after yet ANOTHER school shooting will we finally BAN guns?
2014-10-24 15:11:19 UTC
How many more people will have to die before we get rid of the second amendment?

School shooting after school shooting everyone just sit and watch and engage in a heated debate over gun control that will ultimately led to NOTHING being done about the situation until the NEXT school shooting to start everything all over again with the same results
318 answers:
credo quia est absurdum
2014-10-27 07:46:36 UTC
In the 1960s, we took our guns to school so that we could hunt squirrels on the way home and there were no shootings at school.

In the 1960s, we had a pistol and rifle team at our high school with live fire practice twice a week and there were no shootings at school.

Most if not all of our parents had rifles and shotguns at home and the greatest number of these were stored loaded in open racks and there were no mass shootings.

What was the difference?

I know that I'm going to get slammed and probably reported but:

The difference is that in the 1960s, we had not thrown God out of our schools, our homes, our government buildings, our town parks, and our lives.

The difference is that in the 1960s, we did not have the ultra-violent "shooter" video games that really do teach, after all, that death is temporary and can be cured with a simple "reset".

The difference is that in the 1960s, our parents did their job of parenting rather than expecting the school system to do it for them.

The difference is that in the 1960s, we did not have the ultra-violent movies and TV shows cramming death and destruction down our throats 24/7.

Honest, folks, what we read, view, and listen to is what we end up thinking and how we end up acting.

If our viewing diet is primarily shooting games and the shoot-em-up/slice-em-up movies then we are predisposed to act in that manner.

If our listening diet is primarily recitations of killing police, women, children then we are predisposed to act in that manner.

We really _)are(_ what we think.

Folks, it just is not the guns, it is the environment.
2014-10-26 08:31:46 UTC
Guns are already banned in schools. Guns aren't the root of the problem. The US has always had guns and a lot of them. There is a lack of morality problem more so than anything else. They began removing prayer from schools back in the early 60s and anyone can see how things have gone downhill ever since then. There were no security guards and metal detectors in classrooms in the 60s and 70s. Kids weren't going on shooting rampages every week.
jack of all trades
2014-10-27 06:55:28 UTC
There are too many guns out there to seriously consider banning them. Sometimes when hearing the arguments of some gun owners, I think we value our weapons more than we value our children. People say, and correctly, that a person can be killed with a knife, a baseball bat or any number of other things. The only thing is, with a gun, you can take out a great number of people in a short time and from a distance. You have to be close to club or knife someone, and the rest of the kids in the schoolyard can run in so many different directions that getting several kids is much more difficult.
2014-10-26 13:15:43 UTC
I don't think we should ban "all" guns but I do agree with controlling the type of guns and magazines that we are able to use. Civilians that want to protect themselves should be satisfied with 5-6 rounds. They don't need anything more. If they can't make good use of those 6 bullets....then they should use a grenade instead. There should also be an age requisite as well to use a firearm because most folks don't have the mental maturity to use them.
Mark F
2014-10-25 07:46:28 UTC
Guns are currently banned in schools, yet while still exceptionally rare, school shootings do happen. A blanket ban on all guns isn't the solution. All of these incidents are preventable by other means but those means require thinking and being proactive. Shouting slogans of "ban all guns" requires no thinking... so is obviously popular.
Larry Phischman
2014-10-24 15:20:03 UTC
No, it's too soon to even talk about guns. If all the teachers and students had guns, this wouldn't have happened. We need rent-a-cops in every school. This was clearly caused by violent video games and rap music. It's probably just Islamic terrorism anyway. It's Barrack Obama's fault for saying gay marriage is okay, and destroying traditional families. Evolution is a lie! If there was prayer in public schools, gawd would stop school shootings. I think I covered all the right-wing excuses.
2014-10-25 21:58:40 UTC
I don't think banning guns is going to help, since people already have guns or access to them. The best thing to do is to find a way to control illegal drugs and ban anti-depressants. It seems like there is a link to the shootings and mental problems. I'm sure if they investigate completely, they will find that either the person was on anti-depressants or took drugs or their parents did. A lot of ant-depressants have a suicidal side effect.
2014-10-27 11:15:13 UTC
Shooting after shooting? WTF are you talking about? There might be one or two a year and in a country of 350 million people and stretching 2,400 miles? I'm sorry, but that's far from an epidemic. Far from significant except to those personally involved. A child, a person is FAR less likely to be struck by lightening than be involved in a school shooting and yet you're obviously irrationally taken over by it. You are not of a rational mind and yet you honestly believe you can engage in a rational discussion?

This is what passes for reason, for rational thought and common sense in the knee jerk, uninformed mind of such as you.
2014-10-24 15:15:03 UTC
You'd have to throw out the entire US Constitution when you get rid of the 2nd Amendment. Are you Liberals willing to do that, just to get your way. Or how about a Revolution thrown in. You Liberals need to do some thinking for a change, before you voice your opinions in a question.

@Larry: so you do want to do away with the US Constitution. Just what I thought you Liberals were really after.
2014-10-24 17:13:25 UTC
What is interesting is that Washington has 2 measures on the ballot concerning guns this year and what a coincidence we get a school shooting 2 weeks before the election. Almost like it was planned.
2014-10-29 12:57:51 UTC
Better to ban automobiles. Way more people die from misuse of those each year than guns. Then there's knives, swimming pools, boats, and idiots. If someone wants you dead, banning guns won't save you. Having one might even save you when confronted with the person about to end you. A gun is a tool. The person using the tool is the problem. Killers will kill regardless. Ban the guns and you'll find out how many other tools can be used to accomplish the same mission with even more deadly consequences.
2014-10-28 16:02:15 UTC
No. It is in the constitution. We have no control over how people bear arms but we can and we do. For whatever reason people do crazy things with this blessing we will never be able to take it away. The whole point is for protection. And if the proper need for the gun should arise and it isn't there the backlash and responses will be catastrophic.
2014-10-26 08:35:18 UTC
Gee go for it. Get the second amendment either repealed or modified. Now this is never going to happen. As indicated at school guns are banned, and folks will make guns if somehow you did ban them. Criminals don't obey laws neither do insane ones.
2014-10-25 18:58:21 UTC
The problem isn't banning guns. Most people get guns legally. It's usually the kids who know where their parents put them to get them and use them for school shooting cuz they mentally depressed or something. Its not rap music that causes it. Its stereotypical like I'll assume just cuz u listen to rock music you'll jump off a bridge, or you listen to rap music so you have weed in ur pants pocket. The kids are mental or just go off the deep end and do something stupid.
2014-10-27 17:43:59 UTC
AHEM... I do not answer questions like these. You know your just going to get a bunch of opiniated answers, but this one I had to. its not the guns that kill people, its the people behind the guns. think about it,#1 if they banned guns there would be riots in the streets #2 people would just get/sell them illegally. which would be worse yet! #3 right now if someone were to start a war on the US it would be VERY stupid considering how many Americans have personal guns. tack peoples gun right away and what do you have? a country with helpless people. Americans would have to rely completely on the government! people need to stand up and fight for themselves, nowadays people always rely one something. now, im not saying we should be loners but we do need to be able to hold our own! most people these days rely on material things: cell phones, internet, map apps, government, electricity ,etc etc etc. if someone took some of those thing away, do you think people of this day and age would know what to do? NO so instead of taking away the second amendment ONE OF THE THINGD THIS COUNTRY WAS BUILT ON, try takng away some of the bad things in the world, teach kids to stand on there own 2 feet and that its not ok to go and kill someone for the fun of, teach kids respect and hard work,!!!!
2014-10-24 18:33:37 UTC
So, were you behind this shooting? Is it part of your plan to ban guns? Killing innocents?

You blame inanimate objects for the actions of those that use them. This is stupidity. Blame the shooter. Blame his reasons. Would you blame a knife if it was used? No. Yet, this child could have made a bomb that would have killed far more if he could not have gotten a gun.

Your hatred of inanimate objects but love of perversity is the problem. You long for wealth and meaningless sex, corrupting the youth, and then blame things you don't like. Would it not be better to teach morals and values to these kids rather than teach them to blame inanimate objects for their actions?

The way you speak makes me believe you are a white Demon-crate. Am I wrong?
2014-10-24 18:17:57 UTC
How many more people will die on our highways before we get rid of automobiles? How many more people will die before we ban knives, baseball bats, sticks, chains, ropes, and everything else that can be abused to kill someone?

If the Second Amendment is repealed and private ownership of firearms is banned, how do you intend to disarm the criminals? Failing miserably in that, as you will, how do intend to protect the law abiding citizens you want to leave defenseless?

Why is the first, instantaneous reaction of libs to the criminal misuse of firearms to ban the lawful possession of the 99% that will NEVER be used for anything illegal?
Linda R
2014-10-26 12:56:56 UTC
Guns are NOT the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A gun is made of metal and does NOTHING until a human puts a bullet in it and fires the gun. The gun has NO brain and does NOT know the mental stability of the human loading the bullets and pulling the trigger. If a person, no matter what age, is having mental issues - then he or she MUST get help.
2014-10-24 15:19:47 UTC
Here is an education. America is the only country in the history of the world that was populated by europeans after guns were invented thus guns were needed to hunt, protect your family so America grew up with guns. Are there other amendments to our constitution you want to do away with, maybe freedom of speech.
2014-10-24 19:05:53 UTC
In case you obviously don't know it, GUNS ARE NOW BANNED IN ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS in the country. Doesn't help, does it? Guns DON'T GO INTO SCHOOLS ALONE AND KILL people, it is PEOPLE who take guns into schools and kill people. It is PEOPLE who should be banned, not guns. If they couldn't get a gun, they'd use a hand axe or a knife ..... oh, wait, these HAVE been used lately in the streets against cops, no less, and in a few schools.
2014-10-25 22:42:54 UTC
If guns are banned only the criminals will have guns and good protection. If someone was trying to break into your house but guns were banned, what would you do? Who knows what they have, do you want to wait for the cops to show up or do you want to do what's necessary to defend yourself. Say that burglar has a gun but you don't, what'll you do?
2014-10-24 15:29:42 UTC
No, we will not. And not after the next one or the next one. Silly you, you think guns are the problem. And you think it's possible to take away all the millions of guns that are in the hands of the people right now.

