal to each other persistent to Their heir's own state wise existence result just alike a band with different sounds of several play - instruments in a symmetry or a unity.
2016-08-19 17:03:46 UTC
Because we don't live in a theocracy. That's why.

I agree with you on the God's word part. I don't agree with the Trump part.
2016-08-18 10:40:48 UTC
Have you read God's word?
2016-08-18 09:59:54 UTC
Ben Franklin said, "The people are not fit to govern themselves." That is why we have a Republic instead of a Democracy. But, we won't have to endure it much longer. The King of creation is returning and will set up his one world government (kingdom, no voting) in about 5 years.
2016-08-18 15:33:11 UTC
Which of the thousands of deities do you want? I know, you want your Christian God god and an American theocracy. America is, by design, a secular nation. Let's keep it that way.Read the Constitution and you can learn for yourself. People that want a Theocracy are traitors to the American Constitution. Fvck your God and all the others as well. Keep them out of the government, schools and public square.
2016-08-17 11:40:44 UTC
God's Word instructs us to give unto Caesar (the government) that which belongs to Caesar. Therefore, by not having a theocracy, we are in fact following the Word of God.
2016-08-18 09:21:08 UTC
God's written Word isn't sufficient for a modern government. It was sufficient for that time and for modern spiritual teaching, but not otherwise.
2016-08-17 05:19:02 UTC
Why don't we run America according to God's Word?

> SERIOUSLY , run America according to GOD'S word - which word / religion would that be ? > next to HUMAN GREED , HUMAN RELIGION ( of all kinds ) is a major cause of WAR, DEATH, DESTRUCTION, GREED ... and HATE, some of LIFE'S worst HUMANS are religious > of all kinds , not just MUSLIM TERRORISTS !

>> TRUMP cannot make HUMAN'S GREAT > too many BAD, TERRIBLE, HATING, WHINING, LYING... GREEDY PEOPLE in the WORLD > including America, and they would have to change ( become kind, caring, non-greedy ... ) in order for all American's to be GREAT > GOOD LUCK !
2016-08-17 09:21:08 UTC
Because too many American's hate God. Especially those in high places.
2016-08-17 21:06:31 UTC
Bro, I could be wrong -- but you're a little misguided. The goal of America was to protect Jews and Christians who were suffering persecution in other countries. Not to impose a theocracy on others. Now, we as Christians, are supposed to make a positive difference in others and we show it in our leadership, homes, communities. But to impose a theocracy is not what God wanted. "Give onto Caesar what is his, and God what is His."
2016-08-17 16:07:44 UTC
Lmao according to the US constitution you'd be considered very UN-American. And to answer your question, it's because not everybody believes in God. The reason youd be UN-American is because you go against the 1st Amendment
2016-08-18 12:04:42 UTC
Because, as much as YOU believe in God, lots of other people don't.
2016-08-17 06:37:06 UTC
America is a demoracy not a theocracy.

The countries that run on Gods word are like Iran and other Middle Eastern crackpot theocracies

Be careful what you wish for!
Jeep Man
2016-08-18 07:06:38 UTC
I agree that perhaps we should be more attentive to gods word. But, here's a question, which "Gods Word" should we pay attention to? Islam, Which sect? Buddhism? Judaism again which sect? Christianity again which version? The problem with "Gods Word" is that there is not a unified opinion about who is right and every sect has extremist who insist that their opinion is the only right one. These extremist then proclaim a death sentence on unbelievers, i.e. all who do not agree with them.
2016-08-16 17:06:10 UTC
Actually, Trump is very Christian. But that is how The United States was founded anyways. It was founded based off of Judeo- Christian laws, principles, & Christian beliefs and Jewish beliefs. That is the best we can do. By God's Word.🕇🕆✡
2016-08-19 17:55:17 UTC
We don't but we do run America on JST....Jewish Standard Time.

All Jewish, all the time.

If it is good for Tel Aviv then it's good for America!
2016-08-19 16:45:12 UTC
Amen to that. If we get the God and morality back to being social norms, we might see the world gradually start to improve. However, the real trick would be in keeping radical religious people out of the mix; extremist views always seem to invade religion's around the world.
2016-08-19 08:11:37 UTC
Don't go there, DIASH have the same objective, they have the same God. God is for our concience and for when we are in crisis. His representitive on Earth was not a good politician, so it must then reflect on the judgement of God when he selects people to run the place. God and politics should not be mixed, at present you vote for the self interested unreliable liars who run the place, do you want to change them for clerics, same self interested unreliable but un elected and un accountable liars. Power corrupts all.
2016-08-19 20:53:36 UTC
Beacause not only r there thousands of other children thats faith does not follow the word of god but homosexuality is now built into society. Yh some ppl dont accept it but its always gonna be there. Even if u create a law against it ppl will still do it causing the populatio of prisons rise and their already rlly high. Its just a pretty bad idea.
2016-08-17 22:37:18 UTC
...and this is why I don't want our country run by religion. It promotes hate and murder. If you want the country run by "God's word" you are basically saying that you want women to be inferior to men, and you want to allow all the believers to kill the non-believers. The world would be much better without religion's influence. Keep religion out of politics. Thanks.
2016-08-17 14:24:25 UTC
You ask Why? BECAUSE there are too many hypocrites that on a regular basis

manipulate "Gods Words" to fit THEIR Agenda. Would you propose that we

"run america" according to the INTERPRETATION of god's words as interpreted

by the christian "White Pride" groups? Or how about the other White supremacist groups

who try to hide their NAZI leaning in a Christian message??
2016-08-17 01:23:40 UTC
The Shakers , Puritans and yes the Quakers did. It never worked out.

So what about the First Amendment of the US Constitution of separation of church and state?

In some parts of the country the old "blue laws " are still enforced.

Having grown up under the "blue laws" , I can say no thanks.for running America according to God s Word.

In old case law, judges would use the bible as the legal source for their decision against so-called " mixed " marriages and for slavery instead the law of man. To sentence someone to prison time just because they married someone of a different skin color makes my skin crawl.

