Have you been watching the glimpse of our future we are getting? (Greece)?
2012-02-13 14:23:09 UTC
As we pile on the Debt,and Lord 0bama releases a Budget Plan that would have our Debt at 26,000,000,000,000 by the end of 2022,we are getting a glimpse of the turmoil he will cause just by watching Greece.

But of course the Lion's Share of News Coverage is dedicated to the death of a junkie.(Whitney Houston)
Ten answers:
2012-02-13 14:26:48 UTC
Nice to see someone that thinks along the same lines as me.

Here is an Answer I posted earlier that might benefits those that answer this one:

"Take the USA for example:

People say, "What's the Problem with a Debt?"

I'll try to explain:

We are going to pay $243 Billion for the INTEREST on our Debt this year.

We will BORROW $1.3 Trillion More to pay for that interest and all the Program Expenditures that Congress feels is necessary to get voted back in.

As we Borrow More, the Interest Goes up. We already have had our Credit Rating Reduced.

Have you ever tried to buy a House and they tell you your Debt to Income Level is to High, so you get a lower credit rating? They may still give you the loan, but you will PAY a higher Interest Rate, because you are a higher RISK, and you will have to have a bigger Down Payment.

That is what has happened to Europe, Greece specifically.

They used to have a smaller Debt, and lower Interest, but over the Years, they have gotten to the point that they can't Pay for the INTEREST, can't Pay back on the Principle and Can't come up with enough Tax Revenue to pay for Public Services, as well.

SO, in order for Germany, the EU, or us to loan them any more money, they have to PROVE that they will make the CUTS required in Spending to ensure that they can pay back the Loans.

We are about 12 or 13 years away from BEING GREECE, if we don't start Radically Curbing Spending.

That's the way I have it figured. Doesn't make it fact, just informed Opinion.

Also, some Liberal will says to just raise taxes....Well, taking 100% of the Income of everyone that makes $200k or more this year will still leave us almost $400 Billion in Deficit for 2012.

There really is NO realistic amount to increase Taxes to bail us out of this Problem. Only Honest, Serious Belt Tightening and Systemic Cuts on EVERY Program, and a Huge Drive to Increase the GDP and Greater Employment to Enlarge the Tax Pool, will have any effect in the next couple of decades."

thanks for a great observation
2016-10-22 20:23:31 UTC
this is impressive to propose that 4 years of a President who spends some funds on social classes fairly than protection classes became into going to break the country. yet neither Republicans or Democrats have (using fact the 1950's or thereabouts) been severe approximately protecting debt on top of issues. yet this is not in all hazard what's in hand. What you have is ALL entitlement classes & protection, and such are purely going to run into the crimson in speedy style using fact the compounding DEBT hastens. what is going to ensue is that the country would be progressively extra no longer able to make protection commitments, interior the way and style we've become conscious of over previous a protracted time. The Reagan administration deployed purely approximately 18 diverse service conflict communities. The Russians - during the top of the chilly conflict controlled to offer a million. Even immediately, we've 12 such communities presently in deployed prestige. Are we safer having 12 fairly than 8? this is quite the question one ought to ask. so we are able to sit down down and ***** approximately - oh Mr. Obama is a socialist or Mr. Bush became right into a fascist or regardless of. however the factor is that except we pare down our government SPENDING, we would be complaining from the undesirable-residing house. which skill a 20% around the board cut back in all federal classes, with an eye fixed in the direction of protecting study and progression aggressive with different countries. previous that, The working comedian tale approximately Greece on the 2d is what's the version between Philadelphia and Greece? Philadelphia has an financial equipment this is 5% greater.
robert x
2012-02-13 14:35:30 UTC
The US and Greece are very different economies, the US can pull its self together and become super great again, but its going to be painful and wont be over night.. Greece is on the cusp of financial desaster, its just about at the end of its tether, its spent to much saved too little and paid its state workers huge saleries which cannot be maintained in the short or long term.
2012-02-13 17:51:52 UTC
my friend you have no idea what Greeks are. i am going to tell you ones that you ca understand plus some American idiots , people forgetting the greeks fight 2 nations italy and wind and loos by germans in the war 2- a Han foul people ,second we the Greek educate the world and to day the word does what greeks don 3,000 year ago .one think they love is freedom , love to live free do not like the government to tell them anything, americans are not free people they are industrialize workers ALWAs under the theed of taxation and government brutality. i live 20 years in Greece and i know exactly of wat is happening in in the country greek own les money than americans and you never see american do nothing to stop it but follow the government to a sluttier house, Greeks they are not push over like hear they cut the government’s throw like a loft of bred, they change 3 governments all ready and the going for the 4th one . Greeks love lest work pay no taxes have no taxes on homes or schools and collecting much moor money as SS from Americans, also they get 2 more SS one for the family that have 3 or 4 children’s to promote more population and the other a farm SS to promote farming and cows and ships and goats, 3 SS and I know plenty of this people getting them. the people who going fishing or going with merchant marine they receive #4 SS as much as Americas do, and only 13% pay taxes ..Greeks run the government, and not the government run the people, do that in this country and you see and i bed the government will Start shouting the people like Syria and meddle east you see, they burning the city down they setting fire on polices stations and government buildings you never see a cop pool his pistol out, if he daes he is deed DEED. what I am afraid is if the government use guns like they do hear is going to be a disaster us , Greeks have a lot of guns and all man have a army training skill, there is no Greek that is not a expert on weapons 100% , is a mandatory for the man to serve 2,1/5 years in the army so you know what is going to be, before Greeks become a members in Europe they had excellent life, no trouble at all, a good time to three o’clock every day, and now the country going bank rub, because can not effort to tack care the country like that, they stop everything .no more 45 years old retard, pay taxes for the homes 300,00 dollars 2 time a year, cut all SS securities back, cut payroll 20% and some other thinks, so they fight back, they will loose the good life they had, Greek conceded all other people to be slaves to there government, including my self hear, we are just like a robot
2012-02-13 14:27:55 UTC
The inevitability of the liberal entitlement monkey State. It's right there in front of their idiotic, witless faces, yet they refuse to see it.
Jayne Savage
2012-02-13 14:26:54 UTC
Yep. Their GDP is 160 and ours is 100 and climbing fast. Also, if you want the BEST economic stats, look at the VIX.
2012-02-13 14:26:01 UTC
The Greeks seem to have a tax collection problem. You can't say that about our own IRS.

Neither our past nor our future bears much resemblance to that of Greece.
2012-02-13 14:24:56 UTC
time to go buy some more beans and rice for my stockpile
Chewy Ivan 2
2012-02-13 14:27:10 UTC
No. We are America, not Greece. The parallels are grossly over-exaggerated by conservative spin doctors.
2012-02-13 14:27:39 UTC
greece civilians have no rights and no guns and ammo .they are just idiots in motion..dr

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.