You know, if guns were the problem, half the population would be lying dead right now.
2014-10-24 15:52:17 UTC
Better yet, when can we remove these gun free zones were almost every mass shooting has happened so far, or at the very least actually enforce them instead of putting psychos on the honor code.
Vinegar Taster
2014-10-25 10:23:41 UTC
Guns are NOT the problem . Read the story of the police being attacked with a axe ?

People like you will be the first to whine when we become a police state.
That Shadow
2014-10-26 08:29:44 UTC
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. By shaming and ignoring those with mental health issues instead of helping them and acknowledging such things as actual illness. So, no, banning guns does nothing whatsoever for the problem.
2014-10-26 20:53:08 UTC
News flash: If you get rid of guns, only bad people will have guns. They will go on more rampages because they know the good guys don't have guns.
2014-10-24 16:36:36 UTC
Another example of liberals' obsession with more gun laws not being worth the paper they're written on.
glen b
2014-10-27 12:21:07 UTC
guns don't kill people do a gun laying on a table jut doesn.t jump and shoot someone so you people against guns and second admentent don't know what your talking about guns been in America since it was here and still are part of American history so leave us law abiding citizens alone
2014-10-25 20:19:49 UTC
We do not live in a democracy, but a constitutional republic. Even if 99.9% of us want guns banned our constitution protects the rights of the other .1% to keep and bear arms.
2014-10-25 06:17:27 UTC
In an ideal world, yes. But we don't live in an ideal world. If America were to ban guns, the innocent civillians would have nothing to defend themselves against the criminals who would inevitable keep theirs.
Uncle Pennybags
2014-10-24 15:23:33 UTC
We saw the solution just a few days ago. Some lunatic went to shoot up Parliament in Canada and an armed man stopped him DEAD.
狐 Josh
2014-10-25 16:01:51 UTC
This shooting was at yet another gun free zone.

"Gun free zone" means: "Guns are banned in this area" So, how is banning something a second time going to stop a crime?
Hammer into Anvil
2014-10-24 18:18:31 UTC
If you consider the number of guns in the US vs. the number of murders and associated kooks using them....the murder rate is statistically nil. The very idea of banning guns is a pipe dream of the far left who exist in la la land.
2014-10-24 15:14:28 UTC
Like it or not, the second amendment is here to stay. We can't just simply get rid of it, but we can have more gun regulations and have stricter gun laws.
Tim M
2014-10-24 15:17:25 UTC
The Genie is way out of the bottle so no. Gun purchases and availability needs to be addressed as well as mental health and security measures.
2014-10-25 07:59:51 UTC
Another person died from a car accident while talking on a cell phone. Will we ban cell phones? Will we ban cars? I cut my finger last night while cutting food to eat. Will we band knives? Another person declared bankrupt. Will we ban people from going in debt? Another person slandered someone, told lies about them, will we ban talking? Don't blame something for mistakes people make or their poor choices.
2014-10-26 17:55:18 UTC
It won't matter it will just be some one with a hatchet or machette hacking up people, with people like that around I want a gun to protect myself.
2014-10-26 22:45:00 UTC
banning guns will do nothing. they will only find another way to get guns or even find other ways to kill hun. banning will that happen when so many ppl own guns already? ppl will find there way to use it like they find there ways to do all the other illegal stuff going on in the world.
2014-10-25 13:14:09 UTC
The secound amendment will make sure guns are never banned by anti-gun nutjobs.
2014-10-24 15:23:54 UTC
its not about guns. its about sin nature. when you figure out how to cause someone not toant to do harm to another no matter the weapon used then the entire issue goes away. otherwise your barking up a tree that cannot and will not bend or break , find something else to troll about
2014-10-25 02:33:52 UTC
How about doing something about mental illness instead of banning guns.
2014-10-24 15:18:12 UTC
How about doing something about mental illness instead of banning guns.
2014-10-26 09:02:14 UTC
No, if the second amendment is removed then it will be pure anarchy anyway. What use would a ban be?
2014-10-25 17:08:20 UTC
How about my constitutional right to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Doesn't my right to stay alive trump other's rights to shoot me?
2014-10-24 15:15:41 UTC
sorry, but the difference between you an me is,,, that I don't believe everything I see on tv,, so they say another quote unquote shooting, I don't know that it was real... im willing to bet it was just another hoax like all the rest of them
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2014-10-24 15:17:12 UTC
well.... the mechanism to change the Constitution is in place.... has been since the beginning... feel free to actually work for that change any time... warning, the process is intentionally long and arduous...

....but the good part is that you might grow up a little in the interim...
2014-10-24 15:13:55 UTC
Since most shootings seem to take place in Liberal states by Liberal shooters we should ban Liberals!

That is if you really want to solve the problem.
2014-10-25 11:39:50 UTC
Banning guns is not going to help.
2014-10-28 21:41:42 UTC
2014-10-28 08:26:11 UTC
Gosh, I guess if they ban all guns, maniacs would just have to switch to knives, or pulping people with baseball bats, or just good ole strangulating each other with their bare hands. Although, the ancient Thugee use of a strangling chord had its merits, bows and arrows , spears, sharp sticks, gas, pipe bombs, even gasoline, for really broad spectrum anarchy. Luckily, people are quite inventive, so I'm not convinced retiring the revolver is going to change the statistics of violence here anymore than it does anywhere else in the world, but its a great fantasy to dwell on.
2014-10-27 21:56:35 UTC
The problem is that our society glorifies violence and the family unit has vanished and children are being raised up on violent video games, music, and media. Everything is negative, dark, and immoral. I started watching old television series like Full House because nowadays I guess it's okay to make references to child molestation on family programs.

Society is the problem, we need to show more love and compassion towards each other. We need to strive to understand and help others not condemn, judge, or bully them. Just think of how many kids have committed suicide because of bullying. Society is the root of problem. Taking away guns just opens a market for illegal gun trading. Just like the drug world. Everything has a cause and effect. What is the root cause of all problems in this world? A Lack of empathy and love for everything living thing.
2014-10-27 12:47:22 UTC
If we ban guns, the only difference will be that MORE law-abiding people will be shot. Why? Because the same kind of people who do these shootings DO NOT BUY GUNS LEGALLY! If they are no longer legally allowed to own these guns (if they are in the first place) they will get them by other means, mainly the black market. Meanwhile, law-abiding people who have no guns will have no way to protect themselves.
2014-10-27 12:44:01 UTC
Not today we won't. Knor the next or the next after that..Matter of fact.

Get yourself a football helmet. Put it on your head. Take a deep breathe

and hold it. Until we ban guns.
2014-10-27 11:24:05 UTC
no. Your assessment and opinion does not reflect the reality of things..did you see the incident in Canada--- man--Sgt. at Arms shot a crazy terrorist as he entered their Administrative office...had this brave and courageous man not carried his trusted weapon, the story would have been horrific; guns don't kill, people kill as you can see-the terrorist had a gun and with it he intended to kill and the brave one had a gun and he used it to protect others... the kid with the gun at school got his gun from (most likely) his dad--he will be held responsible for it---easy access to it.. had he kept it secured the kid would not have used it to KILL.
2014-10-27 06:48:30 UTC
The biggest violence against school children and the highest body count from a rampage killer was from a man who used almost nothing but bombs. Bombs have been illegal for many years, but that didn't stop this guy in the 20s or stop the OKC bombing. Laws are not worth the paper they are written on if they are not in agreement with society's values. Look at the war on drugs. More importantly our government is built upon the idea that the people are worthy of trust. That in us is something special and that we are as a species good. If that is not the case then what would be the point in prolonging our suffering? Banning guns is not an implication it is a loud and clear statement that people are by nature bad and thus cannot be trusted with their own destiny. Ownership of weapons when it boils down to the nuts and bolts is just that. An armed populace controls it's own fate. An unarmed populace is a civilization of helpless victims. Nor would it help in the least. The latest guy, could have easily stabbed those people to death. I'm surprised he didn't as it was a crime of passion and knives are more common than guns for such crimes. We ban guns he could have used an ax or bludgeoned them. Two of the biggest killing sprees in history the murderer used an ax primarily or exclusively. In NYC the other day a guy used a hatchet in an attack on 2 cops. If he'd been smarter he could have easily picked cops off one by one with the hatchet.