I cringe when I read the summary judgement on case law of that nature and the injustice, not justice done.
2016-08-16 19:06:13 UTC
Allahu Akbar
2016-08-17 18:12:03 UTC
For one, people have been so diverse in terms of beliefs, ruling under God's rule I think is near impossible in today's age.
2016-08-17 02:23:18 UTC
"Update: I'd love to see a country where God's word and prayer were aloud in schools, and homosexuality wasn't aloud to be taugt to kids". You realise that your inability to spell completely alters what you mean to express here?
2016-08-17 03:41:22 UTC
God's word makes me wet.
2016-08-17 03:20:07 UTC
God?Trump may cause the death of many innocent people and he may make a lot of innocent people's lives in other countries worse and he will ruin the environment too.It's a sin for him and maybe for his voters
2016-08-17 20:23:43 UTC
Things Would be very different if america did run according to Gods word, very different
2016-08-19 12:06:10 UTC
Don't worry. If God is God and almighty, everything happens for a reason and only because God permits it. Either for blessing or to build strength and patience or to reveal the power of faith.
2016-08-18 17:14:33 UTC
What God? There are a few, each religion believes in one. If you're referring to the Christian God, sorry to break it to you but not every American is a Christian's not fair for the non-christians.
2016-08-17 12:18:20 UTC
Keep your religion out of government. It's a recipe for disaster. By the way, your views are idiotic.
2016-08-17 16:38:45 UTC
This is not easy to live on the earth. Flood, disaster , earthquake , hunger , climate , wars , air polution. Land , richness , poorness .... God's word might be useful , but won't be easy to do this.
2016-08-19 22:20:25 UTC
the foundation of America is based on religious freedom.... i am a christian and as much as I love my God, I am well aware that people should have the right to believe in whatever religion they choose and that just wouldn't be the case if we ran American according to one religion.
2016-08-19 11:34:57 UTC
Many people do not believe in god. And many people (me) do not want trump to become president. America has the freedom of religion so if the entire country was ruled based on one church not everyone believes in, it wouldn't be america "the land of the free".
2016-08-18 21:40:12 UTC
We don't because not everyone believes in God, people believe in different things.
2016-08-19 07:47:08 UTC
Hate that's why.
2016-08-16 19:17:16 UTC
Donald Trump's vision for the United States and The Holy Bible are very different.
2016-08-18 16:41:23 UTC

it's simple. ...God wants everyone to choose what they want. ...he doesn't force anything. ..he keeps you safe from other PEOPLE AND OR THINGS THAT WANT TO HARM YOUR MIND BODY AND SOUL. ....he is everyone and everything. you are technically free to do as much as you can will. .as long as you get permission first. ...and everyone matters but sence everyone is different. ...God can grant order to help and guide. ....but don't for once think small is nothing to learn from. ...remember it's all God.
2016-08-16 16:49:06 UTC
The U.S. Constitution allows for freedom of religion, hence the separateness between church and state. You cannot impose your religious beliefs upon the public education sector nor any other state-run department. If you want to legally do this, then you must first amend the U.S. Constitution which would then need a specified number of votes to be cast in your favor since we operate upon a congressional system.
2016-08-19 18:42:39 UTC
Who's version God did you have in mind? Oh, the one that was taught in your hometown or family. That's very thoughtful of you. But ya know, the constitution says that religious freedom in the US is "aloud" [sic]. Of course, so is the teaching of spelling. Does your God allow that?
2016-08-20 05:23:29 UTC
In the garden of Eden, the Devil misled Adam and Eve. Satan accused God of being a bad Ruler. He claimed that God was keeping something good from Adam and Eve. Satan wanted them to believe that he would be a better ruler than Jehovah and that they did not need God. After Adam and Eve rebelled, they passed sin on to their children. And because of sin, humans cause other humans to suffer.

1 John 5:19

19 We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.

Revelation 12:9

9 So down the great dragon+ was hurled, the original serpent,+ the one called Devil+ and Satan,+ who is misleading the entire inhabited earth;+ he was hurled down to the earth,+ and his angels were hurled down with him.

Visit for more info.
2016-08-21 07:37:05 UTC
People have brains. That's why.
2016-08-18 02:50:46 UTC
Ok so I am christian myself but this has to be one of the stupidest questions I've seen if you were a true christian you would know in the bible it says god gave us free will so we can do what are minds tell us instead of him forcing us to act and do a certain thing instead of judging gay people and judging a country on the way it acts because you think its not acting "christian like" read the bible and look for yourself what god says thanks and have a nice day
2016-08-17 21:12:39 UTC
Because we are supposed to have a separation of church and state, and freedom of/from religion. Also what would constitute "God's word" is subject to individual belief.
2016-08-16 19:54:11 UTC
Well this country is secular. And we like to be equal so running it by christianity would be unfair to other religions. If us christians did our job and converted the whole country maybe that could change. Also Donald Trump is NOT a Christian. Hes lying just like hillaru does. He goes against everything jesus stands for. Jesus would let mexicans into the country to help them, he wouldnt call people names, he wouldnt tell people to **** themselves, and he wouldnt be the least charitable billionare in the world. This man pronounced 1 corinthians, 1 corintians. Its pronounces 1st corinthians. Matthew 19:24- Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
2016-08-18 19:37:53 UTC


Because back in the '30s American politicians chose evilution over God's word 📑

Back in the early 50s america decided to take morning prayer out of schools

Back in the 80/90s we allowed bad influences that of madanna and puff daddy to influence their kids

Back in the 2009 America elected first non American president

Back in June of last year; we the people said g** marriage is ok, and should be encouraged

When you turn your back on God, your turning your back on your creator.

Khajiit with wares
2016-08-19 20:16:02 UTC
I give up on this country. I'm moving to Norway.
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-08-16 18:57:48 UTC
How come you are trying to do away with the First and Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, Orwellian "Pig"? We are NOT a one-religion-only THEOCRACY! The fundamentalists who peddle this narrow-minded biblical-literalist crap to the exclusion of all other faith choices are why the Republican party is imploding.

My faith choice is METAPHYSICS (with "meta" meaning "beyond"). For us Metaphysics proponents, God is ALL, not some imaginary guy-in-the-sky separate from humans (which would render God FINITE, by the way---an impossibility, ergo not true). Your idea of "religion" or "God's word" is not other people's ideas of "religion" or God's word"---and you need to find your own way without cramming your crappy way (in some perceptions) down everybody else's throats in thuggish rapist fashion.

Separation of Church and State is like separating emotion from logic, and it is a FOUNDATION of our nation's freedoms for ALL PEOPLE of ALL ETHNICITIES and ALL FAITH CHOICES from ALL WALKS OF LIFE. Maybe you should practice understanding, acceptance, tolerance, compassion, and go read the U.S. Constitution with a mindset of FOLLOWING its guiding principles...and then you sit down and COUNT YOUR MANY BLESSINGS instead of trying to be all fanatical.
2016-08-18 18:28:33 UTC
Yes. I don't understand why gay marriage is legally and girls and boys use the same restroom. What happens to on nation under God ?
2016-08-17 19:21:14 UTC
We could if we knew what Gods word really was. All we have is hearsay and what men say is God's word. Who knows what they really heard if they even heard anything but voices in their head. When God appears and tells us what his word is, than maybe we could do that.
2016-08-17 13:45:14 UTC
What would be wrong with that even if you were not religious. The Bible was created to set a standard for civilization. It was written for uneducated people so it was in the form of representative stories. Some nuts do not understand that but these rules are all very moral.
2016-08-17 09:04:03 UTC
I'd like to see a country where more people know how to spell simple words like "allowed".
2016-08-20 12:57:19 UTC
Because we are sinners, and our hearts naturally, in the original state, do not want God and do not want to obey him. I'm with you. If we wanna make America truly great, we need to live by Gods word and trust in him. Pray about it. Maybe it'll help.
Steve B
2016-08-18 07:52:48 UTC
According to the bible, the following immoral

Picking up sticks on the Sabbath

Pork, Shrimp, Figs, and blended fabric

Adultery. Divorce. Marriage after divorce.

