Without sounding paranoid, should the US close its borders to all people from Islamic Countries?
2013-04-19 06:08:47 UTC
I mean, the 9/11 terrorists came here legally and carried out their plots and now 2 Boys from Chechnya plant bombs at the Boston Marathon. The boys had been here for 10 years legally. At some point don't we really need to revisit our immigration policies?
Twenty answers:
2013-04-19 06:11:19 UTC
The United States should simply be MUCH more restrictive about who they let into the country, period.

I mean I really shouldn't talk because as an Italian, there were people from my country who came here and committed crimes too. Does that mean all Italians are criminals? Of course not.
Beasticus Tofudii
2013-04-19 15:46:15 UTC
How would we do that? Would we halt people based on self-declared religion, or based on the predominant religion of the country they are coming from? Would it do anything to stop determined individuals that might lie about their religion and where they are coming from?

What would we do about the 2.6 million Muslims already living in the US? Would you round them up into concentration camps? What if one of them traveled outside the country, would you let them back in? What if someone already a citizen wanted to convert to Islam?

Whether or not you think this would be a good idea (I don't), I don't see how it could be accomplished without turning the US into a nasty totalitarian state.

Besides, it's not like this would eliminate terrorism. Neither Timothy McVeigh, The Unabomber nor the Atlanta Olympics bomber were Muslim.
2013-04-19 16:40:22 UTC
The US has more Muslims in it than Chechnya does. Should we close the borders around states with large Muslim populations?
2013-04-19 13:14:26 UTC
Chechnya is not a country , it is part of Russia. However I think someone who has lived in the US since they were 9 years old, counts as a home grown terrorist.
2013-04-19 13:11:49 UTC
Chechnya also has a large population of Christian Russian Orthodox people.
2013-04-19 16:03:39 UTC
Well, cupcake, you might want to remember that the vast majority of terrorism committed in this country has been home-grown.

I know it's an inconvenient fact for some, but you can't just ignore it.
2013-04-19 13:21:32 UTC
Let's send a the muslim population to re education work camps to drain them of energy so they stop with the terrorism.

The Reichstag arson was an arson attack on the Reichstag building in Berlin on 27 February 1933. The event is seen as pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany. The fire started in the Session Chamber, and, by the time the police and firemen arrived, the main Chamber of Deputies was engulfed in flames. The police conducted a thorough search inside the building and found Marinus van der Lubbe, a young, Dutch council communist and unemployed bricklayer who had recently arrived in Germany, ostensibly to carry out political activities. The fire was used as evidence by the Nazis that the Communists were beginning a plot against the German government. Van der Lubbe and four Communist leaders were subsequently arrested. Adolf Hitler, who was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany four weeks before, on 30 January, urged President Paul von Hindenburg to pass an emergency decree to counter the "ruthless confrontation of the Communist Party of Germany". With civil liberties suspended, the government instituted mass arrests of Communists, including all of the Communist parliamentary delegates. With their bitter rival Communists gone and their seats empty, the National Socialist German Workers Party went from being a plurality party to the majority; subsequent elections confirmed this position and thus allowed Hitler to consolidate his power.

Historians disagree as to whether Van der Lubbe acted alone, as he said, to protest the condition of the German working class or whether the arson was planned and ordered by the Nazis, then dominant in the government themselves, as a false flag operation. The responsibility for the Reichstag fire remains an ongoing topic of debate and research. The suspension of civil liberties lead to the holocaust of other undesirable elements that Hitler hated. Do you see all these libs ready to label all conservatives terrorists from all the bs they spew on MSNBC, those laws would weed out the very few Muslims but then go against right wingers.
Mark F
2013-04-19 13:17:16 UTC
Absolutely. Let's stop the Tim McViegh's, Eric Rudolph's and Wade Page's of the world!

Oh wait,....
2013-04-19 13:16:11 UTC
And lock up all gun owners too. It is the only way to make America safe. It is kind of diffcult not to sound paranoid, in these days we live in.
2013-04-19 15:50:48 UTC
Like the ones who have renounced Islam and if they go home their families will kill them? Would that help?

EDIT: "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
Toke Lover
2013-04-19 15:47:43 UTC
Timothy McVeigh....really......

Black Panthers.......

How about Christians fleeing Islamic countries.....

PS: or all them disturbed individuals shooting up schools & theatres? Anti-government armed, white, christian militias......

Yeah....let's just deal with finger pointing instead.

PPS: the DC shooters? How about them....

PPPS: christian fundies bombing/shooting abortion clinics & doctors.....

Home grown gangs shooting up the mall.....
2013-04-19 13:18:02 UTC
Facts which show you are extremely ignorant, xenophobic, and racist.

1. Muslims have always been here. Long before even the European Christians. The history of Muslims in America dates back well before the Revolutionary war.

2. 99.99999% of all violent crimes in the USA are committed by Non-Muslims.

3. "America is not a land of one race or one class of men."
2013-04-19 13:12:28 UTC
No that is racist and rude and shows bigotry. You must keep borders open to Islamic countries. Only a small percentage that have came here have done anything wrong. like .01%.
2013-04-19 13:18:18 UTC
This is a very serious thing and we can not take it lightly. I say stop all immigration and visits as well. Then in that time out weed out the cancer for how ever long it takes to become fairly safe again. Also at this pause we also weed out the subversion in our educational systems. We should also formally ask God to once again give us the blessings he has promised
2013-04-19 13:11:02 UTC
Most people from Islamic countries who come here are Christian though. They often move because of persecution they received there.
2013-04-19 13:10:13 UTC
you wouldnt let in Coptic Christians from Egypt ?

or Jews from Syria ?

have you ever heard of them?

did you know that not everyone from "islamic countries" is Islamic?

you should get a little more educated first
balloon buster
2013-04-19 13:55:31 UTC
No way to do that without being paranoid.
2013-04-19 13:11:35 UTC
Totally, they only come here to destroy and pollute our country. Let them stay in their mother country and bring change for the good, unless they don't care about their country, which looks to be the case.
Wolf Myth
2013-04-19 13:09:38 UTC
These boys were apparently very bright.
Common Sense
2013-04-19 13:13:05 UTC
The U.S. should close it's borders to all people, period.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.