A few places money could be saved would be by getting rid of the lobbyists; currently, there are SIX lobbyists and nearly half a million dollars PER congressman - that's a LOAD of money that coming from our health care dollar that is TOTALLY WASTED money, completely misappropriated funds. It adds up to $1.4 MILLION dollars a DAY.
Another, would be marketing, which is 18% of what is paid to the health insurance corporations. There would be no need for this, another wasted, misappropriated dollar that is taken in by the health insurance corporation that SHOULD be spent on actual health care.
Another would be corporate salaries, perks and bonuses. C.E.O.’s at the big health-care companies make two-thirds more than their counterparts in finance and are the highest paid of ANY industry.With median annual compensation of more than $12 million; a heart surgeon makes LESS than 5% of what the CEO of a health care insurance corporation makes - WHAT are our priorities?
Cutting down/out fraud would be another source of income - labs are currently charging $8.59 for simple blood-count tests while billing other clients $1.43 for the same test. The same corporations that are crying about their profits NOW, have already been fined, record fines of $1.7 BILLION dollars for Medicare fraud. We lose $280.00 per wage-earner a year on FRAUD.
That would be Rick Scott, who now instigates PAC's to lobby and incites the "protesters" against "socialism" otherwise known as health care reform.
Then there is allowing us to use competitive (capitalism!) pricing for drugs, there is currently an America corporation that sells Canada prescription meds at a fraction of what they charge US for them, however, they have lobbied OUR congress to outlaw competitive bidding for the same meds and we can't even re-import those same drugs made in America from Canada at a lower price.
What gives with these no-bid, cost plus contracts we keep giving out in this "capitalist" country?
Then there's the "Health-Care Real-Estate Investment Trusts" - huh?
WHAT does real estate have to do with health care? Well, there are the aging baby-boomers that will need these "nursing homes" - they make a 40% profit margin. Yes, we do need these, but a 40% profit taken from our health care dollar?
"Our health-care system is a casino-haven for ambitious M.B.A.’s, Wall Street brokerages, middlemen, and bottom-feeders looking for easy money" (Vanity Fair) - what you don't see on this list is Doctors, surgeons, nurses etc.... EVERYONE seems to be making money off of this system EXCEPT those it is SUPPOSED to serve. Those in the business of actually GIVING health care and those that are SUPPOSED to be RECEIVING it.
As things stand now, $1.5 MILLION families lose their homes to foreclosure every year, due the medical bills, 80% of them HAD insurance.
The Congressional Budget office estimates that WITHOUT reform, an average family of four will pay $25,000 per year in heath insurance premiums.
We HAVE to stop the GREED, get the dirty hands that have no real purpose in our heath care pocket OUT of it.
There ARE ways to make this happen, and to make it happen affordable. The current system is rife with fraud, misappropriated money AND priorities as well as disinformation.