Gluttony, Tattoos. Psychics. Witches. Beard trimming. Rounded Haircuts.

Sex before marriage, Sex with women on their periods. Masturbation.

Women speaking in Church. Left handed people.

Construction tall buildings that may see GoB (God of the bible).

According to the bible, the following is moral


Rape and Incest.

Treating women as objects. Multiple wives.

Stoning a woman if she is not a virgin before her marriage

Genocide. Infanticide. Killing unbelievers. Killing disobedient children

Human and animal sacrifice

Killing of mostly every man, woman, child, and animal on the planet with the great flood.

You can always move to a Muslim country where they follow the rule of god.

I doubt you would be happy.
Doug Freyburger
2016-08-17 22:50:22 UTC
People disagree on what Thor's word actually is. Other than he likes coffee and dark ale.
2016-08-20 16:16:17 UTC
Because the USA is a free country. Everyone has different beliefs. Ps, I hate you because you're homophobic. Homosexuality isn't something you learn, it's something you are. So... go f*ck a dead horse.
2016-08-16 14:38:20 UTC
I really don't understand what Trump has against pre-shredded cheese. I know most of it is awful stuff but if people want to buy it they should be allowed to.
2016-08-17 17:43:04 UTC
In America there are some people that are very hostile towards God especially athiest .They made a survey that American athiest are the most aggressive and vocal compared to other athiest from around the world so that is one of the reasons
Andy F
2016-08-20 06:58:11 UTC
WHICH PART of God's word?

"blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God" -- said by Jesus in St Matthew's gospel

"Judge not, lest you be judged" -- Jesus again

"I desire mercy, and not sacrifice" -- the Prophet Hosea

"Love your enemies, and do good to those who hate you" -- Jesus, in St. Mattew's gospel

"Condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you shall be forgiven" -- the gospel according to St Luke

"I was hungry and you fed me ... as you have done it for the least of these my brothers and sisters, so you have done it for me."

are THESE the parts of the Bible you're talking about? If so, I don't see how Trump's words have much to do with God's word.
2016-08-20 17:20:48 UTC
Church and State should always be separate because they don't balance each other. For me as a Christian I would hate that idea op, people should be free in America to choose what they wish to believe in, sexual orientation, gender identification after post op, and a woman's right to choose her pregnancy.
2016-08-18 11:07:36 UTC
Which God would that be? Zeus, Odin, Shiva, Vishnu, Buddha? When will it sink in that little black & white dream world from the 50's is dead and gone, and never coming back!
2016-08-17 13:45:23 UTC
What God? Many people don't think there is a God.
2016-08-17 18:26:12 UTC
In all honesty, we should. That's what made America "great" in the first place. Anyone that thinks otherwise is either ill informed or in denial.
2016-08-17 21:36:58 UTC
I have it on good authority that Government funded agricultural research centers in the USA are experimenting with growing two different crops in the same field, such as undersowing corn with clover to reduce the fertiliser bill.

Damn those heathens! This kind of thing is specifically condemned in Leviticus. They should be stoned to death along with the people wearing mixed fiber clothing, the churchgoers with bad eyesight, and the people who eat shellfish.
2016-08-18 13:05:33 UTC
Why don't we just run it based around unicorns?
2016-08-18 20:05:05 UTC
Because there are multiple gods sake o some people and no God to others, Trump will not make America great again he will do the opposite
2016-08-17 13:55:04 UTC
Because God's word wouldn't let my friend bob on my knob whenever he wants to
2016-08-22 10:21:43 UTC
Most countries that follow God's word are horrible undeveloped countries. Highly atheist countries such as Sweden are extremely well run and crime is not a problem. The way to make America great is to get rid of religion all together. I believe America is okay country not "great". A country with horrible bought politicians that are rich but have yet to help people in need is not a "great" country. Sure our freedom is great, but the quality of life is debatable.
2016-08-16 18:33:45 UTC
Because your 'word of god' is someone else's 'superstition'.
2016-08-19 21:25:31 UTC
Wow I'm assuming you are trolling.
2016-08-21 00:44:13 UTC
You'll take people's freedom of choice away.
2016-08-17 17:41:04 UTC
Because the Founding Fathers designed the Constitution specifically to ensure Religion played no part in the politics of the country. Here are but a FEW quotes of many from the Founding Fathers against mingling religion with government:

“The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”

John Adams~1797

“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, then that of blindfolded fear.”

Thomas Jefferson August 10, 1787

“The civil government functions with complete success by the total separation of the Church from the State.”

James Madison, 1819

“No religious doctrine shall be established by law.”

Founding Father Elbridge Gerry

"No one would be more zealous than myself to establish effectual barriers against the horrors of spiritual tyranny, and every species of religious persecution.”

Founding Father George Washington

“The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole cartloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity.”

-John Adams-

"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.”

James Madison April 1, 1774

“What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wish to subvert the public liberty may have found an established clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not.”

James Madison — 1785

"Every interference of the civil power in regulating opinion, is an impious attempt to take the business of the Deity out of his own hands; and every preference given to any religious denomination, is so far slavery and bigotry.”

Noah Webster calling for no religious tests to serve in public office, 1785

Knowledge and liberty are so prevalent in this country, that I do not believe that the United States would ever be disposed to establish one religious sect, and lay all others under legal disabilities. But as we know not what may take place hereafter, and any such test would be exceedingly injurious to the rights of free citizens, I cannot think it altogether superfluous to have added a clause, which secures us from the possibility of such oppression.”

Oliver Wolcott, Connecticut Ratifying Convention, 9 January 1788
Tad Dubious
2016-08-17 07:29:56 UTC
Pig, to cut to the bone, it is because life is far more complicated than it was when God's Word was handed down. That is basically why. (By the way, it is "allowed" not "aloud." Really hurts your credibility there.)
2016-08-19 02:11:06 UTC
Because we aren't complete idiots. Do you want us to become a 3rd world country?
2016-08-17 05:24:38 UTC
What are god's words and are you a homophobic...
2016-08-18 04:02:29 UTC
I don't know what to say
2016-08-18 06:44:51 UTC
This is not a middle eastern country with Sharia law .. we dont need relegious fanatics telling us what our country and people should do. Thats anti American. Also ANY relegion or relegious groups should get NO SAY in our politics untill they Start Paying Taxes!!!
2016-08-17 13:59:23 UTC
Because we're not a theocratic nation.
2016-08-20 12:11:50 UTC
We run America according to The Constitution. The Constitution says nothing about the God's word, other than it prohibits the establishment of a state religion and gives all Americans the freedom to worship as they please. The word God is not even in the Constitution.

Donald Trump hardly lives according to God's word by most reasonable Christian standards.. He is presently on his third marriage. This is a marriage to a woman nearly half his age who was a porn star in the country illegally when he married her He has been accused by women of rape, once when the girl was 13 years old! He is currently the defendant in a lawsuit for scamming students out of millions of dollars.

