We do not need to reshape the party. We need to be loyal to what made the party great.
George Bush made the party unpopular but history has a funny clarity to it. In twenty years, Bush will be the President that saw us through 9/11 and, following five attacks in the previous eight years, had no attacks in the seven years following. He will be seen as a President that saw us through an gas crunch every bit as bad as that of the 70s but without the gas lines. He will be viewed as having a great economy for much of his term in office. He will, of course, be viewed for some of the dumb things he did, increased domestic spending and walking four-squared in to that sham economic bailout crisis, but history will be kind to him.
However, even if it is not, what has he done that is worse than Watergate? Nothing even comparable. The party recovered from that with a formidable force in Ronald Reagan (remember, there have been only two sitting Vice Presidents elected President and one of them was Reagan's Vice President, George Bush). Such will again be the case. As Reagan said, "Now is the time for choosing".
The Dems were a shambles in 1984, 1988 and 1994. They came back. We will to.
The key, for Conservatives, is to stick to your principals. I would rather lose an election than do what the Dems have done for the last eight years. Do not demonize Barack Obama. He will be your President and, if he is successful, it benefits our nation. The likelihood of his success is slim but we should pray for him. We all want the shining city on a hill. Our difference is in how to climb the mountain and I am sure that Conservatism is the best method to accomplish this.
The Republican downfall started with what they did, whether right or wrong it was unpopular, to Clinton. The short term gain has hurt us in the long run. However, sticking to your principals, serving as the loyal opposition and moving forward, as Conservatives, will bring the party back stronger than ever.
Just in the last two days, the media is noticing the class of the Conservative movement. Remember when Bush won? Remember all of the acrimony, in both 2000 and 2004? Remember them taking the "W's" off the computer keyboards. McCain's speech. Rove on O'Reilly last night. The media is noticing that we have class. By being better than them, we are on the road to 2012.
Sarah Palin is now, whether she knows it or not, the leader of the Conservative movement. She must take up the mantel of Reaganism and establish that we are the rising tide that raises all boats and that she can, in fact, lead the way. If she stumbles, people like Michael Steele must be ready to support her. This is the road to 2010, 2012 and beyond.
I have one thing negative to say and that is to Cornell West, who said on CNN that the Reagan Revolution is dead. No, sir. We are now revitalized. There are times when a step back enables you to move forward and this is such a time. It is, again, a time for choosing.