So your reasoning is flawed in principle, in practice and theory. Banning guns have not solved violence anywhere it has been tried. Nine of the nations not counting those in the midst of civil wars and African nations for which there are simply no reliable stats, are those which have almost or complete bans on firearm ownership. Two of the nations with the lowest murder rates in the world have gun laws which are less restrictive than the US. Four have gun laws only slightly more restrictive or similar to ours. Only one of them bans all gun ownership.
2014-10-27 00:46:34 UTC
There never will be a ban on guns in America. If there was, would that stop a CRIMINAL OR PSYCHOPATH FROM GETTING A GUN? No, it wouldn't. Typical knee-jerk progressive liberal reaction to a shooting.. Why don't you ban automobiles? I'll bet you more people were killed by cars this week than in all the school shootings in 10 years. Why don't you try thinking before responding emotionally.
2014-10-26 22:12:55 UTC
2014-10-26 21:26:57 UTC
2014-10-26 17:40:02 UTC
That shooting was much about a young boy being jilted and

the school didn't recognize him and his need to get help emotionally

neither did his parents so he went down because he felt

alone in his sorrow, but at 14 yrs. old is it possible to have such strong

feelings about love? I can't imagine going that far with a fleeting relationship

at that age. Love wears off with time for all teenagers even some adults.
2014-10-28 21:48:26 UTC
2014-10-28 20:38:35 UTC
2014-10-28 07:22:41 UTC
I want you to understand this problem and be reasonable. America is an experiment. Although it appears to lack culture, its very culture is all the various cultures that melts into one pot to make the stew. This experiment has rules or guidelines. Those guidelines were established by the declaration of independence; are structured by the constitution, and our goal is to one day achieve the bill of rights without one person receiving a placebo (fake pill). Of these three founding doc (left the federalist papers out on purpose) the constitution is the heart and modern building block of this experiment. NO ONE IS GOING TO CHANGE THAT BUILDING BLOCK.

The constitution is what the 10 commandments are to Christians, what meditation is to Buddist; what Allah is to Muslims. In other words America will never ban guns. It would be literally, "unconstitutional". Even the suggestion of altering it has brought big fight. Not because we have gun nuts or any of that stuff. But because this is an EXPERIMENT!!! At any given time, this can all fall apart and folks know they will need protection. Everything we have is "fiat" which means let it be. Our money is fiat, not back by gold but an agreement of the people to use it as currency. Our peace is fiat, the fact that we have not broke out into a race war yet amazes me. Even through our racial tensions we still have fiat peace. Even the fact that the US is the Leader of the Free World, is fiat (although we never realized that until a black president, where our own citizens would destroy the image of our leader in the face of an international economy - now because of all the internal bickering china's economy is the largest - and if they take over there will be no more fiat, or America it will be a dictatorship. That is how sensitive our fiat or experiment is.). As soon as the fiat agreements amongst citizens within the US are broken, the highest bidder takes the prize. It will look like war on our soil; like someone is attacking us. but it will only be a failure of this agreement that has us all bound together by a simple thread called FIAT!
2014-10-28 01:56:22 UTC
Its amazing to me that their are so many ignorant, selfish, and misinformed people here in America. I mean seriously people, think a little. Crack is illegal, but its in our schools, and its killing our kids too! So is Crystal meth, and many other illegal drugs. Just because something is banned or illegal does NOT automatically mean we or our schools will be safe, nor does it even mean their will be no more shootings, at our schools or anywhere else. What we do need to do is protect our children while they are at school, the same way "we" protect our money... With armed security at each school. Its a simple solution that may not be 100%, but its a step in the right direction, and it would surely do much more to protect the children than banning all guns.
2014-10-27 21:39:51 UTC
If crazy people wanna kill others, they can use a knife or sword and be just as effective since they don't make bang noise that makes everyone runs. It's not guns that kill. Plus, criminals get their guns from black market. You don't hear about it on TV but there are underground tunnels from Mexico that smuggles drugs and guns. Illegal guns also come on ships. If you take away guns from US citizens, how can we fight back? It's unfortunate there are psychos that America and this modern society is somehow producing that end up shooting others. Something's seriously wrong with some young people these days. Maybe they tend to isolate unpopular kids more. Or maybe parents are having more problems these days since the divorce rate has shot up since 30 years ago.
2014-10-27 19:53:21 UTC
A gun ban is irrational and wouldn't even solve the problem, and if it did, it would be in the most indirect, inconsiderate, irrational, and inefficient manner. Besides, criminals would still carry guns as they all break the law, while law abiding citizens would be punished. If there ever was a lack of guns (which is impossible by the way), criminals would use 3D printers to print out guns.
Charles Rodrigues
2014-10-27 17:44:10 UTC
Lets just say everyone in a town has a gun. Now lets say one of the thousands of people walked into a school and shot a few kids. You're trying to tell me i should hand over my gun just because one person ruined it. Think of it this way, because there was one gay couple who couldn't get married now no one in the world should get married.
2014-10-27 13:24:43 UTC
NOPE! Only a stupid fool would ban guns. Criminals don't follow the rules for the 100 trillionth time
2014-10-27 11:14:43 UTC
The Devil
2014-10-27 08:14:42 UTC
We need firearms education rather than a ban. We need civics and etiquette and penmanship and grammar instead of letting kids drift in and out of sick relationships they can't handle. We need homelife rather than streetlife.
2014-10-27 06:00:56 UTC
nothing will be done, people will continue to spout outdated laws, like the right to bare arms.

lets not forget to gun lovers, the NRA and plain old idiots, owning a weapon is more important than the lives of our children.

inbred ignorance still rules rather than common sense.
2014-10-27 04:20:50 UTC
Nope people don't matter to cons just money
2014-10-26 23:50:00 UTC
Hiltlar ban guns in Germany..Ask a Jew how that turned

2014-10-26 20:46:40 UTC
I hope not

we need more guns
2014-10-26 12:55:28 UTC
Why would you ban guns? school shootings have nothing to do with other shootings
2014-10-26 07:57:46 UTC
i dont know
2014-10-26 07:45:06 UTC
Freedom isn't free
2014-10-26 00:05:42 UTC
I do not see you coming up with any proactive solutions that actually require thinking either.... only an amendment that was designed to protect us from something the advances in social media already does. you want an better response? Ban the machines that make guns then criminals don't have them either

This report looks at 65 high-profile shootings over the past four decades. The bulk of the shootings are from 1980 onwards; of these 59 shootings�

•A handgun was used in 71 percent of the shootings (42 cases) as the only or primary weapon, while in 29 percent (17 cases) a rifle or shotgun was used as the only or primary weapon.

• In 62 percent of the handgun shootings (26 cases), the handguns were acquired legally.

• In 71 percent of the long-gun shootings (12 cases), the guns were acquired legally

It is an indisputable fact that most school shooters obtain their guns from their own home or that of relatives. These are stupid people.. people who give children guns and do not keep them out of childrens hands... No I do not believe that everyone should be punished for the acts of a few but still when it comes to your child... Your child may not be the one going to school and shooting people... but the person who sits next to your child might be...
2014-10-25 20:02:37 UTC
Anyone else find it odd that these things happen during election cycles?
2014-10-25 15:02:00 UTC
we who? even if the 2nd Ammendment was changed via the ballot box, guns sans registration and crazy, evil, and people with a sick agenda would still be out there.
2014-10-28 16:09:45 UTC
No, because Americans believe that every average, uneducated, TV loving, mentally defective, moron should have the ability to kill anybody, any time the mood strikes him.
2014-10-28 15:13:00 UTC
I'm from Australia, and we are exposed to the horrific & violent video games, movies etc. but I can't even remember the last time we had a school shooting. Banning guns is the clear solution. I guess people just can't possibly walk around the streets of America without their precious gun *sarcasm*

Sure, maybe there are too many guns in the hands of citizens to be banning and confiscating them. But you may as well stop people from furthering their collections!
adam e
2014-10-28 03:00:43 UTC
Guns do not need to be banned. We need better laws. which is why republicans need to go. First, all firearms should be registered. and if you are caught with a unregistered gun you should get 10 years in prison minimum. Second yearly registrations for the gun owner as well as everyone within the home where gun is kept being registered as well. Anyone with any mental disorders or violent history should not be able to own a gun. The problem is not guns its the gun owners. All these kids parents should be in prison no excuse for a kid to get a gun from home.
2014-10-27 20:30:04 UTC
I hope not, as a homeowner I feel a need to protect my family inside our home should the occasion arise.
2014-10-27 16:45:53 UTC
Mexico has very strict gun control laws. They also have more gun related murders everyday then we do in the US. It seems that the criminals down there are the only people that have guns, as they don't follow the law. Go figure!
2014-10-27 14:37:49 UTC
The Duke
2014-10-27 08:26:53 UTC
Guns are the tools used, not the problem. The problem is the morality of our country and the plight of our youth. When kids feel that taking people's lives is the "best" solution to a problem then we have bigger problems than whether or not there are guns in the country.

2014-10-27 08:20:41 UTC
September 11 happened, so do we have to ban planes? Of course not. The same thing is with guns. We should not ban the second amendment.
2014-10-27 03:38:15 UTC
We DONT NEED TO BAN GUNS OR ANY USELESS AND NONNECCESSARY NEW LAWS!!!!!! The problem is the criminals that are let off from their crimes and if not locked up or dead will continue to be the problem whether guns or legal or not. If guns were banned, crimes WILL be worse. NOBODY is getting MINE !!! We need to vote out all the liberals and get honest people running this country again and WILL BE A STRONGER USA!!
2014-10-27 02:58:13 UTC
Banning guns in schools isn't enough. Think of all the things kids bring in that their not supposed to. As long as they can get hold of guns easily they will bring them in if they want to. Guns will never be banned because people are too crazy about them. They would rather turn a blind eye or make excuses rather than ban them.

