Why don t the disillusion former trump supporters that have buyers remorse just admit they did not do their research before they voted?
2019-09-23 23:32:23 UTC
Every complain the disillusioned former trump supporter has now is what people were saying about trump before. It was not like trump suddenly became controversial, racially divisive, he picked Pence as VP so it is not that shocking he is anti GLBT, he has a history of corruption and scandal like running a fake university. Trump has filed for bankruptcy 6 times, and has a history of disrespecting the military so why do his former supporters act surprised and suddenly disappointed.
Seven answers:
2019-09-23 23:33:28 UTC
Because they're too dumb or mentally ill to
2019-09-23 23:54:39 UTC
I didn’t vote for Trump because I listened to your crap. I had no idea he would be this great. Perhaps that’s the Trump voters you are speaking of. We regret not voting for him.
The Oracle of Omigod
2019-09-23 23:50:33 UTC
You are probably one of those people who believes or has been told that Trump has lost his base. Well the number of radical right wingers he has lost are more than compensated by the moderate Independents who like what is happening.
2019-09-23 23:37:47 UTC
I knew Hillary was terrible already from 1990s
2019-09-23 23:37:43 UTC
once again..... despite what your mom and teachers tell you... it's not the duty of the world, and everyone in it, to tell you how smart you are... no matter how long you hold you breath and wait for everyone to come around to your obviously superior way of thinking.... you might as well just move on to believing that "they're all just jealous of you" and work on getting out of the house more...
2019-09-23 23:35:05 UTC
Best President ever try’s even if disgusting democrats try to block his efforts to help the American people.
Mao Bidden
2019-09-23 23:34:34 UTC
Perhaps it is the Trump voters laughing at you and your ignorance in voting for the rancid pantsuit. LOL

Update to commentator: You love the pantsuit don't you? Admit it. LOL

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.