Glenn Beck, Foxnews & Friends, Rush Limbauh just to name a few are racist and bias against Obama?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Glenn Beck, Foxnews & Friends, Rush Limbauh just to name a few are racist and bias against Obama?
23 answers:
2008-03-01 05:49:59 UTC
I haven't heard one racist word uttered against Obama from Rush. Since I don't listen to the others, I can't comment. But the general concensus from Rush is that anyone saying anything against Obama will be called a Racist. You just illustrated his point.

I'm white. I live in IL and Obama is my Senator. Being that he's my Senator, I think I can comment on what has changed here. NOTHING has changed and IL is one State that needs a few changes. Taxes creep higher and higher. Local and State government is corrupt. He and his sidekick Durbin, make speeches. That's all they do. Mr. Obama is the wrong color. Green is the wrong color for President. Mr. Obama has a few years more experience in Politics than I do. Underneath all that rhetoric about hope and change is absolutely NO substance. But all those pretty words mask the fact that he sounds like an idiot when he speaks of foreign policy. And all he is presenting are tired old ideas that have never worked, are not even Constitutional, but he calls them New ideas. Maybe in 8 or 10 years, Mr. Obama will have figured out what his stance is and would reach a broader range of the more experienced who are not fooled at this time by this Jedi Mind Trick. He's been making it all up as he goes along. Being a dynamic speaker only gets you so far. That is the gist of what is being said over the airwaves and that is far from racist.

But don't worry. The real racists haven't shown up the primaries. If Obama gets the nomination, they will be there and in droves for the general election. And from where I'm sitting, no Libertarian or Republican makes any waves about race as much as the Democratic party and the media who seem to think I have no eyesight and can't see that Hillary is a woman and Obama is Black. It is neither their race nor their gender that is keeping me from considering either of them. It's their policies.
2008-03-01 05:50:16 UTC
They are media and should have no affect on who you choose to vote for.
2008-03-01 05:26:24 UTC
Maybe they just don't want to see Obama as President. That doesn't automatically make them racist. Or is this how its going to be on anyone who doesn't vote Obama?
Jeff A
2008-03-01 05:23:50 UTC
Are you one of those who thinks there's a racist hiding under every rock? If any of those people had said anything remotely racist on the air they'd have been fired faster than Don Imus. People who oppose Obama don't agree with his politics. Most don't give a rip about his pigment.

Albert, how old are you? Fourteen? Your "thinking" is very unsophisticated.
Think for Myself
2008-03-01 05:49:05 UTC
I am certain that they don't want a liberal, inexperienced Democrat in office. I would never call it racism.

Is Obama going to be untouchable because because he is NOT the best candidate for the country; simply because he is black, or has a Muslim middle name, wore a turban in Kenya, is associated with what appears to be a racist church that supported Louis Farakhan? Is Mrs. Obama's statement about only being proud of her country now that her husband is running due to race, her love for him, or some other agenda?

He's a very left-wing liberal endorsed by Ted "Swimmer" Kennedy and John "Swift Boat" Kerry; both of whom are much lower on the character totem pole then Obama.

We don't need to smear him, or worry about any of the aforementioned racist accusations, which were ALL first brought up by Clinton supporters. How convenient that you blame the conservatives. We are rooting for Hillary to stay in long enough to aptly discredit Obama for experience that he does not have, and can't spin.

Clinton pulls out all the dirty tricks, and she is what? A Democrat? Racist? Sexist? Politician?

WTF is wrong with you liberals? Hear us NON-LIBERALS loud and clear. WE DON'T WANT A DEMOCRAT IN OFFICE! WE DON'T NEED TO SMEAR OBAMA, HE'S A LIBERAL, WE DON"T WANT HIM IN OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WE DON'T WANT CLINTON MORE!!!!!!!!!!

It is because of his policies, inexperience and political views. Grow up!

EDIT: BTW - O'Rielly and Obama went to the same university, Harvard. Please, a difference of opinion does not make one stupid. Also, I would like to see the video of O'Rielly's comment, or a transcript. I think you heard the lynching part through your filter. Obama is simply an amanuensis for the Democatic/Socialist agenda.

EDIT 2: Bravo septangel9! When the phone rings at 3 AM in the White House, I hope it will be McCain answering it, not an intern!
2008-03-01 05:31:27 UTC
For one, the people you named above are not racist. For two, I don't like Obama , because he wants to turn this country into a NANNY STATE!!!! Cradle to grave hand outs bye the BIG OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT!!! I WANT TO KEEP MY PAY CHECKS . THANK YOU
2008-03-01 05:28:02 UTC
When everything you see you interpret as about race, you have a chip on your shoulder.
2008-03-01 05:25:37 UTC
Whoa girl, I've been reading some of your questions... It seems to me you're kinda hung up on race issues. Who's discriminating against you? Why are you so angry?

It's not good, these waves of anger will drag you under for a ten count.
2008-03-01 05:33:13 UTC
Playing the race card? Better use it while you still can!Michelle Obama is an angry black woman, she has used this Government to acquire wealth and yet she and her husband pander to ignorant blacks that want to blame everybody but themselves for their failures That's what I think! My proof is the belong to a black supremest church achieved his political power as a black activist and keeps the company of militant black raciest! He has only now tried to separate himself from those ties, but it's hard to hide those stripes...

