1.) all of the Politicians saying they will "honor God" are probably Authoritarian Warmongering NeoCons and Establishment Republicans who could give a rat's *** about holiness. Remember, somebody who truly fears God would be very reluctant to abuse him as a weapon. Some good people might do it out of ignorance, but they're not ignorant.
2.) A lot of said Zionist NeoCons, as both Ron Paul and Alex Jones have called out before they got brainwashed by Trump, are not real Christians, or Conservatives, and sure as hell aren't real patriots. A lot of the GOP are former communist Trotskyites who are dual national citizens from Israel here to infiltrate our government and put Israel first, who's really a nation run by satanists, athiests, and pharisees that sees God as an estate agent. Alex Jones pointed out that a lot of the gay orgy moloch worshippers in Bohemian Grove were largely republican (sure, there were plenty of dems but a lot of them were republicans) who literally worshipped the Devil, held mock human sacrifices, and got into a gay and/or pedophile orgy with drugs. WTF! Do you want these people to be leading a Christian nation? Because they're the ones who appeal to Christians and Jews but aren't anything like them.
PLEASE WAKE UP, a lot of these satanists are republicans!
3.) If a Christ based government was ever introduced, the liberals would say it was too old fashioned and the conservatives would say it reeked of socialism.
4.) Even if most people running the joint were fairly sane and competent, people understand God's word very differently.
5.) America's not a theocracy. I DO think we are a Christian nation, at least in one aspect, but we aren't a theocracy. However, even if many of the Founding Fathers were Deists, and even if they criticized religion and promoted secularism, some aspects of the Bible and it's wisdom did have influence.
6.) For reasons stated above, our human world is so messed up that if we tried to make the government a carbon copy of the Bible it would mutate into something that would dishonor both God and man. I don't blame religion for this, as many bitter and immature liberals do, but I acknowledge human nature. We should definately model our society off of Judeo Christian Moral Philosophy and Greco Roman Government Politics (some Psuedo knightly western chivalry wouldn't be bad either, in moderation) but to what extents and what areas. We look at history to not repeat it's mistakes.
See, as the founders said, if Men were angels, we would need no government. Only God and Jesus coming back would be able to establish a perfect theocracy/Monarchy with peace, happiness, love, and perfection.
It's not that separation of church and state is enforced because religion is always bad (as the left likes to scream as they push for legislation of child sacrifice and beastiality-oh they start out with something legit like pushing against racism or telling us to be nice to homosexuals, cuz you Jesus wouldn't beat up gay kids in highschool, but then as soon as we give them that legitimate inch they take 2 feet or a mile in the direction of insanity.).
Look man, I used to be a theocrat. I was under a lot of stress and looking for answers in a time when the world was changing and my parents were getting a divorce on top of that, so I beg your pardon. But as I graduated highschool, grew older, healed from my parent's divorce and all these over mean people betraying me and as I went through the army, got betrayed and fucked real hard again (but not until after learning some cool stuff) and then getting honorably discharge to pay for college and heal, I've learned some things.
Despite what the hateful anti religious left says, or the blindly pro religious right says (half the time neither really even knows what the Bible says), I realized that separation of church and state is a good thing, as the liberals like to remind us, but for different reasons. It's good for the church, too.
I think as somebody once said "Religion is mean't to be a peaceful garden. Government is a wilderness. Separation of church and state makes religion a peaceful haven with order from the dog eat dog wilderness." Trust me, the government is nothing but dog eat dog, and that's what the Bible literally warns us about in Paul's letters.
The government is just waiting to get religion in the sack to hurt or manipulate a bunch of people, and then when the government has had it's way with religion in bed, it will point at religion as a scape goat, call it a **** and a dirty whore, and people will attack the once pure but led astray girl and not the boy who talked her into crawling in bed with him. See what I'm saying?