It would be more important that schools teach people how to spell simple words like allowed, than forcing them to pray.
2016-08-16 19:48:33 UTC
I don't know
2016-08-17 11:30:04 UTC
We'd all be dead in a week.
seedy history
2016-08-20 10:19:32 UTC
No sign whatsoever that Donald Trump hears or abides by any word of God. Where the neck did you come up with this? It is corrupted thinking. Go back to the drawing board.
2016-08-18 16:48:20 UTC
America has never been "great" and with trump in the office it's not gonna be great, at the least Clinton has been in the office before.
2016-08-16 16:35:42 UTC
The United States started out being created and run according to values from the word of God. This is also why it still says on our money "In God We Trust". Over time people migrate towards wanting to do anything their heart desires, and worked to justify why laws and morality should be altered. This can also lead to a removal of things like the morals of 10 commandments and other teachings and morals that have existed for thousands of years, and in their place thing like Social Darwinism is created (as the Nazi's did and we saw where that led).

People want to make their own rules to enable their fulfillment of their desires and lusts, which inevitably leads to extremely dangerous logic, corruption, dictatorships, and eventually to the destruction of civilization (Sodom, Gomorrah, ancient Rome, etc).

Look up Social Darwinism in Wikipedia, and you'll see almost all dictatorships decided to use their own twisted (yet logical) thoughts to create their own morals and laws which ended in their ruin.

Normally one of the arguments against using the bible as a guide, is that God ordered the death and utter destruction of men, women, and children via the great flood and later men, women, and children via the sword. What many don't realize, because they haven't fully research those verses in the bible, is that those people groups were not genetically humans. They were physical giants (Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:32-33, Deuteronomy 2:10-11 & 20, Deuteronomy 3:11, 13, Joshua 12:4 & 13:12 & 17:15, 1 Chronicles 20:4) tainted with non-human DNA. Groups like the “Amalekites” were to be utterly killed and wiped out (Numbers 13:28-33). They were completely genetically and spiritually different and were not considered ‘human’ in the same sense Adam and Eve were ‘human’. As defined in the bible, these evil non-human men, women, and children were the offspring of fallen angels (angel can also be referred to as ‘sons of God’, but not all angels are sons of God). These giants were from an intermingled between humans ‘before’ and ‘after’ the great flood, creating an angel human hybrid being, known as the Nephilim / Rephaim (the giants). The purpose of the flood was to wipe giants off the planet. Giants were evil DNA abominations. At some point after the great flood, more giants appeared on earth. These giants and their offspring did continuous evil in the sight of God, including killing God’s original lineage of Adam and Eve (humankind). The more you dig into this research the more evidence you will find.

Saying that Christian denominations would feud over how to run the country, because they have different thoughts on things, is also not accurate. Mainstream Christians denominations are in total agreement on what matters most.

A better reason as to why the United States in not completely run by ‘bible based morals’, is that it is part of God’s plan for redemption. Thing will collapse from immoral laws and corruption, which will lead to economic collapse and war, and chaos as seen throughout history. This is also when a dictatorship may come into being, or a anti-Christ like figure (like Napoleon or Hitler). God doesn’t cause this, but he allows it, because of free will and it can cause people to realize they need God, and some will turn back to him and his ways before the end. People who have no reason to need God, often will not want to be part of God’s family, so although people should do their best to inform others of historical and biblical truths (that they may have missed), it is ultimately each persons free will if they will be saved or not.

Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV) "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control..." Many are missing the self control part, even if it causes them mild suffering, and so as it says in Romans 1:28 (NKJV) "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;".

Great Documentaries: || ||
2016-08-19 09:07:22 UTC
Because the founding fathers know that it is dangerous to allow clergymen to control the state. They learned their lessons while they were in Europe. That is why they wanted separation between church and state. Besides, no one has any proof that what is written in the bible or the koran or any religious text is really the words of god.
2016-08-18 18:51:27 UTC
Which god? There seems to be a lot of them. And Trump seems to think he's one to boot!
jason w
2016-08-18 09:08:34 UTC
2016-08-16 14:40:21 UTC
Because the Supreme Court is run by Catholics and Jews (who are practically atheists). We need a president who will nominate a GOOD protestant Christian to the bench, preferably a Baptist or a Pentecostal.
2016-08-18 07:13:29 UTC
Religion and government don't really mix.. Too much corruption
2016-08-18 01:20:53 UTC
God is Satan he is a lie, you guys should not refer to the bible it was faked in the year 1800's as a social experiment.
Maria b
2016-08-17 19:37:10 UTC
Trump will not make America great, he's an idiot.
2016-08-18 10:13:24 UTC
You can't even prove your God is real, and you expect people to blindly follow shape society around him?
2016-08-20 11:05:09 UTC
Obviously America has forgotten their God and what their found father's stood for. This is possibly due to the removal of everything and anything that pertains to God in our history books.

Another reason why is because in the 60's LAW was removed from all mandatory school subjects like English, history and math.It was removed for the purpose to keep black people from knowing how to legally defend themselves from discrimination etc after they were allowed to be integrated with the whites in school. Now no one knows the laws, and their constitutional rights and for others.

To restore America this School Subject needs to be a mandatory school subject.

And there needs to be more sensor on TV and radio etc.
Bisexual Aromantic
2016-08-16 22:09:17 UTC
Nice joke, best one I've heard all day
2016-08-17 12:20:25 UTC
without GOD America is NOTHING.....America needs to repent of their sins, accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and this hellhole/pain we live in will cease.....have you not noticed when Obama removed God out of America it's went down hill..look at cali, texas, Michigan.....etc...... there are no blessings behind doing negative behaviors....our country has allowed gay marriage that is gross, our country wants to allow boys in the girls bathroom etc, that is ungodly and not normal....Bring God back into America, repent of your sins America and we shall overcome this mess
sky l
2016-08-17 22:49:38 UTC
Because America is based on freedom, including freedom of religion.
2016-08-16 14:46:12 UTC
Another thought he was doing Gods work , promised much , preyed on peoples fear , led his country to destruction , beware OCD driven leaders , goodness help America I believe she will make the safer choice.
2016-08-17 16:45:42 UTC
As long as it's strictly by the Old can wipe your sphincter with the garbage New Testament.
2016-08-19 20:03:38 UTC
A lot of lengthy answers on here. Surely the short one being it would just be a stupid idea.

Bible was written a lot no time ago, and not by God. Times change, move on
2016-08-21 08:49:37 UTC
To be honest, another World War is needed to make America great. I do not think it will happen because it is too expensive to wage a complete war so series of skirmishes are made instead. The problem is each World War causes national inflation.
2016-08-18 03:19:09 UTC
Because he aint real the founding fathers knew it didn't want to look like fools.
2016-08-17 09:44:55 UTC
He's never spoken - how are you with sign language?
2016-08-18 18:20:15 UTC
We have a document called the "Constitution", and by the word of Thomas Jefferson: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
2016-08-16 16:29:47 UTC
Because America has been taken over by liberals who hate God
2016-08-19 13:37:10 UTC
1.) all of the Politicians saying they will "honor God" are probably Authoritarian Warmongering NeoCons and Establishment Republicans who could give a rat's *** about holiness. Remember, somebody who truly fears God would be very reluctant to abuse him as a weapon. Some good people might do it out of ignorance, but they're not ignorant.