I think there should at least be stricter rules on who has them, and definitely a higher age limit. Its far too easy to get a gun in the US.
2014-10-27 02:22:49 UTC
2014-10-26 20:38:20 UTC
2014-10-26 18:20:01 UTC
Good luck, sweet-cheeks.
2014-10-26 15:39:40 UTC
2014-10-26 12:29:11 UTC
Nope, We cannot ban guns.

Citizens need to protect themselves in case governmental tyrants decide to become out of control dictators.
2014-10-26 09:58:08 UTC
Its too easy to get a gun in America, so glad i'm in the UK where the only gun a average person can get is a air rifle.
2014-10-26 09:21:03 UTC
Damn right!

We need to ban cars because a guy was caught drunk driving last night too!

PLUS.....there was a rape in Boston Friday....SEX needs to be made illegal.
2014-10-25 20:25:29 UTC
its in the constitution we shouldn't ban them just have more restrictions
2014-10-25 19:19:22 UTC
Well, if you give everyone free guns nothing will go wrong. Everyone can mutually protect everyone. So if a person decides to kill someone, everyone will be ready. We can even put auto-matic guns under the seats of planes to stop a terrorist.
2014-10-25 18:31:37 UTC
deal with the mind of these young people
2014-10-28 18:59:38 UTC
2014-10-28 18:39:58 UTC
2014-10-28 17:01:51 UTC
2014-10-27 22:53:43 UTC
2014-10-27 16:40:51 UTC
The second amendment was part of the package of the first ten to primarily protect citizens from their over reaching government. The "original liberal" Thomas Jefferson proposed it. We are not the only country that allows its citizens to possess firearms and the others that do insist frequently enough that they are adequate to constitute a militia (citizen's army) Switzerland comes to mind. Haven't heard about a lot of gun violence in Swizterland have you?
2014-10-27 12:02:02 UTC
Even if they did, There would still be school stabbings and people getting there heads smashed in with Baseball bats.Or do you support murder as long as it's not a shooting?
2014-10-27 04:59:23 UTC
Anyone willing to give up rights in favor of safety does not deserve to have rights or understands the importance of preserving them.
2014-10-26 21:15:30 UTC
The US government want to ban guns full stop. Strictly so the people of America have no way to defend themselves when they get Russian soldiers to train on US soil and use them to move people into FEMA camps when all hell breaks lose and Marshal law is in full effect. Just a thought lol
2014-10-26 20:47:27 UTC
I don't have a source for this, but I have read and heard several times that there are no more shootings than there were 50 years ago, 100 years ago. It just seems like there are more because of instant media, globalization, etc. Not directly applicable to the gun control debate, but an interesting thing to think about.
2014-10-26 19:38:00 UTC
Four states with the toughest gun control laws have the highest murder rate,, Banning guns will only take them from the honest people. Think about if is a murderer, thief, or gangster going to say "gee guns are banned I should not carry one" DAH wake up America, it is stupid people taking guns from honest population that is the problem. Would you rob a store knowing the owner had a gun, and was going to shoot back? Children have been treated wrong, not allowing them to get a swat on the back side at school is the cause of problem not gun control. Do your child a favor start a bit of discipline.
Mild Mind
2014-10-26 18:17:55 UTC
I would like to suggest that reversing the 1962 decision that ceased to recognize the head of household as a government entity and the voter initiative that instituted no-fault divorce would put our families back together and eliminate the problem without disturbing the second amendment.
2014-10-26 17:54:19 UTC
Dude, look what happened in the 1930's with the prohibition of alcohol. If anything, it caused more individuals to drink alcohol illegally while criminals were making a killing in cash as they were doing underhanded deals to smuggle it into the US. If guns are banned that's essentiality going to provoke more people to buy firearms illegally as the Government would have banned it. Think of it this way. When someone tells you no it makes you want to do it even more. When Fifty Shades of Grey was banned it became popular because everyone wanted to know what was so incredibly unacceptable in the novel for it to be banned. It gained interest and look what happened as an effect. Besides, a gun can't magically fire on it's own you need someone to pull the trigger. I'm fairly certain a gun cannot do that.

Now I'm not saying what this a**hole did was right. In fact I'm pissed because that was the school I was originally supposed to attend. My awesome neighbor was in that lunch room while my other friends were forced to evacuate out of the building. Not to mention my best friend actually met the bastard.

However, even I know that the kid was mentally disturbed. Just look at his twitter account he's been planning it for months and even has rather disgusting photos of a women's genitals on one of his posts. So tell me, how the heck in this case is banning a gun going to make a goddam difference?
2014-10-26 12:10:31 UTC
We're far from banning guns in this country. They're needed. Look at Hong Kong. They could use some guns to scare off the Chinese oppressors.
2014-10-26 11:55:45 UTC
Ban them dont ban them wont make any difference-Americans LOVE guns its way to late to have any control on them-You can only live with the armed state youve got.
2014-10-26 09:37:49 UTC
There are more abortions than shootings. The population lost annually to shootings as you refer to them is .0055% or less. Get a grip.
2014-10-26 05:14:32 UTC
Tyler S
2014-10-25 20:30:01 UTC
banning guns does not stop shootings. Narcotics are illegal and there is a large group of addicts that do them so you think guns will be any different? Go ahead take guns away from home owners and law abiding citizens how do you think that will work out? It will be a free for all for criminals. If you knew your neighbor was a gun activist would you want to go break in his house or threaten his life? I sure as hell wouldnt. Banning guns is not the answer. You ban guns and do you honestly thing all these mass shootings will just go away? banning them doesnt make them just disappear from the planet. They will be in the wrong hands either way so let citizens bear arms and protect themselves from criminals!
2014-10-25 16:10:18 UTC
Well obviously never because apparently people would rather have guns than do everything they can to make sure they, as well as the people they love, don't get randomly shot dead since anyone can get a gun if they want to
2014-10-25 09:37:58 UTC
The second amendment will never be repealed, it is the most important one of the bill of rights
2014-10-25 08:29:00 UTC
Why don't we help mentally ill people and help kids deal with anger over relationship problems with something other than shooting people (as was the case here) instead?
2014-10-28 12:50:18 UTC
Are you an idiot? Guns do not shoot by themselves.
2014-10-28 08:30:49 UTC
2014-10-28 02:30:50 UTC
Banning guns = government tyranny. Source:

If you value your freedom you will NEVER BAN GUNS!

On top of that you would take away hunting from people who love going out and hunting ducks, deer, etc... great for vegetarians/vegans but miserable for everyone else! I personally feel everyone who eats meat should go hunting at least one time. My reason... if you can't kill it then why do you eat it? Just never ever ban guns the whole idea is preposterous.
2014-10-27 20:25:14 UTC
2014-10-27 14:36:20 UTC
NO just yours
2014-10-27 13:46:36 UTC
the guns used in shooting are UNREGISTERED. When will people understand this

banning all firearms will stop shooting clubs and hunting. Whooptie doo

It's not gonna have an impact on gun related violence
2014-10-27 05:47:12 UTC
When a Gun goes to a school all by its little self and starts shooting you will have an argument but until concentrate on the criminals who the Obama administration are turning lose on the public.
2014-10-27 04:07:51 UTC
Guns are currently banned in schools.The other amendments to our constitution you want to do away with, maybe freedom of speech.
2014-10-27 03:58:10 UTC
2014-10-26 23:54:12 UTC
2014-10-26 17:47:17 UTC
Why would we bans any guns? Most humans in society are tools/slaves to the corrupt corporate media. The #NWO , #Illuminati , #Bilderbergs , banker families, pedophile/gay propaganda, etc. controls every person right now.
2014-10-26 14:41:09 UTC
guns are for cowards to hide behind
2014-10-26 13:05:39 UTC
2014-10-26 12:36:10 UTC
If the Goverment bands guns people who want to shoot people will still get guns legal or not
2014-10-26 09:55:32 UTC
The right to bear arms is guaranteed in the Constitution,just like the frredom of speech,press,religion,ect....There is a price for freedom.And I'm not talking militarily.We have to accept EVERY tenant of the Constitution or reject it completely.You may not like the second ammendement.Maybe I don't like the first.And she doesn't like the fourth.And that guy doesn't like the fourteenth.

You get my drift?Guns are not the issue.Enforcement of the existing laws is.
2014-10-26 05:26:31 UTC
i dont know
2014-10-26 04:00:09 UTC

This is what happens when someone other than the deranged gunman is armed in a gun-free zone:

Newtown is what happens when only the deranged is armed in a gun-free zone:

Two martyrs give their lives trying to use their hands and feet to stop a gunman and 21 children die.

You can live in your delusional world that guns will magically go away, just like drugs, when they're banned, but most of us seem content to look at reality.

There is a way to handle this that aligns with common sense, instead of teaching kids what sex feels like and how to have sex from 5 years old, we teach and emphasize the true nature and danger of guns, and especially how to use them properly so that if they do ignore their instruction and pick up one they find, they don't point it anywhere dangerous, and we do it as consistent with their age and understanding.

