Is McDonalds Truly 'Always Hiring' as people claim?
2010-09-25 08:42:53 UTC
If this infact true; than the unemployment rate should be 0% because there would be jobs for everyone. I know it isn't someone's dream with a college education to go work at McDonald's but no one has any excuse to simply be unemployed- if this statement I asked in my question is infact true "Always hiring" then being unemployed is a choice.

However, I'm willing to bet the whole McDonalds is always hiring mantra is not true or else we wouldn't have so many unemployed people in this country.
Seventeen answers:
2010-09-25 08:49:02 UTC
You've never been a McBitch I take it. Yes they are always hiring because people are always quiting, But McDonalds can't take on an extra 20 million people. Always hiring doesn't mean hiring every applicant.
2015-08-19 08:07:32 UTC
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Is McDonalds Truly 'Always Hiring' as people claim?

If this infact true; than the unemployment rate should be 0% because there would be jobs for everyone. I know it isn't someone's dream with a college education to go work at McDonald's but no one has any excuse to simply be unemployed- if this statement I asked in my question is infact...
Razor's Edge
2010-09-25 08:56:51 UTC
Interestingly, many people are over qualified but desperate for work at this time. However, McDonalds refrains from hiring these people because they will not stay at the venue if a job opening occurs for which they are qualified. Some of the lesser qualified and some of the immigrants are unable to speak english and that creates a issue for hiring. It is a double-edged sword. Also, the salary at Mcdonald's would not be conducive to supporting a family or even an individual who has rent to pay as well as other ancillary bills. So certainly the turnover rate is high. This contrived financial collapse is a disgrace for America. The oligarchs are forming a welfare state out of the US and demoralizing the population. The jobs have been sent oversees for substandard wages, and the profts are astronomical for corporate America. We the people must take back control from the out of control oligarchs and return of a productive, enthusiastic, cutting edge nation that has jobs available for the masses that want to work but are prevented because of corporate america's greed and disdain for the american working class. One way to shift this craziness is to stop buying products and services from Corporations that disdain the american public. Work to close the borders which allow corporate america to continue to reduce the US population to a "nanny" state.

There needs to be a major boycott of the American products and services to send a message re: the monies they usurp from the working class will not be available because we the people have no buying power. And the overall question is: What do these greedy oligarchs hope to accomplish except a gulag.
2010-09-25 08:54:02 UTC
Some people look down on workers in the fast food industry. Granted, it's not a glamorous job, but anybody who can work in such a fast paced environment and deal with the public like they do, has my respect. Wages in the fast food industry are usually on the lower end of the spectrum, for some folks it can not provide a living. If the average wage at McD's is 7.25 and you're paying a babysitter $3 an hour, you're making 4.25 BEFORE taxes. Not exactly a livable income.
2016-10-03 11:29:03 UTC
Is Mcdonalds Hiring
2010-09-25 08:51:11 UTC
The turn-over rate in fast food is extremely high, especially among teenagers not accustomed to actually having to work. Most of these places hire new staff all the time, as the lazy quit all the time, or don't bother showing-up on Friday night.

A good manager won't even hire certain types of teens any longer, preferring more mature immigrant labor that actually have life responsibilities.
2016-03-18 12:39:24 UTC
No thank you, I do not buy that crap made in other countries. Most of it is made overseas, and I saw that coming years ago when the dollar stores started opening. I hate WalMart. I know where they get their stuff from, and their Levi's are made overseas and that is why they are cheaper, but they are cheaply made also. You seem to speak our language well, so why couldn't you get a job here? This is a free country, but we are going to have a rude awakening in the not-too-distant future, and those jobs overseas are going to come back home. We will be tight with our money and take care of ourselves, and then all the other countries can do what they want without our money and all their free time because they will not have to work in sweatshops anymore.
Jacob W
2010-09-25 09:25:11 UTC
McDonald's is international. A lot of the jobs they have are entry level jobs not life long careers. Young people pass through as they move up the ladder of success and seniors work to supplement the last years of their lives. What makes you think they are not always hiring people?

Your premise is silly. Do you think because they are always hiring it means no one is leaving the company?

Time to put on your thinking cap.

2010-09-25 08:50:42 UTC
As you said, it's something of a ridiculous statement, especially in bad economic times when people will take whatever job they can from the few that are available.

Despite the obvious flaws in the business still having to turn a profit despite employing all those people, the part about unemployment being a choice if it were true is not strictly the case. What about people who don't fit the selection criteria? What about people with disabilities etc?
2016-04-03 10:34:13 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

as a white male i have been discriminated against and taken advantage of before and the student loans versus a free ride to someone from another country has always made me angry.. But for example i ride a Harley davidson and you would think american made but not entirely my oldest one is a 1984 and it has original parts from japan on it .. I try to replace everything that wears out with american made parts and eventually i will have a true american made motorcycle .. Some of us seen this starting to develop back in the sixties but the word was ignored because those in power made money from it and the American worker lost his job but hey he didn't care he just went and got another job and another job and now there may not be another job to go get and where are they going to go now since nobody knows how to make anything anymore..Yes i believe we are in trouble these days . The mexicans make it possible for the corporate farmer to make millions on the labor he don't have to pay .. and charge the same price for what he produces .. Car manufactures are the same .. They say they make cars but in truth all they do is assemble cars with parts from all over the world and we buy them and then claim them to be american cars . SOME day Americans will wake up but it may be too late .. Being armed don't help a bit if you are hungry and don't have bullets.. or nothing left to gain by using the guns
2010-09-25 08:44:15 UTC
Actually not everyone if qualified to work at McDonalds.

And some people are so overqualified, McDonalds will not hire them.

Lastly, just because McDonalds is hiring...doesn't mean the particular branch near you is hiring right now.
2010-09-25 08:44:41 UTC
For the most part, yes.

A LARGE portion of McDonald's workers are teens.

Teens go off to college and quit.

Necessitating the hiring of new teens to replace them. They aren't necessarily creating new positions - just filling empty positions.

Hence the perpetual cycle of hiring in the fast food industry (generally speaking).

~Dr. B.~
2010-09-25 08:47:43 UTC
There are so many McDonalds franchise, it could be true there is always 1 or two needing some staff. It doesn't mean McDonalds could absorbed all the unemployed.
Johnny Sokko
2010-09-25 08:49:14 UTC
There's a sign at the one I drive past every day. Also at the Burger King across the street, the Wendy's, Pizza Hut, Payless Shoes, K-mart, Radio Shack, etc etc.

I drive past all those on my way to the freeway on-ramp, where there's always someone holding a "homeless" sign
Mr. Handsome
2010-09-25 08:46:16 UTC
Yes, most people consider McDonald's transitional work, until they find something better.
2010-09-25 09:00:19 UTC
Not true, they need to regulate their staff numbers just like everyone else does. Late eighty's and early ninety's they were.
2010-09-25 14:52:49 UTC
my store has hired over 30 people since october 2009, so yes they appear to be hiring all the time, but i think its just because no people want to work there which is a shame because i really enjoy my job!!

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