2.) A lot of said Zionist NeoCons, as both Ron Paul and Alex Jones have called out before they got brainwashed by Trump, are not real Christians, or Conservatives, and sure as hell aren't real patriots. A lot of the GOP are former communist Trotskyites who are dual national citizens from Israel here to infiltrate our government and put Israel first, who's really a nation run by satanists, athiests, and pharisees that sees God as an estate agent. Alex Jones pointed out that a lot of the gay orgy moloch worshippers in Bohemian Grove were largely republican (sure, there were plenty of dems but a lot of them were republicans) who literally worshipped the Devil, held mock human sacrifices, and got into a gay and/or pedophile orgy with drugs. WTF! Do you want these people to be leading a Christian nation? Because they're the ones who appeal to Christians and Jews but aren't anything like them.

PLEASE WAKE UP, a lot of these satanists are republicans!

3.) If a Christ based government was ever introduced, the liberals would say it was too old fashioned and the conservatives would say it reeked of socialism.

4.) Even if most people running the joint were fairly sane and competent, people understand God's word very differently.

5.) America's not a theocracy. I DO think we are a Christian nation, at least in one aspect, but we aren't a theocracy. However, even if many of the Founding Fathers were Deists, and even if they criticized religion and promoted secularism, some aspects of the Bible and it's wisdom did have influence.

6.) For reasons stated above, our human world is so messed up that if we tried to make the government a carbon copy of the Bible it would mutate into something that would dishonor both God and man. I don't blame religion for this, as many bitter and immature liberals do, but I acknowledge human nature. We should definately model our society off of Judeo Christian Moral Philosophy and Greco Roman Government Politics (some Psuedo knightly western chivalry wouldn't be bad either, in moderation) but to what extents and what areas. We look at history to not repeat it's mistakes.

See, as the founders said, if Men were angels, we would need no government. Only God and Jesus coming back would be able to establish a perfect theocracy/Monarchy with peace, happiness, love, and perfection.

It's not that separation of church and state is enforced because religion is always bad (as the left likes to scream as they push for legislation of child sacrifice and beastiality-oh they start out with something legit like pushing against racism or telling us to be nice to homosexuals, cuz you Jesus wouldn't beat up gay kids in highschool, but then as soon as we give them that legitimate inch they take 2 feet or a mile in the direction of insanity.).

Look man, I used to be a theocrat. I was under a lot of stress and looking for answers in a time when the world was changing and my parents were getting a divorce on top of that, so I beg your pardon. But as I graduated highschool, grew older, healed from my parent's divorce and all these over mean people betraying me and as I went through the army, got betrayed and fucked real hard again (but not until after learning some cool stuff) and then getting honorably discharge to pay for college and heal, I've learned some things.

Despite what the hateful anti religious left says, or the blindly pro religious right says (half the time neither really even knows what the Bible says), I realized that separation of church and state is a good thing, as the liberals like to remind us, but for different reasons. It's good for the church, too.

I think as somebody once said "Religion is mean't to be a peaceful garden. Government is a wilderness. Separation of church and state makes religion a peaceful haven with order from the dog eat dog wilderness." Trust me, the government is nothing but dog eat dog, and that's what the Bible literally warns us about in Paul's letters.

The government is just waiting to get religion in the sack to hurt or manipulate a bunch of people, and then when the government has had it's way with religion in bed, it will point at religion as a scape goat, call it a **** and a dirty whore, and people will attack the once pure but led astray girl and not the boy who talked her into crawling in bed with him. See what I'm saying?
2016-08-20 16:59:06 UTC
Let me get this clear. Just because you believe in the Bible doesn't believe everyone does. Just because you are Christian doesn't mean that there aren't Jews Athiests and Muslims out there. We all have the right to believe what we want to believe and enforcing that one religion is forced on schools and the whole country is oppression. It's alright to have a religion and be proud of it, but don't force other people to try and believe it if they don't want to. And WOAH WOAH WOAH!! Homosexuality isn't taught, it's just how people are born. I was born in a very Christian household and I didn't know what homosexuality even was before I knew that I liked people of the same gender. I wasn't "taught" it. I didn't even know that I was different than everyone else. It's natural, so please just let people love who they love because it's none of your business and doesn't affect you
2016-08-18 10:13:09 UTC
Because Pandeism fully accounts. The fundamental principles underlying the Constitution of the United States are far more reconcilable to Pandeism than to any theistic faith.
2016-08-19 03:53:10 UTC
2016-08-17 17:44:39 UTC
Because not everybody believes in God. We have the right to (not) believe what we want to. Homosexuality isn't taught to kids.
2016-08-18 04:55:13 UTC
That, and Trump are what's not great about America
2016-08-20 20:27:29 UTC
what does god say about fixing the debt? haven't heard his stance on that yet..C'MON MANNNNNNNN!
2016-08-17 08:54:12 UTC
Liberals won't let us
2016-08-16 21:45:39 UTC
Because America isn't run by the government... it is run by the bankers... research
2016-08-17 12:53:04 UTC
Donald Trump is bigoted and ignorant and incredibly hateful (against almost all humans).

How could he ever make America great?
2016-08-16 20:31:46 UTC
The Bible is rife with homo-eroticism.

Since "God" doesn't actually "speak" then how would we know what "His" words constitute?

Donald Trump is a godless trust-funded scam artist.
2016-08-17 03:21:21 UTC
the world is not a asylum but media must be a teachers of good manners and fun.satanics must be destroyed as it ruins society as does incest and rape of children .we as people and share holders of media can place not controllers but fact to be able teachers .the church shouldnot be a cold place or haven of sexual prevers but a fire of hope in the darkess of hate .some catholics are cold hearted but should not be .we as people must look for great way of life thhat eduction and un HATE
2016-08-20 11:15:04 UTC
Your question, its placement in this forum, your purposeful misspelling of the word 'allowed' as "aloud", the user-name that you have chosen, your purposeful capitalization of the word "Word", and every answer that has been given to this question all prove that this country (and, indeed, this entire planet) is being run in exact accordance with every word that the Word of God has spoken and every word that is recorded in the Old Testament and the New Testament of what is commonly referred to as the Holy Bible. Isaiah 55:11 is proven true by this question and the answers that it has garnered.

So relax, and fear not. Everything is going according to Yahweh's perfect plan, both here in the United States of America and throughout the entire Creation . . . regardless of Donald John Trump, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the outcome of this year's Presidential election.
2016-08-17 14:14:26 UTC
Because until Jesus returns the Devil is the God of this world. He was banished from Heaven for trying to take over and ended up here !
2016-08-18 15:22:23 UTC
Because in Leviticus God said not to eat pork and Americans love bacon.
2016-08-19 13:00:54 UTC
You mean like Saudi Arabia and Iran? OK girls time to don your hijabs and stay at home raising kids and satisfying your husbands.
2016-08-17 16:53:27 UTC
Because the founding fathers determined that there should be a separation between church and state. Besides no one could decide which church is actually the "word of God"/
2016-08-17 04:23:52 UTC
The usage of empty threats by those in dubious positions of power and responsibility is the main reason people rebel, the control of Heaven or and Hell is irrelevant to the environmental issues of purgatory.
2016-08-16 14:43:39 UTC
Thankfully we have separation of church and state, at least that's the theory
2016-08-20 11:02:42 UTC
We don't run America according to "God's word" because that would go against the basic American values including freedom of religion and freedom from religion. If religion were used as law,the nation would be fascist and would be ruled according to whatever religion happened to have control. Every religion and its followers think they are the cjosen by God despite no evidence that a god exists. Followers are free to believe in something thhat exists in books written by humans. However, our government would fail if that irrational nonsense were the basis of our law.