Then, we start bringing in guns and armed individuals so that next time a deranged man visits another Newtown, those 2 people who were willing to give their own lives won't have too, and it won't be for nothing.
Patriot !
2014-10-26 02:46:19 UTC
...remember "Ted" Kennedy KILLED more people with his car than I have with ALL of my Fire-Arms ! Stop blaming "pencils" for miss-spelled words and eating at McDonalds for being a Fat @ss !'s NOT the Guns that are killing's the Lunatics that are misusing them !
2014-10-25 16:09:45 UTC
Of course, the school banned guns. But, Additionally, school should install security checkpoints because I heard some news from my radio about gun shooting happened in some high schools around one or two months ago. Security checkpoint can "prove" students whatever they have suspicious items in their backpacks or not. Security Checkpoint is very important to protect public places from shooting.
2014-10-25 14:42:29 UTC
I'm not a big fan of gun "culture," but I don't think banning guns is the solution to the school shootings.
2014-10-29 02:27:26 UTC
There is nothing wrong with the second amendment. What is wrong is people .

The right to bear arms first came about so that the common people could form militia to oppose a repressive government. Didn't Thomas Jefferson say you needed a revolution every 20 years? But that does not justify a bunch of wierdos walking around with concealed weapons or keeping guns under the bed. A mixture of paranoia and homicidal tendencies. After all, the sole purpose of a handgun, assault rifle or machine gun is to kill people. That is why so many have one or more.

Generally, whenever you hand out guns wholesale in a country like America, they are going to start shooting each other. Guns are dangerous. That's why soldiers are so carefully trained.

A country like America? Yes. Almost everyone in Switzerland and Finland has a gun, but they don't run around shooting each other.

Many (not all) people who own guns in America today would be rejected for service by police, military or National Guard.

But none of that can be blamed on the second amendment, which is a good idea. The fault lies with a lack of moral responsibility, bad parenting, poor education and negative attitude.
2014-10-28 15:23:55 UTC
2014-10-28 00:19:35 UTC
2014-10-27 18:45:18 UTC
9/11 was carried out by humans with headbands, impromptu kamikaze flight lessons, and exacto craft knives. Not the most deadly arsenal ever. But it was the subversion and the fear, coupled with a few 2,996 deaths that drove us into a fear state. Honestly, I doubt Osama Bin Laden's plan was to kill us all. He would kill a few in such an infamous way we would kill ourselves with fear. Honestly, "The real enemy was always ourselves. If only we really believed the only thing to fear was fear itself." -Me.
2014-10-27 10:43:33 UTC
Guns will probably never be outlawed in the US. It most certainly won't happen within the next 100 years. It is too engrained in the culture from both democrats and republicans. In Michigan pretty much everyone has some form of firearm regardless of what side of the isle you vote for.

Having said that, much like Obamacare being repealed completely is not going to happen anytime soon, anti-gun activists should face the facts that they are actually going to have to come up with a viable solution rather than something that will most likely never happen.

Here are a list of things you could possibly try to push that more people would get on board with than banning guns altogether:

1. Legislate laws against negligent for parents of school shooters who have just left a deadly weapon around their house. Make these laws apparent. Most people know when their children have mental issues, but maybe that added jail sentence will get them to use common sense.

2. Make a federal test mandatory, that a person must pass regarding handgun safety before a sale of a handgun can be completed. Most gun ranges already make you do this before you rent a gun for the firing range anyway.

3. Require a safety course before the sale of a handgun can be completed. Maybe even a license that must be obtained. As long as there isn't a limit on how many can be obtained this will stop those who don't handle guns properly from getting them and it won't alienate anyone's second amendment rights.

Any of these while maybe not ideal will find you making more progress that beating a dead horse. There are too many guns in the US for the government to be able to ban. Billions in consumer spending has gone into these purchases and any government official knows that an outright ban of guns is a career ender so get over it.
2014-10-27 10:01:42 UTC
We need to educate. In a world where guns are part of the history and right for the people is very difficult to ban guns. There is more than just the sad incidents that are happening is more than that. If we take away the guns from the streets and from the civilians we are going to have a totalitarian regime in a democratic country. We will be without immediate protection in case of an invasion. We will be submitted and overpowered by the government because we don't have a force to riot in case they want to impose communism among us. We need to educate kids and have professional to go to schools and talk about safety and the reasons why guns are dangerous. Is like talking to kids about sex and drugs. Is the same.
2014-10-27 07:14:13 UTC
The problem is bullying, not gun laws.

I come from New Zealand, and I live in the States now. In New Zealand we haven't had a school shooting since 1923. The gun laws are fairly similar except that there is nothing equivalent to the second amendment.

I have no objection to the second amendment, to me it just seems like a redundant clause, like the right to own a car or the right to own a knife. One already has the right to own property, which extends to movable objects as well as land. The right to 'bear arms' is vague. It is not limited to and not specific to firearms. Carrying a sword is bearing arms, or raising a chair over one's head in a position to hit someone with it is bearing arms, so restricting guns or even banning them entirely doesn't actually affect a person's right to bear arms.

When you say Ban, what people understand is 'blanket ban'. They tend to think you want to make guns illegal for everybody. You need to be more specific about what it is you're intending. I'm assuming you don't want it illegal for policemen or soldiers to carry weapons. You probably have no objection to recreational firearms used for hunting or other sports. You may or may not be okay with handguns for protection, and only wish to ban automatics and semi-automatics. I don't know, because you have not specified. I'm assuming you're a rational person and have thought your opinion through thoroughly, but most people won't give you that courtesy it seems.

History has shown us that heavy laws, like a blanket ban on alcohol, only makes criminals out of everyday people. If a blanket ban on guns were to be imposed it would have a similar affect. People would still be able to access guns, and even if they couldn't, other weapons might be obtained.

The questions we should be asking is NOT 'how did this person get a gun'


"Why did this person get a gun?"

"What drove them to it?"

"What is wrong with our culture that makes this happen over and over again?"

Have you ever seen the movie Carrie?

The movie shows us that her powers were not what was wrong. People were afraid of her powers, but She could have used her powers for good. All the pressures in her life, an over-bearing parent, students bullying her, ambivalent teachers, it all just made her snap, and drove her to do destructive things.

Now ignore the fact that she has supernatural powers. What if she instead had a gun? Not much would change. She could probably still destroy half the students at the prom, instead of all of them. What if we gave her a sword? Now were, starting to talk, right? She couldn't kill the whole school with sword. Just a few students before the police got to her. But wait, let's make swords illegal now to. Now she has a knife, that's one student killed at best. Can we make knives illegal? Impossible, we need knives in our everyday lives. So we will have to settle for only one student gets killed. It's better than the whole school right? Of course it is, it's perfectly rational... or is it?

What if we changed something else? Carrie can keep her superpowers, her gun, her sword, and her knife. If wouldn't matter. Perhaps if we changed the story so that her mother wasn't bat-sh*t crazy, or if we gave her a few friends to stick up for her at school, or if her teachers actually gave a damn. Maybe then Carrie would have been somebody amazing. With her powers she could have been a superhero.

Banning guns won't help anything

Keeping guns won't help anything

If you want to help, you must change the culture. We should care about each other. Be the change you want to see in the world.
2014-10-27 07:05:10 UTC
First of all, guns are illegal to have in schools. Second, you can use ANYTHING to kill people. Take away guns and people will use knives. Take away knives, people will start beating people to death with table legs. You can ='t take away everything. Third, if you ban guns, only the lawful and good citizens won't be able to protect themselves. The criminals will still have guns because THEY'RE CRIMINALS AND THEY BREAK THE LAW ANYWAYS.

People blaming guns for violence are ridiculously ignorant. Taking guns away solves nothing, it actually creates more problems.
2014-10-27 03:54:39 UTC
How many people died before guns were invented? Why do fools and cowards even think they can disarm the people who are wise, and brave enough to carry one? How long before you look around and see all the humanan trafficking, and beheadings going on; and then realize what a real how moronic your suggestion is.
2014-10-26 20:52:19 UTC
2014-10-26 20:06:56 UTC
If a child is willing to shoot up their own school I highly doubt gun control will stop them, and that goes for basically all other criminals. So in essence you are simply disarming the good guys. Oh and look at gun control laws in Chicago... Then look at crime rates...
2014-10-26 15:47:34 UTC
I see you are the typical Liberal. Let me explain try to get this through your thick, bullheaded skull. Guns are a tool, it is the person not the tool's fault. If you take away guns, they will just use other objects. Like in these be-headings of people by Islamist extremists they used swords/machetes/axes. If your argument was valid, you might as well get rid of them too. You don't need guns to kill people, but if you take them away from law abiding citizens you may as well be putting them up for slaughter. Gangs will come into power and law abiding citizens will be bringing the knife to a gun fight.

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed seeing your entire argument shattered! :)
2014-10-26 12:29:18 UTC
2014-10-26 09:51:33 UTC
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Guns weren't intended for murder. They were intended for protection and if anything don't

let guns be banned because the criminals already have them it won't make a difference for them.
2014-10-26 02:40:31 UTC
My Daughter knows why this happened. It was over a friend of hers. Who feels responsible. The thing about this is. He told her what he was planning. She didn't believe him. That would have stopped the whole thing.
2014-10-25 22:49:41 UTC
2014-10-25 21:22:48 UTC
This is just ridiculous. Ok. first. The government is not going to get rid of guns. We have the right to bare arms. Second. I hate people who blame guns for crimes that were committed by mind-f*cked mental people. I have guns. My family has guns. My friends have guns. And guess what. We all have them locked in gun safes. Do you think guns have a mind of their own and just walk out of the safe and start shooting random people? Hell no. So come to your senses and start you using common sense. Thanks.
2014-10-25 18:54:44 UTC
Did you ban cars after car wrecks? You are 100 times more likely to be killed by your physician or druggist than you are a firearm, perhaps we should ban them first. The biggest reason for not banning firearms is it protects me from fools like you.
2014-10-25 11:22:07 UTC
The bad guys prefer unarmed victims!!.

