I am certain that they don't want a liberal, inexperienced Democrat in office. I would never call it racism.
Is Obama going to be untouchable because because he is NOT the best candidate for the country; simply because he is black, or has a Muslim middle name, wore a turban in Kenya, is associated with what appears to be a racist church that supported Louis Farakhan? Is Mrs. Obama's statement about only being proud of her country now that her husband is running due to race, her love for him, or some other agenda?
He's a very left-wing liberal endorsed by Ted "Swimmer" Kennedy and John "Swift Boat" Kerry; both of whom are much lower on the character totem pole then Obama.
We don't need to smear him, or worry about any of the aforementioned racist accusations, which were ALL first brought up by Clinton supporters. How convenient that you blame the conservatives. We are rooting for Hillary to stay in long enough to aptly discredit Obama for experience that he does not have, and can't spin.
Clinton pulls out all the dirty tricks, and she is what? A Democrat? Racist? Sexist? Politician?
WTF is wrong with you liberals? Hear us NON-LIBERALS loud and clear. WE DON'T WANT A DEMOCRAT IN OFFICE! WE DON'T NEED TO SMEAR OBAMA, HE'S A LIBERAL, WE DON"T WANT HIM IN OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WE DON'T WANT CLINTON MORE!!!!!!!!!!
It is because of his policies, inexperience and political views. Grow up!
EDIT: BTW - O'Rielly and Obama went to the same university, Harvard. Please, a difference of opinion does not make one stupid. Also, I would like to see the video of O'Rielly's comment, or a transcript. I think you heard the lynching part through your filter. Obama is simply an amanuensis for the Democatic/Socialist agenda.
EDIT 2: Bravo septangel9! When the phone rings at 3 AM in the White House, I hope it will be McCain answering it, not an intern!