If you want a country run by religion where prayer is public and people you don't like such as gays (or any of the other types of bigotry then you already have like-nibded people to share your beliefs. Pick any of the countries in the middle east. It's so true that it is human nature to hate most those who are most similar to ourselves.

Perhaps you could focus on the basics of education rather than school prayer being ALLOWED and ALLOWING hate to be TAUGHT in schools. Start with spelling.
2016-08-17 22:17:47 UTC
Sounds like you need to go to a Middle Eastern country. It may not be your religion, but they still meet your demands
2016-08-17 06:06:06 UTC
Because that would be stupid...instead of spreading religion we need to abolish it... Christianty is just as bad as Islam. It has just as much blood on its hands. The world would be a better place without them
2016-08-18 08:32:29 UTC
Because we run our country around not hurting atheists feelings. We have been and will be again under trump one nation under God
Luke Tony
2016-08-18 18:11:51 UTC
Because not everyone is Christian, America was founded because of the right of religion, and this is a troll question.
2016-08-17 17:20:34 UTC
Religious people wouldn't ask this, you are trying to tease people here by annoying athiests and making religious people look stupid.
2016-08-21 10:24:17 UTC
The Constitution was written by people, for the people ( Reviewed and approved by hundreds of people)

The Bible was written by people.who were not answerable to others but who thought someone up there was dictating to them. It's not difficult to choose the first one.
2016-08-16 17:30:16 UTC
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
2016-08-17 00:24:31 UTC
Bible is devil's word
2016-08-17 19:35:06 UTC
Are you drunk? I don't understand
2016-08-16 16:13:50 UTC

YES IT IS TRUE THE constitution ALLOWS PEOPLE TO SAY bat azz crazy shitz THAT IS WHAT MAKES AMERICA great ... freedom
2016-08-16 18:58:34 UTC
God isn't real and we pretend to operate under the concept of "separation of church and state."
2016-08-19 04:50:10 UTC
Because the bible talks about stonning people, it's not right to do that dude...
2016-08-20 18:39:50 UTC
do you mean your God, or one of the many other's?
2016-08-20 01:51:11 UTC
If you want to live that way I suggest you moving to a third world country.
2016-08-18 01:55:13 UTC
Because it doesn't exist and your idiot to think it does
2016-08-18 21:28:20 UTC
Because god is a fictional character from a story tale
2016-08-17 11:39:22 UTC
Because Trump is not a True Christian and America is not a True Christian nation.
2016-08-17 12:42:44 UTC
Because we'd all be dead.
2016-08-16 23:34:12 UTC
What is gods word?

The Golden Rule is all that is needed.

But, greed drives the bus.
2016-08-18 14:14:35 UTC
America was never great to begin with.
2016-08-17 19:44:22 UTC
Considering the 100+ Christian denominations what words of God are we gonna follow?
2016-08-16 18:11:43 UTC
This is a secular country. Theocracies have not worked out well, historically speaking.
2016-08-22 08:56:31 UTC
Because God failed to leave instructions for running America anywhere.
2016-08-16 18:41:08 UTC
Because white always want to make up what God said
2016-08-17 05:16:14 UTC
Because liberals HATE GOD and HATE anything good.

Their father SATAN will make his children (liberals) do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to prevent GODS word from being used to govern this great land.
2016-08-16 14:40:54 UTC
Ethnic genocides and slaughtering disobedient children will not make America great again.
2016-08-17 12:31:03 UTC
Because our country was founded to keep church from running our lives.
2016-08-17 13:50:46 UTC
Be careful parroting what Donald Trump says. He always takes back what he says.
2016-08-19 09:50:04 UTC
Because God is not running for office, let alone elected.
2016-08-18 15:58:08 UTC
Just what is God s word and don t say the Bible since that isn t proof.
2016-08-18 10:06:47 UTC
2016-08-17 11:14:20 UTC
"gods word" what word would that be ? the bible has been changed 100s of times its more Satans word than gods at that
2016-08-17 16:42:28 UTC
Lol, I'm confused...

I hate the world we live in.
2016-08-17 10:09:21 UTC
Far to many followers of Satan, Liberals and Democrats.
2016-08-17 11:57:11 UTC
It is stated in in the 1st amendment to the Constitution, Freedom of Religion, unless you want it to be required that you be Jewish, they believe in God.
2016-08-20 04:33:24 UTC
Falling from grace
Linda R
2016-08-18 07:41:05 UTC
I'm with you on this one! Obey the Bible or LEAVE!!!
2016-08-16 18:40:43 UTC
Because everybody interprets his word differently.
2016-08-20 14:31:34 UTC
Neither of the major candidates appear to be living a Christian life. Those who professed their faith have not been successful in this race.One can only vote for the lesser of evils.
2016-08-18 02:33:40 UTC
I want that too but there are some people that only listen to others
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-08-16 18:43:50 UTC
LOL so you want to bring slavery back and stone people...HA HA HA ...what are you ISIS? ISIS lives by the KOran...look how well that worked out.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-08-16 20:05:56 UTC
Why not? It works for the Muslims. You get caught stealing? Off with your hand. You get caught murdering? Off with your head! You cheat on your wife? Off with HER head! (you thought I was going to say off with your penis didn't you?) Christians would love that crap!

God has no word. All he has is a bunch men claiming to speak for him but saying contradictory things.
2016-08-16 22:26:10 UTC
Because God doesnt talk to us anymore and hasnt for thousands of years.
2016-08-21 13:41:08 UTC
America is very harmful country for the all world
2016-08-18 19:09:15 UTC
I want to give a thorough answer to this topic. I consider myself to be an open-minded person who doesn’t cling to any radical notions. I do not identify with a specific political party because I find that political parties tend to work with absolutes. As someone who prides himself on being a bit of a pragmatist, I find that liberals and conservatives can be both incredibly reasonable or unreasonable depending on the given situation. In terms of religion, I am agnostic, but I lean towards atheism. I was raised as a Pentecostal Christian. I do not have negative opinions regarding Christianity, Islam, or any other organized religion.

Now that no one can assume that I’m a crazy liberal, let’s get to my answer.

In a modern society, it is ideal that everyone can live according to his or her own preferred lifestyle, so long as said lifestyle does not put a legitimate burden on other members of society. You are allowed to live your preferred lifestyle, so long as your lifestyle does not impose on another person’s lifestyle. This means you are allowed to be a Christian, so long as your beliefs and actions do not prohibit another person from living his or her own preferred lifestyle. Forcing little pieces of your religion into law is not right, especially when said pieces interfere with other people’s lives. I’ll explain what I mean.