When seconds matter calling 911 and asking the bad guy to wait is not a viable option.

Better to have a gun and not need it than to need it and not have it!!!

**Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens.**

So you are against the private ownerships of gun! Do you believe in fire extinguishers? Why, you can always call the fire department!!

No Weapons Allowed

Criminals this is a defense free zone

All law abiding people have been disarmed for you
2014-10-25 10:37:52 UTC
deal with the mind of these young people
2014-10-29 07:42:50 UTC
Another example of liberals' obsession with more gun laws not being worth the paper they're written on.
2014-10-29 07:01:09 UTC
2014-10-28 18:04:05 UTC
If guns didn't exist, it would make it harder for idiots to kill people. I agree that people would still die without guns. But it would give killers an opportunity to be more creative. Anyone can shoot a gun. How many people can build a bomb?
2014-10-28 08:07:00 UTC
2014-10-27 20:39:13 UTC
Why ban guns? If you mean for everyone including military and police then you you might be on to something. Taking away defense from the citizens and the citizens will be defenseless.

Unfortunately USA has a death loving history. This necrophilia is a dis-ease that is rapidly engulfing more citizens, and even its children. It comes as no surprise that the system that has been allowed by its citizens to to terrify others through overt means as wars and tortures or covert means such as concentration camps, prisons, reservations, criminalization of benign activities, etc. would have these problems. A nation whose business is oppression through violence and the mechanisms of violence which makes and are making various types of weapons can expect no less than for the mindset to be transferred to its young,

Perhaps the real issue is not gun control.

The real issue is self-control. The citizens must control not only themselves individually, but also collectively control their government and it puppeteer mercantile handlers.
2014-10-27 15:55:00 UTC
2014-10-27 14:13:38 UTC
The gun did not do it. The person killed them. Not everyone is a nut job psycho
2014-10-27 11:43:28 UTC
So we ban guns. Then what? Bad guys wil lNOT turn in their guns and it is already illegal for bad guys to have guns. It is also illegal to shoot people. And illegal to have guns in a school. Tell me why you think making guns illegal will instantly make then disappear. Hey if that works we can try it on cocaine and meth next, sound good? ban them, and they go away?
2014-10-27 10:32:16 UTC
Honestly your a ******* loser if you want to ban guns.
2014-10-27 05:44:24 UTC
guns are not a problem, banning them would see assailants use other means to harm. many killings in cities every day
2014-10-27 04:08:04 UTC
Guns aren't the problem and here's why. Prior to the Columbine massacre, Eric Harris openly shared his plans on his website. He specifically mentioned a young man he intended to kill. The mother of that teen alerted the police. The detective who investigated thought the posting was serious enough to write up a search warrant, especially since a pipe bomb matching the description of the ones Eric claimed to have made already was found in a park near his home. And then...nothing happened. The warrant wasn't taken before a judge for signing or anything. Apparently, the officer just said "**** it" and forgot about it.

In every single instance (that I'm aware of0 where there's been a school shooting, there's been somebody who knew enough in advance that they could've put a stop to it, and they had the authority to do so. But instead, they said "**** it." The issue isn't guns, it's how do we get people to stop saying "**** it" and take the time to act when they know something's wrong.
2014-10-26 21:05:48 UTC
2014-10-26 19:43:07 UTC
2014-10-26 17:45:27 UTC
taking away guns isnt going to stop bad people from getting them
2014-10-26 12:23:01 UTC
ANOTHER Liberal PUKE crawls out of the woodwork !!!

Shove your "ban" up your hairy RECTUM , you stupid dumbocrat bleeding heart !!

YOU don`t give a rat`s aaasss how many die or don`t die .. all YOU want is to blubber about it like you`re doing now so that people will think "what a wonderful , caring , kind , considerate human being" without realizing you`re nothing but attention-seeking little LIBERAL SWINE looking for some black democrat C*OC* K to suck on !!!

2014-10-26 02:14:34 UTC
2014-10-26 01:26:09 UTC
Why not instead give every child a gun so they can shoot each other and have done with it all.

London UK
2014-10-25 23:37:34 UTC
Banning guns is not going to help.
Andy F
2014-10-25 11:42:18 UTC
Could this question be from a pro-gun TROLL, I wonder?

From a gun manufacturer, who wants to sow panic among American gun owners, so that they'll go out and buy new weapons in addition to those they already have?

Because that's how pro-gun fanatics often respond to school shootings -- out of fear that their precious right to own weapons will be taken away, and as a reason to buy even more firearms than they already own.

PS -- the gun industry encourages this kind of unreasoning fear, for the obvious reason that it moves the product.

Answer to your question: No, we won't ban guns. Whether we should is a different question, but we won't.

Why? The pro-gun lobby is too strong, the NRA is generally feared, and most members of Congress and even the White House aren't going to do anything to upset the status quo.
Mick W
2014-10-25 01:54:01 UTC
as a direct result of the dunblane massacre, almost all handguns were banned in the uk, in the decade following this, crime involving handguns doubled, and nowadays they are stating it has increased four fold.

on the black market supply will always equal demand, and restricting the law abiding citizens access to these weapons has not had the desired effect, in fact it has merely escalated their use in crime, and they are now far more freely available to anyone with the asking price than ever before.

assurances given at the time by police and politicians that banning these weapons completely would make the country a safer place, as no one would have them, has not fulfilled the promises that they made, in fact it has had the complete opposite effect, and made the country more dangerous, with use of handguns now being an everyday occurrence in crime.

in the uk gun owners are required to keep their weapons when not in use, in a safe place with a view to denying unauthorized persons access, and this includes other members of their family,

there are also restrictions on the purchase of ammunition and that of reloading equipment, to curtail its availability, i;e a certificate must be shown to make a purchase or buy primers, this does not appear to place any restriction on the criminal fraternity in their acquisition of ammunition, it merely acts as another legally imposed hindrance to the legitimate purchaser.

gun legislation only effects the legitimate users, it has no effect whatsoever on the illegal users who do not register their weapons or have to obtain permits to use them, it merely cons the population into thinking that politicians have restricted the availability of firearms, which it has, but not to the criminals, who are the ones that commit gun crimes, and it confirms to an objective observer that respective governments cannot control or stop the illegal importation of weapons and ammunition into their countries.
2014-10-28 11:23:36 UTC
It all depends on how many points the shooters score.
2014-10-28 05:15:37 UTC
NO! Will people finally take responsibility for there own actions...NO! Are we going to nullify the Constitution..NO! Can I make all the people that think like you leave the U.S. ....NO! Quit whining and go back to work, pay your taxes and STFU!
2014-10-27 22:20:16 UTC
Without the second amendment, you would not be able to protect your first amendment right to free speech. It would not be safe to sign a petition, march in protest, voice your disagreement with a government policy, vote for your favorite candidate. Thats the way it is in communist nations, dictatorships etc.

Give the teachers training and guns and end this insanity.
2014-10-27 19:46:29 UTC
If someone is really bad, they will find a way to kill others. Why take away the innocents means of protection?

I mean, who the **** registers a gun to their name and kills someone? And if people were forced to turn in their guns, do you seriously think the bad guys will actually go along with your excellent "plan"?
2014-10-27 19:43:57 UTC
The day we do the American dream will truly be over. For we will no longer be citizens, we will be SUBJECTS!!!
2014-10-27 18:54:55 UTC
Just one shooting in our schools is too much. I wonder if parents are paying attention to their children. Surely there are some signs of derangement and no one is seeing it. Do you hear how a lot of our teenagers talk? The words they use to express themselves? It's disgusting. When are the parents going to take hold of the situation? I agree it's the morals of our country. Let's turn it around folks!
2014-10-27 18:54:43 UTC
I hope not. Evil people will come up with other ways to

kill. You see it's the persons fault. We don't put the gun

in jail.
2014-10-27 11:05:34 UTC
I deduce from your rhetoric that you are set in an idea and probably won't change your mind, but the facts are:

Despite everything all crime is down in the US guns or no. Violent crime is and always has been rare. The chance of being struck by violent crime is such a rarity that to worry about it is somewhat absurd. And it is still true that if you are assaulted or murdered it will probably be by a family member so keep an eye out on your relatives.

It is simplistic and stupid thinking. It is like trying to outlaw avalanches by legislating against rocks and ignoring gravity and erosion.

It is avoidance of the real problem; what is it that drives people to do such things? The tools used are unimportant. It's the human factor that matters, but this is an intricate, difficult and nearly impossible thing to do so the simple minded jump for simple answers even if it is really no answer.

Blaming all on guns is stupid like white guys blaming their problems on blacks, immigrants, and whatever else makes them feel better about their miserable selves.

Try to clear your head of rhetoric and think about it rather than mouthing bumper sticker philosophy.
2014-10-27 10:01:39 UTC
Here is another idiot who blames the tool. Wish we could ban stupidity.....
2014-10-27 08:17:13 UTC
I'm not an American but doesn't the constitution say something like "bear arms IN DEFENCE OF THE NATION" ? How does that justify mutliple firearms in a household? Is the second part conveniently ignored by the gun lobby?

