I'll let complete liberals tell you what they think. I'm a liberal when it comes to some things and conservative when it comes to others. But I'll try and give you my stand where I disagree with your firends definition of what a conservative believes.
-Conservative- Supports free market, little government intervention-- "Let them do."
When this country got started the pilgrims came here and the indians weren't hireing. If they wanted to survive they had to work for what they got. There was no employment office or medical facilities anywhere. And I believe your friend is confusing conservatives with capitalists.
-Ultimate form of freedom for a "free" country, yet fails to recognize the potential tyranny that the rich will impose over the poor.
Where is this tyranny I'm hearing about. This country abolished slavery long ago. There is no tyrant that can say off with their head. Being rich or poor is a relative term. 99% of the poor in this country are richer than many of the rich in other countries.
-Conservatives state that given the chance to grow it means more workforce,
HMMM. Sounds more like a capitalist than a conservative to me. Just the opposite is reality. If business could make product without a human work force they would be estatic. Labor costs are a major expense. When machines do the majority of the work they may be more costly on the front end but pay back in the long run.
-a trickle-down effect for the proletarians, yet said they outsource their workforce to sweatshops for low wages.
*LOL* I'm always hearing about how trickle down is bad for the workers. But what is the alternative? The biggest problems GM, Chrysler, and Ford have is the cost of their work force. That's why they have problems and Toyota, KIA, Nissan, Honda, and others are doing well and the "BIG Three" are dying. the proletariate-
(which by definition --1: the laboring class ; especially : the class of industrial workers who lack their own means of production and hence sell their labor to live
2: the lowest social or economic class of a community)
-have priced themselves out of a job. It's not just a US economy any more. It's a world economy. And the proletariate in this country have to compete with a proletariate in every other country in the world. And the US ones are the rich ones. There is a huge disparity between the wages in the US and elsewhere in the world. So who's overpaid and who's underpaid?
-No such thing as compassionate conservatives.
Maybe, maybe not. But one things for sure. Capitalism survives, socialism stagnates, and communism fails over time.