I've heard them all and never heard raciest comments, could you give an example!
2008-03-01 05:21:50 UTC
Don't forget Hillary and bill clintoon

After that primary, the former president angered many by suggesting Obama had won the state simply because he was a black candidate campaigning in a state with a large number of black voters. Since then, Clinton has badly lost the black vote to Obama in every primary or caucus - including Louisiana's earlier this month.
2008-03-01 06:23:17 UTC
You need to look at the Dems, my friend. Every single negative rumor that has ever been circulated about Obama was started by Hillary's campaign. Heck, the quote you are using was DEFENDING Michelle Obama against her criticizers, so what's your beef? I listen/watch a lot of talk shows and I have never heard any racist comments coming out of the big guys/gals... can't speak to the local yokel talk shows. If they were truly using racist rhetoric, they wouldn't last a week. Look at what happened to Imus over his lame "Nappy-headed 'ho" comment.
Mister E
2008-03-01 06:01:49 UTC
I dont know about everybody on your list. But Billy Boy's use of the word "lynch" seems to be intentional and intended to be at the VERY LEAST extremely provocative. With the recent incidents all over America involving nooses, meant to invoke racially motivated (and completely unjustified) lynchings, I do not think the use of that word was coincidence. Put together with some of his past statements, I think its fair to think that he at the very least harbours negative stereotypes of Black -Americans. Given the amount of known bigots who are and were Republicans (Strom Thurmond, George Allen, many racist organizations openly support Republicans), it would not be surprising if Laura, Bill and Glenn are as well. If Billy doesnt want senator Obama to be elected, thats his prerogative. But if his oposition to Obama is motivated not by race, and is for legitimate reasons, then he shouldnt have to resort to cheap shots like using the word lynch, knowing the pain that it might cause. Secondly if Billy really doesnt see that America (like all other nations) is not perfect, and therefore can be improved (if something is not perfect than it is FLAWED), then he is really out of touch with reality. But then again everybody but die hard republicans already knew that about him (and all of the others like him).
2008-03-01 05:38:42 UTC
Of course they have a bias against Sen Obama. He is a "liberal" and they are "conservative" Would you expect them to not to have a bias? Do you expect Al Franken not to have a bias against John McCain.

As far as racist, I suppose in the this one statement, the connotation of "lynching" was a poor choice of words, but I doubt it was literal. The term has been used by white commentators referring to white politicians.

Point is I worry more about electing the most "liberal" candidate to the office of president than his ethnicity.
jersey girl in exile
2008-03-01 05:41:21 UTC
As far as Flush Limpballs, O'Liely and their ilk, they are political shock jocks, they make their $$$$ by saying the outrageous and ridiculous. However, that doesn't dismiss their responsibility in this. They prey on the ignorant and uninformed. But what they do is disgraceful and drive a wedge in our national unity.

I am completely outraged by the attack on Michelle Obama and what she stands for. God bless her and help her to continue.

Wanted to email you but you don't accept emails. My message to you would have been: I hope I am there at God's side when those haters like Limbaugh, O'Reilly, etc come to be judged and they look at the face of God and see a black woman.
2008-03-01 05:30:39 UTC
No way! It is the elite Democrats (Clintons) who brought up the race card. Check your sources here!

Star Parker, a very articulate and outspoken African-American woman, rails against liberal democrat policies which would make the plight of the black poor even worse.

Star is a very intelligent black woman who is standing tall for her race. If you read her columns, you will find that she believes it is the Democrat policies which inhibit the sucess for blacks.
2008-03-01 05:29:18 UTC
I don't know about racist but they they've been voicing their opinions for years now and you only decided to notice because it involved Obama and now you want the rest of the world to notice because why is it that now you want us to take notice
2008-03-01 05:25:34 UTC
O'Reily is a blowhard and most people dislike him. Obama will need to give some substance to his platform. I have asked many Obama supporters how his fiscal policy can possibly work and have yet to receive an answer.

Albert, Robert Byrd is a democrat
2008-03-01 05:30:29 UTC
Omg talk about racism. Rainbow coalition!!! Oprah!!! I don't even wanna hear about racism from Obama Hussain. He is not black and is a Muslim anyway.
2008-03-01 05:27:09 UTC
Not racist, they just have an IQ above a potato. Obama will not be good for our country, not now, not ever.
Bee Bee
2008-03-01 06:21:18 UTC
Don't for get YA answer Posters, they really tell it like it is. so please don't leave them out.
2008-03-01 05:38:21 UTC
Those are the true voices of the Republican party.They are hateful, mean, and rich. They serve their corporate masters well. The political view they sell does not serve the working man at all.
2008-03-01 05:22:55 UTC
Yes, those fake-Christians are racist and bigots. Just look at the anti-Catholic idiot who is now endorsing McCain, John Hagee. The Republican party is contaminated with bigots. You know there is something wrong with your party if the KKK supports you.
2008-03-01 05:30:30 UTC
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................................huh???i'm sorry, did you say something?...

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