I pay taxes for public goods and services, just as you do. For example, I pay a school tax. In fact, because of the way tax laws are in New York State, I pay quite a bit more in property taxes than many families in my town, simply because of the size of my property and home. Like I said, I am not religious. My wife and I do not make an effort towards attending church because we are not religious. So it’s safe to say that we are not making an effort to raise our kids in a religious household. Our goal as parents isn’t to raise our kids so they grow up to be pious adults. If that’s how they are as adults, then that’s wonderful. But if not, it’s all the same. However, we also do not want religion to be forced upon them at school. We do not their teachers, principal, and school staff forcing or expecting them to display piety. Why? Because I pay taxes, and I do not pay taxes to have my kids quite literally indoctrinated by a religion, regardless of whether I follow that religion or not.

Now what am I saying? Am I saying that kids shouldn’t be allowed to read their Bibles? No, that’s not what I’m saying. Am I saying that I’m going to be angry if a kid asks my son if he wants to pray with him? That’s not what I’m saying. I am saying that I do not want the school itself to teach my kids religion. Will they learn about religion in history class? Absolutely. From their friends? You bet. In a prayer circle mandated by the school board? I’ll put up a bigger fight than all the other parents combined.

What about homosexuality? In life, I’ve encountered and talked to many people. In college, I knew many openly gay and transgender people. We’re all people, and no one deserves any more or less respect and dignity based on WHAT they are (who they are is a different story). This is a bit convoluted, so let me explain.

The “what” of a person can be described as what that person inherently is. For example, a person might be straight, white, gay, black, transgender, cisgender, or Asian. That is their “what”. Nobody is inherently better or worse based on his or her “what” factor. But what about who they are? If a person is a pedophile, racist, etc…, then that is WHO that person is. That’s what makes the difference. That’s why sexual orientation and gender are so irrelevant. You cannot claim to be better than someone else because of “what” you are. In fact, that just makes you a dick. So, yes, we should teach people about the “what” factor and “who” factor. That means we should teach people about different sexual orientations and genders. The gays and transgender people pay taxes, too. Their tax money shouldn’t be given to a school that openly treats them like abominations.
2016-08-20 10:27:08 UTC
Stop forcing your beliefs on others, you're a ******* idiot.
2016-08-17 06:51:46 UTC
No Mixing of Church and State.
2016-08-17 17:32:24 UTC
because of people like Hilary Clinton. and how dare you deface america
2016-08-18 03:29:50 UTC
because our country allowed in more immigrants than we had christians so the immigrants came to power and are putting down christian values that made our country great.
2016-08-17 19:35:07 UTC
Because nobody listens to God and not everyone believes in God
2016-08-17 15:30:28 UTC
I completely agree God is number one and we should follow his rules
2016-08-20 19:49:40 UTC
Yes there's stuff going on underhanded with our corrupt government now and I'm hoping Donald trump stops it the american government already illegally spy's on people with satellite spying lawyers say its illegal civil rights groups raise Cain about this I've heard where the government uses this technology and tortures whomever they illegally spy on they can mess your phone up computers kill you with their Nazi technology these are true facts google gangstalking look it up on you tube this is not america anymore we need trump to stop stuff like this along with more factual issues they kill 4 million animals in kill shelters every year or the government allows this and seems not to care to much Michelle Obama made it to where I do believe I've read that poor kids have to eat carrots and bananas for lunch no kid wants to eat that dang let a poor kid eat a hotdog no kid likes food like that this is most likely a torture feeling to kids we need trump to undo all this mess trump 16
2016-08-20 16:18:58 UTC
Rome did not fall because of other nations, it fell because the people who were running it were egotistic. That what is happening with the USA, we put people in office that are egotistic.
2016-08-16 21:52:34 UTC
People will not follow the laws of God, they are too rebellious in nature.
2016-08-16 14:35:41 UTC
Due to the USA NOT being a Christian country I would imagine....ThUd

2016-08-18 06:58:58 UTC
Quite simply, there are no gods and Trump is an idiot.
2016-08-16 21:37:53 UTC
Nobody can agree on what the words of this mythical creature are.
2016-08-19 22:13:05 UTC
God isn't real
2016-08-17 15:05:40 UTC
Because America is not, and never has been, a theocracy.
2016-08-17 06:15:59 UTC
Learn the difference between allowed and aloud.
2016-08-16 15:57:07 UTC
Which words from which god do you think we ought to work under?
2016-08-19 08:38:01 UTC
In the beginning, it was. Liberals and other evil misguided people have pushed us farther and farther away.
2016-08-16 20:40:04 UTC
Because the church is separate from the govt. Also think how many atheists would revolt
2016-08-19 21:49:21 UTC
NO...................................God hates Trolls, be fearful of God's wrath you lowly sinner. He will smite you, repent you foolish troll.
Chetta Atkins
2016-08-17 02:54:52 UTC
I know. Pork should be illegal, and so should fabric made from two different kind of fibers.
2016-08-19 12:02:31 UTC
And go back to living in mud brick houses ?
2016-08-18 18:52:11 UTC
because that would make us a theocracy like many middle eastern governments
2016-08-18 22:21:25 UTC
Which Bible? The Samaritan Bible has 5 books, while the Ethiopian Bible hss 88.
2016-08-16 18:57:33 UTC
Because we are Wicked worms
2016-08-16 19:27:59 UTC
the secularist wouldn't like that
2016-08-17 17:44:05 UTC
I think because God knows what is best for us, human.
2016-08-17 12:39:52 UTC
The amazing thing called the First Amendment.
2016-08-18 01:44:38 UTC
Hucklebee was booted out.
2016-08-16 14:38:04 UTC
America was never great.
2016-08-16 22:16:00 UTC
GOD wants us to vote Clinton and to cast Trump to the devil.
2016-08-18 19:41:55 UTC
Most red states have been doing just that HAHAHA!
2016-08-18 12:34:56 UTC
Because people are just diffrent...or in better words,difficult.
2016-08-19 13:00:28 UTC
Read the constitution to find out why
2016-08-17 00:05:19 UTC
Islands and
2016-08-21 09:08:54 UTC
Which religon bare in mind whatever religon you choose the majority of the world will disagree
2016-08-17 18:07:03 UTC

