They are motivated by learned hate of America and Our Way of Life.
The are Socialist-Communist in their beliefs and deeds. They profit from our system, and then lie,cheat, and steal in their attempt to destroy our Free Society way of Life.
They lie about People who believe in our way of Life, and will defend it with Honor.
They cheat by changing what others say, so as to brand them the opposite of what they are.
They steal even the private emails of those who truly love and wish to preserve Our way of Life.
These are Evil People, who share the wishes of the Muslim Terrorist, and will do all of the above to help them destroy us.
For their actions, they believe that they will then be put in-charge of what is left of our destroyed Country.
Watch the Liberal New Media darlings, and you will see the parade of the ones who want to Destroy the United States of America, for their own gain!
As for the Geneva Convention Article 17. The Terrorists do not conform to article 17. They torture, starve, and mutilate the American Prisoners they capture. This is irrefutable! What We do is similar to a spanking as measured to the way the Terrorists treat Prisoners.
If You were taken prisoner in Iraq or Afghanistan, who would you rather be your Captors?