Apologies that my answer has simply posed more questions.
2014-10-27 07:38:04 UTC
at first i thought wow lots of uneducated people saying what is on there minds then found a few that were knowledgeable and had intelligent remarks.

there are at least 2 mind sets that cant be debated with one is stupidity because no matter what is said it is not interpreted, the other is fanatic because they wont believe anything said against their topic anyway.

Most of these incidents are not the fault of weapons other than they are available, no gun no shooting simple sure, effective no. ie drugs have been illegal for a long time and yet they are still everywhere...

imho it is the desensitising of people in all forms of media. so sure it would be under the mental state of those people...or is it that they where the victim in other things and this was there retaliation? so what do u fix the first victim or the second set?

look at why the 2nd amendment was added and why the US would not be what it is without it. and keep in mind a gun no matter what type or capacity is a tool and think if these horrible incident where a chemical attack by the same person/people would u push to ban chemicals????
2014-10-26 22:08:56 UTC
You and the rest of the anti gun nuts need to be banned from Earth.
2014-10-26 20:18:01 UTC
2014-10-26 17:06:53 UTC
We shouldn't have our guns taken away just because some idiot commits a crime with theirs. Punishing all because one did something bad is no way to solve anything.
2014-10-26 13:20:00 UTC
Banning guns only removes weapons from law abiding citizens. The criminals are already breaking the law.
Jack Johnson III
2014-10-26 12:07:13 UTC
At our country basically online police and mafia have guns
2014-10-26 10:46:17 UTC
People like you are blind
2014-10-26 08:53:49 UTC
2014-10-26 08:25:50 UTC
are you talking about the US right? I don't think Obama's going to do anything about it..there making too much money to stop. Similar to pharmaceuticals because the long term effects are so severe but they won't get rid of the because of the profit gained. Gun's should be available in my opinion but they need to be controlled and people need to be taught properly about them and that there not just a toy that you point and shoot at.
2014-10-26 05:02:20 UTC
I don't think is about guns
2014-10-29 07:34:35 UTC
2014-10-28 18:10:33 UTC
its not the guns it the pple that use them. does a knife stab some one on its own. no someone has to use it. thats the same with guns
2014-10-28 11:10:48 UTC
look were there any school shootings back in the 1960's ? I was a teenager then and my 2 best friends had lots of guns, rifles, handguns etc. we would go shooting on weekends. we learned to hand guns safely and respect them.

And just think had we wanted to go on a shooting spree we could have, we were only 16 yrs old but could buy all the ammo we wanted at the local sports shop, the owners knew our parents and trusted us, we often stopped by before going on a trip to buy ammo.

There were just as many guns around back then as now, so what's going on with the kids' today?
2014-10-28 05:44:59 UTC
2014-10-27 14:41:40 UTC
I doubt it very much SOME Americans are too transfixed on guns, but until you get rid of guns your always gonna get some nutter causing mayhem and death over there
Simon M
2014-10-27 08:08:26 UTC
In case you hadn't noticed, murder was banned a very long time ago, but people still seem to be doing it.

Just because the law says "this is now banned" that doesn't mean everyone says "Yes sir" and goes along with it. All that happens if you ban guns will be that those people who would never have caused a problem anyway dutifully give up their guns, whilst the psychos who would otherwise planned to do armed robberies or massacres will simply get hold of guns on the black market anyway. The UK has some of the strictest gun laws in the world, and whilst law abiding people cannot get hold of guns, criminals regularly seem to manage it.
2014-10-27 06:36:27 UTC
Ban them from who, the legal gun owner or the criminal who will always have a gun when they want it ?
2014-10-27 04:33:40 UTC
Never ever. Thou shalt not ban guns.
2014-10-27 01:11:14 UTC
2014-10-26 19:54:31 UTC
2014-10-26 18:40:56 UTC
Are you retarded if you take guns away from good people more people will die. If people really want to kill people they will break the law and find a way to get a gun. Guns dont kill people people kill people... maybe we should make knives illegal to stop stabbings. NO. That is not how it works in case you havent noticed. I agree background checks are nessicary but taking away the the second amendment is plain stupid.
2014-10-26 18:11:18 UTC
Guns aren't the problem. The gun didn't decide to leave on it's own and go shoot up a school. It's the people that are behind the guns. Ban guns and its not going to do anything. There will still be shootings and people will still die. Taking away guns is just going to leave people even more defenseless in a situation in which someone wants to shoot them. Im twelve and I know America is becoming corrupt and the gun laws could keep on getting more and more strict but its not going to change anything.

Think about this. If someone had their gun taken away and someone broke in and had a gun. What would that person be able to do. The man who broke in could kill him easily and then a life would be lost because of not having a gun in that situation. Think about what taking guns away can do.
2014-10-26 17:43:30 UTC
2014-10-26 12:47:42 UTC
you want us to ban guns next do away with our flag not wont happen
2014-10-26 07:26:39 UTC
Yes, I do think that it is necessary to ban guns.
jim k
2014-10-25 21:24:20 UTC
2014-10-25 16:20:23 UTC
Freedom isn't free
Make America Great
2014-10-25 14:20:33 UTC
Anther STUPID person with a mouth full of crap. When they start taking where will they stop! Hitler did the same thing where would he have stop if not for the might of the American military?
2014-10-25 12:30:38 UTC
Banning guns wouldn't stop mass shootings or school shootings and is illogical. Mass shootings only occur in places where guns are already banned e.g. schools and some cinemas.

If you banned guns you would simply be banning law abiding citizens who don't break the law or murder people from being able to defend themselves their property, family, community and others, and you would do nothing whatsoever to prevent criminals or mental people from getting hold of them illegally.

Banning guns would be illogical and would only increase the numbers of mass shootings and also drastically increase the crime rate especially for break ins.

In Canada just a few days ago an Islamic terrorist tragically murdered and innocent soldier guarding a war memorial. That soldier was unarmed. His gun was only for ceremonial purposes and as such guarding the monument was not loaded with bullets. If Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers had not been armed and shot the terrorist dead many more innocent people will have been killed.

In many more instances of shootings we hear of law abiding citizens who were armed were able to take out the attacker and prevent more deaths.

Guns actually reduce crime and save lives and it would be illogical to ban them and deny people the basic right to defend themselves.
2014-10-24 21:32:49 UTC
You do not punish law abiding citizens for the actions of one law braking citizen.
Comrade Bolshev
2014-10-29 07:47:26 UTC
Very unlikely, and even if a future federal government introduced British-type restrictions, you would still be awash with illegally held weapons.

It might be better if all access to all public buildings was through airport-style security gates.

What is really interesting about this question, though, is the amount of support given to the looniest answers, most of which appear to have been posted by religious maniacs. Which suggests to me that the best thing you lot could do might be to identify, arrest, intern and treat under mental health legislation, all your religious maniacs.

You might even find that relative peace might descend on your Most Distressful Country!
2014-10-28 16:40:55 UTC
2014-10-28 09:31:28 UTC
A grandfather shot an intruder who was raping his grand daughter. Would you rather have a gun in your hand or a cop on the way while your grand daughter was being raped?
2014-10-28 06:41:20 UTC
guns don't kill people. people kill people. we took prayer and the Bible out of school and add sex education,satan and all other stupid believes. every teacher, every officer , state / county offices need to have drug tests.
2014-10-27 13:49:00 UTC
Go be stupid somewhere else.
2014-10-27 12:40:57 UTC
rami Anadani
2014-10-27 10:56:44 UTC
The people who like guns do not represent a small group,they may actually be huge,that's why the government is fearing of,those huge people bounce on them when they ban the guns
2014-10-27 08:29:31 UTC
Φοίνιξ is an idiot and I recommend any sane being of sanity reports that ****. The reason there are school shootings is because of mentally deranged pricks. I.E. Adam Lanza killed his mom before shooting a school. Did he shoot his mom because of free gun laws? No. He shot his mom because he was not proper in the head. I still believe that you Americans should lower things with gun laws. Look at Japan. You aren't allowed to own a fire arm no matter who you are, they are so damn well off. Police brutality, however, is fault of guns.
2014-10-26 20:56:54 UTC
2014-10-26 19:48:15 UTC
Lets just use some logic for a moment:

• it would require a LAW to ban guns.

• the definition of a Criminal is someone who breaks a law

SO, if we made a law against guns, some armed criminals will break that law and continue to be armed, whereas law abiding citizens will be forced to relinquish their guns.

Therefore, we wouldn't necessarily be disarming criminals, but the citizens who might have had a gun with which to protect themselves WILL be left defenseless.

Great plan, right?
Ragabash Moon
2014-10-26 17:08:53 UTC
There was a school shooting in 1979. It occured on a Monday morning when a 16 year old girl started shooting at elementary school children during recess. Two teachers were killed, 8 children and a police officer were injured.

When asked why she did it, her answer was very simple, and to this day she's still in jail, and still stands by her reason.

"I don't like Mondays. This livens up the day."

When he heard about it, Bob Geldof of The Boomtown Rats wrote a song about it, not to exploit the tragedy but, in his words "And the journalists interviewing her said, 'Tell me why?' It was such a senseless act. It was the perfect senseless act and this was the perfect senseless reason for doing it. So perhaps I wrote the perfect senseless song to illustrate it. It wasn't an attempt to exploit tragedy."