2016-08-20 07:10:26 UTC
I like big butts
2016-08-18 16:01:00 UTC
If you think Trump has one iota of religion, think again, cupcake.
2016-08-17 14:54:56 UTC
God isn't real
2016-08-18 06:52:45 UTC
who told you it wasn't?
2016-08-16 15:29:30 UTC
because of greed and power, they think getting these are their goal only to lose it all when they hit the grave
2016-08-17 02:19:57 UTC
Because that would mean libtards would have to behave, and that they could never do.
They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage
2016-08-17 13:35:48 UTC
I just spoke to God, he told me to tell you to shut up.
2016-08-16 20:02:41 UTC
Because liberals have hijacked our country!!
2016-08-16 19:32:32 UTC
Gods world where is that exactly?
2016-08-17 08:40:05 UTC
Sadly because of the separation of church and state
2016-08-18 21:22:27 UTC
2016-08-18 20:05:47 UTC
God isn't real.
2016-08-17 06:23:57 UTC
2016-08-17 07:08:00 UTC
Which god? who's god?
2016-08-18 10:15:44 UTC
2016-08-17 13:10:57 UTC
Because liberals are against it!
2016-08-18 18:53:57 UTC
Because people are arrogant
2016-08-18 07:28:14 UTC
we should run it the way george Washington said it should be run
2016-08-16 14:40:28 UTC
Er, dunno......make everyone wear bells on their ankles?
2016-08-20 19:51:04 UTC
F trump fool that ***** don't know ****
2016-08-18 17:25:45 UTC
because god doesn't exist
2016-08-17 09:30:21 UTC
Wow, this is not a Liberal pretending to be a conservative.
2016-08-17 15:13:13 UTC
Shut the hell up, far-right religious fascist
. Smith
2016-08-22 16:08:47 UTC
So you think Jesus would vote for Trump.Come on now.
2016-08-20 20:13:22 UTC
They are devil worshipers and intend to corrupt every soul open the new world order and kill us all
2016-08-17 17:19:48 UTC
2016-08-16 22:37:04 UTC
Which God? Bacchus, yes.
2016-08-18 00:07:28 UTC
And whoever the **** taught you this can be locked up? Sure
Joseph hola
2016-08-16 16:28:40 UTC
freedom of religion
2016-08-17 01:52:32 UTC
He is just a God hater.
2016-08-17 13:48:30 UTC
In your dreams.
2016-08-19 08:19:07 UTC
shut up pls
2016-08-19 06:00:04 UTC
Because god doesnt exist
2016-08-20 02:27:05 UTC
This is why we need better education.
2016-08-18 19:17:36 UTC
tbh you sound like someone I would hate
2016-08-17 21:52:04 UTC
Because we are smart
2016-08-18 22:39:16 UTC
cus turmp
2016-08-18 18:03:32 UTC
because america is mulsim
2016-08-17 23:31:12 UTC
Keep the Meep
2016-08-16 16:16:05 UTC
Because the US is bad enough as it is
2016-08-16 19:47:49 UTC
God bless you
2016-08-17 18:31:38 UTC
Because the left worships Satan.
2016-08-18 06:41:27 UTC
because america is not iran!
2016-08-19 11:31:52 UTC
2016-08-17 23:41:06 UTC
2016-08-19 00:15:45 UTC
2016-08-18 06:14:55 UTC
I also wish w did
2016-08-17 22:41:23 UTC
2016-08-18 04:17:58 UTC
we might become Muslims
2016-08-17 10:50:16 UTC
Who is God?
2016-08-18 11:58:05 UTC
in fn fact the religion &the willing of God never contradicts with the constiution or the scientific reserches or the moddernism&i tell you somthing from the Holy Testment that proves this what Jesues Christ says (give what is for God to God&what is for Ceaser for Ceaser ) so Jesues Christ says to us that we should not be differnnt or baked in thoughts or ideas of the age but to renew ourselves as well as our minds&spirits to be new born nation renewing all the time as the water of the river is renewing because if it was stagnant water it will be not clear so renew yourselves like the water of the oceans&rivers because as a phiosoher says i think he is greek philosoher that one donot bath in the same water of the river twice because the water of the river is changing all the time so there is no contradictions between religion&the modernism...because God tells you to be so peaceful..pure&immaculate like a Dove but also to be wise like a snake otherwise you are unable to liive among other nations&you are expeided by their cunning&hatred...America the New born the new hollyland is not discoverd by the willing of a man but by the willing of God to His chosen people your ancesstors the founders of this great holly country&put their trust in God who make from them agreat nation&He make his oath with them to love Him&trust alawys in Him to never abondon them&remember how many great Empires like the Roman the the Babylons Empire how these empires expieded &changed while those who trust the oath of God&His words stayed although all difficulties they have faced my beloved Americans put your trust in God&be religious nation as your founders&in the same time give what to Ceaser to Ceaser....&Ceaser here represent the rules of the world changing world we are living represent the scientific reserach...the strength of the army...the desire for good economy to serve the people&ensure them a human dignified life&good jobs&investment that give hope for the future of the youth&population...&at last to love your motherland America the Hollyland given to you by God....&to make for its dignity&power as well as strength&to be honsest&sincere in your love to this great wonderful land that gives everyone of you alot...i hope you can understand what i mean with my words...because i love you beloved...
2016-08-17 12:27:02 UTC
Hail satan
2016-08-16 14:36:13 UTC
The tetragrammaton is the correct name.
2016-08-17 09:30:50 UTC
Which God?
2016-08-18 03:39:55 UTC
Why do such a thing ?
2016-08-18 21:53:26 UTC
Just **** off
2016-08-18 18:21:47 UTC
Which God?
2016-08-17 06:50:23 UTC
Which God?
2016-08-18 15:05:55 UTC
I assume your taking the piss, well done
2016-08-18 15:27:34 UTC
Which God?
2016-08-17 14:30:54 UTC
Because we are not THAT stupid after all..
2016-08-17 12:25:05 UTC
2016-08-18 01:26:27 UTC
asked yourself
2016-08-17 16:50:53 UTC
2016-08-17 18:22:30 UTC
Gos is dead. All hail Satan.
2016-08-17 16:40:39 UTC
whose god? which word? who decides, you?
2016-08-16 21:53:00 UTC
2016-08-19 07:20:05 UTC
Because the is no god.
Streetlamp Le Moose
2016-08-17 11:33:01 UTC
im not into marrying my rapist
2016-08-16 21:18:58 UTC
ISIS leader is that you???
2016-08-17 00:06:01 UTC
2016-08-17 08:16:15 UTC
you mean kill all infidels
2016-08-19 08:30:33 UTC
because hes racist
2016-08-17 07:33:37 UTC
.....and which god did you have in mind?
2016-08-17 23:50:33 UTC
Well we mostly do..
2016-08-17 11:45:56 UTC
2016-08-18 08:48:10 UTC
lets not have a theocracy.... and please remember to vote in December 8th!!! :)
2016-08-18 05:49:25 UTC
2016-08-19 23:14:29 UTC
you do the money god
2016-08-17 11:53:58 UTC
2016-08-17 05:06:19 UTC
god is south asian
2016-08-17 11:49:32 UTC
what do you mean "again"?
2016-08-17 01:20:36 UTC
you are sick dude
2016-08-17 18:00:37 UTC
2016-08-17 12:32:02 UTC
Are you mad?
2016-08-18 14:12:28 UTC
2016-08-18 21:00:41 UTC
2016-08-16 23:04:59 UTC
2016-08-18 00:22:44 UTC
2016-08-19 11:36:55 UTC
2016-08-18 13:54:07 UTC
idk bc not every american believes in god
2016-08-17 20:16:14 UTC
2016-08-20 10:24:19 UTC
2016-08-17 14:07:19 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.