So, according to you, proof that polls are completely bogus and can't be trusted, at all, is based upon.... wait for it.... an opinion poll?
So awesome an argument, I couldn't even make that stuff up.
Polling is a statistical science. If the polling were skewed, it would be easy to check because polls publish their sampling and statistical methodology. No one has been able to find one of these "skewed" polls based on that kind of analysis. Almost everyone on the earth, nearly 100% of those who would answer, at the time, believed that the earth was flat, and that the stars in the heavens revolved around the earth. That didn't make it so.
The latest talking point, being beaten as hard as possible, is that reality isn't real, because it's biased for Obama. If you step back, and look at the foundation and reasoning behind it, you'd be embarrassed to be repeating it, because it's nothing more than what a three year old would do when told that there are no cookies or ice cream available. Wishing it to not be true doesn't make it not true.
I realize this is the latest talking point by conservatives who love to brag that they won't be limited by facts or reality, but there is no validity to the claim, at all.