There was and still is something deeply wrong with her... if she didn't have her father's gun, what else would she have done to "liven up the day"? If she was willing to shoot children, I'm sure her alternatives wouldn't be much better.
2014-10-26 13:32:23 UTC
Guns don't kill people----PEOPLE kill people, and if guns are outlawed, only outlaws (who don't respect the law) will have guns. Now all those rich folks...will they give up their armed guards if asked, as an example to the rest of us ???
2014-10-26 11:39:27 UTC
Almost every answer presented here was excellent. I can't say it better. We could ban bricks, hammers, big rocks, kitchen knives etc. Would you be happy with that?
2014-10-26 10:25:30 UTC
probably not, but I live in England and guns are banned here soooo. Take it up with Barack Obama.
2014-10-26 07:32:10 UTC
So what? The real way we can prevent school shootings is by just quit pissing teenage boys off and getting on their bad side.
2014-10-26 00:37:39 UTC
Do NOT ban guns, but rather check the students entering the school first.
2014-10-25 23:47:22 UTC
2014-10-25 17:50:41 UTC

1 school shooting + another school shooting = MORE GUNS
Dewa Jan
2014-10-25 12:46:50 UTC
I think we need to ban guns! Civilians shouldn't own guns. It would solve a lot.
Lady Snowblossom
2014-10-25 08:26:50 UTC
Isn't it amazing how guns attach themselves to some kid that feels that life isn't treating them fair and no one understands them, the popular girl won't give them the time of day, watches violent movies, spends days playing video games where the body count is through the roof and the gun gets the kid to walk it into school and turn it into his private video game.

But, of course, we all know that Liberals will blame anything but Hollyweird and video games and let's not forget the parents for the kid's action. It's always the GUN with them!

I'll bet they are grateful for that gun, when someone threatens them and someone shoots the gunman dead.
2014-10-29 05:42:07 UTC
2014-10-28 12:33:19 UTC
School shootings happened in the 60s, 70s and even before that. Hell, one guy blew up a school in the 1920s that killed over 30 children.

Columbine popularized the concept of school shooting.

Ever since, these incidents are 1st thing in the news.
2014-10-28 03:32:41 UTC
2014-10-28 01:17:08 UTC
its great to see gun advocates voicing OURrights ,liberals keep trying to get ridof them ,and you cant, then you actall shocked , because some liberal baby gos nuts, that gun can sit on a table and never kill anyone!! until some **** decides he,s gonna shoot somebody, very , very ,few scouts, eddie eagles, etc. kill people, they actually should teach it in school, we were taught how to shoot abow in middle school,the thinking is so pathetic, ban guns;??/ criminalsvget guns shoot poor baby boy ,liberal parents ask why??/ you people wanna live in your fantasy bubble, protected by guns , the answer is NO, NEVER , EVER, YOU MORONS
2014-10-27 16:30:16 UTC
People who think a complete ban on guns will stop school shootings are clearly ignorant to their surroundings... people need to realize that criminals usually don't get registered guns, they get them off of the black market. If we ban guns the criminals wont just get rid of their guns because some idiotic government officials say so, it will just give them more of a reason to use their guns. A ban on guns will not help anything, it will ruin things.
2014-10-27 16:26:38 UTC
2014-10-27 16:11:36 UTC
2014-10-27 15:31:29 UTC
They should, then replace modern (?) guns with the kind that are used in Scifi Movies. But The NRA is so powerful, that gun bans and gun control, both of which are needed and moral, never get done.
2014-10-26 20:11:45 UTC
2014-10-26 19:46:58 UTC
The second amendment should be repelled. Guns should just be banned altogether as well. This wont happen though any time soon. As long as you have these ignorant people in this country who are against it, then it will not happen. But maybe sometime it will. Look at many other countries. There is close to nothing of this sort. I could go on and on and on. Its just that.
2014-10-26 19:26:43 UTC
The only people that want to take away guns from the people are the crooks.

Guns save more lives than they take; prevent more injuries than they inflict

* Guns used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year -- or about 6,850 times a day. This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect lives than to take lives.

* Of the 2.5 million times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, the overwhelming majority merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. Less than 8% of the time, a citizen will kill or wound his/her attacker.

* As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.

* Armed citizens kill more crooks than do the police. Citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as police do every year (1,527 to 606). Only 2 percent of civilian shootings involved an innocent person mistakenly identified as a criminal. The 'error rate' for the police, however, was 11 percent, more than five times as high.

* States which passed concealed carry laws reduced their murder rate by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7% and robbery by 3%; [10] and * If those states not having concealed carry laws had adopted such laws in 1992, then approximately 1,570 murders, 4,177 rapes, 60,000 aggravated assaults and over 11,000 robberies would have been avoided yearly.

* Vermont: one of the safest five states in the country. In Vermont, citizens can carry a firearm without getting permission... without paying a fee... or without going through any kind of government-imposed waiting period. And yet for ten years in a row, Vermont has remained one of the top-five, safest states in the union -- having three times received the "Safest State Award."
2014-10-26 18:41:24 UTC
After watching the film (Last man Standing )

That’s what will happen inn America soon; there are so many guns in America and .

people dying to shoot them or someone. One gun will go off accidentally and all hell will let lose. Every one will go for their gun’s and fire at anyone remotely near them, until there is only one person standing. That one person will be so angry he or she can’t shoot any one, they will probably shoot themselves. After all that’s what they are there for,
2014-10-26 15:13:15 UTC
As a British person i find the idea of everyone having access to weapons is a recipe for disaster. You sell guns to anyone and then mourn the deaths of innocent people after one of those people that bought a gun turns out to be a psycho. Now, I'm all for the right to defend yourself, but a gun isn't the only way of defending yourself.

There needs to be tougher laws on guns, unfortunately that will never happen though because you Americans believe it's in your rights to own a weapon.

Just bear in mind, those amendments were written over 200 years ago, before they have automatic weapons capable of killing a lot of people in a short amount of time. Don't you think it's time you updated them?
Grant H
2014-10-26 11:34:32 UTC
No. But hopefully someday we'll have rational gun control laws. I doubt it, but maybe someday. Remember, all you who are about to say something about "legal gun owners who don't commit crimes", EVERY gun was legally purchased by somebody at some point.
2014-10-26 08:54:23 UTC
Because criminals totally follow gun laws....
2014-10-26 05:49:38 UTC
That is my prayer going down and getting up. God Bless America
2014-10-26 03:19:20 UTC
Add your answer find it VERY interesting that you anti-gun types never mention the fact that people are far more likely to be attacked by someone using a knife than with a gun.....AND..... that over half of gun murders are committed using a shotgun.
2014-10-25 19:09:22 UTC
Banning guns is not going to help.
2014-10-25 15:12:29 UTC
shall we also ban hackets since some muslim fool tried hacking 2 cops?

shall we ban cars because so many accidents occur?

shall we ban knives since so many punks on the street use switch blades?

shall we ban crock pots since the 2 brothers grim caused explosions in the Boston run a thon
2014-10-25 11:35:33 UTC
WHEN will we be able to ban LIBERAL idiots like YOU !!!
2014-10-28 14:03:12 UTC
2014-10-27 03:51:44 UTC
2014-10-25 20:07:39 UTC
the only place these shootings happen are in gun free zones, a coincidence, I think not.
2014-10-25 18:07:12 UTC
92% of shootings happen in gun free zones. Also, 7 out of 10 robbers would not rob a house if they have a gun in it
2014-10-25 00:42:14 UTC
Freedom isn't free
2014-10-26 02:55:09 UTC
I don't think is about guns
Rebecca Gray
2014-10-27 07:20:17 UTC
just remember, guns don't kill people....the people who use them do. The root of the problem are people.
2014-10-25 00:16:59 UTC
Freedom isn't free
2014-10-25 02:56:36 UTC
You do not punish law abiding citizens for the actions of one law braking citizen.
2014-10-24 15:25:39 UTC
Freedom isn't free
2014-10-29 12:54:11 UTC
You can't get a rid of a natural, God-given right. But, good luck with that......
2014-10-27 08:16:24 UTC
2014-10-26 09:00:44 UTC
We need to put up bigger 'No Guns' signs.
2014-10-26 21:50:15 UTC
2014-10-26 20:53:53 UTC
Yes, I totally agree.
2014-10-28 02:17:41 UTC
2014-10-25 22:17:36 UTC
banning bulling would do more than banning guns
2014-10-24 15:40:00 UTC
some nut job killed a cop and wounded another one with a hatchet, I think we should ban hatchets too.
2014-10-25 21:01:42 UTC
deal with the mind of these young people
2014-10-26 06:05:01 UTC
NO!!!!!!!!!!! Guns are our right as citezens of the u.s. and none of you dumb democrats can take them away
2014-10-27 14:17:45 UTC
people die from old age too ... maybe we should ban getting old ....
2014-10-25 13:18:38 UTC

Your screwy kid is the problem, not my rifle.
2014-10-25 12:44:07 UTC
No. They will never be banned.
2014-10-27 09:48:19 UTC
that would violate the constitution, in america.
2014-10-29 23:34:42 UTC
Guns don't kill people. People kill people.
2014-10-29 19:53:29 UTC
WHen who they care about dies
nancy b
2014-10-25 06:05:36 UTC
We can only hope.
2014-11-02 01:59:57 UTC
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2014-10-26 04:57:46 UTC
2014-10-26 22:20:43 UTC
I wish....
2014-10-29 09:54:59 UTC
No, it will solve NOTHING. (NOTHING, not ANYTHING)
2014-11-01 13:09:06 UTC
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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.